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21550330 No.21550330 [Reply] [Original]

>Look like a greedy banker
>Hate greedy bankers

>> No.21550348

His book on propaganda and his concept of self-alienation are very good. But why does he have to be a Christcuck? Doesn't he know that Christianity also alienates you from yourself?

>> No.21550356

Also, what's his end goal?

>> No.21550648

>you from yourself?

Is that one person or two? None? A trinity? This you and yourself business seems mysterious and unscientific to me.

>> No.21550652

Ellul is a dangerous thinker because he's a crypto reactionary and a christian fundamentalist science denier hiding behind superficially left wing sounding arguments. he'd have you believe marginalized folks fighting for the right to exist are morally equal with fascist white supremacists because its all propaganda.

>> No.21550712


>> No.21550723

>fighting for the right to exist
Against all those people genociding them. How brave.

>> No.21550738

if you hate Ellul you are globohomo

>> No.21550748
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>2. A second essential element consists in ruthlessly destroying the "myth" of Technique, i. e., the whole ideological construction and the tendency to consider technology something possessing sacred character. Intellectuals attempt to insert the technical phenomenon into the framework of their respective intellectual or philosophical systems by attributing to it a quality of supreme excellence; for example, when they demonstrate that Technique is an instrument of freedom, or the means of ascent to historical destiny, or the execution of a divine vocation, and the like. All such constructions have the result of glorifying and sanctifying Technique and of putting the human being at the disposal of some indisputable historical law or other. A further aspect of this element is the sacred, i. e., the human tendency spontaneously to attribute sacred value to what so manifestly possesses transcendent power. Technique, in this view, is not solely an ensemble of material elements, but that which gives meaning and value to life, allowing man not only to live but to live well. Technique is intangible and unattackable precisely because everything is subject and subordinate to it. Man unconsciously invests with a holy prestige that against which he is unable to prevail. It seems to me that the only means to mastery over Technique is by way of " de-sacralization" and " de-ideologization." This means that all men must be shown that Technique is nothing more than a complex of material objects, procedures, and combinations, which have as their sole result a modicum of comfort, hygiene, and ease; and that it possesses nothing worthy of the trouble of devoting one's whole life to it, or of commanding an excessive respect, or of reposing in it one's success and honor, or of massacring one's fellow men. Men must be convinced that technical progress is not humanity's supreme adventure, but a commonplace fabrication of certain objects which scarcely merit enthusiastic delirium even when they happen to be Sputniks. As long as man worships Technique, there is as good as no chance at all that he will ever succeed in mastering it.

>> No.21550873

rightnow the republican party is trying to genoicide trans people through legislation. Trump's base are white supremacist who deny science and repeatn democracy threatening claims about ''stolen'' elections. to pretend to be above it all is a sign of obscene privilege, queer people and PoC and their allies, wont bother reading pessimist technocritcism because they are out there fighting for their lives fighting for democracy.

>> No.21550970
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>> No.21550981

You are what you eat.

>> No.21551999

His greed is for food. Hypocrite.

>> No.21552096

Elull is not based, he is not clever, he is not a great intellectual. I have read his book and all he does is critique or cite other people's secondary sources and speculate in the most drawn out fashion possible on these topics. By 2000 he predicted we would be living in air conditioned cocoons doing fuckall but that never happened which should say everything

>> No.21552098

he's a rambling obfuscating schizo
>uuuuuh all of this actually isnt my opinion i'm just merely observing lol

>> No.21552119

What causes this type of personality? People like him are everywhere today. The climate change bs comes from this.

>> No.21552201

Uh no, Elull is not current. He is an airey french intellectual who tends to show up in sociology from the 60's to 70's generally. Constructs a word fortress but ultimately it's just a speculative story on principles with very few specifics.

>> No.21553311

Does he really?

>> No.21553900

From this personality type, not from Elull. It's the same disease.

>> No.21553926

>spend the first part of his major book discussing the neutral nature of technics(which is among others what makes it a possible danger)

>> No.21555120

No, he doesn’t. Don’t know what the fuck Op is talking about.

>> No.21555375

>By 2000 he predicted we would be living in air conditioned cocoons doing fuckall but that never happened
You don’t live in a desert do you?