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21608100 No.21608100 [Reply] [Original]

>Publishers cower in fear of ambush by woke critics

>"The problem, according to the writer Alex Perez, is that the US publishing industry is largely run by “white women from a certain background”. In an interview with Hobart magazine, which itself caused a scandal, he said that these “Brooklyn ladies” all wanted “the same kind of books: ‘I’m interested in BIPOC [black, indigenous and people of colour] voices and marginalised communities and white men are evil and all brown people are lovely and beautiful and America is awful and I voted for Hillary [Clinton] and shoved my head into a tote bag and cried cried cried when she lost.’"

>"Alberto Gullaba Jr, whose first novel, University Thugs, featured a young black man with a criminal conviction making his way at an elite university gripped by campus controversies over race, said his manuscript had initially caused great excitement and a small list of “things to fix”. Then he realised the agent, who had never met him, was labouring under a misapprehension. “I said, ‘Hey, no, man, I’m not black, I’m Filipino’, ” Gullaba said, to which they replied: “Oh.”"


Who are these so-called "Brooklyn ladies" and why do they have so much control over what is published in the US?

>> No.21608102
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(((who))) could these "white" women possibly be i wonder

>> No.21608123

College educated liberal women, the same type that fill the ranks of university administrators, school teachers, government employees, campaign staffers, and so on.

The real problem here though is that model is broken somehow. Publishers don’t even try to sell good fiction. The can just spread propaganda and not worry about the bottom line. Nobody trust busts the publishing industry because nobody thinks it’s that important.

>> No.21608135

It's wasps from Ivy Leagues most of the time, chud.

>> No.21608185

Fine, let them have it.

A publishing industry dependent on tiktok memes for sales in an ever shrinking market is already breathing on a ventilator.
What annoys me is that instead of creating new communities or magazines everyone is fighting over the ever shrinking crumbs, as though the Random House or The New Yorker of today shares anything more then a name with the publishers of 50 years ago.

>> No.21608198

Brooklyn is mostly Jewish

>> No.21608206

Capote: Well, it has brought about the rise of what I call the Jewish Mafia in American letters. This is a clique of New York-oriented writers and critics who control much of the literary scene through the influence of the quarterlies and intellectual magazines. All these publications are Jewish-dominated and this particular coterie employs them to make or break writers by advancing or withholding attention. I don’t think there’s any conscious, sinister conspiracy on their part—just a determination to see that members of their particular clique rise to the top. Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow and Philip Roth and Isaac Bashevis Singer and Norman Mailer are all fine writers, but they’re not the only writers in the country, as the Jewish literary Mafia would have us believe. I could give you a list of excellent writers, such as John Knowles and Vance Bourjaily and James Purdy and Donald Windham and Reynolds Price and James Leo Herlihy and Calder Willingham and John Hawkes and William Goyen; the odds are you haven’t heard of most of them, for the simple reason that the Jewish Mafia has systematically frozen them out of the literary scene. Now, mind you, I’m not against any particular group adhering to its own literary values and advancing its own favored authors; such cliques have always existed in American letters. I only object when any one particular group—and it could just as well be Southern, or Roman Catholic, or Marxist, or vegetarian—gets a strangle hold on American criticism and squeezes out anybody who doesn’t conform to its own standards. It’s fine to write about specifically Jewish problems, and it often makes valid and exciting literature—but the people who have other messages to convey, other styles and other backgrounds should also be given a chance. Today, because of the predominance of the Jewish Mafia, they’re not being given that opportunity. This is something everyone in the literary world knows but never writers about.

Playboy: Aren’t you opening yourself up to a charge of anti-Semitism?

Capote: No.

>> No.21608212

white women have the worst taste in everything, its why everything sucks nowadays

>> No.21608241

Woman is the right arm of the Jew, Nigger is his left.

>> No.21608244
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If anything triggering the libtards is where the money is when you think about it.
America needs its own houellebecq.

1.Step 1, write a reactionary book
2. step 2. wait for the libtards to get triggered
3. they get triggered and spread your book all over the internet, promoting it for free
4. it becomes a cause celebre
5. you get men reading books again

thats how you bring books back to life, but niggers are too scared.

>> No.21608247
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>> No.21608260

sensitivity readers in publishing remind me of the hays code in film, once the hays code was done away with there was an explosion of creativity starting in the 60s

>> No.21608262


it's over for you chuds

>> No.21608265


>> No.21608271


Cant you tell we are busy talking about the Jews. Nigger publishing didn't except my manuscript FUCK OFF!

