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21451043 No.21451043 [Reply] [Original]

> https://youtu.be/8HBVaLqR0_U
Thank God somebody said it. I'm sick of reading retards who can barely even speak Latin sucking Ørberg's cock like his book is the only way to learn Latin or that any other method is a waste of time as if this was the God's honest truth and Ørberg is divine revelation. Fuck this video was a breath of fresh and much needed air.

>> No.21451066

I'd click that link but that is such an ugly looking bitch it doesn't matter what she says, it has to be wrong. I didnt necessarily enjoy Lingua Latina when we were reading it in class, but I'll simply have to champion it now solely on the basis of this bitch's gross appearance. I've seen better looking tapeworms getting sucked down a toilet hole. Goddamm.

>> No.21451079

Is this the average Australian qt?

>> No.21451082

Shit dude, is that Fred Armisen playing a character of a 'young lady'?

>> No.21451141
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh grow the fuck up, you numbnuts. The meat of her words is what actually matters, not her fucking appearance (which isn't even that bad anyway). Please engage with her actual argument or don't say anything at all.

>> No.21451149

Why do women always make pictures of themselves 50% of the video no matter what context. Saw a video describing toddlers getting killed and the thumbnail is just her face in the foreground

>> No.21451164

I'm not wasting 1 hr of my life on this. Post the bullet points.

>> No.21451171

It's funny you say that because I skimmed this video and she only shows her face for the first few minutes and in the thumbnail.

>> No.21451199
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Holy fuck it's worse than I thought. I'd rather look at Medusa--at least she could make my dick hard.

>> No.21451217

>Why do women
We get it, you're an incel who doesn't know what humour is nor has even watched the video nor yet has even just looked on the YouTube homepage to see al the other videos by male and female creators alike who feature their faces in the thumbnail all the time (or what's more likely, who has and is just being disingenuous for the sake of being sexist). Touch grass and have sex, incel.

>> No.21451259

OK, I know what happened. Some gross little white maggot of a man married a boat person from Asia, both desperate for something... perhaps one a life in the West, and the other any pussy at all. And so this weird little gimpy Adam Driver looking slug was secreted out the crack of her mother's ass. Thank you, all my questions have been answered.

>> No.21451302

So no argument?

>> No.21451316
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>And so this weird little gimpy Adam Driver looking slug was secreted out the crack of her mother's ass.

>> No.21451345

Post face, incel(s).

>> No.21451373


>> No.21451417

There are plenty of ways to learn a language. I don't, however, know anything about limp-haired, receding-jaw latinate outcasts worshipping or censuring either Lingua Latina or the person of its author. It's irrelevant, not only to the world at large but even to most adult classicists. It's a non-controversy. On a lighter note, bitch is fugly.

Peace out,

>> No.21451435
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>> No.21451927

She actually seems intelligent so don't expect anyone to actually engage with her content/

>> No.21452955

Kek. Imagine being this desperate.

>> No.21452960

not hard to do, considering I wrote that

>> No.21452980

meant for >>21452955

>> No.21453050

Now you've mentioned her ugliness I can't look away.
I can't hear her words now due to you making a point of her appearance. Before I saw her as bookish but now you've sexualised her and it's ruined any intellectual value she previously had.
I hope you are happy!

>> No.21453108

This is why Latin is not a popular subject with young people.

>> No.21453124

>muh pedagogy
Learning latin should be hard, sorry. Memorize the grammar and start reading Cornelius Nepos.

>> No.21453126
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>I'd rather look at Medusa--at least she could make my dick hard.

>> No.21453260

She's literally uglier than me, and I'm one ugly bastard

>> No.21453905

this is the manifestation of a nietzschean gf
it's terrible

>> No.21453961

But why do women?

>> No.21453979

fyi OP is a schizo who pesters /clg/ and is obsessed with this book and the fact that people are using it without his approval

>> No.21454084

>1h rant about llpsi
you are supposed to read this book in your first months of learning and then move on

>> No.21454141

She btfo'd /lit/ as an echo chamber.

