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File: 16 KB, 331x500, 41NnppUU0ZL._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21829475 No.21829475 [Reply] [Original]

Still no one have a actual good argument against the idea of avoid people suffer, unless you're psychopath.

>> No.21829482

Suffering is good. I particularly enjoy animal suffering

>> No.21829483
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>> No.21829484

Psychopath, you should be hanged in public square

>> No.21829497

Just post this and Denial of Death and you get 400 replies guaranteed. Genius.

>> No.21829501

I love existing.

>> No.21829560

Yes, you are one of the reasons why antinatalism exists.

>> No.21829566
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The only person that cares about this meme is you, because you obsessively post this garbage day in day out. You've been completely btfo in every thread yet come back for more, your humiliation kink maybe.

Take a hint, most people aren't wallowing in suffering that you suppose they are.

>> No.21829571

>Doesn't reproduce
>Everyone else moves on
Great plan

>> No.21829577
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>Man has learned nothing: there are people who are still sanctimonious in their opposition to violence regardless of the state of the world, and who will presumably continue in the same way until the end. Frolicking in peace and love must be sweet – no doubt about that. Yet it is a nonsensical and disastrous attitude. With a smothering shroud of six billion people and all their demands covering the surface of the earth, pacifism is dead.
>Can Life Prevail?: A Revolutionary Approach to the Environmental Crisis. page 169
Fucking chad

>> No.21829580

Do a poll and ask everyone “Do you regret being born?”

Most people will say no. Easiest way to refute antinatalism. But feel free to remove YOUR genes

>> No.21829593

>too dumb to understand antinatalism
You should remove your genes first.

>> No.21829597

It makes sense to me. The good does not exist. This is basically hell, there is no point in having children.

>> No.21829601

stop making these threads

>> No.21829608

The fact that this exact thread gets posted multiple times a day every day makes me suffer more than anything Benetar has ever written about

>> No.21829619

How can you regret being born? It is not a choice.

>> No.21829628
File: 93 KB, 577x1000, peter_singer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's weird how all these retards spam the "better never to have been" instead of this one, i wonder why...

>> No.21829630
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>> No.21829661

The main reason people reproduce is because they’re narcissists that do it out of pride.


>> No.21829668

What a fag definition. I stick with the definition of the bible.

>> No.21829675

You have been proven wrong every single time you’ve made this thread and your only cope is
>Hmph, you must be stupid!
Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.21829679

Singer is a hack.

>> No.21829688

So is this book, they're on equal ground

>> No.21829693
File: 32 KB, 314x500, Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Antinatalism will never work due to natural selection selecting against it
2. Genetic engineering and neuroscience could radically increase quality of life in the distant future


>Benatar's policy prescription is untenable. Radical anti-natalism as a recipe for human extinction will fail because any predisposition to share that bias will be weeded out of the population. Radical anti-natalist ethics is self-defeating: there will always be selection pressure against its practitioners. Complications aside, any predisposition not to have children or to adopt is genetically maladaptive. On a personal level, the decision not to bring more suffering into the world and forgo having children is morally admirable. But voluntary childlessness or adoption is not a global solution to the problem of suffering.

>Yet how should rational moral agents behave if - hypothetically - some variant of Benatar's diagnosis as distinct from policy prescription was correct?

>In an era of biotechnology and unnatural selection, an alternative to anti-natalism is the world-wide adoption of genetically preprogrammed well-being. For there needn't be selection pressure against gradients of lifelong adaptive bliss - i.e. a radical recalibration of the hedonic treadmill. The only way to eradicate the biological substrates of unpleasantness - and thereby prevent the harm of Darwinian existence - is not vainly to champion life's eradication, but instead to ensure that sentient life is inherently blissful. More specifically, the impending reproductive revolution of designer babies is likely to witness intense selection pressure against the harmfulness-promoting adaptations that increased the inclusive fitness of our genes in the ancestral environment of adaptation. If we use biotechnology wisely, then gradients of genetically preprogrammed well-being can make all sentient life subjectively rewarding - indeed wonderful beyond the human imagination. So in common with "positive" utilitarians, the "negative" utilitarian would do better to argue for genetically preprogrammed superhappiness.

