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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.92 MB, 3840x1701, Riverside Bazaar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21250517 No.21250517 [Reply] [Original]

Riverside Bazaar Edition

Previous Thread:>>21241657

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21250529
File: 85 KB, 600x927, Grendel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First post for Gardner. Would anyone recommend his other fictional works?

>> No.21250535 [DELETED] 


>> No.21250572


>> No.21250648
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Where do you heathens discuss books that isn't here?

>> No.21250652
File: 37 KB, 313x499, Sword of Bayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how /lit/ has been a fucking shithole for 12 straight years. Or is it 11?

>> No.21250654

Sell me on this book.

>> No.21250674
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I don't

>> No.21250695
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Here, use this next time so we can save three posts each thread.

>> No.21250698

I only promote the bottom two. I have no affiliation with Cradle or RI.

>> No.21250702
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>> No.21250704
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What do you guys think of Hyperion

>> No.21250709

>would have to edit the promotional space out myself
Pass. I suppose I'll continue irregularly posting both images, in the hopes that I may discuss books with posters someday.

>> No.21250710

Does /sffg/ like Terry Dowling?

>> No.21250713

Have you ever encountered anyone who has read them?

>> No.21250721

I encounter few people in this thread who read anything outside of the same fifteen safe space authors or series, and that has been the status quo for the majority of /lit/'s lifespan. No, those are not the only books I post about.

>> No.21250759 [DELETED] 

Bakker mogs all of these.

>> No.21250767

First book has lots of interesting stories. Varied, emotion, powerful. Second book has a kind of space opera, and an ending I thought packed a good thematic argument against cultural hegemony. Although the second book is strange with its new dream narrator, and many of the sequences involved the earlier characters are too short, I still think it had unity and a fitting conclusion.

>> No.21250822
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>Bakker mogs all of these.

>> No.21251062

>His mother is incompetent too.
His mom is the only reason he got a fruit, which just so happens to be why he can competently use the open palm, which just so happens to be why he fights the exhibition match, and is literally the only person in the clan that anticipates and even attempts to do something about the Markuth summoning. The dad gives him one minor piece of advice and then ignores his death and even walks out on them in the prophesy.
>b-but the bad luck in telling your kid what path to want
Her being a rationalist that's above clan superstitions, just like her being harsh is a practical consequence of having to take over the parenting duties of his useless dad. Her "flaws" aren't real flaws, unlike nearly every male character in the book that is spiteful, selfish, naive, and so on. Mom, Sister, Phoenix, and Sword girl are all sues that suffer from limitations, not flaws. MC asspulls so often it's not even funny. The antagonists have zero redeeming qualities. Overall the conflicts are utterly braindead as a consequence.
>Incorrect, there are no major antagonists introduced in the first book except the Wandering Titan. Every antagonist in the first book is an insect.
Antagonists are not defined by powerlevelfaggotry, the wandering titan is barely present in the book and does not directly interact with the protagonist a single time. (No being told he's going to kill you in 20 years is not a direct interaction.) He's not even named. The people that directly impede MC's path to his goal are the antagonists of the book Unsouled, and you regarding them as nobodies simply adds to them being shit characters and a waste of time.
>There was no apocalypse
A demon that's more powerful than the realm can resist appearing to kill everyone you know and claim it as his domain is an apocalypse scenario. It even took divine intervention to thwart it. This refers primarily to Markuth, but the prophesy is essentially another apocalypse scenario. Sure the series will just recontextualize them as some mere nascent grade entity bullying some puny mortals in xianxia fashion, but in terms of book 1's plot, Markuth was an apocalypse event and the vision was an apocalyptic prophesy, hence them coming at the same time and the same divine source affecting both.
>Master Whisper and all his "filler" is relevant later in the series.
He told MC to bee urself and that there's a big world out there, then expressed blatant yet conveniently vague foreshadowing. Yes, he's clearly putting up plot flags, his part was also hilariously shallow. He didn't even get mentioned during the Markuth attack.

tl;dr The book is YA schlock with a california spin to it. I don't really care if you claim it recontextualizes in later books because the fact of the matter is that what I'm reading to get there is still YA schlock.

>> No.21251103

based and cradle-is-shit-pilled.

>> No.21251109

Thoughts on the Ringworld series?

>> No.21251183
File: 647 KB, 1505x2200, The Bands of Mourning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bands of Mourning, Wax & Wayne #3/Mistborn #6 - Brandon Sanderson (2016)

The Bands of Mourning is a cinematic action-adventure inspired by Wild West movies and Indiana Jones's Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's often completely ridiculous, but also a lot of fun, which is fortunate because it's lacking in most other ways. There are a lot of changes from the previous books and more from the Cosmere is introduced. At least three characters from three different systems directly interact with the Scadrian characters. The statements of advancement requiring hardship mentioned in the previous book are demonstrated in the form of a separate Scadrian civilization with more advanced technology. If this is meant to be foreshadowing what Mistborn Era 3 will be like, then it's rather neat and cool. Another change is that Sanderson's humor was mildly amusing at times rather than mostly groanworthy.

While this is primarily a book about action and adventure, there are also brief scenes discussing topics such as oppression, worker's rights, revolution, civil war, federalism, trade logistics, tax policy, water rights, and how out of touch the wealthy urban elites are with the common people. They seem to serve as intermissions between action pieces rather than having much bearing on the narrative. Maybe something more will be done with them in the final book.

This book was also overtly religious to where I think I may have simply forgotten how relatively more religious the Mistborn series is versus his other works. I don't recall if there's a term for this, but Sanderson's approach to religion, especially in this book, is to meet people where they're at and acknowledge their criticisms and concerns of religion as valid. There's also some mild condemnation of separatist religious communities being unable or unwilling to properly police themselves. However, despite all that, by the end it proposes that regardless of whatever flaws we believe there to be, and regardless of our lack of understanding of God's greater purpose, we must accept him and have faith in his goodness.

Given what happened in the previous book I thought that the protagonist would be broody for the entire book, but that wasn't the case, which was a relief. His wife really came to the fore this time, which made for an exemplary depiction of a high-functioning autistic woman. A dark-skinned woman is presented as extremely knowledgeable, comparable to anyone in the Cosmere, according to Sanderson. There's a character who doesn't mind crossdressing for disguises. A lesbian is told her that her sexual preferences are valid and that it was wrong for the male character to pursue her affections. There's even what seems to be intended as a trans acceptance scene. Then there's the interspecies love scene between a human and non-human. Sanderson really went for inclusivity with this book.

