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/lit/ - Literature

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21452213 No.21452213 [Reply] [Original]

His odium towards wider white society is interesting to research.

>> No.21452216

Martin Luther Queen lol

>> No.21452223

Goodbye mister Pele.

>> No.21452279

Boldness to be a retard.

>> No.21452298

In what ways?

>> No.21452300

I can tell youre a nigga who wants to sound like an intellectual

>> No.21452351
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You have no idea

>> No.21452357
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Beetlejuice Green ass looking nigga

>> No.21452543

Wrong place to bring him up
/lit/ is mostly /r9k/ and /pol/ lite

>> No.21452571

>hateing whites "bold and interesting"
>hating non whites "back to pole"

>> No.21452603

both are retarded

>> No.21452604

Damn nigga ur dumb

>> No.21452613

The opening paragraph of Giovanni’s Room has a beautiful evocation of white male power that only a black man could write without being cringe

>> No.21452617

Nobody would have ever cared about him if he was white, and nobody will care about him when the current zeitgeist passes.

>> No.21452621

Bruh, all that shit is like middle-school level vocab. What the fuck did you even do in school?

>> No.21452624

/lit/ is actually Reddit lite, sweety.

>> No.21452625

I agree its interesting.
though odium is an odious term.
go back to /tg/ with your 96IQ sheeple takes.

>> No.21452630

>the slave hating the master is the same as the master hating the slave
someone didn’t pay much attention in school during their teens, did they?

>> No.21452636

>mid 20th century

>> No.21452646

>the same
No one said this though.
I think all hate should be respected for their own unique qualities.

>> No.21452653

Sorry, wrong word.

>> No.21452670

Anon you’re taking metaphor and analogy at face value

>> No.21452681

It doesn't make sense.

>> No.21452687
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>a literal niggerfaggot

>> No.21452698

Master/slave, oppressor/oppressed, these are common terms and phrases and understood dichotomy that don’t necessarily mean literal slavery. Think Jews in the Holocaust vs. Nazis.

>> No.21452703

Please please PLEASE tell me English is your second language. I can’t cope with the level of stupidity of your average /lit/-poster otherwise

>> No.21452719

If he's an ESL, I can assure you his native language is not a Romance language judging by the words there. He's either a native English speaker or an Asian.

>> No.21452741

I can tell you're an idiot who wants to sound insightful.

>> No.21452745

I dislike most writings on race of any kind. They aren't enjoyable or inspiring reads - with a small amount of exceptions.

>> No.21452750

No we aren't. Those posers don't read.

>> No.21452755

Me too. Mein Kampf was giga cringe.

>> No.21452776

Thats funny. I usually find them pretty interesting in some regards. since it usually deals with the intersection between the domestic and the exotic, and how this is both interpreted and is. But I also like cross cultural and fish out of water writings in general. Like medieval Chinese writing about Indians and stuff.

You can often see a very interesting sort of introspection when one studies a similar yet discretely separate group, since you have a point of reference to conceptualize it all.

>> No.21452783


>> No.21452862 [DELETED] 

Quit chipping out and read a book of his

>> No.21452896

What odium? He was in love with white men. Read his story about his old white boyfriend in Harlem while he was underage.

>> No.21452908

Might be /lgbt/ with these sensitive bitches here

>> No.21452913

I want to hear sweet soliloquies of a Black boy in Harlem pinning after a lost white lover he meet at west 129th where they shared a baklava and listed to the spring showers.

>> No.21452920

Quit chimping out and read a book of hi

>> No.21452929

Probably my favorite author of all time, and not for his fiction. I've only read Giovanni's room and it's pretty good, but the Fire Next Time, I am not your negro and notes of a native son, that's the real shit. Righteous truth telling filled with love and wisdom the GOAT no doubt.

>> No.21452941

It never ends, does it?

>> No.21452946

it ends when both sides stop being retarded

>> No.21452964

Anything is retarded if you look at it retardedly.

>> No.21452972

so deep bro

>> No.21453001

RIP Pele

>> No.21453014
File: 294 KB, 714x451, Screenshot 2022-12-28 034049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My odium towards wider white society is interesting to research.

>> No.21453022

deeper then the post I responded to at least.

>> No.21453045

Your mom likes the odium of my cock.

>> No.21453057

Which uppity groid is this again?

>> No.21453085

well is there any good writing of masters seething about slaves, I'd certainly be interested

>> No.21453094

Don't worry about it; you don't read.

>> No.21453099

Never ends? It just began. It's the hatred of blacks that has gone on and on.

>> No.21453102

His only problem was that white gays didn't want him and that's why he was writing fanfiction about them like a fujo.

>> No.21453133
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And don't you forget it!

>> No.21453312

>seething nignog primate is incorrect
Big surprise.

I have a degree in Eng Phys from UofT lol.

>> No.21453318

>so mad he can't even complete his sentence
>accuses others of chimping out
Its ok to cry jamal

>> No.21453325

Look at this hopeless nignog trying to use a semi-colon to seem like he has an IQ above 90 kek

>> No.21453327

Not really.

>> No.21453332

Wow you have absolutely shit taste.

>> No.21453333

See the first post of this thread.

>> No.21453356

First off, I used it properly, you dweeb. Second, when you have to pretend I have a sub 90 iq to look down on me, it just gives away how low yours is.

OOOOOoooooo fancy. I studied Phys/Maths at UoT, two cousins are PhD in Chem already, sister's in law school at A&M, second cousin is CEO of a small biochem firm. You're nothing special you narcissistic twat. You ARE an idiot.

>> No.21453374

>First off, I used it properly, you dweeb
I never said you didn't, you dumb ape. The context of it just reeks of a pseud who is black and trying to show off his 90 IQ.
>me and my retarded 3rd world relatives got into bloated and useless programs via affirmative action
Eng Phys mogs all of that garbage. CEO of a shitty biochem firm isn't impressive in the first place, and given that you're black its even less impressive since the standards for you are basically non-existent.

