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/lit/ - Literature

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21250255 No.21250255 [Reply] [Original]

how does /lit/ rate berserk compared to actual good lit

no meme answers

>> No.21250272

It's not /lit/, this is a comparison between two different artforms. And comics are a significantly lower one than the rest. But Berserk is isn't even on Tintin's literary level. It's more like the level of a Bruce Springsteen song. It's entertaining and exaggerated for youths, it's pulp.

>> No.21250318

It's excellent but it's not really lit. It deals with philosophy in an interesting and accessible format, though inevitably some of the depth is sacrificed.

What an embarrassing take

>> No.21250327

It’s like reading nietzsche for those that are illiterate and need images. 8/10

>> No.21250328

It is garbage

>> No.21250330

read Vampire Hunter D

>> No.21250331 [DELETED] 

babbys first dark fantasy

>> No.21250349

I'm sorry that you're autistic and personally identify with Berserk to the point of obsession, but there's no need to rationalise the obsession and make Berserk something more than it is. Saying Berserk 'deals with philosophy' is embarrassing, because the gap between anything that genuinely does and Berserk's cliched dealing with philosophy should be obvious. There's some good characterisation in the Golden Arc, but there's no philosophical originality, even in the sense of Mura's personal reception of certain ideas or thinkers. It's on the level of the most mass spread, available pop-culture intake of philosophy.

>> No.21250353

>some of the depth
Only 14 year olds think that this trash has any depth whatsoever. Diary of a wimpy kid is 'literature' by comparison.

>> No.21250354

why bother making yet another thread for pseuds to get mad in

>> No.21250361

Lmao. Malding already.

>> No.21250368

>different artforms
>mass spread

Berserk is good lit. It combines innovation and tradition.

>> No.21250384

i was stuck on that boat with the rest of /a/ 10 years ago or i dont remember the time, waiting for a new chapter and trying to figure out who the spooky skeleton knight was, good times
berserk is alright
i can still recall the pyromaniac teen girl, that inquisitor who slams his face into the floor, god hands, forest monsters, grifith..

compared to lit, you simply get much more detailed character motivations and their feelings from books, sometimes you even get much more atmospheric environments even tho kentaur was one of the best illustrator i know of from back when i read manga

>> No.21250414

Berserk is infinitely better than Ulysses. Lit is full of seething pseuds who think reading gives them an edge over the average retard and you should absolutely ignore the opinions of them. They are all fucking losers who have no friends and obsess over reading books that they can say they have read to appear intellectual.

>> No.21250432

Malding lmao.

>> No.21250443

It's not /lit/, this is a comparison between two different artforms. And comics are a significantly lower one than the rest. But Berserk is isn't even on Tintin's literary level. It's more like the level of a Bruce Springsteen song. It's entertaining and exaggerated for youths, it's pulp.

>> No.21250476

Lmao idiot

>> No.21250489

Hey! leave him alone dude

>> No.21250512

Recommend us all something then, faggot.

>> No.21250515

Sandman. A very overrated "literary" comic which is still infinitely better than Berserk because it atleast justifies "literary", within however many quotes notwithstanding.

>> No.21250516

it sucks

>> No.21250564

stop posting these threads retard

>> No.21250573

>Berserk is good lit. It combines innovation and tradition.
What does that even mean?

>> No.21250579

French comics are way superior to anything the nips produce.

>> No.21250590

Holy shit, How did I forget 'The Metabarons'.
It's the greatest Dark fantasy comic ever.

>> No.21250633
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As a former weeb and someone who has been a fan of Berserk for about 22 years, it's never not funny how much you tedious fucks care about what other people think about anime/manga, as if it needs any more validation than it already has.
You missed the bus, anime and manga aren't niche anymore, it doesn't make you different - in fact, it makes you a fucking normie. One day you'll move past the entry level and find something that speaks to you. In the meantime, go fuck yourself.

>> No.21250720


>> No.21250728
File: 44 KB, 400x553, The-World-is-mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read The World is Mine
that is all

>> No.21250764



>> No.21250768

Its a long running series and not every arc is the black swordsman cutting up things
>to actual good lit
apples and oranges desu since its a comic/manga
if you want to talk about themes and the overall story, its better than most fantasy series.Goerge RR Martin would seethe heavily and would find no way to cope if Berserk was a series of novels instead a manga series, since everything he claims that he does compared to the rest of fantasy Berserk does better

>> No.21250769

The ideas explored in Berserk are good. Miura leaned heavily on inspiration from Nietzsche. Although Miura kind of put his own spin on will/struggle.

