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21625558 No.21625558 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on the Book of Mormon

>> No.21625564


>> No.21625565

America’s Iliad

>> No.21625569
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how anyone manages to be a mormon today perplexes me

>> No.21625583

Some people just happen to be white.

>> No.21625741


>> No.21625748

I disagree with their theology and practices, I applaud the morals and family structure that a lay practitioner tries to develop

>> No.21626059

You got a problem with reincarnation? I think what the Mormons did was pretty slick. It's probably for the best about the polygamy.

>> No.21626062
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It's based and correct.

>> No.21626098

A decent musical.

>> No.21626103

Pretty dry read and the climax of Jesus coming to America is pretty boring other than Jesus keeps going up and down between heaven and Earth when he isn't telling his sermons from the NT again

>> No.21626295

>I applaud the morals
You must be joking.

>> No.21626391

t. leftist

>> No.21626498
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>> No.21626513

Before I dismiss you as a retard, I would like to hear out your point of view and what irks you about their morals

>> No.21626526

Just like all religions, it's totally made up.

>> No.21626550

>watching true crime slop on youtube
>it's yet another mormon episode because when they actually do commit crimes they like to do it with a bang
>police start talking recently made up angels or some other insane lore with completely straight faces

they truly do seem to live in another world.

>> No.21626735

Grew up Mormon.

> Ancient jews build a submarine and go to America. They multiply and form different clans and start fighting. Some are good jew-native-americans and some are not. Jesus shows up? Somebody sins and they become barbarians?

Something like that. Anyways you'd get all the same ideas from the old testament. But the old testament has Job and Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon, so offers a lot more than the "love god and you'll murder all your enemies" ideology.

>> No.21626996


>> No.21627070

>their morals
They don't have any.

>> No.21628234

It's a fanfiction used to get women to let you have more than one wife.

>> No.21628457

NTA but they base their morals on their canon of Bible fanfics plus whatever the current "prophet" says is right, meaning their morals are ultimately based on nothing at all. Usually once they discover stuff like Joseph Smith's polygamy with underage wives or blood tokens or the hundred billion dollar slush fund and currently unknown amount of value in property the church holds, they lose trust in the church leadership and scriptural canon and decide to become secular hedonists. They may hold good values for a time, but everything is so bound up in their system, which in turn is founded on bald-faced lies, that removing any one piece sends it all crashing down.
t. born and raised mormon, family in the church since the pioneer days, parents got married in the SLC temple

>> No.21628510

That's a masterwork! The most any author could ever hope for!

Anon, expecting your faith to hold together for reasons is so boomer, it's the current year! I follow a CAMP philosophy. That's an acronym, postmodern Christian anarchist.

>> No.21628525

that grifter joseph smith made up his cult and tried to dress it up as Christianity for some credibility.
i pity the people indoctrinated into it.

>> No.21628526

If you try and leave they cut you off from your family and shame/shun you, it's a legit cult and people are born into it

>> No.21628530


>morals and family structure

Kidnapping child brides in the Utah desert?

>> No.21628566

its a massive scam. the Scientologists of the 19th century.
Absolutely batshit crazy.

>> No.21628567

That Andrew Garfield true crime series about mormons gives a lot of context about their faith and history.

>> No.21628609
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so uh. after jesus rose from the dead he travelled to america with his most devout followers. before they died out they wrote "the book of mormon" in gold plates and buried them in new york.
Some guy called joseph smith was visited by angels in the 19th century who directed him to these golden plates (he totally didn't make this shit up)........They eventually ended up in Utah.

its incredibly stupid and I refuse to believe that anyone, including mormon's, actually, truthfully believe in it.

>> No.21628648

the plates also conveniently disappeared because the angel told him to bury them again.

it's the usual cult.
it's hard to get through the indoctrination to show them that.

>> No.21628684

That's not even the weirdest part. It barely even registers compared to the magic underwear, the star named Kolob that God lives in, the fact that you can't get into heaven unless you're married and you paid enough money to the church during your life, the secret handshakes you can identify angels with (Sure Sign of the Nail), the made-up "Adamic" language, the secret temple initiation ceremony where temple workers act out the Genesis story like a play and you put on a funny robe with nothing underneath and someone rubs oil on your no-no square and then you put on a green apron and a chef's hat and symbolically swear to slit your throat, pull your heart out, and disembowel yourself if you reveal what you just saw, the even more secret ceremony for high-level members in which they're promised free tickets to Super Mormon Heaven and to rule over the goyim in the afterlife regardless of any sins they commit short of murder (second annointing/calling and election made sure), the magic rituals and practices of Joseph Smith (Jupiter medallion, Holiness to the Lord manuscript), the additional book of scripture "translated" from a papyrus book which later turned out to say something completely different, the magic hat and rock used to translate the Gold Plates, the angel that supposedly forced Smith to marry a 14 year old at swordpoint, the doctrine that God was once a faithful mortal Mormon man and he created mankind through literal sex with one of his wives, etc.

>> No.21628696

The Book of Mormon actually doesn't allow polygamy. Joseph brought that in later with the Doctrine & Covenant where he claimed God told him the Mormons needed to breed.

>> No.21628734

Their theology makes more sense than any other abrahamic branch. Basically everyone will go to some spirit realm after death where they will be taught about christ and have the chance to accept him and go to heaven.

>> No.21628749

What's there to redpill? It's just another religious book.

>> No.21628782
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>> No.21628791

I mean have you read any other religion's mythology? They're all pretty wacky, from African vodun to Japanese kami to the old parts of the bible or even some of the Jesus parts. I'd be more concerned about results. Mormons are trying to recruit with South Americans. If they can turn one of those countries into not a narcostate then their religion is impressive.