>> No.21829704
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>Let us suppose that, in the future, the birth of a human being occurs without pain, and that science succeeds in protecting humans from every disease: in short, that the old age of these protected beings is fresh and vigorous, ending suddenly with a gentle and painless death (euthanasia). Death is the only thing we cannot take away and, consequently, we have before us a short and painless life. Is this a happy life? Let us examine it carefully. The citizens of our ideal state are human beings of gentle character and developed intelligence. They have, so to speak, been inculcated with a complete knowledge - free from absurdity and error - and however they reflect upon it, they will always consider it to be right. There are no more effects whose causes are enigmatic. Science has indeed reached its pinnacle and every citizen is satisfied with its achievements. The sense of beauty is powerfully displayed in everything. We cannot suppose that all are artists, yet everyone indeed possesses the capacity to enter easily into an aesthetic relation. They have been freed from all worries, for their work has been organized in an unprecedented manner and everyone is self-governing. Are they happy? They would be if they did not feel in themselves a terrible monotony and emptiness. Their needs have been taken away from them; they truly have neither worry nor suffering, but instead they have been seized by tedium. They have paradise on earth, but its atmosphere is stifling and suffocating. If they still had enough energy to endure such an existence until natural death, they would surely not have the heart to go through it again as rejuvenated beings.
>Philosophie der Erlösung. Chapter III, pages 71-72

>> No.21829705
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Normies unironically care little about their children suffering, particularly their sons.

>> No.21829728


>> No.21829731
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>muh life would be boring if there was no suffering

>> No.21829740

Mentally ill piece of fuck is back

>> No.21829767

Wew lad, is 4chan really the demographic that manages to reproduce? You might as well preach to pandas

>> No.21829871
File: 168 KB, 1369x900, The_Modena_Triptych.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In an interview, Benatar says that it is excessively optimistic to think that we are going to improve the world to eliminate its suffering and to be able to have children who are not going to feel the pain that living implies. But if we could do it, it would be so far in the future that it would involve many generations, generations that would be inflicted with enormous pain by bringing them into this world. And sacrificing several generations in the name of the future is indecent for him.

>> No.21829894

Who would be buck broken by this? It's just some South African feeling guilty.

>> No.21829936
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Everyone should care. Because Benatar, in this and in the pic rel book, exposes the terrible face of life that people seem to ignore and also exposes its solution. Which consists of saving lives, refraining from creating them.

>> No.21829957

isn't benatar the guy who accepts the whole justification for antinatalism is pointless anyway? that it's literally impossible to ethically convince everyone of his conclusions?

>> No.21829984

All he's down is attempted to shift from the "We shouldn't procreate to get to the kingdom of god faster." to an infantile "The quality of life isn't guaranteed in the present or in the future, but even if we know it largely improves over generations we should stop because some people might have levels of sadness." Fuck off, nonces.

>> No.21830082

Part of life is suffering. That's just nature. Just as there is no actual good argument for procreation, there is no actual bad argument against it, either. It's just the cycle of nature. We breed. It's part of our DNA. We want to procreate ... Well, we wanted to until modernization and industrialization absolutely killed what made us human.
I don't think this would necessarily be a conversation if more countries actually gave a shit about their citizens and not just GDP figures.
I live in the richest country on the planet, yet we have so many poor/homeless and dumb people who wouldn't even be able to survive a weekend of camping. The stats are sobering. Over 100 million children are behind in basic reading skills. And over 100 million adults don't even have basic reading skills (e.g. can't read prescription medication instruction or get the basic gist of a passage).
I personally can't wait for the population collapse. We have been so obsessed with GDP figures that people don't even want kids anymore because they can't afford them. The poor and stupid will continue to have kids, because they are poor and stupid. They don't even realize that they are only going to increase their suffering while trying to cope with "Oh, my children are my life".

