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21046236 No.21046236 [Reply] [Original]

In his earlier years, Guenon suggested that Westerners have three possible paths:
>Learn from Eastern Traditions and revive the Catholic Church
>Islamized Europe under a Sufi intellectual elite

Why is the third path so unexplored?
Is /trad/lit/ afraid of embracing option 3?
Is barbarism not the true Western Tradition?
What does Guenonian barbarism look like?

>At the commencement, the noble caste was always the barbarian caste: their superiority did not consist first of all in their physical, but in their psychical power—they were more complete men

>Barbarism is the natural state of mankind
-Robert E. Howard

Barbarism is the true Primordial Tradition

>> No.21046251
File: 76 KB, 593x450, 1661799867427141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based barbarian

>> No.21046368
File: 36 KB, 760x570, Julian-the-Apostate-Christian-Today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true Western Tradition is the initiatic chain of Atlantis, coming through the Egyptians to the Greek Mysteries and Neoplatonism.

>> No.21046371

I don’t know much about Guenon, I admit. What book does he talk about these paths? Does he elaborate on why they’re the only options?

>> No.21046388

I know for a fact the points on eastern tradition and revival of the catholic church was dwelled on extensively in "East and West", but I cannot say about the other points as I have not completely gone over his works. I'm sure The Crisis of the Modern World goes over the others.

>> No.21046410

>Why is the third path so unexplored?
Because then we can't be lazy faggots anymore and most people dont like that

>> No.21046413

I will chimp

>> No.21046424

This reminds me of a weird video from a few years back trying to explain traditionalism to normies on youtube. It talked about how to find reason beyond the immediate and worldly, how the world has gone corrupt by seeking after the sensual and pandering.

Meanwhile the footage shown was from the Conan film.

>> No.21046431
File: 3.51 MB, 298x224, adminlol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't be serious

>> No.21046535


>> No.21046984

Wrong. The Hyperborean Tradition is. Altantis is corrupted run-off of Hyperborea.

>> No.21046990

This shit reads like neckbeard roleplaying games. Touch grass.

>> No.21046997

What is the Hyperborean tradition?

>> No.21047025

Chilling by the beach with a hot babe.

>> No.21047040

>Learn from Eastern Traditions and revive the Catholic Church
What does this even mean?

>> No.21047056

christian non-dualism and masonic initiation

>> No.21047058

The Hyperborean Tradition belong to the North which is as western as eastern, the Atlantean one belongs exclusively to the west.

>> No.21047516

barbarism is the state we are right now, not your pagan idealism

>> No.21047541
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Why the long face?

>> No.21047548
File: 122 KB, 1080x1084, Screenshot_20220728-215535__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I think the death of Tradition is exciting and full of potential. It's time to go back to the raw, primal fundementals of spirituality.
>Thunder make boom like when Grug club skull. Grug AM thunder.

>> No.21047671

I haven't read Guenon. What did he mean by barbarism?

>> No.21047756

read the essay with that title in Introduction to Magic volume II. Then read Revolt Against the Modern World and Mystery of the Grail.

>> No.21047770

Someone post the "all religion are the same but racist" pic so we can be done with this thread

>> No.21047803
File: 280 KB, 1366x1320, 8F6341EA-6A76-4BB5-BFB2-300C07F01008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Guenon was using "barbarism" to imply that the other two are the only "good" options and that we'd turn into oogabooga savages without an intellectual elite guiding society. He also writes a lot about how primitive tribes are the degenerated remnants of previously great and traditional civilizations, and how cargo cult type behavior and idolatry are what happens when religious rites and such lose a true traditional significance.

>> No.21047841

3 has won desu. It definitely needs more study. Even 1 and 2 exist only in relation to 3 nowadays. Modern Islamism and Christian Reaction are so out of step with the mysticism he adored.

Marx has slain Guenon.

>> No.21047899

Islamicism can't be modern in literal sense of the words. Islamic philosophy is primordial and embraces the higher truths which are shut off to modernists because muh science

>> No.21049014

so seek the divine not the base?

>> No.21049148

Islamists now are very much modernist. They oppress mysticism in the name of Orthodoxy. Longstanding traditions like numerology are eliminated and the same fundamental processes for assigning truth are employed. Just like in the west you end up with a hollow religiousity unfulfilling to the human spirit. Not surprising when you consider that groups like the MB were founded in reaction to secular socialist nationalism.

>> No.21049250