>> No.21453377

>cope: the post

>> No.21453378

Fucking hell

>> No.21453382

Damn Pele was a writer too?

>> No.21453383

they/them (gal) I occassionally still cyberstalk namedropped reading him in college.

she works in publishing lol.

""O."" if you're reading this fuck you; you'll never be a guy; you weren't called "faggot" every day when walking home which is the closest thing our culture has to the trial of passage.

>> No.21453384

Fucking hell is right. The double standards you faggots keep to insulate your insecurities are unbelievable.

>> No.21453385

>i cant refute it so its cope
There's your 90 IQ pea-brain working at maximum capacity just so you can desperately project. Start arguing any time. You know, try refuting the claims. Refuting means trying to prove the claims wrong.

>> No.21453390

There's nothing to refute. Just shallow copes, but le genius engineer should be able to tell right? Right? Lol. I'm starting to believe you're full of shit.

>> No.21453393

>double standards
Affirmative action is a quantifiable double standard, unlike your endless and childish tantrums about wyte pipo and racism despite all observable evidence proving the contrary.

>> No.21453396

>more groundless assertions of oh so typical braindead copes
Still waiting on an argument, peabrain.

>> No.21453404

>more simian projection
Refute the claims made here>>21453374
unless you're really too stupid/dishonest/cowardly to recognize claims which destroy your idiotic worldview.

>> No.21453409

Look at all these """educated Whites""" chimping out at the mere mention of a Black writer's opinions on race.

You are the true tribals, the real monkeys, the absolutely thin-skinned femoids of intellectual discussion. Congratulations.

>> No.21453411

>this dumb chimp doesn't even know what affirmative action is
>starts mimicking my replies like an npc
This is like some sort of /pol/ satire. Honestly there is no way you have a degree in math, i believed you in good faith at first but by posting more you're revealing just how stupid you actually are.

>> No.21453413

As I said, you retarded dipshit, you made no arguments. Only groundless, shallow copes - unoriginal at that. Not to mention, I haven't revealed to you any worldview, you braindead simpleton. All I told you is that I could tell you're an idiot, a narcissist, and nothing special. I stand by those claims.

Besides, do I owe you enlightenment of some kind? I don't give one single fuck about you.

>> No.21453414

>capitalizing black
giga cringe

>> No.21453415

You are literally too stupid to even make inference from my reply, congratulations.

>> No.21453419

>literal nigress gets BTFO and can't even respond to the claims made
>denies that affirmative action is a common, quantifiable phenomenon
>starts crying about wypipo in a separate ragepost
>thinks chimping out (a /pol/ meme) applies to races apart from her own
HAHAHAH now keep going

>> No.21453425

>more cope, more chimping
If the shoe fits, wear it, monkey. By your kinds own foolish standards, my IQ alone would allow me arbitrative power over your entire household. Deal with it.

>> No.21453427

You've yet to refute the claims made here>>21453374
Resorting to personal insults, denying objective reality (i.e., that claims were made) all while insisting that others are coping is just hilariously enforcing all of the negative stereotypes. You're female too, right? and black. What was the last book you read?

>> No.21453430

Proper nouns get capitalized. Learn your grammar.

>> No.21453431

Stick to "affirmative action benefits white women actually".
Denying its existence is not working.

>> No.21453433
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>nigger vs /pol/tard

>> No.21453435

>still typing these ackward pseud sentences
>so BTFO it starts blindly indulging in black power fantasies
This is too good, funniest shit I've seen all night for sure. Where are my /lit/ bros? They need to see this. Now keep going.

>> No.21453437

>I have a degree in Eng Phys from UofT lol.
why are you so proud of having done a trimmed-down physics degree without the difficult math lol?

>> No.21453439

>Proper nouns
It's a skin color, retard. A physical characteristic. Do you also capitalize Fat, Red, or Big? Only libs and niggers capitalize it.

>> No.21453450

It's the most competitive undergrad to get in to and the toughest, with the highest average salary after graduation. In 1st year we did what phys kids do in 2nd and 3rd year. I'm not bragging either, i was just refuting that dumb black bitch's claims, which isn't hard.

>> No.21453456

Holy shit, you're retarded. I've already addressed this twice now. If you can't understand it, that's on you. Moving on.

Fantasize all you want, if you need to imagine you're arguing with a sub-90 IQ woman just to have the courage, that's fine, but I wouldn't even consider arguing with anyone who fit that description.

Last Book (read simultaneously)
>Federalist Papers; Hamilton, etc.,.
>Venus In Furs; Sacher-Masoch
>Romaunt of the Rose; Chaucer
>Christmas at Thompson Hall; Trollope
Last Actual Read
>The Twelve Men; Chesterton essay
>Poe's Helen; Woolf essay

The most pathetic thing about all of you is how well you treat me and kiss my ass, even populating the threads I make for days when you imagine I'm a White man. The minute anyone reveals they're Black you start playing these pathetic coping games, wherein you try and marginalize and pretend anyone with dark skin can be fit into such-and-such a box without any knowledge of the person whatsoever. It really is a completely flaccid way of living - you all shame yourselves without even knowing it. It's truly disgraceful.

Now you. You've demanded my reads - what are you reading? You must be reading something pretty impressive to start demanding mine.

>> No.21453458

This is what I meant when you write awkward sentences that no person with actual intelligence would write. I see "smart" blacks doing this all the time, they try to sound smart but their 92 IQs give it away instantly.

>> No.21453465

yea, he's a try hard. "make inference" lol

>> No.21453470
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>be above average intelligence black
>have to deal with niggers making a mockery of your race every second of the day
>can't even relate to the vast majority of your own people because they're all competing to be the stupidest fucker in the room

I'll always have more disdain for niggers than any white person. Jews come in second place.

