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File: 654 KB, 1280x720, 1674859394821018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21832057 No.21832057 [Reply] [Original]

What's your self-help stack look like, /lit/erati?

>> No.21832061

The Only Way to Jhana

>> No.21832295
File: 3.01 MB, 7615x4679, Overcoming Attention Deficit, Internet, Porn, and Social Media Addictiona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this.

>> No.21832301

I'm such a fruitpilled peachcel

>> No.21832482

Atomic Habits is literal autism, requires micro-manipulating every aspect of your daily life.

>> No.21832563

You’re literal autism!

>> No.21832931
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I write my own.

>> No.21832970

I'm not reading any of this Ivan. Nice try.

>> No.21832983

I read Mastery by Robert Greene last year and didn't retain one iota of information from it

>> No.21833024

Which one should I start with?

>> No.21833048

Literally the only things that had visible benefit on my life were just: quitting caffeine, sleeping a fixed 8 hours everyday, and drinking enough water ALL the time. All the self help books I read were a waste of time and at many times worsened my mentality. Don't read and feed these scam writers, please friends.

>> No.21833114

>All the self help books I read were a waste of time and at many times worsened my mentality
Sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.21833137
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A must-read

>> No.21833155

I read all of this in a New Jersey wop accent

>> No.21833642

Six Pillars of Self-Esteem is the only one I recommend.

>> No.21833762

Robert Greene is the master of writing 500+ pg books that don’t say anything at all

>> No.21833809

if you need self help books brother you are truly lost, I will pray for your soul

>> No.21833820

The Bible

>> No.21833854

>you can read any book you like and learn whatever you want from them
>just not the books that are meant to instruct you on some concrete and definite process
low iq

>> No.21833856

>can't figure out basic stuff for himself
>calls other people low iq

>> No.21833991

IQ doesn't have anything to do with changing one's habits or beliefs.

>> No.21834010

in this case that other anon must be really low iq...why bring it up in the first place!

>> No.21834014

Dianetics, obviously

>> No.21834959

will you be my gf (male)?

>> No.21835518

You’re actually a fucking moron holy shit, just pulling conclusions out of a hat instead of using your already scant cognitive faculties
Maybe the reason that you don’t like self-help books is that you wouldn’t glean anything from any of them in the first place you clown

>> No.21835626

>The Sermon on the Mount
>Katha Upanishad
>The Heart Sutra
For me, these three writings are the most atomic forms of “self-help.” They have held up over centuries and confront the key issues of living, existing, and acting. I don’t try to reconcile them into a holistic system, but draw from the totality of their knowledge as guides to approach each difficult situation.

>> No.21835691

no need to have a melty about it
just keep relying on grifters for obvious shit if that's what you wanna do

>> No.21835776

>every self-help book was written by a grifter
shiggy diggy

>> No.21835848

a lot of self help genre is by literal con men/grifters especially on our side with a lot of the goon stuff and primal living.
with that said i’ve gotten a lot out of self help books, two i recommend the most are:
Masculinity Amidst Madness - Ryan Landry
How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

how to win friends especially is one you can keep coming back to, just pick a random chapter and re read it here and there.

masculinity amidst madness is a very practical book that gives you actionable steps to get your shit together and go from bugman to an actual man

>> No.21835860
File: 47 KB, 488x629, D7EA53CF-9738-477A-9145-10C8F5C3F5CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember this piece of shit being shilled everywhere

>> No.21835926

>Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
It's been the best self help book I've read so far.

>> No.21836898
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I actually have those books lol that anon convinced me to get em and theyre great. Here's my small stack of self improvement books (ignore the mike tyson book). Remember anons don't just read the books, take notes and apply them to your life otherwise all you're doing is passively reading. Reading self improvement books simply to get to the next book is reading for entertainment.

>> No.21836903

How much influence does Rand have on this?

>> No.21836962

She's mentioned a handful of times in the book.

>> No.21836997

>your brain on porn
One of the worst books ever written. This will make your porn addiction worse. It speaks nothing on the ill effects of masturbation and recreational sex. There are all these anecdotes in it from hypersexual brainlets. I fell asleep listening to the audio book or pdf to text audio, forget which, and I woke up and remember fragments of it in my dreams. I would say this set me back several months at least. The idea of quitting porn but not masturbation is even worse by the way because the brain is going to be drawn to thinking of scenes consumed and time to climax will be longer, reinforcing the memories of them and the habit. The end result is more time spent on onaism with greater frequency. Best bet is to look at pinups and make the best effort to reduce the frequency and avoid websites. When you read a half measure book, all this talk of sex and pornography without any game plan or associations to why it's harmful, is just going to serve to reinforce porn. As an atheist, I found old catholic sermons and writings on lust much more helpful. Even St. Augistine's confessions helped. YBOP is peak reddit. All these brainlets le porn bad but tantric sex good (as the author assets) , just pathetic amounts to just be aroused all the time bro. I want to avoid it because it's a waste of time and influences my behavior in such a way it's able to hijack what my will was previously set on. You can't really plan around it either. The saitety produced from a single orgasm often is insufficient leading to repeating it and once done too frequently one thing never is mentioned is the tupor and anhedonia that follows repeated ejaculations in a short period in men. I'll write a good book on the topic one day I hope with the best way of quitting porn and reducing sexual frequency and desire as well.

>> No.21837615
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>> No.21838819



>> No.21838823

the more i look at it, the worse it gets. surprised rich dad poor dad isn't on here. please never post this again or share it with anyone.

>> No.21838829

Hogg by Samuel Delaney changed my life

>> No.21839473

I have most of these books on my to read list, why do you think this graphic is shit?

>> No.21839491

There's nothing wrong with Rich Dad Poor Dad

>> No.21840746
File: 90 KB, 667x1000, 1648779422508338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the name is retarded and the book is fucking old (first edition is from 1975) but it has some interesting concepts, pic related.

The newer edition only add some commentaries from the new editor.

>> No.21840817

Not at all, the book boils down to
>have visible reminders for your desired habit
>make your habit as simple and easy as possible
>tie your habit to rewards or pleasurable activities
>keep track of your habit, don't break the streak
That's literally it. No autistic micro-managing, no OCD required

>> No.21840948

I had some cosmetic surgery done on myself and I can fully say this guy was right on self-image.

>> No.21840965

from cosmetic surgeon to psychologist, impressive change of career.

>> No.21840977

What's your experience? This is fascinating.

>> No.21841014

Had a scar on my face that pretty much made me self-conscious throughout my youth. It was pretty hard waking up in the morning and looking in the mirror and think to yourself that you were a person worth loving. It killed my self-esteem, along with my confidence in pretty much everything. After getting a job and saving up money, I went to a plastic surgeon and had work done to fix it. I took the bandages off after a couple of days and the result was much better than I had hoped so. But even after fixing my face, I still worried about my appearance and had feelings of inadequacy. The old scars were still there mentally and I had to consciously put effort into fixing how I viewed myself, my self-esteem and learning how to look at life positively instead of negatively.
I read the book after I had done a lot of work fixing my mental self and it's text still resonated with me with how accurate it is.
If I had read Psycho-Cybernetics and The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem back in highschool, I would have had a much more bearable youth.

>> No.21841044

>learning how to learn
just take adderall
its that easy

>> No.21841066

>Learn how to learn and then take adderall
And this is to go...even further beyond

>> No.21841105

big issues will be cheap