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21273444 No.21273444 [Reply] [Original]

is this gonna inspire zoomers to read?

>> No.21273449

He stopped doing book reviews

>> No.21273451

This video is from 4 years ago, and the books were 72, not 721, I believe. Whatever the influence, it already happened.

>> No.21273477

>short stories, ~150 pages, are supposed to be read in one sitting in 4 or 5 hours on average
>barely literate school kids can read 30 pages an hour
>an adult who enjoys reading can read a book in a day with no problem

>>>illiterate niggerfaggots on lit who spam the board with x/pol/b/adv/r9k seethe and bait threads all day only make a literature thread once a week about baby's first novel, asking if they should read it or not, completely fucking confirming that no one on here reads
lit reminded me that 4chan is for dysgenic losers and defective drop outs who cant even compete with normie cattle they envy

>> No.21273485

>short stories, ~150 pages
Those are novellas, not short stories. Who's illiterate now? Gotcha, you tranny bastard.

>> No.21273618


>> No.21273625

Hopefully he did.
It's nice that an internet figure some people grew up to look up actually did something worth looking up to.

>> No.21273634
File: 35 KB, 206x273, 1645661816226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even read 20 books in one year

>> No.21273673

i forgot that he existed. are people still youtube addicts? i thought the youtuber fad was over

>> No.21273679

Seems he's over his pseudo phase. He's onto being a weeb now and he's probably already bored of that.

>> No.21273682
File: 34 KB, 640x509, kvt3kgtu0pz91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read 29 books this year
>read 14 books last year

>> No.21273722


>> No.21273762

Now that you mention it, I can't remember seeing a single book in any of his recent Japan vlogs (yes I watch his vlogs, sue me).

>> No.21273952

>>barely literate school kids can read 30 pages an hour
I can get through 10 max. As a result reading dominates my entire life and I have no time to do anything else

>> No.21273999


>> No.21274096

an improvement is still an improvement. So good for you.

>> No.21274104

why did he stop?
the videos got a lot of views and I enjoyed them

>> No.21274110

At his level he can't afford to run things into the ground. He has to stop each gimmick at N minus 1 videos, where N = viewers get the slightest hint of fatigue. If he did too many of these then he'd become "the guy who does book reviews".

>> No.21274194

>estimated net worth of $40 million
He could do whatever he wants. But for some reason he still seems to be a slave to numbers and advertisements.

>> No.21274255

>30 pages an hour
i read abt 15-20 pages per hour
i vocalize every word inside my mind, it's literature, not my daily news
>an adult who enjoys reading can read a book in a day with no problem
>muh the more the better
quit being a meme consoomer

>> No.21274270

Money and repetitive success in the same area of expertise without real failures or life crisis breeds developmental arrestment just as much as a person having general anxiety, and no material agency.

You can really see that Pewds is way behind. He'll likely just do the same thing for the rest of his life and never struggle or develop much.

>> No.21274287
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>> No.21274379

True, I meant more like him reading or holding a book or talking about books

>> No.21274385

There was some speculation in a thread not a long while ago about the books facing the wrong way. 90% sure one of the books was confirmed to be pretty based.

>> No.21274406

Oh yeah, you're right. I only watch him occasionally and was expecting him to talk at least a little about him reading books to learn the language. I would find that kinda interesting how that could help him learn.

>> No.21274654
File: 90 KB, 1076x760, 1614109196945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should viscerally hate all youtubers.

They live too good of a life, doing too little, and they all hate you.


>> No.21276025

novellas aren't just longer short stories retard

>> No.21276073

He was reading Blood meridian when the last review dropped. Looks like it broke him.

>> No.21276315

Guys stop chasing numbers. The only thing that matters and should matter is the insight and the improvements that were a result of the reading. Enjoy the Process, and make sure to live life too.

>> No.21276755

Books that were guessed were:
History of central banking
48 laws of power
4 hour work week
And Revolt against the modern world but that one didn't have a cover so couldn't really be certain

>> No.21276770

>You should viscerally hate all youtubers.
>They live too good of a life, doing too little
Imagine being like that
>and they all hate you
They mostly don't know I exist

>> No.21276779

Fuck off zoomer

>> No.21276787

I wish they didn't get inspired to read because we'd still have zlib then

>> No.21276868
File: 24 KB, 78x98, professionalbuffoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is going to influence Zoomers to read themselves into further mental invalidity it is Zoomerized Millennials who make imbecilic faces/noises/content for a living.

>> No.21276965

I don't know man.... Pewds seems like he has turned into a heckin' consumer since moving to japan. I doubt the lad will do any reviews anytime soon.

>> No.21277205

Pewdiepie honestly got me into reading a few years ago, if that's a good indicator of the video's effect