Rating: 3.5/5

>> No.21251197

>A dark-skinned woman is presented as extremely knowledgeable, comparable to anyone in the Cosmere, according to Sanderson
That's Khriss, yeah? She's been around for ages anyway. Her and some guy whose name I forget are who essentially 'put the stories together' in-universe.

>> No.21251209

I read this book and I don't recall so much of it. Specific bits of the previous two Wax and Wayne books stuck with me well enough, I don't really recall anything about this one besides the ending so the inclusivity stuff doesn't ring a bell with me at all. I did remember Wax's wife finally just becoming a character, which was nice, but it felt like a book that should've just been the last one and wasn't.

>> No.21251245

I remember Radix being talked quite a bit over here a few years ago

>> No.21251264


>> No.21251277

Yeah, him. There's too many damn characters, I have trouble with names as-is. I tend to remember characters more often by who they are, not necessarily names. It's actually kind of weird how some books I can remember characters relatively in-depth but I can't remember a single name.

>> No.21251282

>dark-skinned woman
he's referring to Khriss, who's from nightside on Taldain. Honestly don't know why he brought her up.
Wayne, duh.
Ranette. Wayne eventually is told off after three books to stop making advances on her cause she's in a lesbian relationship now.
I don't know what they're talking about here. But it has been ~6 months since I last read it
>human and non-human
Wayne sexing up Melaan, the kandra.

>> No.21251352

Yes, the Ars Arcanum at the end.

Well, Set hasn't been fully addressed, especially its non-human leaders.

I didn't refer by name intentionally. I added Khriss at the last moment for even more inclusivity. I brought her up because she talks to Wax in a rather silly way. Ranette has been in relationship with a woman for many years. The trans scene I mean is the kandra taking on a male form and Wayne saying that changes nothing about the relationship because they're the same person. What I wrote wasn't meant to be a puzzle to be solved.

>> No.21251370
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What would have happened if Kelsier had used his plot armor to gank Khriss and Nazh haha

>> No.21251399
File: 58 KB, 182x178, Capture5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everywhere is a shithole. Be the positive change you want to see in this world and post something meaningful.

>> No.21251496

"New York Times bestseller" is such a buzzword

>> No.21251504

>The seasons thing. The Spring’s Warden was next. She was slimmer, and Rabbiteater thought she was very pretty.
>Oh, she looked like she was in her thirties despite being twenty years older, which apparently was because she was the embodiment of the spring.

I swear Pirate has a thing for these kind of women. Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.21251532

In that it's nothing more than a marketing tactic, yes. It doesn't measure how well books sell.

>> No.21251548

Tradpub has always been cancer.

>> No.21251565

Oh, right. I more viewed the stuff with Wayne and Ranette as him actually moving on to a proper relationship, he basically always knew it wasn't a real thing regardless of her being lesbian or whatever.

>> No.21251662
File: 1.97 MB, 1668x2224, 8yjwubqo8di61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read cradle

>> No.21251692

This had already been posted here. It is fine but please be more careful next time.

>> No.21251710
File: 3 KB, 260x41, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking americans I swear

>> No.21251739

Then they wonder why no one reads their shit.
I already don't want romance books in my fantasy, but you add faggots and YA shit to it too? A triple threat of shit for me to avoid.

>> No.21251773

I think the first book was really well done. Twists and turns, flawed and struggling characters, mystery. Just keep away from the rest. The second is still bearable, but the direction it takes is really getting overly silly.

>> No.21251788
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Weren't the shapeshifters - Kandra or something - gender neutral since the original trillogy? Sexless races are pretty common in fantasy, or at least used to be before the recent way of progressivism made the topic much hotter than before. I wouldn't see trans themes there, not quite the same thing, though you could say it's adjacent. Cross-dressing is also hard to perceive as real cross-dressing, it's been used for ages in fiction in form of comedy or practical disguise.

It's not an attack on you or anything, just in case. It's just weird to me that someone could perceive common literary themes through modern lens and claim Sanderson is 'inclusive' or anything. If you read his interviews, he seems to be a very anxious person toing the line between his faith and modern sensibilities, not quite agreeing with the mainstream, but too smart to buy into the religious dogma. Just a normal, intelligent nerd in his 40s.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if he was pushed into some progressive elements in his writing, the scene about one of minor character in the third Stormlight Archive book being guy was downright atrocious, so much it made me believe Sanderson was forced to write it. Maybe it was just him being a bad writer, though.

Damn, I have problem with recalling almost anything from The Band of Mourning. Usually my book memory is excellent, but this book makes me drawing blanks. I guess I didn't like it too much if it's that forgettable.

The guy in the vision at the end was Kelsier from the original trillogy, right?

>> No.21251947

That's why I provided the qualifications. They're all token gestures aside from the autism. I was being at least somewhat sarcastic with the ending line, but I suppose that didn't come across as I intended.

As for the gay guy in the third Stormlight book, I thought that was amusing so I posted the excerpt in the thread because I knew the sort of reaction it would get. That's really what that that entire last paragraph is about, poking fun at those who'd get overexcited about it either way.

About the ending, yeah.

>> No.21251972

The gay guy in Stormlight is apparently (along with a lot of the minor Bridge Four guys) based on a friend of Sanderson's anyway. A lot of his 'inclusivity' stuff is always very minor and token and just kind of on side-characters who rarely get brought up again. The most inclusive he's been is making Kaladin not white.

>> No.21251992

Aside from religion I think he does that with almost everything. Which I suppose is a way not offend almost anyone while also appeasing those who become giddy over its slightest presence.

>> No.21252017

The Ousters did nothing wrong.

>> No.21252086

I don’t usually read fantasy, but I just finished the Second Apocalypse series after a friend recommended it to me. What other authors in the genre are able to capture the same imagination and talent that was surprisingly fresh from R. Scott Bakker? Only thing I’ve read that’s probably worth mentioning was the Lord of the Rings and Dune. Don’t know much else about the genre. Please no YA or cape-shit. Thanks in advance.

