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21669871 No.21669871 [Reply] [Original]

What was that ending? What was the point of the story? Why did it build up to.. nothing?

>> No.21669882

built up to nothing?
Judge finally succeeded in corrupting The Kid, and The Kid raped the shit out of the little Bear Girl

>> No.21669886

It's the age old tale of the American West: You can fight Indians, Mexicans, other Whites etc. But at the end of the day, the biggest threat to your life will always be a Big old Gay Rapist hanging around an outhouse.

>> No.21669998


>> No.21670004


>> No.21670029

>everyone breaks into song and dance with fucking satan
i thought the ending was great?

>> No.21670087

i thought the ending was the best part and made the whole book

>> No.21670163

the dance was predetermined, anon

>> No.21670545

This is such a shit take nothing points to this

>> No.21670556

It's just a theory... A game theory.

>> No.21670666

>What was the point of the story?
Cormac McCarthy, a Catholic man, was writing about the death of Latin culture in Western civilization. The Evening Redness in the West (referring to Western civilization) is about how Germanic violence and bloodshed has corrupted our society. The book is filled with countless allusions to Germanic culture.

>> No.21670669

because it was written by a man

>> No.21670770

I've read the first half of this book 8 times and still haven't finished it

>> No.21670778

allusions such as?

>> No.21670789

Why does it need to? Mccarthy just really liked Moby Dick and wanted to create his own force of nature, and we got a pretty simple, self-explanatory ending that makes the Judge look mystical and cool

>> No.21671130

The Judge speaks German and his philosophy is profoundly Nietzschean, sections of the book are titled in German, the gang's view on Apaches and how they are a lesser, subordinate race that needs to be exterminated, etc.

>> No.21671157

The Delaware scouts strongly reminded me of Fedallah's crew.

>> No.21671204

AI post

>> No.21671207

It was about the journey, not the destination.

>> No.21671244

Blood Meridian is a literary travesty, a grotesque and depraved portrait of violence and suffering masquerading as high art. The novel revels in its own cruelty, glorifying the brutality of the West and its characters with a perverse glee. The writing is convoluted and obscure, presenting a facade of depth that is ultimately meaningless and hollow. The lack of a clear narrative arc or character development leaves the reader with nothing to cling to, and the gratuitous violence becomes tiresome and repugnant. This book may appeal to those with a taste for sadism and nihilism, but for those with any sense of decency or literary taste, it is a nauseating and revolting experience.

>> No.21671264

t. retard that needs quotation marks to recognize dialogue. You got filtered because you’re ESL and your 99 cent dictionary doesnt have 80% of the words in this book

>> No.21671265

Lmao pussy ass bitch. All massacres in the book have a historical basis. Even some of the violent scenes are basically just Chamberlain's drawings of the carnage rendered in words. You accuse the book of absurd gore fetishism, but the it has the final punchline upon you because life is factually that absurd.

>> No.21671293


>> No.21671298

Its a Whale Encyclopaedia, he don't gotta explain shit except whales.

>> No.21671299

>The writing is convoluted and obscure

>> No.21671317

Certainly. It's a prime example of a book that values style over substance, sacrificing coherence and clarity in its writing in favor of the indulgent prose that has become the stylistic signature of mccarthy. The language is convoluted, meandering, and overwrought, making it almost impossible for readers to follow the narrative or understand what is actually happening. Fanboys pretend like this deficiency is a fault of the reader, and not the text, because the use of obscure and archaic language only serves to further alienate readers, creating a sense of intellectual superiority rather than true literary merit. It's ultimately another exercise in literary self-aggrandizement.

>> No.21671329

>>The writing is convoluted and obscure
I see what you did there.

>> No.21671332

This is all very nice and all but I'd like you to actually provide examples of said convoluted writing that is impossible to follow. If anything his writing is really rather straight-forward in my eyes.

>> No.21671334

Theres probably a schizoAI going around accusing people of being bots, just ignore that shit

>> No.21671345

"In the dawn there is a man progressing over the plain by means of holes which he is making in the ground. He uses an implement with two handles and he chucks it into the hole and he enkindles the stone in the hole with his steel hole by hole striking the fire out of the rock which God has put there."

What do you THINK is being described here? Could there be... a simpler, less convoluted way?

>> No.21671352

Was this written by ChatGPT?

>> No.21671358

Nah it's in line with the rest of the book in its rampant use of parataxis and obvious reference to the bible.

>> No.21671360

No Blood Meridian was written by Cormac McCarthy, Cormac McCarthy is an older form of Pseudo-AI than ChatGPT. Cormac McCarthy is a markov bot.

