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File: 65 KB, 639x639, inequality_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21636984 No.21636984 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more metaphysically complex and relevant topic. You can't.

>> No.21637026

Meaning of life

It's so trivial that it is relevant for everyone and it's so complex, that no one has a sufficient answer to it.

>> No.21637028

It's not complex at all.

>> No.21637029

>that time when hume asked if sticking a piece of metal in your arm created the pain or if it was just a wacky correlation

>> No.21637034


>> No.21637041

What if I told you that's exactly where you are wrong?
Visit the zoo

>> No.21637048

a society that encourages lying

>> No.21637049

He's not wrong, pain can't be objectively proven to exist.

>> No.21637050
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This may become more relevant when AI gets better and we really won't be able to distinguish what's real or not.

>> No.21637053

Nothing is equal to anything else, that's where the distinction between the things comes from. Where's the complexity?

>> No.21637055

>Visit the zoo
Then you should visit a gender studies course or hook up with feminists

>> No.21637058

It becomes far easier to understand when yoh realize the black dug the hole himself and refuses to take responsibility for jumping in. The woman got tired before she could make a bigger mound and the white male took dirt nobody was using, fashioned a mound and was able to be comfortable.

You absolute fucking mong.

>> No.21637060

Why is the guy on the pile of manure masturbating?
This is complex

>> No.21637063
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When I was a kid I kill women in RPGs, undress them and masturbate to them

>> No.21637064

Baseball is pretty complex but it’s not cricket. You need to start reading 5 day test match Heidegger.

>> No.21637066

That's normal anon, nothing unequal about it

>> No.21637069

Computers were a mistake. Why are you still here?

>> No.21637081

Things are different because they are chemically and physically different. Can you say the same thing about people? Why, then, do twins experience different outcomes?
Why does the black refuse to take responsibility? Why did the woman get tired?

>> No.21637114 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 615x417, apz6lJwY_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does the black refuse to take responsibility?
Sub 85 mean IQ, he can not conceptualize responsibility. All his mind is able to understand is i do not have something that somebody else does, what is the most direct path to me getting it? Literal animals.

Why did the woman get tired?
Because they lack the stamina, strength and endurance of men. Strangely enough they have higher tolerancr for physical pain.

>> No.21637120

>Why, then, do twins experience different outcomes?
Because they're physically different, two different people with common genetic instructions. Inequality is not complex if you already accept the rules of physics. If you go beyond physics and talk about how unity became something with apparent distinctions the subject is much wider than inequality. You're discussing the nature of God while reducing it to dumb temporal shit.

>> No.21637128

Why do blacks have lower iq? Why are they so jealous of successful people? Why are women weaker than men?

>> No.21637136

Meaning comes from goals, which come from preferences. Life is the sum of various actions taken to satisfy some preference. There isn’t a single meaning unless you want to generalize by saying the meaning is to live with meaningful actions, or to live in such a way that you maximize your ability to achieve whatever goals you may have. To put it more simply: to be as powerful as possible.

>> No.21637148

> Because they're physically different,
Legitimately they aren't so this clearly isn't related to physics.
> how unity became something with apparent distinctions
Kind of. I just find that inequality, of people, the differences in relative success, is the most practically, the most empirical use of this school, because what else can you use it on? Aliens?

>> No.21637166 [DELETED] 
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Biology, a higher IQ was not an advantage when the mean age of death was, and still is in black countries, barely 40. What was a biological advantage was to run fast or jump slightly better than average.

Same with women, men did not need or want physically strong women. They wanted beauty, empathy and proto-typical female attributes to father children with. Pleasing fat distribution, wide hips and other physical indicators of fertility. Physic strength, endurance and aggression are not included here.


>> No.21637172

This is why I support Russia.

>> No.21637232

>they aren't
You're braindead. Two cups manufactured using the same instructions still have physical distinctions. Even if you could make exactly identical cups their location in space is still distinct.
>inequality, of people
Has no special significance.
>what else can you use it on?

>> No.21637251 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, 1667930861096298m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking idiot then, that woman is in no way indicitive of the average Russian woman. Under Russian leadership that beautiful creature will be unable to survive much longer. They are a judaized people, a dumb golem to be wielded in tandem to the American Shabbos-Goy. There is only one path for Europe to preserve beauty and art, blood and soil.

>> No.21637259

>Can you say the same thing about people? Why, then, do twins experience different outcomes?

They do not, overwhelmingly twins, seperated at birth experience very similar life paths. From drug abuse, values right down to career choices. If one is a teacher, one is very likely to be a teacher as well. This does not happen when raised together but only when raised without knowledge of the other.