The art in Berserk is what sets it apart. Miura had superior creativity and technical skill in drawing. He also had some serious dedication when he wasn’t on hiatus. He really set out to make every page a master piece. I spent more time just looking at the pages that reading it.

>> No.21250777

>Its a long running series and not every arc is the black swordsman cutting up things
I've read almost the entire thing. Got up to the part where they're on the boat and Rickert is on his way to Griffith. Heard Casca was cured. I know there's a lot more stuff now but I haven't gotten back into it in years.

>> No.21250778

That’s the whole point of this board.

>> No.21250797

ASoIaF is chick lit at this point.

>> No.21250809


>bad snakeman bully city
>super strong badass huge sword guy kill snakeman
>count turns into slug because cuck wife orgy ritual
>gay peter pan
>big sword guy kill slug count
>time and space fall appart, slugman in hell because capeshit marvel hero (villain(childhood friend)) pact gone wrong

>FLASHBACK (for the next 400+ pages)
>hanged corpse woman give birth to baby (gut)
>child rape
>feminine badass with small sward (grif)
>cool knight fights (one of the battles has a dude with rhino armour)
>castle party
>grif a cripple
>everone dies

Thats the major part of the story. its ok. would reccomend.
after this there are some very cool monster fights too and one of them has a little girl turn into a giant moth

>> No.21250820

It's all right, but Jojo is /lit/'s all-time fav

>> No.21250926

I have noticed something about the series and its fanbased
For such a dark and gritty series, its fanbase have to be the most whiny
Its super easy to bait them
As far the series itself, its a great series and the art work is fantastic

>> No.21250959

Elric of Melniboné

>> No.21251054

Overall it's good. The Golden Age arc on its own is really good, can stand up there with much literature discussed here imo

but the only manga that is as good or better than most classic books to me is Vagabond

>> No.21251081

weird to think about they have now been off the boat for as long as they were on it
felt so much longer in the past didn't it

>> No.21251114
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>> No.21251181


>> No.21251195

The fact that printed Tranime consumers think that any of the nipshit is within a light year of classic novels tells you all about how insecure and low IQ they are.

>> No.21251205
File: 35 KB, 715x398, 312902550_489295879794594_2621266852122528411_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people aren't into it. I like it though. I hope you like it too. It's very interesting. It looks good too. I like the characters. The plot is very cool. Thank you Mr. Miura for all your hard work!

>> No.21251227

thefact that you talk like this and bring up IQ makes you look insecure actually

>> No.21251265

It's alright. It does not match up to a good novel or play, but it does what it does well - to entertain and to give some "philosophical" shite to 13 year olds.

>> No.21251269


>> No.21251274

>comics are a significantly lower one than the rest
You're a faggot

>> No.21251283

A beautiful picture. We truly are only as great as the men behind us.

>> No.21251296


>> No.21251322

This says a lot about our society.

>> No.21251323

soulless and retarded like all gookshit
inb4 "gook" isn't the proper name for the gooks that live in japan: idc I'm not an entomologist

>> No.21251332

It's kino and The Idea of Evil is genuinely a brilliant concept.

>> No.21251367

Two very different genres. Only thing common between them is that they have a plot and characters. You might as well compare good lit with good movies.

Other than that Berserk is a masterpiece. Simple as

>> No.21251377

It's really cliche.

>> No.21251391
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did you niggers not read the "no meme answers" in the title?

>> No.21251409

>don't say anything mean to me
Suck my dick, bitch.

>> No.21251418
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kys dumb faggot

>> No.21251442

Not before you make another thread asking people to think for you, pathetic retard.

>> No.21251445
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I didn't post a meme answer
I said the series was good, just that the fanbase is cringe at times

>> No.21251449

Berserktards can't read.

>> No.21252128

it's a copycat garbage like any other wrk which came from the mental faculties of a mongoloid

>> No.21252361

how is asking for a synopsis a 'meme', you water brained human resources wannabe

>> No.21252390

>Only I'm allowed to make lazy anime references. The rest of you have to think of convoluted arguments to entertain me

>> No.21252396

hm, sounds pretty fun to me; was there a tv manga in the early 90's made about this? it's put me in the mood to watch violence jack and ninja scroll

>> No.21252439

'97 and it's excellent, but it omits the slug count (black swordsman) arc
>my love for you is like a truck

>> No.21252445

japanese literature is all shit, and the worst of it is manga

>> No.21252505

>uses child rape as a "dark origin story"
wow amazing. who could I have thought of this?

>> No.21252516

I deeply hate all the people in this thread apart from

>> No.21252636

Dude, you sound like the most insercure fag in this thread

>> No.21252641

how is your transition going?