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21513190 No.21513190 [Reply] [Original]

Any cool Japanese books about Samurai, shopkeepers, and general Yojimboish spirit? Ninjas are fine too, good action genre fiction etc

>> No.21513196

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape. You could have got it on sale a few weeks ago but now you'll probably have to wait for the summer sale. Well, at least the stark contrast between summer and winter will be comfy.

>> No.21513209


>> No.21513223

Why does PewDiePie and his wife look so soulless? I fucking hate zoomers so much. Zoomers are like their own separate species.

>> No.21513228

He's like 33 or something which makes him a millennial you dumbfuck.

>> No.21513261

Definitely a consoomerist gaymer manchild faggot but I don't think he looks soulless personally. He's basically in the higher consciousness NPC tier. Could probably reach true consciousness after some reflection but he probably won't because his career is directly against it.

>> No.21513286

Some millennials are more like Zoomers.
>higher consciousness NPC tier
98% of people are like that, but what makes Zoomer soulless is how they think in memes.

>> No.21513301
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No kids, totally isolated due to undeserved wealth plus he's on some sort of soul search reading Mishima out of all people and knowing he's the exact opposite of a man willing to act upon his principles. His wife should just get a lawyer and move back to Passo Lavazza or wherever she got broken in first.

>> No.21513303
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>> No.21513337

Please do provide and example of someone with soul.

>> No.21513341


>> No.21513348

You have meme brainrot

>> No.21513355 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21513357

childfree couples are usually are

>> No.21513374

Kek spoken like somebody who doesn't have kids. They do look pretty ambivalent about being in such a beautiful place, though.

>> No.21513378


Andrei Tarkovsky


Take his advice if you want to stop being a soulless Millennial or Zoomer shithead. I can see the lack of contemplative depth in most people's eyes.

>> No.21513385

if he was so soulful and content why did he spend his last years in a fucking italian refugee camp

>> No.21513400

He is obviously soulful based on the great depth in his films and his remarks on the value of solitude, which is something most Zoomer shitheads don't get enough of. Walking alone in the woods while listening to music =/= solitude.

Forest Anon is pretty soulful too but a bit lacking in the intelligence department, which is fine. PewDiePie is actually more soulless but more intelligent. There is nothing more dangerous than soulless intelligent people.

>> No.21513401

>They do look pretty ambivalent about being in such a beautiful place, though
they're desperately holding together in anguish knowing that their bloodline will end

>> No.21513399

are you sure you're not just a racist with people's eye color though?

>> No.21513408 [DELETED] 

i have never seen any of his films and never will out of protest. fuck movies to be honest. the last movie i saw i was age 13. but im not 13 anymore. im big. im a big boy. with big things.

>> No.21513413

How do I know if I have a soul or not?
How do I know if I am contemplative or not?

I am not being facetious I just don't want to waste my life thinking I could be anything more than nothing.

>> No.21513417 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1672192670192206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people this mindless on /lit/

>> No.21513422

solitude isn't necessarily soulful.

>There is nothing more dangerous than soulless intelligent people.

and yet this globohomo it company age encourages their existence. their jobs are the only ones that allow upward mobility

>> No.21513426

So you have never seen a good film in your entire life. What a sad man you are. Literal NPC

>> No.21513427

>how they think in memes
bold of you to claim they think

>> No.21513428

Most technocrats behind the liberal globalized age are obviously soulless but intelligent.

>> No.21513429

I'm just not a big movie guy. I think its more NPC judge so harshly for something like that.

>> No.21513433
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>> No.21513443

Just read good poets like Emily Dickinson, John Keats, Wang Wei, Osip Mandelstham, William Blake, and many others if you want to know what's soulful then. Good poetry is obviously the best expression of soul.

Philosophy is anti-soul, the only exception being Ludwig Klages. Philosophy is a failing approximation of good poetry.

>> No.21513447

I'm not talking about movies, I'm talking about films. Films are works of art. Most people don't appreciate films because they don't care about art. Same as you

>> No.21513449

their explanation of social mores are dumb as fuck. they mostly get leverage due to economy being in their favor.

>> No.21513453 [DELETED] 

I don't really fall for that word twisting. movies and films are the same word. you're just eager to find something you can be condescending about like most people are. suggesting i dont care about art is laughable.

>> No.21513460

please someone respond. im scared that i do not have a soul.

>> No.21513539


>> No.21513590

This board and its obsession with ecelebs.
Forest Anon is very intelligent, he tries to keep it from showing but it's obvious that he falls somewhere at the high end of the scale.

>> No.21513688

Imagine being as rich as this dude, being married, and then not having children.

>> No.21513738
File: 83 KB, 992x712, lone wolf and cub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi. It's a fencing manual by a man who is said to have fought and won over sixty duels. Great advice like feint attacks to the face and eyes to make the opponent flinch, and then cut their hands off.
"Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa. Book about the life of said samurai.
"Onihei Hankacho" by Shōtarō Ikenami. Samurai cop called Heizo the Demon solving crimes, cutting up bad guys, and trying to reform criminals in the Edo Period.