>> No.21830158 [DELETED] 
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In an interview, Benatar says that he does not believe that antinatalism works, or at least not on a large scale.
He believes there will be some individuals who choose not to procreate, he says he knows quite a few of them in fact.
Consider that antinatalism may be on a small scale.
And even if it is on a small scale, it is important because it means that many people will be spared the suffering of not bringing them into the world.
It says something like:
>I'm not ingenious, I don't think I'm going to convince everyone of my ideas.
>But I firmly believe that what I say is true and I would like people to ask themselves and think about what it means to have children.

>> No.21830205
File: 438 KB, 998x1040, 1679280740243221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In an interview, Benatar says that he does not believe that antinatalism works, or at least not on a large scale.
He believes there will be some individuals who choose not to procreate, that he knows quite a few of them in fact.
But he consider that antinatalism maybe can works on a small scale.
And even if it is on a small scale, it is important because it means that Many people will be spared suffering by not being born into the world.
It says something like:
>I'm not naive, I don't think I'm going to convince everyone of my ideas.
>But I firmly believe that what I say is the truth and I would like people to ask themselves and think about what really means to have children.

>> No.21830213

The only argument against anti-natalism is moral nihilism or growing out of atheism.

>> No.21830216

well that just sounds like cope, but at least it's cogent. thanks for clarifying

>> No.21830221

Wouldn't the theory of it being better to have never been born rely on the unprovable assumption that there isn't a state you exist in before birth that is better? Couldn't you just as easily say that before being born you exist in a state far worse than any suffering here and birth leads you into this state of existence of less suffering and it be just as much provable?

>> No.21830226

>"We shouldn't procreate to get to the kingdom of god faster."
Can any Agustinfag tell me if Agustin ever changed his mind about this?

>> No.21830238

Desu, been feeling pretty shit lately (15+ YRS) and kinda wish I'd never been born, desu. Life's pretty shit. Sucks knowing how little thought was put into one's birth, despite the fact that it's the only existence one will ever have, now doomed to a surfeit of shitty suffering.

>> No.21830335

How is this legal

>> No.21830338

bot thread, everyone replying is fucking retarded

>> No.21830388 [DELETED] 
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>Having children is le... go-ACK

>> No.21830414
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Anti-natalism does no work. It attempts to universalize a description of a subjective psychological state. All one has to say is: >>21829482 which describes a counter psychological state.

>> No.21830920

It's grim but I'd prefer that baby's 'life' to mine own. Suffering is suffering and not suffering is not suffering. QED.

People who vicariously look up gore videos are fucked btw.

>> No.21832002

I've been led to believe that life is not that horrible and even a net good if you feel connected to others. And that you don't believe that is not so much about life itself as the fact that you had neglectful or abusive parents. I wouldn't really know because I also feel miserable, and was abused as a child, so from my perspective, I too would rather never have been born.
I'm just saying what I've heard.

>> No.21832094

its over

>> No.21832096

Have you actually sat down and read the Buddha?

>> No.21832098
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"Avoiding suffering" is the ultimate midwit argument. You literally are following Scam Harris' ultimate argument.

>> No.21832111

From fairest creatures we desire increase,
That thereby beauty’s rose might never die,
But as the riper should by time decease,
His tender heir might bear his memory;
But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,
Feed’st thy light’s flame with self-substantial fuel,
Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
Thou that art now the world’s fresh ornament
And only herald to the gaudy spring,
Within thine own bud buriest thy content,
And, tender churl, mak’st waste in niggarding.
Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
To eat the world’s due, by the grave and thee.

>> No.21832451

suffering doesn't exist. Pain is an illusion.