>> No.21252108 [DELETED] 

>Bakkerfag trying to false flag

>> No.21252113

I will literally never touch any of those.

>> No.21252203
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>> No.21252219

Truly the MCU of fantasy.

>> No.21252229

15 things on that list aren't even out yet.

>> No.21252232

I wasn’t aware that posting scat was allowed on this board.

>> No.21252238
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>chronological order anything
If you're reading it out of release order, you're reading it wrong. What the fuck is wrong with people.

>> No.21252252
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Anon, how could you forget...

>> No.21252300

What happened to the Cosmere encyclopedia thing that was supposed to have conversion rates of Investiture and a canon chronology?

>> No.21252302
File: 487 KB, 1123x1200, Lindskold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for women authors are actually bases.

>> No.21252314

Is it good? Also, the first thing I could think of when seeing the covers was Dogpill and that video of a woman kissing wolves mouth-on-mouth.

I Intend to do my own women authors read, dozen or so books. Would be glad for some recommendations, if you have them.

>> No.21252325

I didn't know that it was a thing, so I wouldn't know. Maybe someone else does.

>> No.21252339

There's some recs in the mega.
When/if you ever get around to doing so, post about it and I'll provide some recs relevant to what you want. It's not worth the effort otherwise.

>> No.21252345

>the first thing I could think of when seeing the covers was Dogpill and that video of a woman kissing wolves mouth-on-mouth.
this is a problem with you, not the books. disgusting

>> No.21252375

Autistics usually miss the obvious while obsessing over minutia nobody cares about. If you stop to think about it the people reading these books as they came out didn't have a choice about read order and would have no way of anticipating the "correct" order, but such realities are irrelevant to the autist who believes everything must be correctly ordered to make sense.

>> No.21252383

I actually have a small collection of female author fantasy novels that I enjoy. Naturally nobody on /sffg/ ever talks about them, no matter how many times I try to bring them up.

>> No.21252392

Why are you on /sffg/ to talk about book? Go to places that actually talks about book, retard.

>> No.21252401

Anyone get the ebook of Lost Metal early? I've seen a lot of people posting physical copies that break street date.

>> No.21252404

No, and stop asking every thread already.

>> No.21252405

Has pretty much never been a good indicator of quality. If they feel the need to print it on the cover of a book I can only conclude the contents aren't good enough to sell it.

>> No.21252412

Post your list then.

>> No.21252413
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I liked the CJ Cherryh book I read, I might read another one soon.

>> No.21252414
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>Is it good?
Yes, specially if you like magical beasts/familiars. It's very character driven (except book 3 which has a more epic fantasy feel)
>Would be glad for some recommendations, if you have them
Robin Hobb, Lois McMaster Bujold, Melanie Rawn, Sara Douglass, Barbara Hambly, C.J Cherry, Carol Berg, Freda Warrington, Kate Elliot, Katharine Kerr, Mercedes Lackey Mickey Zucker Reichert, and Elizabeth Moon.
All of these are above average and wrote pretty good fantasy series.
>Inb4 they are shit and bakker beats them all

>> No.21252426

Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan
Godspeaker trilogy by Karen Miller
Kingmaker, Kingbreaker (duology) by Karen Miller
Earthsea cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin (this is the only one that even gets a little discussion here)
Exiles by Melanie Rawn (planned trilogy, never finished sadly, only 2 books)
Daughter of the Empire trilogy by Janny Wurts (co-authored with Raymond E. Feist in whose setting the story is)

A small collection, like I said. I've read a few other novels I'm more ambivalent about. Trudi Canavan is quite prolific for example but I don't really care for the other novels set in her Black Magician setting, and Millennium's Rule is far less appealing.

>> No.21252433

Reddit, book club in libraries, fan websites of book series, etc, don’t know why you’re coming here for discussion, seems really stupid thing to do.

>> No.21252457

Mostly with family and friends. My brother finally got into fantasy novels in his mid 20s and I can talk with him about a few of my favorite authors. He's too busy anymore to read much, unfortunately. I also have a couple friends who read fantasy and can hold a good conversation about a few authors, but neither of them reads as much as I do and they have a smaller repertoire of novels to talk about.

>> No.21252469

Anything is better than Reddit.

>> No.21252473

While the Magician book is enjoyable it's amusing that the Daughter of the Empire trilogy is fantastic and better than anything Feist did solo.

If you have any interest in fantasy then you really need to check out Tanith Lee.

>> No.21252484

I literally just got here, stay salty bitch.

>> No.21252528

They aren't shit but Bakker still beats then all. No shame in losing to the king.

>> No.21252541 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 212x237, A1FF9EBF-F775-4C93-BAB3-8815B976EEF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site is much worse than Reddit.
Besides the /pol/faggotry, I have been posting hundreds of Reddit comments on books on /lit/ and no one even noticed besides one instance, meaning this site is basically Reddit with the n-word minus the ability to stay on topic if you wanted to
Before you ask why I’m even here, I’m gaslighting people into extremist views for fun

>> No.21252548

Stop shitting up /sffg/ and just fuck off already.

>> No.21252559

Oh i usually don’t shitpost in /sffg/ as I have an honest interest in xianxia novels, I also plan to get into sci fi in the near future once I’ve finished the 2250 chapters of martial world

>> No.21252627 [DELETED] 

An hero, 2016+ newfag. Don't @ me with your witty retort after you google what that term means.

>> No.21252653

>this site is basically Reddit with the n-word minus the ability to stay on topic
As someone who stayed here far too long and avoided reddit because lolhivemindamiritefellowmentlegen;) before getting tired of the same dozen threads in every board and migrtaing, this is one of the most accurate statements I've ever read.

>> No.21252677

Pretty good. Some of the best prose in genre fiction, some unique ideas, interesting story.

First book is great and the second is still pretty good.

The third and fourth books aren't terrible like everyone says, they're just a considerable step down.

His idea for post-humans semi-gods re-enacting the Iliad on Mars was a cool idea (Ilium is the name of the book), but that is way more of a trainwreck ending then Hyperion.

>> No.21252696

What to start reading? Riftwar or The Farseer?

>> No.21252723

Riftwar if you want cool flashy finalfantasy-tier fights
Farseer if you have depression and like to feel identified with suicidal protagonists
They are both good tho

>> No.21252724

Bakker, you say?
Hello Newfag, welcome to /lit/ and /sffg/.

