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21697272 No.21697272 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw poor
>tfw only 70€ in money
>tfw entire body skin disease that feels like burning every minute makes impossible to sleep more than 5 hours a day and looks like AIDS
>tfw diet consists of bread and 1€ energy drinks and can't afford much more
>tfw can only sustain for like a week more
>tfw will probably die of starvation soon
>tfw no gf

Books that explore this phenomenon?

>> No.21697278

your diary desu

>> No.21697282

Dodoyevski man from the undertale

>> No.21697283

Down and Out in Paris and London. Also, stop buying energy drinks

>> No.21697284
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>> No.21697290

Jesus op where the fuck do you live? And dont say behind a dumpster in an alley, I mean what country

>> No.21697295

>frog poster

Ignored. Nothing of value lost.

>> No.21697304

Lurk more or go back.

>> No.21697307


>> No.21697323

Serves you right. One time I went on a date with an Irish girl and it was awful. Dumb fuck OP.

>> No.21697845

>>tfw diet consists of bread
chainsaw man

>> No.21697857

Go on welfare and start doing the carnivore diet, beginning with meat, salt and water. After months, start re-introducing foods slowly again, beginning with fruit. And then dairy.

>> No.21697874

how the fuck do you suffer in ireland?

>> No.21697891

If real you should write about your life and struggles. Imagine the things you will accomplish and record by being an otherwise invisible person. Now that’s a call to adventure!

>> No.21698040

You're probably skinny. Come to America and dress up as a girl for me, I'll give you a room.

>> No.21698823
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Literally Knut Hamsun's hunger. Just become a sailor bro.

>> No.21698830

Do you have an amazon account? Post proof of your skin condition with a timestamp and a discord. Maybe an anon will help you get some food anonymously.

>> No.21699148

>carnivore diet
Sounds unrealistic for someone with little financial means

>> No.21699170

Eat the neighborhood cats and birds

>> No.21699185

How do I find birds

>> No.21699207

my condolences

>> No.21699221

Idk, pidgeons at the park are pretty dumb, just lure them with the bread and swiftly catch them. Beware, some of them have parasites so if you go this route, cook them well done--no wypipo style medium raw.
Alternatively, you can climb trees and find bird nests, you can cook the eggs. Jackpot would be the geese/ducks at the pond, you'll be eating good if you manage to catch them. It sounds horrible, but you gotta get some meat my friend. The reason why op's skin hurts so much is probably linked with some kind of nutrient deficiency, but idk tho.

>> No.21699222

maybe if you worked harder, you would have more money

>> No.21699287

A yes, starvation. A classic irishman's dilemma

>> No.21699299
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Nice blogpost faggot

>> No.21699364

where do you live?

>> No.21699386

Can't you get on welfare or go to a shelter or something?

>> No.21699397

Just steal, worst that can happen is prison where they at least feed you

>> No.21699425

>>tfw poor
What country
>>tfw only 70€ in money
Again what country and how?
>>tfw entire body skin disease that feels like burning every minute makes impossible to sleep more than 5 hours a day and looks like AIDS
Sounds rough, what condition is it
>>tfw diet consists of bread and 1€ energy drinks and can't afford much more
Ah so there we are, maybe that shitty diet is contributing to your shitty skin? Buy a crate of water instead of spending €1 on an energy drink you retard, buy rice and beans if you can't afford anything else

>> No.21699429
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wtf am I reading

>> No.21699431

And just seen you are in Ireland, so am I. Why are you not on the dole? Or work a shitty job? You have no excuse for your shitty diet in Ireland, go to aldis and you will get a lot more than bread and energy drinks for your money. I live off NEETBUX and have my own apartment, €2500 pc, 500mb Internet and shopping every two weeks plus a dog, you have no excuse.

>> No.21699451
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A мoжнo мнe в Иpлaндию?
Mимo paбcи.

>> No.21699458
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>pidgeons at the park are pretty dumb
Bceх тyпых пoймaл. A нa ocтaвшихcя быcтpых нeт cил.
>Jackpot would be the geese/ducks at the pond, you'll be eating good if you manage to catch them
Этo дa, тoлькo тaк и живy. Toлькo вoт нa зимy пoчти вce yтки yлeтeли.
мимo paбcи

>> No.21699463
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>> No.21699492

Don't know any books, but watch the Dayton Hypernova documentary by Horrowcow Productions.