>> No.21454208

Holy shit, I was in university classes with her. This is so fucking weird

>> No.21454232

>I'd click that link but that is such an ugly looking bitch it doesn't matter what she says, it has to be wrong.
based and checked

>> No.21454349

latina lingvo > lingva latina

>> No.21454348

Female Chud — Chudette if you will.
Hapas are so fucking disgusting. kek.

>> No.21454524

figured it would be something like that lmao

>> No.21454550

Proof? or are you guys also just schizos.

>> No.21454570
File: 296 KB, 1200x1112, 3E7073F4-5202-4B5E-9DC9-2C04F3EC4584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really really dumb opinions

>> No.21454645

because if you are an habitual poster on /clg/ you recognize this autist's obsession with it, source of multiple threads filled with shitflinging about said book/method

plus, jolly Italian humanist/teacher who probably speaks Latin more fluently than OP speaks his own native language >>>> some random cunt who stumbled on this book and just happens to feed into OP's obsession

>> No.21454664

Björk isn't a Hapa, retard.

>> No.21454706

Speaking of autists who spam /clg/...stop worshipping this dude, faggot.

>> No.21454730

Stulti in /lit/ libras no legunt, solum queritur.

>> No.21454745
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>Stulti in /lit/ libras no legunt, solum queritur.

>> No.21455351

You VILL read lingva Latina
You VILL read bilingual texts
You VILL practice latin pronunciation with nasal elision and proper restored pronunciation
You VILL speak Latin in public autistically
You VILL be happy

>> No.21455385

Latin is extremely popular because of YA mythology fiction and dark academia.

>> No.21455589

Is shaving my head, moving to Italy and speaking like a retard the best way to learn Latin?

>> No.21455608

Seethe, faggot.

>> No.21455618

LLPSI is a retarded meme but only retards really fall for the meme so it's kind of harmless.

LLPSI is just the "using Duolingo for 2 years and making no progress" equivalent of Latin.

>> No.21455643

>seethe, faggot
you're already doing that enough yourself, Luke
make sure you walk around with a buttplug to make it more authentic

>> No.21455645

Omnes sunt Iudaeum.

>> No.21455667

Nice assumption but you're the insecure one here. But let's hear your Latin. Also, how many languages can you speak? can you sing? all of these determine weather you're just a jealous seething faggot or not.

>> No.21455733

>you're the insecure one here
watch this

>> No.21455882

She looks like chud.

>> No.21455910

So...nothing. Huh, thought so :)

>> No.21455951

That Luke guy on YouTube who does Latin is a fraud.
He wears an earpiece and just repeats what is fed to him.

>> No.21456218
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>> No.21456277

I thought she had videos supporting LLPSI over the grammar translation method

>> No.21456284

she does, and afaik she doesn't think llpsi is bad, she's just critiquing the hardcore followers of it

>> No.21456305

>literal femcel

>> No.21456321

Alright I'll continue to watch her vid
Personally I stopped reading the first book of LLPSI at chapter 13 because I suddenly had this overwhelming feeling that I should just stick to reading English literature
I've tried a few ways of learning languages and LLPSI felt the best to me, nature method books that Ayan academy shills are garbage in comparison
I think she's autistic as well

>> No.21456326

Wonder if that Luke guy reads these threads ... or starts them.

>> No.21456334

Seems irrelevant to him

>> No.21456367

>I think she's autistic as well
Una ex nobis

>> No.21456370

Why? can't keep your mind off him, loverboy? How about you just focus on your Latin instead of being insecure about not quite measuring up to him.

>> No.21456375
File: 13 KB, 324x499, prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is correct, people should learn Latin with this instead

>> No.21456388

Not until I'm done learning the correct Latin (the Latin of Cicero).

>> No.21456394

The “meat of her words” has been deformed and affected by her physical appearance throughout her life. I don’t take advice from people I find physically repulsive. Monstrum in fronte monstrum in animo.

>> No.21456412

I’m not going to give the ugly bitch a view but what is the alternative suggested here, that we should learn from Wheelock’s instead?

