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21503406 No.21503406 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I read to cultivate an aristocratic aura? Both in how I speak and write.

>> No.21503808

It's a myth. Pirates take things not theirs and then they raise their kids to believe they're special. Sometimes they're spoiled rotten creeps, at best they're just self important feather-heads.
Nietzsche's Übermensch was envisioned to be an aristocrat without any holdings. If that's what you're going for, read him. Modern royals are like these feather-heads, Klaus Schwab and other monied elites, flying to Epstein's island etc.
Again, make your own myth

>> No.21504337

Be intelligent and genuine. You will find that the only good elites are the ones who still care. >>21503808 is right too

>> No.21504343

dress well, speak well (dont put on a fake accent just dont use poor grammar/slang), learn things, don't chimp out over little things, and dont spend money on frivolous things.

>> No.21504350

Altogether plebian. You have an outsider's view, wholly.
Just keep thinking on it. Answers always come.

>> No.21504360

probably stem books so you can actually own land at some point
fortune 500 (500 most profitable companies), around 400 are straight up engineering projects

>> No.21504369

OP said aristocrat not gentry

>> No.21504373

oscar wilde

>> No.21504378
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>The Will To Power, page 942
>There is only nobility of birth, only nobility of blood. I’m not talking about the little word “von” and the Gothaische Kalender—a preoccupation for fools. Those who speak of an “aristocracy of the spirit” are generally trying to conceal something; as is well known, it is a favorite phrase used by ambitious Jews. The spirit alone does not ennoble—there must first be something that ennobles the spirit. And what is that? Blood.

I got this to discredit the kike in >>21504353 thread, two birds one stone.

>> No.21504393

The real aristocratic art is the art of conversation. They're incredibly good at this.

>> No.21504397

further reading for you nietzschebros

>> No.21504435

>Again, make your own myth
Stop reading that hack Coelho

>> No.21504443

I have noticed this. What do you think is the secret?

>> No.21504448

Beta-simp mentality.

>> No.21504518


>> No.21504620

>be well mannered (includes dress)
>be extremely well educated
>follow a strict honor code
>know how to fight with weapons
I think that pretty much covers it

>> No.21504643

Thank you.

>> No.21504713

It's a myth, you stuffed turkey. We're all "plebeian" at the core. However, we can think ourselves out of that artificial guise if we want to

Never read him.
Have read Paine, Homer, Campbell, Jung, Nietzsche, Graves, Tolkien, Morris, Borges.

>> No.21504749
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Good answer. Yes also good conversational ability. Listen twice as much as you talk. Ask plenty of questions. Be humble.
As regards education. Know the basics of the Quadrivium and have a decent grasp of at least European history, the further back the better. I should add your always better to avoid conflict, that said I'd know how to duel if I lived in the states. I think Stoicism is a ennobling philosophy. You want to go backwards from the main Stoics into the main greeks though.

>> No.21504767

You mean you want a Roman style, I think

>> No.21504773

Self deception rooted in arrogance.

>> No.21504903

Which is all it ever was

>> No.21504942

I meant you. I do find it amusing our opposing views can be phrased in the same words. The class distinctions, at their core, represent natures and modes of thought and perception. Some of these modes can be taught, others cannot. The trappings you speak of are traditions and manners. Those can be taught, but even they cannot be fully apprehended by outsiders, in the same way you can dwell in a foreign land for years, getting asymptotically close to nativity, yet can never reach it. There will always be cracks. On the flip side, the inborn nature is also what makes the blood argument fail. The perpetrator of an aristocratic lineage may pass many traits onto the progeny, but without that core nature shared by all gentry, the individual heir will fail to live up to the house - not for lack of knowledge of the stuffed turkey elements, but for a failure of being a turkey in the first place, despite of being sired by one. The great ruin of many such houses were a lack of true gentlemen being born into it.

>> No.21504949

You don't really need to read any books. In this day and age, literally just have basic manners, don't talk like a Louisiana nigger.
Have a narrow face and narrow hips, walk strongly but not roughly, do things promptly but with a relative grace. Always have your chin up, never look down or away. You'll soon find peons are impressed by even the most basic of refinement.
Now, to be completely fair, this is all from the perspective of someone who lives in America. Could be different in Euroland, no idea.
I constantly get asked where I'm from, like I'm not from here even though I've lived in the States all my life and never set foot on Euro soil.
Work on neutralizing your accent as well, make it unplaceable but not rough.

>> No.21504954

Yeah, when I say extremely well educated, I should say extensively educated. As in the trivium and quadravidium, that sort of idea of a balanced man.
But honestly I think the crux of the thing is the ability to fight, and the rest follows. The skills, the education on things like politics and history, the honorable bearing and manner, actually follows logically from that.

>> No.21504961

is royal pr fixation actually going to be a lit thing from now on

>> No.21504966
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>No one's said Chesterfield

>> No.21504996

>But honestly I think the crux of the thing is the ability to fight
No. The crux of it is actually being the best "aristos". Actually being superior. Sure one part of that is superior in conflict. Even more superior is to avoid conflict altogether imo.

>> No.21505021

Disregard this man.

>> No.21505035

I want to be a spiritual aristocrat.
What should I read and do?

>> No.21505056

Hope not, common people immitating royalty is annoying as fuck, saw this phenomenon when game of thrones was popular, people just have no personality anymore and despite working at starbucks, shoping at aldi, adopting the behaviour of the most important people in the world somehow seems like a fitting thing for them

>> No.21505074

What do you imagine, in that maggot-rotted brain of yours, is the function of the Royal Family?

>> No.21505081

I dont know really and i dont know why you seem so offended.

>> No.21505095

I'm sorry. I was arguing [fruitlessly] in another thread and it carried over, I suppose.

Anyway, to my mind, one of the primary functions of the Royal Family is to serve as a kind of pole star of Englishness. They are its anchor. By imitation of the Royals and the Gentry, all English even in their generally unavoidable failure of this imitation, stay inextricably anchored to the roots of what it is to be English, so long as the upper classes do themselves - which is generally a core component of those classes and what separates them from the modern rich. I've had three glasses of wine at this point (which is a lot for me), but I hope that makes sense.

Again, I'm sorry for being rude.

>> No.21505099

that's evola's schtick

>> No.21505102

>What books should I read to cultivate an aristocratic aura
Take King Charles III's (PBUH) own advice.

>> No.21505114

true aristocracy is undeniably tied to traditionalism

>> No.21505146

based holy shit

>> No.21505161

LLKCIII! The irony is that he's the head of schismatic anti church the main body of which is itself nothing but a the stolen husk of the Platonic tradition... He can't seriously maintain this level of traditionalism and be a C of E man can he?

>> No.21505163

Read Evola

>> No.21505169

>I meant you.
And you're wrong. Yes, how amusing. Someone of the the "lower cast" wants advice on how to be like the "higher cast", and my exposing it as all a sham bothers you.

>> No.21505174

>does the complete opposite of what a Trad/real King should do
>promotes global warming scam, probably rapes kids, and oversees the replacement of his nation with animalistic and violent 3rd world chimps
He's a coward, obvious counter-Tradition.

>> No.21505179

You probably aren't even white.

>> No.21505181

All you exposed in this thread were your own deepest instincts. Maybe you should take your own advice and read Nietzsche a little more deeply.

>> No.21505183

He indeed can. It's just Freemasonry I suppose. It ends up as just liberalism and religious indifferentism.

>> No.21505186

The Church of England is unironically more traditional than the Papacy itself at this point, which is not saying much.

>> No.21505195

Look, man, Francis is a temporary anomaly, the priests and low-level bishops are already trending back in a trad direction. The last toxins of the 1960s are going to be shat out of the Body of Christ in the next few decades. Meanwhile the Church of England is fading into irrelevancy. Does anyone even go to their services any more?

>> No.21505200

Jesuits run the church, the next pope will be a nigger (fucking kek, satan really does have a sense of humor).

