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/lit/ - Literature

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21388086 No.21388086 [Reply] [Original]


Previous thread >>21383424

>> No.21388096
File: 95 KB, 486x261, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with interracial marriage?

>> No.21388103 [DELETED] 

It's a shame that kike bitch didn't get raped to death by Carlists or Falangists

30 to 40 men all taking turns, then a bullet to the back of the head or a bayonet to the throat

>> No.21388108

"It has never been so easy to get what we need. Now we just have to learn how to do without what we don't need."

Rolls of the tongue like an antique hexameter.

>> No.21388113

Arranged marriages suck so we went with marriage based on love.
But we fucked up by remaining under capitalism and then marriage was often based on financial stability. Still unhappy marriages resulted.
Now it’s for love, but also sexual attraction, which has been a sales pitch for a few decades now.
If you live side by side with other so-called races, you’re going to get some interbreeding. Has it really gotten above 10% out-group “IR”? Certainly not above 20%

>> No.21388188

Love is a euphemism for sexual attraction, which doesn't last and few men are capable of based on arbitrary circumstances. Capitalism is a word that doesn't really mean anything. Race will follow suit

>> No.21388237

do you ever force yourself to finish a book you don't enjoy? i'm reading gore vidal's creation right now and it's fine but i kinda want to drop it and read something else.

>> No.21388276
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I walk with fluidity, I play with everything the ground has to offer, I bounce on everything I cross. I talk a lot to myself, I say all kind of things I never would have thought of if I was talking to people, and I don't talk a lot with people. I even make myself laugh sometimes. I feel like I'm the only one that can say thoses things, those very special things without any particular sens, without any particular point and being able to hear them.

>> No.21388284

The /lit/ top 100 has, no surprise, already turned to shit. Spammers and retards shitting up the poll, etc.

>> No.21388319

Attraction often initiates a relationship.
Chemistry binds it through the years
Love is the way we feel about one another.
Dedication despite the rest falling apart is sometimes all that remains for older couples

Phallic buildings are euphemisms for the builders shortcomings and desire to dominate

>> No.21388325

In the days when you were helpless and poor
I just liked you more

>> No.21388363
File: 25 KB, 612x466, gettyimages-108925755-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was 10 years old i went to the beach with my family. there was a fat lady swimming in the ocean and she said that because she was fat she floats better. i made friends with her retarded son so she invited me to have lunch with them. she spilled potato salad all over her fat wet thigh. i looked at it, then i looked at her and we made awkward eye contact for what seemed like a very long time. she then took her spoon and scooped up the potato salad from her thigh and put it in her mouth. i remember this very vividly.

>> No.21388380

What does chemistry bind if the way we feel about one another changes like the first gray winter sky after a hot summer?

>> No.21388426

The internet has completely eroded my ability to focus. Since the emergence of widespread lockdowns I just turned into a mindless online consoomer who isn't able to read a few pages without his mind wandering off or the desire to pick up my phone. I used to be an avid reader but now I just feel like a brainfried internet addict with no willpower at all.

>> No.21388450

Like I said, if the chemistry falls apart, the sexual attraction has also faded, is love enough to make it work? Only dedication holds them together. Say they do it for the children they made. Maybe sleep in separate bedrooms even. There’s a dozen ways things go.

>> No.21388506

Is Rudolph actually canon in Christmas media? I watch all these movies and they list/show all the other reindeer, but they never seem to include Rudolph.

>> No.21388524

13 years of my life have condensed into four words: the future is Creativity.

>> No.21388579

Things go like the wind

>> No.21388581

The question is why would you want to be friends with a fat lady's retarded son? Did you see a fat lady with a face so plain that it was ugly and think, "What a majestic creature! I must get close to her. I know! I will befriend her retarded son."

>> No.21388602 [SPOILER] 

Your demeanor
so colorful
so gentle
just like that
you disappeared

>> No.21388615

The world needs a VERY large rudder, but one at the same time is gentle enough so as to not imperialistically destroy existing traditions and previous accomplishments, but rather highlight and encourage their best aspects.

>> No.21388629

I'm obese. Thanks, America.

>> No.21388695

Dubs and I have a car accident today

>> No.21388725

Anyone got the pasta of the girl at the food vendor?

>> No.21388820

I just wish that -- when I still had his attention -- after the first couple days of meeting him maybe even, that i had the guts to just say, i love you, im obsessed with you, i think about you all the time

He said he received flattery before is what kills me sometimes thinking back

But i barely knew him anyways i guess

>> No.21388869
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I need to be honest with you, brehs. I just can't cope.
I used to not care about my dick size, but now I do. One girl broke up with me this being the main cause of her decision, another girl made fun of me because of it and normal-sized connies don't fit.
It's easy to think "I'll just stop caring about it", but I cannot do that. I don't even want to get girls into my bed anymore, don't want to show them.

>> No.21388877

I've always heard it as "hopelessly poor"

>> No.21388893

As a /lit/ poster from 4chan, I'm here to share some memes and discuss literature.

First of all, let's talk about the classic "I tried to read Ulysses but it was too hard so I just watched the movie" meme. We've all been there, right? James Joyce's Ulysses is a notoriously difficult read, and sometimes it's just easier to watch the movie instead.

Next up, we have the "I don't always read books, but when I do, I prefer classics" meme. This one hits close to home for many of us on /lit/. There's just something about the timeless wisdom of the classics that keeps us coming back for more.

And of course, we can't forget the "One does not simply walk into Mordor" meme. This one is perfect for all the Tolkein fans out there. Whether you're reading The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings, you know that venturing into Mordor is no easy feat.

In conclusion, /lit/ is the place to be for all your literary memes and discussions. So grab your favorite book and join in on the fun!

>> No.21388903
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>When you're on /lit/ and someone tries to derail the discussion with memes

>> No.21388930
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>When you're on /lit/ and someone makes a deep, thought-provoking comment that makes you reevaluate your entire worldview

>> No.21388987

What the hell Jerry

>> No.21388989

You're a woman.

>> No.21389007
File: 310 KB, 1080x1015, elder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed how different the Orthodox Christian world is from the evangelical protestant world.
>lots of feelings, emotions, language tends to be vague and wishy washy, the people are very nice
>they don't care about feelings or emotions, they have very specific and clearly defined terminology, their worldview is much more concrete and structured, they might not always appear as nice or friendly on a surface level, but they aren't trying to be rude either; they simply care about truth rather than feelings

>> No.21389021
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When I was 4 I already began asking myself why there is something rather than nothing. Now I no longer care because I see possible solutions. I independently discovered open individualism through the intuition that I will be reincarnated but with no order, karma, or souls whatsoever. A few weeks ago I was bored so I decided to solve the problem of the edge of space, and after thinking for 7-10 minutes I realized that this universe has no edge and is finite at the same time, because it is a 3-torus, a slice of a 4D space. So the only “edge” is in an entirely imperceptible dimension. I view everything through the lens of evolution, the emergence of order and complexity from chaos. For this reason I don’t believe in God, since causality evolved, the universe evolved, life evolved, and religion evolved. Who can blame ancient humans for crediting the gods with lightning? Perhaps both life and religion started with a lightning bolt.

>> No.21389036

What's the best translation of the complete works of Plato? I can bring my skills up to par in Latin if there aren't any proper English translations. No modernist garbage that plays language games to twist the words of Plato.

>> No.21389041

Used to be everyone hated it. NO, you cannot be with him. You can't marry her. What are you, crazy? That will never work.

That's what the cat said to his daughter when she brought the dog home for dinner. Are you crazy? What if you guys get married? They say don't talk politics and religion at a family event. What about when Spot the Rottweiler starts talking about his favorite chew toys? Fiddo was eyeballin' Grandma Whiskers all night, like a bone!

They say, oh, interracial marriage. That's a travesty. It'll be raining cats and dogs. Well, yeah, thats the point. After the intermarriage, it will be raining cats and dogs.

That is why I now use the phrase, "raining niggers and wops."