>> No.21453473

I never denied it. You would fail a formal logic class.
Jokes on you. I unironically ranked in the top 1% for SATs on writing and grammar. Straight A's throughout college writing courses, and am still writing near daily. The harder you try to pretend, the more foolish you're appearing. I could say even more, but it actually gets so fantastical, that even I would disbelieve me.

>> No.21453478


>> No.21453479

When you are describing a people group, it is a noun not an adjective. Study more, pleb. That is basic grammar.

>> No.21453483

You refuted nothing. Do you even know what refute means?

>> No.21453487

As always, the joke is on you. IQ verified at 157 - which you'll disbelieve for the sake of your ego.

>> No.21453489

Ah, yes, the Fat people, the Tall people. It's not grammar. It's propaganda. The word black was not even capitalized until very recently. Liberals and niggers popularized this practice.

>> No.21453490

Same but as an asian. Asians side of my family are the literal gookbug stereotype and spare no expense when attacking the white people that gave them everything they have.
Oh well.

>> No.21453491

Shut the fuck up you doubly-cucked faggot simp. Staying silent would earn you more respect. If race war ever comes, your like dies first. You'll have friends on neither side.

>> No.21453495

>she spent all this time googling this entry-level lit in a desperate and failing attempt to not seem like a bumbling halfwit
Dance monkey dance!

>> No.21453498

>can't into basic grammar
>arguing on a literature board

>> No.21453501

You're retarded goycattle and have no business pretending to be sentient. That's all you'll get from me.

>> No.21453503

How long are you going to run from reality?

>> No.21453504

>a people group,
157 IQ detected


>> No.21453508

You have nothing to give, slave. Just keep bending over.

>> No.21453512

>ESL detected

>> No.21453513
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>this howling sheboon getting taken apart with a scalpel by /lit/chads
So fucking funny.

>> No.21453515

Oh look, running away from another post that refutes your idiotic african-tier argument.

>more projection

>> No.21453520

>t. Writes like an african monkey on its knees for the white man's approval
Do you know what a fucking idiot you are?

>> No.21453522

Quiet, retard. You have been indoctrinated but you have no brain of your own. Here:

Notice anything? The capitalization of black (but not white) started in mid 2020. After Saint Floyd overdosed. It's not basic grammar because white is not being capitalized. It's pro-nigger propaganda.

>> No.21453523

You're too stupid to take seriously anymore.

>> No.21453527

You haven't proven him wrong. He is correct, and now you're coping.

>and have no business pretending to be sentient
Aren't you black?

>> No.21453533

Nobody was taking you seriously, with your goofy tryhard sentences.
Cope and seethe.

>> No.21453535

>Aren't you black?

>> No.21453537

You'll notice I capitalized both. The logic either holds for both, or neither. That should be obvious. Not only that, but that you're so hung up on something so unimportant is baffling to begin with.
I don't care about your approval. I have the approval of White men, far greater than any of you - which isn't needed, but appreciated.

>> No.21453544

Told you, simp. Friends on neither side. Good job.
Jokes still on you. I've literally outperformed 99% of all English speakers in the USA, am better read, and more accomplished than almost anyone on this board. You can keep hurling insults for as long as you want, it won't change anything.

>> No.21453551
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>The harder you try to pretend, the more foolish you're appearing. I could say even more, but it actually gets so fantastical, that even I would disbelieve me.
kek, you're right, the only way that you could get A's in writing is if the prof simped for you because you're black, or you were going to school in the 3rd world or something. I guess this is just more proof of affirmative action undermining white people and treating blacks like children. Your writing is barely even average, but admittedly for a black female you are doing well.

>> No.21453556

Your flaw is thinking there will be a race war as such when the entirety of America is a failed experiment rigged for controlled demolition. I'll give you another freebie and say whites are probably even more fucked than blacks are, since they have further heights to fall from, with no sign of stopping any time soon. Trust me the niggers are the least of -your- worries.

>> No.21453557

>eternal cope
You're like those kids who always had an excuse when they lost at a board game or on the playing field. Grow up.

>> No.21453561

There is no logic because physical characteristics are not capitalized. And yes, it's so unimportant that the media cared to write dozens of articles on the matter and even decided what white didn't need to be capitalized for reasons.

>> No.21453568
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>I've literally outperformed 99% of all English speakers in the USA, am better read, and more accomplished than almost anyone on this board.
Dunning-Kruger in action. This dumb black bitch can miraculously write in complete sentences and "read" books, damn nigga are you the next Shakespeare?

Do you realize that every award you've won is because you're black? it isn't because you're inherently remarkable, it's because you're black and have the literacy of a 12th grade white kid. Look up what affirmative action is, you jumped-up sheboon.

>> No.21453572

I don't have a firm opinion on the likelihood of a race war. I was merely making a point.

Nor am I racist against Whites. I just hurl back at these monkeys the feces they throw. Hate and tribalism are the only languages they know.

Either way, you're pathetic.

>> No.21453573

She's just venting her sexual frustration and will have some white guy slapping and choking her out by tomorrow evening. These edumacated nigger bitches are all the same.

>> No.21453578

Whites have all the guns (and know how to use them) and are the majority (like 90%+) of the people living outside the big cities, which will be hit hardest. You dumb african.

Every time someone brings up affirmative action you just ignore it and tell us we're coping. How fucking stupid are you? do you think we don't notice? You're the one coping, bring an argument to the table you dumb ape.

>> No.21453581

Do you actually think media covers what's important?
You're still coping. I'm done trying to help you wake up. It's obvious you still need your safe space.

>> No.21453586

Let me guess you're one of those types who thinks they -cant- be racist against whites.

>> No.21453587

>this top-notch writer who just so happens to be black!
Look at these normalfag opinions that i can get on any shitty mainstream news site. Damn bitch.