>> No.21505203

next pope will be the Filipino guy
he's the updated version of Francis with even more liberal ideas

>> No.21505224

With that attitude, you will not make it into Heaven, but if you manage it by God's grace, you'll find yourself greatly outranked there by many black people, who while you sat here trash talking in abstraction, were out in the world serving the Lord from a pure heart.

>> No.21505226

Because tranny and women bishops plus gay marriage in addition to discarding unitonically traditional Catholic beliefs is traditional. The Church of England is a good metaphor for modern traditionalism: traditional aesthetics with very unorthodox beliefs. I'd rather talk to the Justin Marler (an Orthodox monk who used to be a drummer fpr the stoner doom band Sleep and runs the Orthodox punk zine Death to the World) and Peter Steele (massive junkie turned Catholic convert who made Dead Again with his gothic metal band Type O Negative, describing his newfound faith and belief in the Church) than to any royalty because he probably isn't full of shit like they are. I am so surprised even Christians get caught up in the worship of appearances versus the Truth. It's rather appaling and indicative of how emptt a lot of Christians' faith is, regardless of denomination really.

>> No.21505237

Disappointing. I expected rebuttal. You seemed intelligent, but all I've received is salt. I don't concede you've exposed anything - as you can well see. This is why I expected a counter-argument.

The person he's talking to isn't even (fully) white, actually. I'm one of many Amerimongrels, and it is irrelevant. Either ideas can stand up to scrutiny on their own or they can't. If you have to dismiss people on a basis beyond their own arguments you're a pseud.

>> No.21505253

Shut up nigger, I'm not even Christian. You have to go back.

>> No.21505255

Learn self-control and restraint. Be the master of your thoughts and emotions. Don't react to things impulsively and emotionally, but intelligently, smartly and objectively, by thinking things through. Be in control of yourself, and everything you do, right down to your gestures and body language, should exude confidence, discipline, efficiency and self-control. And like others have said, speak proper language without using any trendy bullshit slang or swearing.

>> No.21505257 [DELETED] 

You can't pretend to be an aristocrat if you're dark-skinned. All throughout history the upper conquering castes have been pale. Black people for example are the complete opposite of aristocratic.

>> No.21505259

My view is that Charles III is in a very unique position, to both be a king descended from a legitimate regal lineage and a seemingly genuine and authentic, if a little lukewarm, higher orientation with respect to his personality, in addition the (formal, if not real due to Britain's constitution) combination of religious and secular supreme investiture. He might be one of the last monarchs on Earth to combine both the sacerdotal and temporal aspects into one function as a ruler (the only other being the Emperor of Japan, ironically each on islands either side of Eurasia). Even though the CoE is admittedly decayed just as much as most other similar churches, there is at least some superior potential there which could, albeit with a very low chance of success, culminate in some sort of meaningful restoration if there were a combination of extreme luck, effort and good judgement on the part of Charles III and whoever he has as supporters. It can't really be stressed enough how unlikely this possibility is, mainly due to the legal/constitutional dross covering the British government, but at the very least it's worth noting the uniqueness of his position.

>> No.21505260

So what are you? Part spic? A quadroon? How unfortunate...

>> No.21505356

I'm not pretending anything. I never once said I was an aristocrat or a gentleman. I'm merely talking about aristocracy and its nature - it is a philosophical and pragmatic discussion. It seems you don't understand the heritage of the West, despite being wholly white. You can talk about history all you like, but the reality is, I and those of my house likely outrank you now, and most certainly, there are dark-skinned peoples all over the Western world who do. Stop clinging to the past and using the achievements of the dead as an escape hatch from debate. We-wuzism, in 4chan's vernacular.
I won't answer you when you speak so impolitely. There's nothing unfortunate about it, actually. It is a marvel of the living God. The amount of men and women which had to live and migrate just for me to exist is amazing. Chaucer and Shakespeare, fathers of our modern English, and their times, could not have dreamed that a man such as I would spend my entire life with their language as my mother tongue, writing my own works in it, being read their words - hundreds of years on by people of varied tribes and heritages all in the language of their forefathers. This is a work of God, and it is amazing. You should not make the mistake of believing you can know a man by his color. You'll find yourself in embarrassing positions out in polite society.
Then why talk Christian things? Stick to what you know.

>> No.21505366

>I am so surprised even Christians get caught up in the worship of appearances versus the Truth.
What do you expect, they worship a man?

>> No.21505369

Shut up Charlie, stop posting and get back to work

>> No.21505371

Charles III, from what I've heard him say, is no friend of the Church. He has advocated all faiths. He has ironically praised Islam for its viscerality, either disingenuously, or unrealizing it is precisely men like him which have eroded the relevance of the Anglican Church in England. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who finds some correlation between Japan and England fascinating.

>> No.21505378

Harry's Spare.

>> No.21505404

whats wrong with coelho? not great, not terrible

>> No.21505435

I know what you mean but if you avoid conflict while being unable to engage in conflict then you're just a weak coward. The aristocracy becoming soft in their rulership is a tale as old as time, I don't think they deserve to use their blood as a symbol of superiority if they couldn't shed it in a moment of crisis.
What does superiority entail? The best human quality, which is the result of the best breeding. Well guess what, the best breeding is the result of taking the best women and that's the purview of the warrior. And then keeping the family and bloodline healthy which requires security.
It all comes back to the capability to fight and die for what you are, for your people, what you believe in. The entire concept of honor is meaningless if you remove that.

>> No.21505473

Well said. Fair enough.

>> No.21505530

You are trans.

>> No.21505568

Race sounds really shitty, as if you describe a breed of animal. This guy was a worthless natsoc larper and couldnt even get the proper lingo down. Hitler would have never called the german Volk a race, the translation would be people. Even ethnicity is a lifeless ans void term.

>> No.21505828
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What hilarious gibberish is this?

>> No.21505993

Great video. Thanks for sharing. Really enjoyed the discussion

>> No.21506017

The people on this board are some of the most pathetic souls on this earth. I hope things look up for you anon. A peasant without noble lineage trying to LARP as a nobleman , knowing very well hell never be wealthy nor admired is just extremely sad. Normally I'd tell you to keys for this advanced retardation, but now I feel down because of your very existence.

>> No.21506019

/lit/ are seething because his books was quite popular, especially amongst girls. Popular=bad. Contemporary=bad. Combination of both=big bad. Though, i agree with you that his books not terrible but not great either. There are honestly many lesser quality books than his works in the market

>> No.21506024

based answer

>> No.21506084
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>I don't think they deserve to use their blood as a symbol of superiority if they couldn't shed it in a moment of crisis.

Their blood should run as true as those they lead. If it is not there is no real bond. They need to be at the forefront, like Spartans, not Athenians in this regard as thet must demonstrate, repeatedly why thet are the best suited to that position in thr national community

Hence why an aristocracy of the best and brightest, of shared blood is superior. When an aristocratic or noble family fails to display the qualities expected they will be released of their burden, when peasant (old Germanic meaning of the word, a free-farmer-soldier akin to thr Yeoman, not a grubby little man) families display repeated aristocratic ideals they are called up to better put their noble talents to greater use.

>> No.21506142

Absolutely not. The aristocracy was completely upended by nationalism. The nobility was functionally cosmopolitan and they all spoke French.

>> No.21506149

Yes, read books by aristocrats.

Chesterfield’s letters, Norwich’s histories, Russell’s philosophy, etc.

>> No.21506157

The hierarchy of men is of divine origin and completely independent from the crass accumulation of material wealth.

>> No.21506214
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This is a misnomer, it means nothing beyond vagely affiliated with a set of beliefs you agree with. It functions as a conservative version of the term Progressive. It is a garbage word that can mean anything and nothing.

Backwardly stumbled upon a good point.

