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21607732 No.21607732 [Reply] [Original]

Tao last tweeted he was going 'grounding' near Halema'uma'u

>> No.21607735
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what if he pulls a dfw and becomes the dfw of alt lit

>> No.21607755

is Tao Lin coaching twitter influencers on improving their copy?

>> No.21607764

is that the guy who said he shits in his backyard instead of the toilet and cured his autism? I was reading an interview with Terence Mckenna's son and noticed it was written by him lmao

>> No.21607772

He raped a child
I hope he's dead

>> No.21607785

outdoor bathrooming with your friends is your birthright

>> No.21607791

Mr. Tao didn't follow his corona script so he's persona non grata in the literary world. Heard he's trying to learn Portuguese and Quechua

>> No.21607885

xi jingping called tao home.
a chinese version of skyhook successfully rescued tao from behind enemy lines.
Tao is safe 100%
Free Tibet! Free Taiwan!

>> No.21607901
File: 132 KB, 1170x749, FXXkAhnVsAIWxah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this was a joke at first but now iono
i met mr lin a year or so ago at a Hawaii Liberation event. he was a gifted organizer who was passionate about restoring Native Hawaiian Sovereignty
I will pray that he is ok

>> No.21607910

backstory? proofs?

>> No.21607919

I'm fairly certain Tao Lin is chilling in an pseudoamniotic float tank doing astral kombat with the ten-thousand wandering souls of Jolyon West

>> No.21608209

Account isn't suspended:

>> No.21609172

his literary agent has power of attorney and his twitter pw

>> No.21609921


>> No.21609959

his tweets are pretty funny

>> No.21610241

The novel's plot is based on Lin's relationship with the poet E. R. Kennedy, whom he dated when he was 22 and Kennedy was 16. In October 2014, Kennedy accused Lin of committing statutory rape over the course of their relationship. Kennedy also accused Lin of instances of emotional abuse, and claimed that Lin based passages in Richard Yates on personal email correspondence between the two.[1][2]

Lin posted a statement on Facebook addressing Kennedy's accusations. He agreed that he had sex with Kennedy, with whom he had been in a long-term relationship, but said that it was "not statutory rape, let alone rape" (as the website Jezebel had originally reported before correcting the article), and said he had Kennedy's permission to use their correspondence. He also claimed to have offered Kennedy any royalties from Yates, and to request that Melville House withdraw it from circulation.[3]

>> No.21610945

Dopey guy getting first taste of sex let's art hoe get the claws in. Instead of playing along with her rapidly intensifying mental malfunctioning he breaks away.
She later accuses him of rape because she's insane.
Many such cases.

>> No.21610991

Wow that sounds seri...

>> No.21611213

reminds me of this

>> No.21612211

okay you niggaz made it sound like he fully molested a child or something, that's a little different and given that he's an actual autist I'm not really that shocked

>> No.21612231

genuinely starting to not believe any rape stories I hear from women. Random women I meet casually tell me about getting raped every other weekend like it's cool. I've also seen women meet each other and talk about all the times they got raped like it's a topic of conversation and they mention it so casually like it's just a thing that happens every now and then. I wonder if women have always been like this or if it's a new thing from the tiktok hivemind.

>> No.21612234

To clarify I was molested when I was 4 years old and I spent a good 3 years being homeless on the streets and psychotic, that shit is no joke.