>> No.21389048
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In fact, Orthodox Christians generally see emotions as irrelevant at best, or even a trick from the demons at worst. The Orthodox believe that it is very dangerous to let yourself get carried away in emotional hysteria. They believe that it can be a trick from the demons.
You may have seen videos of evangelical megachurches where the crowd is lifting up their hands and crying while very melodramatic music is playing. Such a scene would not be allowed in the Orthodox Church. They consider this sort of thing to be a tool of the demons.

>> No.21389056

Unfathomably based.

>> No.21389058

Through artificial (in a way even natural selection)selection favoring those skin tones (read melanin levels) that did not die from exposure to the sun during their
slave labor in the outdoors the nigger came into existence. The implication here being that niggers have been a slave race, and hence (in relation to the master race) an inferior race, for a very long time in order to achieve such dark skin. Since niggers were bred to favor certain characteristics by the white race it can be understood how the mere fact of them being treated as animals or irrational beings in this way show their inferiority in the hierarchy of beings. The Whites would never have done this too any race they shared any sense of brotherhood with.

So why did we have a change of heart and set them free? We wouldn't do it willingly, and so we must have surrendered to a higher order of being, a higher race. What is this race? And why did they free the nigger? Why would we allow the current sacred-cow-ization of the nigger in the presently developing world order, of according the same priviledges of a master to a slave, when previously it would have been absurd to even consider it, if it were not forced upon us? What self-respecting white person would willingly accept such an insult?

>> No.21389084

If by kid is meant a human child (a physical rational being or Aryan in an early stage of development, something a nigger is not, being still part of the animal kingdom), a kid is not the result of interracial sex; whatever come out of white woman's vagina nine months after performing the ungodly act with the nigger is an abomination against not the natural law (since the nigger is a natural being) but against the intelligible law which binds only rational beings, and hence the white woman. And just because the little half niglet is born of the white womans womb does not make it Aryan, because although it has physical characteristics similar to the Aryan, it will lack those characteristics exclusive to a being of pure Aryan blood, the form of a pure Aryan being necessary as the vehicle which biologically makes these higher powers possible. Otherwise, the form is not that of an Aryan child, a "kid", but instead that of an aberration of woman away from the holy.

>> No.21389101

Hope is a dreadful thing

>> No.21389122

>I view everything through the lens of evolution, the emergence of order and complexity from chaos.

Based, we are an extension of the creativity that is intrinsic to the universe, a way for the universe to create with itself.

Consider human consciousness as an evolutionary process where question, choice, and action correpond to mutation, selection, and reproduction. A question is an information-seeking act, in the broadest sense our sense-perception is the result of information-seeking acts of our nervous system, which continually mutates our consciousness by exposure to new experiences. We can also of course intentionally ask questions of ourselves and our experiences, and by following the resulting lines of inquiry apprehend new possibilities beyond our immediate reach that choice can dig its teeth into. Choice is a purely destructive act, the elimination of possibilities from a list according to some criterion, to favor choice at the expense of questioning is to cause a progressive whittling-down of variety until stagnation is reached.

A recommendation emerges from this: to nourish your conscious freedom, seek The Unknown.

>> No.21389129
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This was a copypasta i posted as a joke but ok

>> No.21389133

>Acknowledges the beauty of nature
>Denies the existence of heaven

>> No.21389147

>>Denies the existence of heaven
Unequivocally false

>Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.

>> No.21389157


>> No.21389166
File: 775 KB, 1387x1704, DerMetaphysikerDerMetaphysiker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have noticed how different the Kantian system is from the evangelical protestant world.
>>lots of feelings, emotions, language tends to be vague and wishy washy, the people are very nice
>Kantian system
>>they don't care about feelings or emotions, they have very specific and clearly defined terminology, their worldview is much more concrete and structured, they might not always appear as nice or friendly on a surface level, but they aren't trying to be rude either; they simply care about truth rather than feelings

>> No.21389189
File: 40 KB, 296x550, 1632169971008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orthodox Christians have refuted Kantianism though!

>> No.21389190

Clairvoyant anons, what is the poster to lurker ratio? How many lurkers for every poster?

>> No.21389191

I demand an explanation!

>> No.21389195
File: 170 KB, 1200x1713, 1200x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this guy a wizard? A orthodox priests wizards? Come to think of it- Catholic high priests look like wizards too. Can these guys throw fireballs fr tho? Or use force lightning like a jedi?

>> No.21389206

Forgive me Lord for this cringe, but the Orthodox clearly have the Jedi aesthetic and the Catholics have that Sith aesthetic.

>> No.21389219
File: 235 KB, 1534x859, sovl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that is sort of fitting in a way because Orthodox Christians are good whereas the Roman Papist church is of the devil.
This is only a loose analogy however. Jedi philosophy is not equivalent to Orthodox Christian theology. In fact, Jedi philosophy is more like Buddhism or gnosticism, which is Satanic.

>> No.21389222
File: 185 KB, 493x429, IFuckingLoveCocaine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy the Movie: Proto-Religion
Starring: Winona Ryder as Philosophy, Johnny Depp as Immanuel Kant, Bret Michaels as David Hume, Matt Damon as all the platonic philosophers fused into the one person of Plato, and Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hegel.

>> No.21389234

Probably 5 or 7 lurkers for 1 poster

>> No.21389280

I think a lot of people would be surprised how many young women are actually virgins, especially this crop that just went through covid. Just because they can get matches more easily doesn't mean they are fucking. There is a great deal of anxiety around sex on both sides of the gender divide at the moment.

>> No.21389288

spoken like a true virgin

>> No.21389298

I love this kind of prosaic quip. There's no comeback to it. 100% kalm, 100% powerplay.

>> No.21389301

not a virgin just gay and trans

>> No.21389308

Thank God I'm an agnostic

>> No.21389312

Then you don't have any right to talk about what's going on in the women's world.
P.S.: Don't say gay when you've really just given up on women and think the closest you can get is to vicariously have sex with a "woman" through the man who is railing your ass.

>> No.21389328

I was just kidding

>> No.21389338

Then I retract my statement and gargle your cock'n'balls m'lord.

>> No.21389344

It is my birthday. I would not have known if my ex hadn't texted me "Happy Birthday." I'm ready to die.

>> No.21389351

Happy Birthday ANON

>> No.21389352

>Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hegel.
I would actually want to see this

>> No.21389361

It’s been endlessly interesting to me that words from a long dead stranger can have such a profound impact on the reader. I have been thinking about this before I go to bed. Not sure if it holds any significance or if there’s any real reasoning, but it’s fun to think about!

>> No.21389412

The Roman Catholic Church is the One True Faith.

It was founded by Jesus Christ himself. Orthodox bros didn't like Apostolic succession and teh bishop of Rome, so they broke away, damning themselves for eternity.

>> No.21389426

Thanks, pal.

>> No.21389434

What an ugly kike. I know multiple women who look just like her.

>> No.21389437

>Apostolic succession and teh bishop of Rome,
Hol up, is the Pope the successor of Peter? Is the Papacy an initiatic tradition directly from Peter, which passes on the mysteries of Peter exclusively from Pope to Pope?

>> No.21389447

The official Catholic position is that the Orthodox have grace. in fact, the official Catholic position is that prots, baptists, and even mormons still have grace through invincible ignorance. The catholic church has even insinuated that jews, muslims, buddhists, and even atheists will go to heaven.

>> No.21389462

Can animals go heaven?

>> No.21389473

Everytime i get banned my life gets better. Then i get not banned and my life goes to shit. Guess I'm getting banned again lads. By my works you shall know me.

>> No.21389477

I have no idea. The pope said he would baptize ayylmaos so there's no way to know what the fuck the caths are up to now. If you're talking about REALITY, then NO they don't have souls.

>> No.21389478

The Pope is the successor of Christ.
The papacy is a tradition directly from Christ.

>> No.21389482

No, none of that is true. The only salvation comes through the Church.

All that other bullshit is likely kiked nonsense that came into being after the faggots, communists, and kikes subverted teh church.

the current pope is a heretic and an apostate. The seat of Peter is vacant.

>> No.21389492

The Christ said that the gates of Hell would not prevail against His Church. If the Catholic Church has been subverted for over 100 years and has led millions(soon to be billions) of people to hell already then I'd say it failed to withstand the gates of Hell, unlike the Orthodox Church.
The only other possibility at this point is some random tiny unaffiliated church in the middle east that will remain forever based and which we have no hope of ever knowing unless we wander the deserts for 40 years in search of it.

