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/lit/ - Literature

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21272556 No.21272556 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>late teens, just moved out
>have some course in political philosophy
>start digging deeper
>discover rationalism
>arriving at truths solely based on rational inference
>start contemplating every possibility in earnest
>mind now warps around shifting axioms to make any given potential seem likely
>become isolated and weird
>consider that I have gaslit myself years ago to change my behaviour for some hidden reason and then also induced amnesia to forget that I did so
>ignore that I might just be mentally ill and need help because the other option is a possibility and therefore probably valid
>every positive conclusion I reach to counter this I now believe is actually planned 4d chess cope from my pre-gaslighting self to shield myself and I am not being authentic unless I assume the most miserable option is true
>start believing my neighbours are out to get me
>stop leaving the apartment unless under the cover of darkness lest they spot me
>stop flushing the toilet because they could hear that I am home and harass me
>drive myself to the brink of suicide because I can not reconcile reality with the increasingly complex mental landscape that I have crafted for no discernible reason
pls /lit/ for the love of god don't get into philosophy
don't repeat my mistakes, my mind got poisoned to the point of psychosis
if you absolutely can't resist stick to something practical like ethics but I wouldn't risk it

>> No.21272588

Kek you just weren’t built for it, I already had episodic amnesia and was mentally ill and never left my house before I ever studied philosophy.

>> No.21272593

>ignore that I might just be mentally ill
maybe you shouldn't ignore it

>> No.21272609
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>> No.21272623

Theology is poison, philosophy is coping , and science is as real as Rodin’s le penseur.

>> No.21272636
File: 74 KB, 1254x958, Frightening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy is unironically the last line of defence for the establishment's system. It is a spiritually castrated form mental masturbation, taken out of the esoteric belief systems and perverted into mass appeal by removal of all the profound ideas. As is religion, which is always a diluted version of the hidden truth's the public is not at liberty to know about.

Some philosophers hold appeal, if only because they decided to embrace the role of a stepping stone designed to catapult you towards pursuit of esoteric systems. Individuals such as these get a pass for they do more good than harm in the long run, as a lot of individuals who pick Jung and Evola sooner or later transcend the mortal confines of normie thoughts and ascend into the alchemical process of seeking the truths about Archeus's Great Work.

Evola was right. Reject the modern overt world in it's totality. Let go of it's thinkers, even those that critique said world for their critique is more often than not a form of controlled opposition, designed to carefully steer you into the falsehoods of the Materia Mondus.

>> No.21272649


>> No.21272667

>unplug from this groupthink and queue into my groupthink
No, I don’t think I will

>> No.21272670

lmao replied to the wrong post time to end it

>> No.21272672
File: 49 KB, 470x598, 1_7Gl4RgjfOLVoxMfSilf2hA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the dumb bitch in this photo

>> No.21272676

>be me
>be retarded
>please /lit/ dont be a retard like me

>> No.21272703

Who did you read ?

>> No.21272748

descartes, kant, schopenhauer, nietzsche, stirner, plato, sextus empiricus, bhagavad gita, ashtavakra gita, tao te ching, nagarjuna, kierkegaard, hegel, marx, mainländer, heidegger, deleuze, land
roughly in that order

>> No.21273107

A bunch of garbage navel gazing hand waving delusions.
You became delusional.
You were attracted to the delusions of others because you were predisposed to have a delusional mind.

Perfect storm.

>> No.21273168

tell me something I don't know

>> No.21273238

You read Plato. Socrates thought one could become a proper philosopher by the age of 40 after a strict regimen and if possessing a warrior character. Thus young men should first excel in sports and fighting, then acquire experience, then practice sciences and then start philosophizing.
You did not.

Also Schoppy. Don't repeat books, think for yourself about your own personal problems. You are not an emperor neither a city mayor, you don't do politics so you have no reason to delve into political philosophy.

>> No.21273503

Unironically good advice though

>> No.21273530

Try Michael Della Rocca's "Parmenidean Ascent". It ended philosophy for me.

>> No.21273563

That sounds like (you) problem

>> No.21273661

Not flushing your toilet because you’re afraid of harassment from your neighbors has absolutely nothing to do with philosophy. Address that mental illness anon, it’s not going away. If you believe everything is real and so it is ultra important not to get harassed by your neighbors, you will do this. And if you believe everything is fake and so your neighbors could be nightmare demons who are out to get you, you will still do this. It’s not about the nature truth or meaning. It’s about a feeling of paranoia. I have two schizophrenic family members, my mother and uncle. They do this stuff all the time. Live as total shut ins, dependent on my grandma. My mother thinks the neighbors are watching her through the walls with infrared radiation and will attack her if she doesn’t clean the way they’d want. My uncle thinks everyone is trying to steal his money so he never wants to talk to strangers or go out in public. I’m not saying it’s that bad for you, but that’s where it can lead, and neither of them read at all - heck, my uncle flunked out of high school and has never heard of most philosophers. Just go see a therapist, for real.

>> No.21275212

Have you thought for a moment that you just weren’t built for it?

>> No.21275324

>>drive myself to the brink of suicide because I can not reconcile reality with the increasingly complex mental landscape that I have crafted for no discernible reason
Now, you're finally ready. You're ready to read Hegel.

>> No.21275475

this is why psychedelics are valuable, you could have exorcised all this in a handful of trips instead of half? your 20s

>> No.21275483

i can bask in the basedness of this reply

>> No.21275488

Uh bros.... I think he discovered eldritch secrets.