Nationalism is the only way in which an aristoctacy can be established and made a longterm fixture of a society. Without it you have globo-homo in the form of Bugpeople. Despite how it looks to you, who are below them in their eyes, they may see themselves as the true aristocrats able to make decisions for the rest of the world, they do not think of how it will affect the average family because there is not connection to blood and soil.

What a garbage take. The heiarchy of men is made so by nature, though you could argue nature is a small peak at the Divine, but i do not believe you meant that. Only a fool would believe they were above somebody based on happenstance and fluke.

>> No.21506219

The need to appear aristocratic is very unaristocratic

>> No.21506253

This is a misnomer, it means nothing beyond vaguely affiliated with a set conceptions about reality you agree with.
>Only a fool would believe they were above somebody based on happenstance and fluke.
There is no such thing as happenstance.

>> No.21506255

Imagine believing that the lives we are born into is just random chance. You must have zero Aryan blood.

>> No.21506292
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Being of Eastern and Western European I would say Im white, but the racist would make some further excuse. Idiocy.

> The class distinctions, at their core, represent natures and modes of thought and perception.
There’s nothing natural here in representation.
>Some of these modes can be taught, others cannot.
Any way of thinking can be taught. When and to which individual matters, but nothing else forbids it.
>There will always be cracks.
Such as the crack in your head, which resembles a second ass
>On the flip side, the inborn nature is also what makes the blood argument fail. The perpetrator of an aristocratic lineage may pass many traits onto the progeny,
Maintaining a class structure for its own sake seems to have been taught to you from an early age. You could unlearn this wrong-think. If you had a child, you’d pass it to them, or he could be raised in a more wholesome environment and know what real differences are made of
>but without that core nature shared by all gentry, the individual heir will fail to live up to the house
Fuck “the house”. These houses never benefited anyone but a handful of its occupants at any time
> The great ruin of many such houses were a lack of true gentlemen being born into it.
In other words “if only this shit worked, then we’d be be so well off!” But since it doesn’t, we’ve partially abandoned it.
Time for another guillotine. There we’ll find the masses are the true aristocrats

>> No.21506409
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Only eastern Europeans and muddy brown people have to use Aryan as they lack the physcial characteristics of beauty and must cope with an Evola style aristocracy of the soul instead of soul, body and merit.

I dont agree with nature, does not mean i work against it and try to reshape it to fit my ideals, like Traditionals or tradcaths do.

Aristocracy is meritocracy, you might hang all the trappings and costume it however you wish, but when the chins get recessed and you sound, look and act different from those whom you are vested to lead, you have failed. Aristocracy needs new blood from the same font which it was originally drawn from the rural peasantry. Who are tied to the land, rugged, noble with rough hands and a firm voice. Everything else is just rich kids play acting, they should be gibbeted for wasting the chance and resources in their upbringing.

>> No.21506475

Damn, I haven't been involved in this discussion until now, but I have to say that was quite a chad response. It seems there was a lot of diversity in right-wing thought in Europe.
I don't know what to be believe anymore.

>> No.21506514

Youre not going for a Nietzschean free/self creating sort of aristocracy like that described by >>21503808 but also you think there is then something left to 'cultivate'?
Aristocracy in the narrow sense of the word is only obtained by being born as such. this is communicated through subtle cultural signifiers so only they but not the common people can recognize each other, which i guess is what that 'aura' is, but it is completely superfluous compared to your actual family lineage.

i find this video an interesting example to one of these subtle but meaningless signifiers that constitute an 'aura': https://youtu.be/zGNV9cBqaKI?t=502
the idea that you signify to eachother that youre from these super high end families through having a slightly frayed shirt collar is completely meaningless to everyone except those that are in that class anyway, and those that are in that class all know eachother so faking it is meaningless as well.

>> No.21506528
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>beautiful people that lack the physcial characteristics of beauty that I like aren’t beautiful

Would guillotine you. Plant you in the public gardens

>> No.21506552
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I am the lad you responded to. You said diversity in right-wing thought. I am coming to the conclusion that there can be no 'right-wing' thought in a democratic system. That to be right-wing, old-fashioned, traditional, etc one needs to be anti-democratic. If we are not democratic then the utmost thing is to organize society to a desired heiarchy, which i think is one of the few core values on the right. I think National Socialism accomplishes this.

Picrel >>21506214 here will outline a plan to establish a worthwhile aristocracy, it may be what >>21503406 was looking for too.

Im also finding Left - Right increasingly limited except in identify friend and foe.

>> No.21506554

Beauty is objective, that is why you are hateful and bitter. Not only are you ugly you are incapable of feeding yourself, hence you have no gardens either.

>> No.21506567
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You missed his overall point. He wouldn't be against other people forming their own homogeneous societies based on his views of "blood and soil".
He's arguing that aristocratic views are a cope, especially when we look at how rural, tribal peoples from various cultures tend to be more robust and healthy, typically serving as better samples for a race's phenotypes and looks.
There's a lot of truth to what he says.
What I've noticed, for example, is how the tribal and rural Iranian groups around the Zagros tend to look more robust and rugged when compared to the feminized ones in Tehran, who also tend to look racially ambiguous given the cosmopolitan setting.
He's arguing a system of nationalism where a new aristocracy is formed from the blood drawn from rural peasantry is the best form of eugenics and establishing a new aristocracy.
I can't help but agree with him to a large extent. Moreover, homogeneity is very important for high-trust and stable societies, but even within a homogeneous group, you want to select for rugged and strong men, not the feminized intellectuals with recessed chins.
I would go a step further and argue that it's probably best to end the industrial age too.
Evola-styled aristocracy has its appeal too, but his views do run at odds with his. Overall, in terms of social stability and overall mental health, I agree more with that guy than Evola.

>> No.21506570
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It is demonstrably subjective and there’s nothing you can say to undo the fact.
>you are hateful and bitter
I’m not. I feed myself well, that is, healthily, but the reason I am currently without a garden is this odious rentier class system.

>> No.21506581

>It is demonstrably subjective
I don't agree.
There is seems to be evolutionary and neurological correlates, that have an objective basis in the real-world, that leads to seeing rural, robust tribal peoples as more beautiful than pampered urbanites and aristocrats who eventually develop abnormal phenotypical features such as recessed chins.
Something about working the land for many generations most likely has positive epigenetic effects on one's progeny, which leads to more virility, resistance to pressure, etc.
It's an interesting approach.

>> No.21506585

>resistance to pressure
Saying "tolerance to pain" is better.
I do think urbanites have less tolerance to pain than rural, rugged rural peoples.
Tolerance to pain is something very important modern people no longer value.

>> No.21506641
File: 58 KB, 553x623, 6A138BF6-4C9F-46A2-AE56-300579F36B63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only responding to the top paragraph’s racism.

Nazis libs are not to be trusted. They’d be just another flavor of today’s oligarchic west with a more Chinese looking authoritarian order. The smaller nations would suffer economic or military hardships just as we see today.
We may agree that aristocrats should be done away with, but he would continue the liberal agenda and keep the “haute bourgeoisie” and the military class in complete control. Roman imperialism with a make-believe senate of lords. Essentially the same thing as now.
If he believed the rural people’s model best, he’d be an anarchist and wish the classist system of state-capitalism gone. So why not make these rugged aristocrats of the whole world? Maybe he’ll come around. Have you come around?

> I would go a step further and argue that it's probably best to end the industrial age too.
Oh I much to say about that. Generally agree, at least to some extent. But now I’m not sure that can happen

>I don't agree.
You mistake what you find beautiful, and maybe what society, or life affirmation itself finds beautiful, with the true nature of the things left in a humanless vacuum. Beauty is a lovely label we stamp on things, that’s all.

>> No.21506675

I don't think he would claim any race is superior to another, but that he prefers his own race over others. It's not right to shame people for racial preferentialism when, historically speaking, that was the norm across all cultures. Only in recent history are we dealing with the unprecedented disaster of a vast number of races moving and intermingling in the same area. Nothing to such a magnitude or scale has ever occurred in history until now.

