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/lit/ - Literature

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21202202 No.21202202 [Reply] [Original]

You Asked For This Edition

Notable Authors: H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Robert Aickman, Clive Barker, Edgar Allan Poe, Algernon Blackwood, Shirley Jackson, Richard Matheson, Stephen King, William Peter Blatty, Robert Bloch, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, Edogawa Rampo, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, Brian Evenson, William Hope Hodgson, Clark Ashton Smith, Frank Belknap Long, Ramsey Campbell, Caitlin R Kiernan, Laird Barron, Jack Ketchum, Stefan Grabinski, Peter Straub, and many many more

Discuss your favorite horror tales in both short and long form. What have you read lately? What do you want to read? What's a work of horror fiction or an author who you want to recommend?
Previous threads (because I forgot to link it last time):

>> No.21202239
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I really really like this book.

>> No.21202323

is Call of the Crocodile worth reading

>> No.21202343
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>> No.21202612
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It sounds awful but how bad is it really

>> No.21202653 [DELETED] 
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Unironically yes. Ignore and mass report anyone who says otherwise.

>> No.21202665

I listened to the podcast, so I don’t know how the book differs, but the story is pretty legit and the prose is kinda poetic.

Still want the book to see how different it is.

>> No.21202668

Can anyone actually post an excerpt from Call of the Croc. I wanna see how terrible the prose actually is. Maybe then I’ll join in on the meme.

>> No.21202676 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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I have a screenshot saved from a thread that summarized the whole plot. Beware spoilers.

>> No.21202681

I might give it a shot at some point

>> No.21202687

It’s been so damn long since I listened to that podcast I might actually go through it again. Now that I’m going over it there are some pretty creepy scenes that are built up very well. Plus the voice acting was top notch. It felt more like a play than your average audiobook.

>> No.21202694

Thanks for posting anon, this was a good laugh. But does anyone have a segment of how bad the prose is? I’m wondering if he actually makes an attempt to write interesting and if so, how badly he fails.

>> No.21202695

why do these threads die so quickly. is horror just that not popular of a genre? horror movies make shit tons of money and people know horror tropes but most normies have never read a horror novel and couldn't name any horror writer aside from maybe stephen king

>> No.21202697

They actually used to reach bump limit I have no idea what happened between then and now

>> No.21202710

I'm on a mission to read all of Stephen King's books. Last story I read was "The breathing method" which was really nice. I'm now reading "Christine".

>> No.21202725

many of the submissions in &amp are gardners if you're looking for f. kino.

just buy the book if you want to learn the secrets, though.

>> No.21202737

Why did you like The Breathing Method, anon? That was one of the last King stories I read bc I started to realize how shit half his writing was.

I’m a poorfag and would rather just laugh at an excerpt posted here than waste money I could use to keep my crack addiction intact.

>> No.21202747

What a weird mission. I loved King's books as a teen but really can't stand his stuff anymore. Anyways heard his newest fantasy book is okay, might check it out

>> No.21204003 [DELETED] 

F Gardner’s new book is awesome

>> No.21204401 [DELETED] 


You guys see this?

>> No.21204489
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Its boring

but if you are gonna read it anyway, read it up until chapter 20 and then stop.

>> No.21204499

I wish at least it was better written because in a nutshell sounds batshit insane fun

>> No.21204546 [DELETED] 

I had to read it for class. It’s one of the better horror stories in contemporary fiction.

>> No.21204640
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I don't like the way Stephen king worte dialogue for Salem's lot. It's honestly garbage. I also hated something wicked this way comes. I was 100 pages in and on Salem's lot I'm about 25 pages in. I loved the exorcist and the haunting of hill house. Why is that?

>> No.21204668

My library doesn't have even half of these authors. Does yours carry a good selection?

>> No.21204672 [DELETED] 

Why is Call of the Crocodile so absurdly popular compared to all the other books F Gardner has written?

>> No.21204681

Nostalgia? His new book could overtake COTC in popularity, but there's something nice about revisiting old memories sometimes.

>> No.21204730

Woman asks pedophile man to take care of her 5 year old daughter when she is away. Girl is standing on her head, she puts her legs upward, she spread her legs, turn herself backwards - she does lot of kid things that guy perceives as sexual. Man is thinking very deeply if he should fuck her or no, he realizes it would ruin his life so after long hour of mental fight he decides not to. He takes the kid out of his sight - she watches cartoon in the other room when man go back to playing video games. But there is one thing he forgot about - in hentai mantas on he has hide drugs. Girl finds it, eat it all thinking its candy, she gets seizure and later dies in hospital. Man realizes that if he fucked her back then he would actually save her life

>> No.21205012

It has the funniest cover and it's the first book in the series

>> No.21205172
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What is it about lost media that spooks us so much? Is it the aura of mystery?

>> No.21205485

Because its the only one avalible in LibZ

>> No.21205765


Relateable. Is the future of the Great American Novel self-published?

>> No.21205774 [DELETED] 


It's worth reading three times. You can't fully appreciate it in one read.

>> No.21205776

Is this one of F. Gardners?

>> No.21205781 [DELETED] 


Well it's just tough to have a sustained conversation when the answer to answer horror inquiry is to just read F. Gardner. He perfected the genre, so anything else is just a pale imitation.

>> No.21205786 [DELETED] 


Agreed. Don't know how he keeps doing it.

>> No.21205789


The clumsy writing is a meta plot point for the story.

>> No.21205794 [DELETED] 


Glad they're finally teaching the F. Man in schools. In a thousand years, they'll have entire classes about this man, like Shakespeare.

