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/lit/ - Literature

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21790318 No.21790318 [Reply] [Original]

The death of popular English literature has been understated.

>> No.21790322
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>with a whimper

>> No.21790323

when men hating have consequences

>> No.21790325

>shows Japanese literature
what did he mean by this?

>> No.21790424

>see posts like this on /lit/
>go to local waterstones
>go to table where they lay out fiction books
>see Lolita, Gravity's Rainbow, Stoner, No Longer Human, some Joyce, 100 years of solitude, some Dostoevsky, The Tropic of Cancer etc... alongside a few contemporary books ('The Goddess of Small things' and other stuff of the sort)
>stereotypical 15 year old woman with a friend walks by and picks up no longer human
>'wow, I loved this book. It's soooo good!'

touch grass anons

>> No.21790472

and then you woke up

>> No.21790477

Was Einstein there?

>> No.21790508

Me redditbupzootbobligatory meme kekekke zoinks

>> No.21790615

He's right you know, exactly this happens when I go to bookstores

>> No.21790678

How does enjoying manga mean the death of literature lol

>> No.21790690

I don't understand how weebs do it. You're paying $15+ per volume and you only get at most 90 minutes of reading out of it. Then you set it on your shelf and later go out to buy the next volume in the series, the whole of which can range to the hundreds of dollars if it's long-running, or it's an ongoing series you'll have to wait 4 months between volume releases.
Alternatively, you can spend a few bucks a month on a Viz or Kodansha subscription, or otherwise hop on nyaa for free, and read any number of series at your leisure. And if you read ongoing manga you'll never be months behind in discussion.

At least in Japan volumes cost equivalent to $5 per, so you can reasonably collect them in bulk. Localized manga is a money sink.

>> No.21790697

Looks nice on a shelf

>> No.21790747
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I’m jelly. I wish I could find a manga section this massive. Did they have any junji ito manga? His work is definitely worth the 15 smeckles.

>> No.21790752

>You're paying $15+ per volume and you only get at most 90 minutes of reading out of it.
Who quantifies pleasure though? Are you a robot?

>> No.21790777

It's simply not worth as much as actual literature. With $15 you could get a handful of amazing used books that'll last you weeks, dense with ideas that 99.999% of manga don't even touch on. And they'll be complete, whereas a volume of manga is only a fraction of a series.

>> No.21790781

Trips of truth

>> No.21790788

I regret buying manga. I want to get rid of it and get more books or western comics.

>> No.21790858
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yeah usually about 20 manga pages isnt even one to two pages of a book.

>> No.21790862

>in Japan volumes cost equivalent to $5 per
And that is brand new. Used bookstores sell them a dollar a pop.

>> No.21790892

american comic books really fucked up

>> No.21790905

Surely making Superman a fag will help?? Right, wokesisters?

>> No.21790938
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About three-quarters of new Marvel comic issues feature gay marriages. It's kind of weird.

>> No.21791023


What a synchronicity: I am currently rewatching "Boogiepop Phantom" —I watched it for the first time approximately ten years ago—, and rewatched this episode approximately one hour ago.

>> No.21791037

You are going to want to go ahead and pick up black hole by Charles burns OP thank me later

>> No.21791057


>> No.21791076

Is there grass in bookstores?

>> No.21791090

north korean propaganda

>> No.21791091
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Y-you guys also met the no longer human 15 girl?

>> No.21791096
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I started getting into comic books recently and I don't I can go back to reading manga

>> No.21791164

>don't think I can go back to reading manga
Sure you can, when you realize that there's a very small amount of western comics actually worth reading, and practically nothing good coming out

>> No.21791174
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I also met her. I’m scared bros

>> No.21791175
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>> No.21791187

No one outside Japan buys all the manga they read. A physical copy is more of a collector's item to get for some of your favourite series.

>> No.21791198

Kneel, gay man!

>> No.21791218

No, but I do buy light novels if it's a series I actually like a lot. If they're officially translated, it can be difficult to find a good digital version of them for free. I don't think any of my friends who read manga have ever paid for them, since they're so freely available online

>> No.21791254
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>Nobody gives a shit about western comic books
>You can't into the Asian market 'cuz how ridiculously saturated it already is
>also, language/cultural barrier
Sometimes it really does feel like one was simply born in the wrong country.

>> No.21791261

Many people read Western comics. The fact that it’s less read than manga doesn’t mean nobody reads them.

>> No.21791270

Are there LNs with prose that isn't on the level of shitty fanfiction? I've tried a few, but they are unbearable. I can't read more than one page.

>> No.21791285

Same reason people buy physical books

>> No.21791286

>Buys all 4 (four) copies of Batman Fortnite: Zero Point
>Reads all four

>> No.21791291

There are actual Japanese novels and books which are alright. But light novels? Never.