Chances are that you‘ve seen the name Bakker thrown around this place quite a lot. Fear not, this is what you need to know:

First off, I would generally advise against reading him early on, especially if you're new to reading and just migrated from /v/ looking for a Dark Souls type of book. Read other, lighter, stuff first. There is plenty, just don‘t fall into the web-novel meme. Those are atrocious, especially Reverend Insanity, Cradle and the Wandering Inn. You should also know that a lot of people here suffer from PBS(Post Bakker Syndrome). Meaning that once you've read him, it will be hard to find other authors in fantasy as good as he is. Which is why Bakker memes are so prolific here.

Having that said, he is quite literally the most beloved writer in this general, and has been for over a decade, regardless of what filtered (Yes, some people here are unable to truly understand his prose) anons might tell you. And he is, in my humble opinion, the greatest living writer in fantasy right now.

If you enjoy dark fantasy series with intense battles, pitch black lore, highly intellectual themes that dovetail into real world philosophy, poignant character psychology, and just a hint of Lovecraftian horror, then R. Scott Bakker is the author for you. When the time comes, start with The Darkness that Comes Before from the Prince of Nothing trilogy.

>> No.21252732

Any good books or webnovels about necromancers?

>> No.21252736

Never Die Twice is apparently pretty good. It is a LitRPG, but it's a Maxime Durand thing and that guy tends to do pretty solidly.

>> No.21252808

>The third and fourth books aren't terrible like everyone says, they're just a considerable step down.
Is there a better messiah story than the second half of that series as contrived as this theme is in sci-fi and fantasy? It eclipses the Dune series in that regard, which unfortunately was never provided with a definitive resolution. None as satisfying and elevating of the human spirit in any case. A pretty triumphant conclusion imo

>> No.21252934

Lois McMaster Bujold's "The Spirit Ring" involves Italian Renaissance era magical guilds regulated by the Roman Catholic Church, and it requires special indulgences and imprimaturs to engage in any type of necromancy, owing to the exclusive claim God has on men's souls. Necromancy is typically regarded as one of the ultimate sins, and has to be carefully regulated via acts of penitence for the Inquisition or else it runs the risk of demonic corruption for everybody remotely exposed to the act.

>> No.21252946

>I Intend to do my own women authors read, dozen or so books. Would be glad for some recommendations, if you have them
why would you willingly read garbage?

>> No.21252953

You the fag from yesterday who’s in denial about their homosexuality?

>> No.21252959 [DELETED] 

this nigger's in every thread, don't pay attention to him, he's obsessed with telling everyone how much he hates the very idea of women even existing

>> No.21252963 [DELETED] 

No, I don't deny it anymore. After yesterdays meaningful discussion I was finally convinced by resident cucks and homosexuals that I am one of them.

>> No.21253036

wtf, worse than sanderson fans

>> No.21253220

You just know.

>> No.21253268
File: 9 KB, 1139x73, demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, what a superb line to have directed at the protagonist in the very first page of your book.

>> No.21253279

Too wordy, but it's probably a woman so it makes sense.

>> No.21253282

if I had to guess, the author is chinese or japanese

>> No.21253283 [DELETED] 

are we the baddies?

>> No.21253299

It's a woman and it's also the final struggle where the demon that's terrorized the region for presumably centuries is cornered and about to be finished off, so some flamboyance is appropriate.

>> No.21253307

Maybe he consensually deflowered her and her family overreacted, forcing him to execute her nine generations in self defense.

>> No.21253342
File: 703 KB, 625x1000, EBCover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover for book I'm writing, what do you think?

>> No.21253346

Ask the writing general, you dumb fuck. >>21250373

>> No.21253348

I bet the protag is a moralfag.

>> No.21253358

Sort of, he's a nihilist at the beginning

>> No.21253368

>it's another writingfag using /sffg/ as his personal critique thread
just fucking kill this thread already.

>> No.21253380

You deserve to be miserable

>> No.21253384
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 68347405-D21F-473E-8830-0C0D81D31909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I wanna read RI eventually, but I’ve read that it’s good because it subverts genre expectations of xianxia. Thusly, I think it makes sense to start with the very best of regular xianxia, in order to have these expectations in the first place. I’ve read in some forums that coiled dragon as well as renegade immortal are a good start, but I wanted to get the opinion of my good friends here at /sffg/ first. Thanks in advance

>> No.21253390

Any other trashlit powerfantasy books like cradle? I bit the bullet and it's a decent guilty pleasure. I can't deal with any system apocalypse stuff though, I hate game themed stuff.

>> No.21253391

Against the Gods

>> No.21253398

What are some adventure-y type books with a focus on the mc and his adventures exploring a cool world?

>> No.21253402

Why are all the gamelit recommendations in the mega erotic porn novels.

>> No.21253409

Any fellow Xianxia scholars? I would be grateful if you could share any tip or pointers on the great path of cultivation.

>> No.21253410

Against the Gods

>> No.21253411

fantasy authors mcdonalds order

Gene Wolfe: Big Mac, large fries, 9 piece McNuggets, and large sprite
Bakker: McChicken, small fries, small coke
Sanderson: happy meal

>> No.21253412

Oop, the spambot has arrived.

>> No.21253413

What's the name for that genre of chinkshit with an invincible main character where the entire story is a series of epic moments where everyone reveals they're secretly more badass than all the previously revealed badasses?

>> No.21253414

Swear to god I’ve seen these two exact posts before in previous threads.

>> No.21253417

You have, it's a spambot pulling from old posts because reasons.

>> No.21253421

wuxia/xianxia fox spirit kino?

>> No.21253423

Reading Unsouled was like consuming three loaves of white bread with mustard on it, the mustard being the god tripping scene.

>> No.21253426
File: 606 KB, 593x580, 1644585088203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sanderson: happy meal

>> No.21253428

Lord of the Mysteries is the by far the best webnovel/serial ever-written in the history of mankind.

>> No.21253433

So i tried reading some of The Wandering Inn after seeing people talk about it on here, but I have only made about 1/3 of the way through vol 1 and I'm having trouble.
The main problem is the story is so female gazed it's giving me brain damage. DOes it get any better?

>> No.21253435

It's probably the spergy jannie wannabe having a melty again.

