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21224196 No.21224196 [Reply] [Original]

Warriors of Light Edition

Previous Thread:>>21215835

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21224230
File: 21 KB, 231x346, heavens laws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've reached bottom of the barrel xianxia

>> No.21224243

have you read the gay ones yet?

>> No.21224251

Bakker is KING

>> No.21224358

of gay erotica

>> No.21224370

I don't know, I've read a lot of gay erotica, and he's got some pretty big shoes to fill.

>> No.21224441
File: 5 KB, 165x178, amashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw good reads keeps alternating old and new site design
what the fuck is going on with that place?

>> No.21224468
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Not everyone can understand the power of Bakker, but those who understand, will rule supreme, and those who don't, will rage and scream, for those who rule are not like those who drool, it's the natural way of all things, perfectly balanced thread where those who rule dominate those who drool.

>> No.21224538 [DELETED] 
File: 386 KB, 519x553, 1648853051002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zlib is gone.... bros....
i only started using it a few months ago too...

>> No.21224542

it'll be back soon. they always are.

>> No.21224545

>less convenient libgen
Literally who gives a shit

>> No.21224558
File: 85 KB, 600x927, Grendel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part of Grendel is when the peasant starts speaking like a medieval professor, educating his master on the state, monopoly violence and legitimacy, in a Norse setting. Humor and political philosophy packed into a place I never expected it.

>> No.21224687

Dumb zoomer, if you know, you know how to get books.

>> No.21224784

Turning to shit, it's tiresome. I use it to log my read books. It's still decent for that, but I don't know for how long it will stay that way. They will find some way to fuck it up in the end.

>> No.21224841

>Go to Goodreads.
>Get spammed with Native American History Month, Black History Month, Pride Month etc.

I hate America so much bros.

>> No.21224954

>the algorithms responds to my interests
>this totally sucks haha am I one of you guys yet?

>> No.21224959

any new book with Male MC with female romance?
preferable with zero LGBTQ representation.

>> No.21224972 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21224982

Why is zlib the only book store zoomers know? Do they buy ads on tictoc or something?

>> No.21225110

More like they have ideological banners at the top and bottom of various pages.

>> No.21225277
File: 121 KB, 777x1200, Roadside Picnic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roadside Picnic - Arkady & Boris Strugatsky (1972/2012)

There are six zones where aliens visited without bothering to have any human contact for reasons one character describes as a roadside picnic. These zones are filled with artifacts, traps, and unexplainable phenomena, though only from a human perspective. A few who venture inside have official backing, but most are outlaw retrievers known as stalkers. Many die quickly because a single wrong move, no matter how inconsequential, often means death. Almost all of the traps are invisible, seemingly harmless, or unpredictable, so progress is slow, grueling, and paved by the deaths of those who came before. Being in a zone is extremely stressful, which leads to panicking, then death follows.

Most of the novel isn't spent in a zone, which is unfortunate because they're the best part. Much of the novel is spent discussing and philosophizing about how the zones have affected society and their personal lives. Despite the time spent talking, many of the profound changes are taken in stride and accepted as the way things are now, so no discussion is needed. All of this contributes to an overarching allegory. I tend to dislike allegory, but with countries such as China and Russia I'm more forgiving, as the stories are often forced to be allegorical because of the risks in stating anything clearly.

I also enjoyed the shifting nature of the narrative. I was surprised by how many times my understanding of the story changed as more information was revealed and meanings were superimposed on each other without contradiction. An interpretation that I favor is that the artifacts represent what's desired, but also forbidden, at least to the population at large. Those with power want them regardless because they realize their value despite the dangers they present. The zones are the labyrinthine bureaucracy whose ever shifting political currents must be navigated with preternatural ability for any chance of survival. There are religious metaphors, at face value anyway, but I don't know what to say about them other than that they're present. I'd only be speculating with a low level of confidence as to their meaning, let alone interpreting how the characters react to them.

I was often confused because although this was published in 1972, I felt that the narrative began somewhat after after World War II ended and then progressed through the decades of the Soviet Union and then well into the Putin years. The stalkers follow the same progression as they adapt to a changing world. The Strugatsky brothers may have intended differently, but to me this read like a draft of a future history of Russia. The afterword by Boris Strugatsky somewhat clarifies their intentions with behind-the-scenes info of the publishing process and an insightful perspective on post-Soviet life. After reading Snail on the Slope I was reluctant to read more from these authors, but this has changed my mind.

Rating: 4/5

>> No.21225317

The american mind virus is going to take over everything.
I think we have to forget English to get away from it.

>> No.21225346
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Tower of Babel chads how are we enjoying the read?

>> No.21225390

My zlib mirror still works :)

>> No.21225403

I forgot to reply to you last thread >>21221271
It may have not been entirely intentional in the author's mind, although it could have been subconsciously illustrated, but the poem Beowulf itself (at least, as received by modern audiences through historical documentation; potential pre-literate oral traditions notwithstanding) is a thoroughly Christian work full of conventional Christian symbolism. It is an inescapable fact that dragons - THE Dragon of Revelation - are narrative stand-ins for the Devil in virtually all literature where they are portrayed as villains (and even in a few where they are portrayed positively). The parallels between a venomous serpent poisoning a man's mind (or a son of Cain's mind) into the bitterest depths of despair, and hatred, and damnation, and Christian theodicy, cannot be accidental. Even if Gardner was a completely ignorant secular buffoon who had zero historical or cultural awareness of Beowulf beyond the raw synopsis of the plot, which I highly doubt, I doubtthat such a parallel could have come about without at least a subconscious allusion to his childhood Sunday School lessons.
I do not believe it is possible to read the original Beowulf or John Gardner's Grendel in a vacuum. It is highly probable that you are correct in your assessment that he's bringing in existentialist philosophy into his book; I am not familiar enough with Sartre to disagree or to doubt that. But I can no more avoid seeing that sort of transparent and baldfaced Christian allusion than I can watch Marlon Brando as Jor-El tell the audience that he's sending his only begotten son to Earth in the 1978 version of Superman and think that was purely accidental.