If manga are allowed then:
"Vagabond" by Takehiko Inoue. Adaptation of "Musashi".
"Lone Wolf and Cub" by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima. The Shogun's executioner gets framed, so he and his infant son set out on the path of vengeance as assassins. This team also made "Kubikiri Asa"(another executioner), and "Hanzō no Mon"(ninjas).

Gotta be child maxxing like a Mongol khan.

>> No.21513770

>Two happy and good looking people
>Their eyes arent literally glowing

Must be soulless

>> No.21513780

If you could never be anything it is impossible to have wasted your life.

>> No.21513781

>true consciousness
which is of course owning finnegans wake and reading that guenon guy again because mysticism and reactionary politics sets you apart from the NPCs by being the chud equivalent of a 30 year old burned out punk

>> No.21513807

Exactly so I am trying to find out if that is the case.

>> No.21513820

>"Onihei Hankacho" by Shōtarō Ikenami. Samurai cop called Heizo the Demon solving crimes, cutting up bad guys, and trying to reform criminals in the Edo Period.

thanks for the less obvious advice

my favorite manga is shigurui by far followed by blade of the immortal

>> No.21513856

>how do I >>know
>if I have a soul
>please >>someone respond
>I'm afraid >>I do not have a soul
everyone has a 'soul' by any definition of soul. well, but for this one. soul means to be your own person, and you seemingly don't have a mind of your own. do what you want at all times, no matter the consequence. being able to take that chance is what makes you 'soulful', your own person.
there's no book to teach you that, that is hubris as much as it is a lie. that's the easy way out most people take when they're 'soul-searching'. many people especially on this board. you read books for entertainment, knowledge is a game and entertainment. you read books to experience stories and learn from them, you reaffirm yourself and your choices, your ideas and dreams more so from the books you read. books you come to when you in some sense already know what you want or that there is something you want. want in essence without reason for this want obvious to you.
it's knowing yourself without rationalising your psychology through autobiography; encompassing yourself beyond the person you are or were, or are going to be, which sounds mighty mystical and senseless, but actually just means to be above your day to day business at any time when it is possible to judge yourself in such a fashion from above. no one would expect you to ponder the meaning of pain when you're shot, being more than rational and rationality coincide by going to the hospital. deep thought, being 'soulful' or artistic shouldn't go beyond work and pleasure. true 'soul' would be to be 'soulful' while doing something entirely 'soulless', as long as that 'soullessness' is not itself acting upon you, restricting your capacity to be 'soulful', making it impossible.
soul is perception and measuring things. where do you draw the line between soulful and soulless. there's no mechanic or formula or even explanation for it, as you see, it's each time and every time. it's different and depends on a multiplicity most people fear. living with that and living in the moment of this multiplicity. looking at the trees and seeing not just green and brown but a tree and a species of tree and the wear of time and age of the plant and the birds and their names and so on in everything is a pretty good start.

>> No.21513865

got links to ikenami mobi / epubs?

>> No.21513873

I don't regularly watch pdp or youtubers as a whole but from the few videos I saw from him he clearly has a soul
t. knower

>> No.21513876

So I am supposed to know the species of trees now ? Damnit I am an english major not a biologist

>> No.21513988
File: 301 KB, 1185x1200, Yukio-Mishima-The-Death-of-a-Man_2020_StyleZeitgeist-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To throw away one's life for one's male lover is the ultimate aim of Shudo.
Hagakure 181

>> No.21515227

I never understand people like this faggot who get upset when people enjoying life and then starts gibberish talking about soul. Touch some sun

>> No.21515350

I hear you but at the same time hes illuminati.

>> No.21515366

Musashi rules.

>> No.21515391

because hes not enjoying life. he doesnt feel anything

>> No.21515448

Im extremely pro natal, but you never know if someone might just happen to be incapable of bearing children. That is something to mourn, but doesn't mean it is a reason for divorce. Also he explained that the reason they had strollers for their dogs was because that was what was most convenient in Japan. Not because they were treating their dogs like children.

>> No.21515471

>because hes not enjoying life. he doesnt feel anything

The real clue to these two is their ugly bug eyed artificially bred to thwart natures's demands, pug dogs. Seeing them baby turd gobbling pug dogs when they could be raising a family in a beautiful place, like some big ranch in Colorado or Wyoming is disgusting.

>> No.21516910

Shopkeeper? Shoujo Ramune

>> No.21517093

but people treat their dogs like children in Japan, hence why they have the stroller. Seeing a young married couple with a dog stroller is depressing as fuck. Japan has these dog events in parks and it's just seas of these 20/30-something couples walking around with strollers putting all the parental instincts into looking after fucking animals.

>> No.21517128

Better that than globalism never fucking dying.

>> No.21517190

Here, I will free you.
You were never meant to be anything. You weren't meant for anything. There is no purpose to your existence form the perspective of another person.

The most you can do is diminish the suffering you experience as well as the suffering of others. Start with the former and keep in mind the latter. Therapy helps many if your shrink respects your philosophies.

