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21620648 No.21620648 [Reply] [Original]

Books for someone who has given up on life?

>> No.21620655

no thanks, i don't want any books right now

>> No.21620698

Dragon Ball Z

>> No.21620705

The Bible. Seriously, seek Jesus.

>> No.21620713

Hi, I'm Jesus. Seek me.

>> No.21620738


>> No.21620805

Do it, bitch.

>> No.21620849

I would focus on getting to know more about the world, maybe read psychology like Steven Pinker, Maps of Meaning if you're into mythology

This too

>> No.21620888

Persuasion by Austen, Emily Dickinson

>> No.21620900

Jesus, wtf!?

>> No.21620910

Escapism as much as possible, so probably some fantasy series like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings etc.

>> No.21620919

You're ready for a new purpose. It's time to read The Turner Diaries.

>> No.21621020

The Bible, The Cloud of Unknowing, Dostoevsky, Huysmans, Pessoa, Beckett, Houellebecq

>> No.21621049

Never let me go, Kazuo Ishiguro

Maybe the doomed lives of other can help you appreciate your own.

>> No.21621061

Honestly going full Buddhist is starting to sound appealing. Just fucking meditate and read scripture all day. Sounds based. It’s either that or I’m gonna make a real effort to get off grid and live off the land.

>> No.21621366
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This is always terrible advice. And is little more than virtue signalling.

Books can't really do what you are asking anon, there is no book that you will read and simply turn your life around. There must be a will to change and a yearning for something first, then you may read a book and find something completely alter your world-view. If you are truly as you present yourself we can have a back and forth here, see if there is something we can find to improve the life you have made.

>> No.21621389

>And is little more than virtue signalling.
correct and based

>> No.21621423

>t. satanic sun worshipper

>> No.21621429

at least the Sun is a pure creation from God, you're not going to get very far by fighting the sunfags when there are billions of moloch worshippers busy day and night tossing infants into the furnace.

>> No.21621433

I think our lives are doomed enough

We have the worst lives out of anyone to exist

>> No.21621441
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The Lightning and the Sun. Hang in there anon, you are not alone. Great things await us

>> No.21621444
File: 31 KB, 640x415, natsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is satanic about basing your world-view and your morality around blood and soil anon? It is the only means by which you can navigate this world now and the only path towards the society many of us want. Christianity has failed us all and lasted less than a half a century when confronted with a multi-ethnic society, it can provide us with suitable morality to deal with the problems we face. All it can do is promise us pleasure in the afterlife, it offers us nothing but cope in the material world.

>> No.21621455

i'm not joining your little nazi cult. but keep talking to let people know what you all are about

>> No.21621464

>i'm not joining your little nazi cult
you're not going to find any other source of meaning, they've all been carefully deconstructed. enjoy oblivion i guess.

>> No.21621471

What blood and soil. Americans don't have any and Euros aren't much better

>> No.21621500

Savitri doesn't just talk about Hitler ffs there's also Genghis Khan, king Tut, and some other world leader in there. You could always read the military package funding your fellow kikes send to Ukraine.

>> No.21621503

What is so important about race? I always see you avatar gagging with this guy.

>> No.21621505

never give up

>> No.21621507

trust your instincts

>> No.21621543

Only if he is asking for fiction

>> No.21621548
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They are in possession of the most desirable blood and the most coveted land in the whole of the world. The last one hundred years have displayed this admirably.

>> No.21621552

>the most desirable blood
If this is the case, wouldn't this be a case for multiculturalism?

>> No.21621588

Is this one of the Vandal twins? What happened to the war room podcast???

>> No.21621608
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I'm assuming you mean to spread this blood and increase the ability of those in possession of it by the often cited diversity argument? If you possess even a rudimentary knowledge of animal husbandry you absolutely destroy any pedigree by breeding it with less than equal ability. This is true in every single field of heritability, from plants to fruits to animals, to us.

