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/lit/ - Literature

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21555685 No.21555685 [Reply] [Original]

How would you rate ChatGPT's poem, written in the style of Milton?

>> No.21555697

We all know you wrote that, lied and said ChatGPT did, and are looking for us to give you praise. Go fuck yourself, it's dogshit.

>> No.21555709
File: 251 KB, 1468x1126, Screen Shot 2023-01-21 at 6.25.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I wrote it.

>> No.21555733

Only low-IQ retards who have read less than 30 books in their life will find this impressive. We need to execute and permaban all the retarded /g/-/sci/ losers who spam AI threads

>> No.21555748

Where the fuck did Milton write iambic heptameters in quatrains with AABB rhymes? Paradise Lost literally starts with a tirade against rhymes.
Can you actually point out what's "in the style of Milton" here?

>> No.21555752

>in the style of paradise lost
>rhymed couplet
>random line lengths
>far too irregular
>metre all over the place in some lines
>almost no use of enjambment
As an attempt at mimicking paradise lost it is terrible.

>> No.21555767

Enjoy this short while before your complete spiritual obsoletion.

>> No.21555768

They're so stupid it's impressive. Today I saw one thread where the op said the chatbots make reading philosophy pointless, since you can just ask the bot for a summary. Nigger didn't think of simply checking Wikipedia and SEP.
But the jannies are indeed banning them.

>> No.21555772

Just two more weeks bro!

>> No.21555773

>hey look I asked this computer to do a thing
>it did a poor job of it

>> No.21555778

>spiritual obsoletion

>> No.21555785

Much like the chat both he is hyping up, he doesn't actually understand what he reads or says.

>> No.21555788

These AIs are far better at conveying the human experience than the likes of actual humans.

>> No.21555838

It's like a 10 year old who memorized a grammar ans a guide to iambic pentameters wrote this.

>> No.21555881

It's not pentameter, btw.

>> No.21556065

And a ten year old wouldn't need someone else to program him better to understand that paradise lost doesn't use end rhyme.

>> No.21556100
File: 22 KB, 363x550, 53f1aeaa622422caa0d91f6920179768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's really written by AI then it is not bad, lol at all the seething and coping poet fags on suicide watch ITT

>> No.21556120

Quit samefagging loser

>> No.21556124

Seethe/cope. You have been already replaced by AI, you just don't it yet.

>> No.21556820

>in the style of paradise lost
I see AI still has a ways to go.

>> No.21557031

Why the fuck would I ever read anything by an AI when there are a million good books written by humans already extant that I will never have time for?

>> No.21557191

>when there are a million good books written by humans
Most books are garbage written by shitty (post 2000) coomers and feminists

>> No.21557640

any art, literature, etc. that comes from AI fucking sucks bigly. even if it's brilliant it fucking sucks. and it's gay.

>> No.21558015

It's the same subject but nothing close to the same style.

>> No.21558317

not at all

>> No.21558323

>you just don't it yet
No wonder ESL retards are impressed by AI-writing

>> No.21558331

Have you ever considered not having shit taste in literature, retard, then maybe you would not be spouting insipidities on a board you need to lurk for three years before posting?