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File: 122 KB, 1304x1864, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21329125 No.21329125 [Reply] [Original]

What did you think about this book?

>> No.21329129

It's a masterpiece but not Nabokov's best.

>> No.21329130

oh, that's a fucking gross cover

>> No.21329141

It's a masterpiece but not Nabokov's best.

>> No.21329142

Is this a real cover?

>> No.21329157

there's already a thread about this novel.
also, i swear publishers can't focus on anything but sex when trying to sell this damn book. what a disappointment.

>> No.21329161

made me click on my exhentai loli tag bookmark several times through the course of reading it

>> No.21329276

I think it's genius. Lolita is THE cunnybrain novel of all time after all

>> No.21329280

thats maybe the worst cover iv seen

>> No.21329295

Yeah, its bullshit. I bought this book expecting some hard-core underage hanky panky and all I got was beautiful poetry and black comedy.

>> No.21329335


>> No.21329339
File: 435 KB, 450x712, tampa-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21329350
File: 62 KB, 627x1024, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

revolting cover. pic related is the best one

>> No.21329373 [DELETED] 

if none of it aroused you then you are not a true pedophile, sorry to say

>> No.21329375

I love this book purely because it makes people mad and always strikes up an argument about lolicons and pedophiles.

>> No.21329405

What's up with the bargin bin letter font? I always hated that crap. Looks like dog shit.

>> No.21329411
File: 98 KB, 777x1200, Lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is the best.

>> No.21329422

sex sex sex sex sex

>> No.21329470

it's inaccurate because Dolores is not a blonde and not as young

>> No.21329479


>> No.21329525 [DELETED] 

I want to have sex with a child

>> No.21329563

came to post this
my faggot classmate read it in high school and it made me want to not read it

>> No.21330818


>> No.21331003

Kys pedo.

>> No.21331124

I don’t.

>> No.21331136

just reported to your local police

>> No.21331192

report yourself for being this normie. fucking virgin

>> No.21331203

No, Nabokov said that there should never be a picture of a girl on the cover of Lolita

>> No.21331213

le pedo/hebe joke already lost its edgeness like 15 years ago on this mongolian parkour forum. just get over it fag

>> No.21331219
File: 56 KB, 500x500, 1476060064169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21331224

yes, it's a joke. kill yourself otherwise fucking nonce.

>> No.21331225

cope, gerontophile

>> No.21331247


>> No.21331448

>pearl clutching this hard over an obvious troll on fucking 4chan
You seriously need to go back

>> No.21331458

Based cover

>> No.21331729

put a condom on your brains cause I'm about to fuck your thoughts

>> No.21331759

Which do you recommend? I absolutely loved Lolita but have never read any of his other stuff.

>> No.21331762

Pnin is kino, same with Invitation To A Beheading

>> No.21331768

Thanks very much.

>> No.21331803
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>> No.21332210 [DELETED] 
File: 656 KB, 1597x1200, 1605200667328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they think pedobros on 4chan(nel)(tm) are just joking or trolling
How do sheltered normalfags like this even find their way here?

>> No.21332215

i hate this book and all its degenerate faggot fans

>> No.21332235

what a disgusting cover
Nabokov would've sued the designer

>> No.21332270

certified retard post

>> No.21332466
File: 409 KB, 188x174, 1669991312182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ

>> No.21333127

Pedos have never contributed anything valuable to art. They're gnats shaped like humans

>> No.21333301

I dunno, Gill Sans is a very aesthetic font.

>> No.21333336

>The lowest minimum age of consent is 14 years, set in seven Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Portugal.
Is Lolita really a paedo book if banging 14 year olds is legal in this litany of civilised European countries?

>> No.21333381

This cover KEK

>> No.21333383

Humbert Humbert is a funny name. Reading it made me sad, especially thinking how Q and the whole sex-drugs abuse thing isn't too far from reality.
I also wonder if the QAnon Mastermind named himself after Q in this book. Would be quite ironic.

>> No.21333391

Bend Sinister

>> No.21333424

With exception for the annotated edition why are all Lolita cover so fucking gross.

>> No.21333451
File: 14 KB, 326x500, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this cover, a shame it seems to be out of stock

>> No.21333460


>> No.21333468
File: 26 KB, 538x538, crow-of-judgement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21333559


This is one of those classic books I think people genuinely don't understand. I see it as primarily a social experiment by Nabokov.
Lolita herself is not really the focal point of the story but more of a means to an end or a catalyst for both the themes and actual main point of the story. This is part of the reason her character is not as developed as it seems like it should be. She is necessary to create inherent controversy and moral outrage baked into the concept because Nabokov knew virtually nothing would instigate it better.
The main point of the story then is really the juxtaposition between Humbert and Quilty. The main thesis presented is that innocence does not exist and so how do people read, interact, and come to terms with these two characters who will both easily be considered morally deplorable to the general public yet accomplish it in very different ways.
And the outcome I think was that the general public are far more harsh towards Humbert specifically because he is presented in an honest and sincere manner as the protagonist that we mainly follow. He is a real person, deeply flawed and with desires that exist outside the norms of society but he is hardly irredeemable or devoid of compassion. Meanwhile Quilty despite being written in the most exaggerated comical way as some purely evil maniacal monster who seems to exist only to torment others in elaborate ways somehow does not seem to get nearly the same level of vitriol. In short people will choose pure evil so long as it's simple over the complexity of a real person. It's not a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils but rather choosing the one which requires less work for me to come to terms with. In such a case one's morality becomes malleable, not nearly as ironclad as they will present it outwardly. Quilty is simply a villain to be disposed of without a second thought but Humbert... well I can no longer do it so easily and so I will twist my own morals to make it convenient for myself. Nabokov was simply trying to illuminate this clear lack of humanity and ethos in the masses and I believe he succeeded and continues to succeed to this day.

>> No.21333654

Nabokov on the cover of Lolita: “I want pure colors, melting clouds, accurately drawn details, a sunburst above a receding road with the light reflected in furrows and ruts, after rain. And no girls.”

>> No.21333667

that's cool and all but how does it help me have sex with a 14 year old girl?

>> No.21333700

14 is the Kubrick movie, he had to raise the age by law

>> No.21333795

Quilty is more evil and I also hate him more. I don't know what you're on about.
Nabokov created controversy simply by humanizing a kiddie diddler like Humbert Humbert.

>> No.21333809

No, you don't

>> No.21334509

>l indistinguishable from I
Fuck no it isn't you nonce

>> No.21334549

That's pretty much every sans-serif.

>> No.21334553

Because sans-serif was made by pedos

>> No.21334564

the notes in this are phenomenal, though they also made it clear that i do not have the required autism levels for writing

>> No.21334571

Ada, or Ardor; Pale Fire; Laughter in the Dark

>> No.21334607
File: 1.69 MB, 1600x3523, 1660577200195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21334613
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>> No.21334690

Ada is his masterwork, but is best read after you've gotten at least a few others under your belt.

>> No.21334695

Young pussy is great and it’s easy for me to get even though I’m in my mid 30’s. As far as Lolita goes it’s been too long since I’ve read it to give a proper opinion

>> No.21334713

All the ancients were pedos

>> No.21335499

it's a little bit cute, but is also a little bit funny
8/10 (the age range of girls I'm attracted to)

>> No.21335615

>it's a little bit cute

>> No.21335624


>> No.21335973

What is this post supposed to mean?