Take dog breeds for example, there is a reason Border Collies are often excluded from many national level dog trials or included in their own separate competition because of the nature of their abilities. To breed the entire stock of this dog with other less capable but more populous dogs will ruin the abilities within a couple of generations of the Border Collie. This is because the likelihood of passing on the desirable traits, high intelligence, herd instinct, high energy levels and stamina, low aggression but high confidence, all of these would be destroyed by the introduction of a breed who does not possess them. That is why the seed from incredible pedigree animals, beef breeds, dog breeds, horse breeds is sold for incredible amounts of money, some of the highest value items per ounce in the world.

So no, it is an argument for multiculturalism. It is the strongest argument against one.

>> No.21621611

I'm glad you said this. Not everyone understands this when seeking to pro create

>> No.21621614

I was just quoting you though. You were praising America's blood.

>> No.21621630


>> No.21621631

European Americans, nobody else. Nobody is worried about moving to a city that is majority white, everybody has reservations about moving in to one that is minority white.

>> No.21621637

Meditations on the Tarot by Valentin Tomberg

>> No.21621655

I would have no reservation about living in a majority Asian US city.

>> No.21621665

You want to be the only one paying taxes?

>> No.21621668
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Then you are willfully blind, for a woman and a young girl it can be one of the most harrowing experiences you can subject her to. Unless you mean those rare Asians that are of light skin, Japanese for instance? I can only assume you do not mean Indian, Pakistani, Bengali or any of those other turd-obbessed child-rapers.

Skin color is directly tied with safety in the public space. Light skin color is directly parallel to safety.

>> No.21621672

Plenty of white people, especially well off ones tax evade.

>> No.21621678

At least we've broken down the light skinned Asain barrier. You are becoming quite tolerant these days.

>> No.21621816

What makes you think that?

>> No.21621818

>and the most coveted land
Couldn't that change at the drop of a hat from one war? I fail to see how that's deeply linked to race

>> No.21621883

>getting to know more about the world
recommendations on this?

>> No.21622051

soulcraft by plotkin

>> No.21622188

Man's Search for Meaning-Frankel
The Undiscovered Self- Jung

>> No.21622248

Tibetan book of life and death, Siddhartha by Hesse, Dostoyevski, maybe something like folklore fr your side of the world or any culture you're interested in. I was reading some mythology from Mesopotamia, really interesting.

>> No.21622256

The funniest replies

>> No.21622454

Listen to Tool and start taking steroids and lifting weights

>> No.21622457

Taxation is slavery. Avoiding it is just being a crafty field nigger instead of a bootlicking housenigger.

>> No.21622625

Unfortunately I have learned a bit more about the world than you, and I can thus more confidently declare objectively always slightly more true than you that there is no more meaning to be found by learning and observing. Meaning is just a feeling produced a few neurotransmitters, especially reverent meaning (nature, religion, etc.).

>> No.21622637

Notice how this creature does not depend on his own words, and at once changes his position to one opposite what he has previously stated when confronted with worldview destroying contradictions in his own terms.

Never believe that these creatures are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

>> No.21622672

>We have the worst lives out of anyone to exist
We intentionally came back for the grand finale anon.

>> No.21622774

>>Books for someone who has given up on life?
>The Bible
wonderful... as if the universe conspired it herself

>> No.21622781
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No, consuming product is slavery. Big business has successfully convinced you that the natural state or your enviroment should be like that of an African boom town with piles of garbage burning in the street, roads if compacted earth and everybody trying to make a profit off everybody else while the real profiteers, like Schwab and Gates buy up everything around you.

God I hate Libertarians more than anything, you are all such fucking idiots. Taxation is theft is the same as blm saying silence is violence, you're all a bane to progress.

>> No.21622820


>> No.21622824

So this is the power of public education.

>> No.21622832

shiggy diggy

>> No.21622880

although going outside, sitting still and praying is better

>> No.21622882

What specifically did I say that was wrong and why is it so? Ad-hominen is all you anarcho-kiddie-fiddlers have to argue with.

Progress in what? Globalization and the selling of your natural resources to private companies and foreign countries? You are losing the mechanisms with which to feed yourself. The only reason it did not happen earlier is because nobody realized it could be profitable nor did anybody have the resourced to accomplish it.

>> No.21622892

Literally everything. Everything you believe is objectively wrong.