>> No.21791313

Spice and Wolf is pretty good. The prose isn't incredible by any means, but it's good enough for what it is and is competently written. The story is also very cozy with a lot of good characters

>> No.21791315

bizarre but funny bait

>> No.21791347

I know, but it feels kind of futile. I mean, looking at how fucking huge that Manga section is and how small the Graphic Novel section looks by comparison, it's like the store is telling you "You ain't Asian, don't even bother"

>> No.21791362

Welcome to the NHK is relatable if nothing else. Written by an actual former-hikki.

>> No.21791364

Are you suggesting this is the only bookstore in the world or something? lol

>> No.21791375

It might not seem that way, but learning Japanese is actually humanly possible. And you don't need to be on the level of a native speaker to write on the level of manga/LNs or to live in Japan. Stop making excuses.

>> No.21791390

You can always tell who the Jews are done ramping up against white people because they start queering them up to demoralize them again. Blacks and Asians were easy, the former because they are rootless and culturally demolished, the latter because their culture in America has always merely existed in its relationship to capitalism. The reason there aren’t endlessly gay Mexicans/ Latin Americans yet is because Catholicism makes your buck harder to break.

>> No.21791418

there's no way that Pewdiepie reads the fucking phenomenology this year

>> No.21791506
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>> No.21791513

wait wait wait wait. You're telling me comic books that are made to be widely appealing and simple to read are popular? you know the average person wasn't sitting down and reading Shakespeare all the time. it's always been a small group. and you can still find a bunch of classics in books stores they just also have other sections

>> No.21791541

>reading shakespeare
you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.21791720
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The funny thing is that the manga section absolutely mogs the comic book section in size. So comics even fail at being a popular medium.

>> No.21792046

The point of the thread is that Americano comic books are essentially dead corpses, sometimes reanimated by kabbalistic necromancers to perform man-on-man sex.

>> No.21792071

Comic books are too expensive to stock when most of them will be read three times by a kid before anyone buys them (at which point they may looked used and have fingerprints and creases). Manga is extremely cheap art and color and if a kid prefers to read it all in the bookstore at least the loss is not a problem whereas it is for a lot of full color comic books with serious artwork

>> No.21792863

>wait wait wait wait. You're telling me
shotgun. mouth. now.

>> No.21793129

I can assure you this is not the case in my university book store. It’s all progressives propaganda all the time.

>> No.21793165

you're not wrong
manga is horribly overpriced here and they're so quick to read (unless you buy the collection one). And most of them go on and on forever so you need to keep buying them unless you want an incomplete series on your shelf. Japan it makes sense since it's cheap as hell

>> No.21793271
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Any time I read manga in the past I pirated it all online and read it on a tablet and then purchased on a few physical series that were my favorite and had interesting art like Blame!.

>> No.21793294

You are going to want to go ahead and reread Black Hole. It's kind of cringe as an adult desu.

>> No.21793307

The world is flooded with this shitty toilet paper, when good books are going to disappear

>> No.21793373

it's not bait, but considering the answers I'm starting to think my local waterstones might be unusually based

>> No.21793397

Mainstream bookstores are a joke. What do you expect? Every section is marketed towards retards. Even the history section is just books like

>> No.21793410

I'm 90% sure /lit/ ( a.k.a. r/truelit ) influenced booktok to a huge extent, and booktok influences big bookstore chains, which means /lit/ is more powerful than we think

>> No.21793430

Last month I went to a party that had a lot of highschoolers (I'm 18) and a group og girls that were around 15-16 started making jokes about Gregorio Samsa and Kafka, I really think the average normie is more invested on classical literature than /lit/ likes to believe.

>> No.21793444

>you know the average person wasn't sitting down and reading Shakespeare
This is not even true btw. Average, or at least middle class, people could readily quote Shakespeare only a few generations ago.

>> No.21793455

I've found what Manga has affected at my store is the scifi section. Thing keeps Shrinking, Manga gets bigger.

Classics are untouched.

History section keeps shrinking as well but not due to manga

>> No.21793493

They made jokes about it because of the "kafkaesque" meme that's going around. Lit jokes filter into common society but it doesn't mean they are actually invested or interested.

>> No.21793711

What's killing history? I've found that non-fiction history is growing to be my favorite.

>> No.21793738

Absolutely this. My local bookstore always has a bunch of people in it, checking out every section the store has, and the Barnes and Noble I go to has multiple people in every section of the store (besides the sparse philosophy section that Barnes and Noble should expand more)

>> No.21793754

Nta, but it's probably the best choice out of all the garbage on those shelves.
Paper Girls and Saga are okay for kids (not a complete brain rot compared to superhero slop).
For quite some time I've been thinking about entertaining the possibility of starting to read From Hell, but haven't progressed very far in my entertainings. Is it any good?