>> No.21832458

>a-any day now, t-trust me

>> No.21832474
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>they go for a walk in the park
>interviewer forwards the idea that life can be improved
>Benatar raises his voice and starts sperging that life never improves (objectively false by the way)
>Benatar starts crying and basically says "life is unacceptable"
>interviewer is taken aback by his outburst and at a loss for words (Benatar is inconsolable)
Benatar is pretty unstable. On top of that he admits that his ideas are damaging while using the excuse that his work is academic and only meant for those that seek it out (note that these people are likely to have personality disorders and mental illness). Benatar objectively creates suffering and given that he's under the delusion that his work is toward the opposite: he's delusional and irrational.

>> No.21832479
File: 265 KB, 775x657, tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those who profess anti-natalist beliefs are more likely to suffer from personality disorders and mental illness.

>> No.21832480

>the pain that living implies
It's really not that bad

>> No.21832487
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>This doesn't mean that anti-natalist arguments can be dismissed solely due to this fact ("REEEEE AD HOM!"); it does however add context to why autists make these threads and are completely unable to understand why they are wrong. It also has direct implications regarding Benatar's quality of life argument (i.e. anti-natalists are stuck in a rigid ideological system as a cope for to sustain their defective worldview).

>> No.21832491
File: 494 KB, 1078x857, tard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anti-natalists are at a complete poverty when it comes to weighing quality of life. Their defective nature simply precludes them from accepting any rationalization outside of their own self-indoctrination. They don't necessarily mean to be disingenuous because such is simply written into their nature.

>> No.21832561

>waaaah life is hard and i wish i were never born
disingenuous faggot could kill himself if life was so fucking terrible and end his suffering
'better never have to been'
so why fuck are you still

>> No.21832576

reported for antisemitism

>> No.21832625

Trying to implement antinatalism by rational argument is pointless. Life affirms itself irrationally in spite of everything, and and even if you did prove that life is undesirable from an objective point of view, people would only cling to it more dearly. Only force would convince them otherwise. Nature has made it so that the strong prevail and the weak suffer the consequences. The antinatalist is weak, incapable of enforcing his opinions, and suffers the consequences of his impotence. Nature views this as just.

>> No.21832645
File: 193 KB, 1000x688, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life has been abhorrent but I would do it again just to play Monolith Soft's timeless masterpiece Xenoblade Chronicles™ for the first time again.

>> No.21832648

or, perhaps they're not sadfags and want to bring someone in the world to participate in its joys

>> No.21832654

>foreword by the people who have been trying to sterilize africa for decades woth vaccines and now own more farmland in the US than anyone else

>> No.21832661

I had as little choice is being born as my mother and father had in spawning me. If I follow this reasoning backwards enough I concluded with radical monism. I am not distinct form anything around me. God must be very lonely.

>> No.21833240

Why should I reject my desires because of some gay and cringe philosophy? Antinatalism reminds me of veganism. Yes goy reject your desires reject your cravings reject your bodily needs just eat a shitty diet get sick and die. Antinatalism is like even further. Yes goy neuter yourself cut your balls off reject sex reject life affirm nothing let humanity go extinct.

Vegabism For the animals!
Antinatlaism for the unborn!

Sacrifice your health on the altar of these cults! Reject your wants! Your existence was a mistake! Erase yourself! Erase humanity!

>> No.21833387

Pretty unacceptable for a fellow like this to have kids, desu.

One of the most brutal blackpills (some can have) attained is that literally all of history is one big coverup. Not an active one where some secret is hid, but just the generic POMO fact that everyone has interests and almost none of them are aligned to any others, even in their immediate time, let alone those living centuries in the future. Every always just follows the easiest path for them, and that naturally entails lying a great deal about most facts of existence. How could it not? If lies are merely an exponent that can be superadded onto a truth, of course lies will not only be necessary, but expeditious! It would take universal gametheory cooperation to actually keep everyone honest when there was such a tantalizing prospect of some free gain—a lie hidden amongst a sea of truth—hung before them.

