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/lit/ - Literature

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21286725 No.21286725 [Reply] [Original]

>read beautiful philosophical short stories from georg borges to my wife in bed
>each literally 5 pages long
>she falls asleep after page 2
Every time. It makes me mad af.

>> No.21286729

She gets to page five for me.

>> No.21286737


>> No.21286741
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>reading your wife bed-time stories
Pretty cute and sweet to be honest

>> No.21286754

>interacting with women

Huge mistake.

>> No.21286755

you're so fucking based and so is she

you guys too

>> No.21286790

For you

>> No.21286794

For every man I have ever met.

>> No.21286796

If I read this passage will you die?

>> No.21286804

it would be extremely drowsing

>> No.21286810
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>reading to your wife to put her to sleep instead of fucking her to sleep
so gay lol
women are children who love erotica and anime tier low IQ stories, you think she would like Borges?! you may generally be retarded or more likely a shitpost bait thread.

>> No.21286880

how did you get a wife

>> No.21286885

>instead of fucking her to sleep
Lmao so you're admitting your wife falls asleep as you fuck her?

>> No.21286928

just bee urself

>> No.21286942

>I have judged that my two friends hate being married because they had an argument about something

>> No.21286957

>you WILL eat the whole plate of boiled eggs

>> No.21287061

She's probably dreaming about fucking a guy at her work and regretting marrying some jackass who thinks he's smarter than everyone.

>> No.21287069

How can I find a wife, OP? Any tips?

>> No.21287073

Why are you projecting your insecurities onto everyone?

>> No.21287085

Women are for making babies why are you giving her a hard time?

>> No.21287092

Go to a local jogging group. They're filled with woman and the chads would rather go to the gym. Brush up on basic astrology and Greek myth and work it into the conversation, they'll think you're smart even if you're a retard like me.
Try not to be an autistic spaz, good luck.

>> No.21287103

How does that even make sense? I don't read to your wife.

>> No.21287106

FUCK! I've come from the future but I'm already too late. Do not listen to him. Please, for the love of god. He has to be an actual retard, and obviously he thinks he's good at pretending to be smart but everyone reads through it instantly. But I mean seriously do you think a local jogging group is the solution? Go outside yes but do not do jogging. This place and the type of person that jogs, they don't mesh. Maybe you find what you think is the perfect girl. She has a much faster mile than you, live much faster, and sees you looking sweaty and even if you aren't fat, just brutally out of shape. You strike up conversation, starting with the greeks, all because you've heard girls like astrology (jogging group girls probably don't, fyi) and she's weirded out and a little disgusted but you know what, at this point, things are terrible enough, so she gives you a shot. She finds you to be sad but a little sweet and it develops. Eventually she falls in love. Meanwhile you're trying your best, maybe you do to. But there's a side of you she doesn't know. A vile side. And she doesn't understand why you spend so much time on that computer. Are you writing honey? Ummm, yes. But you're not writing, you're just on 4chan. Again. As you have been for the past 5 years. Eventually you leave it open by mistake on your computer and pretty much no matter her politics, if she sees you on here, the literature section no less. You're fucked. And there goes all your friends. And your life is over. All because you trust the retard who told you to pick up girls at a jogging group where They will all see you sweaty wheezing unable to articulate the first 5 lines of the odyssey u memorized then gave up on (you once knew 10).

So maybe just get tinder. Join a different social niche, not one set out to run into the ground, run like headless chickens. no no.

>> No.21287108

Honestly anon you should be grateful she even tolerates listening to them at all. Just take her consent to listen to them as a sign of love and then help her get to sleep with a nice comfy Borges text okay? There's no reason to be autistic about it.

>> No.21287116

You might want to check the definition of projection you retard.

>> No.21287130

yet you are deflecting. He has a point. If she didn't feel that way at least unconsciously, she would humor you and stay awake. So instead of expecting her to change, just enjoy the fact she lets you read to her and wants to make you happy.

>> No.21287134

Fresh pasta just dropped, lads.

>> No.21287144

I'm not even OP, not sure what you're getting at. That post I replied to just sounded like projection that's all.

>> No.21287146

I love this board. Even the shitposting has effort put into it.

>> No.21287150

Well you obviously feel attacked if you replied just because it "sounded like projection that's all' You wouldn't do that just to correct someone. If you are then it is you that is the retard (sorry). You replied because you were in fact inculcated with this same fear of cuckoldry. Now maybe you don't have a wife, a girlfriend, maybe you're even a virgin, but deep in you, there is this same spirit of humiliation. That's why you responded.

>> No.21287162

I admit I responded to textbook bait made to trigger responses on /lit/ specifically. Same with >>21287106. I don't get why you're armchair-psychologist posting and over-analyzing it now but sure, go ahead.

>> No.21287167

My gf likes Borges, maybe you should stop dating plebs

>> No.21287175

Again, you're shutting down. Why are you responding to me? You don't have to. None of us here are forcing you to. You're in denial and the fact you're saying I'm "over-analyzing" (yeah right, we all see it in broad daylight: you have a small penis and/or are impotent) proves that I hit the money. As usual.

>> No.21287180

Kek why is this so based

>> No.21287193

>proves that I hit the money
What does that even mean?

>> No.21287196

That I was on the money. That I was correct about you being little dicked.

>> No.21287199

I still don't get it. How did you arrive at that conclusion?

>> No.21287206

The only reason you’d be this curious (I mean come on, 4th response?) is because you stressed how even after such a short exchange, I could figure this out.

>> No.21287207

Right, but how did you figure it out?

>> No.21287210

Can I pass the baton to someone else? Throw up a lob for someone to come in and dunk on this mongoloid?

>> No.21287215

I still have no clue how you figured it out.

>> No.21287219

Why lie on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.21287371

I believe it anon. Me and my family used to watch movies together and my mom would invariably fall asleep for every single one of them. That's just how women are though, if OP is mad about it then it's because he's a sperg.

>> No.21287632

Op here
Met her at the university and we studied together

We already have babies. We're all in a big bed together and I read to everyone. If the kids fall asleep I don't mind.

Ok you're right

Yes I'm a sperg. I want to talk about the story an our walk the next day.

>> No.21288031
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>> No.21288048

apiculture huh...

>> No.21288052
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It's a proven method

>> No.21288245

how did u find a wife? do u do sex?

>> No.21288352

You're posts have small dick energy, it's painfully obvious.
>verification not required

>> No.21288371

>How can I find a wife, OP? Any tips?
Yes! Ignore women!
Lift for Hitler!
Read antisemitic literature!
Work! (for yourself, or at least for a man who works for himself)
Avoid usury!

Women will throw themselves at you. Most will be worthless whores. Sift through them and find a good one. Keep her pregnant until menopause.

>> No.21288381

This, but unironically.

>> No.21288407

You should just rape her in the ass while she sleeps

>> No.21288415

>read beautiful philosophical short stories from georg borges to my wife in bed
That's the gayest thing I've ever heard.

>> No.21288421

He might have started trolling you after the 2nd reply though.

>> No.21288428

You replied to my first post in this very thread.

>> No.21288441

I was the one he was responding to. If he was “trolling” me, and that was his way of doing it, well, he’s obviously a complete loser because no one found that funny, meanwhile my >>21287106 work was lauded by the board. He was lucky to get a reply but then again, I did say I wanted someone else to easily dunk on his imbecilic brain, as I had throw the alley-oop. Would I have used the term “little dick energy” ehhh probably not, but I guess it is the truth.

>> No.21289419

mentally ill people attract mentally ill people mostly so it's natural that in your circle there are only pain-in-the-ass relationships between men and women