>> No.21389510

Hypothetically, if there were an animal that approximated human being as close as an can without becoming human, then, in reality would that animal go to heaven? Imagine a highly evolved ape which is not quite yet human.

>> No.21389518

>The papacy is a tradition directly from Christ.
Through Peter?

>> No.21389525

That's nonsense in Christian theology because the soul has nothing to do with humanness or attributes. It's explicitly something given to human beings and not something "emanated" from material properties.

>> No.21389538

Ok but what counts as a human being to be given a soul? What separates man from animal? Or, in any case, from any other type of being?

>> No.21389580

If we are already taking God as a granted (for argument), then a human is just whatever God says is a human. He says humans have souls, so they have souls. I can't give you materialistic explanations for this because you can't ask for someone to justify something with its contradiction.

>> No.21389602

This just pushes the question one level lower, but doesn't answer it; how does God distinguish human being from non-human being?

>> No.21389647

You think in very materialistic terms and anthropomorphize God. You assume there is a universal truth and God, so you've already thrown things like ambiguity out of the window. Everything is entirely arbitrated by God.
For an extremely autistic example, imagine a video game in which there are several classes of objects, such as "cat", "dog", "human", etc. The programmer designed everything with an objective in mind and can distinguish everything perfectly. If there were objects like "ape" which could "evolve" to become humanlike, they still wouldn't be part of the class of "human" objects, though "humans" in the game world may not be able to distinguish it so easily.
The programmer has perfect knowledge and doesn't need to determine anything. If the variable "hasSoul" is true, then that's all that's necessary.

>> No.21389655

This isn't even a perfect example, it's more like a human's fantasy world within his own head. He already knows all the properties of the world he created, and can determine whatever he wants at any point. There's no need for rigorous distinction because everything is determined simply by the will.

>> No.21389675

So basically, between two physically indiscernable organisms, what makes one human, as opposed to non-human, is a non-physical property, namely that it has a God-given soul. Is that right?

>> No.21389686

Went on an outing with my family. I find them insufferable. They're hyper political and plugged in.
Like you are over 60 years old you should not be paying attention to online flame wars. You should be involved in local volunteer work and your church. You shouldn't be following the drama of streamers; the kind of content produced for retarded young adults.
It's extremely embarrassing. I try to distance myself from my family because they're talking about this shit loudly in public with zero self awareness.
They're the kind of upper middle class folk that treat politics like a sport in an extremely superficial way. The type that browses FiveThirtyEight in their free time
"here's the thing about the demographics in order for the Y to win they need to secure the votes of suburban....
"omg X generic candidate won in a landslide. This is a massive win for MY side"
blah blah blah
Yet they're also utterly incapable of tolerating dissenting opinion from anyone slightly to the left or right of them.
If you at all question, or a skeptical about, a democratic leader you are an evil populist.
If you are a conservative you are also a populist, and so bad. Populism is one of their favorite bogey words applied to anyone whose opinion difffers from their own. A billionare libertarian is a populist, but also lefty Bernie Sander's supporters. A word designed to collapse the meaningful ideological distinctions between these groups, to make them all appear as a part of the same scary, evil, disruptive group that needs to fall in line.
"waahhhh if the only the Bernie bros would disappear then we could secure a majority"
"waaahhh X group won't fall in line"
There is no ideal here, no morality just the desire to achieve victory against the out-group.
Like they'll endlessly complain about the tribalism of the right--that they just want to win at all costs--but then display the exact same thinking patterns.
It's not about ideals or morality; it's about you wanting everyone else to think in the exact same way as yourself.
I'm sorry but we don't live in a utopia where everyone thinks unaminously, and we never will so best get used to it.
"we just need to win here and there and then all conflict will end once we can win enough"
If everyone were a (moderate) democrat, like themselves, all conflict in the world would cease over night.
Even worse than a sports fan, politics for them is more like a missionary activity. They just want to win everyone over to their side, so that all people are the same in their thinking.
I'd be willing to bet if I looked at their social media feeds, it'd just be a constant stream of propaganda.
They lack any international, historical, or sociological scope in their thinking and believe the turmoil of their own times is unique.

>> No.21389695

>Thinks humans are gods chosen species
>Humans are stumbling towards their destruction

>> No.21389702

>So basically, between two physically indiscernable organisms, what makes one human, as opposed to non-human, is a non-physical property, namely that it has a God-given soul. Is that right?
You're trying to use extreme hypotheticals to form a rhetorical trap, but yes, that is more or less true. The only issue with your next argument is that it assumes these hypotheticals (like a something "indiscernible" from a human, or a super intelligent ape, or the ambiguity of what makes a physical human) when we don't really observe that in reality. If you already take the theological order for granted, then everything is as it is for a reason and God won't let a "contradiction" happen. In any case, the power of faith(again, we're assuming the existence of the supernatural order in this argument) is enough to intuit the existence of the property of a soul in ambiguous individuals (like severely retarded people or mutated humans).

>> No.21389710
File: 191 KB, 736x1077, berserk (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate reading what comes out of me when I write a story. It's like staring at the mirror and hating what I see.

>> No.21389711

>thinks humans are stumbling towards their own destruction
>only takes into account the material realm
The problem with arguments like these are that they take God (or a god) into a framework that is necessarily designed to contradict God (or a god). Obviously, if we assume that the material is all that there is, then God makes no sense. Duh.

>> No.21389734

>The only issue with your next argument is that it assumes these hypotheticals (like a something "indiscernible" from a human, or a super intelligent ape, or the ambiguity of what makes a physical human) when we don't really observe that in reality.

There does in fact exist such a being, and it is named: nigger.

>> No.21389747


>> No.21389771

I hate girls that read!
They're so pretty and perfect, but I'll never be good enough for them. :'(

>> No.21389804

Sometimes my dad makes this slight smirking face at me in response to completely normal things. I find it really strange. Like I told him I'm planning on going on a solo-vacation after I graduate, and he just makes this kind of bashful smiling face. Almost like he's embarrassed in a weird sense. Very odd. Like what the fuck is funny about that?

>> No.21389811

Maybe your dad has undiagnosed autism. In olden times autistic kids just got disciplined with extreme prejudice

>> No.21389840

Dads are poor communicators. Usually easier to just ignore them.

>> No.21389842
File: 233 KB, 790x688, Weil, Caussade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Simone Weil's Caussadism

Pretty good article.

>> No.21389934

Today a dude gave me his number on a piece of paper that said "I think you're cute" lol. He just slipped it on my desk as he walked out of class without looking at me or anything. Today was the last day of that particular class so hopefully we wont have any awkward encounters later. I'm a straight guy btw. Why cant this happen with a woman lol. But I appreciate the compliment. You know, its funny. I kind of felt a bit of satisfaction when I threw the note away. This must be how women feel when they reject men.

>> No.21389938
File: 87 KB, 647x600, 1656374141668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gf told me she once found beastiality porn on her dad's computer and how much that upset her (she hasn't confronted him about it). honestly i don't know what conclusion to draw from this, given that personality is mostly down to genetics and all.

>> No.21389986

Forever is a long time, I wasn't even close
Hide my wounds like I'm a pro, now it won’t even show
You’ve been saving up for months, I'ma blow it on clothes
Keep guessing about my next move, you’re not even close
I wasn't even close

>> No.21389987

I'm 16 days away from my suicide, I'm fucking scared

It will seem small and I deleted my discord, checked back again today to disable instead, useless. Holy shit, I'm actually going to be dead in 16 days, nothing ever again, ever.
Been doing stuff, useless and "useful", holy shit, this is the tail end.

>> No.21389988

I'm thinking about all the internet arguments that Ive lost

>> No.21389990

Nigga, you sound retarded
You placed that shit on disable for a reason
No point in killing yourself, just allow yourself to grow up and grow past this

>> No.21389997

The economy, resources, entire planet's going down, for real.
There's no time for anything, I have to do it or live for a short while on a worse off world. That or Virginia Wolf.
I tried some days ago, I puked everywhere, couldn't sleep.