>> No.21517588

Imagine your italian/nordic mutt spawn speaking like this

>herro, my nameu is anon
>preasu to meetchu

>> No.21517595

This isn't what I asked

>> No.21517622

theyre obsessed with their dogs. i washed one of his japan vlogs out of curiosity and it's crazy, they talks about them/treat them as if they were their children.
pewdiepie definetly browsed this board at some point btw

>> No.21517639

If I was a betting man I’d say they’re not gonna breed desu.

>> No.21517644

They do that in the West, too. It just manifests in the form of doggie backpacks and creepy IG posts. Most of the women I know are so afraid of the concept of having children that they hide behind the animals they accumulate. It's a pitiable thing.

>> No.21517648

Yeah, she's already 30, so the clock is not exactly on their side.

>> No.21517802

Anytime any of the audience has brought up having kids Pewds has always been super weird about it. Even when he just the topic of kids and babies comes up, not even like him having one but just the general topic when he’s talking to one of his friend’s whose a dad, he acts like he hates kids and babies are super annoying and he would be a very harsh father. He says this in jest but it’s every time so that must be some part of his genuine sentiment.

Also they’re very weird about their dogs, one of those millennial couples that treats them like actual kids.

It’s a real shame because they’re both successful people with amazing genes so I’d think their kids would be decent, but at best they’ll churn one out in a decade at the last minute when Marzia’s on her last eggs and it’ll have autism or some shit.

This is despite the fact they could easily afford more then a dozen kids lol. And pewds isn’t even particularly leftwing, and Marcia doesn’t seem so either.

>> No.21517809

Gen x you stupid cunt.

>> No.21517840

Also if one of them is infertile why not adopt?

>> No.21517863

Man takes pic for instagram, obscuring the interesting thing with his head.
Thats a femboi and she rump rides him with a strap on.

>> No.21517880

No different from medieval times, where the only way up was to become a clerk, which meant training as a priest and becoming celibate or a homosexual.
The game was rigged from the start.

>> No.21517900

Being anti-child is probably part of the contract to allow him to be successful.

>> No.21517933

While those people were forced into cloisters, most of the work they did created a net benefit for the public.

>> No.21518152

>english major
you seem more like a smart ass to me.

>> No.21518179
File: 76 KB, 280x261, 1673308718803240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board and its obsession with ecelebs.
>Forest Anon is very intelligent

>> No.21518198

Everyone on the planet gets older when the years go by anon. Generations aren't static. The youngest Gen X will turn 43 this year.

>> No.21518536

It's not obsessive for them to simply point out someone's intelligence. Forest Anon is a wise individual. Anon was just stating a fact

>> No.21518804

>Libshit whites run away to Japan after ruining the West with their retardation

>> No.21518843

The way they treat their inbred pugs like children is sad as fuck.

>> No.21518859
File: 41 KB, 434x649, pug_and_persian_by_myskullcabinet_d5wyl51-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pugs are abominations.

>> No.21519056

It's sad his wife is very insecure about her looks. She's extremely beautiful yet seems to be falling for the surgery meme.

Why is it beocming so commonplace for women these days

>> No.21519067

I wonder what happened to him to make him the shell of the man he was in around 2016-2018

>> No.21519071

by what metric is he a shell of 2016 pewdiepie? now he just lifts weights fucks his gf in japan and reads the greeks, i thought you faggots loved that

>> No.21519092


He made slightly offensive jokes back then and didn't seem as soulless as he is today. his book and exercise stuff is good though

>> No.21519093

The part I was trying to link in that video is at 8:25

>> No.21519097

kek fair, but i generally think it's good that he finally came to the realisation that watching all these random videos talking about memes and reacting to shit is a waste of time. took him a bit longer than it should have imo, now he's just semi-retired chilling out which is probably the best outcome one could hope for in our current time

>> No.21519103

this. I think childeren are great and I think I might have wanted some, but then I realize that they have to exist in this globhomo horror show world that will just keep getting worse

You cant know that

>> No.21519260

That bitch isn't beautiful at all. She's your typical shitalian greasecunt gobliness who's caked up in mountainous levels of makeup.

>> No.21519269

she's "conventionally beautiful" as those who pretend that objective beauty exists tend to say.

>> No.21519273

Conventionally beautiful my ass

>> No.21519275

>Why is it beocming so commonplace for women these days
Obviously the internet. Touching grass has greater truth to it than the zoomers would ever admit

>> No.21519336

Hello felix, keep up with the reading buddy.

>> No.21519349

I noticed that she seems to hide her face in the vlogs. Maybe she doesn't want to be recognized.

>> No.21519368

Women can be very insecure about their looks and how they compare to other women. It was easier when the only comparison were ordinary women from the neighborhood, but the more fashion, movie and pharmaceutical industries began to serve perfected women, and perfected women telling other women they too can look perfect with this and that, it created something akin to obsessive-compulsive disorder where one is never good enough and they have to keep doing more and more of the recommended procedures.

>> No.21520399

behold, poor and stupid mentality.