>> No.21456424

>Monstrum in fronte monstrum in animo.
That isn't a law, pseud. She makes a lot of good points if you bother to listen. Either say something about her points or don't say anything at all. Stop shitting up this thread with your idiocy.

>> No.21456442

I’m not going to give this ugly incel a (You) but watch it and find out what she's saying.

>> No.21456479
File: 84 KB, 147x170, 1617545781086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use both

>> No.21456486

Literally lmao. On god fr fr bruh.

>> No.21456501

bunch of virgin kikes seething itt because she refused to include kike imagery and delete christian symbols in a few videos he made about the bible

>> No.21456522

Honestly I found the the exercises to be essential because I often was not conscious of all of the grammar features after just having read the text but then I was also a lazy reader
For example in my first reading of chapter 1 I missed the long vowel

>> No.21456631

>t. ugly anon

>> No.21456635

That’s the plan.

If you were to only read the textbook (and not do the work book or read the supplementary texts) I can see how the argument could be made that LLPSI is insufficient.

>> No.21456658

Go to bed baldy

>> No.21456684

She's saying teachers are the best method. Guess what she is.

>> No.21456690

Her opinion is backed up with sources.

>> No.21456701

A mixed blood kissless virgin?

>> No.21456791

The only sources I care about are memes and shitposts.

>> No.21456871

Finally an LLPSI containment thread that actually works. I guess all it needs is an d-list eceleb in the thumbnail.

>> No.21456872

Oh no, she is COMMANDING ME to STOP and DO HER BIDDING, it's her way or the highway, fuck you, I am free, dislike video, report video, I do what I want, learn what I want, when I want, how I want.
I came to this thread to say this because I am free and I do NOT take orders on what to like.
As for the simp inside this thread - I hope she sees your defense reply bro, good luck.

>> No.21456910

Watch her video, dumbass. She's not saying nobody should read LLPSI. You are such a retarded faggot.

>> No.21456948

you guys see that latintutorial finished his 92 rules of latin series?

>> No.21456981

the non-academic Latin learning community is a shithole
Greekchads stay winning

>> No.21457163

>hour long video purportedly exposing the cult of LLPSI
>final 2 minutes explicitly admits her hatred for the book is actually an emotional reaction to a negligent teacher who left her burdened with underachieving students and that the book itself is just fine as an initial graded reader
femina momentum

>> No.21457191

>F this F that
Shut up, brat

>> No.21457196

Uggo nerd

>> No.21457216

Halfies are usually cute. This girl isn't half

>> No.21457320

LMFAO she got btfo by Satura Lanx. This is so painful to listen to.

>> No.21457346

Yeah this was a waste of time
Also I'm pretty sure the whole 'orberg spent his life on LLPSI' is not a statement about the first book
LLPSI is not Familia Romana it's the whole LLPSI series which he worked on when he say deficits and kept on adding supplementary texts such as the readers

>> No.21457400

Triggered retard. Seethe. You will never be able to speak Latin.

>> No.21457430

Nobody said F this or F that. Not even OP (the closest he got was BTFO and using fuck as an interjection to express a sigh). Looks like you're the child.

>> No.21457489

Satura Lanx is such an annoying whore. "She" straight up looks like a dude. Wouldn't be surprised if "she" turned out to be a troon.

>> No.21457689

She's sticking her tongue out at you and your really dumb opinion. God, you're slow

>> No.21457854


No, most of them are at least 30kg heavier.

t. Australian.

>> No.21457857
File: 1.14 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot (298).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Stumble through your """Latin""" whilst barely being able to remember the words you want to say
> Frequently use English words as a crutch during a Latin only conversation
> Get face and Latin mogged by Lanx the entire time
> Still cringely decide that it's a good idea to go through with your lame preachy stunt after calling it a "hot take" in English.
> Pull the stunt (picrel)
> Be oblivious to the fact that seething about a textbook on Latin from the mid 1950s makes you look like a complete autist
> Be oblivious to the fact that no one can understand why you're so triggered by said book when it's universally agreed to be extremely good by people who can actually read and speak Latin fluently (including Lanx)
> Be oblivious to the fact that your poor Latin skills undermine your authority on this point completely (still decide to grandstand despite this)
> *Lanx trying her best to keep on her friendly smile through all the cringe*
> Autistically hold up the note with your opinion on it for way too long
> On the note there is a simple sentence but you probably had to check three dictionaries to make sure it was correct anyway
> Can barely reply to Lanx' response because Latin is so poor
> Expect to be taken seriously
Damn...it never even started for hapacels, did it?