>> No.21225410

What does that mean? :( Im stupid

>> No.21225456
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What a shit book and ending

>> No.21225494

What's the matter with it?

>> No.21225516

WMWF pairing

>> No.21225558

Your reading also has other points that speaks in its favor. Grendel observing the humans at various stages are quite clearly packed with discussion of religion and their tie to the Norse vs Grendel's meaninglessness. To add to this, I at least read a certain positive depiction of the religious humans, no matter how Grendel tried to paint them as liars and murderous hypocrites.

Several times does Grendel see himself as cursed, reference to Cain, which does allude to Gardner making a conscious decision of depicting Grendel as such.

>> No.21225621
File: 1.97 MB, 1668x2224, 8yjwubqo8di61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read cradle

>> No.21225683

black company is shit made for pigeon brained tards amused by a dripping tap

>> No.21225711

More like your taste is shit. BC, at least until the Books of the South, is certainly a good book(s). Croaker's narration is fresh, cynical, witty. Croaker also having the job of annalist elevates the character and book. BC itself is interesting, even with its own culture. Goblin and One-Eye add much needed chaos and humor. BC and its employers create a strange dynamic of backstabbing. The storyworld is filled with dangerous magic, opponents and twists and turns. Taken and Lady create a highly dangerous world. Dominator force through a finish.

>> No.21225743


>> No.21225766
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TWI 8.04 T
I hope volume 8 is more like this and less like the previous chapters.
Give us cool stuff with the characters we already know (and maybe introduce a couple minor ones through them) instead of taking whole chapters to introduce new perspectives that I feel really aren't needed at the moment.
I can already picture it: Niers and whatever group he ends up with (goblins?), Lyonette's travel to Oteslia, the whole thing there with Magnolia, Liscor broadening ties somehow with Riverfarm now that the door connects them, whatever infigting in Baleros and the earthers there (Geneva meeting with the Minds or w/e for Erin), the cure is in fucking Aliendamus idk how that's even gonna connect with anything, I caught a mild spoiler about the Horns going to Chandrar and they still have to do the whole relic armor thing, Antinium divide?, a war in Izril?, meeting of tribes?
It's too much and I'm already missing Erin.

>> No.21225844

>Croaker's narration is fresh, cynical, witty.
you could have saved the trouble of the rest of your post by posting the "intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor" copypasta

>> No.21225858

yeah just ordered this in, mainly because i only found out that the video game had a book, but i am pretty excited how much it compares. Not neccesarily in setting or storyline, but mainly in the feel of it all. Metro was pretty interesting for example because of this reason, last light was almost completely different than 2034 for example. It was fun to compare the two

>> No.21225873 [DELETED] 
File: 4.00 MB, 1173x1500, Yakui thankfull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a question to all of you. What makes a fantasy novell great? What do you personally like about them? I would love to listen to some guiding toughts of me writing one.

>> No.21225883 [DELETED] 

Writing general is that way >>21220163 now fuck off.

>> No.21225891

Suck my cock Tolkien Fanboy

>> No.21225895

it has to be fun

>> No.21225906

By fun you mean pacing, setting, the way the writer goes about building the characters through the whole of it or its something you cannot really out your finger on?

>> No.21226029

Good fantasy makes the past magical, heroic, and above all else, different from the current world.

>> No.21226052

any series you'd personally recommend? Preferably something that has managed to make things dramatic, creepy, humorous all in the same book.

>> No.21226089

You could try The Lies of Locke Lamora. In the ocean of medieval inspired fantasy it stands out with a fresh setting: shark gladiators and heist-fantasy, amid Venetian crime lords set in the ruins of a mysterious elder race.

>> No.21226092
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x2332, seren-astrit-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes a fantasy novell great?
Hot women

>> No.21226106

hot women above all

>> No.21226119

Finally a proper answer, thank you a million lad

>> No.21226125

Haha sure, i'll include Femme Fatales

>> No.21226181

Not TOO much creepy admittedly, but Discworld manages to balance humour and drama surprisingly well. You'd never think that a man screaming about a cow would be a genuinely dramatic and compelling moment (with even a bit of fear because it switches to the POV of other people seeing it happen) but it works.

>> No.21226184

>What makes a fantasy novell great?
Not having many women on it
Close to zero romance
Consistency in the setting and systems

>> No.21226193

I haven't had anything to do with any of the media that the book inspired. They probably do share an aesthetic if nothing else though.

>> No.21226234

Downwards spiral of a protagonist. They start out young and idealistic, then get hammered down by life and become more and more ruthless and pragmatic. Next they're burning down a village or firing on a shipyard and killing millions.

>> No.21226251

bakker is a hack
he will never come back

>> No.21226259

Thank you, thats the second proper recommendation made in this thread.

Some faggot made a thread in my name and is replying to his own posts. What a fucking sperg.

Makes sense not to focuse on the romance aspect, would ruin the whole fantastic feel of it, and who even wants to read about a run of the mill "Oh they got so close to eachother trough this journey" romance.

The less goyslop media you consume the better. Tough i'm allready over that and i'll probably have a much more limited imagination to read the book initially, than how i could have enjoyed it withouth going in allready "biased"

>> No.21226290
File: 275 KB, 996x1401, Screenshot_20221108-072916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How successful have his editors been?

>> No.21226293

Well, that would make sense for an anti-hero, but i'm much more interested in the classical definition of fantasy. Either travelers, scientists, or just simple pepole trying to live day by day

>> No.21226313
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Nice review. The book continues to live in the shadow of its adaptations, but it's actually superior to them.

>> No.21226408

Yeah, it can be difficult to not allow prior experiences to bias current experiences due to expectations. It's unfortunate, but it can be rather inconvenient to avoid it.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Books will probably be in the shadow of almost any other media now. It's just the way it is. I'm not much concerned about it though.
That image is completely accurate.

I've been forgetting to drop the tripcode for replies more often for replies. Oh well.

>> No.21226412

Post hack authors with zero redeeming factors and whose books make you feel a visceral sense of disgust
>Brent Weeks

>> No.21226436

I couldn't finish Wizard's First Rule. I really tried, but felt almost like a parody of fantasy.

