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/lit/ - Literature

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21565846 No.21565846 [Reply] [Original]

say it

prev >>21558298

>> No.21565848

Leftards btfo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immanentize_the_eschaton

>> No.21565851
File: 1.07 MB, 1238x1482, Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 10.58.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuddybros... it's over for us

>> No.21565858

>What do you read if at all?
>What do you write if at all?
>What do you smoke if at all?
>What do you drink if at all?
>What caffeine do you take if at all?
>What drugs do you take if at all?
I'll start:
I've been reading VALIS trilogy again.
I've been writing a novel (sci fi satire), but a lot of poetry too.
I've been smoking Chesterfield Reds.
I recently drank a bottle of nice, local GSM but tried to taper off the booze.
I drink oolong tea, or coffee, usually every day.
I only took cough medicine (DXM) recently, but it was mainly self reflective.

>> No.21565870
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>>What do you read if at all?
>>What do you write if at all?
>>What do you smoke if at all?
>>What do you drink if at all?
>>What caffeine do you take if at all?
>>What drugs do you take if at all?

>> No.21565873

>go back to visit hometown after 4 years of college
>the girls I grew up with are obese, tattooed and have multiple children
>the boys are balding, obese, tattooed fathers
>the children are called aydyn, jaryn, daryn, karyn or some variation
>almost all of them live with their parents in multigenerational homes

>> No.21565877

Still thinking about that school mate lads

>> No.21565884
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I drank alcohol for the first time in my life. About 2oz of vodka and a liter of moscato. Shit was disgusting and I had to mix it with koolaid. It was pretty good though, in a weird way. Now I'm thinking about getting another bottle constantly.

>> No.21565888

I've been there. Boredom hits you hard when you are young

>> No.21565890

I'm learning that I love Italian opera. I should really make more of an effort to listen to more of it. I wonder who our generation's Pavarotti will be?

>> No.21565891

Just ease into it. Cocktails are a good way to enjoy the alcohol without mixing it with koolaid. I suggest Kahlua and Vodka (which are cheap, relatively), to make Black Russians if you like coffee. Or, you could try a lovely gin which are usually aromatic. There's Japanese stuff like Roku, but I suggest Tanqueray, especially the orange Seville variant.
Wine is nice, but it takes a while to get used to. Beer is good usually, but try a stout or something.

>> No.21565898

>What do you read if at all?
Select classics, philosophy only when I need an in to a new perspective, hentai
>What do you write if at all?
Schizobabble never to be published and romance
>What do you smoke if at all?
Menthol cancer sticks
>What do you drink if at all?
Whiskey and water
>What caffeine do you take if at all?
Coconut Berry Red Bull
>What drugs do you take if at all?
Aside from caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine? Do I really need more than that?

>> No.21565945

sometimes i'll think i've done something recently only to realize it was actually like two years ago

>> No.21565960

how come i can drink 150 proof booze fine but i instavomit if i drink 180 proof

>> No.21565971

I cannot stick to a single fucking story. I've probably written close to fifty introductions to stories, with fleshed out characters and motivations and plots, yet I just abandon all these things in favor of writing yet another short story. All these 2-3k word abominations are stacked on my computer and I just can't return to them.

>> No.21565974

wrtie 2-3k words short stories

>> No.21565979

This is a story about around half a dozen people, each with distinct motivations and thoughts. Some of them faced adversity and interpersonal conflict but in the end they all learned something about the human condition. The end.

>> No.21565989


>> No.21566005
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>What do you read if at all?
Mostly detective mystery and horror, sometimes a classic when I am really in the mood.

>What do you write if at all?
Rain falling for days
Writing haiku for lit threads
Always ends up shit

>What do you smoke if at all?

>What do you drink if at all?
Water, tea, radler

>What caffeine do you take if at all?
instant coffee

>What drugs do you take if at all?
Sugar is my only drug.

>> No.21566010

I'm getting overwhelmed with the number of projects I'm trying to undertake.

Toy collecting
Website and Youtube/TikTok management
(script writing, video and sound editing, thumbnails, voiceover narration)
Drawing and music editing

just wanted to mention. if anyone else is doing a lot let me know how you process it all.

>> No.21566013

i'm getting a cold or strep throat or something. annoying, but i'll just work through it. it's annoying though now post-covid the government can insert itself in your sniffles and try to tell you what tests and treatments to get and if you can work or not. this medical tyranny is just never going to go away. i have like 15 years left before i can retire, then i can cough and sniffle all i want. imagine we've come to the point that we long for the freedom to be sick in peace.

>> No.21566014

>toy collecting
Like effin Funkos or epic transformers?
It's easy to run an online magazine desu. I don't know why it would be overwhelming, but maybe you have to update often.

>> No.21566042

>t. satan

>> No.21566052
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>Takara Tomy Transformers Masterpiece Mp-48 Lio Convoy Beast Wars Robot Figure
you tell me
>also the other transformer I have is a Quickstrike from the Beastwars 1995 line

thanks for asking, it's lame as hell (in a way) but the nostalgia and awe factor over silly and satisfying things is immensely gratifying

At this point in time, I tried the blog thing but had virtually no visitors, single digits.
I'm trying to branch out a little through tiktok in order to get traffic because my writing and advice is directed at children who had education development issues like I did (just adhd and motivation problems as well as being impulsive, also think Andrew Tate replacement).
But getting the website the way I want has been near impossible based on what I've dabbled into, I have to get into coding (jesus I forgot all the coding and programming I've put on the backburner) for the website development side.
>also have programming protoypes that I have to find investors for somehow

It's not just the blog, I want to create some sort of global/community polling system for issues sort of like any media website with likes. Monetize that somehow, or solely for the benefit of the world.

I'm not sure if I'm approaching things the right way but I appreciate your input.

>the constant researching and writing and conceptualising
and in the end most people are just gonna think im a bleeding heart anti-capitalist trying to get clout, or at least that's been the response on /sci/ (not that I take it to heart, those morons)

Thinking about planning out the whole thing and seeing where I can pay others to get the stuff I don't want to learn done.
At this point, it's a whole lot of chaos and ideas without implementation or results.
I've got a microphone set up, video editing programs, some scripts/outlines written etc

>you collect anything?

>> No.21566086
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>What do you read if at all?
Currently struggling through the Enneads along with the reading group, also plan to read the Brothers Karamazov soon. I would like to be able to read and understand Hegel and the phenomenologists eventually but I have a long way to go before I get to that level.
>What do you write if at all?
Occassionally I'll write random prose or poetry in these threads. Other than that the last things I wrote were guro fanfics on /jp/.
>What do you smoke if at all?
>What do you drink if at all?
>What caffeine do you take if at all?
Cactus flavor Semtex
>What drugs do you take if at all?

>> No.21566090

Where did I put that?

>> No.21566093

I wish I didn't enjoy eating

>> No.21566110
File: 131 KB, 400x170, 86408d8c-ebcd-4d87-8a5b-05f2a8ce00cb_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It upsets me daily that everyone's bickering over the stupidest shit imaginable meanwhile everything sucks because about 10 people own half the wealth.

>> No.21566113

>>What do you read if at all?
transgressive fiction, historical non-fiction, comedies, monster horror, fanfiction
>>What do you write if at all?
bad fanfiction
>>What do you smoke if at all?
used to smoke black devils back when they still had flavors, stopped smoking years ago, but started vaping recently
>>What do you drink if at all?
used to drink rum, but it made me feel bad. stopped drinking a while ago, too. water, tea, instant coffee, true fruits smoothies.
>>What caffeine do you take if at all?
>>What drugs do you take if at all?
medikinet, if it counts

>> No.21566119

>everything sucks because about 10 people own half the wealth.
yes. unfortunately, propaganda works, and they control that too. everyone is too busy blaming immigrants and the lgbt+ instead of bankers and CEOs, and they did it on purpose.

>> No.21566120

Wish I could get the last 3 years back

>> No.21566124

3 years isn't so bad. imagine wishing you could go back 15 years, 20 years, 50 years...

>> No.21566133

i used to lurk and post on /pol/ for years. but lately its impossible. everyone there seems incredibly stupid or just flat out a bot.
>post something
>thread flooded with buzzwords, eg "globohomo" "vaccine" "hohol"
i've come to realise that all my beliefs for the last 10 years of my life were most likely just bots spamming things to distract me from doing something productive.

