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File: 103 KB, 1645x438, Steven Pinker Nietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21469505 No.21469505 [Reply] [Original]

Uhhh Nietzsche bros?!!?!

>> No.21469510
File: 1.33 MB, 1668x583, 6D3263A0-F83F-4AF0-A776-716B0317CE39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s you

>> No.21469515

Maybe he should get back on the lolita express and fuck off to his pedo island? What a shit bait thread.

>> No.21469516

Read Losurdo’s Aristocratic Rebel
he even debonks "h-his sister's fault" conspiracy theory

>> No.21469519

>'I wish I had lived in the Athens of Pericles'
I feel called out

>> No.21469539

this thread will be full of cope

Nietzche is juvenile

>> No.21469555
File: 18 KB, 506x477, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21469562
File: 58 KB, 640x427, 1582397969593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really what counts as a rebuttal nowadays?

>> No.21469577

Nietzsche is one of the few philosophical minds that has actually impressed me. The only other one that comes close is Hume

>> No.21469584

>I am a superman: hard, cold, terrible, without feelings and without conscience.
I'll never take anything from Peven Stinker seriously after reading this.

>> No.21469598

Did Nietsche advocate genocide?
Did he advocate eugenics at all? Even still, eugenics can be voluntary/painless, it does not require killing anyone

>> No.21469607
File: 91 KB, 600x357, Epstein-11.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21469611

Can’t wait til we offer sterilization in exchange for Nike shoes and gold chains

>> No.21469652

Mfs will do anything to avoid reading Nietzsche

>> No.21469690

Oh yeah? How about I rebut your sister? lmao

>> No.21469735

Is Pinker that bad?
I knew he was bad, but not THAT bad. Haven't read his books and probably won't.

It's also funny how he seems to believe Nietzsche cared whether those statements are true. Pinker thinks he's been really smart and refuting Nietzsche as if N. were Protagoras.
In really, N.'s view is not incoherent: those statements need only to express his feelings on the matter, and those feelings may be a guide for action, regardless on whether they are based on truth or not. Much like an artist may believe in dreams and paint accordingly, completely indifferent to whether dreams are true or not. You can't refute him by saying "dreams are falsehoods!", because he is simply inhabiting *outside* the epistemic truth/falsehood paradigm of philosophers and scientists.

>> No.21469745

>substitute "incoherent" for "weak"

N. probably wouldn't care for incoherence either, as long as his view were passionate, profound, and provoked in him the longing for the mountains, the great operas, and the writing of Dyonisian poems.

>> No.21469790

I was waiting for this post.

>> No.21469842


>> No.21470380

It's a quintessential Jewish photo

>> No.21470401
File: 129 KB, 640x1096, 1669879546273918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically just an attempt at a more intellectual version of this.

>> No.21471518


>> No.21471525

Yes, on multiple occasions.

>> No.21471535

>writes prose
>writes to inspire, not to command

Also, why should ethics be generalizable you actual dumb fucking liberal swine.

>> No.21471536

Why would anyone quote the midwit Bertrand Russell in full seriousness?

"[Meinong] argued, if you say that the golden mountain does not exist, it is obvious that there is something that you are saying does not exist -- namely the golden mountain; therefore the golden mountain must subsist in some shadowy Platonic world of being, for otherwise your statement that the golden mountain does not exist would have no meaning. I confess that, until I hit upon the theory of descriptions, this argument seemed to me convincing."
-- Bertrand Russell

>> No.21471551


>> No.21471552

Just because You need to be told by daddy invisible hand what to think, do and what paranoid """knowledge""" you need to produce to serve your academic overlords (aka. corporations) doesn't mean you are anything but a fucking robot.

Pinker is precisely the dead man Nietzsche was talking about.

>> No.21471564

wtf I didnt know Pinker was so BASED on the manlet question.

>> No.21471839

Eugenics, yes. Genocide, not really.

>> No.21471869

eugenics kinda but not in a way that resembles any actual eugenics movement.

genocide not really unless you quote mine him into meaninglessness

>> No.21471952

Not once in all of Nietzsche's work did he tell anyone to become a Superman. Not once. An entire misunderstanding.

>> No.21471979

Sadly you need to come from the right place to be Superman.

>> No.21471985

Exactly, the Superman is created externally not internally.

>> No.21472012

I feel like Pinker and Russell's books ought to be kept around as comedic or satirical material whenever you feel slightly overwhelmed with more serious philosophy.

>> No.21472239
File: 97 KB, 1920x1074, StevenPinkerCh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is incredibly juvenile. I've heard some shit talked on Pinker as a scholar from within the field that is supposed to be his expertise, and it would have sufficed to dismiss him for being a Utilitarian. We don't even have to consider the fact that Nietzsche makes a mockery of his way of thinking, and that it is most likely this that he is reacting to, while acting like it's a more positive and authentic motive (the irony here, in Nietzschean terms, is rich).

We can instead focus on the fact of how ridiculous it is for a grown man and supposed professional to express themselves in this way. It is one thing to remark about how you would beat up a historical figure, which is somewhat disagreeable, but it's an entirely different thing in this case: Pinker (pic related) is out of his mind to be speaking this way. This dude cannot fight. People who can fight do not talk like this, not in fucking writing in some history of philosophy publication. It's more respectable to threaten someone over xbox live, at least they're alive to respond, with some quantum chance that they could take you up on it. No. This is a pop intellectual with an unchecked, boyish, inflated ego, a man who has spent far too much time in safety. What an absolute child and midwit. Comparing Nietzsche to Austin Powers. Lmao. You're free to disagree with him but this is some of the weakest shit I've ever seen. Don't listen to pop intellectuals. There's plenty of compelling disagreements with Nietzsche elsewhere. This dude is retarded.

>> No.21472259

I don't think it really matters whether he himself could do that. He's basically saying that people who advocate "might is right" should be confronted with might, and then we'll see what they have to say.

>> No.21472285

I see your point, but it doesn't help Pinker to have so explicitly put that in the first person, as something he would personally like to do.

Moreover, it certainly miss Nietzsche's point. Nietzsche says that intelligence and philosophy are more characteristic of the slaves and the weak. And yet he is concerned with advancing philosophy.

What's happening here is one of the most basic of misunderstandings. "Might makes right" is a DESCRIPTION of a process, not an endorsement of some sort of domineering behavior. If we look for endorsements or prescriptions in Nietzsche, they go a very different way.

For instance, the "might" Nietzsche seems most concerned with is that of creation. You can beat up a man, or you can author a great work that determines the course of civilization. Which is more powerful?

Moreover, Nietzsche talks quite a lot about the importance of great individuals. You know what he says a modern great soul would be? Someone with an inner conflict between master morality and slave morality. We can look to the individuals Nietzsche celebrates... Authors, artists. Not boxers or strongmen.

>> No.21472348

I haven't read Nietzsche, but this sounds like what I've imagined him to be. Sounds like Pinker is reacting to misinterpretations of Nietzsche, and projecting that as *the meaning* of what Nietzsche wrote.

>> No.21472361

He was also literally a cuck