>> No.21457874
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>*Lanx trying her best to keep on her friendly smile through all the cringe*
Irene was trying so hard to be nice.

>> No.21458186

And you're a hapa (read: freak of nature). Cope harder.
> Halfies are usually cute.
Not really. Without makeup they usually look retarded and their souls are pretty much all fucked up.
> This girl isn't half
What is she then, Mr expert?

>> No.21458203

I'm currently taking latin classes and in between semesters I'm reading LLPSI to keep my skills up. I'm only a little bit in but for my purposes it seems pretty good.

>> No.21458221

watched her vid in 3x and that's her point. people act like its a holy grail that will have you reading cicero after 3 months whereas you need A LOT more input even after the fact before you can read classical latin comfortably.

>> No.21458236

>I'm only a little bit in but for my purposes it seems pretty good.
It stops being useful about halfway through. At that point you are just learning the more complicated parts of grammar in an unnecessarily difficult way. At that point you need to just start reading real texts with a reference grammar. Otherwise, once you get deeper in the book you will find yourself rereading things with diminishing effects in terms of comprehension or memorization of vocab. Then you will get burnt out and quit.

>> No.21458245

> Name is literally "Hurt"
> Wearing brand merch
> Puts "Magistra" in front of her name (lol, just lol)
> Lanx chooses simply to wear a plain shirt and to use just her Christian name "Irene" alone
Says a lot, doesn't it?

>> No.21458252

She said in her vid that she used grammar translation for 10 years
Anyway she seems to be more about reading than speaking the language
LLPSI takes more than 3 months to complete and you do read Cicero in LLPSI

>> No.21458269

>she seems to be more about reading than speaking the language
Classic cope.

>> No.21458285

Oh, she's hurt alright.

>> No.21458287

Carla is basically an apostle of the bald man school of thought. The fact is that helpful fluent Latin videos like Irene's are not as popular as Disney sing along bullshit and "social experiment" videos.

>She said in her vid that she used grammar translation for 10 years
That's not why her Latin is bad. She's one of these feminists that is in classics purely so they can fetishize and live vicariously through ancient Greek and Roman goddesses. She literally has a video where she whines about Dido being a victim of toxic masculinity.
>you do read Cicero in LLPSI
Quoting another person's secondhand review. Reading excerpts of an author is not profound. If you had used literally any other textbook, then you would know that this is not a feature to brag about.

The LLPSI crowd is fucking autistic and out of touch it's not even funny anymore. Learn another language and act this way, then watch how your French or Spanish peers react to your lunatic fundamentalism on pedagogy.

>> No.21458300

utterly based

>> No.21458315

>She literally has a video where she whines about Dido being a victim of toxic masculinity.
>Venus ordered Cupid to make Dido fall insanely in love with Aeneas.
>Wtf toxic masculinity

>> No.21458320

Classics is a fucking dead art by now. You guys remember the "new declension" that the feminists created for Latin, the new gender neutral one? kek someone post that again PLEASE

>> No.21458323

If you don’t cater to a woman’s every wish while exceeding all of her expectations for all time then it’s toxic masculinity.

>> No.21458344

>She literally has a video where she whines about Dido being a victim of toxic masculinity.
Did you retards even watch that video? that anon completely mischaracterized it. She doesn't say that at all. She even says that she is a victim of the gods and not a completely innocent character either. You faggots literally just want to get mad. Touch grass.