I don't really know how to feel anymore.

>> No.21566138

Weird how those same CEOs support immigrants and LGBT stuff.

>> No.21566152

Vodka and moscato are disgusting. You drank quite a lot for your first time, I still get a decent buzz from a bottle of wine.

>> No.21566155

You're the worst of the worst. The dumbest of the retards. The lowest of the low.

>> No.21566156

they don't, they just pretend they do.
they like illegal immigrants because they don't have to pay them a legal wage

>> No.21566160 [SPOILER] 
File: 349 KB, 800x597, 1448805288356 (copy 1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ from 2012-2016 was full of real people. Mostly shitposters and people that had a sense of hymor, eveb if they had crazy ass beliefs. After 2016, the powers that be realized that /pol/ was important to the Internet exhosystem they ignored or thought wasn't important for some time and just shat it up with the worst of the worst posters. It was gradual, but after 2018, /pol/ was irreversibly infected with bot posts and gay shit like that. It did have some funny shit like the BLM riots in Israel, but for the most part it's the dystopic landscape you described. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's more of a recent thing that occured in 2018 and you snapped out of more improtantly. Some people never will, as seen by Breadtube, the dissident right and other gay Internet kayfabe bullshit. I'll post visual cosolodation for you in the meantime.

>> No.21566168

she's cute

>> No.21566183

I enjoyed the humour for awhile, but when I look at the level of dialogue now, there's hardly any intelligence. People took the JIDF meme to such a level that anything that doesn't fit within a narrow frame of dialogue gets you blacklisted as a glownigger. THis word "globohomo" seems so incredibly forced and cheap that there's not even point in responding to threads anymore.

I quite seriously believe I was manipulted by some intelligence agent to waste almost 10 years of my life on that board thinking I was redpilled. I feel cheated, and I feel like I wasted so much time.

>> No.21566187

I wish that too, but it’s a less realistic wish.

>> No.21566188

The dissident left allies themselves with bourgeois academics, immigrants, LGBTQ+, banks, and billionaires to defeat the middle class and poor whites and their "fascist uprising" because it would be "far worse" than "what they have now." So the billionaires will keep telling leftists that the evil white fascists are RIGHT ABOUT TO WIN and they need to work together AS HARD AS POSSIBLE to COMPLETELY FUCKING DESTROY the middle class and poor classes, with the added benefit that it will, somehow, "unify the proletariat."
And this has the added benefit of making sure anyone sane will not even remotely sympathize with the left. Such a bleak fucking political landscape.

>> No.21566193

I hurt myself today...

>> No.21566195

To see if you still feel?

>> No.21566206

did it help?

>> No.21566213

>sci fi, fantasy, romance
>I've only written one novel, a ya fantasy romance
>haven't smoked anything in my life
>haven't taken a sip of alcohol in my life, too afraid to lose control of myself or render myself vulnerable
>haven't had a drop of caffeine in my life
>paroxetine to deal with overwhelming anxiety/stress/dread

>> No.21566233

As I was reading the bible in my office at work today, I smelled a combination of semen and urine in my office. I knew the smell had to originate from near my crotch area, which was a little suspicious because I had showered today and I was wearing fresh undies. I didn't shower for three days earlier though, because my landlady has to change a gasket in my shower room. Evidently the filth from the last unwashed days had spoiled through my boxers into my pants. I went into the bathroom at work and took off my pants and smelled closely to triangulate the source. The source was found and I wetted a paper towel and added some hand soap and scrubbed the Area of Origination. I also dried the now wet part of my pants as best as I could. Still a noticeable water stain remained. But not to worry, I was able to sit in my office til it dried completely arousing no suspicion. The smell is gone and I'm very glad. Now there is an appointment in the evening I want to get to and these are my only good pair of pants. I'd like to wash and dry them thoroughly to be safe, but I won't have enough time for that. I'm going to risk it. I will wash them tonight and let them dry overnight, so tomorrow I will be a man with nothing to hide.

>> No.21566242

Seek help.

>> No.21566255

they take my faith for madness
tolystoy was right
they take me for a fool

>> No.21566268

Every once in a while I get afraid that I'm delusional or schizophrenic, especially because psychiatrists in the past wrongly tried to gaslight me into believing I was delusional (and it was proven that I was not, even in official documents). If I ever developed schizophrenia, I would kill myself immediately or turn myself in to LE because I would be way too unstable to be able to roam the streets.

>> No.21566271

I think at this point I simply enjoy my emotional suffering

>> No.21566274
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>>What do you read if at all?
Elric Saga II and Hitler's Revolution currently.

>>What do you write if at all?
A journal several times a week. Also been writing a summary of every book I read, just a few pages to see how much I have retained. I enjoy it.

>>What do you smoke if at all?
Cigars. Camacho and Charter Oak for daily smokes and Drew Estates and Perdomo for weekends.

>>What do you drink if at all?
Islay Whisky, but any decent whisky will fit.

>>What caffeine do you take if at all?
I have several weak coffees throughout the day, made with decent instant coffee and a kettle. Not one of those awful coffee pot makers Americans use.

>>What drugs do you take if at all?
No. Weed is for scumbags, minorities and criminals. If you are going to do drugs, do a proper one. All downers are just awful things and those who take them recreationally are barely humans in my view.

>> No.21566359

>What do you read if at all?
Today I will finish Father Sergius by Tolstoy, and will start War with the Newts by Capek.
>What do you write if at all?
The journey of a grandma to save his kidnapped grandson and her adventures while exiled.
>What do you smoke if at all?
Red Field Red but rolled up, not in pipe.
>What do you drink if at all?
Wine (Rioja, Mencía or Ribeiro) or beer (1906) to start, Licorcafé to finish.
>What caffeine do you take if at all?
Coffee on the morning and after lunch if I end up stuffed.
>What drugs do you take if at all?
Only on the weekends, usually cocaine, sometimes MDMA. A little bit of weed on occasion.

>> No.21566374

Someone read The Alchemist again on Reddit

>> No.21566388

Thinking about joining the army.

>> No.21566408

Be sure to lurk /meg/ on /k/ so you know exactly what you're getting into if you do it. Ignore the vaxx/Dirlewanger/BCD schizo.

>> No.21566422

Thinking about starting the Sanderson journey so I can read thousands of pages like one of the smarter men around. Perhaps it has a wiser ring to it, if I get the audiobooks to enjoy at 1.4x speed. I will get much of the epic journey this way

>> No.21566446
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What Country, regiment etc?

>> No.21566490


>What do you read if at all?
Classics, Sci-fi, some poetry but not much.
>What do you write if at all?
I take dreams i have had and make stories out them. Sometimes their multiple dreams, sometimes just one.
>What do you smoke if at all?
Ain't for me
>What do you drink if at all?
Wine, reds mainly.
>What caffeine do you take if at all?
Depends, if i want to get a lot of writing done i have a large amount of coffee and sugar with milk. If its work that needs to be done i have a single strong black coffee. If i have nothing happening i just take small sugar and coffee whites through out the day
>What drugs do you take if at all?
Want to try mushrooms but outside of that i take nothing. I do have a prescription.Remember fello schizos don't take the meds their not good for you.

>> No.21566494

there is no worst feeling than a burst of inspiration while being stuck in the wage cage

>> No.21566514

I think I want to write some non-fiction. Now to find a topic.

>> No.21566643

30 years and I didnt achieve anything. I'm a colossal failure and an arrogant fool.

>> No.21566663
File: 72 KB, 700x700, 80ca65e5a153b4df20be55a40f6902fa3f-amazen.rsquare.w700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI needs to be quarantined until further study. I loathe to see people deludedly follow the "tech geniuses who have it all figured out" when in fact those people lack any sort of insight into the true implications of their doings.

Most of the wealth has already been sucked up by tech billionaires, and this is just one more way to extract from the average person. Especially writers and artists, who are going to see the few pennies, the few miserable pennies, that they can't even have.

