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21435860 No.21435860 [Reply] [Original]

What happens if I write a clearly self insert fantasy where a guy meets dozens of female characters and get them pregnant, but I write it using the female tropes and tricks that are very profitable with the female romance market?

>> No.21435878

What are the female tropes and tricks that are very profitable with the female romance market?

>> No.21435885

I'm quite sure Japanese already did that plot 484959 times.

>> No.21435891

read shades of gray and twilight.

Japs are garbage at writing.

Nobody with classical training writes such stories.

>> No.21435898

Thanks for the rec but I think I'd rather not

>> No.21435909

then why ask what is very profitable with mom readers.

If anything you should read it not for enjoyment but to study why they made so much money.

>> No.21435962

But I don't give a shit why they made so much money, anon. It's your project. So why not let us in on your research, tell us what these godless tropes are and give us an idea how that would play out in your creampie fuck story?

Sounds a bit like what I've heard about the Outlander books though, so it might earn a few pennies, what do I know.

>> No.21435987
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ok, fine.

The female archetype is grounded on the heroine's journey.

You can look it up on wikipedia.
For males, their core archetype is to suceed the trials and defeat their rivals, win the prize/treasure and bring the world cup back home, and marry the godess/priest.

For females, their archetype is rather a reconciliation and healing of the sexual trauma of losing their virginity that was caused by some male rapist (usually their father or male house authority or family male authority) while they were young, that caused a psychological scar that caused a destruction of her self, making her go into a sleep chamber, until the charming prince rescue her from her sleeping hybernation, and helps her fix her soul, with the helps of the forest familiars and animals and old wizard mentors, until she suceeed in becomming the new queen and defeat her evil rivals by marrying the prince and becoming the land new queen, in a beautiful and perfect country side palace with gardens, farm animals and a couple childrens.

That's the core female archetype.

As for the tropes, It usually boils down to a Chad archetype male chad that falls in love with an average good for nothing girl.

And for techniques, It usually boils down to obstacles that the couple must overcome to be finally safe and togheter by the end of the story, with some initial failure of the relationship downward point, a recovery of the situation and a final climax where they fight the big villain of the story.

That's pretty much it.

>> No.21436026

I could see that potentially make some money, given the marketing is done alright. Have somebody make a really attractive cover art, with that target audience that's half the battle.

>> No.21436037

genre fiction is closer to opening a restaurant than making art for a museum.

As such is not hard to make a lot of money, but is not diferent from learning to be a chef.

There's skill and artistry in the culinary arts, but hardly any bloomerite snob will consider the art of making food comparable to marixst garbage for their boomer professors.

>> No.21436109

You're a really bad writer. But for genre fiction, I guess that's about on the level of Tolkien lol.

>> No.21436121
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You're missunderstanding my analisis of the very profitable female genre fiction market tropes with my knowledge of writing and making assumptions over my classical writing skills.

>> No.21436131

You want to write essentially Casanova adapted to the 21st century. You should add some Marquis de Sade for good measure, women love some classic BDSM

>> No.21436165
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The big thing you are missing is that for most female romance novels and the female journey you post itself is that females want a true single exclusive male mate. They do not like sharing. Sure they can have their love triangles of male orbiters but you seem to miss the fact that in the examples you give the female ends up with her 'super special possessive does not exist without her soul mate'. All other females in these works are friends, villains if they vie for the attention of the male, or just irrelevant. That is the fundamental flaw you will have to contend with.

>> No.21436175
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Why do you think I am writing this for women?

>> No.21436222

>Nobody with classical training writes such stories
A Night in a Moorish Harem.
You're welcome anon

>> No.21436233
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>Shit from the 18 century

>> No.21436338
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What I'm saying is that the core of your premise is diametrically opposed to the end goals and fundamental purpose of profitable female tropes. Your OP stating your intention of writing with tropes that are 'profitable with the female romance market' part implies you were trying to garner an audience with both males and females. I suppose the answer to your question is that it would be a general clusterfuck that doesn't fully commit to the fantasy of either gender or at least has a confused intended audience. My question is why would you care to write with female tropes and tricks if you don't intend them to be the audience or trick them into being the audience. Hell if this is a self insert fantasy why would you try to use other tropes?

>> No.21436341

read again the OP.

I asked what happens if I write a male fantasy as a female romance self insert novel.

>> No.21436353

> Nobody with classical training writes such stories.
if you were a good writer you definitely could.

>> No.21436381


And my answer was it would just be a work with a confused mess of tropes that are fundamentally at odds with each other.

>> No.21436395
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should I try to use male fantasy isekai tropes?

I guess I could write my female romance erotica for other ideas with a monogamous couple.

>> No.21436450
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It's not that it can't work, it would be interesting to see a dystopian YA femoid protagonist vs an anime harem protag played out in earnest as some sort of commentary on self insert fantasy. But your goal seems to be more of a self insert fantasy and not an exploration of how tropes would play out. If you want to have a fun time, the type of women popular with the female romance market might actually annoy you in the writing process (as in snarky, spunky, clingly, need no man and all other girls and exes must be eliminated) unless you go for the pure grills who want prince charming and don't mind being part of a harem which might end up going isekai anyways. However, have you considered having all the pregnant girls fight amongst each other to gain the protagonist's favor while he plays on all of their affections to spur them on? That's a plot rife with conflict right there.

>> No.21436483
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No, It's a generic self insert fantasy in a isekai pokemon world, with generic pokemon plot and conflict and lots of harem creampies.

Looking to make something properly written, but not looking but maybe a japanese translation and some japanese studio adaptation.

Pretty sure a wide range of generic wifis archetypes that covers most weeb market fan favorite archetype, should do wonders for the commerciability.

And some mature relationship tropes, writen as a seinen, and totally not written in the same way as a mentally and emotionally stunted jap incel mangaka, should do wonders with the ironic weeb youtubers.

Having the hero do creampies on dozens of waifus of each new village arc, to work fine for the weeb japanese market.

Pretty sure this has commercial potential to make some money from the idea.

>> No.21436591

If you write it pls post, i will buy to support my anon