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21608322 No.21608322 [Reply] [Original]

Cornered Edition

Previous Thread:>>21599850

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21608364
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is pic related any good?

>> No.21608378
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Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21608389

It's awful.

>> No.21608394

just read it, you're not going to get a better story about a cool snipermage and his mute girlfriend

>> No.21608401

Its trash. Just like this general souless pic.

>> No.21608402

Stop asking for shitty books
Stop recommending shitty books

>> No.21608408

>The age of kings is dead...
>"Just plain awesome." - Brandon Sanderson
>...And I have killed it

>> No.21608419
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Maybe he just played Greedfall, maybe he just finished watching Sharpe, and wants more.

>> No.21608420

Why didn't you guys tell me Asimov was so witty and self-deprecating?

>> No.21608424

I couldn't finish Iron Dragon's Mother, by far the weakest of the three and need to clease my pallete from failed attempts at finding new decent fantasy. So I'm going back to Wolfe. Started Latro in the Mist. Such a wonderful book so far.

>> No.21608426

>self deprecating = good
Can you people please stop. Just stop, okay

>> No.21608431

The example shows a high sense of wit. He says "I have never been afflicted with false modesty, or true modesty either, for that matter"

>> No.21608433

Someone should add "It's just plain awesome - Brandon Sanderson" to that Ceder Rapids meme

>> No.21608444

Eighth Warden webnovel on RR comes to mind. It's about a merc who has a magic trick or two and stumbles upon more power/magic, but he himself largely remains sword and board guy, tho the world and his companions do end up being much more magical than at the beginning.

>> No.21608463

we need a good cyberpunk sci-fi that features 3000rpm spinning chinese factory carpet machines and the workers who wear neon lit hats works there operates the machines and he's a space marine he operates the lave and loves his job so much he makes sure that he records himself operating the spinning chinese factory machine. but the initiation of events propells him to look out the window during workhours and wonder if he's truly satisfied with life, then as he looks out the window he sees flying space boats full of space marines and thinks to himself that he should be on that boat and going to planet xyclon tardo to fight the aliens but he just wants a simple life, and the story basically starts from there. its an adventure/cyberpunk genre synopsis.

>> No.21608480
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Continuing from the previous thread, I'm going so say again that PKD wasn't a great or even a particularly good writer. Out of the whopping 44 novels he wrote, maybe 3 are o.k. (passable), and only 1 is actually good (Scanner Darkly). His 50s benzedribe-fueled shlock he cranked out for volume is genuinely unreadable, and you only need to read Three Stigmata to experience the best of his 60s output. Almost every book of his is the same rambling WHOA DUDE REALITY BUT TOO MUCH, it gets old super fast if you aren't a drug addict with burnt brains yourself, and his subpar prose doesn't help at all.

Only after his 70s psychotic episode (a result of decades of continuous amphetamine abuse) did he become a markedly different and better writer, deserving of his cult status. The lumpen maladroit prose of something like The Man in High Castle or DADoES is a different world from the supple doom-shaded vernacular of Scanner Darkly.

>> No.21608486

Read VALIS trilogy and we can start talking.

>> No.21608488

Grow up

>> No.21608490

That's one way to read it. I see it more about a dialogue about how literary form and formalism underpin how we go about writing novels, and how writers are situated within their worlds.

>> No.21608508

Mormon nepotism at its finest

>> No.21608531

he has a few good books and his life was more interesting than most of them because he was half a schizo

>> No.21608537

>his life was more interesting than most of them
That's why his best book is Scanner Darkly, and his best short story is Cadbury, The Beaver That Lacked, because they are the most personal and autobiographical.

>> No.21608564 [DELETED] 

Bakker - King

Will never read - chinks

>> No.21608600

Not him but I did read him and I read around 10 of his novels. He's a writer I very much enjoy. But he's correct, Dick is repetative, was never very good at writing itself and is mostly still read because of the insane schizo rides he takes readers on.
I think Three Stigmata is his best and showcases what he does very well.

>> No.21608609

The "hard sci fi" writers I've read aren't even that particularly scientifically conservative. They also seem to just write stuff that isn't merely "and this is a romance/adventure set in space with a thin veneer of science slapped on it"

>> No.21608627
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>The "hard sci fi" writers I've read aren't even that particularly scientifically conservative.
This series is billed as "hard sci-fi" for some reason

>> No.21608632

I get he can be repetitive if you read him too much, but I think even PKD shows in the Exegesis that he intended to connect all his novels. So that's why it seems like similar sort of material.
>was never very good at writing itself
I don't get this meme. He's not there to wow you with prose since he's not a lyrical poetic sort of writer anyway. He makes it very clear cut and pared down, but never gets reduced to action like some amateurs, while also being very funny and illuminating when you don't expect it. His stuff is also more philosophical than anons here would grant him, since they reduce any investigation of a Platonic sort "schizo" without even explaining why that is the case.
I mean to get into his short stories, like "The Waterspider," since I know PKD was a very good short story writer.

>> No.21608648

>He's not there to wow you with prose
Yeah, that's why he wasn't a particularly good writer. Any asshole can "tell you a story", good prose and the ability to be evocative is what sets good writers apart from the rest. Otherwise it's just "content".

>> No.21608652

>He's not there to wow you with prose
His prose is mechanical and quite dull, sometimes even bad and not quite coherent. It certainly doesn't have a nice flow to itself. It is even as you say.
I don't think his stuff is very philosophical. Or at least not in a coherent sort of way. He has an otherworldly logic to his works which does not translate into being philosophical. I think that's why it doesn't get discussed much. He takes you for wild rides, but the rides don't come with a firm backing like say Dostoevsky or Wolfe and Tolkien do in fantastical writings.

>> No.21608670

>ugh like all his books are bad
>can't go into detail about more than maybe two
I wish I could updoot this heckin' EPIC post. Fuck's sake, another day on /sffg/ and some glaring newfag trash has to try his best to destroy it.