>> No.21253439

Just finished the first book of DCC. The humor in this is really trash.

>> No.21253442

Nah, these are all zoomer questions. All that's missing is the DOTF posts and a few more.

>> No.21253445

What is the best Xianxia with system autism.

>> No.21253449

Just read Arrogant Young Master Template A Variation 4. What are the best xianxia with blue screen system? High levels of system autism is preferred.

>> No.21253451

>It's the guy upset people were talking about things so he's spamming what was talked about

>> No.21253453

That's the point. He loaded a bunch of posters that he hates into a bot to try to antagonize other people with. Or he just has a notepad file and manualspams it.

>> No.21253454

Not the guy, I just know zoomer talks about these things often.

>> No.21253455
File: 24 KB, 590x550, 1642541321031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guilty pleasure
/sffg/, everybody

>> No.21253456

so is this "unsouled" by will wight the "cradle' that you guys always reference? I think I'll bite the bullet and see what all the hype is about

>> No.21253458

It's still the same thing, he's upset people are talking about books, so he's spamming it with booktalk.

>> No.21253460

How did cultivation of all things become so popular among western web novelists anyway? What was the defining work?

>> No.21253465

I understand LitRPGs are popular because video games, but why is xianxia popular?

>> No.21253467

He actually thinks that he's going to spam literally the exact same posts as last night and say "it's the zoomers! the zoomers are here!" to and anyone's going to buy it.

>> No.21253469

How to Survive at the Academy is a below average korean web novel.

>> No.21253473

Can anyone recommend me some great Wuxia or Xianxia books? preferably things I can get physically in English I've always wanted to get into these genre's

>> No.21253476

Probably the exact moment he was set off lul

>> No.21253479

I don't even know why people do this. Do they hate the thread existing that much?

>> No.21253484
File: 25 KB, 378x361, 1644585583505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sanderson: happy meal

>> No.21253485
File: 22 KB, 512x512, ulx5ab5XAgpfMWpKgqDs--3--fgwsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>21253380 was my last post

Since it makes you seethe here's more concept art

>> No.21253490

After five months of daily reading, I finally finished volume 3 of The Wandering Inn.

10 volumes to go.

>> No.21253493

Where would I publish a series of slow, dialogue-heavy short stories based on the premise that interstellar travel by beings like humans is almost never possible?

>> No.21253498


>> No.21253504

I am reading Cradle.

>> No.21253508

What I mean is I think your post is probably what triggered him hard enough to start spamming. Not that I have any horse in this race, just taking a guess.

>> No.21253510

Ah, I've been away for a bit. What's up with the spambot?

>> No.21253513

how good is wandering inn?

>> No.21253517

zoomers would spam the thread, so someone made a bot that spams, or so that's the logic behind it.

>> No.21253519

Is it just me or does anyone else find it hard to get started reading? Every time I want to start I put it off.

>> No.21253520

It's not so much "zoomers spammed" as "people talked about things" and a guy got really upset and spammed about it every time people discussed things.

>> No.21253523

what wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan novel has the best world building?

>> No.21253526

Is the Dandelion Dynasty any good?

>> No.21253527

>people talked about things
If the last thread is any indication, I can see why some people would get annoyed.

>> No.21253531
File: 1.14 MB, 1660x2560, victor-tan-issth-01-v2-hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i could read I Shall Seal the Heavens again for the first time....... my loot goblin mc.......

>> No.21253535

Last Airbender

>> No.21253537
File: 41 KB, 684x258, Night-Watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the Watch series by Lukyanenko? Figured they would be far more popular but they always stay in the slightly more niche area when it comes to Urban Fantasy which is a shame since I think it has one of the coolest concepts

>> No.21253538

So what, though? It's discussion about sci-fi/fantasy books in the sci-fi/fantasy books thread.

>> No.21253543

The logic behind schizo spammers doesn't really matter much, to be honest.

>> No.21253547

>It's discussion about sci-fi/fantasy book
What discussion about sci-fi/fantasy? It was one fag seething that there were women in books, and he spent hours, hours, just going one big ass incel rant.

>> No.21253551

That's not what the "uuugh zoomers" guy was complaining about though. He was complaining about people talking about books because they were new books.

>> No.21253555

Anyone else have literally me moments with Stannis Baratheon?

>> No.21253558

Link to the reply chain? He sounds like someone worth reading. Moreso than the jannie wannabe's salty spam, that's for sure.

>> No.21253564

Looks like it's xianxia and gamelit in particular that triggers him, based on the content of the spambot.

>> No.21253569

Yeah, we know, which is why I said zoomer questions.

>> No.21253572
File: 992 KB, 1463x2401, 91Bg2dr5LvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Hyperion AGAIN and enjoying my slow and comfy thread, wish you guys are enjoying this comfy time like i am :)

>> No.21253575
File: 1.33 MB, 2691x1323, daughter with daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman authors only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.21253587

Welcome to the cringe collection, anon.

>> No.21253588

Might I suggest The Wandering Inn?

>> No.21253592

>He sounds like someone worth reading.
If by worth reading, you mean a person who is in complete denial about his sexual orientation, then sure.

>> No.21253593

ghetto board for web """"novels"""" when?

>> No.21253598

In "Malice" a teenager who works as an apprentice can only do one pull-up. How the fuck is it possible for the author to be that out of touch with what the average person is capable of?

>> No.21253599
File: 7 KB, 331x206, very sad crying stupid anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it isn't spam it's posts getting deleted. I just want to discuss fantasy and science fiction novels.

>> No.21253600

reread the novels extra again. Man the first few parts are great but the tower and endless drama over the retarded girl's brother dying really fucked the latter half

>> No.21253606

Bros, who's your favorite fantasy MC? I often feel like the main character of most fantasy books is either boring or unlikable so making one that is actually likable and interesting is an achievement.

I don't know if he is my #1 favorite, but for me, Rand Al'Thor comes to mind. I really enjoyed his development.

>> No.21253607

>it's posts getting deleted.
I always see this complaint, but most, if not all post getting deleted are/were low-effort, spam, or just plain off-topic.
>I just want to discuss fantasy and science fiction novels.
Try reddit, or the goodreads group in the OP link.

>> No.21253608

As long as it's not a genuine schizo he'll give up eventually. If he is a genuine schizo you're fucked until he gets rangebanned.

