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File: 417 KB, 1200x1200, william-shakespeare-194895-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21578318 No.21578318 [Reply] [Original]

If we knew anything about this man, his life, or his personal beliefs, he and his work would not be as interesting. We are lucky he left behind no diaries, interviews, and none of his neighbors ever left a journal making a note about him. This is something authors don't understand: just do the work and shut the fuck up. Pull a Pynchon.

>> No.21578323

earring is for women retard

>> No.21578422

It is assumed he was gay, though we don't know for sure, which is great.

>> No.21578634
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most lifelike portrait of Shakespeare looks like Lars
Its over

>> No.21578755

He had a wife and 3 daughters fag

>> No.21578796

bi, then.

>> No.21578949

>as sure as pubs are places to drink beer at
>i wrote more plays than you can shake a spear at
>who am i?

>> No.21578971

Why do you think Pynchon and McCarthy act as they do? It’s out of vanity. They know very well that mystery enhances a writers fame and my guess is that Shakespeare’s fate was what made this thing clear for both of them.

>> No.21578988

He's lost it a bit. Pynchon remained true. Even Salinger gave in and did an interview.

>> No.21579009

>Have offspring
>Offspring decides to mooch off of famous parent

>> No.21579028

>he left behind no diaries, interviews
Diaries and interviews didn't really exist at the time in the first place.

>> No.21579063

Da Vinci left behind a journal

>> No.21579142

We don't know anything about most authors from the olden days, and we don't give a fuck about 99% of them

>> No.21579159

McCarthy embarrassed himself by doing an Oprah interview, he's a sellout.

>> No.21579180

Obviously, a precondition is that the author’s works must have been good

>> No.21579953
File: 652 KB, 2108x1519, Oscar_Wilde_portrait_Getty[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even fags had wives and children back then.

>> No.21579964

He did one or two before that. He also made a video for that institute he hangs out at.
It's sad, really.
Recently he talked to the rat faced Jewish nerd about Science

>> No.21579968

>everyone is LE GAY

>> No.21580332

he wrote 126 love poems addressed to a man

>> No.21580363

It's because Shakespeare the man did not exist, it was a pseudonym and a brand.

>> No.21581643

When a portrait of that time features a person wearing an earring like that it means that he is a poet. Don't remember where I read this but hey google is your friend.

>> No.21581662

That's not gay, it's just bicurious.

>> No.21581989

You clearly didn't read them

>> No.21582180

it's this WE NEED THE MYSTERY AROUND A SUPERHUMAN idea that's stupid here. authors giving their thoughts about their writing and the world only adds new perspectives to their work and never takes anything away.

>> No.21582246

Do we know much about Homer other than that he was blind making him do all his stories orally?

>> No.21582260

>Do we know much about Homer other than that he was blind making him do all his stories orally?
Homer was a tradition of orally transmitted wandering poets, obviously with key authors and redactors. Odyssey obviously has women sponsors due to the large number of women roles, and the variety of roles. We know its spoken because a variety of the devices used aid memorisation (and flow bitch, verse gotta flow).

>> No.21583269

francis bacon