>> No.21622897

Jfc you are the most annoying poster on this board with your half baked opinions and horrible English. Get offline

>> No.21622913

ESL samefag creep

>> No.21622915
File: 97 KB, 1284x624, 2060148459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Home ownweship, down
>Family size, down
>Test levels, down
>Social trust, down
>Health, down
>Education, down
>Wages, down

>> No.21622953

Pretty niche idea of progress lol
>>Test levels, down
>>Social trust, down
By what metric? Media brainwashing post 2016 isn't a good thermometer of how things really are
>>Health, down
By what metric? What does this even mean?
>>Education, down
By what metric?

Stupid ESL kid

>> No.21622972

I agree with the essence of your post, but please never post Rockwell again if you want to be taken seriously. He was a midwit and a clown, a carnival barker essentially.

>> No.21622993
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>Meaning is just a feeling produced a few neurotransmitters
Okay, and?
>the human experience is a product of the human mind

>> No.21622998

a troon has entered the thread

>> No.21623006

>Ad-hominen is all you anarcho-kiddie-fiddlers have to argue with.

>> No.21623008


>> No.21623026
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Only one of those is me.

>> No.21623042

I'm not sure why questioning that anon's determinants of progress makes someone a troon. If you've more substantive to add, the floor is yours

>> No.21623110

Damn libertarians who caused all of this!

>> No.21623123

Globalization and a unrestricted market caused this. Both of these are the inevitable result of libertarian thought. You do not become equals in liberty and freedoms under such a system, we become a resource. You do not pay taxes anymore but now have subscriptions which you will need to function, soon phones will move to this model and than transport, then eventually foodstuff.

>> No.21623134

Libertarians believe in keynsian economics and fiat currency! And they run all the central banks too! Artifical interest rates set by central governments are the result of no government intervention!

>> No.21623147
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If only there was a third option that rejected both of these premises. Can you think of one?

>> No.21623159

We currently live in quazi-fascism. We have state media, state education, state run businesses, state money, hyper-militarism, state regulated social morality. You don't have a state mandated wife because you don't understand what a state really is fundementally.

>> No.21623218
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That is Marxism, private enterprise and property was allowed, encourager and supporter under National-Socialism. It only became disallowed when it undermined the nation or its people. As for the state, if it was pro-nation you would support all those things. But, since it is Marxist it wants globalism, just like the private company WEF. The only protection is hard ethnic-nationalism.

Goethe had the right summation of the state, as did Schmitt.

>> No.21623238

You are a lost cause.

>> No.21623258
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On the contary, I have never been happier and more at peace. My world-view and my actions are aligned, Peterson was correct in that removing contradictions between thought and action is of immense value.

>> No.21623287

Kek, lolbertarianism is literally the only ideologically consistent political theory. Lack of consistency is the one complaint that cannot be made against that form of autism.

>> No.21623295
File: 83 KB, 850x400, quote-a-nation-lives-forever-through-its-concepts-honor-and-culture-it-is-for-these-reasons-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-81-96-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does not encourage social bonds, or cultural preservation, it is a permissive social structure that allows for potentially anything from men being women to recreational heroin use. Further it opens up your space to the global markers, which never means you get to engage in business with others but othere flock to your space and rape it for profit. It is the absence of a theory, it is the desctruction of a consistency in the same way that America is an anti-culture in that it destroys any culture it comes in to contact with.

>> No.21623315

Without the state interfering social bonds arrise via reality. A single mother actually gets consequences from being a harlot. Parents actually have to be taken care of by children. The poor are served by actual colentary organizations like charities and churches rather than involentary theft. Reality supports libertarianism.

>> No.21623352
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No, that does not happen. The only way a woman can take care of children is if her needs are met, that can happen is if a state, or state like structure like Manorialism, is imposed over the community. Libetarianism, and all current systems in operation right now, reduce everything to a commodity, it destroys the family as there will be an economic solution (cheap childcare) so the parent can (and indeed needs) to continually bring in a wage. It does not built communities or socisl bonds, it only builds economic relationships. A unit of cultural value is then converted in to an economic unit which can be commodified and sold, a social engagement can be manipulated for profit, commodified and then sold. Look at every holiday in the West. Everything has a price under libertarian though. Nothing is pricelsss.