I don't what to do about it, myself. I think all one can do it to try to look detachedly at the world, the human civilisation that inhabits it, and know how accidental it all is. No aspect is sure or certain, nor embalmed in some eternal formulae. Life exists, people act, thing, and some of those thoughts are transcribed; that's it. We must have as much faith in them as our faith in the former things: little. Oh well. Some authors I think do get the feeling across, usually isolated loners whose literary works have been retained by fate almost incidentally, as some oblique offshoot of some better known work, or as the immediately reachable prophylactic to a then pressing intellectual tide. Hume and Schopenhauer would be some of these.

Oh well! A curse on life and the unfortunate hands which wrenched me into it screaming and kicking.

>> No.21833397

Should I read this even though I completely understand and espouse antinatalism? I read Ligotti's Conspiracy Against the Human Race and I didn't really learn anything besides a few names of authors and philosophers I might want to look into.

>> No.21833609

>>Everyone else moves on
Until humanity disappear, in a few thousand of years

>> No.21833679
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The real blackpill of antinatalism that people seem to have the hardest time swallowing is simply that all living things (those that appear to be functioning normally anyway i.e. the majority) have a sort of in built biological Stockholm syndrome.
It's not simply that suffering is good or bad but rather that regardless you have literal chemicals in your brain that allow you to endure it and thus you will. Because all life appears to exist towards only one clear purpose and that is survival. There is nothing as far as we know that is beneath or beyond that. Survival is the ultimate axiom of life. There is no clear start point or end goal of survival and thus there is no clear end goal of suffering either. You accept it merely because your body was built to do so for a purpose that you have no understanding of.

>> No.21833782

Why is this garbage posted multiple times every day? Is it some kind of CIA psyop?

>> No.21833958

no we didn't, do you feel an innate desire to have kids? unless you're a w*man you probably only care about sex and some romance at most.

>> No.21833965

>Sucks knowing how little thought was put into one's birth, despite the fact that it's the only existence one will ever have
yea this is the hardest part to get over, you'd think since your life is all you know it must be worth it somehow. but its not.

>> No.21833984

retarded parents can't comprehend that this is a conscious being and not a toy.
>haha my toddler screamed his first ouch today! so cute!

>> No.21833989

>disingenuous faggot could kill himself if life was so fucking terrible and end his suffering
i wish it was that easy i really do, but OP killing him self wont fix the problem for the rest of us.

>> No.21835050


>> No.21835107

>sterilise Africa
Are you retarded?

>> No.21835127

>come to board for incels
>tell them don't have children

>> No.21835417

What counterarguments are there to Sam Harris's argument?

>> No.21835423

>life never improves (objectively false by the way)
How exactly does life improve?
>inb4 muh technology

>> No.21835524
File: 268 KB, 1067x1200, 5510DAFF-A148-4BC2-AAAC-7369449F7E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can not derive an ‘ought’ from an ‘is’. It’s absurd to posit an objective and universal set of values if the world is really just a small rock hurtling through space populated by upright hairless apes spurred by chemical reactions in their brains. Also, the basic strand of utilitarian philosophy that Harris et al follow is just completely abhorrent to any right-thinking person. Life conceived of as a bunch of differential equations to be solved; an ideal society in these people’s minds is a giant nursing home inhabited by fat behemoths hooked up to an IV drip of high fructose corn syrup mixed with Zoloft. It’s so funny to hear that charlatan crying about those mean Pathan goat herders who won’t let little girls go to school when he thinks that life is inherently meaningless.

>> No.21835674

exercise that will turn anyone into an antinatalist:
go to r/raisedbynarcissists and browse for 1 hour

i swear to fucking god, 90% of parents are horrific lunatics who abuse their kids. i have never seen anyone create children for the children's sake. its' always to satisfy some selfish urge, like having a social status symbol, having someone to boss around and scream at, having someone to ruin and kneecap and destroy the kids potential life to get themselves off on the act, or having a servant to clean your house and then pay all your bills when you're old and do errands for you. no parent gives a fuck about the welfare and happiness of their kid. parents are vicious demons looking to suck the life out of others, and that is why god punishes them with painful childbirth and millions of shit-filled diapers.

God wouldn't punish women with childbirth if He wanted them to have kids. Breeding is a sin. All parents are demons. All parents should be killed.