>> No.21566669

> that they can't even
-have vacuumed up.
Humanity as a whole learns no lessons. And the cycle is repeating in tech once more as if people have forgotten all about how all the hype about social media and web3.0 and crypto and all that bullshit ended up so badly.

Partly this is by design. They are so systematically distracted by that very tech, with their attention spans on constant reset because of it, that they can't remember anything hardly

>> No.21566671

AI is already in power, or rather, humans are no longer in control of society. AI is just another form of society's growth

>> No.21566672

Idiot. Go rant about how transgenders are taking over the world on /pol/

>> No.21566675

>muh money and muh /pol/
The most predictable of predictable robots.

>> No.21566682

I disagree. AI is quite limited and does not actually understand or know anything. It is an information hazard, but the techies will exploit the fact that the average person doesn't know the truth to make it seem that they are in possession of omnipotent magic.

>> No.21566685

I see you have no point to make. Give me a solid argument why wealth inequality isn't a major socially destabilizing problem. Bonus points if you don't use chatgpt

>> No.21566708

Also, we've never been in control. History is a pattern of reactivity that we retroactively reinterpret to have been all according to plan. We read a narrative pattern into a chain haphazard incidents. If we never had control then AI certainly won't. It's incapable of foresight and decision making.

>> No.21566710
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Society is the omnipotent magic. Society itself is a conscious or semi-conscious entity exactly analogous to an artificial general intelligence. I think AI is just going to be the point when society, the basilisk, is no longer reliant on humans for mentally solving its problems.

>> No.21566768
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my weary eyes cannot see the light

>> No.21566773

The smug arrogant retard demands an essay. Do you deserve it? You repeated propaganda platitudes with no hint of thought.
>wealth inequality isn't a major socially destabilizing problem
It can be a problem but the problems are specific, your focus on repeating vague propaganda lines isn't productive. You don't point out actual issues but use ancient propaganda to stoke resentment about your beloved magic token that apparently solves all problems.
The mechanism behind the token makes it represent potential. If you redistribute it you just change what it represents. Money locked in investment has a completely different effect than consumer money. Forcefully transforming investment money into consumer money, crippling investment for a short term boost to consumption is the road to bread lines.
Everything you believe is retarded. It's probably even worse, retards like you don't actually believe anything, you just mindlessly regurgitate the dumb shit that's fed to you.

>> No.21566783

The spirit a wheel embodies moves wagons.
Christian society is a flawed attempt to embody Christ. It's a mutated and corrupted freak version of the higher good, exactly like Robocop (1987).

>> No.21566795

Christian society?

>> No.21566841

Detroit, the future location of Delta City.
The body of Christ is your daily bread if you like it or not. It even taught you to read.

>> No.21566869

You've evidently reached a higher level of enlightenment than I could ever hope to achieve.

>> No.21566878

we live in a boring dystopia. which is better than an exciting dystopia, granted, but goddammit, we just walked right into it.

>> No.21566881

take a nap

>> No.21566886

It's far worse than an exciting dystopia. We're living in one of the most horrifying dystopias imaginable. I don't mean "we're bein' heckin tortureino'd!", but that looking at the way society is structured now, its growth, its future, and the state of human life just indicates that it is worse than 1984 and it will continue to get worse.

>> No.21566895

Mystic insight just revealed to me that Newton’s absolute space will be vindicated

>> No.21566911

I am going to throw up

>> No.21566923

Cool it on the ad hominems Jack. It's not helping your lousy argument.

All of that wealth isn't being invested. It's being hoarded in offshore tax shelters.

And it's not about redistribution, that is a deceptive term. It's about correctly distributing.

The upward transfer of wealth is a TRANSFER, it is theft. Wages have stagnated while capital has exploded.

We can correct the distribution of wealth or head into ww3 and economic collapse. Those are the options.

>> No.21566927

> Society is the omnipotent magic.
Seems impotent to me.

>> No.21566929
File: 419 KB, 1200x750, Andrew-tate-bugatti-chiron-copy-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many subscribers to Tate's "Hustler's Academy" were thirdworlders? isnt Andrew Tate the ISIS of pyramid schemes -- taking advantage of disaffected incels by appealing to radicalism and virgin rage? Instead of recruiting them for war he just stole their money lol. tell me picrel isnt exactly the epitome of every dalit and arab incel.

hes a genius and trump level masterclass troll

>> No.21566934

epitome of every dalit and arab incel *FANTASY
typo lol

>> No.21566936
File: 542 KB, 1250x1000, FranzRadziwill_Wasserturm-in-Bremen_1932_KunsthalleEmden_VG-BK_25cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a girlfriend, finally, after over 25 years of KHHV despair.

She is pretty. And intelligent.

We did most things up until actual sex. I am more scared than ever to lose her, because I know I'll never get that far again with someone as precious as her.

>> No.21566950

How? Obviously it's not omnipotent yet, but it is "omnipotent" in the sense that anon meant.

>> No.21566957

You have been intoxicated and aren't thinking right. Do not idealize someone. Idealization is also bad for the person you love, because they may feel bad for being unable to live up to your idealization of them.

>> No.21566974

All you retards violently oppose all real solutions like tariffs while complaining about the shit you're causing.
The markets are better at distributing the tokens than anyone and reliably do.
Suddenly when it's about wages the nation state is relevant again but respecting borders and putting up tariffs is still out of the question for some reason. Global wages in percentage terms haven't stagnated, you mean the wages of spoiled westerners that don't actually do anything.
You don't have any options. There is no way to continue your degenerate way of living. It has nothing to do with your wages.

>> No.21566979

Every time I put effort into a post no one responds
Fuck it what's the point, none of you deserve it

>> No.21566981

I give up. I'm gonna be alone for my whole life. If there's some woman out there both capable and willing to deal with my awful personality I'll either never meet her or I'll screw it up and push her away.

>> No.21567031

that makes two of us

>> No.21567058

>tax shelters
If you just store the money it depreciates, you have to invest it somewhere. If you go through tax shelters you'll likely not reinvest in your own country but it will find work somewhere.
All this is a symptom of globalism. If you are truly invested in an area you see it as your home that you must maintain to have access to future wealth and you can't just suck it dry just to move on to a new area. The global culture can change, everyone wants real homes and everyone wants nationalism.

>> No.21567062

how do I stop being so angry? I know there's some of you who get it.

>> No.21567085
File: 827 KB, 1300x921, ce7eb6e291fbac6791360ceab487ceb9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love spending my off days jerking off to 2d women.

>> No.21567106

I do the same, but I don't love it.

>> No.21567108
File: 83 KB, 747x789, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookfinder updated their design.

>> No.21567121

Apparently Pope Benedict had a bunch of writing released upon his death exposing the vatican. It's digital copies are already banned on Amazon and no major media outlet has even mentioned it

>> No.21567131

Reading through that Robert E Howard thread just makes me wonder how people become neurotic enough to take personal comments on this website so seriously that they write paragraphs and paragraphs over a literal single sentence.

Is it in the usual places yet?

>> No.21567136

>Apparently [public figure x] had a bunch of writing released upon his death exposing [global institution y]. It's digital copies are already banned on [media z] and no major media outlet has even mentioned it
>no i do not have citations

do you ppl ever get tired of yourselves?

>> No.21567145

>>What do you read if at all?
Pkd lately
>>What do you write if at all?
A journal entry once or twice a month when I'm depressed
>>What do you smoke if at all?
American Spirits
>>What do you drink if at all?
Beer but Ive been craving whiskey lately
>>What caffeine do you take if at all?
Coffee. Hot. Black.
>>What drugs do you take if at all?

>> No.21567159

Why the fuck would you mix moscato and vodka

>> No.21567160

what its called?

>> No.21567239

Thread IDs on every board would slash pointless schizoposting in half.

>> No.21567255

How about you try googling jt next time you retarded nigger

>> No.21567257

if Tolkien wrote a mythology of sorts for Britain then what is the American equivalent

>> No.21567269

Percy Jackson

>> No.21567274

oh no a book

>> No.21567284

Yes the book you just said didnt exist. Now move the goal posts again.

>> No.21567295

Looks like just random essays from Ratzinger. Everyone already knows he's against Vatican II, so what's there to suppress?

