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File: 3.00 MB, 360x436, Socrates.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21254710 No.21254710 [Reply] [Original]

Is Andrew Tate the Socrates of our time?

>> No.21254713
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Andrew Tate is retarded and the antithesis to the well-read man.

>> No.21254719

you can be 100% sure that a well-read feminist arthoe would rather fuck tate type guy than some intellectual book nerd (she'd never admit it though)

>> No.21254722

Lmao remember when he lost in online chess and made a post calling chess players a bitchless nerd

>> No.21254725

>censores words like sex, rape, and suicide so algorithm-kun won't deprive him of clicks
Truly tatean freethinker

>> No.21254727

Nobody hates him. How do these people operate with such high levels of paranoia and delusion? He broke the ToS of private companies and they kicked him out. That's like being upset a restaurant won't admit you because you are a nudist. This guy is retarded and has not read Plato

>> No.21254731

Isn't it it better to be well-read and well-traveled. Not reading is pretty nigger tier. Nobody's saying you should stay inside your whole life and do nothing but read, but maybe Tate would appeal to me if he actually had interesting topics to discuss and not just 'Muh Dick' self-improvement garbage

>> No.21254732

Why does that matter though?

>> No.21254733

How did he hear about Socrates anyway, from somebody who reads?

>> No.21254746

whether you like it or not, your value as a man is determined by the pussy you're getting

>> No.21254753

>stops caring
what now?

>> No.21254780

you better have some artistic output and get actual recognition for it, because otherwise you're just a failed 0 pussy mf. most artists still fuck hoes either way.

>> No.21254789

but why?

>> No.21254796

women couldn't care less about intellect, they want masculinity and status. the woman brain is deeply sexual and driven by solely by evolutionary breeding preferences; what they say and what they actually do are usually two unrelated things, as apparent in their choice of cocks to fuck.

>> No.21254805

oh an incel thread

>> No.21254812

But Socrates was a soldier who campaigned in war, and, while it's hard to distingush between his and Platos ideas, the seminal work featuring him is about building a big gobermint utopia where young men are told precisely what to do based on their intellectual and physical aptitudes.

>> No.21254813

He just says very basic common sense things in a social media tailored way to try and get a reaction out of people. There's really nothing more to him. He never really says anything profound. I do think he can be pretty funny tho in the way that he phrases things

>> No.21254818

No, not until he drinks hemlock.

>> No.21254824

Is he still a muslim or the larp is over?

>> No.21254826

What a weird thing to get bothered by.

>> No.21254827

The guy has been in the news lately and there's tons of people who basically think he's corrupting the youth or boys into being evil misogynists or something.
Idk why, people are retarded I guess.

>> No.21254829

Stop posting this off topic monkey, you e-celeb-worshipping troglodyte.

>> No.21254832
File: 56 KB, 827x638, 1659132726641253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


women like things that have become Things

women would suck their shit off your dick if they knew you were a Thing, but you are just a thing

bukowski is a Thing

bukowski is Bukowski

women would never fuck bukowski, or "a bukowski," but they'lI fuck Bukowski

women would never fuck a tiny jittery nervous clever jew with amazing wit and intelligence, but no boisterous alpha vehicle to convey it with, but they will fuck the shit out of Woody Allen, because Woody Allen is a THING

women are the worst pieces of shit you could possibly imagine. in the absence of Things to want to fuck, they will either look to men to define those things (via male-constructed hierarchies like academia, or via the male's capacity to actually appreciate art and greatness without having been told something is great beforehand), or even more grotesquely, they will look to other women

when women can't decide whether something is a Thing or not, they will just look to other women nearby, and as all the women look to each other, a harmonic resonance will be achieved, an endless buzzing stochastic fucking white noise of perceptionless nothingness, and then from within that endless jiggling universe of undifferentiated particles eventually you'll get some hydrogen, eventually you'll get clumps, and eventually women will intersubjectiveIy, collectively, and completely unconsciously which clumps of matter have the supermassive quasar cocks worth sucking

if you want to be great, search deep within yourself for greatness

if you want to fuck women, use sleight of hand to convince them that someone else already ratified you as great

a woman wouldn't be able to tell a george carIin from a fart joke, but they will orbit Dane Cook for eternity because the TV said he was a Thing

>> No.21254835

It's about discussing an ideal city which Socrates admits can not exist. Also, it's a stratified society built around social subordination(not that that's a bad thing)

>> No.21254838

Garbage fucking board.

>> No.21254843

>he doesn't know

>> No.21254845

You think this is bad lol?

>> No.21254848

>women are the worst pieces of shit you could possibly imagine

I've heard about these poor-readers of Bukowski but I haven't met one till now.