>> No.21623370

Wrong. Reality is all you need. If you had to force people to get married or go to church via the state aka violence then maybe. But instead social and religious bonds form IN SPITE of state intervention. They meet a need because the need exists IN REALITY. It does not need the help of men with guns to force it to exist.

>> No.21623384
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You seem to think that under a libertarian world-view that people will become aware of their own natural behavior, this is utterly wrong. Market forces, also known as big business, will use every trick in the book to market to you, sell to you and manipulate you with everything they want. You will be entirely at the mercy of propaganda. But do please address the rest of what i said, you are curiously silent about my argument about culture, social relationships and the econony. In your idealizes society what does not make a profit dies off quickly.

>> No.21623395

As opposed to now where they do this by enslaving me and giving the fake money I am paid to state sponsored corporations for free? Yeah I'd rather they actually use real capital and suffer real risk and losses instead of constant bailouts. The state steals 20-40% of all of our money and people STILL choose to tithe 10%. They do everything they can to destroy marriage by incentivizing divorces and forcing a two-income household so your kids have to be indoctrinated and raised by the state as a form of affordable child care. And yet people still get married and have kids because IN REALITY the need for family relationships is there. Why don't you just take your fucking boot off my neck and see what happens instead?

>> No.21623446
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>Why don't you just take your fucking boot off my neck and see what happens instead?

We know what will happen, look at every black neighborhood in the West, they are ruinous, dirty, dangerous places where there is no central leadership or authority. That is what happens when there is no uniform standard of behavior. The black ghetto is the perfect representation of ancap/minarchist/libertarian thought in action, in real time. But nobody wants to live their, nobody wants to go there, people actively avoid mentioning it, that is why we enforce behavior.

You imagine you would be able to live and do what you want and all we be mutually beneficial. No, this is no different to the utopian Marxist. It will be hell because you subject yourself and your space to a greater evil, that of greed and predation.

>> No.21623484

This argument is completely retarded and you know it. Black people all go to public school, they are all on welfare and are incentived by the state to not have stable marriages, they live in state sponsored projects on vote plantations, and they all go to jail for bullshit crimes like drug dealing and possession so they have no fathers. Find a better example of somewhere the state doesn't stick it's demonic claws into.

>> No.21623492

Unironically Quran

>> No.21623516

Everybody goes to public school and get all of these things, yet only blacks suffer from this, why? Further all over India, Africa and Asia there is almost no law enforcement in huge sections and it is the most dangerous place one can find. Same with Latin America where non-government supported groups are able to enforce whatever law they please.

As said, your view only works when everybody is white and moderately wealthy and in small groups. This is true of every system.

Your view is that of a child who resents his father for stopping him destroying all he has built.

>> No.21623541

Sending a child to public school is child abuse. The rest is just assertion. I sincerely doubt a rice farm in rural vietnam is dangerous. Bughives are dangerous because bughives are always disgusting and dangerous. Protip: don't live in a fucking bughive. If you can't see more than 30 stars you are in a bughive.

>> No.21623551

>I sincerely doubt a rice farm in rural vietnam is dangerous
You can doubt it all you wish, it does not make it false.

>Protip: don't live in a fucking bughive. If you can't see more than 30 stars you are in a bughive
What do you when China continues buying up your arable land, arabs your highstreets and public untilities and globo-homo your houses?

The only end game for libertarianism is bughive. With free flow of capital comes free flow of people. You get a few cheap plastic pieces of shit and some useless garbabe, they get access to your technology, your land, your profits.

Well done.

>> No.21623586

You don't understand basic economics. Keynes economic scam is why the world is the way it is today. China didn't even want to modernize.
The West forced them to. Read Fabianism and Empire and The Essential Keynes. Without central banking lending free money and being dependent on population and gdp growth to pay back the fake debt there is no house of cards bullshit and then the best company that provides the best value survives.