>> No.21253614

black company is shit made for pigeon brained tards amused by a dripping tap

>> No.21253615

Severian. I like his psycho vibes and insights :3

>> No.21253620

Has anyone here read Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson? Finished The Way of the Kings recently and Mistborn seems like it'll be fun.

>> No.21253625

How do you guys break in your books?

>> No.21253628

Any books where the military or soldiers fight against monsters/demons? I know "monster hunter international" but it would be quite surprising if no one else ever thinkered with that idea.

>> No.21253631

By… reading them.

>> No.21253634

What does this even mean?

>> No.21253635

>break in
Well I must say, I have a very peculiar technique

>> No.21253636

Thoughts on the Goblin Emperor?

>> No.21253643

Thanks I'll look up her books. And yeah, Feist overall is fairly mediocre. I have a lot of nostalgia for Magician and even Serpent War Saga, but he's not that great. Daughter of the Empire is really fucking great though.

>> No.21253644

>western writers experience complex human emotions like "love"
Super cringe, if you find it happening to you, seek help

>> No.21253650

only read the first one, I enjoyed it a lot but hated some of the action scenes, felt like he over writes it, but the story is good.

>> No.21253651

Are there any *good* books like Gor? Well not Gor in actuality, but rather what the internet and popular culture has led me to believe Gor would be? The actual book was a disappointment 2bh.

>> No.21253653

You know its a bot, right? Or are you this dumb?

>> No.21253655

When does LotM get good?

>> No.21253659

What are some good time travel books?

>> No.21253660

Party members are a crutch for authors that can't write an interesting protagonist.

>> No.21253661

at least I'm talking about a book

>> No.21253662

This thread has attracted several severely autistic people who have made it their life's mission to shit it up and prevent anybody from enjoying it. Has been nigh unusable to me for over 2 years.

>> No.21253664
File: 61 KB, 300x400, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21253666

Finally a good post.

>> No.21253667

Any books with Intense battles, pitch black lore, highly intellectual themes that dovetail into real world philosophy, poignant character psychology, and just a hint of Lovecraftian horror?

>> No.21253669

I'd like it if we just a janitor or mod who gave enough of a shit to remove spam and ban the autists.

>> No.21253670

What are some other novels with a sheer number of named characters like asoiaf? I kinda like it when Martin just lists off dozens of names. It makes the world seem bigger and more dense.

>> No.21253672
File: 383 KB, 1119x2047, B1F02F4B-7945-44C5-A4AA-B53DD061DAF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished my fantasy novel on Royal Road and it’s been very well received. It’s a gun powder fantasy set in a late Victorian/Edwardian environment with some slavic elements. Would you guys be interested? I’m hesitant to self promote on this board-I know that’s not what it’s really for.

>> No.21253673

is stephen baxter considered fiction for autists

>> No.21253674

We do have them, it's just that only a few people report posts.

>> No.21253677

>Would you guys be interested?

>> No.21253679

Okay. Thanks that’s why I asked.

>> No.21253680

>He expects everyone else to be glued to his computer 24/7 instead of reading

>> No.21253684

It's not really in my preferred subgenre of fantasy so I'd have to sample a chapter to see if it grabs me.

>> No.21253689

What's considered well received on royal road?

>> No.21253688

I am looking for a book or series where the hero is very Nietzschean and is amoral.

>> No.21253692

What are some good fantasy books for coomers?

>> No.21253696

You don't need to be glued on your computer when you can see a fag is spamming a question every minute. How dumb can you be?

>> No.21253700

It was top 5000, had 50 people read it to completion (so far, has only been up for 1.5 months) and has a 4.79/5 rating with 9 ratings.

>> No.21253703

>ways of sanderson
Write the most mainstream drivel to gain control over the minds of the masses and gain big success and earn major riches.
>ways of Bakker
Write the most complex of worlds with the most sublime of prose to win the minds of niche aristocrat readers so he can reign as the supreme ruler of fantasy.

>> No.21253707

When does BOTNS get good? I've been reading for a couple hours and he still hasn't shut up about his obsession with vodalus and his boyhood nostalgia with the sweet smells of the summer winter archway flowers along the dancing shadow pond in the cool breeze of the secret place underneath the sunny snow along the rampart and blah blah blah blah
Like if this starts to spool up into something interesting im down for it. I want to be charmed by a new book. I've been trying this fucking places suggestions for a couple years just to find something captivating and interesting and more than just flowery prose and description autism but you guys haven't delivered since Cradle. I can enjoy some good prose and description but only if it actually goes somewhere.

>> No.21253710

What's the best moorcock entry point?

>> No.21253713

The Knight by Gene Wolfe, which is so recommended here, is an unreadable piece of crap. What a mess! Did I get trolled?
On the other hand, decided to give Lyonesse a chance, and I am really impressed. What a great story! Such captivating prose.

>> No.21253717

Why did it take me a month to read 2/3 of the Deadhouse Gates? I'm not a retard, I swear. A 700-page book shoukd take max a week. I can barely understand what this is about, I hate DNFing and I still hope it gets better after a few pages.

>> No.21253720

Hey, OP, where you get this illustrations? I liked very much one with some destroyed buildings and men camping and guarding.

>> No.21253723

LitRPG but instead of some failson virgin being an edgy chuuni trying to make a harem it's a gigastacy fujo who forces all the men in the game to fuck and marry other men.

>> No.21253729

Today I will finish Citadel of the Autarch

>> No.21253730
File: 147 KB, 605x1000, 71NaxVhqo8L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ think of R. Scott Bakker and his Second Apocalypse books? I read them a while ago and found them quite fascinating.

His books were heavily infused with philosophy, especially the first three books. I'm a total noob when it comes to philosophy, and many times I scratched my head and had to reread some passages, but it was invigorating and unique nonetheless. I don't think many books exist in the fantasy genre that are so heavy on philosophy.

The strongest point are the characters though, their trials and inner dialogue. I have seldom read a character as deep as Drusas Achamian (annoying as he might be from time to time).