>> No.21567302

In it he discusses the rampant homosexuality and sexual deviancy and general corruption of the Church as a whole all the way from seminary schools to the Vatican itself.

>> No.21567310

No he doesn't, he just talks about theology.

>> No.21567320

trump lost

>> No.21567332

What's the best English translation of the Aeneid?

>> No.21567341


>> No.21567365

Source? Source? Source? Source? Source? Source? Source? Source? Source? Source? Source? Source? Source?

Source? Source? Source? Source?

>> No.21567386

Thank you

>> No.21567404

I made it up

>> No.21567442
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How would you even know?

>> No.21567443

What? touch grass chu-
>You're a blvck bvll
That's so heckin' valid! Share you truth kang!

>> No.21567449
File: 47 KB, 657x527, 1590588936019-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one week to finish the novel and edit it so I can submit to the competition. I believe in its potencial, but I fear the pacing may be too rushed. Well, if I fail I'll rework it and send it to other contests. The past two weeks have gone by very fast. The only thing I do is write the novel and think about writing the novel. It's a burden, but I can't see myself living any other way.

>> No.21567533

Why is it that postmodernist theorists always take the side of the "oppressed", in their words "the Other"?
How can they not see the hypocrisy of this position which while denying universality, utilizes universal claims?

>> No.21567562

For example:
>Most of the leading postmodernists reject class politics in general on the grounds that it too is part of the >Enlightenment heritage. They point out that claims to the priority of class politics have historically been connected to the suppression of the interests of women, >people of color, gays and lesbians and others whose concerns escape a class framework.
So they reject class politics as an enlightenment Universalist narrative, while replacing it with a Universalist narrative about "minorities", who just take the place of the proletarian oppressed underclass.
Seems hypocritical

>> No.21567589

I don't know what to do with my life.

>> No.21567633

I'm also confused about the relationship between postmodernism and politics.
When one looks at its roots in surrealism one finds a tendency towards fascism, with its distrust of reason and fascination with recreating mythology for the modern era, yet today postmodern thought seems closely associated with leftist identity politics, which explicitly drew from Derrida's notion of deconstructing binaries and hierarchies.

>> No.21567644

In what way? Financially, artistically, relationship-wise, what?

>> No.21567662

>yet today postmodern thought seems closely associated with leftist identity politics,
All those return to monke and accompanying primal aesthetic and pagan religious larping is post modern. Anything saying "modern society and science are failing us" is postmodern. You're just hearing people who use it as a buzzword and have no idea what if anything Derrida ever said, and the people they accuse of it also have no fucking clue what postmodernism is.
The anon you're talking to is likewise convinced he knows something he doesn't.

>> No.21567685

>say it

Said it

>> No.21567706

>You're just hearing people who use it as a buzzword and have no idea what if anything Derrida ever said, and the people they accuse of it also have no fucking clue what postmodernism is.
Nah youre just regurgitating shit you hear other people say. Postmodernist love to say "nobody understands postmodernism " to deflect all criticism.
The anon I was responding to was me. I've read Derrida and the connection between Derrida and contemporary leftist identity politics is undeniable.

>> No.21567766

>If enough people associate deconstruction with postmodernism it will eventually become the same thing
That's a very postmodern view of history, thinking that current sentiment will override historic fact, and I see why you would feel threatened by Derrida's assertion that such erasures are an admission by their presence.

>> No.21567786

Stevie "The 900" Hawks was married TWICE.

>> No.21567914

You're such a stereotype. Defenders of postmodern philosophy love to obfuscate and claim everything is postmodernism, so their views can never be attacked or criticized.
I don't know what you mean about sentiment overriding historic fact, it is a historic fact that contemporary leftist identity politics drew from Derrida's notion of deconstructing binaries.
Most would consider Derrida a postmodern philosopher, and his view is very clearly the heritage of much if not all contemporary Leftist rhetoric.
For instance trans activists speak in the exact same language about deconstructing "gender binaries".
All I was asking was about the association between postmodern thought and politics.
Because the intellectual heritage of postmodern philosophy can be traced back to Bataille and surrealism--which tended either towards Fascism or Communism.

>> No.21567931

You told me you read Derrida, so I assumed you would understand the criticism.

>> No.21567932
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There's this tent that sells pastes and antipastos- it's run by a family of Turks, so they also have a selection off to the side. Last time I bought and ate a kind of bread that was filled with a paste made of dates and chocolate and spices and it was so fucking good I nearly lost it. Looking for it online, I think it was a marouk, but I'm not sure.

The tent used to show up at the grocers every Thursdays, but I don't think they do anymore, and I don't know how to find them, since they don't actually have a name or a brand or anything. I'm going this week. Wish me luck. I NEED to eat this bread again.

>> No.21567940

What criticism? Your retarded obfuscatory claim that the historic fact that Leftist identity politics drew from postmodern thought is only "sentiment"?

>> No.21567948
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What do you still enjoy? I don’t enjoy anything anymore.

>> No.21567949

>the leftists should not have control of the alternative facts

>> No.21567964

So you didn't read Derrida? Because that's what I'm getting from you seemingly not being able to pick out the Derrida part from the sentence about Derrida.

>> No.21567966
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Me neither. The only things keeping me from offing myself out of boredom are alcohol and a stoic sense to write

>> No.21568014

Never said anything to that effect, merely pointing out the intellectual origin of their rhetoric.

>> No.21568021

I've read Derrida, if you have some point you'd like to make, go ahead and make it.
All I'm getting from you it seems is the usual expected obfuscation.

>> No.21568125

Trump created postmodern lefties?!?!? Wow I never knew

>> No.21568132

A candle burns bright
But this source will fade
See who seek the light
And who hide in the shade

>> No.21568156

Okay you're trolling, if you're not interested in honestly engaging, this conversation is over.
I never denied that right wing politics can also be postmodern.

>> No.21568160

It makes so much sense though if he did

>> No.21568196

i work

>> No.21568233
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Reading with your feet up is far better than reading with your feet down. Why is this?

>> No.21568247

It’s not working for me anymore
>stoic sense to write
I wish I could still focus enough to write. Can’t care enough, so I lose all focus.

>> No.21568271

Blood pressure

>> No.21568388

/tv/ thread about /lit/ >>>/tv/179677650

>> No.21568537
File: 410 KB, 1000x1480, 1612044792997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to stop the knowledge of my past failures from haunting me daily

>> No.21568581

just let go bro
unless someone else does, it should be easy to stop caring

>> No.21568584

>All those return to monke and accompanying primal aesthetic and pagan religious larping is post modern.
Kek dude you're mega retarded

>> No.21568624
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Why is Chud so based?

>> No.21568647

I have a hemorrhoid.

>> No.21568671

Dunno a better place to ask so ill ask here since it’s a fairly /lit/ show. What exactly does this quote from don in the mad men season 3 finale mean?

>Because there are people out there who buy things, people like you and me, and something happened. Something terrible. And the way that they saw themselves is gone. And nobody understands that. But you do.

>> No.21568703
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T*levision is not /lit/ fag

>> No.21568751

>23 in couple months
>zero friends/social life
>zero romantic history
>zero tangible skills
>little life experience, lived in same city all my life & when covid hit moved back in with parents
>extremely sheltered, loner all through high school and college
>only job prospect is low level remote administrative job
Is it over?

>> No.21568811
File: 68 KB, 660x650, 1673824466542981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be undiagnosed autist kindergartener
>need item for show and tell
>dad let's me borrow special coin
>show and tell happens
>cute girl gives me complement
>"hey anon I like your coin can I have it?"
>[blank stare] "ok"
>fast forward to home when dad gets back from work
>"anon, where's my coin?...YOU WHAT????"

tfw when my whole life has been variations of this on repeat. Parents never stop to ask if their kid might be "special". thanks mom and dad you're the best.

>> No.21568878

Just make friends

>> No.21568889

I don't know how. I've never done it before

>> No.21568899

I don’t know how to go from heavy eye contact and staring and sexual tension to sex.
Am I just supposed to touch her?

>> No.21568916

>What do you read if at all?
classics, manga, advaita vedanta writings
>What do you write if at all?
short stories. trying to write more.
>What do you smoke if at all?
my friends cigarettes
>What do you drink if at all?
red wine. i like gsm blends and cab savs.
>What caffeine do you take if at all?
black coffee. sometimes iced coffee if its hot.
>What drugs do you take if at all?
ketamine. better than drinking if im going out.

