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21755532 No.21755532 [Reply] [Original]

damn he spittin’ here fr

>> No.21755538


>> No.21755539

no cap?

>> No.21755564

on god

>> No.21756948

Fax slatt like god is dead and shieett

>> No.21756957

God do be dead tho
deadass tru fr

>> No.21757043
File: 24 KB, 334x333, 1611474770696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first office I thus perform:
take this baptism,
and believe in the Redeemer!


>> No.21757353

Got debunked by modern science

>> No.21757640

lmao shut up nerd
we ball

>> No.21759270
File: 493 KB, 1280x913, ganWigILaA2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the vulgar man can be distinguished as the dark-coloured, and above all as the black-haired (‘hic niger est’), as the pre-Aryan inhabitants of the Italian soil, whose complexion distinguished them from the dominant blonds, namely the Aryan conquering race;2
at any rate Gaelic has afforded me the exact analogue – fin (for instance, in the name Fin-Gal), the word designating the nobility, finally – the good, the noble, the pure, but originally blonds in contrast to the swarthy, black-haired aboriginals.

>The Celts, if I may make a parenthetical statement, were a wholly blond race; and it is wrong to connect, as Virchow still does, those traces of an essentially dark-haired population which are to be seen on the more detailed ethnographical maps of Germany with any Celtic ancestry or with any admixture of Celtic blood; in this connection it is merely the isolated remnants of the pre-Aryan population of Germany which appear in these districts. (The same holds true for almost the whole of Europe; in point of fact, the subject race has finally again come to dominate, in complexion and the shortness of the skull, and perhaps in the intellectual and social instincts.

>Who can guarantee that modern democracy, still more modern anarchy and indeed that predilection for the ‘Commune’, the most primitive form of society, which is shared by all the Socialists in Europe, does not in its essence represent a monstrous reversion – and that the conquering and master race, the Aryan race, is not also becoming inferior physiologically?)

Holy based.

>> No.21759281

>le nazified sister edits

>> No.21759310

>Le slander that no actual scholar actually claimed.
She did not fabricate any pro nazi passages. She suppressed some embarrassing biographical stuff, but the talk of forgeries you see online is greatly overblown. Nor were any of the passages in his works bashing antisemites and German nationalists removed. I recommend the essay the "The Elisabeth Legend' in this book:

Another example: in her Nietzsche biography, she said her was was not an antisemite.

>> No.21759317

> in her Nietzsche biography, she said her was was not an antisemite.
On the same level as “I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman”

>> No.21759345

We do In fact know that she did not do the nazification of Nietzsche's work that people falsely claim. Go compare an edgy passage from the public domain English translations Elisabeth authorized to modern translation and will see the Aryans or what have you are still there. Vice versa for the passages praising Jews or bashing antisemites and German nationalists.