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/lit/ - Literature

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21271998 No.21271998 [Reply] [Original]

Been getting into reading lately, of the few books ive read my favorites have been whatever and the elementary particles by houellebecq, as well as stoner. What i love about these books is how bluntly and matter of fact they lay out the course of a mans life, all the pains that break him down and the few moments of love/happiness he is afforded, put into perspective the consequences of his choices, and induce a sense of urgency about making changes in my life. The other books i read feel like a chore to get through but these ones i can hardly put them down once i get started. What other books are like this?

>> No.21272007

Start with the greeks

>> No.21272010

Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe

>> No.21272036

No Longer Human

>> No.21272043

why would an incel want to read about love? it's like a starving man reading about food.

>> No.21272045

Sounds interesting, i will give it a try, ty

>> No.21272074

you get to imagine

>> No.21272078

Which only amplifies your suffering. You suffer but why?

>> No.21272089
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Don't waste your time trying to please cum addled ADHD ridden morons just to be able to slide into their pussies and pat yourself on the back for getting their approval.
Make money. Hire luxury escorts in good locations. Enjoy life.

>> No.21272114

suffering is addictive

>> No.21272154

I guess i still have a little bit of hope. Im working hard to improve my life and these books remind me what it’s all for. I don’t want to die without having given life my best attempt

>> No.21272214

Michel Houllecbecq's essay, To Stay Alive: A Method. Every artist, poet, and misfit should read it.

>> No.21272225

When I imagine myself having sex I am disgusted because my body is hideous. Even If loved a woman and she were ideal I could not allow myself to have sex with her or be with her because I am disgusting.

>> No.21272239

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.21272251

Kek, are you serious? You can get in presentable, sex-worthy shape in about 6-12 months of commited exercise routine supplemented by daily walks. After the initial month of struggle you'll even start to enjoy the endorphine release and confidence boost.
What you'll find out later on is that while most women are attractive on the outside, they're absolutely rotten inside and you're wasting time on them.

>> No.21272608

>What you'll find out later on is that while most women are attractive on the outside, they're absolutely rotten inside and you're wasting time on them.

can confirm

>> No.21272646

Here's a natural follow up: do women who are attractive on the inside and out exist? I feel like modernity has made it so that people are especially self-centered and rotten on the inside, but surely there are women out there who haven't let the rot of the world affect them.

>> No.21273329

Of course they exist, but they're rare. My gf is the perfect example of an attractive women that other man look at when we're out in public, but on the inside she's the best woman I've ever met and had. Truly a heart of gold. She has done a lot for me, been with me through shit where other women would have left and alway supports me in any way possible, never declines a request, always there to help in a difficult situation, always trying to lift me up and share helpful advice, started reading and working out because of me, even changed her diet to improve her gains.

Good women with uncorrupted souls are still out there, just as good men with strong spirits. But they're getting more rare year by year. Just keep searching and you will find that person one day.

>> No.21273445


>> No.21273447

>r9k incel seethe thread #123123
why cant you niggerfaggots just start lifting and running like i did? i would unironically throw a 10/10 virgin gf under the bus for a tiny bit of extra gains and aerobic capacity
if i was offered sex or guaranteed 300 grams of choice protein a day, i'd pick protein because cow meat got expensive for some reason and chicken isnt as tasty
i am now more impressed by my commando grip from hanging off of pull up bar all fucking day than i am by any pair of titties or ass
my wet dreams are now about climbing mountains 15 hours a day
when i see a hot runner chick in yoga pants at the park i run in, i am more focused on doing more laps than her instead of checking her out

>> No.21273523
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I am a poorfag schizo and my meals usually consist of things like toast bread smeared with salted lard with small piece of white cheese on top. I always read during eating, mostly pirated books about history of warfare, favourite part of which are always those concerned with military logistics, rations and so on. Reading about Roman legionnaires being entitled to daily allowance of 1lbs of meat, 1 lbs of legumes, quart of posca, dates, puls, garum and other unimaginably nutricious and tasty shit helps me cope with my nearly apocalyptic meals munched with wobbly teeth.
I imagine on the same principle some incels could be attracted to lively and romantic literary topics, personally I am long past those.

>> No.21274632

Go outside and talk to people.

>> No.21275034

No longer human.

>> No.21275717

It's a remarkable coincidence that of all of these rare women, you happen to be dating one.

>> No.21275720

Maybe you're just gay. You seem more interested in the male form than women anyway.

>> No.21275721

If your post wasn't cope it would be incredibly based. Especially the mountain climbing.

>> No.21276308

You gay or something?

>> No.21276325

>put into perspective the consequences of his choices, and induce a sense of urgency about making changes in my life

The Death of Ivan Ilyich does this like no other piece of literature could

>> No.21276387


>> No.21276407

There's literally snow everywhere right now

>> No.21276519

Now I think about it Id like to hear his advice for incels, cos he is pretty spot on and practical on most issues

>> No.21276533

peak incel mentality (including all those bunkertranny simps that call chuds incels)

>> No.21276539

chud is the funniest and most obviously provocative insult to incels, it will never get old if you aren't an incel

>> No.21276565

The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien

First Love by Ivan Turgenev

The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe

5 cm per second (manga & movie)