>> No.21453593

>Every time someone brings up affirmative action you just ignore it and tell us we're coping.
Because you are. Tell me, have all the White kids in all my classes been intentionally performing worse than me at every turn since I was a kid on purpose, with few exceptions? Stop living in a fantasy land where a group made up of a billion people can be understood from the petty shit you hear on /pol/. It is time to grow the fuck up.

>> No.21453594
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>this hair-brained simian cannot refute an argument to save her life
you are so fucking stupid lmao. keep coping

>> No.21453596

>Whites have all the guns (and know how to use them) and are the majority (like 90%+) of the people living outside the big cities, which will be hit hardest. You dumb african.
There's far more Mexicans than you think bud.

>> No.21453597

extremely shit thread, a new low for /lit/

>> No.21453599
File: 40 KB, 500x471, African-american-business-woman-cartoon-vector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably best for the African lady to go to bed. For her mental health, anyway. Do not share hateful writers here again, young woman.

>> No.21453603

>still can't address affirmative action
>or the grammar thing that the other guy is BTFOing you with
>"y-you're coping"
>muh /pol/
>i'm smart, trust me
Not an argument, you inconceivably fucking stupid black bitch.

>> No.21453604

Mexicans don't like blacks. They won't be on their side. Even Biden subtly talked about this lol

>> No.21453609

No there aren't, you dumb ape. They will kill each other in gang wars before even making it to any rural white areas.

>> No.21453614

Whites are destroying their own numbers via libtard practices. Blacks are already dwindling, and fresh Mexicans cross over like tadpoles every single day. Realistically they would take the win if a race war ever happened.

>> No.21453620

Wrong guess. I'm not even sure why you would guess that, as I just clearly implied I was being racist towards the Whites in this thread on at least one occasion - though mostly I made personal attack - it's more relevant.

What I mean is, I don't actually hold any negative views of any race. What criticisms I hold are of cultures or individuals; I don't have any beliefs which would cause me to judge an individual of any kind on the basis of their race. It is that simple. In case that wasn't clear, what criticisms I gave here were pandering to this audience - an audience of shriveled, hateful chimps, who come out screeching and shaking the trees as soon as a primate from a separate tribe shows up. These qualities belong to these particular men, not to their entire race. In fact, we cannot assert they are of the same race. We can reasonably assume, but I've seen race LARPers on 4chan before.

>> No.21453622

I don't really care. Get some sleep, sweetheart.

>> No.21453623

Now THIS is a 90IQ post fr fr.

>> No.21453627

Right back at you, ESL.
Not my thread, and as I've already said. I don't read books on race. They aren't enjoyable. I already showed what I'm reading, though you'd all apparently prefer to pretend I made that list up.
Like I said, you're not smart enough to take seriously. You may as well stop talking to me.

>> No.21453628

Where do you see this because all im seeing is negro worship everywhere. And it's not even celebrating smart black people but street thugs

>> No.21453630
File: 1.21 MB, 1080x1079, 1670108665412735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight, beautiful queen. Show those /pol/tards who's boss but in your sweet dreams.

>> No.21453631

Your own faults. Next time try actually discussing works instead of chimping out because someone posted a Black writer.

>> No.21453633

Stop thinking in such idiotic terms, as though every ethnic group has one general homogenized viewpoint. Fucking simpletons.

>> No.21453636

If you don't care, don't ask. Simple as.
Saved the pic. Thanks.

>> No.21453637

how do I get a black gf?

>> No.21453644

Just show up

>> No.21453665

>Not my thread, and as I've already said. I don't read books on race. They aren't enjoyable. I already showed what I'm reading, though you'd all apparently prefer to pretend I made that list up.
I see. But are you actually an African woman or was that made-up by someone?

>> No.21453679

Yes, but how recently did that trend begin, much less reach this stage? Meanwhile, the abuse and maltreatment of Blacks has been going on and on and on for hundreds of years.

Now, don't think me dissatisfied completely. The people in this thread have had a triggering effect, so my views may be somewhat misrepresented. I am decently satisfied with what progress has been made overall, and consider at least some of what we're experiencing societally as the natural growing pains of various factors involved in our getting used to the changes which have taken place. Still, I view the overcompensations and indulgences (particularly the criminal indulgences) as counterproductive (that said, the people in this thread are precisely the sort to blame for it, as they are its justification, so it serves them right), and, ultimately, I view all of it as being perpetuated by and subservient to the global elite's ends - which, while predominantly leftist, is actually both on the right and left.

Anyway, my point was really a simple one. That while treating Blacks like royalty, whether deserved or not is a new phenomenon, racism against Blacks is not, and though our mistreatment overall is probably at all-time lows, it should not be forgotten that the only reason the pendulum is swinging so far to the side of pampering is how absolutely underprivileged Blacks were forcibly made to be. Thankfully that is in the past, but as this thread proves, the racism still festers in dark corners like this one.

>> No.21453682

That I'm a woman was made up (not that it would matter), but I am black.

>> No.21453697

Oh, I understand. Sorry for the confusion. Have a good one.

>> No.21453723

>she's still posting

>> No.21453727

antisemitism is back on the menu boys

>> No.21453769

Cry more, your ancestors were nothing.

>> No.21453783

What our ancestors were doesn't matter, but you aren't correct anyway. You can't live your ancestor's lives. You have to live your own.

>> No.21453788

>wewuzzing in front of a black guy

>> No.21453834

>posting a literal faggot nigger

>> No.21453880

>genetics don't matter
>please allow me to enforce my petty slave-class morality on you like pompous, insolent apes
Keep coping, you irrelevant, lowest class 3rd world dogs. It actually isn't we wuzzing, since it's a positive fact from genetics that show us that almost all Western Europeans were descended from Kings, nobility and conquerors. For example, all US presidents except for maybe 2 can be traced back to King John. Meanwhile africans (genetic nobodies, inheritors of nothing) will tell us mozart and george washington were black.