>> No.21608674

Style and substance and plot and characters aren't all the same thing but they're inextricably bound to the point that it's hard to talk about anything isolated. But some anons here are talking about his prose as if it isn't performing a function. And prose can't just exist like some luscious garden on top of content that is the mere "mulch" of operation; they would have to inform another to be successful.
I stated PKD's style was pared down. I think the purpose of that is to seem less obfuscatory when he talks about very grand things.
I guess a part of that is that PKD thinks everything can be questioned as a sort of hallucinatory misconception. He did end up thinking that God was real and that there was truth, but he talks about God much differently than Dostoevsky, Wolfe, and Tolkien do.

>> No.21608675

>for some reason
Because, despite the fictional status of its technology and physics manipulation, everything is explained as deeply as possible. Are you one of those "hard sci-fi is only for REALISM" revisionists?

>> No.21608703

>>can't go into detail about more than maybe two
Everyone knows good PKD books, and can name them offhand, because they're the only good ones. It's Three Stigmata, Ubik, Flow My Tears and Scanner Darkly. I'm not going to write detailed critiques on the rest of his 40+ plus hack books he slapped together in a couple of months to keep the lights on and support his amphetamine addiction with names like "Let's All Go Down on to The Brain Factory And Take a Look"

>> No.21608709

>to keep the lights on and support his amphetamine addiction
Huh? He was writing heaps of mainstream fiction to try and break out into that market and be respectable. Do you even know the lore? He didn't just write for money.

>> No.21608710


>> No.21608716

have you read it? like anon above said problem is hard sf has mistakenly become a synonym for realism.

>> No.21608720
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I don't know why I'm engaging with you now. You stole a two year old meme from Twitter, fag.

>> No.21608723

>"Let's All Go Down on to The Brain Factory And Take a Look"
I would read that.
While on this topic I'm reading The World Jones Made and it's alright.

>> No.21608733

Oh wow that explains a lot. Fucking crossboaders, man.

>> No.21608734

>but he talks about God much differently than Dostoevsky, Wolfe, and Tolkien do.
I don't think the issue is in the fact that he talks differently. The three I named came from coherent intellectual traditions, PKD did not and it shows in his works. Which is not bad, don't get me wrong, it's a part of his charm and why he is still interesting to readers. But I don't think his attempts at philosophy are good because of the content they provide in terms of propositions and conclusions, but in a way that he, again, as you say, makes reality seem unreal. But only inside of his stories, not without.

>> No.21608740

He puts a lot of different ideas into his novels and then throws them away. You can tell he was just throwing shit at the wall. It still amazes me to think about how interesting Ubik was before turning completely pointless. I've never read a novel that got me that invested then let me down so much.

>> No.21608746

It's the best flintlock fantasy trilogy out there. But even on its own it's pretty good.

>> No.21608758

>Flow My Tears
How is it good? It barely has a plot or action. It would be hard to think of a more boring execution of that premise.

>> No.21608761

It's equally weird he brought that up considering PKD self-satirised it in other books.

>> No.21608772

>It's equally weird he brought that up
He brought it up because it was one of the very few books he (may have) read by Dick. Read between the lines. Newfags do this kind of shit constantly.

>> No.21609054

Greedfall truly is the best mediocre game ever made.

>> No.21609086
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>tfw will never enjoy fantasy the way I did when I was 9
books for this feel? I've tried reading that "comfy" straightforward YA fantasy for nostalgia feels but it didn't do it for me.

>> No.21609090

It's literally not possible. You've changed too much as a person since then

>> No.21609340

Try reading real historical war or exploration narratives. That's what I find myself enjoying the most now. Lots of fantasy is pale imiatation of the real thing.

>> No.21609463

I need a fantasy catalogue filter to weed out all of the woman and onions authors.

>> No.21609464

The Mask of the Sorcerer. Tell me it doesn't help. I dare you

>> No.21609500
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reread some of the books you read at that age
any recommendations?

>> No.21609503

It's easy to avoid women. The latter can be done by looking at the publication date.

>> No.21609507

unironically harry potter

>> No.21609516

Rereading would only destroy what they once had. Their memories would be overwritten.

>> No.21609533

as someone who has re-enjoyed books and other media from my childhood, not necessarily. It can reinforce your experience

>> No.21609550

women fantasy authors date back at least as early as 1936

>> No.21609551

>he can't revisit childhood media and gain greater appreciation for it in retrospect
I still re-read a book series called Girl From the Land of Dragons every once in a while. Don't think it has an eng translation though.

>> No.21609552
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so is the dandelion dynasty actually good or are people just praising because asian fantasy author?

>> No.21609553

Maneaters of Tsavo by Patterson
White Hunters by Brian Herne
Congo Mercenary by Mike Hoare
A Hunter's Wanderings in Africa by Selous
The True History of the Conquest of New Spain by Bernal-Diaz
Samuel Purchas' Hakluytus Posthumus
Conquerers by Roger Crowley
Herodotus, Xenophon's anabasis, Livy on Hannibal

All of these have given me the feeling of adventure that I WANT to get from sff.

>> No.21609563

It's top-shelf as asian fiction goes, which means it's like, a strong 6/10 by western standards.

>> No.21609566

it's ok I guess, I hold on to my scuffed review here and would also like to add on that the barbarians were also comically op and cruel

>> No.21609571

It's written by an American with an Western perspective.

>> No.21609572

thanks, will add to my ever growing to do list

>> No.21609574

For every Mary Shelley and Leigh Brackett there's ten Stephanie Meyers. And even back in the golden age there were shades of the homo future with Tanith Lee, Mercedes Lackey and Marion Zimmer Bradley.

>> No.21609575

I'd say Grace of Kings is worth reading for sure.

