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21410736 No.21410736 [Reply] [Original]

Is he overrated?

>> No.21410758

Honestly yes. Half is stories are the same, about his fear of being burried alive. I've heard his poetry is good but i can't confirm it.
Lovecraft is miles better when it comes to horror.

>> No.21410807

Stylistically he's on Melville's level or even better but his stories are just "woe is me oh spook twist ending". I don't know. I'd even go as far as to say he's the best prose writer that the English language ever had which does get him a spot with the greats, he birthed the mystery novel and wrote some of the first sci-fi stories ever. He's /lit/'s equivalent of Hitchcock - technically groundbreaking and influential but when you dig below the surface the substance just isn't there. One thing I know is that The Raven rightfully deserves its spot as one of the greatest poems in English ever.

>> No.21410815

No, not even by stans like Baudelaire Context is everything.

>> No.21410818

He's properly rated.

>> No.21411767


>> No.21411778

I honestly don't get the appeal. Maybe he's better in French?

>> No.21411800

All how highly do you rate him, anon?
Lovecraft is unironically one of the most overrated 20th century US authors. He's not bad, but massively overrated

>> No.21412742


>> No.21412907
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That's ironic... Poe is neither Holy nor Roman nor an Empire... But he is the quintessential thinker, and that's why he's so often in the center of the great literary men of history. God help us all if we ever manage to understand what precisely he was trying to tell us about life.

>> No.21413026

He had maybe the best technical command of the English language I've seen, or damn near it.

>> No.21413107

Is he fuck. OP you should feel disappointed, how can you consider yourself an eco-goth now?

>> No.21413109
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Woops forgot the old picture

>> No.21413110

Of the three great american romanticists only Poe is still widely read by the average reader
Melville is still read, but people focus on Moby-Dick alone, and if we go by the comments I've seen online, they're likely to drop it before making it halfway in.
Hawthorne is only still read because some US schools make students read parts of the Scarlet Letter and maybe a couple of stories like the minister's black veil and rappaccini’s daughter.
Poe is the only author of the three who people pick up of their own accord -not from a half-hearted impulse to read a classic title like Moby Dick or forced by a school assignement-.

>> No.21413117

Bartleby the scrivener goes hard no cap

>> No.21413236
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>but his stories are just "woe is me oh spook twist ending".
That was his thing though. He felt the purpose of art was to reveal a Platonic ideal. A story was meant to perfectly capture one tone or mood, be that horror, regret, youthful love, or whatever. That's why he preferred short stories over other forms. Writing the Pit and the Pendulum as a seven hundred page novel just wouldn't work; instead of growing dread, the reader would just feel fatigue and relief at the ending.

Criticizing his stories for lack of substance is like criticizing a Japanese haiku for its simplicity.

>> No.21413249

literally me fr fr

>> No.21413251
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>Lovecraft is unironically one of the most overrated 20th century US authors. He's not bad, but massively overrated
He's a weird case. I would say he was a second rate writer but a genius dreamer.

His purple prose is less offensive because it matches the subject matter so well. 'Congeries of luminescent orbs' is grotesque, but if he described the same as 'a bunch of glowing balls' it wouldn't be spooky at all.

>> No.21413260

Poe is arguably the most popular and beloved American English poet of all time. Considering the quality of his work, he’s pretty fairly rated

>> No.21413279
File: 39 KB, 488x488, GUEST_9b43d03a-f0d1-4322-87ab-34e2305813ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this last year, his only published novel. Most people don't start here, but they should. Most people try to start at his poems or short stories, they may been forced to read some of them in middle and high school, but it's really his only finished novel that shows he had talent that went wasted. He's amazing. He's ahead of Jules Verne and Melville, and they are totally inspired by him. It actually got me into nautical books. I'm reading Moby Dick now, and was too intimidated to do that, until I read this. Read "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket" if you really want to get to know Poe. Everything else is too small or is some kind of commentary of what was going on in his era without context. You won't get where he is coming from unless you read this.

>> No.21413321

Yes. Using archaic words for the hell of it is fucking insanely pretentious.
That being said, The Cask of Amontillado is his best story, not The Raven.

>> No.21414766

Can't spell poem without Poe.

>> No.21414804

As a gothic writer? No, he was brilliant. As pretty much everything else? Yes, he was mediocre at best. His science fiction was awful, his comedies read like bad parodies of Wilde's work and his only novel is an inconsistent mess.

>> No.21414822

He's an horror writer and the best out of the bunch. Doesn't mean he holds a candle to Faulkner or Joyce.

>> No.21414835

>Yes. Using archaic words for the hell of it is fucking insanely pretentious.

>> No.21414852

His poetry is extremely overrated. His prose is still perhaps a bit overrated but significantly less so. He has a few wonderful stories.

>> No.21415215
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>> No.21415242


>> No.21415349
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>tfw Poe is actually hilarious


>> No.21415375

Required in American High Schools evidently important, I'd say they should have more Analytical and Expository work rather than industrial science intentions overall in the modern era Literary Fiction, as in now, is considered an aim what the problem is "Collegiate based economy, metropolitan court, and immigration increases wealth for all and decreases the social friendliness of foreigners or beginners making polity a purely philosophical investigation"

>> No.21415670

You also can't spell advertisements without semen between the tits.

>> No.21415684

His poetry only makes sense when recited with a garish Boston accent.

>> No.21415687

Wait, he wrote science fiction?

>> No.21415700


>> No.21415714

Maybe overrated in the century that he wrote in, however since no one reads anymore, that makes EVERY author underrated

>> No.21415722
File: 21 KB, 700x400, og-virginia-eliza-clemm-poe-33684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that he never had sex with his cousinfu and she died a virgin?

>> No.21415741

He did. "The Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfall" is dull as fuck.