You're speaking our language and you were/are utterly dominated by our culture. All you can do is cope by claiming it doesn't matter which is hilarious to me. Don't stop.

>> No.21453943

I've only read fire next time and honestly to tell that he's anywhere close to being the goat, you mustn't have read a lot in your life. Everything he wrote is only interesting in the very specific context he's writing in, his "ideas" can't be applied anywhere else

>> No.21454131

Nope first lang is English, I write down every word that I don’t have full understanding of even if I heard/used the word before. There are some cool words and terms I’ve used, perfidious, pernicious, ostensible, ambivalent, superfluous, pontificate, temerity, amorphous. And others

>> No.21454135

I like his prose style
Simple yet elegant

>> No.21454154

>motivating racists to expand their vocabulary

>> No.21454160

RIP Pele he was the goat

>> No.21454164

He's too wishy-washy to be worth my time.

>> No.21454169

James Baldwin is a true artist. He's also a distinctly American author. Racists, zombies, and foreigners can't appreciate him, but he's truly one of the greats.

>> No.21454171

I made this post because it’s good bait but now I am saddened that most (or at least the loudest) on here have this amount of vitriol towards black authors.

It’s so funny, the weird white guy hunch in the corner breathing loudly at the bookstore are the very same guys seething here. Life is humorous

>> No.21454179


>> No.21454180

Hero’s work in silence

>> No.21454189


>> No.21454193

I think Baldwin is a solid litmus test for how mature a person is

>> No.21454195

Baldwin's a hack, and so much of what's terrible about literature today can be traced back to him. Any revival of the literary arts would require writers to look at him the same way renaissance artists looked at gothic painters.

>> No.21454197

>muh rais waaaar
Shut up cracka

>> No.21454202

See? You can tell that this guy >>21454195 is immature

>> No.21454206

Lord I want to rock in the bed of sin too

>> No.21454217

Maybe, I could think of a few more authors that would cause a similar or even exceeding amount of immaturity. Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, Langston Hues (even though is work is a beauty)

Could you explicate further anon?

>> No.21454218

Learn French, nigga.

>> No.21454225


>> No.21454229

Nah, the only defense anyone ever comes up with for Baldwin is that he expresses their political ideals in a way they like.
His overt sentimentalism, intellectual shallowness, and his contrived preacher style has had the impact of reducing literature from a realm of infinite possibilities to a place to air social grievances in standardized ways. No dult could ever be so captivated by a man who offers nothing but cheap parlor tricks. Baldwin's work seems to be used by society to trap people in a permanent adolescence, and it's quite sad,.

>> No.21454231

Maybe I should the ties between French and English are intriguing, and French was like the main language used for literature for a couple centuries

>> No.21454239


well i guess he's better than langston hughes, whose retarded black protestant upbringing caused me to doubt my faith as a child

fuck all these iconoclast brainlets, they're worse than worthless

>> No.21454242

All those words for spitting typical privileged white man bullshit blah blah blah

>> No.21454250

>Maya Angelou
Do you enjoy her poetry? Like most American poetry it is atrocious.
Great cookbooks though.

>> No.21454252

Nigga you're gonna get your ass whopped to heaven in the hood if you don't stop talking like em the whitest of white mfs who speak latin in the name of English

>> No.21454269

Her poetry is alright to me, for me I think she has lived an interesting life so she has lot of material to share from. Her excerpts from growing up in the south and her family life in particular are something I can relate.

>> No.21454281
File: 134 KB, 1446x906, 1585999280588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't American. He himself acknowledged the unbridgeable gap between himself and actual Westerners. I hope he enjoys hell, he fought awfully hard to be there.

>> No.21454291

Omg all my grammatical errors, very abhorrent

>> No.21454292

>art should be nothing more than cheap expressions for gaining pity
The narcissism of the oppressed will always reveal itself.

>> No.21454330

>I hope he enjoys hell, he fought awfully hard to be there.
why do you say that?

>> No.21454342

Art is a dumb buzzword and I see no one's whining about what le art ought to be other than your stuck up ass. Now stop cosplaying as nietzsche and get out of your mom's basement.

>> No.21454358

Why wouldn't I say that about some ungrateful sodomite who hated God and civilization generally? In addition to just being a prototype for the "artist" today who is in fact nothing more than a political mouthpiece for Washington.

>> No.21454372

I would like to think that people interested in literature would want it to be in a better state and would be critical of people responsible for its current one.
I also have no fondness for Nietzsche. I'm merely a discerning critic.

>> No.21454377

Ah so you're another southern redneck christcuck racist

>> No.21454389

You forgot to add authoritarian fascist far-right supermeanie :((

>> No.21454399

Nazi pedo scumfuck

>> No.21454453

Langston Hughes is a perfect example. His poetry is completely "black," in both form and content. If you can't appreciate it, that's fine, because it's probably not for you. If you're immature, though, you'll think he's just bad.
This is exactly the point
This is a completely ridiculous take. "Political ideals" have nothing to do with it. "Overt sentimentalism" and "intellectual shallowness" don't characterize his writing at all, and "contrived preacher style" is what one would say if they've read, like, one of his essays and some of his wikipedia page. I think you're either a teenage contrarian or a foreigner.
Baldwin captured a unique instance of the human condition. He was a product of American (and thus Western) intellectualism, and could never shake its influence, but he was also Black, and saw himself as being inherently alienated from it - his exodus to Europe is very interesting to think about, and his writings reflect his rejection of many American cultural assumptions (of his time). He's got a Dick Cavett interview that demonstrates this. At the same time, he was gay, and a writer, and wasn't really comfortable in the black community he came from. More than that, though, he was a "poet" in the modernist sense, and saw himself as being isolated from everybody, really. A lot of his personal essays get at his inability to connect with any particular group. If you listen to his speech, "The Artist's Struggle for Integrity," you'll see that the people he feels most connected to are the "poets," and the things he's got to say about the poet's condition are very interesting. Refer, for example, to his response to "the White Negro." It's easy to reduce his writings to "racial commentary," but it's immature, since he's really trying to work against America's obsession with race while recognizing that to do so is impossible.