>> No.21226443

Fun world and characters for escapism purposes

>> No.21226453

You really make the samefagging so absurdly transparent. How about trying a new "exchange" other than
>nice review
>thanks, I'm glad you liked it
literally every time. It's beyond pathetic.

>> No.21226462


>> No.21226463

True escapism, the more you can get lost in it without getting back to this souless reality we live, the better.

>> No.21226466

Shit "review", as always. Embarrassingly uncritical thinking, just bad paraphrasing.

>> No.21226514

finished it yesterday

satisfied with the ending, despite the questions it left open. might actually prefer the author never revisiting the world compared to a possible disappointing sequel series. I prefer the unwilling conscripts to a galactic war with the Brick Layer being an ayy recruiter theory from Voleta. I didn't really see a literal spaceship coming. I was thinking the Bridge was more of a wormhole or space elevator.
only thing that was kind of iffy was the sphinx just fucking off and dying, doing nothing after they left at the end of Arm (her literal battery ran out? kek). although that might be the point, any one sphinx itself isn't really important.
no main character deaths and basically happy endings for them was nice in my opinion. rip reddleman, but becoming an AI of the ship was cool.

thanks again for the recc bro

>> No.21226587

what wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan novel has the best world building?

>> No.21226621
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>> No.21226662

>implying anybody exists on 4chan besides you
all 4chan posts are tulpas created in your brain, this website doesn't even exist

>> No.21226699
File: 54 KB, 300x400, C0231D04-879F-47EE-AF1B-00F6B801F997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna say martial world because it’s my first one and I’m not yet through the 2250 chapters

>> No.21226701

I was about to post this, martial world really has nice world building

>> No.21226713
File: 369 KB, 1587x1551, 1683BEB7-16D0-47D1-9660-39001E6DA1F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoy it as well so far, the descriptions of the mountains, the wilderness, the politics and trade, shit like that. And the fact that Ling Ming literally kills his opponents dicks if they’re particularly douchy

>> No.21226718

When Bakker is back
sandersoi corpses will stack

>> No.21226719

>reading Morning Star
>protagonist allies with a diametrically opposed yet mutually respectable enemy to defeat a larger threat
>beat the larger threat together
>instead of the common troupe where the temporary ally backstabs the protagonist, the protagonist flips the script and does it first
Darrow is too based

>> No.21226737

Rec me some good first contact books please
I just finished Blindsight and really enjoyed it

>> No.21226742

Nicole's First Time: A Virgin Sex Erotica Story

>> No.21226766

Thanks, I'll give it a try. Hopefully it's better than its sequel, because that one started to feel stale after the first 300-400 chapters

>> No.21226813

it had ~20 TB more stuff than libgen
more pertinently it had way more of the recent sffg titles

>> No.21226831
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>> No.21226850

I’ve heard that the sequel is supposed to be way worse

>> No.21226959

Mobilism is better for new stuff. Other places are better for other stuff.

>> No.21226991

Reverend Insanity. It has insane detail in the gus and the way they are maintaned, lots of monsters and different societies (5 at least, plus the non-humans ones). For what I seen worldbuilding is barely a thing in Cultivation novels, as they just phase world like crazy in some.

>> No.21227067

Martial World worldbuilding is more descriptive, the nature, landscapes, cities, the world are more detailed, Reverend insanity worldbuilding has less details but the integration with the story is stronger.

>> No.21227068

>Give us cool stuff with the characters we already know (and maybe introduce a couple minor ones through them) instead of taking whole chapters to introduce new perspectives that I feel really aren't needed at the moment.
that's pretty much what i'm asking for all the time as well. but that being said, V8 still had its standout moments.
that you're missing erin already is not a great sign though, lol. i'd try to forget her for now, that's all i'll say for now.

also remember that it's a balancing act. sometimes new POVs feel pointless but they still serve a purpose in the long run. and in TWI's case it's the long, long run. the last interlude you read is kinda like that.

>> No.21227090

>that you're missing erin already is not a great sign though, lol

I think I got really spoiled by so much of her in V7 T.T

>> No.21227149

wait a few chapters, maybe something will happen :^)

that being said, one piece of advice, do not try to skim ahead or trying to find out what will be in the chapter you're reading. my impatience for wanting to see certain characters around this time often led me to ctrl+F the chapters just to see what lies ahead. it was a pretty bad habit in hindsight. it makes you focus on what you want to read rather than what you are reading.

>> No.21227166

Are you 12

>> No.21227212

no. and i blame TWI for this.
novels normally don't have this kind of pacing. at some point i gave in to temptation. and i didn't actually "read" ahead in any way. i would just use ctrl+f and see how many hits i'd get and how they were spread in the chapters (chapters range from 20k to 30-40k words, and V8 had some of the longest chapters in the series iirc).
again, it was a bad habit that i lost sometime later in the volume because i realized it's a dumb thing to do.

>> No.21227236

A strong vision/metaphor tying everything together. Not necessarily something as heavy handed as a "message" or a "moral", but at least a clear purpose or expression related to what the author cares about. Like Tolkein and his religion and experiences with industrial war. Even if LotR isn't ABOUT WWI, it's very certainly a response to it.

Aside from that, a good "engine" is absolutely required. Some specific feature that gets constant use and prevents shitty filler patterns. Could be witty dialogue between two characters, a mysterious narrator, poetic setting descriptions, gripping fight scenes, intelligent plotting sessions, etc... Basically imagine a comedy where there were no jokes for 40 minutes, or an action movie where nothing explodes for half an hour. They're shit right? Same holds true for a book, if you've got a "thing", then lean into it and use it often.

>> No.21227252

Reverend insanity, even unfinished is extremely well integrated. LotM is also good, and connects a very long history full of unknowns into a coherent whole that always seems natural and makes sense no matter how bizarre it gets.

>> No.21227253

>What do you personally like about them?
Fights and Magic battles, i don't understand people who read fantasy books that don't have a single action sequence.

>> No.21227260

RI had some really neat descriptions in the first book that I was sad to see basically phased out. After a certain point he mostly gives up describing things in detail aside from a few rare setpieces to keep the story moving.