>> No.21835699

>participate in its joys
parents certainly find much joy in screaming at, ridiculing, traumatizing, neglecting, manipulating, and abusing their children.

60% of my generation reports having been neglected and/or abused. no parent gives a fuck about their child's welfare. the only reason people have children is to have something to abuse for their own pleasure. parents should be killed. parents should be lit on fire. parents should be thrown off a roof. parents should be stuffed into woodchippers. parents should have their teeth bashed out with a tire iron. parents should be immersed in boiling water. parents should be charred to a crisp with a blowtorch. parents should be magdumped into swiss cheese. parents should be tied to a rope and dragged behind a truck on the interstate until they become blackened meat-scraps. parents should be hooked up to car batteries and electrocuted until they fry golden brown on both sides. parents should have their eyeballs ripped out. parents should be forcefed maggots and bleach.

anyone who reproduces is a demon with bad intentions.

>> No.21835732

I love my parents and are glad they brought me into this world.
Why is it so bad I want that for other people?

>> No.21835762

you're imposing your will upon a nonconsenting person for your own selfish reasons. you want to relive YOUR childhood. who says your hypothetical kids want to participate in YOUR fantasy? you're laying down a thousand expectations and demands upon them, and if it doesn't work out to YOUR expectations you'll blame THEM for "ruining" your fantasy, which is based off poorly remembered events and vague impressions to begin with. you view your hypothetical kids as little toys to entertain you, to satisfy your desires, to perform for your entertainment as YOU want them to. you aren't thinking about their desires, preferences, or welfare at all. they aren't just little copies of you. you're speaking about unique individuals with their own thoughts and autonomy. why is THAT so incomprehensible to parents?

oh, they love the kid--until it develops its own personality and defies the fantasy the parents desired, then suddenly the kid is awful, ungrateful, disrespectful, spoilt, and a "problem child."

it's all about you. you're dooming another person to endure something they may not even want, so you can satisfy your own desires.

>> No.21835853

If what you say is true, it may not be so bad.
It's difficult to imagine for someone like me, but if you genuinely aren't miserable, and you're willing to make a commitment to your child's happiness as well, maybe they won't be miserable either.
If that's not how it works out, remember that we told you so.

>> No.21835963

sounds like a bad parenting problem. sucks to be them; they should do us all a favor and rope themselves instead of whining in a corner of the internet acting pessimistic

>> No.21836061


Could you try to project even harder?

>> No.21836099

I'm in favour of avoid people suffer. I don't think this book contributes to it though. All it realistically does is preach to the choir of the miserable and makes them more miserable and doesn't convince any normies that plan on breeding. Benatar's oeuvre is basically a compilation of more reasons to think your life sucks that increases suffering in anyone who encounters it except those that kill themselves immediately. Then it just hurts their loved ones.

>> No.21836105

you can't even form an argument against it. the truth hurts your little ego so you block your ears with your fingers. all reproduction is an act of egoism and all breeders will burn in hell. you are scum, the lowest trash on the planet. you do nothing but inflict suffering on others for your own benefit.

>> No.21836133


This destroys antinatalism.

>> No.21836135

I wouldn't do it. It would increase the amount of suffering unless it was an extinction button for all life on earth, not just humans. A few million or even a few billion would make things invariably worse for the survivors. This is just edginess that undermines the antinatalist argument for extinction.

>> No.21836168

Linkola is an ecofascist, not an antinatalist. He doesn't care about your suffering he just wants you dead to make room for birds.

>> No.21836185

>life is le suffering!
>ok then kill yourself
>uh well no you see I uhh... well... I... uhhhhh
literally all it takes to btfo this entire "philosophy"

>> No.21836222

Only from an egoist /solipsist perspective. Them killing themselves doesn't solve the suffering of others. Antinatalists are altruists to an (almost) pathological degree.

>> No.21836292

There is nothing one can do to "solve" the suffering of every being.

