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21429945 No.21429945 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.21429955

The seethe lmao

>> No.21430283

Schopenhauer is right. Women are weak physcally so there's no real need to practice things like Justice when its counter intuitive, lies and cunningness is far better for their own survival. Still, anyone can spot flaws in both genders. Men have no sense of self control and they all crumble in the presence of sexual gratification for example.

This is why women and men need to accept Jesus Christos and rise above their innately fallen nature and refocus their vision on the life after, not the one currently.

>> No.21430285

>Men have no sense of self control and they all crumble in the presence of sexual gratification for example.
Stop projecting.

>> No.21430296

>socialise women to be timid, less educated, more reserved, less worldly
>wtf why are women so boring?
If anything stuff like this should be seen as affirming the point of feminists like de beauvoir. Why would you have a high opinion of women when society deliberately trains them to not display admirable traits?

>> No.21430299

Im not projecting, its just a simple fact that a man's "morals" crumble when he's tempted with sex enough. Dont go on and deny reality now, male sexuality is a difficult thing to control, its why most rapes and sexual scandals are done by men, and why the greeks practiced boy molestation

>> No.21430306

Learn to read

>> No.21430310

Those men aren't "struggling". They have decided they don't care about moral behaviour, and are going to do whatever they want. It's different.

>> No.21430324

Very few men really commit violence, almost all women commit sadistic manipulation.

>> No.21430341

I would argue it's hard for women to be condemned for sexual assault, firstly because men almost always want to have sex, and secondly because men almost never want to admit they got sexually assaulted.
I'm pretty sure I've been sexually assaulted by women once or twice. I don't care. It's a confidence booster, if anything.

>> No.21430356

Why are you trying to trap me? Why are you bringing up amoral men when that wasnt even the subject? In my main post I just point out that men too are flawed in regards to moral standards. Im talking about men who have morals and standards of dignity but give them up for a crumb of a vagina which I see so often here and in real life. Theyre struggling, and all men who have moral standards struggle with this too. Pornography is usually the culrpit. Its in a man's nature to crave sex more than women due to our differing physiologies, and its why the overcoming of obsessive sexual desire is a virtue thats commonly observed in many different religious/moral traditions. Its the biggest flaw of a man.

Id say amoral men who dont care about that are just as bad as the overly cunning women because they have no sense of justice. We have to control our desires and live according to the bible.

>> No.21430368

Doesn't make any difference. He's complaining about the "nature" of women and not the society that actively makes them that way. Of course women don't act like men. Idiotic to assume that of the two artificial gendered roles people were socialised in to one was better than the other because he happened to be thst one.

>> No.21430375

Most men literally never do rape anyone though. I think lying is pretty much the standard for women.
And of course this whole argument is predicated on some assumption that breeding or masturbating are moral failings.

>> No.21430377

Not all Men commit violence? You likely have a very shorr sighted view of the word. Violence isnt just physcally attacking someone. It can also be verbal, and Ive never seen a woman get so angry that she unceasingly called someone a retard and raged on writing paragraphs of insults and refutations of someone's opinions and character here on 4chan.

I can almost always tell when a man or woman is debating just based on the vitrol in the tone of the text.

>> No.21430385

Women even lie and manipulate even when they aren't trying to do evil. I've had a woman lie about herself and her interests(she said she liked games and books despite never playing or reading) just to make me interested in her. Absolutely disgusting. They don't even know that what they're doing is wrong because it is so deeply ingrained in their psyche.

>> No.21430392

Insults are good thing, because they're honest though. I respect someone more for telling me I'm a retard, if that's what they think.

>> No.21430401

>I've had a woman lie about herself and her interests(she said she liked games and books despite never playing or reading)
Yeah, that seems to be the standard for women (and low test men). They will adopt a whole different personality to please someone. It really makes me dislike a person when I can see them doing this.

>> No.21430405

18+ boys

>> No.21430409

>woman tying to socially shame someone because she got butthurt, but is too emotionally weak to just call them a retard.