>> No.21454458

Wrong. Racism = power + prejudice.
A Jew therefore cannot be racist since they do not actually have power over goyim contrary to what conspiracy theorists, nazis, fascists, racists, and other anti-Semitic nutjobs and idiots would have you believe.
Goyim (esp. whites) CAN be racist to Jews however and this is called anti-Semitism (Note: pointing to some random rich and powerful Jew somewhere does not negate this fact as this is as logical as saying "Durr, so we can't be called racist to Blacks since Obama was our president once!" which is to say, not at all; it's just silly and does no take into account laws and institutional discrimination between different races that put white 30+ cis hetero and especially Christian or WASP males in privileged positions—something that is well attested to and researched extensively in the literature).
I know most people on here will say otherwise but please just take a look at the literature (actually, this board is one of the better ones so I don't completely imagine this one to fall on deaf ears).

>> No.21454467

Ressentiment and nothing more.

>> No.21454469

wow, a niggerfaggot who hates white people
how novel

>> No.21454472

*Heroes you ESL faggot.

>> No.21454477

Why do pseuds hate this so much?

>> No.21454510

You feel for fifty different memes at once. Please leave. This retardation encourages the racists and anti-semites here.

>> No.21454516


>> No.21454561

Thank you for describing yourself in one neat little French word :^)

>> No.21454738 [DELETED] 

wrong & nigger

>> No.21454755

Or you can skip down the street to your local nigger and find the same odium multiplied x1000 fold

>> No.21454762

Why is /lit/ so racist? Literally /pol/ tier

>> No.21454897

Nearly all of 4chans boards have been infested. Like even on /ck/ there is racism. How that even possible?

>> No.21454901

/lgbt/ is more racist

>> No.21454924

Langston Hughes is trash and should never have entered common knowledge.

>> No.21454928

Racist remarks about food? How is it possible? Oh my God, the racists are taking over every domain AAAAH!

>> No.21454941

/pol/ replacing /b/ as the "face" of 4chan.

>> No.21454954


>> No.21454961

>the endless cope continues
Irrelvant. Man you guys really don't have any original thoughts or actual arguments. Literal chimps. Mozart and Washington have nothing to do with you parasite. You are not in their gene-line, and even if you were it would barely matter. Warren Buffet's children cannot replicate his success. You are not your ancestors. You're just pathetic.

>> No.21454966

Shut it, cracker

>> No.21454976

You're even more pathetic than the racists in this thread. You'll never be White, simp.

>> No.21455008
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>Everything he wrote is only interesting in the very specific context he's writing in, his "ideas" can't be applied anywhere else
The fuck are you talking about? History is always applicable, standing up to cowardice and hate is always relevant. I personally feel the way he put things got to the heart of the issues. The classic example to me is when he said "there's one thing the white person knows in America is that they don't want to be black" it just cuts to the core of our reality and remains relevant. Also he was very anti incel pilled because he was pretty sexless, most men, gay or straight are seen as sex crazed maniacs, but Baldwin was just interested in love. In the fire next time he rightfully points out that the pain of teenage love is not in the hormones and the boobs but in the eyes. Even Giovanni's room doesn't even mention sex that much. When I praise him as a writer it's not about the prose I just love his insights.

>> No.21455018

It's a white person pretending to be black, which is even more pitiable.

>> No.21455050

>Racism = power + prejudice.
It doesn't require power.

>> No.21455064 [DELETED] 

Immaturity demonstrated once again >>21454453

>> No.21455134

I don't hate African American or black writers general. I just strongly dislike this one.

>> No.21455168

Now that is fair and sensible.

>> No.21455197

The black man who is prejudiced against whites hasn’t the power. So his equation is trying to distinguish the word “racism/ist” as what some are calling “white privilege”.
Not all woke-ism is wrong even though it’s cringy

>> No.21455202

Please name these fifty memes.
> Anti-racism encourages racism! stop being anti-racist and calling out racism!
Are you sure that you aren't the one who fell for the memes?
It requires your race to have power, yes.

>> No.21455213

>It requires your race to have power, yes.

No, it doesn't. I have no idea where you idiots come from. People who think it requires anything but an outlook on people based upon their race really are just rationalizing their own racism.

>No, see, I can't be racist because X/Y/Z

Yes, you can and probably are but won't accept it. Typical external locus of control imbeciles who don't accept their own actions.

>> No.21455218

Racism is the idea of a race being superior/inferior to other races. It literally doesn't require power at all.

>> No.21455238

I know. Liberals love love love to redefine words

>> No.21455396

>utterly unable to address a single claim from my post
Try making an argument, you dumb ape. Can you even read? Try again.

>> No.21455410

It used to mean that you believed there were differences between races. Racism is a totally modern construct too, with no basis in reality. It's atheistic moralism, which is to say that it is fantasy. Objectively, there really is no good argument against why one shouldn't favour whites over blacks, even if you are neither race.

>> No.21455449 [DELETED] 

>It requires your race to have power, yes.
That's only according to radical leftists/neo-marxists who redefined the original meaning of the term multiple times.

So you aren't actually thinking for yourself (you know, what actual sentient humans do), you're just regurgitating ideology like a dumb nigger slave, because your puny chimp brain has about the same intellectual capacity as coco the gorilla. Look how you try to sound intelligent here>>21455197
It's so pathetic, its like a child trying to sound smart for his English teacher.

You are a dumb animal and you don't belong in Western White society, I can't wait till you stinking, hideous imbeciles are all sent back, no longer able to burden the white man with your violent tendencies, stupidity, arrogance and ugliness.