>> No.21568993

I will devote this year to finding the most meaningful path for my qualities and vices.
That's the right thing to do at 23, right?

>> No.21569124

I'll be very blunt today. I told a friend of mine (a fat one) he smelled bad and I'm pretty sure I've cursed him with that knowledge. He's very sincere himself (to the point of being straight up rude sometimes) but I know he has a very low self-esteem so I'm betting this will have negative ramifications on our relationship. Alas, what can one do in the face of pungency? It took me months to build up the resolve to say something. The fucker had a dark-chemical attuned aura around him all summer.
Feeling particularly sensitive today, I had to resist the urge to vomit and it was too much. So I said it and the moment the words left my mouth, I swear it felt like opening Pandora's box or something. I instantly knew I hurt his ego but he was at fault. He's still at fault. I'm pretty sure he doesn't change clothes so it isn't a genetic or fat shaming thing (I've caught him wearing the same shirts over the course of DAYS). Anyways. I did it. I imagine he must've double checked his smell coming back home, incredulous at the thought of other people smelling his bad body odor all day.

The guy has a girlfriend. I probably would've fucking puked all over his body if I was her and found him naked after a long summer day, so she probably has long covid. Or perhaps she owes him a life debt. In any case he's a nice, sincere guy and I think I saved his career by telling him the truth. Thankfully it's only winter.

>> No.21569155

There's a word that defines the drippy, snotty water that collects and seems to stay at the end of your nose when you do exercise in cold weather, but I don't know what it is.
My googlefu fails me. What is it?

>> No.21569163

hnouna maybe

>> No.21569191

>buy new laptop
>first time using windows in 7 years
>comes with windows 11
>using it for 1 hour
>installs tiktok by itself and tells me to "check it out"
>utterly baffled and outraged by this, even WINDOWS wouldn't do something like this, this is the kind of thing people used to SATIRIZE macs for doing 10 years ago
>google it
>lots of people complaining about it going back at least to last year
>ms tech slaves even disbelieving it in responding to people's outraged questions about it
it really is a brave new world, i am officially a fossil, i almost can't even fathom this level of invasiveness.. i suppose it sounds silly but your computer is sacred, the most bullshit that is imposed on the user usually is bloatware that comes preinstalled. to actively invade the user's install so that it's no longer his private space but some kind of amorphous "cloud" space is a radical change at a subtle level in how people conceptualize personal computing. i never thought i would see the day.

>> No.21569199

He's pretty much right. Heidegger's farmer larping is pretty famous, Foucault's voyeuristic tribalism is usually the first thing people read, McLuhan specifically focusing on tribalism like we process TVs like types of campfire, even Nabokov writing a pedo fantasy about how the US highway system was inevitably going to lead to amber alerts. All the kind of things postmodernism used get attacked for were things like
>If you don't like modernist enlightenment thought then try living without dentistry and modern medicine buddy!
I mean, Baudrillard isn't writing screeds against American teeth because nobody raised the dentistry question.
He's not super smart for getting it right, because it's in the name, but you could have said nothing or quoted less precisely to avoid proving yourself this retarded.

>> No.21569204

Surprised you haven't moved to linux yet. I went crazy years ago noticing Cortana couldn't be uninstalled.

>> No.21569206

All right, I understand the thread is "write what's on your mind," but you shouldn't make up bullshit and reply with it.

>> No.21569212

what even is cortana? am i about to find out i'm being anally raped right now and don't even know it? i just wanted a word processor

i do use linux but i got so tired of libreoffice, plus my device is a raspberry pi so it's great for almost everything i need (and only cost $50) but it's not portable for meetings etc.

>> No.21569238
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>Just 2000 more years till Christ returns bro!

>> No.21569239

Don't even drink alcohol. No reason to. Just drink water.

>> No.21569245

I'm in a Chinese restaurant. I'm eating with some friends and nearby there's a group of people from HS I haven't thought about in years. Some older guy comes up and asks me to pay for his dinner, I'm in a good mood so I say sure. As I'm leaving the restaurant this girl I went to HS with comes up to me and says thanks for paying for her dad's meal. She gets in my truck with me and we start talking and catch up.

We go back to this restaurant several times and the girl is somehow now my gf. Every time, the dad is there too and asks me to pay for him. He pays me back by giving me a baseball card. Next time I'm back at the restaurant and the dad is pissed at me saying I ripped him off and that I need to give him the card back. He turns into a rabid dog and I grab him by the scruff of his neck as he's spazzing out trying to bite me. I throw him outside the front door and go back inside to eat.

When I come out, the paint on my truck is all scratched and fucked up. I suddenly have bolt cutters in my hand and I go find his truck. I smash a tail light and windshield. He shows up (as a human) and I beat the shit out of him. There's a large crowd watching and as I'm walking away a British dude comes up to me to offer me boxing lessons.

What does this mean?

>> No.21569262

>What do you read if at all?
finished Eros and Civilization today
>What do you write if at all?
can't write rn; mind full of personal issues
>What do you smoke if at all?
>What do you drink if at all?
drinking beer rn
>What caffeine do you take if at all?
café sabor chocolate juan valdez
>What drugs do you take if at all?

>> No.21569290

Just be yourself

>> No.21569344

Myself is an extremely passive, anxious, and irritable person with obsessive intellectual interests
& zero social skills.

>> No.21569366

Be free. Live your best life.

>> No.21569372


>> No.21569379

Haven’t read anything in a while.

>> No.21569393 [DELETED] 

what the hell is up with youtube? if you look at recently uploaded, it doesn't show you the most recently uploaded, it shows you a randomly selection of kinda sorta recent stuff. you can only find the real recent uploads if you maybe go to the "live" section even though none of the videos are live. is youtube deliberately trying to get their ass kicked by tiktok? i don't get it. sundar pichai layed of a ton of engineers, but he needs to lay off the people in charge of youtube. if they don't want to show me the latest uploads, eventually i will just end up listening to them on apple music. if u go to the hör berlin channel recently uploaded videos, the most recent video is from 8 days ago. if you go to the "live" tab there are a bunch of videos from 6 hours ago!

>> No.21569417

Mostly fiction. I'll read any fiction of any genre as long as it interests me. I've also been getting into history books lately.
I've written some shitty poetry and some journal entries. I'm trying to write more often though because I have a lot of story ideas.
Smoking is disgusting and is reserved for the retards that spend half their day in the school bathroom.
Milkshakes, hot chocolate, bubble tea, Ovaltine and Lychee flavored soda pop.
Coca Cola sometimes.
Tylenol if I have a fever and Benadryl if I have allergies.

>> No.21569430

Classics, Greeks
Papers, occasional memo, sometimes ill journal
I enjoy gin and tonics but it's very infrequent
Coffee, tea
Some for health reasons but otherwise nothing illicit.

>> No.21569461

To focus on the pain?

>> No.21569477

is it possible for a woman to say she doesn't love you but not mean it

>> No.21569483

Who says that? We all know that we don't know when he arrives, we just know the signs to look out for e.g. The Jews rebuilding the temple (they're going for it hard right now).

>> No.21569486

yes. I don't think it has happned to me though so idk.

>> No.21569494

I've been reading and thinking a lot to try and escape my arrogance and gain true intelligence but all I've managed to do is keep realizing how retarded I am
do I just push through this?

>> No.21569503

Well this week I have been diagnosed with a heart condition and discovering I have no cancerous tumors. Hope yall don't go through what I have.

>> No.21569508

Please tell us about it once you finish it.

>> No.21569525

Im eating pizza right now.
Its good.

>> No.21569704

I’m getting filtered hard by the trial of Socrates dialogues. I could sort of grasp the Apology, but I’m almost finished with Phaedo and couldn’t tell you one idea I took away from it. What should I do if I want to graduate from retardation and retain information when reading Plato?

>> No.21569770

Step back from the text and try this:
>Recognize when you've lost the point.
>Ask why is this relevant and being raised?
>Use a simple example(s) to explain it to yourself.
>Have a dialogue with the text - if you agree, why? If you don't, why not?
>Try and summarize the entire argument (or passage) into a single sentence.