>> No.21430414

Once you realize it stems from their literally (I mean literally) psychotic desire to please and be accepted, it makes more sense, but not much more. It's like they can't think two steps ahead. Okay, I've accepted you... for the evening. What about when we meet next time and I find out you're into none of the shit you said?

>> No.21430419

Honesty is just an easy trait for men to come by because they are physcally and intellectually stronger than women. Im sure if you were a 5'3, 130 pound woman you would be much more likely to lie to save yourself over telling the truth. I rather not we think about this and black and whire though. There are outliers and not the literal definition of the word, there are many women who see truth as a virtue and many men who cant hell but tell lies.

>> No.21430424

None of that changes the fact that weak and dishonest behaviour disgusts me on a guttural level.

>> No.21430435

Grow up. Women lie all the time. Women aren't evil because it's simply biological nature. She lies and manipulates because she thinks it will make someone happy, or fix a relationship, or start a new one, but they simply cannot ever realize that it only causes more suffering in the long run. I think it's even worse when someone lies because they want to "help", you can never trust that person in any circumstance. the more they care the more artificial the relationship is, the greater the foundation of its lies

>> No.21430437

Schopenhauer is half-right. He's right about women, but wrong about becoming pessimistic about them. His pessimism betrays a lack of masculinity.

Nietzsche was the one who was completely right about women (also Oscar Wilde; their views on women were similar). He shit on guys like Hugo, Flaubert and Baudelaire for glorifying insufferable women. The best women are like virgin princesses who should not be expected to partake in the same delights as men and certainly not be condemned for having no interest in such delights.

>> No.21430447

This line of reasoning only works if you assume that their behavior is the result of societal gender roles and not innate. There's well-documented variance in neurological structures between men and women, and it would be silly to assume that this has no effect on their thought processes or behavior.

>> No.21430459

>i never heard of him
Unlike all the other philosophers you're intimately familiar with no doubt.

>> No.21430482

>The best women are like virgin princesses who should not be expected to partake in the same delights as men and certainly not be condemned for having no interest in such delights

But is that what natually a woman is? Are women naturally meant to be virgin princesses? Why do women today find so much delight in male activities more than ever before? More women are lifting weights to build brobdingnagian rears, and more women are becoming intellectual. It seems women naturally desire to be like men.

>> No.21430487

>But is that what natually a woman is?
No woman is naturally like anything. They're all shaped by the men around them.

>Why do women today find so much delight in male activities more than ever before?
Because foolish liberal men have been pushing them to be this way for the last few hundred years.

>> No.21430557

If non-incels (which includes all women) could understand how hard it's to live without affection, I think they would be kinder to us. Being so lonely takes a toll on a person.

>> No.21430804

In my experience women are not defective in reasoning. I know about the same proportion of idiot men as idiot women. I feel that this statement came out of Schopenhauer's perspective from a time when all fields of academics were not just dominated by men but pretty much exclusive to them, so it may be natural to assume this arrangement is because women are unfit for the field. But the reasoning thing seems not to be the main thrust of his argument here, seems more to do with deception.

I will also say I don't see women to be more dishonest than men. I also have a hard time buying the argument that lying is a successful learned defense mechanism. I feel that constant dishonesty by even a few members of a group will pretty much destroy that group, not to mention the psychological pressure one subjects themselves to by constantly being on the hook. I would need a lot more convincing to be swayed that constant lying is a valid social strategy.

>> No.21430832

He name drops Nietzsche, he’s probably one of the people who thinks he’s a nihilist.

>> No.21430860

He was a horny motherfucker that fucked, pessimism be damned.

>> No.21430862

That quote is pretty bad. He simply makes statements, literally just his opinion without any attempt at proving his position. Is this really enough for one of the most famous philosophers?

>> No.21430874

You are obviously a woman, shallow slut, but would you like to be my gf?