>> No.21794510

are you me?

This is exactly what happened to me at Unity books in Auckland, the same selection of books, and some asian girl was recommending no longer human to her friend.

>> No.21794915

Canadian equivalent of Barnes and Nobles, Indigo only had a one tiny shelf on the back corner dedicated to manga 15 years ago now there's nothing but manga on their best sellers table front of their store, shit like Shonen Jump only catered to niche audience back then

>> No.21795973

Majority of mangas are about retarded highschool dramas with random supernatural elements inserted for the sake of visuals. Its basically the same quality as capeshit.

>> No.21796413

Ok I'll bite

Give me five legit good books published in the last five years

>> No.21796770

You have to go back

>> No.21796813

was he wrong?

>> No.21796820

Books and book stores are almost exclusively for women. Literature is over.

>> No.21796821


>> No.21796837
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No Longer Human have gotten viral in Tik Tok or something, I went to my major bookstore in my country (Indigo) and they had it in the very front of the store with alll the trendy books. I'm not even kidding

>> No.21796943
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Maybe they all read the manga adaptation. I have both. The manga was a gift from my sister actually.

>> No.21797768

Full on genocide is a faux pas, so the Illuminati/World Bank/Club of Rome has ramped up the fag shut, incel propaganda, and dating app algorithms to a ten in order to depopulate the planet. It's a soft genocide to kill anyone gullible enough to troon out of otherwise voluntarily remove themselves from the genepool

>> No.21797777

All of Roberto Calasso's manuscripts he was sitting on. There are like three of them that got rushed to print shortly after he died.

>> No.21797829
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>> No.21797871

What the fuck is a booktok

>> No.21797879

>Who quantifies pleasure though? Are you a robot?
My money has been debased 25% in the last 3 years. Even if you went from 100k/yr to 125k/yr, the fed who just debased your income steals 33% from that tax bracket so you actually took home 16.5k more not 25k, a net income loss. Everyone was demoted. Meanwhile manga is free online.

>> No.21797880

books that are trendy on tik tok

>> No.21797904

five i've especially liked:

>Kazuo Ishiguro - Klara and the Sun
>Eliot Weinberger - Angels & Saints
>Jon Fosse - Septology
>Oisín Fagan - Nobber
>George Saunders - A Swim in a Pond in the Rain

(technically the fosse is three books...or maybe seven, depending how you count it)

>> No.21797935

wish ol georgey boy wouldve talked more about the short stories and not so much about his syracuse creative writing class

>> No.21797943


>> No.21797963

haha, i know what you mean but i liked the stuff about his classes too. what i often like about literature is seeing the world from another perspective and it was neat hearing his stories about his experiences with literature and how to interrogate its meaning and technique.

i also like that asides from that one example, he gave you the story straight before his essay, and the time he didn't it was so interesting and worked great imo

>> No.21797980

This image made me suicidal

>> No.21798025

The reason people don't read western comics is that they usually just suck.
Just make some decent escapism with sex appeal and no blacks, feminism or gays.
Then make it mostly free so you can get an audience.

>> No.21798212

And here I thought I was the only weirdo that read mangas as well as books

>> No.21798222

Good riddance

>> No.21798382
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If I make something similar to, let's say RWBY, you think that'd sell? Guess smaller publishers like Antarctic Press could be interested.

>> No.21800083

Like no. Like who the fuck would care about RWBY if it wasn't made by the RoosterTeeth guys?

>> No.21800194


>> No.21800225

>agents and publishers heavily push LGBTQ and POC trash that alienates the majority of normal readers
>agents and publishers absolutely refuse to publish anything that may be considered controversal, like mocking women who wear wigs
>agents and publishers heavily push middle school and YA lit that alienate most adults who dont want some Harry Potter Twilight Hunger Games knock off
>readers find a country that publishes a wide array of stories about everything from scuba diving school girls to a coomer who has a chainsaw for a head
Well clearly the problem is readers are too infantile to appreciate my cousin's story about the first time he stuck a hairbrush up his ass, which had won several Hugo Awards. The problem isnt our nepotistic, self-censoring, alienating business practices.

>> No.21800233
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>> No.21800256

yeah the manga section in my local bookstore just keeps spreading its kinda wild. And I just recently got into American graphic novels. There’s some there but I just get them for free online anyway most the time.

>> No.21800264

I paid even more for the deluxe editions of berserk and I have ghost in the shell series as well. Those are really cool though. Manga is expensive but it’s also neat to have the physical copies and it’s just a cool product. I lost my interest with it all in general though and no longer buy them. Still like to browse around the manga section but there ain’t nothing I care about.

>> No.21800329

It's a coincidence not a synchronicity, you dumb nigger.

>> No.21800340