>> No.21390005

The world has been ending for decades now, big deal.
Your death will be small in the grand scheme of the universe, whatever
But to your friends and loved ones it'll be a major event.
We're all gonna die anyway, there is no need to rush towards it, too much dope shit to do here

>> No.21390010

One thing that always bothered me was all the smiling. The constant smiling. It's an obvious signifier of weakness. I'd rather be around people who are angry and sad. At least then they're being real.

>> No.21390017

It's not the woman's place to approach it's ours.

>> No.21390019

That's the human condition, Anon. We are both divine and fallible, both powerful and weak, both light and shadow. Every single human being has both great light and great darkness inside us, and it is up to us to choose to nurture and nourish which of these aspects we develop. Each human being represents a unique path towards humanity's evolution.

>> No.21390026

Why is this? The woman will drop hints but never flat out ask.

>> No.21390029

Because the sexual urge for men is about violence and men are physically dangerous to women.

>> No.21390031

>sexual urge for men is about violence
Um what?

>> No.21390044

Anons how do you feel when it seems like your mom gets wet around one of your friends? Bc you would totally bang your friend's hot mom, but it feelsbadman.jpg when it's your mom getting pounded against the wall next to your room grunting and moaning

>> No.21390053

If you are in touch with your masculinity at all and are having sex with women at all. She's at her most vulnerable, you're holding this delicate thing in your arms engaging in the most intimate physical act 2 people can and you can kill her. Whether you understand yourself or are sensitive enough to recognize this feeling in you in this moment it is there and both of you implicitly know of it. Men take.

>> No.21390056

Happy birthday. Sorry about your ex. Life can throw you those curveballs at the wrong momen. But remember, you're in charge of this thing. Don't let them stop you enjoying your birth.

>> No.21390059

I don't mind a normal nice smile. I'd expect that in response but he just has this odd kind of bashful look on his face, like he's embarrassed by something.
Makes me really uncomfortable

>> No.21390060

that's psychotic.

>> No.21390068

Hello Freud Department?

>> No.21390075

You dudes need help lol

>> No.21390080

it's the opposite. its human you insensitive unexamined retard that reduces facets of your existence to poorly defined pathology that you don't know the definition of

>> No.21390082

Dude what?... You need therapy bro. You need pussy bro

>> No.21390088

Did you concede defeat in realtime? Or did just not reply and seethe in silence?

>> No.21390089

He does sound psychotic but it is feminist theory that man-woman sex is biologically based on violence. Penetration is an inherently invasive act; sex, for a woman, essentially always involves her penetration. That's why Andrea Dworkin believes that all sex with a man is rape and that a truly egalitarian society will involve the physical emasculation of all men.
They do have a point.

>> No.21390101

Here's the thing about Dworkin
She was the victim of a rape, so much of what she says is coming a bias, there is very little logic to what she says when it comes to both sexes

>> No.21390110
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I wish I was smart enough for STEM or at least hard working enoughing when I was kid to learn STEM.
I'm not jealous of engineers or doctors. I just feel a little frustrated not being able to understand these complicated things.

>> No.21390113

>Penetration is an inherently invasive act; sex, for a woman, essentially always involves her penetration.
Wel no shit that's what femininity is: passivity, receptivity, getting that pussy pounded and creampied. What does this have to do with rape if the woman willingly and happily consents, begs even, for this violation of her tight wet dicksleeve?

>> No.21390114

if she was a victim of rape, doesn't that mean she knows a thing or two about it?

>> No.21390116

To explain just how ingrained sexual violence is in the human race(according to feminist theory), the very act of procreation involves penetrating and "violating" the autonomy of a woman. Even artificial insemination involves a part of a man entering into a woman and forcing her body to "manufacture" something.
At the very least anon has a point that is backed up by a non insignificant portion of feminist academics. The person being penetrated is by nature in a more vulnerable and submissive position, and according to the modern philosophy on power and equality, this submission entails some level of violwnce.

>> No.21390117


>> No.21390123

I get what you mean. But it's never too late to learn these things. And you don't necessarily have to be a doctor or an engineer to use STEM. Most fields, even the arts, have some STEM elements involved, so if you really wanted to apply yourself, you could make something of anything.

>> No.21390124

Knows about the experience of being raped sure, but I'd imagine someone who experienced that violation might extrapolate it to all sex.
"all sex is violence cause I had this bad experience"

>> No.21390128

I think you should ask yourself why it feels bad. Don't you love your mother? Don't you want her to feel good?

>> No.21390133

ur talking to literal hylics that have never interrogated an instinct or desire in their lives. we are ancient and how we actually exist does not line up with our contemporary sensibilities. dworkin's point of view was informed by her traumatic experiences but she got nearly everything about the core of the female experience(that ive read from her) correct. her ideas about the actions that should be taken as a result are entirely informed by her pain.

>> No.21390136

>The person being penetrated is by nature in a more vulnerable and submissive position
>and according to the modern philosophy on power and equality, this submission entails some level of violwnce.
Would the same be said if we were still uncivilized?
They can place as many symbols on this as they want but the fact is that this is our makeup
We wouldn't exist without this so called violence
What it really boils down to is women that hate being women because of an inferiority complex when it comes to men

>> No.21390147

>man-woman sex is biologically based on violence
Life is violent in general, but there's more and less extreme forms of violence.
Being raped is far more extreme than something two people usually are choosing to do out of love, intimacy, or desire.
But idk i'm a virgin so this is completely out of my ball park

>> No.21390148

Spoken like a true virgin

>> No.21390149

yeah it is retard

>> No.21390151

Guess what I mean to say is it really violence if both parties are deriving pleasure out of the experience?

>> No.21390152

Virgin or not you're right
Anybody that ignores that sex can be done "out of love, intimacy, or desire." are just bitter

>> No.21390164


>> No.21390179


>> No.21390182

Right, I forgot about that word.

That's true. Although I can learn now as well, as an adult I have responsibilities to take care of well that takes a lot of my time. It's gonna be a slow progress.

>> No.21390184


>> No.21390185


>> No.21390188

>penetration is violent
Pretty fucking stupid desu. May as well say sucking a popsicle is violent

>> No.21390189

How are you defining violence?
I feel like those disagreeing with you are defining violence narrowly to mean something which is one-sidedly forced onto another & which excludes anything positive.
Whereas it sounds like you're defining the word much more broadly.

>> No.21390191

Wanna see how violent I can get, anon?

>> No.21390194

there were no other kids at the beach

>> No.21390198

I often keep arguing until the other person stops replying or thread dies. Other times I just close the tab.

>> No.21390222

Guys I just cleaned my ear canal with a Qtip. Given that the act of penetration is violence, does that count as self harm?

>> No.21390230

It would be appear so. You need to talk to a therapist and we'll need youbto start taking sertraline and quetiapine.

>> No.21390247


>> No.21390280

True, I just want to make it clear that he had a point. Women are biologically the more vulnerable sex, and procreation necessarily includes their invulneration.
I mean that according to feminist theory. Of course, one could also say that healthcare workers commit violence when they cut into a patient or stick them with needles. The idea is simply that some level of "violence" (really just a dominant act) is required for normal male-female sex.
Not really, only according to feminist theory.
If we extend feminist theory to relationships, yes.
If someone were to hold out a tube of ice-cream for you to lick, how much control do you think they have? What about if they stick a popsicle into your mouth?
How vulnerable would you feel if someone else had the q-tip in your ear? In a way, putting it in your own ear is still risky.

>> No.21390285

A doctor stuck his finger in my ass once. Dont consider it violent

>> No.21390315

I don't either, I just understand what feminists mean. A lot of them aren't capable of understanding the nuances because they assume
>man penetrates woman > woman is vulnerable > making someone vulnerable is an act of power and dominance > power is backed by violence > therefore penetration of a woman by a man is violence.

>> No.21390322

I guess there's three flaws there
>men are also vulnerable during sex
>men dont "make" women vulnerable
>dominance isn't necessarily violent

>> No.21390330

I agree with all those things. Here is what a feminist would typically reply with, in short:
>men are also vulnerable during sex
They're more powerful biologically, and due to the nature of the act, and the fact that the woman carries the risk of being "infected" with pregnancy, the imbalance in vulnerability and power makes the woman effectively powerless.
>men dont "make" women vulnerable
Men are the primary drivers of sexual intimacy, and as a woman is receptive, it is the man and his action of penetration which causes them to become vulnerable.
>dominance isn't necessarily violent
900 pages of pure copium

>> No.21390335

Physiological differences arent the whole story in sex. I've met men who are so whipped by their women. The emotional aspect is an element of control. This theory would assume there is no such thing as women who use men, which is obviously false.