>> No.21609577

I'm retarded
must've mixed it up with some other chinkshit series

>> No.21609588


>> No.21609625


>5/5 to all the books


>Liu was born in 1976 in Lanzhou, China.[4] He spent his childhood with his grandparents.[5] His mother, who received her Ph.D. in chemistry in the United States, is a pharmaceutical chemist, while his father is a computer engineer.[6] The family immigrated to the United States when Liu was 11 years old.[4] They lived in California and Stonington, Connecticut before settling in Waterford, Connecticut. Liu graduated from Waterford High School in 1994, where he ran cross-country and track.[7] At Harvard College, he studied English Literature and Computer Science, receiving his A. B. in 1998.[7][8]

>After graduation, Liu worked as a software engineer for Microsoft, and then joined a start-up in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He later received his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 2004 and after working as a corporate lawyer, eventually became a high-tech litigation consultant.

Even if it isn't chinkshit, it might as well be. The guy's Early Life screams pozzed.

>> No.21609679

I want to read Kenji Miyazawa's Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru, what's the best overall edition available?

>> No.21609698
File: 219 KB, 1500x2400, 3781708D-D0D9-46F5-AFE4-29D25E0248EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this and, by the same author, both the Voluntary State and the Border State. It was all kind of… eh? Not bad but definitely not my thing. Voluntary State is too surrealist and short, Border State is subdued but meanders (it’s the best book though. Idk protagonists which are twins do it for me). These Prisoning Hills sucked ass at parts, the prose took a nosedive and there’s a bunch of sentences which absolutely needed another pass. Funnily enough here the surrealist parts work but there’s only 3-4 scenes like this, all near the end.
I guess if you’re from Kentucky and/or enjoy professional cycling check out the ones with “State” in the title. (There’s a few short stories included in a collection of the author’s work but I have near zero interest reading them.)

>> No.21609716

Was living in Connecticut and going to Harvard in the 90s considered pozzed?

>> No.21609726

technically yes but I'm pretty sure that stormfag idiot is just seething at the fact that the mom had a job outside of the kitchen

>> No.21609727
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Where's the best place to start with R. A. Lafferty?

>> No.21609728

Why are you so concerned with identity rather than content?

>> No.21609737

Either the beginning or whatever his most popular book is.

>> No.21609747

NTA but I've never read good fantasy/SF literature by an asian author with the exception of Michelle Sagara

>> No.21609753

What do you think of Ted Chiang?

>> No.21609762 [DELETED] 
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has nothing to do with his mother besides perhaps the fact she worked in pharma

>lived in california and connecticut
>worked at jewcrosoft
>harvard again

and worst of all


>> No.21609773

far and away the best Chinese SFF author but that still only puts him on the same level as perhaps Adrian Tchaikovsky or Brandon Sanderson, however he's lightyears ahead of the average insect-brained chink author and he deserves respect for that

>> No.21609782

Again, American.
Born Port Jefferson, New York
Do you believe that ethnicity is greater than nationality and cultural upbringing?

>> No.21609790 [DELETED] 

When it comes to chinks? Yes.

>> No.21609793

Nationality and ethnicity are synonymous.

>> No.21609801

Tell that to the few white people who are born in Japan, only know Japanese, and have only lived in Japan.

>> No.21609807
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Jared Taylor.

Being born in a hospital doesn't make you a doctor.

>> No.21609822

Yes, I agree, which is why they aren't synonymous.

>> No.21609833

Then we're talking past each other. The root of "nation" is "natal". So nationality is heritable. Until recently it was generally understood that a "nation" had the same meaning as "race", "tribe" or "ethnicity". A white person can live in the country of Japan but can never be part of the Japanese nation.

>> No.21609843

I see nationality as entirely a legal concept, so yes, we are.

>> No.21610029
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Wait, so if it's Lysa who killed Jon Arryn why does she hate the Lannisters so much? Why did she want to kill Tyrion?

>> No.21610038

Is the eagle her symbol because her face looks like an eagle?

>> No.21610052

>Tanith Lee in the same sentence as Marion Zimmer Bradley
no anon, you are the homo

>> No.21610058

Did you even read the book before asking such a dumb question?

>> No.21610081

I don't remember, but wasn't she merely pretending, because Littlefinger wanted the war between Lannisters and Starks?
It's falcon, and no, it's Coat of Arms of her husband's family.

>> No.21610106

Lawyers are actually based and probably least pozzed of all people because they deal with retards and melanin enriched on daily basis.

>> No.21610128

Not corporate lawyers from Harvard law

>> No.21610132

Holy fuck, just fuck off or talks about books you fucking retard.

>> No.21610138

chill dude

>> No.21610147

This is /sffg/ nobody here talks about books but one person and he gets shit on because of it.

>> No.21610155

If he did read the book, he wouldn’t be asking the question in the first place.

>> No.21610188

Whichever one you want to read.

>> No.21610192
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I post my litrpg chart and get shit on too.

>> No.21610195

alastair reynolds owes me reparations for forcing me to read fr*nch "people"

>> No.21610210

That’s because nobody cares about your shitty chart

>> No.21610227

At least three+.
Because you present your chart as if it's /sffg/'s chart.

>> No.21610254

Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne

>> No.21610275 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21610283 [DELETED] 

>worth the candle
nigger brimstone
why is half the content in there "men wanting virgin women BAD"

>> No.21610289

Because the retard who keeps posting that chart doesn’t read the stories.

That just further reinforces my point. Why even come to /sffg/ if only a few number of people talks about books and the rest are just idiots/bots reposting the same shit like >>21610275

>> No.21610307 [DELETED] 

read my book when it comes out, the protagonist is a violent schizo who thinks god is talking to him through brain fungus, and he's morally correct
Hammer of Ald coming soon

>> No.21610310

Sounds trite and boring so no.

>> No.21610311 [DELETED] 

>We wanted to make a AAA game but only had enough budget for 1 interior room, please understand.