>> No.21227290

You know a book is good when it inspires you to make fan art of it.
The only books that have inspired me to make art are The Second Apocalypse,Dune, Roadside Picnic and The Three body problem.

>> No.21227327

Is the Dandelion Dynasty any good?

>> No.21227332

Is it just me or does anyone else find it hard to get started reading? Every time I want to start I put it off.

>> No.21227341

I lost interest after book 2. It's more of a saga, following multiple generations, but once it devolves into a tribe of literal club-wielding cave man white people with super ocean-crossing ships arriving to colonize the peaceful PoC Chinese Empire I just rolled my eyes right out of my head.

>> No.21227346

I like to start new books, but once I hit a snag that interrupts my enjoyment, I increasingly find it harder to keep pushing past it. I used to just plow through books regardless, but anymore I drop them at the slightest resistance to my attention.

>> No.21227353

I thought it was great.

>> No.21227359

i hope its not as dumb as you say, im halfway trough the first book and i really enjoy Kuni, his wife and Mata.
Some of the worldbuilding is interesting too.

>> No.21227365

Any good sci-fi like the Three Body Problem?

>> No.21227369

Good job, you mentally Ill zoomers. The thread reached 100 posts. You can stop asking questions you don’t care about.

>> No.21227403


>> No.21227407


>> No.21227411

The Redemption of Time: A Three-Body Problem Novel

>> No.21227448

I saw that it was not written by the original author and got scared, is it worth a read?

>> No.21227452

Has anyone here read Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson? Finished The Way of the Kings recently and Mistborn seems like it'll be fun.

>> No.21227471

Ah the master baiter has appeared. Let us all acknowledge his cleverness.

>> No.21227521


>> No.21227523
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The fantasy novel must evoke wonder and nostalgia. It must feel keenly hopes, struggles, despairs and triumphs. It must be timeless.

>> No.21227554

Good characters interacting with wondrous or at least exciting settings. Also a writing style that doesn't put me to sleep.

>> No.21227635

the dog gets it

>> No.21227845

The Empire of Dust any good?

>> No.21227860

It's tiresome.

>> No.21227865

It's all so tiresome...

>> No.21227901

This happened to me today when I finished Dune. I doodled a Shai-Hulud with some stickman Fremen, and Arrakeen.

>> No.21227974

How do you guys break in your books?

>> No.21227982

You really that desperate for this thread to be on the first page?

>> No.21227997


>> No.21228004
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Excellent discussion anons. Nothing to add besides the fact that the notion of Dragons corrupting mens’ hearts makes me appreciate how nefarious the act if giving Grendel his powers was.
Absolutely brilliant scene. The way he weaves it in to the eventual usurping of the throne in like that seems like something Joyce would do with the Odysses in Ulysses.
I can’t draw very well, so my fan art is usually writing a scene that’s inspired by what I read.

>> No.21228071

I liked book 1 enough to pick up book 2. But book 2 just lost me completely between Kuni becoming almost irrelevant to the story and the dumb barbarian invasion plot.

>> No.21228201

Glad you like it bro.
I agree that its nice in the end that everyone is happy but during the read it bothered me. Like voleta could have just died and the ship could have just fucking crashed after the silks were attacked instead of just levitating lmao.
Im so impressed with Bancroft getting away with such cheesy characters. Might be their depth? Like Iren is literally an anime character but somehow he made me care a lot about every person we meet. Just such nice books honestly.
Apparently Bancroft has something new next year and Im jacked to the tits for it

>> No.21228254

yeah for very new mobilism was better
but there was no site superior to b-ok/z-lib in sheer number of total titles

>> No.21228364

Holy shit that site looks like it’s straight out of 2008

>> No.21228422
File: 462 KB, 1500x714, the dying earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pharesm made a peremptory gesture. Cugel fell silent. Pharesm drew a deep breath. "You fail to understand the calamity you have visited upon me. I will explain, so that you may not be astounded by the rigors which await you. As I have adumbrated, the arrival of the creature was the culmination of my great effort. I determined its nature through a perusal of forty-two thousand librams, all written in cryptic language: a task requiring a hundred years. During a second hundred years I evolved a pattern to draw it in upon itself and prepared exact specification. Next I assembled stone-cutters, and across a period of three hundred years gave solid form to my pattern. Since like subsumes like, the variates and intercongeles create a suprapullulation of all areas, qualities and intervals into a crystorrhoid whorl, eventually exciting the ponentiation of a pro-ubietal chute. Today occurred the concatenation; the 'creature,' as you call it, pervolved upon, itself; in your idiotic malice you devoured it."

Does this really entertain native speakers of English? I had enough dictionary flipping before but this is ridiculous

>> No.21228431

yeah that sucked dick

>> No.21228440
File: 11 KB, 560x400, 1469211564601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I download ebooks now since b-ok.cc got taken down by glowies? I haven't been here for a while

>> No.21228447

Amazon has eBooks that you can download

>> No.21228467

>needing a dictionary to read that
You're doing it wrong.

>> No.21228474

What confuses you about it? I'm ESL and I still understand it.

>> No.21228517

What confuses you about it? I'm ETL and I still understand it.

>> No.21228527
File: 102 KB, 900x637, 1667896590372247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever wanted to influence the outcome of a Sci-Fi Epic while it was being written? Don't miss your chance to contribute on this massive vote in Space Monke Quest.


>> No.21228548

He's a fucking wizard, you don't need to understand precisely what he's saying to get the joke

>> No.21228737

I really liked the different resources points, so to speak, where powerful gus appeared, they were amazing. I really feel they would work great in rpgs. I also love when Fang Yuan become the wolf master, all the chase for the wolfs and the different kinds is my jam, is there any cultivation novel than does something like that?

>> No.21228871

Any books where the military or soldiers fight against monsters/demons? I know "monster hunter international" but it would be quite surprising if no one else ever thinkered with that idea.

>> No.21228893

Thoughts on the Goblin Emperor?

>> No.21228906

Goblin mode

>> No.21228954

At least on the movie front, Live, Die, Repeat uses this setting.