>> No.21628792

>Their theology makes more sense than any other abrahamic branch
no. no it doesn't. you're very wrong

>> No.21628808

you're incredibly naive and an arbitrary contrarian.

>> No.21628877

Do you have anything specific to say or just going to keep pulling insults out of a hat?

>> No.21628900

don't pretend that you had any substantive points to be made or any integrity. "is good becoz muh family values and it will cure narcostates." poppycock!
Respect is earned. I do not suffer fools gladly. The entire venture of Mormonism is based on lies and ignorance and feeds off the stupidity of its adherents.
good day sir.

>> No.21629022

>good day sir
Fat guy in a trilby.pic

So respect is it? Then Utah deserves a measure of respect for being one of the better states especially as it's also a desert wasteland.

All religions have some parts of crazy junk to exploit other humans. Whether the leadership uses them or not is quite important. Name a religion that doesn't.

>> No.21629038

>ackshually all things are X when you think about it
You aren't interested in discussion you're interested in validation

>> No.21629059

Stop projecting, you don't seem capable of discussion. Name a religion not useful for exploiting the flock. Also stop talking like a ponce.

>> No.21629098

Modern Mormons have the healthiest family structure and morals out of any religion or belief. There are huge amounts of Mormons in southern California, where I live, and I see it daily. Family is a huge priority.

In the past they were kinda fucked, now it seems they modernized to keep their religion alive

That being said, I agree that the actual religion of Mormonism is obviously just schizophrenic ramblings of a random motherfucker that died a few centuries ago. The plates also have been proven fake. In fact, all of it has been proven fake. People hated Mormons in the 1800s (which is why they fled from state to state, eventually stopping in Utah), and it has been viewed as a cult up until fairly recently.

>> No.21629105

You guys might be interested in The Expanse. It is a space opera where mormonism is pretty much the only religion that kept growing strong and they commission the biggest spaceship mankind has ever made so they can go into a crazy journey and colonize another solar system. One of the main characters ends up hijacking it and the entire thing becomes an outpost for anarchist ex-space pirates.
Redpill me on the magic underwear.

>> No.21629114

>Modern Mormons have the healthiest family structure and morals out of any religion or belief.
I thought the Amish mogged everyone on that aspect.
>t. Non-american

>> No.21629139

Also the original Battlestar Galactica was created by a Mormon and is basically Mormons in space.

>> No.21629161

The Amish have a high fertility rate and communal socialization level up until they hit a certain population level, at which point they collapse and start trying to integrate into English society. Whether their family structure and morals are HEALTHY is another question, as they are incredibly strict Calvinists who adhere to a rigid code of pacifism.

>> No.21629179

I mean theoretically yea, but everything sounds better in theory. The real test is whether or not it works in practice. From my personal experience in a large Mormon community pretty much every Mormon family has a healthy family structure and actually practices what is preached to them, unlike most other church-goers today.
Mormons have reported 6 million members, while the Amish have like 400k, and obviously the Amish keep to themselves, so I really can't compare the two systems and how they work in real life. They might have better morals, but Mormons still are the best just in the pool of different belief systems I've seen and interacted with.

>> No.21629185

What? When did they start integrating? Are you from the future?

>> No.21629194
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There are 16.5 million people who identify as mormon. If that doesn't make you lose faith in humanity, nothing will.

>> No.21629200

They always have been? That's the entire point of Rumspringa.

Above a certain population level they can no longer support their parasitic lifestyle, and it becomes increasingly incentivized to integrate children into English society (because they can transition the huge amounts of liquidity and capital that the Amish can levy into English industries). Up until very recently, however, they'd never been able to get their population high enough to trigger this sort of thing because human populations grow slowly.

The reason that Rumspringa has such low integration rates is that they just drop them off at a corner in the middle of nowhere and leave them. They don't actually give them any ability to integrate into English society. But, the sons of wealthy farmers with millions in liquidity sloshing around can absolutely integrate into English society, and they do. They run machine shops, breweries, various higher-end agricultural processing facilities, etc. They basically buy their way into the Middle Class.

>> No.21629223

A lot of things about your post are confusing to me. The are wealthy from farming, but this is parasitic? They have really low integration rates on purpose but want the kids to integrate so they can, I'm not really sure, be regular middle class whites again?

>> No.21629711

Literally irrelevant.

>> No.21629755

Mormonism lore is pretty fucking dumb to believe as a religion, but it's also so entertaining to read about just from a worldbuilding and fantasy perspective
This shit is some top-tier genre entertainment.

>> No.21629906

I wonder if some of the things Smith wrote weren’t made just to take the piss out of his followers and see how far he could go and still make them believe it. The secret angelic handshake and the retcon so he could marry more women are the most “I can say whatever I want to these fools” for me.

>> No.21630599

There are 16.5 million members on record. It's important to distinguish that from the amount of active members, which is estimated to be around 3 to 4 million. Activity rate abroad has been falling, despite efforts by the church to make it appear otherwise, and activity rate in the US has followed in the post-coof era. Wards are reorganizing or disappearing entirely, the church had to lower the number of callings per ward so smaller wards could survive, and the yearly growth rate of the church has fallen into the sub one percents, just barely above the birth rate of the church.
Mormons claim to be the fastest growing faith on the planet, but that hasn't been true since the 80s. Today they're trying very hard to make it seem like everything is fine while struggling to find ways to prevent a looming membership collapse.

>> No.21630765

like any great cult

>> No.21630869

its still seen as a cult, my mother (catholic) refused to let me go to the mormon kids house in the 2000's. And most of the mormons at school were fucking weirdos. only people who dont talk to them think they are normal people.