>> No.21610328 [DELETED] 

Don't know what you're missing,

>> No.21610337

I'll read your book, anon. Will it have dream-shattering of self-insert parody fantasy characters in there?

>> No.21610338

A shitty self-publish book not worth taking a second glance at?

>> No.21610344

As long as you're not here on /sffg/ to talk about books, it's okay. There are other websites better suited for that.

>> No.21610353 [DELETED] 

Traditional publishing actually, eyes on the shelves anon

>> No.21610356

I really doubt you’re going to get published traditionally if you’re on 4chan.

>> No.21610370 [DELETED] 

Just hire a literary agent, it's that easy

>> No.21610376

Thanks for telling me you ain’t getting publish.

>> No.21610380

I wish 4chan was still a boogeyman.

>> No.21610391 [DELETED] 
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>rentfree nigga replying within seconds

>> No.21610395

My man go to a bookstore and look at the shelves

>> No.21610423

nta, but I don't think I've been to a bookstore in 15+ years. So, I checked what the nearest is to me now. Seems it's 25 miles away or so. I guess everything shut down. Not expected where I am. Do brick and mortar stores really even matter that much these days?

>> No.21610429


>> No.21610434

it's mediocre and completely unmemorable, but if you're bored it's a fine way to waste some time

>> No.21610437 [DELETED] 

They don't, but my point is, tides upon tides of awful dreck get published and get shelf space. It's not hard to get published; the hard part is making your advance back.

>> No.21610438

>Do brick and mortar stores really even matter that much these days?
No, since you can just buy an e-book. Which is a blessing since it doesn't take up space in your room.

>> No.21610441

If Walmart counts as a bookstore then I suppose that's closer.

>> No.21610443

Yeah, but your story is boring and trite and not really worth reading.

>> No.21610447

The advance doesn't have to be made back though. It's not a loan and it doesn't necessarily mean the publisher will drop the author.

>> No.21610449

fantasy is dead

>> No.21610453

What is dead may never die.

>> No.21610454 [DELETED] 

No need to be another crab in the bucket anon. If that POV character doesn't appeal to you, another may. And if that book doesn't appeal, maybe my next book will. My next will feature a magic system based entirely around masturbation, rape and subverting the masses through astroturfed peasant revolts

>> No.21610456

That’s a stupid fucking quote.

>> No.21610458

You want to talk about books, but all you talk about is about pozzed nonsense. That kind of discussion is not wanted here on 4chan. You have to go back to trashreads or r*eddit.

>> No.21610459

What is dead may never die, but rather be found squatting in the grass, groaning.

>> No.21610460

>My next will feature a magic system based entirely around masturbation, rape and subverting the masses through astroturfed peasant revolts
If I wanted to read edgy garbage I would just read reverend insanity. Just go back to /wg/ retard.

>> No.21610465 [DELETED] 

My next after that will be a comedy about a mercenary and a barbarian having buddy cop adventures in a mongolian/white hun style steppe

>> No.21610473

If this is the same righteous newfag that was spamming book ideas, 1-2 lines per post as newfags tend to do, several threads back then yes it should skedaddle back to >>>/wg/ but it likely doesn't even post there nor has any serious intention of writing anything other than shitposts.

>> No.21610477 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21610478

Pretty sure you can report him for spamming/flooding like last time. Don’t know why you don’t do that.

>> No.21610487 [DELETED] 

The guy was rude to me for no reason, so I got talking to him. He didn't need to be a cunt.

>> No.21610511 [DELETED] 


>> No.21610518 [DELETED] 

Yes anon, yes it will. One of the very first things I did was make a self insertable traditional hero, and turned him into a victim of the story. The real hero will be a man modeled after Hercules, with the violent tendencies of Achilles and Conan. I'm really bored of average farmboy heroes.

>> No.21610544

I watched the anime and it was garbage.

>> No.21610564 [DELETED] 


>> No.21610565 [DELETED] 


>> No.21610614

Tanith Lee literally got her start in the business because Marion Zimmer Bradley promoted her novel Birthgrave

>> No.21610623
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>no DDC
>no TWI

Are they on previous charts or are you just being contrarian?

>> No.21610631

>hundrends of self-published books with hundrends of thousands of sales and the market keeps growing

You are just a boomer

>> No.21610634

She was a lesbian feminist dude. She has a story where a demon steals a baby and fucks him in the ass.

>> No.21610635
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, C97EAFB5-C230-450C-8FFE-D468E55B2E7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a QRD on Marc Aramini? Does he have brain damage due to a car accident? I know he used to be both a college professor and a lolcow on bodybuilding.com prior to becoming an author.

>> No.21610643

Its called using google you lazy cunt.

>> No.21610646

Googling him is hard due to the sheer volume of his reddit/forum posts.

>> No.21610648

Isn't he a gene wolf mod on reddit?

>> No.21610651

Then start there instead of expecting others to do shit you care about.

>> No.21610657

both of those series are shit.
I don't know what's contrary of reading shit and not wanting to read more of it.
The Wandering Shit is a book filled with nothing, where a fucking pacifist got people killed and was rewarded for it, and Dungeon Shit Carl is a book where the author let his fans dictate what he writes and turned a good story about a man coping with the end of the world by surviving, into some shitty slapshtick comedy about a mush face cat.
glurp glurp glurp.

>> No.21610679
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I don't get it either

>> No.21610680

I'm on book 5 but feel somewhat disappointed that book 4's epilogue was a cop-out. I figured Bea would get some more lip-service but it seems like the author is doing everything he can to avoid any real character development for Carl outside of winning/surviving. Also pretty disappointed that Katja has fucked off (seemingly) permanently. The lack of pay-offs really brought this book down compared to 4.

>> No.21610690 [DELETED] 


>> No.21610694 [DELETED] 
File: 603 KB, 698x1554, 2D2E04B2-465E-432E-B4F8-3ADB0EA95389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s an odd character. He uses the screenname from pic related to promote himself online and talk shit about other Wolfe “scholars”.