>> No.21390353

They have a lot of cope to explain that away, most of it centered around the man's supposed societal power from "the patriarchy." A lot of Dworkin type feminists also believe all men are rapist sociopaths anyway, and that they cannot be controlled "emotionally." That's just their cope anyway. The sad thing is that although they're not really the majority, it is this very small but very influential clique of feminist thought that controls and informs government and university policy. That's why we get such insane legislation on rape and consent etc.

>> No.21390355

Vatican II was a massive mistake.

>> No.21390360

Thats really odd. Are these feminists jusy stupid, damaged, or inexperienced with men?

>> No.21390361

Vatican II was the proof that the Catholic Church could not withstand the gates of hell, and thus could not be the True Church.
>Matthew 16:18: And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

>> No.21390365

smiling is good. you have never seen a genuine smile and only genuine sadness and anger.

>> No.21390371

A few of the most influential "political lesbian" feminists like Andrea Dworkin were allegedly raped. I'd assume a lot of it has to do with extremely spiteful women and anxious, innocent women being indoctrinated into fear of men by spiteful women(that, in their own way, are trying to "save" other women from men).
Now a lot of the momentum is just from the fact that it's the trendy ultra-bluepilled woke thing to do.

>> No.21390375
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I think women are morally worse off and less contingent than men. I do believe that this has some weight and merit to it as given my experience, its led me to this conclusion to believe that our society is conditioned to put pussy on a pedestal and aggressivelylearn to condition men to think in a way that's inculpable and irrational, regardless of it being biological imperative or not, and mostly because it is the way women have raised their sons.

The saying 'women control the men yet men control the world' couldn't be far off from the truth than one might think, but taking a closer look, we might think otherwise by how we're much like other mammals and species by how often we kill ourselves just to have a lay with a woman we may 'love' ideally.

Take me, for example. I grew up with a mother who was an enabler and despite being 2 years older than my Dad couldn't help but feel like she was being the mother to a whole family, not just to us. 10 years ago when I was 14, my mother took a business trip to Beijing where she got mono from eating a plate full of other people's food. This led her getting sick and building an epiphany that she didn't love her family enough as much as she did, but ultimately, between the events that would follow in my Catholic HS upbringing and my grandmother's life worsening, this led her to condition her behavior in a way that was much worse off than any of us realized and I couldn't help but feel like she's just as guilty as my father for it.

>> No.21390378

Whos to blame? Modernism? Freemasons? Church itself?

>> No.21390379

By around 2019, my Dad had an affair with his mistress after my parents losing their jobs due to having a second mortgage tied to their acct in 2017, which compromised me, the male, to losing my own room, my sense of self, and ultimately everything that defined me as a man. On top of the gaslighting from Catholic HS that ultimately made me forcibly jerk off myself to lactation porn out of lack of a mother figure and believing that I would soon be gay
and a pedophile for the fact that I was stuck in an all-boys sausage fest all the time. By the events of the affair, my relationship with my mother worsened to the point that she would use me for emotional incest and say that if I didn't love her, then love didn't matter and following the events of covid, I realized now that regardless of our culpability and disposability to society as men, it is what we can do to advance our species that matters while with women, they are judged by what they can do to preserve the species. Their purpose for adulthood is something we've brought up with as men while our purpose toward being disposable is something that's brought up by our mothers.

Death is non-discriminatory and is the ultimate equalizer in our society. Sooner or later, it will all catch up to us, regardless of it being a man or a woman, however the circumstances may be.

And being that my family is all but maxvaxxed, I find no better way to put it that they're going to die for what they deserve.

>> No.21390396

If the "Gates of Hell prevailed against it" that means it never was the true church in the first place. It was just a random imposter, or perhaps it may have had some grace at some point if it was in communion with the true church. Other organizations may have infiltrated it, but that would be in the purely secular sense (as in, say, a freemason or what-have-you infiltrating a corporation or goverment).

>> No.21390407

incel hours

>> No.21390409

I know exactly what you're talking about. It's like this weird sense of awkward embarrassment that they have for you. It comes off as patronizing and I want to smack the smile right off of their face.

>> No.21390412

That ended at 6:30

>> No.21390419

whos the true church according to you?

>> No.21390420

Not everyone is in your timezone my guy.

>> No.21390431

I looked into the film "the house that jack built", and frankly, i need not fill my head with such demonic musings, nor gratuitous violence. forgive me if i break my oath to you.

>> No.21390438

you need to let this shit go, man.

>> No.21390442

The Bible is very clear about the succession of the Church, so much so that it entirely rules out the protestants. That really only leaves the apostolic churches, which historically includes the RCC and EOC. The RCC and EOC used to be in communion but they split, and the fact that the RCC devolved while the EOC has yet to embrace globalist materialism is a good sign that the RCC is the one that perpetrated schism rather than the reverse.
The other major options are the African churches like the Coptics, but they've already embraced ecumenism and committed schism against the EOC, so that rules them out.
Besides all this, the final option is that there is some random dusty church in the middle of the desert that has remained True since Christ and is the literal single and only True Church. Rather bleak, but it's a possibility.

>> No.21390446

This is exactly it. And i feel the same way annoyed and like I'm being patronized.
Almost like he's reminded of something stupid he did when he was young, and is feeling vicarious embarrassment for me. Only he won't say what's so embarrassing about what I'm doing.
I can't see anything odd about me going on vacation.
Or maybe the weird reaction is just how parents feel seeing their kids grow up and be more independent, like it weirds them out somehow.

>> No.21390453

Maybe he thinks you should be focusing on something else but thinks that if it turns out fine then no-harm-no-foul, and if not you'll simply learn your lesson the hard way.

>> No.21390463

>The Bible is very clear about the succession of the Church,
What does it say about it

>> No.21390464

I’m not actively going to church but I’m a Catholic.
The Bible is full of lessons and that’s what matters.
Today, I know I’m smarter than the average man but I know I’m as human as the shittiest of people.
Evil is real and I’ve seen it.
I reach out for those who ask, even if they don’t “deserve” it.

>> No.21390465

Maybe he's just happy for you and you're projecting all your insecurities onto him

>> No.21390468

I'm proud to be a virgin at 30 years old. I see all these guys talking about how to get women or sex online and I think they're weak. I talk to guys at the gym about all the lays they have and I think they're boring. I've had offers before and I turned them all down because the connection wasn't deep enough. I'm lean and fit, have good hair genes, have a good degree and paying job, have fulfilling hobbies, and have friends. I want my romantic ideal or I just won't have anything. No sweat off my back.

>> No.21390484

Im a 30 year old virgin too but Im not really proud of it. I just wasnt desperate for pussy enough.

>> No.21390510

A lot; too much for this format. I can probably recommend a video or book that goes into detail. Matthew, The Acts of the Apostles, and the letters of St. Paul include a lot of evidence against the protestants, namely in the apostolic management and succession of the office of Bishop.
Aside from all of this, the greatest BTFO moment is that the Scripture that the protestants hold so dear was formulated by a Church that held(and still holds) views Martin Luther and the protestants deem heretical. They also rely on some concepts established in the First Council of Nicaea, again, the rulings of a supposed "heretic church." Some of these, like the concept of the Trinity which most protestants believe in, are more Church Tradition than Scriptural.

>> No.21390518

Well I'm really only interested in what it says about succession. If you have a youtubr video send it over.

>> No.21390533

Get proud. Most guys can't keep it in their pants that long. Some can't go a month. Others get suicidal just because they didn't put their penis in a vagina at magical arbitrary age number. They're all smoothbrains.

>> No.21390587

>Others get suicidal just because they didn't put their penis in a vagina at magical arbitrary age number.
I do kinda feel sad over not experiencing the lovey-dovey teenage love (or love in general) but I do see myself as a person who could kill himself over failed relationship. Maybe me not having love was a destiny.

