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/lit/ - Literature

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21309349 No.21309349 [Reply] [Original]

Castles, Kings, Soldiers, Dragons, Orcs, Trolls, Magic, characterization, etc.

Essentially every cartoon, video game, MMO (with medieval fantasy elements)... has appealed to kids and teenagers since the early 2000s - like it was crack or heroin for capitalistic purposes.

What is so different from Tolkien, GRR Martin,etc.. now ?

>> No.21309387

>What is so different from Tolkien, GRR Martin,etc.. now ?
Tolkien is the only fantasy author to have literary merit

>> No.21309404

Tolkien is commercial genre fiction. Literary fantasists are people like Mervyn Peake or John Crowley.

>> No.21309428

>Literary fantasists are people like Mervyn Peake or John Crowley.
You never read Tolkien and it shows.

>> No.21309437

I have, actually. He's closer to other commercial genre writers than to literary writers. And I have analyzed where he stole from to go even further and label him as a creative fraud.

>> No.21309458

Do you have permission to post this image?

>> No.21309462
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this is the one you're looking for

>> No.21309643

I'm trying to write some shit fantasy lore in English to challenge myself since its not my native language. I'd like to go for a dark fantasy style where a piece of land the size of New York is floating like an island in nothingness. No one knows how or why but that's how it is (everything would be done from the inhabitants' point of view)

This setting should be depressing, people struggling to gather resources in this world, survive against unnatural phenomenons and so on.

Any good books to read or general recommendations for this ? Even short stories.

To give a quick example, Mordheim from the warhammer franchise is a strong starting point for the overall atmosphere I'm trying to create.

>> No.21309926

>This setting should be depressing, people struggling to gather resources in this world, survive against unnatural phenomenons and so on.

See this? This shit right here? This is the kind attitude that explains why the genre is dead. Tolkien wrote about a world in peril but the world itself was good and lively and worth fighting for. This modern fascination with misery, bleakness, darkness and sorrow are why so much fantasy literature falls to the wayside. Because it's not written as enduring. Not timeless. Not a world of dreams and fantasy. It's a world dreamed up by cynics and people looking to shock rather than immerse.

>> No.21310251


>> No.21310297

Peake is a much, much, MUCH better stylist. But Tolkien put in a far more serious effort to build his setting. Peake just made up a lot of goofy traditions as he went, so goofy no on in the story even knows their source or even guesses at it most of the time. Tolkien fleshed out his setting with great depth, the fact that he used history and epic as a model is no criticism, it is like criticizing an author for using real persons as the basis for the psychology of his characters. Peake also does excel at psychology but all his characters are quixotic and zany as his setting , which makes his task also much easier than Tolkien who tried to write elves as so on as psychologically realistic and yet uhuman. To simply dwell on Peake having a superior style and a more “literary” plot is to rig the game so as to ignore Tolkien’s strengths

>> No.21310309

>Tolkien fleshed out his setting with great depth, the fact that he used history and epic as a model is no criticism
He stole from pre-existing myths. There is no merit in that. He didn't just use it as a model.
> it is like criticizing an author for using real persons as the basis for the psychology of his characters.
lol what? That's delusional false equivalence.

>> No.21310310

Toklien was the guy to get mainstream popularity because of communist hippie stoners and that's why he's the only fantasy author you've ever read

>> No.21310311

He's right though. I'm not a huge tolkien fan but there's a reason he's an international classic while many of his contemporaries and even predecessors of higher quality remain only niche favorites. Nobody but a sociopath would want to live in Westeros but everybody wants to live in the shire. There's a degree to which the entire point of LotR is to pit the Shire against Westeros and prove it the victor.

>> No.21310359

GRRM is a "niche favorite"? You're delusional lol

>> No.21310367

He did an adaption of old myths and his adaption had an extensive degree of his own touch, invention and creativity in it. You might as well say Shakespeare “stole” Hamlet since the character and story are an old myth

>> No.21310394


>> No.21310421

Shakespeare took an old myth and made a play based on it. Tolkien took old myths and bastardized them in an attempt to do some "original" kitschy national epic.

>> No.21310455

I don’t consider his work an attempt at a national epic, the fact that he drew on the English national epic (Beowulf) is beside the point, since he said in his letters at an early age he turned against classical studies in favor of Anglo-Saxon studies in an act of rebellion against his adoptive father (who was a Catholic priest and naturally wanted Tolkien to study classical literature). I don’t really see it as kitsch either unless one is exasperatingly cynical and is upset that it doesn’t dwell on lower vices of the characters

>> No.21310479

>I don’t consider his work an attempt at a national epic,
That's how he considered it. In his letters he says he attempts to write a national epic for the English because they lack one. That's all fine and dandy and the hobbits feel very English but everything else is stolen from other cultures and myths.
>I don’t really see it as kitsch either unless one is exasperatingly cynical and is upset that it doesn’t dwell on lower vices of the characters
It's kitsch because he mixed all these different myths but gave them a modern, anglicized morality and point of view. He gave shit to Lewis for this but he did exactly the same.