>> No.21608273

the article made a good point, thanks to these cringe ass white ladies could you see hucklberry finn or othello being published today

>> No.21608277

Are you fucking retarded? Lol. Woke faggots live in their own reality. But in the end get raped by jews harder than anyone else. Except maybe blacks

>> No.21608345

>could you see hucklberry finn or othello being published today

The question isn't could, rather it is should. If a book is harmful to marginalized and oppressed folks then what good is there in its being published?

>> No.21608354
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>> No.21608358

Anon this /pol/-tier bait, you're going to have to do better.

>> No.21608360

0/10 bait

im gonna need your troll gun and troll badge, you are off the force

>> No.21608391

You have no answer.

>> No.21608392

Workplaces have cliques and fads and certain people gravitate towards certain interests and jobs pertaining to them.

These are the sorts of people who go into publishing, at least the 'proper literature' part perhaps genres are different? You want someone who understands and is familiar with the audience, and who reads the high brow 'proper literature'? Guess what you hire similar people to find the works to publish for those consumers.

Just as people constantly on the lookout to be offended by something and see conspiracies against them everywhere seem to congregate in conservative cultural criticism, and how it is funded by powerful financial interests to generate backlash culture they can exploit during elections to get candidates into office who will carry out their agenda by promising to address these rubes made up greivances.

>> No.21609142

This anon gets it. The reason these people succeed is that their books appeal to the stuff book groups choose, and book groups are the big short-term buyerbase of lit fic. The only way to change that is to read and care about the stuff that's being written and isn't milquetoast

>> No.21609190
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I don't know about any official statistics but in my experience, by far the largest group of people who buy books are women, usually "white women from a certain background", "brooklyn ladies" as this guy accurately calls them.

Just like makeup or women's clothes, you can see that there is obviously a sensational and short term marketing appeal that appeals to women, and nearly every published major books in the past 10 years follows this trend. Fiction, nonfiction, history, politics. The women who claim to love reading, and appreciate "good books" and "good literature" are also the ones who always read the latest smear book on why a political candidate is so awful, or they read the harry potter books or 50 shades of gray. Then they say huckleberry finn is "harmful to oppressed and marginalized bipocs" and throw out every book made before 1950.

But I think a big reason, aside from the obviously powerful cultural force of "woke" stuff or whatever you call it, is just marketing. Publishers don't care about books, they care about one thing and one thing only, money. They will publish whatever sells and they will hop on whatever trend in book-hating if it gains them attention and credibility and eventually sells books

>> No.21609198
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Take the Marc-Edouard Nabe pill and self publish.

>> No.21609208

It's something like 90% women. Very few men read fiction these days.

>> No.21609278

but many of the all-time bestselling books sold because of controversy. publishers should court that. any damage done to whatever minority that pipes up to complain about reprasentayshun in book A, B or C is minimal compared to the overall vitamin injection such a move/mindset would be for literature. plus dead media would get its culture and letters pages blazing with shitflinging again, it's a win-win

>> No.21609282
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actually it's papists

>> No.21609306
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thats exactly what im saying here


or to quote the wrestling carny eric bischoff "controversy creates cash "

>> No.21609365

It’s not just ‘chuds’ getting fucked over by these dumb whores. Any half-decent story that isn’t just plain propaganda or a racial/feminist power fantasy is thrown into the trash bin. This means that there are no more new and interesting stories made with genuine skill and creativity. Only the top 1% of hack authors and their utterly mid drivel that has already dominated the market for the last two decades can survive, and even then their books are hardly ever read. People only buy newer books these days because they’re popular; they don’t actually read any of them outside of the title and a few shitty post articles on what some faggot thinks the book is supposed to be about.

>> No.21609372

(You) are a faggot.

>> No.21609384

>source: trust me bro

>> No.21609431


I invite you to walk into any bookstore, library, or even take a glance at a grocery store magazine rack. Look around and tell me that I’m not right. All of the genuine creativity now is found in self publishing, but unfortunately, it too is mired in a sea of worthless shlock. Excellence is no longer celebrated unless it was published over twenty years ago.

