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21486350 No.21486350 [Reply] [Original]

>I had had

>> No.21486353
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>that that

>> No.21486357

I have had had enough of these frogposts.

>> No.21486379

I always tried to avoid doing this until I realized that all of the great English writers do it. Still makes me pause whenever I end up writing it, though

>> No.21486425

>I had had
There's nothing wrong with it, it's just how English works. German has something similar:
>Ich hatte gehabt
Now that I write this out, I guess "had" in English is both the imperfect conjugation and the past participle form of "have", which is why it's "had had".
t. autist

>> No.21486557
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I had had it. "It is what it is!" I yelled. "And that's that!"

>> No.21486600

Adolf, while Hermann had had "had," had had "had had"; "had had" had had a better effect on the teacher

>> No.21486611

I made this thread after reading 'had had' from mein kampf

>> No.21486923

My suggestion for #1 'had had' book:


It has about 200 instances. Here's four in the space of a few lines:

No. I hold no more brief for Ellen than I do for myself. I hold even less for myself, because I had had twenty years in which to watch him, where Ellen had had but five. And not even those five to see him but only to hear at second hand what he was doing, and not even to hear more than half of that, since apparently half of what he actually did during those five years nobody at all knew about, and half of the remainder no man would have repeated to a wife, let alone a young girl; he came here and set up a raree show which lasted five years and Jefferson paid him for the entertainment by at least shielding him to the extent of not telling their womenfolks what he was doing. But I had had all my life to watch him in, since apparently and for what reason Heaven has not seen fit to divulge, my life was destined to end on an afternoon in April forty-three years ago, since anyone who even had as little to call living as I had had up to that time would not call what I have had since living.

>> No.21486933
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>The reality is, is…

>> No.21486992

You know what you need to do, anon

>> No.21487003
File: 31 KB, 512x512, Pepe von Goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All nature is but art, unknown to thee;
All chance, direction, which thou canst not see;
All discord, harmony not understood;
All partial evil, universal good:
And, spite of pride in erring reason’s spite,
One truth is clear, whatever is, is right.

— Pope, Essay On Man

>> No.21487011
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>snape snapped

>> No.21487908

Is Slabhead really retarded?

>> No.21487952

>"...one you figure out that, that will really help."
>"...so you need to figure out which is which, which is the hard part."

These are fine spoken, but you can virtually always avoid having the same word repeated in writing while also improving the writing.

>> No.21487960
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>the reality is is that that

>> No.21487982
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>will Will

>> No.21488079

Will have had having had having trying to have had the will to have had enough will to have had the will.

>> No.21488855

Meanwhile in Sweden:
>Är det det det är?

>> No.21488940 [DELETED] 

I had had a great gilfing milf once! She had had the greatest, gloppiest, flopping mommy milkers! Beautiful, sagging things! They had had such great weight to them - liked to bludgeon me ecstatic and press me to the limit with them! We had had a chance to take an afternoon holiday in the garden where we had had many such rollicking escapes, when, her adult son, who had had a great distaste for me, being a tad my senior, taller, and having had had a general displeasure at his mother's overflowing sexuality on my account burst in just as she lay back before me on the grass - the jaunty, sprawling gelatin of her breasts cushioning outwards to invite me to bed, and boy, they had had such great effect on me I looked at him with a hopeless twinkle in my puckish eye, I'm ashamed to say. That had had a less than desirable effect on the lad, and he had had me for lunch himself like a great beast if I'd let him, for he leaped at me instantly! He had had this wild salivary look in his eye, and I had had too much of myself exposed for close contact with a gentleman mind, so I had had a good mind to run about the garden, white iron tables and chairs over as I went, but as soon I made a break for it I fell head over foot. He had had a good grip on my trousers see, and now we bagan to wrestle frightfully over whether or not I would get to pull them up! Gentlemen, I've had some adventures in my life, let me tell you, but if I had had one more adventure like this one, I might have actually given up my milf pilfering ways once and for good! Scouts honor!