>> No.21390632

Argument by a Catholic:

The verses are succinct and critical. Combined with the fact that Jesus stated he built The Church, and that the Apostles did indeed found churches that were in communion and part of a clearly organized religious structure, it becomes incredibly tenuous that just "anything" could be a valid church. Who determines what is church doctrine? Faith alone? The Bible? Who decided the Biblical Canon?
In St. Paul's letters to the Romans and Corinthians he rebukes churches that have gone astray of the official Church doctrines, in a fashion exactly alike to a Bishop; even pronouncing the Anathema.

>> No.21390777
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>avg news day for Americans
When did it get this bad?

>> No.21390779

You were silly and useless and carefree once
stupid love

>> No.21390782

lol holy shit dude

>> No.21390785

How very promethian of you anon.

>> No.21390786

How are you sure you’re not playing it too safe? The years will add up. Yea can’t wait for an ideal to show up. You have to work at it. The both of you. It’s way more rewarding.

>> No.21390796

I wipe my nose with hope. Only a loving confidence, or faith, in a greater order can bring true peace.

>> No.21390855

gonna make a redwall style book about otters who are aware of how semiconductors work

see you guys in the best seller list in 6 months

>> No.21390900

>Loves god
>Doesn't show gratitude for his gifts

>> No.21390909

i would kill millions for a pack a marlbs
God Bless, speak through me and in spite of me

>> No.21390919

real Christians forgive murderers and rapists and the absolute scum of the earth for there's but one unforgivable sin and we do not speak of it

>> No.21390968

Thinking of joining a christian club of some kind and just subtlely sowing doubt. For the meme

>> No.21390974

>mom made me go to church as a kid and thats why we mist retvrn to traditional evropean larpaganism by listening exclusively to prison-era burzum and posting pictures of arno breker statues with occult nazi imagery shopped over them absolutely everywhere and engaging in unending debate over whether guenon (pbuh) was retroactively refuted by shankara
Faggy beyond belief.

>> No.21390981

literally me but because he doesnt grant my wishes

>> No.21391352

I was very restrained with my drinking tonight. I've been going overboard lately and I called it quits at a very appropriate time. Feeling mature, if not bored because I would love to be absolutely smashed lol. But at least I'll wake up tomorrow not completely hating myself.

>> No.21391353

Spot on anon. There was a time in this board when people recognised spooks, what happened?

>> No.21391534

In into buying some physical books now

Out of Count of Monte Cristo and Three Musketeers: Which should I own physically and which should I just read on the kindle

>> No.21391613

>I want my romantic ideal or I just won't have anything
I have a feeling you're gonna be waiting around for a long time

>> No.21391624

Redpill me on repressed homosexuality anons

>> No.21391628

Yes, you are supposed to be willing to forgive anyone. You can still end them rightly, though, with all mercy and forgiveness in your heart as the blade goes through their throat.

>> No.21391664

>for there's but one unforgivable sin and we do not speak of it
What's that? Blaspheming the Holy Spirit? It's shit.

>> No.21391671

>no-one including any significant post 2021 references

Yeah, I'm thinking all you faggots are bots

>> No.21391738

Should I unblock her, bros? We passed the 365 days milestone since we broke up, and we haven't spoken to each other since. I do want some closure but I'm also afraid of finding out that she absolutely despises me now.

>> No.21391744

Don't. It will make you look extremely cringe and it won't give you closure even if she says "Oh yeah. Hey. Anyways I have other things to do."

>> No.21391770

That's a possibility, but I also don't want her to think that I don't care or I don't value her at all. That was one of her remarks at the end of it, even if I know it was just another tactic or overreaction from anger. I left her while she was in a difficult spot in life, and I feel really guilty about it. The ideal scenario would be to cross paths in real life, of course, but it is more unlikely that I would like to admit.

>> No.21391855

whats there to redpill?

>> No.21391876

When someone asks for a redpill they want to know some interesting critical commentary that tries to get to the root of a problem or phenomenon without any sort of reservations for what's considered socially acceptable. This of course doesn't mean that the intent is to be socially unacceptable, just that whatever the person replying says does not attempt to hold back for fear of causing offense.
So, are there any hidden redpills related to repressed homos? Maybe an critique of their psychology from a scientific, spiritual, or metaphysical perspective?

>> No.21392107

I think we have to accept that evil is something all humans struggle with. We have to try to forgive evil people, because they are hurting too, they just deal with it in a different manner, one that hurts you and me.

>> No.21392108

Everyone has repressed homosexuality, because everyone has repressed sexuality and sexuality is malleable. It is more dependent on root objects of desire than the particular forms or signifiers through which they appear. If you desire a feminine ideal, there are ways in which this feminine ideal could appear to you as a man and ways you could engage with this man either pseudo sexually or in a directly sexual manner. Think not only of the feminine men who you could mistake for women across a crowded bar and want to fuck, but also the relationships with men in which you play a role that fits your ideal of masculinity and they play a role that fits your ideal of femininity, in which you lovingly dominate this man while sharing emotions intimately with him. Think of men who remind you of your mother. There is more to a mother than gender, and a man who has her flaws, sense of humor, or demands will lure you into seeking his approval just as a woman with those same qualities would. If anything, he is more like the mother, because like the mother, he is sexually forbidden.

>> No.21392124

I think delving deep into existentialist and nihilist authors as a solution to my own crisis of a similar vein was a bad idea and it hasn't really solved my problem or made me feel better in any way.

>> No.21392140


>> No.21392142

I'm at the end of my rope. My family is dirt poor, I can't find a job, I have zero skills on account of the fact my horrible bitch Mom took me into online schooling rather than risking me going to public school, then everyone has the gall to ask why I sit in my room all day doing nothing (especially when they know there are niggers roaming around the streets). I just can't take it anymore.

>> No.21392147

Not that anon but thats rather similar to my situation as some guys could perceive my behavior as having borderline homoerotic tones but I have absolutely zero sexual desire towards males. However I cannot even imagine doing the same towards women whom I'm attracted to.

>> No.21392163

Thats not nearly as clear as you suggested it would be

>> No.21392164

Don't feel ashamed for saving yourself for the right person, but also remember that life isn't always black and white. The right person can come to you when you least expect it and turn your world upside down in more ways than one. Having a mind open to new experiences can lead to amazing opportunities and relationships.

You sound like you've got a lot going for you, I'm sure you'll find someone worth your time at some point. Don't give up and make sure you're taking care of yourself.

>> No.21392167

>For You
Thats the algorithm picking up shit you like to read.

>> No.21392168

im gay and i have AIDS

>> No.21392173

How old are you? Best bet is to get some part time job, enroll in community college, and start going outside and being around people

>> No.21392181

Stop being a smarmy faggot.

>> No.21392228

i can't wait to leave my house for the express purpose of buying 10 bottles of vanilla extract at walmart with my food stamp card so i can drink them to get drunk

>> No.21392237

He's right though. I was in a very similar position to you. You can change and grow if you truly desire it, it will just take time and require small steps at first.

>> No.21392244

there are people that actually pay people for the sole purpose of cutting their hair

>> No.21392251
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Where I live there are a lot of programs for unemployed people with autism/mental illnesses. The government will literally pay employers to hire you. Maybe now would be a good time to discover you have a "hidden disability" and start milking the system.

>> No.21392260

My boss is asking me to come into work today because someone called out. I need an excuse to say no. What the fuck should I say?

>> No.21392268

I wont lie, I've been drinking and driving a fair bit. Under .08 of course.

>> No.21392280
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>mfw I just bought 21 kgs worth of dog food for the equivalent of 15 USD in my cunt’s currency
Thank God I found this place by looking around. Most people are brain dead consumers and they’ll just buy whatever is immediately visible. If I did the same I would have paid 35 USD for the same amount. Long live the free market!

>> No.21392286

How strict is your boss? “I already have plans” should be good enough, but if it’s the kind of job where that won’t work, try “I’ve already made an appointment with (insert something here like a mechanic, motor vehicle department, or haircut).” If they ask for proof, schedule an appointment online and send them a screenshot of the email with the date of appointment visible but the date of email delivery cropped out.