>> No.21671363

Ah yes. "God made the Earth". I recognize that biblical reference.

>> No.21671366
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>> No.21671383

Hell of a lot of blokes going by the name of James Robert in this world, me thinks. How'd they read the bible if they consider this writing to be "convoluted"...

>> No.21671389

I actually agree with the chatbot I don't see how you can honestly read McCarthy are not think his writing is intentionally convoluted. He doesn't describe anything normally and most of the time it's a puzzle just to figure out what he is literally describing in a scene.

Like the guy traversing the land "by means of holes," that "enkindles the stone in the hole by striking fire out of rock." I don't even know what that is actually supposed to be. I'm guessing laying railroad tracks.

>> No.21671390

>The language is convoluted, meandering, and overwrought, making it almost impossible for readers to follow the narrative or understand what is actually happening.
What narrative? It's all really plain.
Fanboys pretend like this deficiency is a fault of the reader, and not the text, because the use of obscure and archaic language only serves to further alienate readers, creating a sense of intellectual superiority rather than true literary merit.
The book IS about Language, you idiot. That's what the book is doing, prioritizing language over the referent which to be fair is very static and redundant. It is the language that makes the book about killing and desert environmental phenomena more than the literal.
>What do you THINK is being described here? Could there be... a simpler, less convoluted way?
The book isn't lacking in technical descriptions of action that are bare and without figurative language. This is not one of them. Maybe the problem is that you expect the "act" to convey the narrative meaning. The epilogue (whole of it) is quite popular among its readers and why is that? In a literal sense, it is just a man punching holes into the ground with scavengers and spectators following behind. It is the language in which it is rendered that loads it with a myriad of implications that keeps the reader interested. That's what language does. That's what McCarthy does throughout the novel. Most of what Holden is pontificating on becomes reasonable and understandable with this context.
Give the book another try.

>> No.21671398

>The epilogue (whole of it) is quite popular among its readers and why is that?
I can recognize a naked emperor when I see one.

>> No.21671403

He's also clearly not digging holes. He's obviously striking something into the Earth causing sparks to fly out when he strikes it, and McCarthy has an image he is trying to convey and that is the metaphor. It's not just evocative bullshit-- well, actually, it is.

>> No.21671424
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>It makes no difference what men think of war. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.
>Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.
>heh... nothin personnel, The Kid...

>> No.21671439

Steel implement hitting against the rock creates sparks. It's a physical phenomenon. But our Narrator clearly sees more in the image which he/it associates in his narration. I mean things of this sort happen throughout the book.
Ironically, your problem with this book is precisely your inability to see what's right in front of you. Let me explain the aesthetic to you:

Things become obscured in primarily two ways: 1) obscured by darkness 2) obscured by luminescence

Blood meridian is of the 2nd type. Each object and event is so bright with meaning that it's "real nature" is obscured to the watcher/reader. In the written format, this metaphorical light is obviously language. We cannot "see" anything within the fictional setting that language doesn't define which is analogous to how light works in the real world.

>> No.21671463

Lol, I knew it.

>> No.21672160

>nothing points to this

>> No.21672185


>> No.21672204

>Low IQ post

>> No.21672241
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>Loved Blood Meridian
>Refunded The Passenger after two chapters
There's a fucking tranny that is friends with the main character. Jesus Christ what the hell happened to McCarthy

>> No.21672526

>historical basis
Thats a totally worthless thing, always has been

>> No.21672649

Did you read No Country? McCarthy has always thought people who can't handle change in the world around them are scum. Also the transgender person shows up twice and is symbolic of a place between physics and math. You probably didn't actually refund the book.

>> No.21672730

Did the disagreeable words hurt you?

>> No.21672810
File: 451 KB, 800x500, 1676587808319307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of waht use was the rule?"

The historical figure he's based on was polyglot and mastered native languages effortlessly.

>yet we'll fete corkcel Proust on technical grounds alone

>The language is convoluted, meandering, and overwrought
"I was filtered by the KJV."

>"It's always night, or we wouldn't need light." -- some pianist
Illumination is also a shadow.

>There's a fucking tranny
He gained weight and the 'dress' is his ill fitting baggy clothing. Yet more bait along with the twincest.

>> No.21672835

im not gonna take advice like that from a man more than double my age. it could easily just be insecurity that makes him scared to be an irrelevant old man so he'll do anything and everything

>> No.21673009

As a midwit it's amazing to me that I was able to overcome the filtering of the epilogue. I have yet to see anyone draw the same conclusion as me and it's so obvious. They're excavating the archaeological site where the skull from the yuma sun quote at the introduction site was found. One guy making holes, two guys combing through the site following behind him. Digging up mankind's violent history and incidentally proving it can be buried.