>> No.21205799 [DELETED] 
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just found F. Gardner's youtube page too


>> No.21205822
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More like...

>> No.21205830
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Report on what grounds?

>> No.21205845

Then why isn't it selling?
Here's the actual record of its Amazon ranking:
Day 1: #86000 (approx.)
Day 2: #202495
Day 3: #211347
Day 4: #320117
Day 5: #398533
Day 6: #495719
Day 7: #554727
Day 8: #632628
Day 9: #241052 (OMG! some sales!)
Day 10: #430088
Day 11: #531694
Day 12: #601990
Day 13: #682710
Day 14: #345984 (at least one sale!)
Day 15: #585473
Day 16: #319885 (an uptick!)
Day 17: #503796
Day 18: #548541
Day 19: #645383
Day 20: #693857
Day 21: #741098
Day 22: #799398
Day 23: #839245
Day 24: #870841
And despite all these claims of fandom in this thread...not one of them has written a review.
It's because you're listening to a samefagging pseud.
The vast majority of this thread is Gardner talking to himself and fellating himself in public.
What an utterly disgusting and phony excuse for a human being.

>> No.21205858
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Then the clumsy writing would be a meta plot point for ALL his so-called books.
He's simply a terrible writer.
The "Look Inside" portion of all his brain-droppings on Amazon will tell you that; you don't have to take my (or anyone else's) word for it.

>> No.21205870

Because it's one phony's spamming and self-stroking.
My working assumption is that Gardner is both developmentally-disabled and alcoholic.

>> No.21205874

It's not a meme.
It's just one phony, stroking himself in public.
If it ever was a meme, it's as dead as David Hogg or Cindy Sheehan.

>> No.21205880

Gardner, what is it that's so horrible about your life that you have to lie about it so much in public?
How much longer do you intend to suffer like this?

>> No.21206038 [DELETED] 

Call of the Arcade is better but yeah. its pretty wild

>> No.21206050

gardner, pay for ads you filthy fucking nigger. no one is reading your shit. you will never be a real author

>> No.21206233 [DELETED] 

Yeah it’s the best thing to ever come out of this website

>> No.21206371 [DELETED] 

CotC’s really esoteric. Way deeper than I ever expected a horror novel to be.

>> No.21206416

Lol I'm not Gardner, I just used it because the last few threads were slow

>> No.21206506

It was a good run while it lasted, but I think /hfg/ ran its course now, given that the faggot COTC spammer is here now

>> No.21206519

I’m reading It by Stephen King rn. Liking it so far.

>> No.21206535 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21206867
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What do you think of self published horror authors outside of you know who

>> No.21207079
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A burgeoning market, especially with the extreme side. Its both a blessing and a curse because those that have, have opened the floodgates to every talentless hack aiming just to shock.

You need to check out the Books of Horror Facebook group. Its quite eye opening on the current scene / trends in the horror market. Lots of authors there, lots of publishing reps.

>> No.21207094

Yes you are.
Literally no one mentions that little shit but him.
Your meme has long since expired.

>> No.21207329 [DELETED] 

Pretty much. Doing a read-along of Call of the Crocodile in discord VC was the most fun I’ve had from this board in a while. Btw if you guy haven’t read F Gardner’s Jigoku you really should. It’s like a horror version of Pokémon. The Horror’s Call series is the closest thing we have to a modern day Goosebumps and it’s literally originated from 4chan. I don’t think a series as crazy as that could have originated anywhere but here.

>> No.21207791

this general is now ruined
gardner you are a hack and always will be

>> No.21207802 [DELETED] 

This. I’ve had a lot of horror books recommended to me over the years here. Call of the Crocodile and House of Leaves are the most interesting ones, by a large margin.

>> No.21207847

>this general is now ruined
It's sad, this general was decent, and people actually talked about books,

>> No.21207887
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How is Richard Laymon?

>> No.21207901

Not yet it isn't, quit doomposting

>> No.21207909
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What is the best Carlton Mellick III book to read

>> No.21208698
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>> No.21208754

I liked it. The twist was really good. Call of the Crocodile is one of the weirder books available. It’s worthwhile just for how strange of an experience you’ll have

>> No.21208940

Where did the KEW poster go

>> No.21208999

I liked Salem's Lot, but I think the real horror (as with a lot of King) is human greed. Selling out your fellow man to profit, no matter the evil you unleash.

The Exorcist works in two ways. Demonic posession, or violent accute mental ilness, both are terrifying. And unlike the film, keeps it quite ambiguous until the end. Check out Legion, it's a sorta sequal focussing on detective Kinderman.

Hill House has again many terrors: ghosts, loneliness, being destitute. I didn't like it as much as I thought I would, but it's beautifully written, and I want to give it another go.

Salem's Lot was pretty tame for a horror. The 70s mini series was better. Scared the shit out of me as a boy.

>> No.21209224

A godfather of the splatterpunk movement, so gore, sexual abuse, depravity etc. My personal fav is "One Rainy Night".

From what Ive read? "Apeshit", but I've not read many at all. He's certainly inventive though

>> No.21209278
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What are some of your favourite horror novels?
Pic not related to the question

>> No.21209443

Negative Space

>> No.21209814
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>> No.21210156
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still here
reread ravens eyrie again for the tenth time and it still's fucking great how the fuck is wagner not more well known

>> No.21210165

“Toother” by Terry Dowling is a short story I’ve been rereading every couple weeks because of how equally fucked up and well-written it is.

>> No.21210176

Gardner vs. Dowling thunderdome?