>> No.21228973

It's a pretty barren genre unfortunately. Basically every series that presents itself as that almost immediately derails into either chosen one bullshit, or rehashing Lovecraft bullshit (MHI does that).
I don't think I've actually come across a single series that was just stand alone stories of humans vs monsters.
I am so sick of authors falling back on generic lovecraftian shit.

>> No.21229084
File: 73 KB, 1022x463, de74a7f3aaebc2342ffce1e80d4eab0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you believe a fantasy map can be "too Eurocentric" or "too real" as in too much like the real world where you can almost impose the real world map over the fantasy and pinpoint where which culture was copied from?
GRRRRRR Marten has done something similar with just copying and flipping Britain but adjusting size.

>> No.21229095

>Do you believe a fantasy map can be "too Eurocentric"
Shoo. Away with your post-colonial attitude and misery.

You can do anything you want with a fantasy world and its map, AS LONG AS the story itself is good.

>> No.21229108

>GRRRRRR Marten has done something similar with just copying and flipping Britain but adjusting size.
When will you dumbfucks go extinct?

>> No.21229171

as long as it just werks
I'm not a woman so this all that matters to me

>> No.21229192


>> No.21229199

There are many ways. IRC, #bookz, #ebooks, LibGen, mobilism, anonymouse, and many other sites.

>> No.21229211

See the quotation marks around that thing youre so upset about? See them? Because I dont think you've seen them. Look again and you'll probably see them.

>> No.21229213


>> No.21229218

I don't understand the obsession with muh maps in fantasy, especially the clan of hyperautists who will whine if mountain ranges make no sense or shorelines aren't jaggy enough. Like, who gives a fuck?

>> No.21229228

>implying SSF wasn't built by hyperautists gobbling up standard tropes and common themes.
Money is the outer god that all fandom markets bow to

>> No.21229273
File: 301 KB, 1284x800, The_Godhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw fantasy maps being too real, let's talk fantasy cosmology thats not unreal enough. Let's talk about maps that can't be put in Mercator or Plattee Carree.

>> No.21229396
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I've picked up these today for like 4$ each. Did I get scammed?

>> No.21229466

What's some good Polish fantasy besides Witcher?

>> No.21229491

Anything they claim to have invented :^)

>> No.21229495

What condition are they in
What year were they published
Were they printed on good quality paper
Either way they look like they should be cheaper than a new paperback

>> No.21229554
File: 620 KB, 1766x949, c47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw romance sideplot introduced
If chinks can write thousands of webnovel chapters without having a single kiss scene, why can't western writers do the same in a 500 pages book?

>> No.21229721

Lol what a sad opinion do have

>> No.21229779

Any good post apocalypse or post post apocalypse fantasy/sci-fi novels?
I have already read, Malazan and TSA looking for something similar

>> No.21229798

>soulless permavirgin bugmen don't know what women are so they don't write about them
perhaps it has something to do with the fact that western writers experience complex human emotions like "love" and think it belongs in their work to make it intellectually and spiritually complete?

>> No.21229808
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thread is full of these

>> No.21229825

Ember ad Infinitum

>> No.21229883

>western writers experience complex human emotions like "love"
Super cringe, if you find it happening to you, seek help

>> No.21229918

Nta but o have an irl gf, I don’t need to read about romance. What I don’t have irl is a vastly fantastical land with dragons and shit

>> No.21229963

If she’s real I feel bad for her honestly

>> No.21229967

(she’s not real)

>> No.21230005

Are there any *good* books like Gor? Well not Gor in actuality, but rather what the internet and popular culture has led me to believe Gor would be? The actual book was a disappointment 2bh.

>> No.21230036
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This fits the bill pretty closely, a ranger company gets thrown into fantasy land (it's a bit more complex but this is the effective result) and fuck shit up. It's pretty precise, almost pedantic in the descriptions of the fights, by the end of book two I had to take a break because it got too repetitive

>> No.21230035 [DELETED] 

I want bakker posting to end and go away forever

>> No.21230040

meant this for >>21228973
not >>21228954

>> No.21230043
File: 112 KB, 600x600, Ruling supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rage and scream forever

>> No.21230047 [DELETED] 

Sooner or later you will have to die.

>> No.21230055
File: 26 KB, 325x500, 03CDA55F-DBC9-4448-90E2-1AC5682389CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the deal with Silverberg? Worth getting into?

>> No.21230066

By using the terms you accept passively accept their validity.

>> No.21230116

So did this guy accept them too >>21229095 ? Looks like it. Didnt even pit "post-colonial" into quotation marks.

>> No.21230141

I like several of his works, but also don't like a lot. Mostly his latter works.

>> No.21230148

When does LotM get good?

>> No.21230179

What are the best?

>> No.21230215

The ones you like the most. There's no best and different people different ones for different reasons. Dying Inside is a common choice though.

>> No.21230260

Alright calm down

>> No.21230304
File: 87 KB, 378x640, THORNS1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he's great, one of the best from the scifi New Wave. Just a heads up he's a hippie and a lot of his works reflect that, i don't mind but I know some anons don't like those kind of authors.
Thorns is my favorite book of his.

>> No.21230329

any New vampire lit with a human Male MC and a Female Vampire romance?

>> No.21230373

I wish buddy

>> No.21230382

He’s a real hippie not a Twitter pronouns hippie. Silverberg had actual beliefs

>> No.21230399

It's from a decomissioned library, printed in 1990, pages are yellow as if it was printed 100 years ago. At least they don't seem to be falling apart.

>> No.21230404

FYI both the new Twenty Palaces books are out from behind the patreon paywall. Above average urban fantasy, for those interested.

>> No.21230416
File: 490 KB, 1500x2339, 81FCDPPcX+L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people say you should skip this?
Is it really bad?

>> No.21230456

>perhaps it has something to do with the fact that western writers experience complex human emotions like "love" and think it belongs in their work to make it intellectually and spiritually complete?