>> No.21836297

killing yourself isn't an easy thing to accomplish. failures happen. some guy tried to blast his brains out with a shotgun, missed the mark, and was in hospital with his face half blown off and jaw missing.

but as it happens i do resent that i was brought into this world against my will and now i have to find a way out. most people won't take it into their own hands, and end up rotting meat off the bone in an nursing home in a pile of infections and festering diseases. i'm planning to commit suicide before the worst medical trauma comes but after i've extracted enough from life to justify all the trauma, labor, and misery i've suffered. sweet spot is somewhere around age 60.

of course i sure wish i could just opt out of being forced to sink so much of my income into social security taxes which i plan to never receive. of course i have to be forced to pay for other people's shitty life choices. ancaps are right.

>> No.21836352

I agree, though that means glibly suggesting suicide to antinatalists doesn't solve anything either.

>> No.21836361

Going on a mass murder spree will splve the """suffering""" of far more people and yet unborn people than being a faggot raising awareness online. But you won't do that either because you don't have any real conviction about any of this shit.
>it's worth being alive for at least 60 years
only thing of any substance in your post, refuting yourself

>> No.21836364
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No reason to accept the axiological asymmetry. Absence of pain and pleasure are both neutral. It's not good that no one is suffering on Mars any more than it's bad that no one is feeling pleasure.

Then there's the pinprick objection. A guy whose life goes from success to success, getting rich, tons of pussy, etc. shouldn't come into existence because he would suffer the pain of a flu shot.

Antinatalism is for immature narcissists. Fact.

Imagine not wanting to come into a world with goth/scene girls/art hoes. Couldn't be me.

>> No.21836371

>was in hospital with his face half blown off and jaw missing
Americans are sick bastards. They should have put the poor guy out of his misery instead of putting him on life support.

>> No.21836374

i never said that, you retarded fuckface. does it really confound you that I DID NOT CHOOSE TO BE HERE
and now i want to take whatever shitty payout i can get for this exhcange before i leave?

against your will you are dragged to a shitty midwest city and endure a hellish 40 hour busride on a greyhound full of stinking fat idiots while being attacked by africanized hornets. you are then dragged out of the bus and thrown into a crappy city with no way to leave without dying. what do you do? instantly kill yourself? or at least have some dinner and a bath before killing yourself? i'm intending to get drunk at that bar.

what part of this are you mentally incapable of comprehending? are you literate? are you retarded?

>> No.21836378

unless you have a legal DNR filed the filth at a hospital will put you through any torture and humiliation to "save" your life, then bill you out of house and home for it. what a privilege modern medicine is.

>> No.21836386

>Going on a mass murder spree will splve the """suffering""" of far more people and yet unborn people than being a faggot raising awareness online. But you won't do that either because you don't have any real conviction about any of this shit.
Do you really think Adam Lanza decreased the amount of suffering in the world with his actions if you include the effect on all the people staying behind and not just the children he murdered?

Never said I was an antinatalist btw.

>> No.21836397
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I hate to bring up manga or anime, but the original Black Jack manga and OVA adult animation dealt with this theme well. Even Black Jack admits that Dr. Kiriko's pro-euthanasia stance has a valid point in several contexts.
I blame Abrahamic buffoonery for these problems. If I had half my skull blown out (e.g. by a madman), I'd prefer to be euthanized. It shouldn't even be a question.

>> No.21836410

If you're not miserable enough to kill yourself then you're not really miserable. Shut the fuck up and quit whining, faggot.

>> No.21836412

My boyfriend has read this and told me that author never actually proves that life is indeed suffering. He just repeats it ad nauseam.
I consider this work to be emotional and immature. Humanity has been dealing with the problem of the suffering for a long time and has came up with better solutions than this prick who can't even be happy or at least content with his own views. What a loser.

>> No.21836418

I don't think that but if life = suffering then yes killing people is good.

>> No.21836425

It's not that simplistic though since murder has effects on the people it leaves behind. That argument only works that straightforwardly if you can instantly kill all people at once.

