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21272711 No.21272711 [Reply] [Original]

There are two kinds of people. Dunefags and LotRfags.

Which one are (you) ?

>> No.21272792

A grown adult

>> No.21272794

I don't like either but I gues I'm a lotrfag because I hate druggies and love trees

>> No.21272811

There's more then eight types.

Loves D
Loves L
Loves both
Loves neither
Never read D
Never read L
Never read either
Never heard of either
Then we get into the 'merely likes'

>> No.21272827

Neither, I'm a BotNSfag

>> No.21272836
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OP... aren't you forgetting a series of books?

>> No.21272842

>schlock a vs. schlock b
who gives a fuck? i'm not 12 any more

>> No.21272848

There are two types of virgins

>> No.21272850

>Never read either
This is me. I've only read The Hobbit and watched Jodorowsky's Dune and the recent Reddit Canadian man's Dune. Currently reading LotR but not sure if it will affect me (26).

>> No.21272871


The sludge must flow.

>> No.21272903
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Not everyone likes to spend their limited free time on book-awarded dry reads and poorly composed, redundant literature. Enjoying genre fiction doesn't make you a child, but acting superior simply because you don't partake in someone else's harmless hobby might.

>> No.21272952

Read both, fag for neither.

I also like BotNS, but not gay for it either.

It doesn't count until the fat fuck finishes it or dies first.

>> No.21273178

I personally did not enjoy reading much of LOTR. I can see why it's a masterpiece and admire what it excels at, but those areas that make it a definitive work don't necessarily make it an enjoyable read for me. To be fair I think a major hindrance was that I tried to tackle them when I was too young.

I found the first 4 books of the Dune series to be fantastic as a whole, though personally I think Chapterhouse and Heretics were awful.

>> No.21273741

Dunefag, at least until I read LotR.

>> No.21273752

LoTR but I have the first Dune paperback on my shelf whenever I get around to it.

>> No.21274548

>dry reads and poorly composed, redundant literature
That's exactly what both LotR and Dune are though.

>> No.21274686

>Which one are (you) ?
A grown adult

>> No.21274915
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Elric chad

>> No.21274928

LOTR is so vastly superior to Dune that I can't understand how you could prefer Dune unless you read it first and it has nostalgic value to you.

>> No.21274938

If you put a gun to my head and told me to choose, Dune. However, without the gun to my head, I enjoy both.

>> No.21275067
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>> No.21275636

I like both. There are far more than two types of people anon.

>> No.21275639

supraorbital artery

>> No.21275652
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Dune. LoTR reads like a college textbook and was written by a childish pseud who hated any kind of moral nuance

And no I don't hate Catholics I love Wolfe and Chesterton, they were more mature than Tolkien and it shows in their writing

>> No.21275731

I like Dune but I vastly prefer LOTR
Tolkien crafted something very special with the LOTR and it's never been replicated before, despite all of the shallow imitators

>> No.21275747


>> No.21275766
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Not really. SF has way way more founding fathers than Fantasy does when it comes to their legacy. It's almost impossible to pinpoint a single SF author who had as much of an impact the way Tolkien did singularly did with his writings.

>> No.21275985
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Personally, I'm a Gormenghastfag, since it's significantly better than both of those

>> No.21276001

Can someone explain why dune is so big in sci-fi circles?
Of the classics it seems to me to be mediocre
I might have read it "to late" as in i read other book influenced by it and dune does not read as well because I've already read more refined "re-writes"

>> No.21276201

Dune is Plagiarism
LOTR is trash
none of them

>> No.21276265

It's real simple.

Fantasy is for traditionalists (Well adjusted chads). Sci-fi is progressive (Fringe coping betas). Everyone in between is a cuck, anyone who disagrees is wrong, and space is gay.

>> No.21276274

Reminder that the creator of Star Trek was a literal commie who sperged out when the scriptwriters mentioned marriage in one of the scripts because he imagined in the future humans would have moved "beyond" such concepts. Sci-fi is degenerate garbage.

>> No.21276281

Gormenghast is the most overrated fantasy series I've seen on this board. Its only selling point is that it's a "hidden gem" and is overshadowed by other series which gives it more appeal to the contrarians. Read the first book and it fucking sucked, no wonder it's not popular. Peake should have stuck to painting.

>> No.21276282
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I'm more of a New Sun kind of guy.

>> No.21276368

I refuse to believe that someone who actually reads novels could have such an awful opinion. Gormenghast also isn't really a hidden gem, or contrarian, since literary critics have praised it for decades

>> No.21276617

this is the post

>> No.21276622

>hidden gem
Are you fucking retarded? It's extremely popular.

>> No.21276629

I'm 25 and finished reading LotR a few weeks ago and it has single handedly sparked a new love for reading on me.