>> No.21488946
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>> No.21488948 [DELETED] 

>>21486350 (OP)
I had had a great gilfing milf once! She had had the greatest, gloppiest, flopping mommy milkers! Beautiful, sagging things! They had had such great weight to them - liked to bludgeon me ecstatic and press me to the limit with them! We had had a chance to take an afternoon holiday in the garden where we had had many such rollicking escapes, when, her adult son, who had had a great distaste for me, being a tad my senior, taller, and having had had a general displeasure at his mother's overflowing sexuality on my account burst in just as she lay back before me on the grass - the jaunty, sprawling gelatin of her breasts cushioning outwards to invite me to bed, and boy, they had had such great effect on me I looked at him with a hopeless twinkle in my puckish eye, I'm ashamed to say. That had had a less than desirable effect on the lad, and he had had me for lunch himself like a great beast if I'd let him, for he leaped at me instantly! He had had this wild salivary look in his eye, and I had had too much of myself exposed for close contact with a gentleman mind, so I had had a good mind to run about the garden, turning over white iron tables and chairs over as I went, but as soon I made a break for it I fell head over foot. He had had a good grip on my trousers see, and now we bagan to wrestle frightfully over whether or not I would get to pull them up! Gentlemen, I've had some adventures in my life, let me tell you, but if I had had one more adventure like this one, I might have actually given up my milf pilfering ways once and for good! Scouts honor!

>> No.21488961

I had had a great gilfing milf once! She had had the greatest, gloppiest, flopping mommy milkers! Beautiful, sagging things! They had had such great weight to them - liked to bludgeon me ecstatic and press me to the limit with them! We had had a chance to take an afternoon holiday in the garden where we had had many such rollicking escapes, when, her adult son, who had had a great distaste for me, being a tad my senior, taller, and having had had a general displeasure at his mother's overflowing sexuality on my account burst in just as she lay back before me on the grass - the jaunty, sprawling gelatin of her breasts cushioning outwards to invite me to bed, and boy, they had had such great effect on me I looked at him with a hopeless twinkle in my puckish eye, I'm ashamed to say. That had had a less than desirable effect on the lad, and he had had me for lunch himself like a great beast if I'd let him, for he leaped at me instantly! He had had this wild salivary look in his eye, and I had had too much of myself exposed for close contact with a gentleman mind, so I had had a good mind to run about the garden, turning over white iron tables and chairs over as I went, but as soon I made a break for it I fell head over foot. He had had a good grip on my trousers see, and now we bagan to wrestle frightfully over whether or not I would get to pull them up! Gentlemen, I've had some adventures in my life, let me tell you, but if I had had one more adventure like this one, I might have actually given up my milf pilfering ways once and for good! Scouts honor!

>> No.21489024

Indescribably based

>> No.21489088

Will Will will his house willingly?

>> No.21489335

Or will WIll will Winifred's willpower to waning - waxing Wini's willingness wet for willy wacking? What welcoming pussy willows will Will's willy will widely wonderful with wonderous witty wiggling? OH, WILL!

>> No.21489348
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>had to have had had

>> No.21489468
File: 41 KB, 828x462, 35403E7C-8DA9-4F58-BAE7-CBAAE1C0969F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B: [Hurriedly.] morbidly sensitive to the opinion of others at the time, I mean as often and for as long as they entered my awareness-' What kind of Chinese is that?
>A: [Nervously. ] Keep going, keep going!
>B: for as long as they entered my awareness, and that in either case, I mean whether such on the one hand as to give me pleasure or on the contrary on the other to cause me pain, and truth to tell-' Shit! Where's the verb?
>A: What verb?
>B: The main!
>A: I give up.

>> No.21489476

Hadley was slippery. I could have had Had had he not had had a lockpick.

>> No.21489543

This is interesting.

>> No.21489564

Retard here, would it not be "figure that out" instead?

>> No.21489578

I think you can go one deeper here.
>I could have had Had had had he not had had a lockpick.

>> No.21489786

Samuel Beckett - Rough For Theatre II. The whole play is on YouTube. Enjoy

>> No.21489851

you can actually go one more

>> No.21489859

Could add two more wills here.

>> No.21490478


>> No.21490483
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For me, it's frogposting