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/lit/ - Literature

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21398446 No.21398446 [Reply] [Original]

u fags should read AT LEAST READ these before u can talk about ANYTHING about marxism
-Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right (1843),
-On the Jewish Question (1843),
-Notes on James Mill (1844),
-Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 (1844),
-Theses on Feuerbach (1845),
-The Poverty of Philosophy (1845),
-Wage-Labor and Capital (1847),
-The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon (1852),
-Grundrisse (1857),
-Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1859),
-Theories of Surplus Value, 3 volumes (1862),
-Value, Price and Profit (1865),
-Capital vol. 1 (1867),
-The Civil War in France (1871),
-Critique of the Gotha Program (1875),
-Notes on Wagner (1883)
-The German Ideology (1845),
-The Holy Family (1845),
-Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848),
-Writings on the U.S. Civil War (1861),
-Capital, vol. 2 [posthumously, published by Engels] (1885),
-Capital, vol. 3 [posthumously, published by Engels] (1894)

>> No.21398455

I considered myself Marxist and believe that list to be long. You're essentially saying that people should read the entire body of knowledge Marx wrote.

I believe you can criticize as you advance. Most stuff can be easily answered in a forum like this one.

Also 18 Brumaire is great

>> No.21398570

Counterpoint: I haven't read any of these and I will still shitpost about marxoids to my delight.

>> No.21398573

Still funny that 2600 pages of cope still gets btfo'd by 3-4 shitposts. marxists eternally seethe

>> No.21398836

>people should read marx to call themselves marxists
yes, anon. from time to time some chud will screech "MARX NEVER CONSIDERED THIS!11!11!!" and then you actually go read marx and learn he did consider it. wrote about it extensively, in fact

>> No.21398876

Marxists are such sophists. You can play the same game for almost any opinion or ideology.
> Before you criticize Catholicism have you read the Summa Theologica? the Contra Gentiles? the blah blah blee bloo? every translation of the Bible that has existed in human history? etc.? etc.?
Seriously. This is such a meme argument.

>> No.21398890

>u fags should read
lol stopped reading there

>> No.21398944
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>bunch of crap from the ((19th century))
lol good one shlomo