I guarantee you that it is safe on a cattle ranch or a buddhist monastery in any of those countries. Like anywhere it is only dangerous around disgusting city bugmen. You are fighting made up boogymen. Libertarians are all getting into agrarianism in preparation for the impending global economic collapse. Go buy 10 acres and do the same thing. You can depend as little on utilities as you choose to. Look up the earthship model. I fucking despise being around large populations.

>> No.21623604
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This is what ancaps actually believe

>> No.21623612

Read the books.

>> No.21623631
File: 15 KB, 236x352, e29afb36d0c0bba42691eaf2020affdb--photographer-portfolio-magnum-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look up the earthship model
Perfect example of libtards in action, they are made by idiots and must soliciate untrained volunteers in their construction because no professional builder will touch them, they are that dangerous. The 'architect' who designed them did not know the first thing about building. His huge thermal mass of old ties build in to the very center of the earthship needs space to degas over decades or they expand, he sealed them all in plaster with no capacity for then to vent. The foundations he uses also don't stay stable as he uses whatever they find lying around, they have cracks and faults appear around the many windows he includes sometimes on the same day they are erected. They were a gimmick meant to trick other eco-librards in to buying a white elephant.



>> No.21623645

Anon I....

>> No.21623651

A blank crumpled up piece of paper. Get out

>> No.21623926

What's wrong? What makes you want to give up?

>> No.21623979

Pic related is so fucking retarded. The racial iq gap began to rapidly close following desegregation. It's hilarious that race essentialists make these kinds of arguments about iq without realizing that they're exposing themselves as misinformed retards. Seriously, you people are like fucking women. 100% emotion without an ounce of critical reasoning. You don't synthesize new information or construct arguments, just spew the same horseshit that anybody with half a brain knew was totally apocryphal 70 years ago. Do as all a favor and drown yourself in the shallow end of the gene pool.

>> No.21623988

Moby Dick
It's got nothing to do with your predicament but it's a good book and I enjoyed it

>> No.21624201


>> No.21624440

>Authrights when they get sent to imperialist wars
Sure you're a very strong soldier, if there was a war I'm sure you'd be very brave

>> No.21624573

You keep posting these pics like they mean anything to anyone.
Let the dead rest.

>> No.21624578

The man who Folded himself

>> No.21624593
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picrel's books

>> No.21624613
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>The racial iq gap began to rapidly close following desegregation

It has not rapidly closed, it jumped briefly as blacks gained access to education but then stalled. SAT scores are about two standard devationd apart at all income levels. Meaning that even controlling for income differences blacks are still less able than any other demographic when it comes to problem solving, which is what g factor expresses as a numerical value. Read any paper, listen to any neurologist speak on it and you would know this. What is more is that g factor can not be increased beyond natural ability. But keep shrieking hysterically anon, at what mainstream science understands quite well yet public opinion refuses to accept.

>> No.21624623

Why don't we just selectively breed the smartest and strongest blacks under a state program and call it the wakonda eugenics program.

>> No.21624631

Flynn effect is zero sum.

>> No.21624642

Stopped reading at the comma splice. How about you learn basic grammar before acting like an intellectual on /lit/.

>> No.21624656

What does that even mean? How can it be zero-sum if over time the median iq is increasing?

>> No.21624690
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Because the less intelligent blacks quickly ounumber and subsume the rare few who are average, or above average. This is why they exhibit the behavior they do, why the stereotyping of responding to movies or a Priest mid-sermon, to anything in a loud voice is so common. It is positively pegged to low IQ, same as obesity and poor impusle control. You can even see it in their aesthetics and concepts of beauty.

My entire argument up in flames.

>> No.21624805
File: 57 KB, 615x417, apz6lJwY_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but it is zero-sum because everybodies IQ is gradually increasing at the same rate so the ethnic gaps remain in place.

>> No.21624813

Or pitting the dumb lower classes against one another while you enslave them and debase their work tokens is beneficial to the ruling class. "At least I's gots it betta dan X" is a hell of a drug.

>> No.21624833

>How can it be zero-sum if over time the median iq is increasing?

This just shifts the baseline, y'know.

>> No.21624986

You are a retard.

>> No.21625072

I see you have low problem solving faculties, sir.