I am fundamentally reactionary, in a similar manner as Linkola, in that I don't believe any genuine good has come from the modern technological-industrial order. The market economy, "progress", technological-industrial order, and so on are all destroying biodiversity at an accelerated rate, and it has reached the point where it threatens to wipe out the racial and ethnic differences of many people too.

I strongly sympathize with his views on creating rejuvenating the aristocracy by drawing on the blood of the robust, healthy, and vigorous rural peoples, who undeniably tend to be healthier and less racially polluted.

>> No.21506731

He’s the Nazi poster. Someone finds themselves a non-racist nazi really needs to rethink their labels.
I like my own race, but I am critical of the system they use to rob and murder others, to drag them through the mud and make fun of them for living in the mud we put them in. It isn’t my race on a whole doing this, it is a system, and he doesn’t realize it, in fact promotes more of the same.

Tribes used to roam over wide areas and yes we mingled, a lot. Quite bizarre to hear about some homo-sapiens mixing with Neanderthals, but culture progresses like that, same as our genes. The technological age, the crowded nature of the age most likely, is moving things too fast for some. But it is natural and normal. Ethnicities come and go. Nothing is threatened by this. The reasons for migration are more alarming than the actual migration. The scale is to be expected with the scale of our ballooning population. Remove one artificial system and alleviate the multiple social crises.

Find common cause with the anarchist cause and make Über-aristocrats of us all

>> No.21506741

I think you're fundamentally misunderstanding my position. I'm not promoting oppression or exploitation of other races, as you seem to suggest. I simply believe that people have the right to prefer their own race and culture, just as they might prefer their own family or friends.

Furthermore, I don't see how advocating for a healthier and more resilient aristocracy, rejuvenated by the blood of robust rural peoples, is tantamount to promoting oppression. An aristocratic class that is composed of strong, healthy, and responsible individuals would be better equipped to govern and make decisions that benefit society as a whole.

It's also worth pointing out that there are many problems with the modern technological-industrial order that you seem to take for granted. Miscegenation, loss of biodiversity, and overpopulation are all major concerns that require serious consideration and action. The fact that you seem to dismiss these issues out of hand suggests a lack of critical thinking on your part.

And finally, I disagree with your suggestion that anarchism is the answer to our problems. Anarchism is a utopian ideology that has never been successful in the real world. It's a recipe for chaos and disorder, not a sustainable solution to the complex problems we face as a society. We need to think carefully and realistically about the issues we're facing, and not just adopt simplistic slogans and ideals that sound good on paper.

>> No.21506754

In this debate, Person A is presenting an argument that is sympathetic to the idea of racial preferentialism, which is the idea that someone prefers their own race over others. Person A is also expressing reactionary views, suggesting that the modern technological-industrial order is causing environmental damage and the erosion of racial and ethnic differences. Person A also seems to support the idea of rejuvenating the aristocracy by drawing on the blood of rural peoples.

In response, Person B is criticizing Person A's views as being reminiscent of Nazi ideology. Person B is making a distinction between liking one's own race and being critical of the system that oppresses and exploits other races. Person B is also pointing out that migration and the mixing of different ethnicities is a normal and natural part of human history and that the scale of migration is to be expected given the current population levels. Person B suggests that instead of promoting racial preferentialism and aristocracy, a more effective solution would be to find common cause with the anarchist cause.

>> No.21506803
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>> No.21506843

Are you the guy who keeps posting the Nazi memes?
I think I was clear enough on this segregationist trash. It’s fear of too many others, too different looking others, etc. move to directly democratic communities, suppress the authoritarian urges and things get more comfortable, stable and “ethnicities” coalesce. Pride of place and that small town feel will return.
Aristocracy is an unjustifiable authoritarian class and is automatically oppression. I don’t care what group they originate from.
I certainly don’t dismiss environmental resource issues.
Anarchism can be near utopian if you gave it a chance. The other direction is of course the opposite direction and nothing about that can be rejuvenating. Like dining on feces, more of the same. You lack the critical thinking.

Good rundown, but I believe one can prefer their “race” without being racist. Not sure it’s “promotional” enough or not

>> No.21507020
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Sadly i am indisposed, i have not responded to the anarchist, but i have read what he has typed. I will respond as soon as i am able.

In return, please explain what a Nazi-Liberal is. I laughed at your term. Is it an attempt to conflate two opposing worlds in a single slur or do you not understand what Socialism, Nationalism or Liberalism means?

>> No.21507113

You've lost sight of what this discussion is actually about. OP wants to seem more aristocratic, which is a discussion of high manner, tradition, and worldview really.

Still, I would disagree with you. Even wealth is a blessing from God - though some men get it wickedly and will be judged for it. "The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it."

>> No.21507130

The idea that diversity is a strength is a myth propagated by the liberal elite. In reality, diversity has weakened societies by diluting the cohesion and homogeneity that are necessary for a society to function effectively.

One concrete example of this can be seen in the United States, where multiculturalism has led to increased crime and social unrest, as well as a lack of integration among different ethnic groups. Similarly, in Europe, the influx of large numbers of immigrants has led to the erosion of traditional European culture.

As Richard Walther Darré, one of the leading ideologists of Nazi Germany, famously said, 'Blood mixture and the resultant drop in the racial level is the sole cause of the dying out of old cultures; for men do not perish as a result of lost wars, but by the loss of that force of resistance which is continued only in pure blood.'

It is clear that diversity is not a strength, but rather a weakness that undermines the very fabric of society. We must reject the idea of multiculturalism and instead promote the preservation of our own racial and cultural heritage.

>> No.21507135

I was mistaken. You aren't intelligent enough for rebuttal.

>> No.21507140

For example, the Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and successful civilizations in history, but its decline was caused in part by the influx of barbarian tribes and the mixing of different cultures and religions. Similarly, the Greek city-states, the Mesopotamian empires, and many other ancient civilizations were weakened by diversity.

Recent history also provides evidence for my argument. The Soviet Union was a powerful and influential state, but it ultimately failed due to its inability to maintain control over its diverse territories. The same can be said for Yugoslavia, which dissolved into ethnic conflict due to the diversity of its population.

These historical examples clearly demonstrate that diversity is not a strength, but rather a weakness that undermines the very fabric of society. It is important to learn from history and not repeat the same mistakes by promoting diversity. Instead, we should promote the preservation of our own racial and cultural heritage

>> No.21507143

its all in how you look. how attractive your face is + how you dress.

trust me on this i would know.

>> No.21507297

The Nazis were voted in via democracy. Fascism is essentially populist garbage.

>> No.21507299

Race was used in a wider context before 1950's, German scholarship for instance used rasse almost synonymously with volk and it did spill into English where the word folk obviously exists but isn't really used in this context so they've kept saying race.

>> No.21507360
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*Solves the thread*

>> No.21507399

>Have read Paine, Homer, Campbell, Jung, Nietzsche, Graves, Tolkien, Morris, Borges.
Imagine bragging about being barely 20 years old.

>> No.21507476

You are just about the intellect that belong here. Stay. Never leave.

It isn’t a myth, it’s a biological fact, and it’s propagated by nature. The idea that war is natural is a myth. It is in fact a byproduct of statism. Fights between people for a watering hole during a drought times, or for love’s sake against some family wishes, are not wars, FYI. “Strength” in team sports such as war necessitate the soldiers not hate each other for petty surface issues, well duh. The US armed forces don’t seem to be that racist
Wether a stateless world would become more free flowing or insular isn’t, nor should it be, anyone’s concern. It hasn’t been throughout history. That’s just how we cam to be who were all are now. The future will bring other people. How healthy will their minds and bodies be depends more on saving biodiversity of the flora and fauna.
Speaking of Neanderthals. We’ve lost all our ancestors one way or another.

>increased crime
That’s economics. Crime follows “civilization” because capitalism demands a lower class.

Tip. Never mention this Darre moron again.