>> No.21430886

>Oh no, she said she has a boyfriend but she actually just thought I'm ugly! Immoral bitch!!!
Meanwhile every war was started by men, killing millions over the millenia.

>> No.21431326

>right about anything
Schopenhauer at least was talking about women from personal experience

>> No.21431380

The redditors. I don't even need to read the Schopenhauer quote to know that.

>> No.21431388
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Who cares what redditors have to say. They're the ideological equivalent of a slave race. A waste of time to take seriously. A mental virus that eats sense. They should be ignored until tencent finally rebrands them

>> No.21431389


>> No.21431427

>every war was started by men
Queens started more wars than kings

>> No.21431429

>The best women are like virgin princesses
Did Nietzsche really say this? it seems so christian.

>> No.21431765
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These idiots are literally proving him right

>> No.21431966

that mf need jesus fr fr

>> No.21432191

There's nothing Christian about that. Helen of Troy is that type.

>> No.21432218
File: 196 KB, 1070x1180, schopi 1842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schop hated wom-

"On women" first paragraph: §362
>Better in my opinion than Schiller’s well-considered poem ‘Women’s Dignity’,a which uses antithesis and contrast for its effect, are these few words of Jouy for expressing the true praise of women: ‘Without women our lives would be deprived of help in the beginning, of joy in the middle and of consolation in the end.’ The same thing is expressed more emotionally by Byron in Sardanapalus, Act I, scene 2:

The very first
Of human life must spring from woman’s breast,
Your first small words are taught you from her lips,
Your first tears quench’d by her, and your last sighs
Too often breathed out in a woman’s hearing,
When men have shrunk from the ignoble care
Of watching the last hour of him who led them.
>Both characterize the right point of view for the value of women

>> No.21432273

>also Oscar Wilde
the homosexual?

>> No.21432275

He got cured of the gay in jail. He prayed it away. Unironically.

>> No.21432305

>Helen of Troy

>> No.21432323

"like virgin princesses"
aka, a pampered prize to be won, valued solely for her beauty, competed for her exclusivity.

>> No.21432571

This applies for the beginning, but he does give a pretty good explanation for why he thinks they are more conniving.

>> No.21432590

Can someone analyze what exactly the word "incel" means to redditors. Why exactly are they so infatuated with that insult?

>> No.21432602

It's the new "neo-Nazi" and anyone right of left gets lumped together into it

>> No.21432832

Alright OP, you've convinced me to read Schope. Which book should I start with?

>> No.21434324

>and Ive never seen a woman get so angry that she unceasingly called someone a retard and raged on writing paragraphs of insults and refutations of someone's opinions and character here on 4chan.
I know plenty of women who do this.

>> No.21434354

Wtf even is Incel ideology?
The whole mania over angry virgins is the most bizarre shit I've ever seen. This is Satanic Panic over DND tier nonsense. Incels are a nothing burger

>> No.21434360

They like to use it because with one word they can call you a virgin and signal to their friends that they're up to date with all the trendy new words.

>> No.21434377
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Reminder redditors are subhuman

>> No.21434400

Maybe it was too harsh to say that there is absolutely no argument but I think there is very little for his main point.
Schopenhauer is saying that all animals have weapons and since women aren't very strong, their weapon must be something else than strength. This is already pretty relative because women, while being weaker than men, are also stronger than many animals and men are also weaker than some other animals. Compared to the top predators and and the largest herbivores, we are quite weak and that was even more true during the ice age let's say, those animals absolutely dwarfed us. But let's grant his premise that women need a weapon other than physical strength.

How does it now follow that this weapon must be deception? The female weapon could just as well be "compassion", which is helpful in building strong communities, which then have strength in numbers. It could be intelligence, it could be the ability to give birth to children, could even just be their beauty, all of this is equally plausible in my view.
And even if we granted, that women lie more than men, does that mean that they are less moral? It seems that a man's main weapon is his physical strength, according to Schopenhauer, is it not much worse to assault someone physically than to tell a lie? Our legal system at least seems to think so.