The premise in itself is nothing that special, it's heavily borrowed from the crusades. Wiki explains it better than me:

"It depicts the story of the Holy War launched by the Inrithi kingdoms against the heathen Fanim of the south to recover the holy city of Shimeh for the faithful. During the war, a man named Anasûrimbor Kellhus emerges from obscurity to become an exceptionally powerful and influential figure, and it is discovered that the Consult, an alliance of forces united in their worship of the legendary No-God, a nihilistic force of destruction, are manipulating events to pave the way for the No-God's return to the mortal world." (spoilers after that)


Have you read it and what do you think? I recommend it to anyone interested in fantasy, even if you are not that into philosophy.

pic: Faces on covers of fantasy books usually puts me off and I wouldn't even bother picking that book up, but in this case I'm glad I did. There are other covers though without face, this is the one I've got.

>> No.21253733

BOTN is the Infinite Jest of fantasy

>> No.21253735

>That's not what the "uuugh zoomers" guy was complaining about though
Well, I can say now, its most likely the bakkerfag just finding new ways to spam now.

>> No.21253736


>> No.21253737

The crybaby in this thread got me to pick Hyperion back up. Read 100 pages of it about a year ago and haven’t gotten back to it yet. It’s time.

>> No.21253738

Can anyone here recommend some mindfuck scifi/fantasy?

I'm talking about something like the Matrix, Lost, or Homestuck that draws on eastern religions (or dead western ones), philosophy, modern pop-culture, and possibly real technology to create something that you can endlessly dig apart for theories and symbolism

>> No.21253740

Wow you must be a slowass reader if you’ve read for a “couple hours” and aren’t even that far. Although measuring your reading in time and not pages does signal you’re probably an idiot and not a real reader

>> No.21253741
File: 390 KB, 1600x787, pon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Prince of Nothing, Scott Bakker
Does to Tolkien and Fantasy what Blood Meridian does to the Western, and is probably the most solid fantasy series around right now. Imagine the filthy offspring of Tolkien and Frank Herbert coursing through a medieval Mediterranean world with heavy doses of Aristotelian philosophy. Perhaps one of the few fantasies whose settings in a pre-industrial world is actually thematically relevant to its characters. Also boasts some of the best traditional historical worldbuilding in contemporary fantasy.

>> No.21253743

Reports basically make no difference, in my experience, if the mods largely ignore a board liek they do /lit/.

>> No.21253745

>Reports basically make no difference
They removed a few posts before the spam started, the fuck do you mean they make no difference?

>> No.21253753

And yet here we are, up to our elbows in spam, without a damn thing being done about it.

>> No.21253754 [DELETED] 

First for the Senjak sisters

>> No.21253756
File: 17 KB, 300x300, bakker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker the king prose
Dick long like a hose

>> No.21253757

LotM 2 in only a few months
I cannot fucking wait

>> No.21253765

Starting the morning by finishing Breeding Ground, which I began last night and is one of the short stories in the Xeelee: Resplendent collection; these stories primarily take place during the Assimilation Era of the overall Sequence.

>> No.21253771
File: 182 KB, 500x575, 1647203431859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using a reply and an image so this stands out in the spam.

What are some fantasy books in which the protagonist has incestuous romance?

>> No.21253780

There's no point, anon.

>> No.21253781

Those seem pretty good for a first book. Although it's not paying for itself or anything, if it's a good book under your name it will help magnify your growth as you produce more. Steampunk isn't my thing though.

>> No.21253785

Thanks. It’s actually not steampunk though. All of the technologically is actually very grounded in the technology of the time.

>> No.21253789

Why did cyberpunk have to ossify into cringe after PKD died? All the really cool philosophical stuff in his work has turned into kitsch with “””Cyberpunk””” subgenre slop.

>> No.21253791

Has anyone of you read Malice and Havoc by Chris Wooding? I first read them years ago when I was younger and to this day they remain some of my favorite books. I was quite obsessed with them for a while. Do you know anything similar to them?

>> No.21253792

I think my brain somehow automatically went to steampunk from "gunpowder fantasy" since I didn't recognize the term.

>> No.21253796

What a disaster of a thread

>> No.21253800

Multiverses are inherently soft sci-fi

>> No.21253803

In your defense it's not a very commonly seen genre, though I can think of a few notable examples (e.g. Powder Mage series). And Victorian era fantasy has a lot of thematic overlap with steampunk.

>> No.21253805

What happens when you trigger the bakker autist and mods aren't around to respond to reports.

>> No.21253809

Yeah it’s a fair assumption. I have a background in turn of the century mechanical culture and engineering so I dislike steam punk because the technology was fascinating enough on its own, IMO.

>> No.21253814

>I have a background in turn of the century mechanical culture and engineering so I dislike steam punk
Good man. I don't even consider steampunk a real genre, it's more like a fetishized aesthetic.

>> No.21253815

I'm not ashamed of it anymore. I like GRRM.

>> No.21253823

does fantasy and sci-fi literature even have a future? I feel like everyone is just consuming them in form of Anima/Manga, movies, or Comics instead of books
Isn't mystery/crime the only content that is even selling in book form nowadays

>> No.21253824

>What are some fantasy books in which the protagonist has incestuous romance?
Song of Ice and Fire, I remember Game of Thrones had incest.

>> No.21253827


>> No.21253829

Not the protagonists though. Granted Jaime becomes a pretty major character later, but if he's hoping for some steamy scenes he'll be pretty put out. I think Jaime only bangs his sister once after you start getting his PoV.

>> No.21253831
File: 573 KB, 1621x1047, 0880DDEB-E858-420A-8712-84A222F614A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. By way of example, this is cool enough and very aesthetic without needing a bunch of gears and greeblies added to it.

>> No.21253835

What's some good Polish fantasy besides Witcher?

>> No.21253840

>Would you guys be interested?

>> No.21253842

R. Scott Bakker is the best thing to happen to fantasy literature since

>> No.21253844

i'm so fucking fed up at work that i don't even feel like reading

>> No.21253847

It has to compete with tabletop, video games, hollywood, and then spinoff books of all of the above. It's no wonder that the traditional market is almost nonexistent and everyone's chasing niche, asia-inspired webnovel genres instead.

>> No.21253848

Here you go:

>> No.21253851

It's a spambot.

>> No.21253853
File: 86 KB, 241x264, Kellhussssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Prince of Nothing trilogy, by Scott Bakker. It's pretty much devoid of all the ridiculous fantasy clichés, incredibly well written and genuinely intriguing and thought-provoking.