^Imagine being this guy

>> No.21507506

Post face and fit

>> No.21507553

Is for cucks and fags. It's needless of me to explain why this is the case but your open disdain for tradition should clue you in. Maybe adhere to an ideology that isn't just crypto neoliberalism.

>> No.21507577

This. It's also a massive cope for the enslaved
>Slaving hard according to the laws of the market is MY ACHIEVEMENT
Yeah it's YOUR achievement, the only thing you can delude yourself into being proud of in your enslaved existence, completely determined by higher forces.

>> No.21507620

Then why are the richest black suburbs more crime ridden than the poorest white ones ? Don’t anwser that, it’s a rethorical question, you are stupid.

>> No.21507673

>be me
>be from area known for strong accents
>be autist and never rebel accent in childhood
>as a kid everyone assumed I was adopted when with my parents. They assumed I was foreign at school
>now they assume I’m posh because I don’t speak with an accent and dress decently (literally just pants and a tucked in shirt) amongst people mainly dressed in athleisure and am not left leaning (took sociology in sixth form so they were going to find out).

I’ve just finished reading part one of storm of swords. Before that I read dune and diary of an oxygen thief. Currently reading the brothers karamazov. Hope that helps anon.

>> No.21507703

Yeah, no surprise you’ll stick to your cooked statistics and reliance on your ancestral ignorance to sooth your upset tummy.

Another point I should make is that these migrants are all fellow “civilized” only looking to the most prosperous. It’s a terribly difficult decision to make for the most part, and they’d much rather stay with friends and family and culture. But it is the forces of capitalist civilization that are driving them at these alarming rates. Natural migrations didn’t usually look this rapid or substantial. So I’m saying again, the very system is at fault and the intensification of that system with firm nationalist forces, a militarized elite in control, will only exacerbate the situation. These elites will stratify their nations with the immigrants, not boot them out.
The escapees of civilization are all but extinct now. They don’t want to migrate, pay elites a tax, or fight their wars. Why isn’t this the model you want?

>> No.21507722

>self-loathing yank larping as European

>> No.21507777
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April 22, 1958
57 Perry Street
New York City

Dear Hume,

You ask advice: ah, what a very human and very dangerous thing to do! For to give advice to a man who asks what to do with his life implies something very close to egomania. To presume to point a man to the right and ultimate goal— to point with a trembling finger in the RIGHT direction is something only a fool would take upon himself.

I am not a fool, but I respect your sincerity in asking my advice. I ask you though, in listening to what I say, to remember that all advice can only be a product of the man who gives it. What is truth to one may be disaster to another. I do not see life through your eyes, nor you through mine. If I were to attempt to give you specific advice, it would be too much like the blind leading the blind.

“To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles … ” (Shakespeare)

And indeed, that IS the question: whether to float with the tide, or to swim for a goal. It is a choice we must all make consciously or unconsciously at one time in our lives. So few people understand this! Think of any decision you’ve ever made which had a bearing on your future: I may be wrong, but I don’t see how it could have been anything but a choice however indirect— between the two things I’ve mentioned: the floating or the swimming.

But why not float if you have no goal? That is another question. It is unquestionably better to enjoy the floating than to swim in uncertainty. So how does a man find a goal? Not a castle in the stars, but a real and tangible thing. How can a man be sure he’s not after the “big rock candy mountain,” the enticing sugar-candy goal that has little taste and no substance? . . .

>> No.21507804

not possible unless you are a rich fag and actually connected to the royals in some way.
if I were you I would cultivate the aura of competence, nothing commands respect like competence. To become competent you have simply study, learn and practice and gain experience, you have to become a master of your subject or trade. Royalty are trash compared to genuinely competent people.

>> No.21507940


>> No.21507953

actually the most sensible answer here. This is especially true in this modern world

>> No.21507961

They are special dumbass. Who cares if they’re spoiled rotten. They’re the tip top of society looking down on all the plebs. You’re applying morality again, “spoiled rotten” just meaning “bad.”

>> No.21507973

And there is no cultivating an “aristocratic aura,” you weren’t born as one you can never be that. At most you can be a classy gentleman which is still a very nice thing to aspire to be. Take care of yourself, learn, be kind, speak with your chest, look and smell nice, etc. Dispel this idea you can be like the elite though. Chances are you will probably never be them like most people.

>> No.21507983

>Who cares if they’re spoiled rotten
The subjects, who are subjected to tantrums, poor judgment, spitefulness. Good god, read some Paine or something.
>you're applying morality
The outcome of keeping a piece of shit to boss you all around is objectively BAD. We see it play out a million times on any given workplace when the bosses, CEO, etc. fuck over everyone

>> No.21508056

>The subjects
They have no political power retard

>> No.21508110

I'm not against aristocracy in it's literal sense - rule or power of the best, but I don't consider the aristocracy of lineage and the aristocracy of merit to be contrary to the point of annihilation. In some ways, the Gentry are the remnant of an aristocracy of merit - some have held their familial haunts for 800 years. At some point, someone had to earn those estates, and many generations had to manage affairs properly, or concoct new methods of income to keep them. I'm not saying this always took great ingenuity, but it shouldn't be overlooked either. I consider it 100% self evident cultivation is not only possible, but desirable. The aristocracy cultivate themselves after all. It isn't that you can literally become an aristocrat via conscious cultivation, but that you can achieve a greater likeness to it in certain regards - which is what I believe OP is desiring. Thanks for sharing the videos. I like seeing this sort of thing.

>> No.21508127

>taking your larp to a basket weaving forum
I'm not trying to impress any of you faggots, I can be as crass as I want here and it doesn't reflect on my person at all
t. anonymous
>aboo aboo
you done?

>> No.21508129

This statement alone reveals how little black people you actually know. It also reveals how little money you have.

>> No.21508135

Certainly you can. Be as crass as you'd like, but no one with any sense takes advice on aristocratic bearing from a crass man.

>> No.21508140

Then don't? I don't particularly care, if OP had any sense he'd be able to craft his larp without "advice" from said basket weaving forum.

>> No.21508203

nta but just lol

>> No.21508338

Tragic poets, Aristotle, Cicero, Plutarch, Livy, Seneca, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Montaigne, Donne, Marvell, Vico, Leibniz, Chesterfield, Hume, Carlyle, Russell.

>> No.21508740
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>I think I was clear enough on this segregationist trash. It’s fear of too many others, too different looking others, etc.
It is not at all that they look different. It is that their virtues are disgusting to me, that their aesthetic is unpleasant to me. Their behavior is offensive to be around, how they establish their society and communities is the very opposite of what I celebrate and love, so much so that simply being in close proximity to these people is sufficient to incur damage in every arena, material, social, economic and more. These are the reasons, not your shit-wing take of them being different. Nobody worries about going to a neighborhood populated entirely by Japanese, or Finns, or Icelandics it entirely blacks, hispanics, indians and, arabs.

>move to directly democratic communities, suppress the authoritarian urges and things get more comfortable, stable and “ethnicities” coalesce
What on earth makes you think that direct democracy will fix anything? On the contrary it will harm more. The idea that because you have the majority on your side does not make a decision correct or right. People, especially non-European minorities can be easily encouraged to want anything that mass media tells them to, they are not capable of self-rule. The entire world has shown us this, that most people outside of Europe can not self-govern. Giving them a controlling stake in anything is suicide. You also completely misunderstand biology, as I've said before, good luck donating organs, plasma and more to your mixed race baby. Their is a crying shortage for plasma and similar vital fluids because blacks and hispanics do not donate, despite them being the majority in the world. Further, the mixing of two species only results in a benefit if the two copulating are of equal ability, otherwise it results in the loss of any heritage or pedigree the higher of the pair had. Well done, you are anti-progress.

>Pride of place and that small town feel will return.
No, no it will not. It can not. Though the real question is why should we destroy it in the first place? We have it, others do not. We do not need to destroy it, they need to build their own.