I really don't consider myself a white knight and obviously women have their flaws but I don't find Schopenhauer's argument strong enough to make such a huge generalisation, it's not that I'm uncomfortable with the conclusion but rather I'm disappointed by his method.

>> No.21434417

fucking kek

>> No.21434444

>Of human life must spring from woman’s breast
>Your first small words are taught you from her lips,
>Your first tears quench’d by her, and your last sighs
>Too often breathed out in a woman’s hearing

Nature sure played us a fucking joke making women necessary, this world needs to be destroyed and a new one needs to be born with better mechanisms of evolution

>> No.21434510

It replaced the word ''virgin'' in their vocabulary due to too much friendly fie.

>> No.21434517

>Incels are a nothing burger
A large portion of the male population being incapable of getting mates bodes ill for a society and its future.

>> No.21434526

Oh wait I can just make 1000 more shitposting accounts or take one of my karma farming accounts live to dab on you.

>> No.21434565

That HAS to be a fake account.

>> No.21434622


>> No.21434823

>signal to their friends that they're up to date with all the trendy new words
They use it to signal that they're not incels themselves. It's no coincidence that men who use the term to belittle other men are all virgins, faggots and losers who use it against others in a desperate bid to appear successful. You'll never see an alpha male use the word incel

>> No.21434881

Lmao, they validated Schopenhauer correct based on their reactions alone.
>if you dare to criticize women, you’re accused as insufficient hole-pleaser and sentenced to death.
It may seem grotesque, but such fanatical gynocentrism has practically took over the whole western culture. Redditors are actually subhuman; they should all be turned into fertilizer.

>> No.21434883
File: 79 KB, 1224x449, 342143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redditors even think Henry Cavill is an incel because he's not a turbo feminist praising women 24/7.

>> No.21434885

>You'll never see an alpha male use the word incel
This. Alpha incel here, and I would never mock my incel bros. I know how hard it is.

>> No.21434901

>Wtf even is Incel ideology
Basically sexual Marxism
>means of production = means of reproduction
>bourgeoisie = chads and women
>the shrinking petit bourgeoisie = male normies and numales
>proletariat = incels
>lumpenproletariat = faggots, trannies, pedos, etc.
>revolution = beta uprising
>alienated work = wageslavery for a gynocentric society

>> No.21434908

>This is why women and men need to accept Jesus Christos and rise above their innately fallen nature and refocus their vision on the life after, not the one currently.

This is the definition of nihilism

>> No.21435054


>> No.21435057

Normies filter all experience through social acceptability and popularity. Social acceptability is the condition of possibility of all acts, and popularity is the entelechy of social acceptability. All normies must remain socially acceptable, but desire to be popular, which is the normie version of virtue or excellence. Only a few can be popular at a given time, because to be popular means to be admired by the more numerous unpopular, the "mere audience." At any given time the vast majority of normies are in a state of "temporarily embarrassed popularity," in their mind it's been a terrible accident that they HAPPEN to be standing in the audience, because they are MEANT to be up on stage, a fact that the audience and the other actors would instantly acknowledge if the audience was not temporarily and contingently obscuring them. Normies handle the cognitive dissonance and anxiety of being temporarily and erroneously unpopular in a few ways:
>delusion (fantasizing that they are actually popular)
>coercion (compelling small groups or captive individuals to accede to their delusion, usually in short bursts and unstable mutual dynamics)
>slave morality / communism (instead of the "only some can be popular, the rest are anonymous audience slaves at the bottom" eat or be eaten model, switching to a "we're all audience slaves down here at the universal bottom :) everybody is his own popular and unpopular guy in one, haha let's all just get along lol everybody is popular to somebody :)"), aka the reddit solution, aka the goatee + rick/morty + wife looks like a shrek solution
1 and 2 are more common with women, 3 is more common with redditor men, but all are present in all normies in different degrees at different times. Women default to 3 when in pack situations in particular, it's like their idling or camouflage mode.