I could accept that if there were at least a few pure power fantasies by western aurhors without love/romance/sex but I don't think there are any therefore it's likely that western authors are just brainwashed coomers who are rigid with their writing style imposed by western society, they just don't know any better, worse they can't even think outside the box.
Chinese on the other hand are suppresed by ccp yet they still can manage both romance and power fantasy.

>> No.21230479

You first anti-Bakkerfag

>> No.21230481
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Bakker kino thread? Bakker kino thread.

>> No.21230492

Just watch the films.

>> No.21230508

I've been doing the same thing a bit kek

>> No.21230527

It's not bad, so much as lacking as solid an identity as the later series. It's the first Discworld book and all it is is basically a parodic fantasy, rather than the more satirical and whimsical thing Discworld becomes. It's fine, but it's a bit eh in comparison.

>> No.21230539

This poster is definitely a bug.

>> No.21230667

bakker is a hack
he will never come back

>> No.21230740

Kek you are unable to even consider a different viewpoint when it comes to women/romance in sff literature, you truly are a brainwashed coomer.

>> No.21230745

>3 shallan chapters in a row

>> No.21230843 [DELETED] 
File: 440 KB, 1024x633, 1418537458414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bugman angry that a human calls his chinkshit shit

>> No.21230860 [DELETED] 

Western authors can't even write coom without it being full of whoremongering and cuckshit. I have no idea where you are finding chinese romance that isn't atrocious though.

>> No.21230861

can't argue with that

>> No.21230868

>I have no idea where you are finding chinese romance that isn't atrocious though.
I never said it's good, but many wuxia novels have it.

>> No.21230888

Fair enough.

>> No.21230966

Party members are a crutch for authors that can't write an interesting protagonist.

>> No.21230990
File: 55 KB, 354x500, first defier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book seven is horrible so far. Book six was bad too. Any reason to hope for a rally, or is it played out?

>> No.21231005

When was it good? DotF started off mediocre and never really went above it.

>> No.21231030

imagine being so cripplingly autistic you can't even imagine fictional people having friends lmao

>> No.21231033

I liked books 1 and 3, while 2 and 4 were readable if mediocre. But 6 and so far 7 have been truly bad. If it just goes on like this, I'm out.

>> No.21231073

>Book seven is horrible so far. Book six was bad too. Any reason to hope for a rally, or is it played out?
What is Book 7, Undead on Earth? Or the Hidden Realm arc on Earth? The first one was pretty bad, definitely a low-point, the second was mediocre.
However, the arcs after? Kino. Probably the best DotF to date.

>> No.21231096

Book two's main issue was that it felt way too much like two separate books awkwardly crammed together, leaving both halves feeling rather half-baked.

>> No.21231102

Imagine being so cripplingly autistic that you go to the fantasy shelf in the bookstore when you actually just want to watch the latest episode of Family Guy.

>> No.21231107

I remember when I was a dumb edgy teenager too

>> No.21231121

I dropped it when he made an ultra cringy romantic drama shield out of the worst character in the story.

>> No.21231144

>hear about wheel of time for over a decade
>eventually pick it up
>every page include one of these
>"she tugged he braid"
>"avalance of frozen fire"
>"ageless face"
>"heron marked sword/palm"
>"womens are bitches amirite?"
>"men are idiots amirite?"
>muh madness
>"X made her feel Y, but feeling Y made her feel Z"
>and god knows how many more I've forgotten
How did that retard manage to write 13 books and couldn't find alternative descriptions even once? It's just so repetitive

>> No.21231155

I'm honestly growing kind of tired of these endless LitRPG webnovels. Just give me ones that fucking end.

>> No.21231187
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1442857471825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LitRPG webnovels
HAHAHA you made a huge mistake pal

>> No.21231210

imagine being so cripplingly autistic you can't even imagine fictional people having no friends lmao

>> No.21231246

Life Reset was good and had an end. Warlords of the Circle Sea wasn't good, but had a satisfying end. Underdog just had a good end. Respawn ends, The Perfect Run. Way of the Shaman, Dark Herbalist, Level Up. I'm sure there are more that I can't think of just now.

>> No.21231356

>Why do people say you should skip this?
Because they read one of the later books first. Colour and Light would be better described as a comedic fantasy travelogue, while most of Discworld has tighter plots around one single idea. e.g. what if santa but evil

>> No.21231371

>Because they read one of the later books first.
Doesn't really explain why they would skip the first book of the series.

>> No.21231383

nta, but maybe it’s due to the fact that it’s more comedic so people are out off by it.

>> No.21231399
File: 49 KB, 282x475, 233679._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practically every book in Discworld is standalone. All the covers I've seen just say A Discworld Novel rather than say Book 11 of Discworld

>> No.21231410

Some people just want to read a book or two to see if the series is for them. Since the first two aren't really representative of the rest of the series, they are poor choices for someone doing that. If you're a completionist who's just going to gun it no matter what, then yes, you should start with them.

>> No.21231450

>I remember when I was a dumb edgy teenager too
That's nice of you to assume he's an underage teenager and not some adult who failed at life.

>> No.21231459

I needed a break after listening to The Thousandfold Thought, so I listened to The Black Company. It was such a drastic difference in writing styles but much needed.
I like how The Black Company doesnt take itself so seriously. Its not self aware at all, trying to make up its own tropes or worse, trying to subvert its tropes. The slapstick style magician feuds are pure fun. I think it would be very good if adapted to a tv show.

>> No.21231468

They are battling cultists and werewolves in the mystic realm mountain.

>> No.21231472

>Since the first two aren't really representative of the rest of the series,
I think otherwise, but it's of no concern for me.

>> No.21231477

Well, given it has, among other things, a Patrician who's nothing like Vetinari, Death who's nothing like Death, a lot of "adventure" when most Discworld novels are pretty stationary, the overall parody-feeling... It doesn't quite gel. It's not completely different, of course, Pratchett's writing still has the same flavour, but it's clearly a book meant to just be "fantasy parody adventure" rather than a concept applied to a fantasy world milked for all the fun it can be.

>> No.21231482

Petty people with FAR too much power is always an enjoyable scenario, when played up properly (IE, not in the sense of being totally justifiable as they're powerful, moreso that they're impossible to deal with because they're so powerful). I should probably look into Black Company, honestly, it sounds fun.