>> No.21637278

> wo cups manufactured using the same instructions still have physical distinctions.
Glass manufactured under the same instructions are literally identical. So you say the twins expect different outcomes because of their different locations in space. Ok, so you say that location is the main cause of inequality. How, then, does space influence a thing? The twins breathe the same air, and they have the possibility to eat the same things, given that they live in the same household. This has become a topic of making the right choices in a given time. The whole thing turned suddenly into a competition. Is life a competition? Does everyone compete for the same things? See how complex this is? The twins can compete about different things - one in sports, the other in academics. However - are the goals, metaphyisically speaking, in two different competitions, aimed at the same thing? If the sporting twin aims for glory and victory, the other one for money, why do they aim at different things while being composed of the same matter physically?

>> No.21637328

>There is only one path for Europe to preserve beauty and art, blood and soil.
LARPing as a nazi on a literature board?

>> No.21637370

Only in super cute socks.

>> No.21637389
File: 5 KB, 249x250, 1675585207642090s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a fucking idiot then, that woman is in no way indicitive of the average Russian woman. Under Russian leadership that beautiful creature will be unable to survive much longer. They are a judaized people, a dumb golem to be wielded in tandem to the American Shabbos-Goy. There is only one path for Europe to preserve beauty and art, blood and soil.

>> No.21637401

>it's everyone else's fault black people are useless

>> No.21637405

>See how complex this is?
It's not, you're just retarded. Watch Jurassic Park I guess.

>> No.21637408

>Why do blacks have lower iq?
Now here, the funny part. They were privileged geographically. They just didn't have to be that smart to survive. They mostly had to be violent, which they're very good at.

>> No.21637426

> ad hominem

>> No.21637458
File: 204 KB, 1024x691, 1656214620385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is objectively the correct take anon. Rape, abortion, drug abuse, violence, murder, prostituion and more are all that await anybody that falls under their purview. The military has a terrible, terrible problem with gay-rape, the dreaded reign of the grandfathers. This began when Stalin offered the gulag inmates freedom if they fought in the war, only he betrayed them. They are the lowest people in the entire northern hemisphere. You honestly think beauty can thrive in such a nation?

The correct position is neither, but a third option that puts Europeans and their nations first.

>> No.21637485

genetic fate is real no matter how high pitched you squeal
I'm never going to be a pro basketball player but there are things I do better than most people I know.
Genetics is a kind of destiny and that's not changing until gene editing becomes a thing.

>> No.21637530

What is complex about things with different starting positions ending up in different places? It's basic physics. It becomes complex when there are many factors due to number of factors not because the rules of physics are complex, they're very simple. The origin of the rules is a complex subject but categorizing that subject as "inequality" is braindead.

>> No.21637532

it's not 'inequality' anymore, its 'inequity', which means 'equal outcome'.
they changed the script

>> No.21637573

Right. The question that you cannot answer, however, is why one aims for glory and the other one for money. Ontologically, does this make sense? If the laws of the universe are unicord, and all beings are under these laws, then one wanting one thing and the other something else, then the laws of the universe do virtually not exist.

>> No.21637574

They really want whites removed. They do not care about anything else, equity and equality is just a weapon to this end

>> No.21637588

Equality is a fundamentally egotistical value.

>> No.21637594

>why one aims for glory and the other one for money
Same as the droplets. One went right and another went left, because of the million factors involved.
>If the laws of the universe are unicord, and all beings are under these laws, then one wanting one thing and the other something else, then the laws of the universe do virtually not exist.
See, this is just plainly retarded. You just confused yourself about basic physics based on some political horseshit you decided must be really important.

>> No.21637630

> million factors involved.
The factors do not exist. Is will also influenced by these factors? Are things just robots acting to themselves? I say that autonomous entities exist in the universe. People are one such autonomous entity, otherwise they wouldn't have driving factors, just environmental responses. And the autonomous entities act without accordance to the laws of physics, wich they only rely upon when handling such physical objects.
> based on some political horseshit you decided must be really important.
Ah, so inequality doesn't exist and every discussion on it is inherently biased. Why not discuss about it like biologists study a group of plants?

>> No.21637656
File: 213 KB, 1016x1024, 1638801745685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21637666

>Why not discuss about it like biologists study a group of plants?
That's what I'm doing. If you clone a plant the clone will have differences from the original because of all the million other factors.
Material things are still there, physics still predicts reliably what a ball/drop will do in macro. The ball will trend toward the ground but the million other factors will enter into it, wind, obstacles etc.
Separated twin A was the greatest basketball player in history.
Separated twin B never even heard about basketball.
What's not to get? It's already been mentioned that when they grow up together they tend to try to avoid occupying the same "space", this is yet another of the million factors involved.