>> No.21455472

>this longwinded halfwit take
Fucking kek

Why would any white person want to be black? They have lower IQs, are ugly and more androgynous, are 50x more likely to be involved in gang violence and other violent crime, the men are weak cowards who cant raise children, so something like 80% of blacks in the US are raised by single mothers. Blacks are a pathetic and meek race of idiots.

Subsaharans also have genes from primitive simian hominids not even in the fossil record, which no other race has apart from maybe australian aboriginals.

And it's not like africa is better. All the women are abused, the men hack each other with machetes, when they aren't starving (how do these "people" not know how to grow food yet?).

For white people, it is absolutely in their best interest to live separately/above blacks in a hierarchy, even if we just look at crime (one issue of many). I predict that you won't even have an argument against this.

>> No.21455481

Because people on 4chan become de-socialized, meaning the moral tendencies or etiquette enforced by our post-modern society means nothing to them. They are real rebels against the system, not these stupid niggers getting huge book deals with publishers to whine about white people and "racism" (and entirely modern construct not based in science or religion).

>> No.21455500

Sentimentalism is associated with lower classes (in the Traditionalist/normal sense of the term), blacks are naturally part of the Shudra caste. Even in Aryan India 4000 years ago the slave caste were dark-skinned, and the upper castes of the conquerors were pale and blue-eyed, coming from the north, bringing the light of civilisation. Remind you of anything?

>> No.21455509

>His poetry is completely "black," in both form and content.
If he's writing in English and writing poetry, then it isn't black. Actually, writing at all is quite new to blacks. I would say that the rap is a good example of "black poetry" (as if that weren't your make-believe cope kek).

>> No.21455528
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There are differences between races. It's not like skin pigmentation or bone structure are these imaginary constructs that we just made up in order to oppress people.

>> No.21455531

You have the mind of a child. You're black, right? I see all these black people trying to write in here, they write like children trying to sound intelligent. It's so pathetic. The fact that we have to pretend that these people are equal is farcical.

>> No.21455539
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If you like crime rates to stay low, like clean streets, want people to pay taxes and innovate, you should favour white people over blacks.

>> No.21455552 [DELETED] 

>Objectively, there really is no good argument against why one shouldn't favour whites over blacks, even if you are neither race.
Sure there is.
One is where my group belongs and one is where it doesn't.
And no one seriously believes that any non-white group will ever, ever, show reciprocity towards any white ones.

>> No.21455585

I wouldn't want to tar them all with the same brush, but yes, a lot of them do seem to cause a lot of issues when left to their own devices.

>> No.21455605

I'm obviously speaking in general, about the collectives.

>> No.21455637

It's amazing how similar you are to the other racists in this thread. You really are intellectual bottom feeders.

>> No.21455640

>Why would any white person want to be black? They have lower IQs
>This objectively incorrect take
Fucking kek

>> No.21455694

>no argument
>noooo das raysis
Typical. You can try again, jamal.

>its incorrect because i say so
>le take
>le kek xD!
Dude you just got BTFO by a right wing chud and all you can do is pretend you're laughing.

>> No.21455700

Behold, the most closeminded take on /li/

>> No.21455712

There's a zero percent chance you've beaten anyone out. I doubt you're even old enough to be here.

>> No.21455819

I hope you're LARPing.

>> No.21455829

He relaxed.

>> No.21455838

>pretending he's read any of those

>> No.21455845

Is that Pele?

>> No.21456070

Nope, I get why it is seen as embarrassing or shameful to not be privy. If I at least try to soak up things I don’t know then I’ll learn more.

>> No.21456165

Now that you mention it, what was it doing in this book? Giovanni's Room after alll has an exclusively white cast and race relations don't play in it at all.

>> No.21456175

ends when white race has all become mulatto. i give it about 80 years

>> No.21456188

Europe is fucked, yes. Literally next to Africa and Africa's numbers are growing massively. Whites in Australia, America, and Canada are much safer from the Negro menace.

>> No.21456197

Not the anon you’re talking to but holy fuck you are retarded. Both of you are like helpless children drowning in the deep end of a pool.
>wahhh my insult is better
>wahhhh my insult is better
You know absolutely nothing about each other you fucking retards. Get a life or talk about books. Fuck sake, this board is in a death dive.

>> No.21456215

False flag LARPing

>> No.21456262

>closeminded take
Woah good argument

>> No.21456274

Europe could easily just go fascist mode when the economy crashes more and send them all back, in fact it is likely to happen, especially seeing how racist younger white people are now.

>> No.21456280

>still no argument
>"beaten anyone out"
Put the crack pipe down and refute my claims, dumb chimp.

>> No.21456285 [DELETED] 

>especially seeing how racist younger white people are now.
wtf they're total cucks. literally complete and utter liberals.

>> No.21456286

It's called shitposting ya dumb 3rd worlder.

>> No.21456304 [DELETED] 

No they aren't. Some are tranny freaks and pozzed sjw mental patients like you, but a significant amount are right wing or far right and "hate niggers". Gaming is full of these people.

You can also look at voting trends in Europe. In Western Europe, like France, the data shows under 30s going more to the right every election. The only demographic voting for the neoliberal standard are dumb old people who live in front of the tv and dumb brown monkey foreigners who want more gibs, like you and your faggot immigrant parents.

>> No.21456313

You wish they were, nigger. /pol/ knows.

>> No.21456322

why the fuck are you calling me a tranny freak and pozzed sjw? I didn't do anything to insult you. I'm on your side.

>> No.21456328

You have mistaken me for the nigger you were arguing with hours ago.

>> No.21456341

>seething racists cannibalizing one another in a full blown chimp out

>> No.21456403

It's called shitposting ya dumb 3rd worlder. Quit being such a prude, racism is based and all the kids are on board these days.

>> No.21456434

Sorry sir. Please educate yourself. Look at voting trends in the younger demographic. They are going farther to the right in Europe every election. Only dumb old people living in front of tvs vote for the neoliberals, and 3rd world barn animals.