>> No.21610731

His character development has more to do with his parents thing. Bea is just a temp bitch it was more for Donut.

>> No.21610738

Assuming I agree (I don't) this still makes them better than the shit you've posted. Maybe like 2 or 3 out of all these is decent.

You are just a contrarian.

>> No.21610742

>giving a shit about Bea in book 4 when that's where he caused the most direct damage against the establishment
Don't put pussy on a pedestal.
Katia is still around but it's about Carl and Donut. Don't worry: her development doesn't end.

>> No.21610783

damn he's just like me

>> No.21610857

I like PKD don't get me wrong but I think his prose is pretty bad. I can never quite understand what's going on in any of his books and I have to re-read sentences multiple times to get the gist. To those that say "well his writing is like that to reflect his views on Reality" I say to you "That's fuckin horseshit, he's a bad writer".

>> No.21610864

That’s sad and pathetic.

>> No.21610878

So PKD is the Wolfe of science fiction. Got it.

>> No.21610891
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>> No.21610920

PKD is more fun to read and his influence more widespread.

>> No.21610929

Better late than never, I suppose.

>> No.21610949

Hey you were right.

>> No.21610956

DDC and TWI are shit no matter how many times you try to shill them.

>> No.21610958
File: 23 KB, 281x354, planetfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else think Planetfall (interactive fiction game) reads like Red Dwarf? Or is that just because they're both sci fi comedy?

>> No.21610963

Never heard of it and go back to /v/.

>> No.21610973


>> No.21610976

Why would you ever go to a bookstore when you can buy the book on amazon or on other book selling sites?

>> No.21610979

So you have no argument, as expected

>> No.21610984

Interactive fiction is still hypertext, chud.

>> No.21610985

I'm not him. I'm mocking your retarded newfag behavior.

>> No.21610995

Whatever you say retard.

>> No.21610997

Lurk moar

>> No.21610999

>it's shit and you're a shill
/v/ newfag starter kit since 2015

>> No.21611000

Jesus, you've been at this for ten hours. Do you ever stop or are you always on the computer/phone?

>> No.21611001

Add some insufferable heroines onto the chopping block, Hei Ho!

>> No.21611008

He’s always online and in every thread calling people he doesn’t like newfags, what do you think?

>> No.21611014

Do you ever stop shitting up every discussion you can find or do you ever consider that you may potentially be the problem?

>> No.21611016

Name 1 (one) good book in here

>> No.21611018

I barely post in these threads, I made one post prior, and it was PKD/Wolfe related. Unlike you.

>> No.21611021

No, why don’t you read them.

>> No.21611022

Why do faggets authors like to make it seem that if you are good at chess, you are automatically some superb general that will dominate battles?

>> No.21611023

>no u
It's hard to argue against that psychotic logic.

>> No.21611025

Why are you asking this question here and not use google or any other search engine to answer that for you?

>> No.21611029

Chess unironically teaches tactical thinking, but that is definitely a trope that you pointed out. I think it's just to show they can think in the moment.
What would google say?

>> No.21611031

It's hard to argue with you since you always deflect, but I'm tired of giving you attention.

>> No.21611033

>What would google say?
Why don’t you use it.

>> No.21611035

The Hidden Tower.

>> No.21611036

Can you show me how to?

>> No.21611039

No, since you can’t be this regarded. Now fuck off.

>> No.21611042

Regarded in which way?

>> No.21611051

What do you gain by playing stupid?

>> No.21611052

Are 7 or something?

>> No.21611057
File: 1.93 MB, 608x1080, 4chooner.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom says I'm too young to post here so I make a blanket fort and hide there with my iPhone.

>> No.21611077

Past Master is his most famous novel. I honestly want to like him a lot more than I do, but he usually flies over my head in many ways. I'll need to read Past Master again.

>> No.21611080

Why do you have a webm if a child?

>> No.21611081

>but he usually flies over my head in many ways
How? He's not that hard to read.

>> No.21611084

>perhaps Adrian Tchaikovsky
Oh man that's a low bar, judging from Empire of Black and Gold. Probably the worst fantasy novel I read in years. So utterly generic and lifeless in every way.

>> No.21611093

I sometimes talk to him. Good guy. He had a kid recently, seems happy.

>> No.21611094

>So utterly generic and lifeless in every way.
So, it's an average fantasy novel.

>> No.21611096

Because I like children

>> No.21611099

What do you have against moth-kins cucking beetle-kins?

>> No.21611106
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>> No.21611108

Wolfe has gorgeous prose you need to read again to appreciate it more and to catch all the things he is stuffing in his sentences. Every sentence he writes is such a pleasure to read.
PKD is, on the other hand, someone whose sentences you need to reread because he didn't proofread his novels, rewrite them or write many in a way in which they flow and guide the reader. I like PKD but he's nothing like Wolfe.

>> No.21611110
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Old covers were kino.
Twayne Triplets sounded cool. It was basically three writers told to make novellas/novels about a world or scenario devised by the press or scientist.

>> No.21611116

>PKD is, on the other hand, someone whose sentences you need to reread because he didn't proofread his novels, rewrite them or write many in a way in which they flow and guide the reader.
So, PKD is like wolfe, I don't know why you had to reiterate what I said before.

>> No.21611128

Even the segments with his parents was limited in this part, along with that rising primal plotline the author has been touching upon. It was fine, just a weird hook bait and pull.

The pussy has some pulling power in the background, so I'm sure she's still 'involved'. I just figured there would be more to go on instead of nothing.

I've got 20 minutes left on the chapter. Can't believe I'm being robbed of a Wacky Racers floor... I hate this fucking goat.