>> No.21637678

Why does he play basketball

>> No.21637688

that's why it's so important.

>> No.21637696

Please just stop being so braindead. A million factors including having been exposed to it at all and the biological predisposition to liking basketball he shares with his twin.

>> No.21637725

As always, you refuse to explain the cause of things and refer to a fictitious chain of events. However some activities lead to more success than others. You can do something great, but what decides upon wether it will be successful? Does it change frequently or is it always the same? It implies that people can feel good about things themselves without those things leading to as much success as others. Ultimately, the word success has no definition. The success and failure of things is beyond the things themselves. Certainty of outcome does not exist, therefore the laws of the universe, as I explained before, do legitimately not exist.

>> No.21637817

>Certainty of outcome does not exist
I observe reproducibility. If you can't reproduce a physical event you didn't account for some factors.
>what decides upon wether it will be successful?
Depends on the specifics. Every time we get specific your question disappears. Twin B simply never knew about basketball so he never became a successful player.
>free will
What we can describe using physics, the physical organism can't have free will but even saying that doesn't actually disprove free will since the fundamental experience of making a choice is not physical. It's still irrelevant to your questions of why something happened since why questions need causality. I can only answer them within the causal context given by physics as in B was never introduced to basketball. The physical organism couldn't will itself to have been exposed to basketball.

>> No.21637864

The most successful basket ball players are said to be the ones who practice the most because basketball is reproductible. The players agree upon the rules and play. They make rules because otherwise the game wouldn't be fair wich means other factors would come into play like for example gross physical strength. Gross physical strength therefore cannot be reproduced, it is either given or not given. But this is only true in the metacontext of the game. Essentially it is made up. Nothing exists.

>> No.21637879

>The most successful basket ball players are said to be the ones who practice the most because basketball is reproductible
No they aren't
> other factors would come into play like for example gross physical strength
It does come into play
>Gross physical strength therefore cannot be reproduced, it is either given or not given.
What is weight lifting
I don't even know what you two are arguing about btw

>> No.21637900

Biological predisposition is an obvious major factor. A human is much more likely to be a successful basketball player than a Zebra.
>this is only true in the metacontext of the game. Essentially it is made up. Nothing exists.
The rules that allow contexts exist so everything they're used to build does to some degree. Unicorns exist in a way despite having little relevance to humans and not having manifestations in the physical context.

>> No.21637921

It's impossible to create anything without context, without a given pre-supposition (that is entirely made up) not even in mind. The past exist.

>> No.21637972

Hedonist retard. I'm not even religious but this is why atheism was a mistake.

>> No.21637976

The shortest route touching three given points on a plane forms a triangle. The context of a flat plane is arbitrary but the rules and the emergent structures in the given context are not.
Logical structures need axioms but not everything is a logical structure, like whatever produced these rules of logic. Some structures are objectively logically coherent and others are not, it's not based on your imagination. The rules do exist and everything else is built on those rules.

>> No.21637999

"To be powerful" is much better than the standard hedonist answer that it's about seeking pleasure. Seeking power motivates scholarship including the kind that lead to the Bible and gives us the power to explore and express meaning.

>> No.21638000

Assuming you are right there are rules in the universe that have not been applied yet. Fascinating. Good night.

>> No.21638115

I very specifically remember a video game called "smackdown vs raw 2007" And in that game there was a character called "The boogeyman". Where after you win a match as him it would play a scene where he force feeds his opponent worms... Needless to say I did this to every female in the game.

I was probably 8 or 9 years old...

>> No.21638121

For reference;

>> No.21638915



Here, Boys. Read This, Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.

Intelligent - He's a Genius, I get it.
Mid-Wit - This is really something, I feel pretty confused by he's really got something goin'.
Retard - Is this Even English


Here Boys, Have a Commentary & Guide

Intelligent - Yeah, that's how I thought it to be. Nothing new here.
Mid-wit - Now I get it, he's a Genius.
Retard - Why Torture me, I bet my Life's Fine without this crap.

>> No.21638981

It's not African peoples' fault that they have genes that cause lower IQ and impulse control than other races. It is the European race's duty to feed and care for them until the end of time.

>> No.21639654

Most should be sterilised, and the excellent ones selectively bred. It's unethical to continue lineages of sub-90 IQ humans, because they are still thinking creatures like us, and there is no worse fate to a thinking creature than to be bad at it.

>> No.21640023

>genes that cause lower IQ and impulse control
You can go back to /pol/. IQ is highly more correlated to the quality of the education you received than race. There is no study on impulse control vs races. So leave and never comeback

>> No.21640089

Do you mean to say that schools that are majority White and/or Asian (ie quality schools) have higher IQ students? Shocking!