>> No.21310520

More like one of the last fantasy writer to have literary merit; Peter Beagle's The Last Unicorn was also pretty good

>> No.21310526

And Wagner also gave it a contemporary German morality. And Shakespeare gave Hamlet a contemporary English morality. Let’s not even get into Ivanhoe

>> No.21310530

>who is th white
>who is cs lewis
>who is Ursula k leguin
This really is 4chans dumbest board

>> No.21310552

You forgot point of view. The hobbits have modern things like names for months (e.g. April), clocks on the mantelpiece, the narrator compares some shit to trains (lmao), they wear jackets, etc. And this is supposed to happen in a time before history. Very kitschy and tacky. Might as well discuss Churchill and the tories while watching the BBC.

>> No.21310611

LotR is all about Middle Earth going to shit (both slowly and violently) and all the privileged people leaving for Valhallinor. The Shire is the tiniest part of that story and half of that is the place getting scoured. Way to do a weird cherry pick there.

>> No.21310622

In Coriolanus there is a reference to spectacles, and in Golding’s translation of Ovid there is a reference to muskets. I’d say Tolkien’s anachronism’s are not that serious

>> No.21310653

Spectacles existed in Roman times. Tolkien's anachronisms are just tacky and exude anglo vulgarity. He should've known better but I guess his work is meant for little kids after all, like JK Rowling and Percy Jackson.

>> No.21310672

If you look at the commentary in any play of Coriolanus you will see it is listed as anachronism. Steel has evidence of existence hundreds of years before the birth of Christ but featuring it prominently in literature would be considered an anachronism. Moreover commentaries insist Shakespeare knew this but his performers were frequently making reference to contemporary matters. In King Lear not eating fish is presented as a virtue, which is meant to mean one doesn’t observe Catholic fasts against meat, a virtue to Protestants but of course anachronistic here since the setting is pagan England.

>> No.21310742

>>who is th white
>>who is cs lewis
No one knows who they are.

>> No.21310746

One reference to spectacles is far from "featuring it prominently." And it's also nowhere near close to talking about trains or clocks on the mantelpiece in a pre-historic era. The hobbits feel more like a caricature of modern rural Britons than some ancient fantasy race.

>> No.21310754

Do you see that little dot that comes after the word "favorites"? That's called a period it marks the end of a sentance showing that a complete thought has been expressed. The next word that begins with that one letter that is bigger than all the others? That's called a capital letter and it is most often used to signify that a new sentence is beginning which will communicate a new thought.
Do you also think I was trying to say that GRRM was "contemporary" or "predecessor of higher quality" to Tolkien? I mean, do you believe that? It would explain why your reading comprehension is so dogshit.

You didn't understand LotR. Here's a hint, just because you can contrive a description of something doesn't mean you've described what it is. I don't think you even realize what the "scouring" of the shire even meant. Here's a hint, look up what it means to scour something.

>> No.21310757
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>no one knows the Chronicles of Narnia
what a strange cope

>> No.21310759

They use anachronisms as well interestingly enough

>> No.21310772

> She has outsold The Davinci Code and half the Harry Potter series

That is genuinely shocking to me. I don't hate on She like allot of people like to do but I did not expect it to have been THAT successful.

>> No.21311203
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It's not a good sign when people recognize you on an anonymous board. Especially for being a whiny faggot. Stop shitting up every Tolkien thread, and go read Maze Runner or whatever the fuck.

>> No.21311219

Why would I read that shit? Readers of Tolkien are the ones who read that kind of low tier genre fiction. Go watch Rangz of Powah, faggot.

>> No.21311251
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>NOOOO! Tolkien stole from the Finnerinos!

>> No.21311279

And the Icelanders, the Germans, the Greeks, the Celts, the Slavs... The man's a creative fraud. It's funny that you posted the average Tolkien reader.

>> No.21311375

Are you still mad? Let it go.

>> No.21311396

It's simply an opinion of mine like any other reader has. Not sure why it bothers you specifically. As if everyone should have the same view on a topic, like NPCs.

>> No.21311438

>nooo its different when he does it

>> No.21311459

Well, to put it nicely, he's no Shakespeare, let me be direct here. Shakespeare took a myth, wrote a play based on it, and kept the title. Tolkien took different aspects of different myths and put them in a blender to try to pass them as his own in a padded narrative.

>> No.21311465

>The hobbits have modern things like names for months (e.g. April), clocks on the mantelpiece, the narrator compares some shit to trains (lmao), they wear jackets, etc.
Isn't the lore explanation that the Red Book of Westmarch was translated and modernized by Tolkien?

>> No.21311484

That's the cope he came up with after the fact. In reality, he had written a silly, campy book for kids. He had to edit The Hobbit to make it suitable to fit the other books that came later.

>> No.21311497

>That's the cope he came up with after the fact.
And? It's still a good enough explanation.

>> No.21311525

If you have low standards, sure. Personally I don't buy it. It's lazy.

>> No.21311531


>> No.21311615

Because you keep posting it on every Tolkien thread?

>> No.21311678
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Is he to pulpy for /lit/ or something?

>> No.21311684

Absolutely seething, you're just a shit communicator