>> No.21458353

Why are you ruining our fun

>> No.21458385

> an apostle of the bald man school of thought. The fact is that helpful fluent Latin videos like Irene's are not as popular as Disney sing along bullshit and "social experiment" videos.
Kek, imagine being this asspained that someone who can speak Latin is popular. Go check out his videos where he has conversations in Latin. He is fluent. Insanely fluent. And he has very accurate pronunciation. Fluency is the last thing you want to criticize Luke for. The best you have to say against him is that he's bald. Cope.

>> No.21458393

>Go check out his videos where he has conversations in Latin. He is fluent.
Whoah dude!
> Fluency is the last thing you want to criticize Luke for.
>The best you have to say against him is that he's bald. Cope.
Dude yes exactly!

>> No.21458394

Would, ngl

>> No.21458427

OK, I take it all back, she is borderline cute in this pic.

>> No.21458441

She just got walled, she used to be aight. This is 6 years ago. Can't sing for shit tho.

>> No.21458455

She's actually smart. Found my new waifu.
Don't talk that way to my wife.
>tapeworms getting sucked down a toilet hole.
See a doctor, you mutant

>> No.21458459

Cringebros....new kino just dropped

>> No.21458486
File: 836 KB, 1232x651, Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 23-08-51 The Triumph of Cleopatra🎵🐍 Singing Horace's Cleopatra ode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks.

You've probably seen this already, just in case, here's Peter Pringle, a performer of ancient music who's actually quite good.

His most popular

My favorite one

>> No.21458501

I saw his Egyptian and Sumerian songs. Absolutely based.

>> No.21458554

Notice that she's too much of a coward to use footage of her own self in Egyptian costume. She has to use a chick who is actually bangable (and who might not even be tone deaf!)

>> No.21458568

I think it's because she is a hardcore Christian and dresses super conservatively.

>> No.21458585

What's the thought process behind rendering latin poems in the style of Weimar cabaret jazz or Madeliene's nun's plunkety plonk French folk music? Especially when Latin poetry was decidedly not melic in the manner of Greek Lyric. I can understand the superficial, tenuous reason--a la 'hey, let's rap Shakespeare!', Sesame Street cool teacher bullshit--I just hope there is more to it in this case so I can at least respect her when I jerk off onto a printed screencap of her face precisely at midnight New Year's Eve.

>> No.21458597

What were you irl impressions of her?

>> No.21458599

She's an autistic homeschooled trad Christian who teaches 8th graders who probably think she is a cringelord. What are you guys expecting out of these weirdos?

>> No.21458601

That you, Butters Clause? Would be a wonderful gift to see you again.

>> No.21458620
File: 71 KB, 1331x757, MV5BODQ3MzI1NmYtMTljMy00NGRjLWI5NTktYjVhMzU3ODM1NTNhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc3NDgwNzU@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you guys expecting out of these weirdos?

A little danger... just something more. Please tell me it can't be so simple, so... lame, so wan and limp as her hair (what even colour is her hair?) How can some prim little... whatever the fuck she is be some big latin geek while still tolerating the shit Catulus or Martial or Juvenal get into? I bet she can tolerate it... in the small hours, under the smothering dark, sinking into fantasies of taking it up the ass or back of the throat.

>> No.21458811

holy hell buying a copy of llpsi now, many thanks to OP

>> No.21458824

Shes pro LLPSI. She basically just complains that it doesn't support larping as much as it could. That's her thesis.

>> No.21459442
File: 83 KB, 393x829, 1621603971791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to fuck them both right in their hairy pussies.

Mihi penem in crinitis vulvis earum amarem penetrare.

Idk if I wrote it correctly, I have a very basic knowledge of latin.

>> No.21459558

>I don’t take advice from people I find physically repulsive. Monstrum in fronte monstrum in animo.
wouldn't expect such stupidity from a classicist
>In a culture that worshipped male beauty, Socrates had the misfortune of being born incredibly ugly. Many of our ancient sources testify to his rather unpleasant physical appearance and Plato makes reference to it more than once (Theaetetus 143e, Symposium, 215a-c; also Xenophon Symposium 4.19, 5.5-7 and Aristophanes Clouds 362). Socrates was exophthalmic, meaning his eyes popped out of his head and were not straight, but focused sideways. He had a snub nose, which made him look like a pig, and he was portrayed with a potbelly by several accounts. Socrates did nothing to improve his unusual look, always wearing the same cloak and sandals both day and evening. Plato’s Symposium (174a) offers us one of the few accounts of his caring for his appearance.