>> No.21253854

Is The Knight of the Swords a good place to start with Moorcock?

>> No.21253856

Prince of Nothing by Scott Bakker is mature, complex (and pretty brutal) series with almost no black-and-white characters and stories which aren't just about "hurr you are the chosen one, go and kill the dark lord".

>> No.21253857
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, 1543013340593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bakker posters are still shitting up sffg

>> No.21253858

Ah, the previous reply threw me off.

>> No.21253865

Search an archive for the "Real fantasy general" and read stuff mentioned there.

>> No.21253870

If mods cared they would have range banned him by now, he's been doing this for over 2 years.

>> No.21253871

Just report it.

>> No.21253873
File: 2.17 MB, 640x800, 1654536655469.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks interesting. I'll read it eventually

>> No.21253874

Anon, just keep on reporting the spam.

>> No.21253876
File: 350 KB, 725x684, this woman has lost her composure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21253900

They do ban him, he just finds way to circumvent it. Just keep on reporting him whenever he appears.

>> No.21253902
File: 31 KB, 619x480, 46FAF80C-19A6-4044-A030-8766858161AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21253911
File: 90 KB, 458x744, FeU9fTZXwBEpbWF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A desire to write but no unique story ideas

How sad a predicament

>> No.21253913

You can improve it, instead of whining out it.

>> No.21253915

Do it anyway, it'll polish your technique.

>> No.21253916

write about a man who gets cucked by everything, try to make every situation he is in a cuck fest.

>> No.21253917

So go ask the writing advice thread.

>> No.21253924

Why would he do that? When he could get five minutes of fame doing nothing here?

>> No.21253925
File: 404 KB, 1000x562, American-Psycho4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21253934

How about a dark tale of a farmer whose village gets taken over by orcs. While the remaining survivors in the village plot to try and overthrow their new brutal occupiers, our main character discovers that he has a fetish for watching his new orc overlords ravage his Wife in front of him. He enjoys it so much that he plans to disrupt his fellow villagers plans of armed resistance.

>> No.21253935

I just started Titus Groan and the guy took approximately 100 words to describe the action of a man peering through a keyhole. Is the whole book like this and that's why it's kind of a meme around here, because it's impossibly long-winded? I think it's great though.

>> No.21253936

Kelsier who? Did you mean Kellhus?

>> No.21253940

Actually sublime, I can see it get adopted by HBO and the author getting rich

>> No.21253944
File: 98 KB, 960x960, American-Psycho1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is non supreme, he doesn't read Bakker

>> No.21253958

the Darkness that Comes Before, and the whole trilogy by extension, is sublime.

I read it when I was ~18 and I found it breathtaking. Just bear in mind that the first half of the first book is dense going, it should pick up around the middle.

>> No.21253966

Howard, Smith, or Lovecraft?

>> No.21253973

Whichever one you want to read most.

>> No.21253976

When talking about depth and complexity, I think Bakker has more than those three. Is he a better writer? As someone who doesn't care about prose that much, PoN was sublime when it came to that...While outdated in some respects, was incredibly original as well..

So it's hard to compare them as authors, because they write different types of stories....but when It comes to depth (how I measure it at least) Bakker takes the cake. Considering his series is about 60-70% complete and assuming he won't turn into a shitty writer overnight(or die) his world will only get bigger and more complex. There are still so many questions left unanswered.

>> No.21253994

Half this thread is literally replies copy and pasted from previous threads.

>> No.21254001


>> No.21254003

>Any books where the military or soldiers fight against monsters/demons?
Sounds like you should get into Warhammer 40k books

>> No.21254004

Yes, we know, don't know why you had to make this post.

>> No.21254005

It's disgusting. Absolutely weird, the effects of what one autist can do to a thread, left alone.
I think it would be hilarious if b*spammer got doxxed. Seeing a "Bakker is king" sign taped to his door would make that faggot stop his shit real fast :)

>> No.21254006

You know the more attention you give him, the more he post. Just report his spam and be done with it.

>> No.21254010

Haven’t read them but for how much I love Grendel I aught to.

>> No.21254011
File: 69 KB, 640x426, Sublime book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker spammer would break you in half, no sandersoi will have the courage to face his iron gaze.

>> No.21254014
File: 59 KB, 454x675, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the whole book is like and it's but it's fantastic, one of the best fantasy books I've ever read.

>> No.21254069

That works for a normal person. Not this giga autist. He has literally spammed this general for over 2 years. Mods refuse to range ban him and he is too autistic to ever leave because he knows everybody here hates him and his shit author and he has to shitpost our thread because of it.

>> No.21254094
File: 35 KB, 351x492, istockphoto-1142857340-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please Thread Spammer Supreme, do not ruin another thread, I want to talk about my sanderson books in a safe space.

>> No.21254102

Then just report him, no need to post about him.

>> No.21254153

I don’t know if you know this, but it was a bot.

>> No.21254166

This is the best course of action to take.

>> No.21254170

Check the previous threads.

>> No.21254174

Just go to /wg/, they have tips to help writers.

>> No.21254193


>> No.21254201

You don’t need to reply to it, it’s a bot.

>> No.21254254
File: 73 KB, 1170x185, 35B0436A-F037-4973-B41E-C2C3CFDC924A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought it’s funny how easy it is to ban evade on 4chan but this is getting out of hands
Anyways, good morning fellas, what are we reading today?

>> No.21254260

>what are we reading today?

>> No.21254261

People here read?

>> No.21254263

I'm 3/4 of the way through Neuromancer. Is the rest of the trilogy worth reading?

>> No.21254266

>Is the rest of the trilogy worth reading?
Read them and find out.

>> No.21254279

The last part of Xeelee: Redemption. They made it to the Galactic centre and are now gathering their first bits of data on The Wheel.

>> No.21254285

>the bakker autist
That gibbering mouthbreather really has nothing else going for him than petulantly gatekeeping his own thread on a Malaysian yak sexing forum, does he? It's really sad.

>> No.21254311

I might want to read Snow Crash before Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive THOUGH

>> No.21254318

Then read that before Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive

>> No.21254354

>what are we reading today?
Just 4chan

>> No.21254364

In some ways Count Zero was better. MLO was ok, there were some good parts

>> No.21254409


Fang Yuan? Is there even a need to ask?