>> No.21673020

there's a tranny in suttree too you know

>> No.21673307

OK midwit

>> No.21673592


>> No.21673752
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>> No.21674156

>insulting without providing evidence for the take

>> No.21674177

Here are two things to think about, “why was the man with a midget prostitute?” and “why was the girl there?”

>> No.21674359

>"why was the man with the midget prostitute?"
she approached him
>"why was the girl there?"
she wasn't. go reread the book you're misremembering shit.

>> No.21674968

Now come days of begging,
Days of theft,
Days of riding where rode no
soul save he.
He has left behind the pine-
-wood country
And the evening sun declines
Before him in an
endless swale
And dark here falls like a
And a cold wild sets the
Weeds to gnashing.
The night sky lies
So sprent with stars
That there is harldly space
Of black at all
And they fall all night
In bitter arcs
Such that there numbers
are no less.

>> No.21674972

thanks for watching

>> No.21674973

Not in this case. How can anyone accuse the book for having exaggerated absurd violence when there is evidence of it?

>> No.21675168

anyone got the DGBZ mcarthy copypasta?

>> No.21675211

>another anti bm thread

>> No.21675220

>McCarthy described his method of preparing to write as "awakening the demon within." A writer's "blood should be boiling over" when he writes. "I have some videos I watch for inspiration. The tears in the rain scene from Blade Runner, Vegeta's best powerups, that kind of thing."

>> No.21675224

BM is the face of this business here, brother. Top babyface and also a Top heel.

>> No.21675235


>> No.21675325

>Why did it build up to.. nothing?
Did you even read the book?

>> No.21675328
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>> No.21675706


>> No.21675761

Physics is an experimental science and mathematics is a branch of philosophy. There is no transition between, no midpoint. Just because they have a shared history in scholars and origin does not make them a spectrum conceptually or materially.

>> No.21675869

Didn't know what to expect.

>> No.21676997

Precisely everything that happens post-timeskip points to it.

>> No.21677017

Use your brain, retard.

>> No.21677228

that's your problem, you can't use your brain so you have to rely on retarded "fan theories" who can't hack it with their own writing so they have to hack up someone else's. here's how the book ends in plain fucking english for all of you barely literates.
>the judge tells the kid that dancing belongs to warriors
>really think about this for a second.
>the judge quotes shakespeare to tell the kid he might die tonight (what could he mean by this???)
>a DANCING bear gets shot (what could this bear represent???)
>a child goes missing in a place where there is a known child murderer (huh???)
>the book ends with the kid being pulled into an outhouse by a lunatic murderer and later the same outhouse is implied to have the remains of a body inside it
could this body be the kid's???

>> No.21677298

Who do you think was the unfazed man pissing by the jakes?

>> No.21677379

We are explicity told Fort Griffin is the greatest den for sin in Texas. "unfazed men" are not in short supply in this book if you hadn't noticed.

>> No.21677385


>> No.21677412

It's a braindead theory and you're a fucking dope for taking it seriously. How big do you think an outhouse is? The Judge is literally crouching to fit inside it but you retards really believe the girl is in there and he pulls a full grown man in there with him and together they rape and torture and brutalize a girl that's apparently stuffed in a shitter. It's retarded. You're retarded.

>> No.21677418

The Judge is a spiritual being.

>> No.21677424

His body is very real or he wouldn't make an umbrella to save himself from burning in the sun.

>> No.21677466

His body has not aged at all years later; he is not a physical being.

>> No.21677644

I believe McCorncob made it ambiguous on purpose so that midwits keep arguing about it generating free advertisement for the book

>> No.21677875

Give (one) example. You can't without grasping for straws.

>> No.21677891

Then why would people be disgusted looking into the jakes? If the kid is alive and the judge is alive then what disgusting thing is there, if not a body?

>> No.21677895

Yeah cus he is a mutant. This actually has evidence pointed towards in the book.

>> No.21677902

The little girl’s mutilated body, you dunce.

>> No.21677911

But they were still looking for her after that happened. So you are saying nobody even suspected that the mutilated body was the girl's?

>> No.21677919

Her body could have been in such a state that it's not easily recognizable, and the group of men may have been unaware she was missing.

>> No.21677944

Yes, that is more likely than the judge killing the kid, raping/killing the girl, and then dancing after. You've convinced me.