>Aristocracy is an unjustifiable authoritarian class and is automatically oppression. I don’t care what group they originate from.
People need leaders, communities and society need a caste of people with whom foresight, management and administration can be used to direct and steer a nation and people. This is called Statesmanship and it is a harder a trade to learn as any that came before it.

>Anarchism can be near utopian if you gave it a chance
You are correct here, Utopia originally meant and still means, the unreachable place or the place that can not be reached. Anarchism is utterly incapable of organization society, even if the foundations were correct, you are simply at the mercy of a polity that is not anarchistic. Further, you are simply at the mercy of big business.

>> No.21508779
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>It isn’t a myth, it’s a biological fact, and it’s propagated by nature
Not even red squirrels and grey squirrels can coexist peacefully. One is completely displacing the other, which is a perfect metaphor for the West. One is beautiful and the other is not.

> It is in fact a byproduct of statism
A great many things are a product of the State.

Darre is far superior to Kaczynsk, in every aspect of thought.

>> No.21508801

>They have no political power
This is bad. This is why we don't get nice things
is you. Play on the freeway.

>> No.21508843

>One is beautiful and the other is not.
Both red and gray squirrels are beautiful, but gray squirrels don't belong in Britain as invasive species.

>> No.21508874

I disagree on them being beautiful, their fur is an unpleasant color. Compare that to the native red squirrel that have a beautiful hue.

>> No.21508893

You're quite a shallow and vain bastard, you know that, right? You're quite womanly.

>> No.21508904
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Do you not understand what beauty is? A coarse and most common fur color does not convey beauty. The more rare red is far more beautiful, it catches the light as all red hues do and resembles fire. Your infantile insults do you no credit.

>> No.21508912

Are you by any chance bisexual or homosexual? You sound very flamboyant, shallow, and vain that is typical of the sodomizers.
I don't like to objectify non-human life over superficial reasons like this. I recommend staying out of debates among educated gentlemen.

>> No.21508932

You're both posting on a Taiwanese knitting forum, relax fellas

>> No.21509182

>gets called womanly
>posts a faggish picture

>> No.21509680

I've really enjoyed the channel you shared - as I already mentioned. Once upon a time, I would have really enjoyed even the fashion elements very seriously, but even though I don't care much for those things any longer it is a good channel. Do you know of any similar ones which are less focused on fashion?

You've also given me an idea for a channel. I'm not sure if I'll have time to do it, but I think you would all enjoy watching or discussing the subject matter, and that's all the hint I'll give.

>> No.21509733

Member when all the Europe aristocrats got burned by Madoff cause they thought they were smarter than the New York plebs?

>> No.21510286

>>Nietzsche's Übermensch was envisioned to be an aristocrat without any holdings.
That's usually known as the town drunk.

>> No.21510305

>Nietzsche's Übermensch was envisioned to be an aristocrat without any holdings.
Good god, you failed.

>> No.21510323

The most aristocratic thing ever is power.

Get rich and/or lead men.

No books can replace this sort of experience.

For people that would say "oh but getting rich is plebeian"... well, it's for that sort of mentality that's why we don't have real aristocrats today. "Oh, we are so noble we will cripple yourselves and give the levers to people that hate us".

To think being aristocratic is merely to have a disinterested fancy act is peak stupid, MSM led trash.

>> No.21510338

>aristocracy is either pure power or putting on a cultured "act"
Holy cope.

>> No.21510522

So basically be a fat child raping piece of shit?

>> No.21510649
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>The most aristocratic thing ever is power.
No. You are confusing the result with the cause. Aristocracy, nobility of being; is being asked and able to lead men and being able to do so. Anybody with resources can acquire power, but to be asked and hoped for to lead your community. That is the real essense of it, everything else is achieved by manipulation.

That is not to say you can not manipulate yourself in to a position of leadership, but you can easily realize who earned their place by meritous action and who did not.

All other physical manifestations, clothes, mannerisms and speech are degredations.

>> No.21510755

That's how it is, yeah. Whatcha gonna do about it loser? Didn't think so.

>> No.21510869

You are correct.

>> No.21510888

You can't

>> No.21511161
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Please see >>21510649 and realize you are the problem. You wish to be that which you are not, you are of the same mind as a tranny, that if you adopt behaviors, mannerisms and change your voice and your clothes you will be able to pass for that which you are not, nor can never be.

I am saddened that you do not realize this. You are, mentally at least, a marxist tranny.

>> No.21511170

>Reading Nietzsche you fail
Have you read any Nietzsche?

>> No.21511778

wealth means there is a reason for people to listen to you this leads to more practice and eventually the two combine they are both interesting but also important

>> No.21511806
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If you are listening to people because they are wealthy, you are not interested in truth. This is the opposite of aristocracy and leaders of men. You listen to them because they have magnatism, authority and an instinctual manner which reassures and inspires confidence. Like a RSM or an experienced Sergeant in a section. Wealth can obfuscate these qualities and is often mistaken for them.

>> No.21511834

do you live in the UK? you even mention the British army right there so surely you've experienced it a Cambridge student will ask where you were schooled or what college you attended and when you say you're not Oxbridge they immediately stop listening

the martial qualities of aristocracy are also a product of generational wealth. 6'3 infantry officers who are so much taller than the normal Anglo infantryman because their family came over with Norman the conqueror and no one in their family has gone hungry for 800 years at the end of the day I think a lot of it boils down to the wealth.

These qualities cant be truly imitated you either had the money and the upbringing or you didn't

>> No.21512046

>Have you read any Nietzsche?
Yeah, he was a proto-incel basically.

>> No.21512051

STEM is as middle class as it gets.

>> No.21512068

Here's a simple truth: if your ancestry isn't the nobility, you're barely a real person. I come from a very long line of aristocratic privilege. However, it was squandered over the last hundred years. Today, there's little left. I have some nice trinkets, that's about all. My uncle, the eldest sibling, got the last titleship with their father's older sibling getting the higher ranking title. All said, I have grown up in unremarkable circumstances. But I'm markedly different from most others around me; I have a sense of right and wrong, of morality, of not acquiescing at the first sign of pressure. I look around and I see people that are willing to bow their heads for even a poultry amount of money. People willing to steal. People willing to cheat. It's not to say that I have a special brain, but those born of common interest are fucking animals at best.

>> No.21512072

You know Nietzsche didn't write The Will to Power, right?

>> No.21512114
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>do you live in the UK? you even mention the British army right
Yes, i was born and raised there. And had some time in the military.

>Cambridge student will ask where you were schooled or what college you attended and when you say you're not Oxbridge they immediately stop listening
I did not move in these circles, but i am familiar with the behavior.

>the martial qualities of aristocracy are also a product of generational wealth
No. You put the cart before the horse. The wealth was acquired by the martial & leadership qualities these men possessed by offering defense against those who would prey on those unable to defend themselves. And it was originally from these families, and many like these all over Europe, that the leaders of society were drawn from.

Because they have a different upbringing than the average man, they have a life that give them different values, skills, traits and a mindset to use them effectively. Can they diagnose a timing belt issue on a car? No, can they organize men to effectively overcome a problem impossible to the individual, they had better be able to.

>These qualities cant be truly imitated you either had the money and the upbringing or you didn't
This i think is a non-issue, as to mold these men in to effective leaders they need to be free of the constraints that produce average men. They cant be an exceptional leader and put 40 hours a day in at the machine shop, or at the farm. Hence why Darrè had the idea of these families overeeing rural farming communities, learning statecraft and leadership like an apprentice machinist would from an early age. They do not have typical duties of what are we eating tonight, or i need to get that part finished before the order is due. Their concerns are, can we improve crop yield without damaging the land? Can we organize a means to address disputes to the benefit of all parites.

The key difference is that the difference between aristocrate and non-aristocrat is ability. Not blood, the blood and stock should be entirely the same as those they lead. The best of the blood/race/ethnic group should be selected to lead and those found wanting should be lowered back down to the average man.