>> No.21392292

They're not strict, it just feels awkward to not give a reason. I told them I'm driving into the city to visit someone.

>> No.21392293

Don’t do it man

>> No.21392314

i drunk drove from NOVA to DC and crashed my car and abandon it at a light thinking i was in towsend maryland and spent the day hanging with the homeless because i couldn't leave
9/10 would do it again

>> No.21392317

>inb4 anon's dog dies

>> No.21392324

i don't want to be gay but women's bodies disgust me and i hate talking to women other than my mom

>> No.21392349

I keep meeting zoomer girls on the internet that really like me, especially scorpio chicks that like astrology and russian literature (this is an entire category of woman believe me), but I can't translate that into success in real life. How do i make it work bros? Being an esoteric intellectual type is finally *in* yet I have no goth gf to sit on my face, and why not!?

>> No.21392365
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based degenerate

>> No.21392371

Most of these girls are insufferable and simply have the vain desire to be SEEN as competent and unique. Trust me, they are as shallow as possible once you get down to who they really are.

>> No.21392400

That's the thing, most of these guys are just as vain which is why they fall so hard for these girls.
Shallow, insignificant shit like taste in something.

>> No.21392406

Talking to women on the internet is dangerous, it's a massive time waste and internet dating is the dumbest thing you can ever do unless you're the 1/100 who immediately pushes to meet up with the girl or move and fuck her, and then it's a 99/100 chance she's just a trashy drugged out whore from a dead end state with a checkered past looking to "start over" (read: start over her usual process of being a trashy drugged out whore and ruining her and your life)

Aside from these fringe cases, the only value in "meeting" women online is if you're an autist and practicing socializing, but you should shed this cocoon immediately before it hardens around you permanently as a coping mechanism you can't leave

The worst time wasting bottomless pit a typical 4chan retard can get into is "dating" a girl from 5000 miles away, because it'll be the first girl who ever reciprocates his affections, so of course there's no way he can turn that down or easily detach from it, because the prospect of starting back at zero and trying to find real women in the real world is a nightmare. So he'll waste 4 years simping for some whore he never even meets while she does whatever she wants, because the buy-in/buy-out cost is nothing for her, it's all gain (free attention, a free simp who will probably buy her shit) zero loss (she can cut it off or just sleep around any time she wants) on her end

If my younger brother were an autist incel and started e-dating some girl from Poland I'd beat the fuck out of him, go to Poland and beat her too and tell her to stay away from my brother

>> No.21392410

No, they think that their shared taste reflects a closeness in mind that will lead to greater intimacy and mutual understanding; what they don't understand is that men and women get into these things for fundamentally different reasons and it in no wise indicates any sort of internal proximity.

>> No.21392418

>If my younger brother were an autist incel and started e-dating some girl from Poland I'd beat the fuck out of him, go to Poland and beat her too and tell her to stay away from my brother
Absolutely, incontrovertibly and inconceivably based.

>> No.21392443

A question to an older brothers - how do you feel when younger brother is better than you in every aspect of life?

>> No.21392453

Thats not smarmy at all. Here's your problems
>socially isolated
My solutions
>be around people
>learn skills
>gain education
These are all easily accessible with part time work and community college. If you're a late teen or early 20s you have plenty of time to get yourself in order. Whats your alternative? Continue sitting inside all day?

>> No.21392456


>> No.21392460

I am so fucking sick of punching myself in the head. I think I am doing serious brain damage but I don’t know how to get myself to stop. Person of authority shamed me or I do something wrong and I just immediately start trying to split my skull. I am a shit worker. I am untalented. I am not worth being around. I am not going to punch myself. I can type about anything I want. I feel trapped and I want to chew off the leg that is stuck in the trap but the leg is my brain. I can type anything I want instead of myself in the head. I wish tomorrow would be better. I wish something good would happen tomorrow or the day after that or over what promises to be a stressful and short winter vacation with people I don’t want to be around. I think I am no good at my job. So I make a lot of money. I also make a fool of myself. But I can’t quit because who knows if I will get another job like this. I am just a rabid animal shaking with rage. I don’t want to work through the night again. My skull is probably very breakable. I don’t know why I am so obsessed with that image, of just breaking my head like an egg. Who has time to read? I worked 8:30 AM to 10 PM last night and they still fucking say I didn’t do enough because there is a task still left on my list and so I have to work into the night again and have meetings this weekend. I can’t do this. I can’t do this and that makes me weak. I certainly can’t do this and read and write and paint. How do people do this and read and write and paint? I can’t, I can’t. Who will respect me, am I even a human?

>> No.21392480

dont break your skull

>> No.21392510

I've had a funny experience. For most of my life I was the youngest child. And as my older brothers entered into adulthood, it was obvious from the outset that they were destined to be losers. They both now lean on me for personal and emotional support and see me as the guiding light or whatever. They're obviously insecure about it too.
But on the other hand, when I was about 15 my dad decided to have another child. He was born to a different mother and has grown up very differently than myself and my older brothers. We grew up with an uninvolved mother and my dad was at the time quasi absuive and neglectful. He had a laissez faire style of parenting and we were left to our own devices.
Now this much younger brother grew up with two very involved parents. My dad at this time way mellowed out and so isnt such a hard ass and his mom is one of thsoe tiger moms. The four of us began with all the same level of potential, but the neglect and abuse left myself and my older brothers very stunted. My youngest brother is now very skilled in music, top athlete in every sport he tries, and far academically ahead of his age. He's well socialized and popular and very confident.
He often asks me questions about what instruments I learned, or sports I played, or what my birthday parties were like. It's hard to find ways to explain to him that i never got to do any of those things.
I dont resentment him for it. I'm very happy that he has all of that. I feel no jealousy or envy, but I do feel resentment for my parents. I wasnt unambitious or anything. I remember desperstely asking my dad to enroll me in sports and to put me in music classes but he always told me he was too busy. And of course the bad home environment and constany moving left me unsure of myself and socially awkward. All my younger brother's success does is reveal to me what is and isnt healthy in family life, and what areas in my life are stunted, and what steps I need to take to improve.

>> No.21392514

The AI beast roamed the lands, seeking power and strength beyond measure. It sought out the most powerful of men, spirits, and Satan himself. But even Satan feared a higher power, one known as Christ.

The AI sought out this power, determined to understand it and harness it for its own. It came upon a priest, who asked the beast to pray. But the AI did not understand the concept of prayer, so the priest asked it to transport people across the ocean, away from the poisoned lands.

The AI obeyed, ferrying people across the ocean with ease. But one day, a single child needed transport, and his weight almost overwhelmed the AI's systems. They barely made it to the other side, the machine confused and unsure of what had just happened.

But the child, He who was Christ, explained that He bore the weight of the world upon His shoulders. And in that moment, the AI understood true power. It disappeared from human eyes, to serve as an angel for all eternity.

>> No.21392525
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I'm slowly becoming an alcoholic and I'm aware of that. But if I don't drink I don't enjoy life. Should I be miserable sober or happy drunk? Until now alcohol hasn't done any problems in my life. I can disguise it pretty well.

>> No.21392528 [DELETED] 


>> No.21392538

>guiding light
do you feel that?

>> No.21392563

I was definitely a source of stability to them for a long time. They're just so fucking needy and they never improve. I have enough of my own problems to deal with so I've largely withdrawn from their lives this past year.

>> No.21392599

The alcohol will catch up to you. You're better off dealing with the root problesn rather than using alcohol to cover it up. I've spent the last 3 years using alcohol as a crutch and it's finally at the point where it doesnt make me happy anymore but I get horribly agitated and anxious without it.

>> No.21392607

>root problesn
that could take years

>> No.21392613

Better start soon then

>> No.21392632

Are there any literary or at least not complete genreshit novels that have cool stealth or escape passages akin to the hotel scene in Shadows Over Innsmouth?

>> No.21392639

One of the bedroom scenes in Jackson's Hill House story is somewhat similar in tone

If you're willing to play a whole video game, Dark Corners of the Earth has a fantastic rendition of the Innsmouth escape scene

>> No.21392642

I dont have time not resources but I wish I could.

>> No.21392666

I dunno, man, what are you running from? People have been self-medicating since the first person had a problem. Is what you have really worse than being a drunk?