>> No.21611136

He's not hard to read, but his mind was so completely unlike any other writer that I have a hard time visualizing and following many of his ideas. I often feel like I missed something.
Yes, but I usually don't read those, because they are awful. But by now I've read almost everything I could find from the more classic authors that get mentioned so I'm trying to find something new. And I'm failing.
The fact that they are constructed like RPG races/nations and not genuine people. It's incredibly artificial.
I even explained in the post how and why I find them different. I know some people don't like Wolfe, but no honest person is going to compare them.

>> No.21611143

theres an entire cabal of authors that all write like brandon sanderson and coincidentally are all also mormon. i think its because they attended the orson scott card writing courses, but osc at least has a different feel where as everyone else feels like a sanderson copy

to the actual books the first trilogy is pretty good for a french style 18th century revolution fantasy but there's 3 different magic systems and only the gunpowder magic is interesting

>> No.21611165

Also I just remembered how fantastic Thus We Frustrate Charlamagne , To Ride a Tin Can and Slow Tuesday Night were. Some of the best short stories in science fiction. And the one about banning cars. Lafferty had such humour and had an incredible reactionary and thomist streak to him I found it extra enjoyable. Blame everything on William of Ockham for ruining philosophy is a standard part of a thomist narrative and having a short story in which not censuring him ends in men returning to their caves is absolutely hilarious.

>> No.21611166

One day I'll marry into it
one day

>> No.21611173
File: 1.89 MB, 1934x1402, soiward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just have to write like this.

>> No.21611178

>Blame everything on William of Ockham for ruining philosophy
Ah, I see now, I only read fantasy as a downtime, if I want to read philosophy, I would just read a philosophy book.

>> No.21611182
File: 44 KB, 474x266, 1675472165684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chess is certified /sffg/, you faggot.

>> No.21611183

Good writers can incorporate themes you wouldn't want to think about normally, but they do it in such a way that it tickles your curiosity.

>> No.21611191

I read both on a daily basis and having an extra layer of the story is just fun. He's not actually discussing Ockham, it's a near and humourous time travel story.

>> No.21611193

Sarah J Maas has announced that her books are a multiverse like Sanderson and will have crossovers.

>> No.21611198

*bleats in your face*
One thing about DCC is that there are many long-term plotlines going on so I fear it will be some time before we get some crucial reveals. But who knows. We got a big one midway in book 6. Annnnd we finally see a cultivator!
PKD was espousing simulation theory way before it ever hit any mainstream knowledge. He was on another level.

>> No.21611199

i read the first 2 skyward books for scifi aimed at young teen girls its not terrible i guess? it does feel like its written to be an anime or cartoon, just like a lot of sanderson books

>> No.21611210
File: 155 KB, 2296x834, sandersoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not terrible, just very formulaic. I particularly hate the first declarative sentence that happens in nearly all YA I have come across.
But I can't believe he went to a nowhere university and still made it. Maybe academic success means nothing and I got it drilled it into me.

>> No.21611219

I don't think it was particularly obscure. There's various elements of it in Buddhism, it can be drawn from Cartesian and Kantian schools in some ways. But I do think he was the first to really use it effectively in fiction.

>> No.21611222

dude thats THE mormon university, the english department probably hands out book deals at graduation

>> No.21611226

This general never disappoints

>> No.21611230

Why are you even coming here? There are other websites that discuss books better than this hellhole.

>> No.21611235
File: 278 KB, 1644x1212, byu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is creepy. Do you think Sandersoi is a ghostwritten psy op and that he's a poster boy to get more Mormon converts?

>> No.21611276

I doubt they'll get anymore new converts that haven't came from some mormon underage womb, the chuds can see that their leaders are cucking for mainstream basedpolitics and normies are vary of their creepy reputation.

>> No.21611283
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>mainstream basedpolitics
Really? They might just be Machiavellian. Before, they were the meme of a whitey erasing anyone who wasn't a pasty Anglo.

>> No.21611317
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It's what I got from hearsay, often circling in /pol/, I won't say anything specific but there's a bunch of internet rumors going around.

>> No.21611318


>> No.21611319

For me, its The Malazan Book of the Fallen

>> No.21611322

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.21611326
File: 259 KB, 650x637, fuckjannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's just going to happen just because you said so? Useless chatter, go read some books.

>> No.21611327

It's a sign that many authors will do the same for marketing reasons.

>> No.21611339

based, check out black company. malazan took a lot of inspiration from it

>> No.21611347

I don't read female authors or novels with female protagonists

>> No.21611350

Powder Mage's author attended BYU where Sanderson teaches

>> No.21611356

Because i enjoy the laid back nature of like minded people

>> No.21611383

I read it. It was good but the depth of mbotf was so much more epic.
I also recommend the First Law trilogy.