Wow and you've read George carlin too. how the fuck did you get so lost? Are you in the transitory phase where you recognize the profound illusions that surround you?

>> No.21254851

Somehow this finally explains why there were people to say that Fauci or other decrepit media darlings were "sexy".

Is it really all about social standing? Is our selection mechanism that shallow?

>> No.21254855

I'm married, have children, and a generation older than the demographic being discussed. I don't like Tate because he's materialistic but every single thing he said in the OP's .webm is correct. Go seethe and dilate sweetie.

>> No.21254858

Based, I remember this post.

>> No.21254860

I think I'm done with this board. I think all the smart posters left a while ago.

>> No.21254875

I don't give a fuck about recognition. When did getting pussy become such an achievement? 0 pussy mf was barely a concept a few decades ago. Like it or not you've all been psy-opped into simphood.

>> No.21254900

>Is it really all about social standing? Is our selection mechanism that shallow?
Yes. Even women who like "alternative" hobbies are still looking for a respected man within that niche. It's a cope.

>> No.21254906
File: 51 KB, 645x773, 1668272686790785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans literally worship a illiterate nigger
Nuke the western hemisphere

>> No.21254910

Don't pretend like men are much different. You've read Dostoevsky not because you were just dying to know the thoughts of a 19th century orthodox slav, you did it because Dostoevsky is a Thing. Both genders revile each other and desperately want to be fundamentally different, but in truth both men and women are largely the same brand of scum. Men achieved greater heights of success and "sophistication" for precisely two reasons: their bodies are more capable, and their IQ bell curve is a bit flatter, allowing men to produce more geniuses. Thats it. These two factors - ability to innovate, and superior physical vessels to manifest that innovation into reality, propelled men into dominance, not some ephemeral quality of discerning greatness and being fucking cool and special snowflakes. Contemporary civilization well illustrates that once the societal needs for hard labor and defensive force are satisfied, sexes begin to bleed into one another, men "discover" their tender and lascivious sides, work less and wallow in simple joys, women turn to feminism and try to subsume positions of power. Culturally, you get, well, trannies, gays, butch dykes, liberals, pick your monstrosity. Sorry but you're not granted godhood because there's a small dick limping in your pants, it's a free-for-all.

>> No.21254914

nobody is talking about women you fucking incel
if you're reading to get women, kill yourself

>> No.21254918

andrew tate is the current thing for a demographic of male zoomers who can barely look people in the eye. personally I hope these people treat their girlfriends like shit in public and I can watch them get nigged on

>> No.21254925

Yes. Don't listen to coping weaklings.

>> No.21254930
File: 510 KB, 948x674, 1667053625152132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is proof americans are illiterate mongrels that should be used for slave labor

>> No.21254933

Why do leftists worship corpojew so much?

>> No.21254939

why do incels switch boogeymen so much? ask yourself, I don't know.

>> No.21254956

You just don't know how to filter the good from the bad.

>> No.21254966


>> No.21254972

>/pol/ personified
Light went on in my head

>> No.21255008

As if you cunts woyldn't tge first art hoe who wants to fuck you.

>> No.21255020

Im into black and asian women

>> No.21255033

Don't project your own simping on others. Once you've had active sex life for a while, and more importantly spent some time in relationship and understood how the female mind operates, women become far less desirable and you gain the ability to reject their animalistic seductions.

>> No.21255042

no amount of viciously tapping keyboard makes what you said sound any less like it was written by an incel

>> No.21255055

You're right to assume that an incel would fall for a whore easily, but he'll learn his lesson. As have I.

>> No.21255057

ok incel ask yourself why you care that internet strangers think you've had sex

>> No.21255061

>fucked more bitches than you (not a feat I know)
>has more money than you
>more popular than you
>would kick your ass without breaking sweat
What now?

>> No.21255063

Why do westerners only think about sex
Sex and women have become the western man's God

>> No.21255064

The posters claimed women wanting to fuck Tate over nerds is something uniwue to only women, which is hardly true. Men too would fuck hot sluts over ugly nerds.

>> No.21255065

wow sounds like of like chuck norris based!

>> No.21255068

Terrible thread.

>> No.21255076

Wrong. All humans do the same.

>> No.21255083

I don't care about that at all, millennials had much easier access to teenage sex than zoomers do and having fucked isn't seen as any sort of achievement for those who were in high school in 00s. It's surreal to me how overrated pussy has become, or that turning down an "arthoe" is considered as something unthinkable. These "arthoes" were dime a dozen in my college, you get tired of them by the end of freshman year.

>> No.21255091

>millennials had much easier access to teenage sex than zoomers do
this isn't remotely true and you're a projecting incel but please keep up the confidence in your ability to fit in