>> No.21459583

Why would you even want to speak Latin you autistic retards? How about spending some time learning a language that is actually spoken today?

>> No.21459771

Shouldn't I had to wrote "me" (the accusative form) instead of "mihi" or is it ok?

>> No.21459784

Why, so I can talk to the arabs and niggers who live in that country now?

>> No.21459912

I guess we know now where all this criticism comes from

>> No.21459942

Another issue is how idiomatic a lot of the Latin novellas are. It's like reading a French novella written by a burger and they have stuff like "Je suis faim" all over the place.

>> No.21459949
File: 93 KB, 1070x728, 6qe_w_K77h8a-Gf9hTee5Afo4bxnnqmSJXukZLSRObk (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder

>> No.21460004

>she used to be aight
By incel standards maybe.

>> No.21460020
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Yeah, and Socrates is an asshole who himself admits he doesnt know anything (except how to corrupt his polis' youth.) You really just proved his point.

>"There are certain external advantages, the lack of which sullies supreme felicity, such as good birth, satisfactory children, and personal beauty: a man of very ugly appearance or low birth, or childless and alone in the world, is not our idea of a happy man."

>> No.21460311

I'd suggest Fr. William Most's Latin by the Natural Method if you're an absolute beginner, coupled with a diglot New Testament, and then work on Collins. Nunn's Introduction to Ecclesiastical Latin would also supplement Collins, along with the entire Vulgate Bible

>> No.21460490

Because I’m more interested in reading classical literature than speaking to Paco the landscaper or Yang the code monkey, neither of whom have anything to say that I’m interested in hearing.

>> No.21460514

Why is a chink telling me about Latin? She doesn't know shit. Also, what's with the English accent? Go back to China.

>> No.21460515

not them, but I interpret it as a dative of advantage

>> No.21460536

You're a pseud and the video you linked is retarded. You learn a language by exposing yourself to it. The book is largely irrelevant. She can take her "modern research" and shove it up her clueless ass. I have never read that latin textbook in my life but I know a retard when I see one. Women should have never been taught how to read. Do you think Erasmus learned Latin using the latest 21st century """"scientifically verified"""" (which, like most studies in pedagogy, probably have lousy methodology)methods for optimal learning? Fuck no. And he still spoke and read Latin better than 99% of current experts in the language, who still need a dictionary at hand just to read through basic texts. Embarrassing.

You know what it takes to learn something good and fast? Being smart, you fucking morons. Your methods and special textbooks are memes. There's literally nothing wrong with Lingva Latina as a textbook. Therefore, it is a perfectly adequate study material.

>> No.21460552

this. all about iq diff
gl teaching a sub 100 retard calculus with whatever scientifically backed method with 100 studies

>> No.21460560

This explains a lot of things. The girl in OP's video is DUMB AS SHIT. Naturally, being a stupid person, she has difficulty acquiring the language. Also, entirely naturally, instead of blaming the culprit (i.e. herself and her shitty intellect) she is blaming the TOOLS that she was using: Lingva Latina. LMAO, pathetic. We should gatekeep harder.

>> No.21460563

Fatui in /lit/ libros no legunt, de liberis amant loqui. Nemo curat si latinam potes legere.

>> No.21460564

Incels are the ones who compare regular women to pornstars and celeb standards. They have unrealistic standards - that's why the can't get laid and call themselves ugly.

>> No.21460600

Sorry bro, I don't read latin. I just wanted to dunk on a retard.

>> No.21461012

Are you retarded? normal dudes who are socially competent and can fuck a girl above a 5 would never even consider this chick. Not even whilst drunk. She's ugly AND autistic.