>> No.21456445

>get a life, talk about books
Point stands. You are shitting up the catalogue. At least shitpost about books

>> No.21456468

I will look into the statistics, thank you for pointing me towards the right direction, mate.

>> No.21456475

Im justa dumdum racist, i dont read books xD, them iz for smart black and brown kids in da cities

>> No.21456726

It doesn't matter. Once right wing parties win power in Europe they just continue the same program as before. Look at Italy.

All their policy is ultimately determined by Washington DC and NYC.

>> No.21458430


>> No.21458439

anything good he wrote is negated by his employment by The New Yorker

>> No.21458450
File: 403 KB, 800x562, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i thought this was fanon

>> No.21458755

>Those posers don't read.
So they're /lit/ posters

>> No.21458771

>Racism = power + prejudice
So Kanye and Kyie Irving aren't racists.

>> No.21458772

I unironically thought it was Pele because he just died and was surprised he was also a writer.
We're incredibly racist and incapable of telling the difference between black people

>> No.21458802

Is there literally a single negro writer who didn't write about being a negro? Ethiopian monks don't count.

>> No.21459120

>What was the last book you read?
>You must be reading something pretty impressive to start demanding mine.
I don't care what color you are, you're both faggots lol

>> No.21460551

James Baldwin?

>> No.21460690

This but unironically.

>> No.21460720

bug eyes

>> No.21460725

The master hates the slave and wishes they were not slave because maybe then they would leave them the fuck alone.

>> No.21460741

>I thought my mundane relationship issues were unique to me
>I read and it gave me perspective
This guy is a literal retard who needs a book to tell him other people experience life's trials.

>> No.21460762

>His odium towards

shut the fuck up, pseud

>> No.21460787

idk what his reply was to me but idk why you're replying to him, it sounds schizo
American racial politics are insufferable and I despise niggers and I will not go back I will only go outside to touch grass and have sex because I deserve better than this

>> No.21461085

RIP Pelé

>> No.21461113

>"OMG so FREEDOM, SO Progress"
You have absolutely no concept of what America was, so you make it a projection of your moral code.

>> No.21461213

Jews are everyone’s problem

>> No.21461218

It is. Lit really has become pol. Welp looks like my job is done here

>> No.21461402

he seen some shit

>> No.21461452 [DELETED] 

No that's just ugly nigger physiognomy

>> No.21461475

Black readers and writers are always entry-level or pseud tier. They have nothing to offer except for low IQ perspectives and ideas that would only seem insightful to a high schooler.
>wite pipo dont finna wanna b black...dat be tellin u all dat u needa no
>we r opresed n shiet
I don't use /pol/ but theyre correct.

>> No.21461482 [DELETED] 

>Could you explicate further anon?
Could you sound like any more of a cringey pseud? This is like me and my friends trying to sound smart in 8th grade. This is embarassing, you stupid nigger. Go back to africa, you people are a burden on civilized society.

>> No.21461487

you have an extremely narrow view of art

>> No.21461507

It's called having standards, you dumb afro-simian. We can see the same trends (i.e., blacks creating garbage and pretending it has meaning) in music too. Such as rap and hiphop, the lowest form of "music" ever created.

These are of course pretty entry-level redpills, but you dumb r3ddit leftist tourists need these points hammered home to decondition you.

>> No.21461513
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How he defend black people?

>> No.21461585
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>the slave hating the master is the same as the master hating the slave

Did I stutter?

>> No.21461609

>If you can't appreciate it, that's fine, because it's probably not for you
This is not how literature works. If you believe it's good, say why it's good. It being "black" means nothing absolute. Do you like his simplistic imagery? Do you like the syncopation? Do you like its repetitive nature?

"It's not for you" is the redoubt of fanfiction authors and /pol/acks.

>> No.21462359

check out some ishmael reed

>> No.21462441

James Baldwin was actually a pretty good writer. His only real problem was the lack of editing.

Of course he wasn't a rich white person who had all the time in the world to edit his work to perfection so this is understandable.

But even if you compare him to the average white writer, he was way ahead of them. He only pales when you compare him to the great writers of the canon (and none of them are perfect either).

Of course they also had the luxury of good editors.

>> No.21462452

>One of my favorite passages is on James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time, when Harold compares Baldwin to Jeremiah. I realized when I read this that the way Baldwin intertwines curse and blessing can’t be understood without turning back to his Biblical precursor. Bloom says that he hears in both prophets, Baldwin and Jeremiah, “the terrible pathos of origins.” That pathos uncovers a dark side of the American dream, and stands against Emerson’s trust that we can make ourselves anew. Yet Baldwin too has his hopes for America, and it’s this ambivalence that helps make him our greatest essayist after Emerson. Bloom shows how, for Baldwin, the racial trauma at the core of American life intersects with Biblical anxiety of influence. Here as elsewhere, Harold was multifaceted about the meaning of America, its promise as well as its burden.

>> No.21462516
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Happy new year anons!

>> No.21462693
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>> No.21464152

that would require /pol/acks to actually read which we know they don't do.

>> No.21464174
File: 122 KB, 680x1006, 165807235233171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm required to study Baldwin for college and fail

>> No.21464237

none of these comments can mean anything to us of you do not share what you mean by "good"

>> No.21465294

chuds don't study literature in college, they study stem, you stupid turd.

t. stemchad

Then why is /lit/ so far right it's not even funny?

The fact that an obvious halfwit like you (you write like a child) praises whoever that dumbass is is evidence against your claims. Also, i like how you literally didn't even have an argument, you basically wrote all of that just to say
>he's good
>wahh white people
Get off this board you low IQ hack.

>> No.21465305
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>all the black retards itt
3rd worlders off my /lit/

>> No.21465322

Care to recc any medieval chinese writings on Indians