>> No.21611384
File: 517 KB, 640x480, suik3lp_luciahug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official Mom Protagonist SFF List.
I apologize for the lengthy (ie autistic) list. I may update it later.
>Caught in Crystal (1987) by Patricia Wrede
>The Interior Life (1990) by Katherine Blake
>Raven's Duology (2004-2005) by Patricia Briggs
>Wolfblade Trilogy (2004-2005) by Jennifer Fallon
>Bridge of D'Arnath (2004-2005) by Carol Berg
>The World Gates Trilogy (2004-2005) By Holly Lisle, She wrote Minerva Wakes and the Arhel trilogy, those two books also have mom mc
>Dragonsbane (1985) by Barbara Hambly
>Paladin of Souls and Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
>Sunrunner Saga (1988-1993) by Melanie Rawn. Mommy Sioned best yandere girl
>The Empire Trilogy (1987-1992) by Janny Wurts
>Liveship Traders (1998-200) by Robin Hobb
>Birthgrave (1975-1978) by Tanith Lee
>Heart of Bronze (1997-1998) by Matthew Stover
>Karavans Trilogy (2006-2012) by Jennifer Roberson
>Skinwalkers (2014) by Wendy N. Wagner, about an ex-pirate Axe wielding mom!
>Frostfell (2006) by Mark Sehestedt
>Legacy of Steel (1998) by Mary H. Herbert
>The Traitor Spy Trilogy (2010-2012) by Trudi Canavan
>Sevenwaters Trilogy (1999-2001) by Juliet Marillier
>Blood songs (1987, third book in the Frost trilogy) by Robin Wayne Bailey
>Bloodsong Trilogy (1985-1986) by Asa Drake
>Gypsies (1988) by Robert Charles Wilson
>Child of Time (1991) by Robert Silverberg
>The Wayfarer Redemption (1995-1999) by Sara Douglass, by book three almost every character is pregnant, after book three there's a 20 year time-skip so all the mcs have grown-up children
>The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (1974) by Patricia A. McKillip
>The Keys to Paradise Trilogy (1987-1988) by Robert Vardeman, trio of mcs all of the same importance, veterans of the Trans-War that ravaged the country, one of them is a cat-girl who saves a slave kid and adopts him
>Bitter Angels (2009) by C.L Anderson
>The Great Wheel (1987, book three of the Tredana Trilogy) by Joyce Ballou Gregorian
>Daughter of the Bear King (1987) by Eleanor Arnason
>Night-Threads series by Ru Emerson, portal fantasy about a druggie mom, her sister and her teenage son.
>Frostflower adn Thorn (1980) Phyllis Ann Karr
>Fifth Millenium by S.M. Stirling, Shirley Meier, and Karen Wehrstein
>Spellsong Cycle (1997-2002) by L.E. Modesitt Jr
>The Sword of Lyric by Sharon Hinck, christian portal fantasy about a soccer mom and her son fighting against Not-Satan
>Cradle of Sea and Soill (2020) by Bernie Anes Paz
>Boneshaker (2009) Cherie Priest
>The Gap Cycle by Stephen Donaldson, absolute grimdark kino but like most of Donaldson's work it has a happy ending, the main characters just have to go through hell to get it.
>Dragon Gate by Lindsay Buroker, a six book epic about a Mother-son duo
>Memories of Ice (2001 Book 3 of Malazan Book of the Fallen) by Steven Erikson
>To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987) by Robert Heinlein
I'm open to any suggestions for SFF books with mom mc
Check out Kate Elliott's new Mom protagonist book the Keeper's Six.
Bakker is king etc. etc.

>> No.21611396

They're custom-made to be raped and killed by bestiality

>> No.21611397

Holy shit it’s been so long since I’ve thought about Suikoden. I loved those games. I played Suikoden 2 so many times I practically memorized it even though it was like a 60 hour rpg.

>> No.21611405
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>> No.21611408

Which ones are the mom incest ones?

>> No.21611411

Speaking facts, the alternative is being beaten with clubs.

>> No.21611429
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>> No.21611430

It's had a HD re-release. Did you play all games? Have you seen Eiyuden Chronicles which is made by the same major people?

>> No.21611436
File: 34 KB, 733x516, 1572870267855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see you mentioning alternatives to the female protag/author problem.

>> No.21611444

I wonder if Ty & Dan got inspiration for Holden following proto Miller in Abbadon's Gate from Sylveste and Sun Stealer in Revelation Space

>> No.21611450
File: 1008 KB, 1280x720, suikoden-5-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sad the franchise is dead but Suikoden I&II HD Remaster coming out this year!

>> No.21611458

The best thing about fictional women is that they don't act like real women

>> No.21611463

She's more of the deurtagonist but Naomi Nagata from The Expanse could fit the bill, particularly in Tiamat's Wrath she feels like the closest to being protag.

>> No.21611468

The best thing about fictional characters is that they aren't real so anything can be done with them.

>> No.21611471
File: 30 KB, 640x480, Ec02VsaWkAA3KYw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon.

>> No.21611515

There isn’t a problem. Seek help.

>> No.21611593

I don’t think people care.

>> No.21611597

I didn’t know it was getting remastered or rereleased thanks anons I will check it out for sure. I’ll also check out Eiyuden Chronicles which I’ve never heard of but might like if it’s made by the same people. Thank you based anons.

>> No.21611602

How is this related to books?

>> No.21611611

I got The Knight with my current months audible credit.
This is an absolute ton of fun.

>> No.21611634

I don’t know any other sites but I am weighing my options in using reddit.

>> No.21611646

PKD is better.

>> No.21611656

What threads have you been viewing? /sffg/ is anything but that.

>> No.21611667

Meh, they were hit or miss depending on the artist.

>> No.21611692

No it isn’t.

>> No.21611727

What’s wrong with it?

>> No.21611746
File: 72 KB, 576x838, Belgariad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r/fantasy is not THAT bad, a big part of the user base suffers from recency bias but it's okay

>> No.21611752

I just want to go to a llace that talks about books.

>> No.21611776


>> No.21611804

Shame he didn’t post any reviews this thread.

>> No.21611816
File: 162 KB, 662x1024, spirit-phone-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is holding my attention... Tesla and Aleister Crowley vs. Thos. Edison. It actually works!

>> No.21611821

Do you have to know anything by the real life characters.

>> No.21611823

>Tesla and Alistair Crowley vs Thomas Edison
glad to see a book where Thomas Edison is the good guy just like in real life

>> No.21611833
File: 22 KB, 322x321, 52q6op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I wanna do is talk about space opera novels

>> No.21611846

I have two more to post, but due to publisher request I won't be posting it for a few months. I could post it probably without any real problems, but eh. The other will be in a week or so. Then one l arc is a thriller, so not relevant to here. I was going to read an anthology today and yesterday, but didn't. The Feb books vote will start on the 5th, but it looks like it'll just be one of the 4 popular books I choose rather than also what /sffg/ since no valid response for that still yet. I may start playing a game tomorrow to slow down my pace since another member wants to read a book together. It's all to be seen.