This process kind of becomes more fluid and less mechanical the more you read. So do more of that as well.

>> No.21569791

I'm getting filtered hard by life.

>> No.21569940

Thanks for the tips. I went back and re-read parts I highlighted, and just reading commentary online reinforces lots of things that went over my head. Reading out loud for the last part helped a lot, too. I have no trouble retaining most of what I read outside of Greek philosophy and other dense philosophical texts.

>> No.21569955

Read the summaries on Wikipedia that break it up into different sections, then try rereading it if you have the patience for that. Honestly though I remember being where you are now. It gets better. You're basically learning to see in 4 dimensions, coming from being a 2 dimensional being. Your mind is learning to parse shit. It's a larger scale version of learning to read poetry, where you actually have to re-train your mind to slow down and stop processing words as pure "flat" information.

Just don't ever stop. I can 100000% guarantee you that you're headed somewhere that will eventually make you feel fully religious joy and gratitude that you stayed the course.

>> No.21569987

i'm reading plato right now (gorgias).
i want to write a book.
it can't be forced.
one beautiful day i'll sit down and write it all in one go.

right /lit/?

>> No.21569998

>>What do you read if at all?
mostly old novels
>>What do you write if at all?
rambles and premises for stories i never write
>>What do you smoke if at all?
i quit
>>What do you drink if at all?
i'll drink almost anything with booze in it. i have drank vile things to get drunk
>>What caffeine do you take if at all?
about five cups of shitty coffee a day
>>What drugs do you take if at all?
benzos, opiates, mdma are my favorites. i used to love psychedelics but now they hurt my brain, same for stims

>> No.21570004

I wish I had done something cool or smart with my career.

>> No.21570019

Thats what I did, reading the Wikipedia entries for Socrates arguments on the immortality of the soul made the whole dialogue click for me. From now on, I’ll read the twenty minute summary on each dialogue before starting.

Thank you for the encouragement. I am glad you have reaped great rewards from the time and effort spent reading. I’m really excited to read more Plato, and hope to obtain that presence of mind that you described.

Hope you’re enjoying it Anon. I think I will read Phaedrus next.

>> No.21570075

I honestly feel bad for the younger generations going through school today. Every aspect of their humanity is mediated through machines. Now people are saying that they won't even learn how to write any more thanks to AI chatbots. They're going to become barely sentient regressed techno-savages, extremely dependent on corporate tech controls for basic modes of expression , completely alienated from their minds. They'll never know the beauty and wonder of a keen intellect, or the crisp satisfaction of expressing a clever thought just right. To be able to write is to be master of oneself, to command one's thoughts, and order one's mental universe. It is a subtle kind of freedom which we're depriving humanity of in the sick name of cheap convenience and bedazzling tech tricks.

>> No.21570076

>What do you read if at all?
The Holy Bible, and some forum posts and etymology and dictionaries. Sometimes Edgar Allan Poe or Jonathan Swift--; such that-- I will revisit them once in a blue moon. Sometimes you will catch me reading some travel blogs.
>What do you write if at all?
forum posts, notes on the bible, and if i see any words and sentences that i like I will write them down often and repost them on some of my favorite forums. The last two and a half years I have mainly been generating AI content. Also the occasional flash fiction on conspiracy theory forum that shall not be named if i read that people don't mind and i don't care more or less.
>What do you smoke if at all?
sunshine. i order an uber to somewhere and walk home for hours and get "high" off the sun. well maybe its not a cool oral/respiratory thing but its the same thing as burning off chemicals in a pipe but where the pipe is in your skin and you still get cancer from it a bitch. and i do trip a lot on my way back.
>What do you drink if at all?
beer, bottled water, peanut butter blended into milk
>What caffeine do you take if at all?
coffee one or two per day and from when i get headaches I will drink MONSTER java but I don't like to do that.
>What drugs do you take if at all?

>> No.21570098

A man walks down the street
It's a street in a strange world
Maybe it's the third world
Maybe it's his first time around
Doesn't speak language
He holds no currency
He is a foreign man
He is surrounded by the sound
Cattle in the marketplace
Scatterings and orphanages
He looks around
He sees angels in the architecture
Spinning in infinity
He says, "Amen and Hallelujah!"

>> No.21570101

thinking of going to switzerland

>> No.21570126

I just love waking up every two hours, several times per night.

>> No.21570146

×What do you read if at all?
Today I finished Kazuo Ishiguro's Klara and The Sun. I've read a couple of his novels before but his simplicity makes me want to go back and read the rest of his oeuvre. I'm also reading a lot more poetry these days.
×What do you write if at all?
I'm working on a story for a lit contest, a fictional diary, but lately it's been poetry more than anything,
×What do you smoke if at all?
Secretly smoking cigs when I'm not around the gf.
×What do you drink if at all?
Vodka sodas after catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror after a year of sipping nothing but IPAs. Grotesque, anons.
×What caffeine do you take if at all?
Coffee and the occasional maté
×What drugs do you take if at all?
Anti-depressants and thc, but looking forward to the next mushroom trip.

>> No.21570186
File: 99 KB, 800x1008, 0l00q1nsuk631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot stop being evil

>> No.21570224

Might not mean much coming from a stranger, but don't despair, anon. Find the things you love and the people you love and the books you love and enjoy your time with them. Life is long and there's never more pressure on yourself than that which is self-imposed. Friends come and go, but you're the person you have to live the rest of your life with. Focus on him/her for now and the rest will fall into place. For now, Fuck Shit Up and keep a diary about it. Godspeed.

>> No.21570271

I dreamed about cutting brothers hands at forearms, putting him on the ground, using axe to split open his head and then eating the brain.

>> No.21570281

The girl at Sonic tonight had a pretty ugly face but she wanted me and was skinny and I could probably be fucking her right now if I asked for her number. My dick moved when she smiled at me.

>> No.21570290

>A girl smiled at me

>> No.21570303

Who are the best female authors of the 19th century or even older? It's hard to find online without it coming from someone with an agenda to push so I guess I'll ask 4chan and combine my findings to get some idea of neutral critique/ranking

>> No.21570311

Stop samefagging retard

>> No.21570326
File: 82 KB, 814x960, 1674603993485526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be an atheist. I was such an idiot.

>> No.21570437

>>What do you read if at all?
My girlfriend and I are gearing up to do the /lit/ IJ readalong in February. Otherwise I'm currently reading that McVeigh book that's been shilled here and done other stuff on the side.
>>What do you write if at all?
I write weird, experimental fiction. Currently around 50k words deep into my manuscript. Moving slowly because the current section I'm on is something like 6000 words of free verse narrative poetry and it's fucking hard to write.
>>What do you smoke if at all?
I quit.
>>What do you drink if at all?
Usually Scotch.
>>What caffeine do you take if at all?
Anything I can get.
>>What drugs do you take if at all?
I'm on mirtazapine and fluoxetine for PTSD. I take a melatonin supplement because I work nights. That's it. No recreational drugs except for the very occasional finger or two of Scotch.

>> No.21570500

read Father Sergius at the school library yesterday. Great story. Been managing almost 1 novella a day for about a week

>> No.21570647

The reduction of man: from he who clawed his way to the peak of the food-chain and subjugated the entire natural world to discord femboy, unable to move an object of his own bodyweight, in tears at the wrong pronoun used in his presence.

>> No.21570657

you're still an atheist, you're just an atheist that thinks it's politically desirable to fake religiosity. fedora 2.0. it's all so tiresome

>> No.21570698

I've had sex with several female to male trannies because the attractive (hairless/not fat) ones have a kind of androgynous charm I find really exciting. I know I'm a degenerate. My ultimate fantasy is to persuade one to detransition and become my wife, thus saving her life. There is an astonishing number of young, cute, otherwise intelligent university aged girls injecting test and slowly transforming into obese and hairy goblins over the course of several years.

>> No.21570731


literary works are a solved problem.

>> No.21570768

Yes. As a fellow 23 year old I think you're doing the right thing.

>> No.21570778

No. Definitely not anon. Move on. Work on yourself instead.