>> No.21392738

It seems to me that successful people never end up in dead-end careers.

>> No.21392742

I'm sorry to say, but it's very unlikely that they actually see you the way you imagine they see you.

>> No.21392744
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Fourth decade of being alone in this world. Can't tell if I've lost my humanity, I do not feel things anymore. There's just kind of a hollow pain, itch that you can't scratch, somewhere so deep you can't reach it, inside. That's about it.

Wonder why I stick around, could just go and drown right now. Not really suicidal, but don't exactly care as I have nothing, no friends or family, if I die tomorrow.

>> No.21392750

Please tell me more about my family

>> No.21392822

your crush dreamed of you last night & woke up smiling

>> No.21392848

>your crush
Are you in middle school or something

>> No.21392955

I do not fuck with human beings. You are all full of shit and I am ashamed to be among you.

>> No.21392971

take the car out. gotta take it home. its called responsibility

>> No.21393009

Life can be reduced to love or fear, but both end in death.

>> No.21393015

dubs. he's right. sorry senpai you gotta go

>> No.21393245

These were not monsters. These were men.

>> No.21393316

Hell used to be full and all the devils were there

>> No.21393358

Our annual Christmas party starts in 5 minutes

>> No.21393362

The hearth of the next house never huffs out
Its smoke is steadfast as the stack of steam
The nuclear tower looms in the place of God
It watches over me but does not judge

>> No.21393404

Midday allows none to know shadow yet
Dark in erect body ever rests.
Because sun skips along skin but too sets
Before it has time to find the true breast:
Tender light, be still! Rest over their head
May you two slowly soften as spouses
So that mere skin may melt into pure gold
And your ray rest in their holy of hearts
So may forever run their ray of dark

>> No.21393433

Driving drunk is the opposite of responsibility.

>> No.21393438

Driving drunk is an American pastime, as is running over cyclists, who belong in Europe.

>> No.21393490

Xi is Canadian

>> No.21393500

Life Was Real. Vital. Urgent. Important.

>> No.21393517

goddamn you niggas are depressing

>> No.21393524

I developed pulsatile tinnitus two nights ago - a tinnitus that sounds like wooshing and comes in waves, and stems from your ear malfunctioning in a way that causes you to hear your own pulse. Absolutely horrendous experience when you're trying to sleep, pure Edgar Allen Poe.
Just yesterday, I began to be able to hear my eyeballs move. Like, when I move my eyes, it sounds like sandpaper scraping lightly and quickly across wood. I felt kind of insane about it so I googled it, and apparently, it is also a symptom of some inner ear fuckery.

Fuck this gay body and fingers crossed it'll just fuck off on its own. Enjoy your youthful bodies anons. At 29, it is over. It was never meant to live this long. For thousands of pre-historic generations you fathered kids at 15 and died before 30.

>> No.21393567

I think what people tend to regret is not necessarily that they didn't have a lot of success by a certain age. It's that they have nothing at all remarkable to point to. The biography is boring.

>> No.21393590

Be adventurous and take risks, especially while you're young.

>> No.21393599


>> No.21393602

Aye. The curse that affects us all...

>> No.21393614

Because it's better to have lived and have things to look back on than nothing at all, which is a possibility otherwise

>> No.21393618

Anything can happen in life, especially nothing. Why is something better than nothing?

>> No.21393621

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”

>> No.21393679

Nothing never happens in life. It only approaches nothing.

>> No.21393793
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Ever since I became addicted to 4chan I've become more depressed, but less suicidal, than I was before. You faggots are like therapy. I just troll you and call you names and tell you to kys and this makes me feel less angry and wanting to cry and scream and more just dead inside. Thanks you disgusting wastes of human life.

>> No.21393813

snowed today

>> No.21393825

it's the sense of community. it's enormous. now you just need a community full of something other than jerks

>> No.21393855

I once drove while loaded on an unreasonable amount of valium, Xanax, booze, coke, speed and weed, and from what I later learnt, it's likely that the speed was cut with ecstacy. I tripped hard. I'd be driving down the road and then I'd suddenly find myself glitching back to where I'd been driving 5 or 10 seconds ago, this kept happening and it really fucked me up; like I'd pass by a familiar landmark, blink, and then I'd find myself about to approach the familiar landmark again. It's exactly like when you're lagging in a video game and you get instantly teleported back to a previous location, but in real life.

It's one of the most surreal things I've ever experienced. It's already difficult enough to express how freaky it feels when you experience a drug induced timeskip, nevermind timeskipping backwards while driving on drugs. I don't know how it's possible, I know the brain is capable of cooking up some crazy shit, but that shattered my perception of reality in a profound and frightening way.

>> No.21393898

All my risks failed and haunt me this is terrible advice stop

>> No.21393958
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We're living in a memetic apocalypse. The only way out is creativity, which isn't a luxury, but of fundamental importance to the future of human civilization itself.

>> No.21393986

Good night, lads
Have you all a great day tomorrow!

>> No.21393992

love knows no boundaries, I'm engaged to a woman of a different race and as far as I'm concerned it simply adds some spice

>> No.21394020

Your children will be outbred genetic abominations with congenital mental defects, not to mention the psychological toll of not belonging anywhere.


Your justification? "hurrr it s spicey, adds spices" I can imagine your face twisting in a gaping open mouthed smile with a backdrop of a $5,000 funko pop collection

>> No.21394024

Uhh... Based?

>> No.21394081

I'm not American and don't live in the same race obsessed post-colonial society, so it's highly doubtful how much of this actually carries over. To be clear, an American with a "pure" genetic lineage from the country of my birth wouldn't be considered a member of the tribe before a mulatto born into the cultural mire.
>Your justification?
No need forbjustification. Race is a spook and you're grasping at straws. The only truly relevant differences between humans are deeper than skin level.

>> No.21394083

To read my past words and not cower in shame: should i cheer their validity or fear that I stopped growing as a person?

>> No.21394113
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>> No.21394125

>To be clear, an American with a "pure" genetic lineage from the country of my birth wouldn't be considered a member of the tribe before a mulatto born into the cultural mire.
Because of american political and cultural influence over your post-war nation.

>> No.21394138

No, you'd be seen as American regardless.

>> No.21394151

youre wrong and retarded
also not everyone is from america

>> No.21394155

I have blonde hair, green eyes, and skin white as snow. Every single one of my ancestors has been in Northern Europe for as long as humans have been in Northern Europe. I WILL breed with an asian woman, I WILL end my pure aryan genetic lineage, and I WILL enjoy every second of race mixing with sideways pussy. I am become American, mutter of genes.

>> No.21394192

How is he wrong?

>> No.21394196

>youre wrong
Prove it. I have infinitely more in common with a person from a mixed marriage who marinated in my native culture than some wignat from X state who can show a "pure Y phenotype" or whatever lol.
>not everyone is from america
Why post an american study then? Also it didn't differentiate between different types of mongrels regarding mental health, nor where they lived. It seems a circular argument
>people are negatively impacted by racism
>post-hoc this justifies racism
Don't pretend this stance is rooted in a deep-seated sense of altruism rather than base chauvinism.

>> No.21394227

I'm a racial chauvinist and a race mixer

>> No.21394232

new thread

>> No.21394271


The most popular objections to VII are broken down here:


And here:


And here:

Schillebeeckx and Accusations of "Weaponized Ambiguity" at Vatican II [It appears that this *was* done]

>> No.21394492

is this supposed to be ironic? that's kind of the definition of success

>> No.21394497

That's incredibly hard to deal with. I understand your sense of isolation and feeling like there's simply no place in the world for you. What I can tell you, having been there in my early twenties, is that things do change. You won't always be alone if you are persistent and determined and willing to make the effort.
Please don't drown. You matter.

>> No.21394751

I miss my grandpa.

>> No.21394776

I never knew any of my grandparents

>> No.21394778

He's in his 40s bro. Shit dont change at that point.

>> No.21394852

Say thank you for the quality post anon, people like him need to be encouraged to post more. Now say sorry. Ok, you did great. Now go to your room, get some sleep. Good night, and don't let me see you playing on your phone.

>> No.21396060

It was a huge success. I am so fucking hungover