>> No.21611850

Then go to some other site. Why do it here.

>> No.21611854

Then start doing so and hope someone replies.

>> No.21611869

read the xeelee sequence

>> No.21611871

That’s good to hear.

>> No.21611876

It’ll be a waste of time.

>> No.21611900

What possible other reason could you be here for other than to waste time?

>> No.21611912

Talk about books, but that’s never going to happen here.

>> No.21611923

>Talk about books
Why do that here?

>> No.21611930

Because this is /lit/, but you’re right. I expected too much from this place.

>> No.21611932

Which ones?

>> No.21611935

>I expected too much from this place.
this is 4chan, the only thing you should expect is bottom of the barrel posts. With the rare insightful posts ever few weeks.

>> No.21611943
File: 283 KB, 640x480, 1664504704038053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question
I have a few times in the last couple threads with middling luck
Busy with Revelation Space currently but I'll add it to the list and get around to it eventually if it's worth it
This anon isn't me but he ain't exactly wrong lol

>> No.21611947

What's the book that you can't post a review on?

>> No.21611958

>This anon isn't me but he ain't exactly wrong lol
Yeah, I was in a similar position as you. Wasted weeks, even months trying to start discussion on books here until I realize it was pointless.

>> No.21611965

Would any of you like to try the first chapter of my medieval fantasy novel? If so what's the preferred way to post pdfs?

>> No.21611970

Try asking /wg/.

>> No.21611971


>> No.21611976

we need a writing general that isn't /wg/ they're awful

>> No.21611982

well it’s not going to be /sffg/. So go to wg.

>> No.21611986

Why not make a separate thread for your own writing.

>> No.21611988

I fuckin looked before I posted but I'm blind, thank you.

>> No.21612002

I have them as read on my GR profile, and it's not that I can't, just that they prefer that I don't. It's The Sword Defiant. Next week I'll be posting The Will of the Many.

>> No.21612003

Always happy to help

>> No.21612008

By which I mean I've already asked several people whether posting early affected their approval rate from the publisher and it didn't seem to be the case.

>> No.21612011

Ah, I see thanks for clearing it up.

>> No.21612022

>Next week I'll be posting The Will of the Many.
I'll be waiting for that review.

>> No.21612042

l'll definitely be reading the next book, so it's a favorable review. I could post it next thread, as the publisher didn't provide any info about when I could post it, so I included a note about how I would post it in week unless otherwise directed.

>> No.21612049

anon that's just a reference

>> No.21612064

He’s autistic, don’t explain.

>> No.21612074

I'll rather you wait the week and see.

>> No.21612085

Oh, I will be. That isn't in doubt. What is in doubt is whether I'll give Islington's previous series another try sometime.

>> No.21612089

Maybe i'm too naive to registrate samefagging trolls

>> No.21612106

>What is in doubt is whether I'll give Islington's previous series another try sometime
Is he that bad?

>> No.21612107

No, not at all...

>> No.21612109

He's not really the bad guy, just mislead... His invention, the Spirit Phone, has unintended side effects...

>> No.21612111
File: 156 KB, 612x792, jason-deem-2-golgotterath-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for memeing Bakker, guys. That was an amazing ride.

>> No.21612112

Come up with your own jokes, twitterfag.

>> No.21612125

No, not at all, I just wasn't interested. Here's rated well enough among /sffg/. Started out too traditional fantasy for my preference, but that may have been a misunderstanding. It was his debut self-published novel that was bought by a traditional publisher a year later.

>> No.21612126

Not even the one who posted the Twitter image.

>> No.21612131

No shit, Sherlock. The guy who initially made the epic joke just stole it, which the screenshot was used as evidence of.
I'm just gonna read and cook instead of engaging with you soft-headed numpties.

>> No.21612132

new thread WHEN?

>> No.21612135

310+ replies at page 10.

>> No.21612139

After the bump limit at 310 posts and then page 10. So, still hours to go.

>> No.21612146

How do we make our memes take the entire board

>> No.21612148

Why are you guys even replying? You know he’s doing that shit for attention.

>> No.21612161

Ah, maybe I’ll check your previous reviews on Warosu.

>> No.21612171

We don’t

>> No.21612173

Might as well check the goodreads group while you're at it.

>> No.21612175


>> No.21612203

I'm a tourist here but I'll comment anyways. Have you tried adult fiction

>> No.21612246

chasm city or redemption ark next?

>> No.21612251

Whichever one you want. You’re the one that’s going to read it.

>> No.21612256

the reason im asking is because i know CC is a standalone story largely but i wasnt sure if anything in it would have any bearing on redemption ark to warrant reading it first since it came out next following publishing order (ignoring short stories)

>> No.21612382

unironically go to r/fantasy then sort by controversial

>> No.21612456

This >>21609464, plus Lyonesse

>> No.21612524

somebody get a new thread going

>> No.21612527
File: 78 KB, 433x561, saber mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Lyonesse do that was so bad it had to be destroyed?

>> No.21612532

After the bump limit at 310 posts and then page 10. So, still hours to go

>> No.21612537

Read the book

>> No.21612548

You can find better discussion about sci-fi and fantasy on fucking /v/ than these generals

>> No.21612553

Ikr it's fucking depressing

>> No.21612572

Then why do you keep coming here.

>> No.21612593

wheres the new thread?

>> No.21612597

In the hopes you hacks will talk about anything except YA or LitRPGs.

>> No.21612600
File: 26 KB, 316x475, dreadgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it.

>> No.21612605

Sure will Anon, thanks.

>> No.21612607

When you stop being an annoying bitch.

>> No.21612622
File: 45 KB, 316x475, dreadgod2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the following

>> No.21612628

>Sanderson likes it
Never mind, then.

>> No.21612630

I bet he dislikes Will Wight after he made a parody of his kickstarter video for his own kickstarter video

>> No.21612646

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