>> No.21570854

Spinoza's inadvertent derivation of Brahman did the trick for me. Deus sive Natura (god or nature) ---> Tat tvam asi (that art thou)

>> No.21570963

I've had a huge chunk of earwax in my right ear for the past 2 years or so and I cant get it out lol. I need a spider to eat it for me pls.

>> No.21570993

>god or nature
neti neti

>> No.21571008

We got a female, lads/ladettes. Remember to s/he her/him all thread or she-he will get herm panties in a twist.

>> No.21571011

I've realized this website is only fun in small dozes. If I stay here too long it becomes a dreary obligation to mindlessly dredge through posts every day and I start feeling worse, too

>> No.21571029

Just go to an earwax removal place. It should be fairly cheap and they're very effective. My wax was so bad that I was actually losing my hearing and getting done is like being able to hear for the first time all over agian

>> No.21571094

>you're still an atheist

>> No.21571113

I'm looking forward to my beautiful and kind wife who enjoys cooking for me giving birth to our first child (of three, God willing)

>> No.21571124

The Illiad Name-Listing Phenomenon of Assault Weapon Ownership

>> No.21571126

Let's workshop it. Perhaps we can simply call it the Illiad List Phenomenon or even the Valor Problem

>> No.21571130


>> No.21571132

I was writing a book about a military surgeon who moves to a small village and takes over medical duties after the village's doctors were killed in the war
He begins fucking around with the medicine and mixing in his own home made ingredients just to see what would happen
I stopped when I realized the book had no meaning

>> No.21571170

>I stopped when I realized the book had no meaning
More people should do that

>> No.21571187

>What do you read if at all?
Babby fiction. LOTR and trudging through Moby Dick. Wanna try my hand at philosophy soon.

>What do you write if at all?
Fanfiction sometimes.

>What do you smoke if at all?
Don't want lung cancer thx. Besides that I sometimes smoke with a smoker friend.

>What do you drink if at all?
Vodka. Love me that shit.

>What caffeine do you take if at all?
Extra bitter.

>What drugs do you take if at all?
Smoked weed twice in my life. Puked my bowels out the first. Almost choked on the second.

>> No.21571189

Next time she looks at me like that I'm going to listen to that tingling in my gut and kiss her. How she's allowed herself to wait this long for me I do not know.

>> No.21571210

alas, the artistic degrees and schools
seats of learning of yore
alas, they are no more
all that comes out are fools

all crying against the world, and praising marx
as if they were pursued by dogs, baring teeth and barks
to them, reality doesnt even matter
i hope it can get better

>> No.21571216

I fucking hate tech people so fucking much. They're little nonhuman shits. If you work in tech please fucking kill yourself as hard as possible, you are a faggot and you have contributed to the destruction of humanity.

>> No.21571247
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What's wrong my dude?

>> No.21571257

I just bought a felting kit. I'm gonna make a little felt kitty.

>> No.21571267
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I like buying cheap little kits to keep myself busy, and to keep trying new things.

Anyone got any suggestions?

>> No.21571279

Every single techfag is a fucking tranny who fully supports the shitty state of things. The programming socks shit is real, it's true, they're just trannies inside, they're anti-human robotrannies who look down on everything that's made people actually feel like people. They sniff their own farts like other STEMfaggots but unlike STEMfaggots they're not even contributing anything worthwhile, they're just providing obedience and building a framework where obedience is enforced because that way they get to completely relinquish their brain activity to fucking Google. I hate them so fucking much. It's always one of them. I call people trannies because calling them techfaggots doesn't roll as nicely but that's what trannies really are, they're fucking bots.

>> No.21571293

Did a techy fuck your gf or what? You sound personally slighted

>> No.21571313

Most CS figure heads were anti government, anti corporations.

>> No.21571320

I just recently started supplementing zinc again. As always, it has made me extremely horny. But this time it's like a different beast entirely. I had a dream last night that a chubby blonde told me to kiss her feet. I did, she then jammed her toes into my mouth while giggling, and the taste made me cum. I
woke up with completely soaked boxers, covered in my own cum, and had to get out of bed at 3 in the night to change.
Went back to sleep, dreamt about the SAME FUCKING GIRL, and this time, she pushed me down on my back and sat on my face, and I fucking came AGAIN, and had to get up AGAIN at 5 in the morning to switch my boxers once more.
Couldn't sleep after that and felt drained the entire day. Some fucking succubus invaded my dream and made me not imagine, but vividly and viscerally smell the smell.

>> No.21571322

>third sexual dream about my sister this week alone
Enough already. I don't know what in my subconscious is causing this but I'm tired of it.

>> No.21571323

When I argue with a minitrue tranny on the internet and he reveals his education it's always someone who went into CS or something. The overlap is astounding.
I'm particularly hateful because all these things are part of the same singularity: neolib trannies, dehumanization of our species and rampant immorality, industrialized no attention span meme culture, policing others' thoughts and cancel culture. It's all the same breed of people enabling all this, this is why I fucking hate them so much.

>> No.21571328

Everyone with even a modicum of spirit and dignity considers the very existence of tech-trannies a violation, and this reaction is one of health, vitality and justice.

>> No.21571343
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>When I argue with a minitrue tranny on the internet and he reveals his education it's always someone who went into CS or something. The overlap is astounding.
Programmers always optimise and being a tranny is minmaxing the political landscape. Nothing personnel kid, change politics and programmers will go nazi if it's the optimal rational* choice.

* this refers to the individual, not society, because the latter is impossible to model reliably.

>> No.21571347


>> No.21571356

>programmers always optimise
>eighty megabytes and constantly swapping

>> No.21571379


>> No.21571422

Rico creative. They have felting, crochet, loom weaving etc. kits.

>> No.21571445

this is really adorable

>> No.21571451
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I have noticed that Orthodox Christians are way more specific about what beliefs are correct and what is incorrect. They are very precise about everything.
In contrast, a lot of protestants these days are sort of vague and wishy washy and like "Well I don't really believe that but if you believe it that's fine, it's not that important anyway". And I'm not even talking about gay liberal Anglicans or whatever. Even the more conservative types of protestants tend to be vague on a lot of things.

>> No.21571454
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>> No.21571455

>seraphim rose
a bit on the nose, isn't it?

>> No.21571470

Yeah, religion has been found to be a pack of nonsense and some “Orthodox” will have proudly ignorant faithful. Questioning is self forbidden, and so they live in blissful ignorance of the natural world for their delusions. Been about two hundred years now since this started.

>> No.21571480
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Your post is ignorant nonsense.

>> No.21571484
File: 24 KB, 500x374, 97a-4009790418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, religion has been found to be a pack of nonsense and some “Orthodox” will have proudly ignorant faithful. Questioning is self forbidden, and so they live in blissful ignorance of the natural world for their delusions. Been about two hundred years now since this started.

>> No.21571491

If you don't have a basic grasp on the black art of embedded programming you're dickless compared to cyberwizards. In the beforetimes, ca 2008 the trannies were wizards of great power but the power corrupted their souls. Now they roam the internet as spirits of pure resentment and rage, forever seeking the penises they sacrificed.

>> No.21571532

rather based

>> No.21571621
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Thank you, 23yobro.

>> No.21571625

>I don't know what in my subconscious is causing this
It is that you want to fuck your sister anon.

>> No.21571639

Post pics of sister and we'll tell if your lust is justified

>> No.21571669

Your sister is probably masturbating to the thought of you raping her. Women currently feel they have completely unhindered access to sexual fantasy, which I find amusing for certain reasons I can't disclose even here

>> No.21571677


>> No.21571689
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>What do you read if at all?
mostly nonfiction, sometimes classics. I like to read works that I can learn from, or works that may have some profound impact on me
>What do you write if at all?
>What do you smoke if at all?
I don't smoke, but I do partake in cannabis with friends when asked.
>What do you drink if at all?
Water mostly, and I avoid energy drinks, juices and sodas. Sometimes I drink alcohol. Beer, whiskey, sugary drinks, whatever but in moderation. I also make my own liqueur by letting the fruit/vanilla/berries extract for months on end in my fridge. I don't drink the stuff often but it's there.
>What caffeine do you take if at all?
I don't drink coffee but I will partake when offered when I'm visiting somebody. Recently I've had a bit of a habit of eating a piece of chocolate along with a few whole coffee beans. I like the taste of chocolate mixed with coffee. Sometimes I drink different types of tea of my own volition.
>What drugs do you take if at all?
The aforementioned weed aside, I have taken shrooms twice. First time I just had a good feeling, second time I was overcome with feelings of inadequacy.