>> No.21231509

It still is a fantasy parody adventure; I don't know why you think the other books have it, they do.

>> No.21231512
File: 61 KB, 300x400, 300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21231515

You still shilling this garbage if a story?

>> No.21231528

That sad and depressing thing about this is that people want the main characters to be literally them. I’ll never understand it and I’m happier for it.

>> No.21231534

Never, you were memed, like all the retards who read webnovels and chinkshit

>> No.21231541

Are there some fantasy books that manage to tread the line between grim dark suffering porn and happy-go-lucky no stakes? I want a story with actual stakes and losses as well as wins but I still want there to be hope for the characters.

>> No.21231547

Yeah, check the charts in the OP

>> No.21231550

Do you have iq of 50? What do you not understand? That people who read sff experience the story/adventure through the thoughts and actions of the main character?

>> No.21231558

Three Body Problem is a different take on it, read the rest of the series if you like the first book, it gets better and better.

>> No.21231559

Made in Abyss?

>> No.21231560

An actually book, and not your gay comics.

>> No.21231561
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>> No.21231569

He was just letting you know he's above that.

>> No.21231587

guy is coming here asking for fantasy novels and you give him something unrelated to his question. The fuck did you expect he would react.

>> No.21231591

I went into 3 Body Problem completely blind and thought it was about the world being a simulation for half of the book

>> No.21231607


>> No.21231658

Is it really controversial to say that you don't want to read self-insert story?

>> No.21231688

This isn’t /a/ retard, either recommend books or fuck off.

>> No.21231711

You need to work on your reading comprehension, because my post just went over your head.

>> No.21231718
File: 218 KB, 300x462, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You ask that? You, who killed your mother to come into the world? You are an ill-made, devious, disobedient, spiteful little creature full of envy, lust and low cunning. Men's laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors, since I cannot prove you are not mine. To teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud lion that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor men will ever compel me to let you turn Casterly Rock into your whorehouse.
Why can't other fantasy authors write dialogue like this?

>> No.21231723

>Why can't other fantasy authors write dialogue like this?
They do, try reading more before making such an assertion.

>> No.21231728

Only a handful at best.

>> No.21231735

Then don't say they don't write dialogue like that.

>> No.21231752

God, a song of ice and fire is fucking Kino. I always find myself rereading the entire series after I’m done with it.

>> No.21231770

Then he gets killed by his dwarf of a son because he was too retarded to stop insulting him. Really makes me if wonder Tywin’s reputation was well deserved.

>> No.21231784

>Really makes me if wonder Tywin’s reputation was well deserved.
If you actually take time to read the books, you will know that the reputation of Tywin was feigned. Dude was losing to Robb Stark, a boy that's a few years younger than his grandson. Not to mention the only reason why he won was because George had to make Robb and Stannis lose.

>> No.21231797

I always like that people suck off Tywin for being this smart and pragmatic person, but he was no different than Tyrion and that he was just a psychopathic manchild who couldn’t stand getting mocked.

>> No.21231800

I always felt that Robb winning battles against the Lannister forces was kind of bullshit, especially when he didn’t muster all of his forces.

>> No.21231828

Looking for comfy fantasy recommendations. Hobbit tier but maybe leaning towards the first two Witcher books in maturity, storytelling and humor is always nice. Long-winded descriptions are fine as long as they paint a nice picture of the current setting, I listen to audiobooks in bed so it's almost preferable. Lore and exposition dumps are less liked in this regard as I wanna be transported to what's going on in the now.

>> No.21231829

>I always felt that Robb winning battles against the Lannister forces was kind of bullshit
No, what was bullshit was the Lannister winning the war despite there being zero reasons to. Stannis should have taken King's landing.

>> No.21231832

Check the chart in the OP.

>> No.21231849

Yeah, I think Tywin getting info that Stannis was about to take King’s Landing and do a two-day march should have been handled better. Personally, I would have liked it if Stannis took the city. But you know, got to drag out the story somehow.

>> No.21231855
File: 189 KB, 1114x646, main-qimg-d70b4f7f08e457827d11e80a4d8cae7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two-day march
See, it should have taken longer than that. Tywin was trying to cross the fords before being beaten back. No way he had the time to reach King's Landing with how far he was.

>> No.21231860

Yeah, I’m not doing any of that, search that shit for yourself.

>> No.21231863

>That people who read sff experience the story/adventure through the thoughts and actions of the main character?
What does that have to do with him not wanting to read main character that are supposed to be self-inserts? Maybe because I'm not autistic, but I don't see how wanting a story where the main characters can't have companions due to some readers not having any friends would be any good.

>> No.21231873
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>download this since i haven't heard of it and blurb sounds decent
>Rupert cursed resignedly, and swung awkwardly down from the saddle, his armor protesting loudly with every movement.
I fucking hate the fantasy genre so much guys

>> No.21231875

RI was better than anything else I've been recommended by this thread.

>> No.21231876

Literally was is the the issue? Other than you being a nitpicking bitch?

>> No.21231878

You can stop pretending being someone else, its just getting sad at this point.

>> No.21231886

Nothing is sadder than thinking you can identify anons on 4chan.

>> No.21231888

>man 1: look there, a pile of dog shit there on the ground
>man 2: what's wrong with dog shit?
Good talk anon

>> No.21231889

> RI was better than anything else
I’m sure if you keep spamming it, someone will be stupid enough to waste their time on it, other than that, try not to shit up the thread

>> No.21231890

The Quest of Iranon

>> No.21231904

>try not to shit up the thread
You should take your own advice and stop having jannie wannabe tantrums every time someone praises a book you don't like.

>> No.21231907

>>Rupert cursed resignedly, and swung awkwardly down from the saddle, his armor protesting loudly with every movement.
Sentence is alright and serviceable, what's the issue?

>> No.21231910

>RIbot throwing another tantrum since no one praises it’s shitty chink story
It’s tiresome.

>> No.21231912

be more specific next time and I might try

>> No.21231916

You’re in /lit/ fucking retard, a board dedicated for books. Go back to /a/ if you can’t even do that much.

