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21688687 No.21688687 [Reply] [Original]

A coworker and I were talking about the train derailment in Ohio the other day. I brought up how I had read White Noise a few months ago and how bizarre the similarities between the book and real life are. I then tried to explain how the book is about a lot more than an airborne toxic event and really a Baudrillardian reflection on contemporary American culture and the emergence of hyperreality and how simulated reality is so pervasive that it is more real than reality. I even said 'the map has exceeded the territory' and 'it's all just waves and radiation'.
My problem is I know I'm on to something, but I sounded like a schizo retard and wasn't able to get my point across coherently. Probably because I haven't read Baudrillard and don't actually know what I'm talking about. So, where should I start with post modern philosophy so I can impress my coworkers with my big brain?

>> No.21688751

Stop shilling this already.

>> No.21688758

I'm not that other guy. This actually happened to me.

>> No.21688780

it's just about overcoming your fear of death

>> No.21688792

That aspect of it didn't resonate with me much. I have already killed 3-5 people in Afghanistan so I'm cool with it.

>> No.21688808

it's good to know you have no fear of death cuz they'll be calling you up to go to ukraine soon enough.

>> No.21688827

where to start with this here baudrillard fella?

>> No.21688838

that's what im tryin to figure out

>> No.21688844

start with the greeks

>> No.21688902

The Gulf War Did Not Take Place
Simulation and Simulacra

>> No.21688943


Holy fuck you cowardly retard. Pick up a baudrillard book, literally anything. If you don't understand something look it up. not hard.

>> No.21688969

I did read The Gulf War Did Not Take Place but it was a bit nonsensical.
I don't really understand his point. No shit it's all propaganda and 'simulacra' but that's just semantics. The real world still exists, I've seen the bodies.

>> No.21688978

i always thought that essay was kind of dumb, i mean did the crimean war not take place since most people read about it in newspapers and maybe saw a black and white photo of some dead guys? humans have always lived in a sort of fantasy world mediated by symbols. just because the shits coming from a tv instead of a church or something doesn't make it new.

>> No.21689001

i was kind of surprised to see a nytimes article today admitting that someone on the ukrainian side actually died. for the last year it had only been the russians dying by the tens of thousands, but none of the untrained ukrainian conscripts had perished. then today we find out that at least a half dozen ukrainains have been killed in war. two in a trench that got bombed, and those four guys who got hit by a rocket with that american dude. they almost made it a year without any losses!

>> No.21689013

>they made a movie so zoom-zooms are shilling a book that hasn't been a hot take for over 3 decades

>> No.21689042

Yeah, that's exactly what bugs me about it too.

>> No.21690052


>> No.21690786

If you’re not able to get your point across coherently or simply you’re not a schizo retard, you’re a fraud. And a faggot.

>> No.21691302

In the same way TV eroded regional dialects and propagated mass info, it also eroded individual perspectives. I think he's saying this universal man made doctrine is the simulation/hyperreal, not that symbols and meaning are? Eroding uniqueness makes us all simulacra, to a degree I think.

But his prose is dog shit (in my translation, anyways) so your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.21692946
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>> No.21692972

White Noise was actually influenced by a poo-in-loo chemical accident, and it's not surprising to have accidents when your infrastructure isn't maintained and majority of country has deindustrialized.

>> No.21692989

There's no such thing as simulation. It's really just the Umwelt. Like any other animal we have a mental construction of the world and that's real. We don't say an ant is living in a simulation for not being aware of human economics.

>> No.21693330

He's holding the gun to your head. He wants your truth.

>> No.21694269

you did fine, keep at it. No need to read it but read it if you must., In fact OP you need to write and speak more.