>> No.21435061

Type 3 also requires both delusion and compulsion. It's a collective form of the individual delusion of type 1, because it's obviously pathetic and disgusting, and can never really satisfy the craving for "pure" egoistic master morality type popularity (which everybody in type 3 knows that any type 3 would take instantly, given the opportunity). The slightest glimpse in the mirror can thus fill a normie with self-disgust, and especially disgust for those partaking in the circlejerk, and make them repudiate the circlejerk. Maintaining the circlejerk therefore requires coercion, because the delusion only works if everybody maintains it. Breakaways need to be crushed and realigned with the circlejerk immediately, including a Winston Smith style admission that they were wrong and there was never anything beyond the circlejerk. Everybody is thus on some level aware that they could be the next one to lose synchronization and be crushed, so they paradoxically both desire to become the ultimate crushers to camouflage and protect themselves, and to repudiate the circle and escape. This instability raises their potential of losing their synchronization, which in turn raises their anxiety, and their desire to crush rather than be crushed. Over time, circlejerking normies develop highly complex and efficient forms of ritual humiliation by upping the ante each time, as each normie vents his anxiety about being destroyed on the scapegoat of the hour, then begins the cycle again by fearing it will happen to him next.

This anxiety builds up into a huge electric potential in the circlejerk, like a game of duck duck goose where no one has control over who gets picked, but everyone can feel the next pick is coming. The potential energy gets vented into whatever individual has been identified, ouija-like, as corresponding to one of the archetypal scapegoats, in a massive electrical discharge that fries the unfortunate retard into dust, after which he is reassembled as an ashen slave, fit again for the eternal jerk.

>> No.21435063

Normies can't create anything themselves, since all of their energy is focused on being as generic and thus as camouflaged as possible, to avoid the pain of social unacceptability, which is tantamount to non-being (death) for them. All conceptual and symbolic novelty available to normies is therefore paradoxically drawn from the rare successful breakaways or anomalous and feral never-jerkers, who go off and form blessedly isolated individual communities not predicated on acceptability or popularity, but on self-cultivation and individuation, typically in moderately gregarious yet agonal structures which are thus capable of generating novelty, whether rhizomatic or teleological, anarchic or hierarchic. When a normie circlejerk comes into contact with one of these structures, it assimilates it to the only form of experience it knows, the form of social acceptability with popularity as its maximum and non-being as its minimum. The otherness of the foreign structure is experienced as the highest possible intensity of non-being, and thus as ultimately embodying whatever scapegoat archetype is applied. All members of the circle discharge their potential energy into the scapegoated non-normie structure even more eagerly than usual. If the non-normie structure has a means of escape, this lashing out of normie energy may scar it, but it will simply send it careening off in another direction, where it will be safe until it encounters another normie jerk circle. However, if the non-normie structure is trapped in some way, it will be attacked continuously, and eventually broken down and absorbed into the normie structure. Often even in a glancing collision, a few members of the non-normie structure will also be shaved off, absorbed and enslaved by the normie structure, bringing bits of novelty with them.

To understand the "incel" archetype one has to understand its dual origin. In the first place, it originated in a loose, rhizomatic network of non-normie structures (of various kinds), as a polysemic term or "family resemblance." In this context it was simultaneously a way for unhappy men to designate what they took to be an aspect or cause of their unhappiness, and a way for these and other unhappy men who understood the term's simple unironic use to self-deprecate and commiserate, both ironically and unironically depending on the subcontext, about having or being perceived to have traits typically associated with the unironic simple use of the term. As is typical in these sorts of communities not predicated on social acceptability and routine ritual humiliation, all sorts of emergent complexity occurred and the term was something that could only be "lived" by integrating into the communities that used it in their various overlapping and self-referential ways. Epistemologically speaking "incel" is thus a symbol and not a concept, at least in its original living context.