>> No.21461047
File: 69 KB, 1080x1088, 1660986449898824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw just finished Pugio Bruti and even kind of liked it

>> No.21461053
File: 461 KB, 1334x750, 93D4A1CE-2F1E-44BB-9E0F-4CC6E899EAEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read the Vulgate, dummies. After learning half of Matthew I could basically read easily except for a few random words every chapter. It reads as if someone were speaking, not very literary-like and convoluted. People say once I get to Luke I will hit a roadblock, though, but we'll see.

>> No.21461060

>filtered by the easiest and dumbest book in existence
how the fuck can someone manage to burn out while reading a book that you're supposed to finish in a few weeks?

>> No.21461069

Explain anon.

>> No.21461153

St. Jerome did a word for word translation from the Koine and teaches bad Latinity (albeit for theological reasons). Nevertheless, a good way to acquire vocab.

>> No.21461188

The correct method is to use Latin: An Intensive Course and then go through the two LLPSI books to enforce natural reading, by making sure you understand the sentences in the order that they are written without picking them apart like grammatical puzzles.

>> No.21461201

For the most part, I find even the original text in Greek was written in a plain style, not trying to be literary. I read that Mark for example has a lot of questionable Greek. Jerome really did follow closely especially with all the present participles more common in Greek. I agree it's not the best for learning solely Classical Latin, but it is a good easy first text. I only want to learn Latin for the Vulgate so it works for me.

>> No.21461205

>Latin: An Intensive Course
And the reason I suggest this is because it introduces the Subjunctive in Chapter 2.

>> No.21461211

The Vulgate is a Latin translation of a collection of various versions of assorted letters and texts. These texts were written for consumption by the morons and simpletons of Jewish society who only spoke Greek or Aramaic. It's mean to get stuff across to people who were on the left side of the bell curve.

Compare this to stuff like Cicero and friends intentionally making their writing and speech as hard to understand as possible to dab on (literal) plebs.

>> No.21461214

I imagine after spending so much time on the Vulgate I'll be perplexed when reading real Ciceronian classical Latin. One idea I had was once I'm done with the Vulgate I can learn Sebastian Castellio's Ciceronian-style bible translation, as it is the same content, but in a classical style that avoids corruptions in direct translations ala Jerome.

>> No.21461219

Yeah, by that point, Koine was simplified from its former classical Athenian progenitor much like modern English is a simplified version of Elizabethan English, e.g. thou, thy, thine, thee replaced all by you.

>> No.21461225

There's also the New Vulgate produced by the Vatican.

>> No.21461239

It's maybe changed in 1% of places in comparison to the common Clementine version. People say it's a new translation but they just made it match the Greek and Hebrew closer, while retaining most of Jerome's version.

>> No.21461541

I get that but I don't know how you use it to study without looking at tables the way you can with LLPSI.
Is the vulgate really that simple? It's literally the only Latin document I really want to read.

>> No.21461587

Also what copy of the vulgate are you using? Can you give me a link please?

>> No.21461595

I just learned all the declension and conjugation tables by rote then applied that to the text. I learn the harder grammar bits slowly through exposure when I encounter them. I learn a chapter every few days/a week

>> No.21461602

It's just the Clementine version available on vulsearch. If you download the app you can access a version with accents so you can pronounce it without learning the long vowels, if you want a shortcut.

>> No.21461691

Thanks anon.

>> No.21461697

Female chudjak

>> No.21461720

Vulgate is almost its own style/dialect due to the reason/sources/goals of its authors, you're going to get filtered even by babby tier classical authors like Caesar/Eutropius/Nepos

>> No.21462331

you have to start from somewhere
>Vulgate is almost its own dialect
I wonder if you actually have read it or even any latin at all

>> No.21462560

Embarrassing. lol.

>> No.21463231

>The correct method is to use Latin: An Intensive Course and then go through the two LLPSI books to enforce natural reading
Do you have any other advice?

>> No.21463397

right into the trash it goes

>> No.21464139

> Incel
> 4channer
Yeah, no thanks.