No stigma, no hate, no jealousy, but the right man placed in the right position for maximum benefit.

>> No.21512125

>poultry amount of money
This is why the bourgeoisie won.

>> No.21512133
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This man is your enemy and is the manifestation of all that is wrong in an aristocracy or nobility. It is neither title, nor trinket, not land nor name but shared kinship of blood with the people you lead. It is you who are the aninal, trapped in a gilded cage that is rusting.

>> No.21512138

You mean the boojee.

>> No.21512142

Not sure why I defaulted to chicken.

Do you come from literally anyone of importance? Because that sounds like platitudinal tripe.

>> No.21512148

>People willing to steal. People willing to cheat
Literally the royal family, all the negative things you mentioned they have done it, or it is somehow your aristocratic line better than the royals (in Britain and Europe as it is essentially the same family)

>> No.21512151
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>Do you come from literally anyone of importance
Yes. A strong, healthy and loving mother and father, the most important people ive ever known.

>> No.21512166

So... no. You need it to be true. People can be missing all sorts of functions from their brains, empathy, visualisation, monologue... You are delusional if you cannot see there is clearly a genetic component.

>Literally the royal family
And look what happens when you put others in charge. Has this new wave of capitalism been more moral than life had been before when driven by aristocracy and monarchy?

>> No.21512174

>And look what happens when you put others in charge.
exact same thing happens, politicians steal just like royals who were in charge before them, it proves that royals/aristocracy and a common pleb are same people, and there is no difference except maybe royalty/aristocracy are more willing to exploit others and continue holding onto that power.

>> No.21512178

You truly can't distinguish between capitalism and monarchy in terms of its rulership principles?

It's on me for trying to convince an animal to walk on two legs I suppose.

>> No.21512191
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>People can be missing all sorts of functions from their brains, empathy, visualisation, monologue... You are delusional if you cannot see there is clearly a genetic component.
Why is the modern aristocratic caste so unhealthy? They are grotesque to look at, they have countless recessive disorders, illnesses and diseases. Is it the idle life of squalor and luxury? Or the inbreeding? Or is that they have spent all that noble blood and are barren of it? Is it because they cut themselves off from the source of their strength? Did they believe it came from themselves?

All the while the rural, hard working family, the smallholder or homesteader has remained strong, healthy, educated, mannered and above all still part of the ethnic community in which he is a leader.

>> No.21512199

I can but the fact remains, under both systems those in power steal and exploit others. You went on how you (and true aristocrats) have a sense of right or wrong but it seems that it has nothing to do how aristocrats lead their lifes.

>> No.21512206

Really? 'Why aren't they pretty'? This is your brain on commoner logic. You want your rulers to be top of the pops instead of rulers. Again, you need it to be true that people from aristocracy are the same as those who are not, because it shames you think that you might have a lower ceiling.

>> No.21512341

>all the while the rural
Everything you said after that was pure fiction, and as one dimensional as the image you posted. Give up the fantasizing.

>> No.21512348

Very, very wrong.

>> No.21512377
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Ive been posting the same thing throughout this thread, you have rebutted nothing. You have plugged your ears and wailed that it is not true. Do address what specifically is not true and why, i will be happy to ammend what i said.

>> No.21512426

Your perception is warped. In the middle ages the aristocracy would have just used conflict against each other maintain there own power.
>If you don't want to be killed when my cousins army attacks us then you better do as I say
That's not "leadership qualities" it's just manipulation.

>> No.21512436

>the right man placed in the right position for maximum benefit.
Anyway you twist it meritocracy is not aristocracy. The former us about merit, the latter is about being historically wealthy.

>> No.21512439

So what you are saying is that Feudalism was not born out of mutual protection and support?

>> No.21512447

There's no use amending. The whole statement was fantasy. It must be altogether thrown out - along with the worldview at back of it. You do not see the world or its people. You see some form of custom-built idealism which exists, and has only ever existed, within your mind.

>> No.21512459

There "strength" is there inbreeding. This is the source of their wealth=power. Families like the Medici or the Rothschild's got the power they had/have by keeping the wealth in the family.

>> No.21512468
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>> No.21512470

Retard. Nationalism is only like 300 years old maximum. All the historically important political entities were just the vehicles of powerful families.

>> No.21512474

No it was born out of divide and conquer. Look at the Holy Roman Empire.

>> No.21512476

ah yes, the labels over the content pseud.

>> No.21512483
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They did that by giving it all to the first born male son, the women of the family were not allowed any control in the family affairs. Only men, the other males of the family were taken care but it was passed wholesale down to one person. Other families gradually split estates and fortunes which reduced their impact. The Rotchilds were infamous for this. This is why they could take wives (always jewisj) from the best jewish stock.

>> No.21512485

Are you fucking serious? This has to be bait.
You realise your the one buying into empty phrases like nation.
Nazichuds aren't worth it. Goodbye.

>> No.21512489

Ethnic pride is as old as the family structure. Which is what nationalism is a manifestation of.

>> No.21512493
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Why won't you debate me?

>> No.21512521

This basically has nothing to do with what aristocracy is. I don't disagree with this. My point is that the "nation" as a concept is just something invented to give plebs a sense of their being included in the domination projects of wealthy, aristocratic families. When you make people love their chains they will kill each other to defend them. It's as Goethe wrote,
>none are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

>> No.21512525

This whole tread people confusing an idealized view of virtue and aristoricary in a golden soul kind of way with existing aristocracy and nobility and how its expressed in the class system

>> No.21512526


>> No.21512564

The nation is the highest, largest and last ethnic group association one can belong to and still retain a unified ethnic culture, without its protective influence you wither and die alone.

>> No.21512568
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Forgot to include picrel, a far better Geothe quote.

>> No.21512741

Your race is primarily the ensemble of your ancestors and descendants. The other meanings are mostly from the 19th century.

>> No.21512755

Ironic considering the nation is, as I see it, the lowest conceptualisation of a political entity. Just look at Western nations anon. They don't care about us! The average person is just a commodity to them. If the nation cared about "it's" race would they allow the influx of different races as readily as they all do? No.
No. A nation is just an economic corporation that can be manipulated to insure the stability of the Rothschild economic order as I see it. At least since Napoleon if not earlier with other aristocrat families. I mean jez isn't the history of Roman enough to show you that it's all just families fighting against each other for predominance.

>> No.21513434
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Currently, yes. All my posts have been an idealized, albeit achievable, concept a nation. Nothing you have said here I disagree with as nations exist in their current form and have done since before the First World War, perhaps further back as you have said.

I the reason things are the way they are is that we lack the vital blood and soil mentality to bind us to each other and prevent excesses of Left and Right from damaging the native peoples.

>> No.21513498

There reason things are the way they are is because this is the way they are. The majority will always be selfish idiots, only ever a few will be different. In different ages the ratios differ but it's a basic premise of reality that there are few wise and many not so.
Pic rel is in Handbook for right wing youth btw.

>> No.21513507
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Forgot pic rel, I think this is the inner, metaphysical meaning of aristocracy btw. As it relates to economic class it's something entirely different though.

>> No.21513526
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I know, hence why I am becoming an ardent anti-democratic apologist. The more I speak with Left and Right wing people the more I am convinced that neither should be allowed to vote.

As for Evola, I'm familiar with his work. I don't dislike some of his ideas, but I do not think much of an aristocracy of the soul without there being an aristocracy of the flesh or body in which to house it. I think this quote by Nietzsche, from The Will To Power, page 942 accurately sums up my position.

>There is only nobility of birth, only nobility of blood. I’m not talking about the little word “von” and the Gothaische Kalender—a preoccupation for fools. Those who speak of an “aristocracy of the spirit” are generally trying to conceal something; as is well known, it is a favorite phrase used by ambitious Jews. The spirit alone does not ennoble—there must first be something that ennobles the spirit. And what is that? Blood.