>> No.21435065

In the second place, repeated collisions between this rhizomatic non-normie network and normie circlejerks caused a gradual absorption of many non-normie concepts and symbols. By necessity these had to be reduced and remade in the image of the normie. For the most part these appropriations were superficial, as most normie appropriations are, that is, they are only more things to say and do because one's neighbor in the circlejerk is doing them, to prevent desynchronization and ritual humiliation. An example of this is when a reddit or twitter user claims to be familiar with 4chan, but seems to perceive familiarity with 4chan as saying things like "I LOVE DANK MEMES" in real life. But the incel symbol corresponded enough to the normie's dipolar understanding of possible being (popular / nonexistent as the two extrema) that a hybridization occurred, or rather a kind of taxidermy, as the playful polysemy of the symbol was gutted of everything living, and stuffed with the normie dipolar conception, to act as yet another scapegoat archetype.

Much of the external variety of the symbol was maintained, and to all appearances one could not distinguish between a normie's and a non-normie's use of it in passing. For example, both superficially seem to be designating "virgin," "loser," "weirdo," "weirdo who deserves his suffering," etc., by the term incel. But the concept was now dead and immobile, a still image of life where life once was. No new variety could emerge from it, barring future collisions with and assimilations of non-normie structures bearing more developed versions of the incel symbol. And any acute observer would notice this in the "flatness" of the normie use of the term, which, thanks to the normie regression toward the mean in all things, gets flatter and flatter, collapses more and more into older scapegoat archetypes (virgin, loser, weirdo) and ultimately reveals the naked condition of possibility underlying it (socially unacceptable, unpopular, non-entity, dead, glad it's not me) to the properly trained eye.

>> No.21435070

I won't pretend to understand this skitzo rant but all the energy you've put into it could have been used to chat up some girl and have sex with her.

>> No.21435071
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>> No.21435081

>He simply makes statements, literally just his opinion without any attempt at proving his position.
This is every philosopher.

It's quite simply ad hominem. If you have any criticism of the current sexual politics and are male, you are an incel. If you're female, you're a "pick me". Basically blacktop psychoanalysis where anyone who doesn't agree with the majority is just angry at the lack of female attention or trying to get male attention (for males and females, respectively). Really reminds me of people saying "well you're just jealous!".

His argument is the kind of stuff people think when they're high on weed: hasn't been subjected to proper scrutiny, various other explanations/possibilities abound, doesn't hold in all historical or anthropological scenarios, etc. He's probably right anyway but it's a terrible argument.

>> No.21435099

Wow, so you're like a triple retard nigger turbo redditor. I'm very surprised you aren't using a trip here, too.

>> No.21435102

kek'd and capped

>> No.21435147

a brilliant rant. I didn't understand half of it.

>> No.21435156

If this is organic then it's one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

>> No.21435183

>its just a simple fact that a man's "morals" crumble when he's tempted with sex enough
the fuck how stupid do you have to be to actually believe this?

>> No.21435186

Shut up you fucking hole

>> No.21435203


>> No.21435224

Basically just means "nonconformist" to them.

>> No.21435534

I don't really agree with Schopenhauer but the response from these people is pure faggotry.

>> No.21435539

>Henry fucking Cavill
>the platonic form of a perfect masculine chad
absolutely mind broken

>> No.21435547

>chat up some girl and have sex with her
>some girl
More like a dozen at least

>> No.21435552


>> No.21435556

Based schizoanalyzer. I swear you are the same anon who uses deleuzian terminology in other threads.

>> No.21435565

>Most rapes and sexual scandals are done by men because they crumble when it comes to sexual opportunities

This is such a retarded take. How would a woman rape a physically much more stronger man?

>> No.21436352

It's called alimony

>> No.21436399

Schoppy btfo by based redditors once again

>> No.21437231

Wait until they see what Aristotle said about women.

>> No.21437259

Wait until they see what literally every man before the 20th century said about women.

