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21660161 No.21660161 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Mizoguchi hate beauty and why did he end up burning the temple?

>> No.21660179

Incel energy

>> No.21660192

Anyway OP here. I actually finished this book months ago but it's still on my mind. I think what Mishima was getting at was how terrible beauty is. It didn't make sense to me back when I read it because I couldn't comprehend why beauty could be so brutal. It's like seeing an incredibly beautiful girl and suddenly all other girls pale in comparison. I think this painful feeling is multiplied 10 fold in the book, Mizoguchi sees the one thing he thinks is the most beautiful thing in existence (the temple) and all of a sudden he turns into a small ugly bug in comparison. Beauty's terrible it's always above you. Nothing's beautiful without you degrading yourself in someway. You degrade yourself to appreciate a beautiful sunset, or a starry night sky, otherwise they would just be plain images. And when you're beautiful yourself, it's always fleeting. One day you're body will rot and beauty will escape you, which is something that was obviously in Mishima's hind.

>> No.21660217

I don't know if that's the reason or the explanation but that's a very good take OP. I read that novel last year and in the end I was also left confused but thought that well you know...cultural barrier.
But you're approach gives it a lot of sense.

>> No.21660228

Sequel to #1 NYT bestseller The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

>> No.21660262

How can you read the book and not have at least some ideas about that?

>> No.21660404

I wish Mizoguchi (Literally me) killed himself, why didn't he kill himself?

>> No.21660775

he saw a beauty so perfect and obviously superior to anything secular in his life that it began to consume him and made it difficult to live normally, he was smoking a cigarette and just relaxing after he burnt the temple down IRC, which implies he's finally able to move on. This whole character arc is very reflective of Mishima as a person.