>> No.21609479

Eventually people are going to get bored of trying to read poorly written stories with biracial tranny disabled protagonists. Obviously there are only so many black/brown authors to go around, and even fewer if you mean ones who can write semi-well. It’s like admissions at prestigious graduate programs: all the programs want black male students, but there simply aren’t enough of them applying so they don’t get many. Same with black male authors; not enough of them writing books, at least from the perspective of publishing houses.

>> No.21609555
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This is, unfortunately, the swing of the pendulum back from the virulent racism of the past where whites defined themselves as "not black" and patted themselves on the back over how "civilized" they were. True art strives for truth. Now that we know that's false how can white people know our fine art isn't perpetuating a falsehood. We will reverse racism enough until white people hate the idea of their whiteness as much of black people hated the concept of their blackness until our artificial dichotomies are extinguished. Same thing with men and women but highly accelerated. Women are almost out of their time in the sun while back people will rule for much longer. The economy will probably self-destruct before then.

Pagan oppresses Christian then Christian oppresses Pagan. And on it goes flipping back and forth. Of course the titles change but it's always the same.

>> No.21609564

Brooklyn is gentrified by whites.

>> No.21609573

It's a good thing the majority of them are too lazy and/or retarded to read

>> No.21609578

That doesn’t exclude mediocre, rich white women moving to Brooklyn after daddy paid for their ivy league degree, retard

>> No.21609582

Finally someone else is posting. I have been posting it for who knows how long and hardly got engagement from it, so I stopped. Glad someone took notice

>> No.21609615

Yes we need to curtail high art to cater to the retarded troglodytes. You and this >>21608392 retard would have boo’d and threw food at Stravinsky for his Rite of Spring

>> No.21609691
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In Australia it's the "Melbourne Wankers" but it's pretty similar.
When i was shopping around my first book (pic related) i tried a couple of the Melbourne publishers. One told me "Nobody is interested in country bogans doing country bogan things, move to Melbourne if you want to become a real writer"
Another one told me straight up "We're not interested in straight white male perspectives"
A third publisher was keen and asked me what indigenous nation i was from so they could write up my writer bio. i told them the truth, that i'm a white guy, and they never responded to any of my emails again.
Eventually i found a small indie publisher and the rest is history, my book got shortlisted for an award and is still selling.

>> No.21609706

Tom Wolfe sorta did this in Bonfire of Vanities when he satirized these people, but these exact people he was criticizing lack self-awareness so they never made the connection he’s making fun of them

>> No.21609714

i think i speak for my fellow woolstonchads when i say it feels damn good to be on the right side of history. keep on truckin big fella

>> No.21609850

Will do bro

>> No.21609930

The same think happened with that shitty movie get out. It's literally mocking the weird fags obsessed with nigger bodies but they seem to think that it's not them.

>> No.21609943
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>tfw straining to reply something cynical or negative to this but no matter how hard i strain all i can think to say is "That's awesome, congratulations bro and kudos for showing others the way through perseverance"

>> No.21609968

It's easier to court controversy from Chuds, who seethe endlessly about their psuedo-sexual pathologies, liberals just refuse to acknowledge the existence of anything which could challenge their worldview

>> No.21609973

>Who are these so-called "Brooklyn ladies" and why do they have so much control
Same entitled bints who've been pushing anti-vax because their precious offspring go small classed private schools naturally limiting exposure... Until they leave.

Bill Burr was right. White women have a lot to answer for, and they're currently pretending they aren't the second most privileged demographic in all history.

>> No.21609988

true. and getting chuds to even consider buying new lit after having their brains marinated in stormfront propaganda for nearly a decade probably isn't worth the effort. too far gone

>> No.21610032

Weird how you focused solely on that chud part of his post but the latter part received no angst from you.

>> No.21610054

lmao he got the vax

>> No.21610068

Uhm Bill Burr has a raceplay fetish.

>> No.21610091

you are very smart

>> No.21610094

Thanks, you're a mentally retarded piece of shit

>> No.21610097

why do you say that? because i didn't dunk on da libs?

>> No.21610107

I don't know, I'm not >>21610032 I just wanted to say that

>> No.21610130

What later part?

>> No.21610131

oh ok. have a nice weekend

>> No.21610232

Damn, might be the first time I've seen an actually good book written by a lit-er, nice one brother

>> No.21610242

>Who are these so-called "Brooklyn ladies"
Pawns and fall guys for the real power players.

>> No.21610662

thank you kind anon

>> No.21610761

Very upstanding, glad you found success with your writing

>> No.21610853

I miss when men spoke their mind in public. My soul yearns for it.