>> No.21513601

I only just realized you had replied to me. There's an awful lot of chit-chat in this thread. Yes, I do imagine practice is an element of it.

You've been a poor student of human nature if you think the aristocracy has a monopoly on character. Refinement, perhaps, but character and integrity do not know class.

The LARPer on full display!

>> No.21513656

Start with the Greeks, unironically.
Then the Romans. And then maybe sip on some Nietszche. Nietszche is basically a Hellenistic revivalist at his core, so going straight to the source is a pretty good start.

>> No.21513674

Way I see it, cultivate the spirit, marry appropriately, and the blood of your descendants will be the blood of nobility. One does not become nobility in a single generation, but in ten of cultivation. And what is built over eons can be lost in only a generation or two.

>> No.21513705
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Not from my point of view anon, nobility is entirely in being able to to lead men in times of woe and crisis. That is why they were celebrated as aristocracy in the first place, those brave soldiers who would lead their warriors from the front. Lead by the best.

If they are incapable of leadership, or have contempt for whom they lead, or believe it is their blood-right or due to their wealth or name, then they have lost of what they are and why they were lifted up originally.

By all means, a family can cultivate traits appropriately. Have a good, strong, healthy family, raise them well and rightly. Enter military service, within which is the only means by which one can learn how to lead men. Not as an enlisted but as an Officer.

>> No.21513744
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How can you take your advice from Nietzsche? He is the most seething, ignoble, bitter pathetic philosopher of all time. This is just stupid. There are plenty of demonstrable cases of people of aristocratic blood being shithouse people, morally, intellectually, aesthetically, martially, etc.
Yes to the Greeks and Romans.
A good post but I still think nobility can pretain to individual acts. The OP was about an aura. At the end of the day you don't control your children's actions. If you want to be dignified, noble and aristocratic in your bearing this needs to stem from an inner place of elegance, detachment, refinement, tranquillity etc. You can be aristocratic in the mundane sense of birth, or just as equally not, but you cannot be truly aristocratic without nobility of spirit.

>> No.21513751

>being able to to lead men in times of woe and crisis.
This is just demagoguery. Who was more the true aristocrat Caesar or Cato? If you fail this you'll out yourself so choose wisely.

>> No.21513825

NTA but it was Cato. The problem is that true aristocrats sink with their ship. Thus it is that cockroaches shall inherit the earth.

>> No.21514216

I’m not sure I agree with that. I think it’s an aspect, and an essential one. But it’s not the only aspect. Aristocracy is the upholding of all quality in men. It’s literally those fit to lead in every aspect, and maintaining this over generations. They lead in war as in peace, because they are the most fit to do so. They drive the advances in arts and the in sciences because they are the most fit to do so. Where other men see money as an end, or as a simple necessity, they see it s as a means, with excellence itself being the end. Where some men see sustenance as their primary end, others wealth, others still see excellence as their end, and some see Holiness, it is excellence as their primary end that typifies the aristocratic temperament, and this befits itself to leadership in all spheres of endeavor.

>> No.21514401

Well said. But I think you still miss the mark. I think, and I write about the pragmatic, worldly aristocrats now, all these things are only means towards keeping their families at the optimal position of power, I.e. keeping themselves in the best position.

>> No.21514787
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Your brain on Americanism. topkek

>> No.21514791

Not American, next?

>> No.21514795

>not American
And he's low IQ/dyslexic too... Sad!

>> No.21514802

186 IQ, next?

>> No.21514807
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>> No.21515729

Americanism is a real word. Refers to a Catholic heresy defined in the past century actually.

>> No.21515748

We’ll, were you expecting them to quietly bow out.
Look every other anon thinks they’ve better then Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab. They think they, the anon, DESERVE better, poor, over-educated, under-appreciated anon. You think you deserve to run shit; and I do to. And some how you’re stuck between deserving something, and not actually being good enough for the thing you think you deserve.

The reality is that you have what you deserve. The elect of this world have what they deserve too. If you deserved power, you’d have it. If you want it, deserve it. And the first step to deserving it is being capable of getting it. The second step is being capable of keeping it.

If you can’t get and keep power, then you’re sort of hosed. (And yet I’ve turned power into an idol!)

>> No.21515803

Ok so?

>> No.21515872

People like Bill and Klaus are usurpers. They are not leaders. This is why we're in this horrid situation in the west. We've allowed people unfit to rule, to rule, by means of capital alone.

I am adamant that the brains of the aristocracy function differently to those of ordinary folk. That is not to say they are better at everything. They won't be the best mathematicians, or the greatest writers, or the best artists... but they will have a special genetic connection within their brains that attunes them to leadership. This is missing from the common folk, like imagination to the aphantisiac, or empathy to the psychopath.

>> No.21516158

>We've allowed people unfit to rule, to rule
It isn’t the sheep’s fault for who profits from the wool.

>> No.21516202

It's the sheep's fault for bleating for wolves dressed as them to take the wool.

>> No.21516205

She did though.

the left cant meme

>> No.21516210


There. Solved.

>> No.21516245

>The Church of England is unironically more traditional than the Papacy
Your schismatic church has non-binary and female bishops, my friend. Meanwhile the Pope won't allow for the German bishops to even "affirm the LGBT" whatever that means.

>> No.21516250

Nnno. Did you actually think we fought revolutions to place an oligarchy in control instead of for democracy and some sense of freedom? Do you think wee as a whole decided Kennedy should be assassinated and presidents become nothing but figureheads that we vote for as simple pageantry?
We’ve been tricked every step of the way.

>> No.21516265

Revolutions? Greed filled riots. No better than the BLM animals.

>> No.21516269

Aristocrats and nobility can not rely on deception, coercion or lies. If they must do this then they demonstrate their inability to lead. Either their methods are unwelcome or the destination is unwanted. Both need to be in harmony to lead well, it can be rough, tougb, merciless but it mudt be honest and without guile.

>> No.21516285

>Greed filled riots
>Mad king wants the peasants to pay more for a war he waged on their lands
Need I say more about France? That turkey was going down in flames. The impoverished masses couldn’t take it anymore. Stupid royalist apologist.
And yes, I pointed out the greedy architects of the revolts, some marginally idealistic about finding a better way, but this is what I’m saying about sheep being tricked

>> No.21516439

Did you ever consider the animals had what they deserved? All they managed to do was fuck enough people into existence to usurp the natural order.

>> No.21516496

Sorry no eating allowed we need to keep yahweh‘s representative on earth no matter how he fails as administrator

>> No.21516502

Likening them sheep was a metaphor to help you understand the situation. Now you fully accept them as beasts deserving objectification and slaughter.
Weird stupid person, stop talking to me

>> No.21516509

>Likening them sheep was a metaphor to help you understand the situation. Now you fully accept them as beasts deserving objectification and slaughter.
Difference is, I never used it as a metaphor.

>> No.21516510
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Jews, Christians and Muslims get the rope.

>> No.21517115

Pope Francis supports feminism, communism, praying with other religions such as Muslims and Jews, and supports the New World Order and talks about a new global system. He is of the spirit of Antichrist. He is a false teacher.

>> No.21518068
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Christianity and Islam are just marxism and globo-homo in a theological package. Religious should be exclusive, not inclusive to have any meaning. Jews have an exclusive ethno-creed, which is the correct way to interpret religion.

>> No.21518111

Brainlet take.

>> No.21518115


>> No.21518123
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Your answer tells me I have the correct take. It is the theological equivalent of everybody gets a trophy. Which means ultimately that if all of us can be special, then none of us are special. A creed that does not exalt great men is objectively terrible.

>> No.21518660

Brainlet take.

>> No.21518668

If you have to ask, then you simply don't have it. Some things in life are immutable; that inner majesty isn't something you can just have because you want it.

>> No.21519037

Are you still in here, OP? Out of curiosity, have you found anything useful, or did this thread just get blasted to Hell by pooposting?