>> No.21437438

>I'm glad his dead
Would they want someone born in 1788 to be alive?
Also he's right.
t. someone who loves women and thinks they are fine

>> No.21437470

Imagine being a woman and having their innately neurotic nature.
A guy tells a guy about his interests and the other guy says he isn’t interested in that kinda stuff. They both sit in silence without thinking about how the other is thinking satisfied with having “broken the ice”
Now a woman experiencing the same thing would be losing it in her own head. She’d be wondering if she fucked everything up, depending on her upbringing she might be preemptively judging the man and saying he’s a loser because of his interests just so she can defend herself from a potential insult that will never come from the man. Most women are genuinely insane like this

>> No.21437595

Maybe it's just because I'm a woman, but you could make good arguments as to why having a 'sense of justice' is not indicative of whether a person is capable of logical deduction and inference. You could also say that justice is often a concept used within societies to hold individuals up to a common standards, i. e. to keep them in line (like with state prosecuting agencies.) The standard of justice also creates a moral debt system within society. But this is just my irrational, hysterical, female judgement

>> No.21437598

>But this is just my irrational, hysterical, female judgement
Yes, it was.

>> No.21437605

but yeah their responses are just adhoms so they suck lol

>> No.21437609

Redditors takes on Aritstole is equally bad because to them hes the "Le slavery good" guy, its like they think he existed in a modern world. And of course if you click their profile you see its some tranny who posts on r/actuallesbians (Kek).

>> No.21437674
File: 24 KB, 728x410, frrxsACg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, the word incel didn't really exist until 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure. I had never heard of it until then. Sure the word it comes from incelibate has existed for a long time. But the shortened version was helped into the world by the propagators of all things evil. You know the ones. Discord trannies, Redditors, JIDF, kikes, and other bad actors. The word did not come into the vocabulary of the masses naturally. The weird thing is that the types of people which normies accuse of fitting the term 'incel' often stray very far from the actual meaning of the word. Normies seem to think that the word incel was used by many to refer to themselves. And that there were "communities of incels" who wore that term proudly. These are flat out lies. Nobody used this word. Straight up revisionism. We're being gaslighted into thinking that it wasn't artificially worked into the vocabulary of people so that they had easy words to use against people who are critical of women. It really has become a word that immediately identifies its user as being the lowest of the low, easily programmable by the connected conciousness that is normies.

>> No.21438475

One of the smartest posts I have read on /lit/

>> No.21438513

I'm convinced women really hate penis.

>> No.21438522

I swear women do this on purpose. It's why good to evil, in the pluralism of the universe, is equalled by "man to woman"

>> No.21438928

If anyone wants any idea of how intelligent and aware the average woman is(the average woman being most women) just look at women with personality disorders like HPD or BPD. You’ll see that they’re literally just women but with some of their filters turned off because they’ve been raised in environments where they’ve been taught that they aren’t as necessary as they thought. Look at any comment section or talk to one irl and you’ll immediately notice that they’re aware of their bullshit but because they have a medical term for it they feel like it’s fine to talk about it so instead of viewing it as a reflection of their character they use it as an excuse.
This is why most men hated women. They’re not less logical than men or anything, they’re entirely capable but they act like they’re not. They could do most things a man could do but they don’t have a single reason to. They’re deceitful about their abilities and passive. Imagine a man that’s entirely capable of understanding his emotional state, can understand his impact on others, can take of himself, and hold a job, but he just chooses to wait until someone comes along to do it for him.

>> No.21438933

Men and women are not artificial gender roles tranny

>> No.21438943

Women are pieces of shit
This is a very divisive matter that allows us to tell who 's an npc

>> No.21438949

>Imagine a man that’s entirely capable of understanding his emotional state, can understand his impact on others, can take of himself, and hold a job, but he just chooses to wait until someone comes along to do it for him.

wow literally me

>> No.21439055

lmao sending this to my gf, she's a big schoppy fan