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21838900 No.21838900 [Reply] [Original]

Books to help snatch me from this Naive idealism phase?

>> No.21838925

religious dogmatics on suicide watch

>> No.21838962

Kant - Critique of Pure Reason

The only absolutes are truth predicates, and then they just fall apart upon argumentation.

The only fact of life is death, and even this is tenuous.

>> No.21838967

Go down the rabbit hole of epistemology until you reach physics and neurobiology. At that point you’ll be uncertain if there’s even a you to believe anything let alone determine truth.

>> No.21838985

>I’ll answer Pilate’s question: What is truth? Truth is the free thought, the free idea, the free spirit; truth is what is free from you, what is not your own, what is not in your power. But truth is also what is completely dependent, impersonal, unreal, and bodiless; truth cannot arise as you can arise, cannot move, change, develop; truth awaits and receives everything from you, and is itself only through you, because it exists only—in your head. You admit that truth is a thought, but not every idea is true, or as you also probably express it, not every thought is really and truly a thought. And how do you measure and recognize the true thought? By your powerlessness; namely, by your no longer being able to harm it! If it overpowers you, inspires you, and carries you away, then you hold it to be the true one. Its rulership over you certifies its truth for you. And when it possesses you, and you are possessed by it, then you are well with it because you have found your—lord and master. While you were seeking for the truth, what did you heart long for there? For your master! You did not strive for your power, but for a Powerful One, and wanted to exalt a Powerful One (“Exalt the Lord our God!”).[449] The truth, my dear Pilate, is—the Lord, and all who seek the truth, seek and praise the Lord. Where does the Lord exist? Where else but in your head? And wherever you believe that you actually see him, there he is a—ghost; the Lord is indeed merely something thought up, and it was only the Christian anguish and torment to make the invisible visible, to make the spiritual corporeal, that produced the ghost and was the frightful misery of belief in ghosts.

>> No.21839024


the mind is either a subcomponent part of a concatenation of all rational minds, interlinked to a gestalt.

or we have absolute autonomy.

depends what drug you are on,

>> No.21839061

You will never be a woman

>> No.21839501

I recognize, from memory, that this is from Stirner, based

>> No.21839509

she's right

>> No.21839521

If given the choice between wholly refuting one truth, or mitigating the errors in many more, thus accruing greater utility yet not actually completely destroying the untruth in them, which would you choose?

>> No.21839958

Probably The latter, it can ne quite resourceful if I can do that

>> No.21840403

>We no longer believe that truth remains truth when the veil is withdrawn; we have lived too much to believe this.

>> No.21840495 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21841534

In that case you have a pragmatic rather than dogmatic view on truth, and don't actually have the issue you've claimed; most people are pragmatists (if they could know their own views).