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21551020 No.21551020 [Reply] [Original]

I can read 4chan threads for hours but if I try to read a book for 10 minutes, my eyes hurt and I feel tired.
Why is it like this?

>> No.21551071

1 sentence shit posts are easier and more enjoyable to read

>> No.21551087

Because you're focusing on 'getting to the end' of the book. Just enjoy the process like you do with shitposts.

>> No.21551162

Sounds dumb, but I just tried out your advice and it helped a lot.
I forced myself to read slowly and subvocalize for 15 minutes and my eyes don't hurt.

I just realised that when my high school teacher taught us how to not subvocalize, and my reading speed increased to 500+WPM, I stopped enjoying reading for fun.

>> No.21551173


Your retention will go up a lot too. Speed reading is a waste if time unless you're skimming for technical knowledge.

>> No.21551212

It's because you spend all of your focus and attention on browsing 4chan, and by the time you crack open a book, you have no energy left.

>> No.21551372

You need glasses.

>> No.21551390

Because you're having a conversation with people and reading their responses versus reading a linear flow of words which takes more focus to follow

>> No.21551392



>> No.21551426

cos ur fuckin stupid

like this guy: >>21551071
>1 sentence shit posts are easier and more enjoyable

hahaha you fucking ...

that's stupid, more likely the PATIENT OF THE RETARD ASYLUM is totally unused to actual speech or structure in any form, the PATIENT likes verbal reinforcement of basic one-liners because that's all the PATIENT can comprehend.

diagnosis. brain damaged. cause. atrophy of the cognitive faculty though lack of use.

yes. this patient needs as much dope as can be put into him.

>> No.21551432

everybody needs more adderall

>> No.21551456

Already have glasses.
I take Strattera for ADD.

>> No.21551458

switch to adderall, your goal is to take legal meth not to treat your bitch zoomer ailment

>> No.21551463

Did you not read as a kid? If you haven’t been practicing since before 10 then there’s probably no hope for you as our brains cement in our 20s and need to have made those connections in the brain to sustain it as a skill. But I spose you spent your childhood idling and watching TV/internet videos.

>> No.21551504

>Did you not read as a kid? If you haven’t been practicing since before 10 then there’s probably no hope
This sounds rather bad but I wonder if it's that simple, I mean, I remember reading Tacitus when I was about seven, and reading fairly cerebral fiction before that age. My brain was also mangled by exposure to bad stupid society, but I got over it by my early 20's.

>> No.21551544

You read at an early stage so it was easier to read again after your teens into your twenties. Do you think it would be the same if you never read Tacitus or cerebral fiction early on?
Our standards have lowered in society, yes. Even bookstore clerks would be surprised I was buying Terry Pratchett at a young age because they found it “hard to read”! But I’m glad I was at least reading something that interested me since I can read for 4-5 hours a day now easily.

>> No.21551748


Lack of focused commitment, and of commited focus.

The prcoess of reading is a microcosmic version of bringing order to anything in life.

>> No.21552117

I only know this via edibles, too many of them
otherwise it’s dual or more conversations internally
spinning off into pure retard nonsense land and spacing out thinking about multiple outcomes or situations that are akin to what I’m reading, from personal experience or probable
It hits another layer of sometimes randomly garbling the words before ingestion into conceptville
I think OP is just on drugs

>> No.21552299

how do you read without subvocalizing?

>> No.21552607


>> No.21552740

Didn't they teach you that in school?

>> No.21552830

haha wow, that's exactly what I was reading too.

>You read at an early stage so it was easier to read again after your teens into your twenties. Do you think it would be the same
It's a good question, and I don't know. I mean there does seem to be a big problem with people who literally cannot process text, and maybe this is it. I don't think our experiences are any different to any kid being read a bedtime story or reading anything, and who didn't get that as a kid?

but still, it does seem to be a likely cause.

>> No.21552836

I do this sometimes - for things I write or for bits I think I might say, same thing; we're taught not to do it but actually it's a helpful thing.

>> No.21552842

I feel like the experience with books in school has made everybody hate reading. They make you read all these shit, unenjoyable books, and they force you to focus awkwardly on the text so you can have "reading comprehension" and "understand what you read" and all that shit, but it just ruins the experience. Instead of worrying about any of that crap I think if you read the book, one sentence at a time, not worrying about it and just taking in the story, then it will be fine. But of course one and two sentence shitposts are way simpler and easier to understand than complete books. And the text, the structure of the language in books is usually more complex, especially if its something like classic english literature, sherlock holmes and moby dick and all that stuff.

>> No.21552858

>of course one and two sentence shitposts are way simpler
they're often vaggeries (vague) with no overt meaning leaving meaning (positive, negative) to be imposed by the individual reader; they are a low effort nonsense babble.

>> No.21552868
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I'm proud of and happy for you, entirely unironically

>> No.21552869

I relly tink the biggest oblem is that so may "books" we're given - here and the core reading shit from school - are fucking stupid and nonsensical; the theology, the philosophy, the fiction, a great deal of it is the dullest and most counter-to-logic garbage around and the reader, described by the OP, understands this already but they think they have to read it and somehow 'get it' which they can't 'cos it's nonsense.

Forcing themselves to read one of Schopenhauers other books, for instance. The eyes slowly become tired, the brain isn't "getting it" because there's nothing to get. Pick up a good book (and these are rare) and the brain engages, like a Woman receiving good sex for the first time.

>> No.21552881
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>> No.21552979
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>> No.21553360

Update: I read 100 pages yesterday. In French, which I'm learning.

My eyes did not hurt but I felt tired in a good way and ended up sleeping for 11 hours. I just woke up.

>> No.21553756
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4chan is literally like tv for boomers, you keep switching boards and threads like channels but shit's always the same
now for your issue it might be that you are either autistic beyond repair or whatever you are reading is not interesting, to fix the former see a doctor or something, to fix the latter pick a different book (just don't start with greekslop)

>> No.21554752

topping and peckerpilled

>> No.21555193

You just have a short attention span.