Your insinuation totally denigrates educators of color who work hard to educate black and brown students in their own communities. Just because the students are low IQ doesn't mean they aren't entitled to a quality education that gets them to the level they are capable of.

>> No.21640091

Why didn't they buy tickets? Are they all illegally wacthing the game?

>> No.21640143

>dig yourself into hole
>refuse to do anything that could get you out of hole
>bitch and whine about how everybody else has it better than you

>> No.21641703

>"Look at this crazy guy with his complex arguments, everyone knows that when you have the argument is really simple and can be summed up in a catchphrase that makes it right."
Do you also believe all men are evil?

>> No.21641759
File: 31 KB, 640x415, pol-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All men have the capacity for true evil, most women do not. They have a capacity for spite, this is also true for most minorities. They are capable of cruelty and malice, but not evil. They all lack the sophistication to understand evil thus are precluded from enacting it. A good exception to this are jews, whom are capable of the most henious evils, even going by the Christian creed, they killed their own messiah, believing he was the son of God. Not counting what they inflict on people now.

>> No.21641779

This is retarded.

>> No.21642151

Fucking kek, proving Freud right. And how is your little worm these days?

>> No.21642229

ambition, spirit, anxiety, faith, faithfulness, fate, determination,
nobility, vulgarity, drunkenness, debauchery, humor, wit, beauty,
elegance, grace, love, eros, lust, revenge, remorse, resentment,
evil, charity, magic, judgment, nature, interconnectedness,
heaven, hell, war, imprisonment, treason, deceit, manipulation,
sin, error, philosophy, dreams, shallows, depth, childhood,
modesty, pride, honor, intelligence, bravery, courage, cowardice,
man, woman, androgyne, nostalgia, family, severance, coupling,
friendship, night, day, piety, falsehood, heroism, sacrifice,
guidance, becoming, departure, reunion, flight, fear, strength,
ugliness, manner, form, upkeep, constancy, contempt, intent,
fatherhood, motherhood, siblings, grandfathers, grandmothers,
cousins, forgotten relations, blasphemy, secrecy, honesty, truth,
realism, idealism, foundation, acting, directing, thinking,
speaking, seeing, (feeling, experiencing, understanding), reason,
sense, sensation, sensitivity, sensibility, song, solitude,
camaraderie, psychology, botany, zoology, entomology,
forgiveness, idleness, idolatry, precision, history, eternity,
language, absence, Greece, Rome, England, Europe, Earth,
planets, air, fire, wind, water, bark, rock, dust, branch, horizon,
stars, space, time, aesthetics, amphibians, amphiboly, allegory,
anarchy, argument, asceticism, association, attraction, avarice,
Bacchus, bankruptcy, bastards, beards, bedrooms, bees,
Beethoven, belief, the Bible, birds, bigotry, blackness, Boccaccio,
the body, books, boredom, braggarts, brilliance, brutality,
buffoonery, butterflies, cannibalism, the castle, castration,
Catholicism, causality, celibacy, centaurs, chains, change,
character, charlatanism, charm, chemistry, chimeras, circles,
civilization, clay, clothing, clouds, clowns, coexistence, cohesion,
color, comedy, company, composure, compulsion, condition,
conduct, conquerors, conscience, consciousness, consensus,
consequence, consolation, constitution, contemplation,
contentment, contradiction, conversion, conviction, Copernicus,
cosmology, the court, the courtyard, crabs, craziness, crowns,
cruelty, crystals, cunning, cupidity, curiosity, cynicism, Dante, death, debt, deduction, deliberation, delirium, delusion,
Democritus, demons, depravity, design, desire, despair,
despotism, destruction, devils, dialogue, digestion, dignity,
disappointment, discovery, discretion, disdain, disease,
dissatisfaction, dissimulation, dissonance, distinction, distraction,
doctors, dogmatism, dogs, doors, dross, Dryden, duration, duty,
dynamics, ego, Egypt, elasticity, elective affinity, electricity,
elephants, emblems, emotions, empiricism, envy, Epicurus,
epidemic, epilepsy, equilibrium, equivocation, erudition, the
ether, ethics, Euripides, example, fall, fame, fancy, fanaticism,
fatigue, fencing, flowers, foolishness, the forest, forgetfulness,
France, freedom…

>> No.21642237

This. Even if we hypothetically somehow become completely omniscient as a species, this question will never be answered, and will always be shrouded in mystery and supposition.

>> No.21642456

Everything you wrote is completely wrong.

>> No.21642574

He probably thinks the reason prisons are grossly disproportionately full of men is because of biased policing.

>> No.21642994

Nobody seems to ever talk about this. I wonder why