>> No.21571690

Not at all. It’s quick and to the point regardless of your feelings

>> No.21571694

I have an AvPD. That explains a lot.

>> No.21571708

>almost a whole month into the new year
>still reading a book every 3 days on average
>still getting /fit/
>still studying like a mf
>still on track for a promotion
>still never getting blackpilled
/fitlit/ chads: we couldn't lose even if we tried

>> No.21571759
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>For now, Fuck Shit Up and keep a diary about it. Godspeed
What I needed to hear.
I need to get out of my head and go a little wild.
Never had the youth I wanted feel like a caged beast ready to go any moment.
Something pent up. Don't know what I'll do with myself soulless, friendless ... Unemployed but thats the fun I guess

>> No.21571776

Hmmm I dont remember typing "soulless".unless that's my subconscious trying to tell me something

>> No.21571795
File: 732 KB, 2560x1920, 20220507_211415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just looking at myself in the mirror and realized how deranged I look.
Curly, messy hair, permanent eye shadow underneath my wide eyes, goddamn I look like a freak Not even in a good way Oh welll

>> No.21571803

/lit/ anons I'm a rootless 23 something with no skills, what's a job I can find in another country. Don't care what it is suggest me anything, please I don't know what Im doing

>> No.21571806

why another country?

>> No.21571807

Idk just to see more of the world

>> No.21571816

warehouse job. It's proper work but don't expect good pay in some poorfag country

>> No.21571835

Too boring . I'm willing to work hard though, idk maybe I'll join a cargo ship

>> No.21571890

Trying to empathise with people who were not born jewish. Like they litterally have no jews in their family, not even a grandparent or something. And then they get bitter and start coping with nazism or whatever sad shit
Especially if you’re ugly, imagine being ugly and ur not even jewish, i really do feel bad for you guys, im sorry srs

>> No.21571914

Seems there’s a new feature where you can get booted from a particular thread.

Now what could the janny be trying to accomplish by this censoring?
I smell fed collusion

>> No.21571943

I'm emigrating tomorrow and I'm currently down from having to say goodbye to a few people.
It's for the best though.
Also I will be loading several 4chan threads so I can read them on the 9 hour flight.
A thread like this, maybe a /fit/ thread and a /tv/ one.

>> No.21571948

I don't know how social media works. Today i tried to take a screenshot of an old Snapchat group chat, and to my mortification realized it sends a notification to others when youdo this.
This is why I hate social media you can't do anything without it notifying people, like they should at least give you a warning before that it's going to do that.
Goddamn now some people are goung to get a notification that i took a screenshot of a three year old group chat. Im mortified.

>> No.21571951

gonna read any books?

>> No.21571953

I'll have my e-reader with me but I doubt I'll read on the airplane.
Most likely I'll be playing in flight tetris while listening to music.

>> No.21571966

Like goddamn im going to look like such a weird creeper now. Fml. Guess ill delete my account

>> No.21571988

Like why why do social media apps decide that everything will notify someone without explicitly saying befire that it will do that.
Actually freaking out a little, deleted my name so hopefully it won't show who did it. Fuck

>> No.21571989

double dubs, nice

>> No.21571996

It been rebranded to Snap years ago and its selling point was always that it notified you if someone was keeping receipts. That's why people started taking pictures of their phones with other phones.
Times have moved on so far that screenshots don't even count as receipts now, because they're presumed shopped, and that's why to demonstrate a conversation really happened with the person you say you have to video your phone and scroll and show clicking their account brings you to their actual account and not a spoofed one set up for purposes of trolling.
Fucking boomers.

>> No.21572006

Maybe Im a closeted boomer. Im 22 and barely understood anything you said.
Anyways I deleted my account so hopefully the notification in the chat won't show.
This is why I don't use social media

>> No.21572010

>hey anon how come you're not on snapchat anymore?
what do you say?

>> No.21572014

Won't happen since I have no friends

>> No.21572021

The group chat was an old one I was added to for a job I worked in college about 4 years ago.
I was just reminiscing and saw the group chat and thought Id take a screenshot to preserve some memory but apparently this sends a notification.
Thats why it will look super creepy: "why is this random anon that I don't even remember screenshoting a 4 year old group chat....?"
Someone just responded "nice" on it before I deleted my account.

>> No.21572030

You don't need to worry about it unless everyone around you starts mentioning kakao

>> No.21572034

>You don't need to worry about it
Are you sure? Would you be weirded out if you saw a notification that someone you only barely knew took a screenshot of a 4 year old group chat?

>> No.21572051

No, the weirdest thing about it would still be using Snap. If the screenshot didn't contain explicit details of a crime, most people will think you accidentally lent on your phone.

>> No.21572070

I wage slave so you guys can be comfy. I do it for you all.

>> No.21572079

Thank you king

>> No.21572164

what is /lit/'s discord server again

>> No.21572178

Just go to warosu and look up /lit/ discord. Not that hard.

>> No.21572207

Will you get to see much of the world on a ship? afaik you'll be offshore for months on end and then you'll get a few months off. Might work out for you actually. Pays pretty well from what I hear too

>> No.21572226

I've recently learned that modern phones can easily emulate older games. Do with this info what you will

>> No.21572254

Maybe not a ton, but I assume there might be a couple days when the ship docks that id get to explore.
Something about the brutality of working on a ship attracts me, but idk if I actually have the balls to do it or the personality.
I saw online i can apply to join the Merchant Marine/take a class & then take an apprentinceship on a boat, but I have no idea how that works and know no one in the industry
I just don't know what im doing with my life so it's as good as anything
My only other job opportunity at the moment is this remote administrative job starting in February, but I really don't want the job, it's just my only opportunity because I'm a misanthropic shut in

>> No.21572259
File: 59 KB, 600x900, merlin_206461788_c3d1daaf-534e-4f16-a43f-52b54090d536-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


“I think, if you wrote a book, you fucked up, and it should have been a six-paragraph blog post.”

>> No.21572263


I wonder why they don't push the most radically progressive idea possible: free colleges.

>> No.21572270

Going one second back in time is already unrealistic enough

>> No.21572292

No. That's a generic term. Its a word that specifically defines that drop that hangs at the end of the nose. When the word is said, there is no ambiguity as to what is being referred to. I swear, its a word, god damn it!

>> No.21572355

I say go for it, give it a try. The pay should be commensurate especially if you don't have anything going on in life at the moment. If you don't like it worst comes to worst you'll have the experience of working on a boat for a half year or so, and a proper bundle of cash. Perhaps even a few interesting stories too, not to mention some frosting for your CV.

My grandfather worked on a fishing boat for a short time in his youth. It was his friend's company I believe, and during times of prohibition they did some smuggling on the side for good measure, though I'm not sure whether my grandpa took part in that since he was well employed in electrician's work around town and the harbor. From what little he told me, it's hard work and they were offshore for a long time. I'm sure it's very different to work on other types of vessels, and indeed it was a different time as well. Modern ships would probably be considered luxurious by comparison.

>> No.21572379

Nothing is more beautiful than skill.

>> No.21572386

I really hate my job, but I feel almost like an idiot to give it up because it's fully remote and they expect very little time investment on my part. Still, I've been at it for 4 years now and it's not what I want to do in the long run.

>> No.21572390

I would have to concur. A master in his craft is the highest form of art.

>> No.21572395


>> No.21572407


>> No.21572410

Yeah I just got a remote job doesnt start yet. At first i was happy but now I'm having second thoughts. It might just reinforce my anti social tendencies.

>> No.21572444

It will. Some remote jobs have you constantly talking to people in video or voice calls, but it doesn't replace in-person interaction. I still wouldn't want to go back to the office though. I don't really miss that in-person interaction because it's not like it was fun. Those people weren't my friends. I just wish I had a more worthwhile job. This job is like halfway to being good.

>> No.21572525

I wish something interesting had come along.