>> No.21231923

Have fun living a control freak's self-made hell, schizoanon.

Reverend Insanity is both too edgy and too uplifting at the same time for the average goyslop consumer, so it might be right up your alley. The pacing is on the slow side though.

>> No.21231928

Yeah, reread the post again
>Are there some fantasy books

>> No.21231930

Are wizards pursuing immortality not fantastical enough or something?

>> No.21231935

He wants books, anon.

>> No.21231938

Does he not own a printer?

>> No.21231939

Can't you give him a serious answer?

>> No.21231941

I already did. Can you?

>> No.21231950

So, /sffg/ can’t even recommend books anymore? The fuck happened?

>> No.21231955

>I already did
But you didn't?

>> No.21231957

Before I clarify why you're wrong, why didn't you answer my question?

>> No.21231964

Try Dungeon Crawler Carl. The MC is a cuckold and he and his magic talking cat get Rick from Rick and Morty as their mentor in surviving an anarcho-capitalist alien empire enslaving humanity. Seems right up your alley.

>> No.21231974

Ignore made in abyss, ignore dungeon crawler Carl or whatever, and especially ignore that chinkshit Reverend insanity bullshit. Try reading The Knight of the sword by Michael Moorcock, the Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski, the black company by Glen Cook, Elric by Micheal Moorcock. Hope this helps you.

>> No.21231991

If you're going to make a bait list at least have the decency to include Bakker.

>> No.21231996

At least I offered proper books for the poor guy. Don’t know why you guys decided to use that to fuck with him.

>> No.21232003

Books? Looks like a bunch of goyslop to me. I don't see any books.

>> No.21232009

have you read the dying earth? the first collection of short stories? its literally this.

>> No.21232032

Wish they made a good film adaptation. And not fucking Tarkovsky's overrated dogshit.

>> No.21232036

Go back to Twitter, you buzzword using faggot.

>> No.21232047

>The Knight of the sword by Michael Moorcock
Surprised to see the Corum Series mentioned here, its mostly Elric people talk about here.

>> No.21232052
File: 2.82 MB, 1684x2560, tlm-cover.jpg.5a1d52185cf09f3a667e81f79a14d7ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone just leak it already?

>> No.21232053

Just buy it.

>> No.21232062

Sandersoi wrists are too weak to even type in utorrent in their webbrowsers

>> No.21232071

already preordered, just want it earlier now that I'm seeing copies out in the wild.
no one's uploaded it anywhere, yet.

>> No.21232075

Then just wait?

>> No.21232083

i believe you mean big *anuses*

>> No.21232084

It came out already? Fuck, I miss it.

>> No.21232085

>Thread janny removes my post about wishing bakkerposting would stop
>Doesn't bother removing the usual bakkerspamming

This general is fucking trash.

>> No.21232088

>Is it really bad?
Not at all. It's a great read but it's the first novel in the series and Pratchett doesn't settle into his style until Light Fantastic, which is the sequel and not an ideal starting place.

CoM for example is a bit of a fixup of 3 connected novels, fits in a shitload of world building it, isn't as focussed as it could be.

Equal Rights and Mort are the next in the series, but they're almost too focussed. So Sourcery is the next best choice to start.

But if you read it in the 80's you didn't have much choice, so CoM is still a good place to start.

>> No.21232096

You the retard that doesn’t know how to use the report feature, so you make provocative posts?

>> No.21232105

Reporting it doesn't stop it.

>> No.21232112

Yeah, you that retard, either ignore it, filter it, or report the spam.

>> No.21232124

>Reporting it doesn't stop it.
You always say this, but they always remove it, don't know why you keep on insisting on this lie.

>> No.21232126
File: 176 KB, 720x720, 2EFBB451-2143-4502-A0D7-3424F299E7F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical Sandersoi

>> No.21232131

Bakkerfag always returns and continues to post. Proof that it doesn't work.

>> No.21232134

Wow, anon, it's almost as if they get banned for 3 days. Fuck sakes don't even know why you're bitching about them, since you're whining just attracts them. So either be quiet or do what this anon >>21232112 tells you.

>> No.21232136

>jannies don’t do anything
>Jannies remove them and ban them but they still come back
Then keep reporting them? It’ll be more helpful than you crying about it here, or god forbid, start a fight with them.

>> No.21232147

Nice effort post, anon, wish there was more here.

>> No.21232149

Shut up, dickless, useless, tranny janny faggot.

>> No.21232157

I still like CoM, even it’s not like all the other books of the series. It just makes it stand out.

>> No.21232159

I see you’re no different than them.

>> No.21232160

>which is the sequel and not an ideal starting place.
Why isn't it an ideal starting place? I personally like it myself, but that could be just my bias talking.

>> No.21232161

Yes, I recommend it ITT all the time. Although I was actually thinking of LOTR when I wrote that

>> No.21232162

No, it did not.

>> No.21232198

You could I suppose. Pratchett was that good an author. And by LF he's learnt to summarize his concepts, so instead of a page and a half on Twoflower being the Disc's first tourist (being an alien concept within the universe), he jusy says 'The disc's first tourist'. Almost trying to be too clever in CoM as Twoflower is really us, speaking english and everything, whereas Rincewind's first language is Morpokian (or something like that). It's quite meta and pithy for a fantasy book, but Prachett only got better.

>> No.21232339
File: 1.74 MB, 4602x1936, 1667767725613144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shelf that saved /sffg/

>> No.21232351

shit taste

>> No.21232353

I've actually tried to read some Bakker, I've never read Sanderson.

>> No.21232488

Gormengoober bros: do you find out much about the history of the Groan family? I'm halfway through book #2 and feel I know little of their history and of the history of the castle Gormenghast itself.

>> No.21232494

>do you find out much about the history of the Groan family?
Yes, anon, by reading the novels

>> No.21232526

New thread

>> No.21232565

You are an evil cunt anon.

>> No.21232693

Malazan maybe? It never feels like there's low stakes, but there's a lot of humor mixed in with the suffering and it's filled with themes of hope and compassion.