>> No.21836433

tell that to all the children who are being abused by their parents. go ahead.


>> No.21836437

You're right but you're still a faggot, don't ever have children

>> No.21836522

I'm pregnant

>> No.21836595

abort it

>> No.21836611
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Only wandering minds suffer. No raw experience is bad on its own.

>> No.21836618


>> No.21836625

if they're being preachy faggots telling everyone else they should go extinct because of their own experinces then I will
but they're usually not

>> No.21836631

>sure, little girl, maybe your father beat you up and raped you while your mother screamed at you, neglected you, and insulted you, but since you haven't committed suicide you must not be suffering all that much about it

you're sure a great person in your own mind, eh?

>> No.21836641

Is this hypothetical little girl telling me I shouldn't reproduce because I might abuse my hypothetical children?

>> No.21836672

with your attitude it's a guarantee

>> No.21836674

You don't care about the suffering of others, you care about winning internet arguments

>> No.21836682
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>> No.21836687

>in this scenario I made up you're being mean to a little girl who is for some reason preaching a philosophy espoused by emo teenagers and childless boomer losers bet you feel like a real asshole now

>> No.21836689

did you write that post to yourself? desribes you to a t, hypocrite

>who cares if my kids might suffer and not want to endure life, so long as i get my fuck trophy and ego boost
I care more about your own hypothetical kids than you do.

>> No.21836697
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Checkmate antinatalists

>> No.21836724

You're only proving my point

>> No.21836736

Buddhism is scientific.

>> No.21836753

Buddhism is antinatalism with extra steps. They’re trying to prevent rebirth.

>> No.21836851


>> No.21837276

whatever the currently living suffer is easily outweighed by all the countless generations the people you just murdered would have spawned

>> No.21837355

Yup, he was awesome

>> No.21837360


>> No.21837365 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 475x356, FJpdOucaQAITgbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had the power to being life/evolution on Mars, would you?

>> No.21837375 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 475x356, FJpdOucaQAITgbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had the power to begin life/evolution on Mars, would you?

>> No.21837378
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>BTFO's Benatar

>> No.21837890


Boohoo, talking about ego lol. You're just bitter because your subjective, mental contortions aren't universally true. See you in hell, faggot.

>> No.21837943

>if 9 out of 10 people retroactively consent to a thing done to them then the 10th one isn’t rape


>> No.21838129

This. lol.
go preach on Twitter or smth.

>> No.21838138


>> No.21838141

nta, are you saying that Adam Lanza mercy killed those kids?
he was the good guy after all

>> No.21838146

inmendham is so based, regardless of whether or not you agree with him.
dude is a basement dweller that has zero ability to filter himself with his social interactions.

>> No.21838153

why are they putting him on a watch list? just because he's abrasive doesn't mean he's gonna harm anyone.

>> No.21838159

Creating profound equanimity through targeted ultrasound brain stimulation has already being replicated successfully under lab conditions.

We’re very close to solving suffering on a massive scale. David Pearce was right.

>> No.21838162

meant for >>21838138

>> No.21838232


>> No.21838240

lol retard

>> No.21838262

>David Pearce
techno futurist full of shit coping retard.

>> No.21838269

Instantly resorting to insults. Typical

>> No.21838286

like you had an argument...

>> No.21838315

You're one to talk! Attempting to generalize your own feelings regarding the desire to procreate...

>> No.21838328

It's not hard to imagine that normalniggers would still reproduce even if they were in hell

>> No.21838340

Not anymore as I said. We’re at the point where ultrasound can stop suffering.

>> No.21838575

Because their pussies

>> No.21838698

well i must be misinformed, show me the study that says that most people feel the need to have kids, and furthermore explains whether this is a cultural influence or a biological drive.
sex and romance don't count.

>> No.21839233


>> No.21839267

Absolutely cringe

>> No.21839527

what about their pussies?

>> No.21839553

They have them instead of balls.

>> No.21839600
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>> No.21840762
