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21022032 No.21022032 [Reply] [Original]

Alexander Dugin

>The last few days have seen a significant shift in the balance of power in Ukraine. This must be understood in its entirety.

>Kiev's counter-attacks were generally unsuccessful in the Kherson region, but, alas, effective in the Kharkiv region. It is the situation in Kharkiv and the forced retreat of the allied forces that is the turning point. Putting aside the psychological effects and the legitimate feelings of the patriots, it must be recorded that in the entire history of the SMO we have reached the point of no return.

>Everyone is now recommending extraordinary measures to reverse the situation, and some of these suggestions are quite rational. We make no claim to originality, but simply try to summarise the most important points and recommendations and place them in the global geopolitical context.


>> No.21022055
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>> No.21022064

What is the most /lit/ way to dodge conscription lol?

>> No.21022077

>including Trudeau as if the man was important

>> No.21022083

unironically go infantry

>> No.21022104
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Enlisting. You fucking kike.

>> No.21022106

What's Dugin's reasoning behind invading Ukraine? Why do it? What's the point?

>> No.21022139

Funny Russian man who says BASTE

>> No.21022176

>we need more clay
>j-just because ok
>this is an existential war

>> No.21022184


>> No.21022186

Enlisting in this situation is the ultimate simp move

>> No.21022190

Russians be like
>time to embarrass my country over a bunch of flat sunflower fields

>> No.21022195

To defend Russian civilization against Liberal hegemony

>> No.21022198

More like:
>Time to embarrass myself while tearing up the most fertile fields in europe

>> No.21022202

shit yourself and don't clean up

>> No.21022205

The economy (which I remind you is a sapient being in its own right) will not let a war happen. It won't let itself die.

>> No.21022207

Dying is epic bro, you really don't think do? Not very based.

>> No.21022208

because otherwise they would have the same issues as they have now in 5 years, but in their border instead of the Dnieper river

>> No.21022219

Mishandle a firearm and shoot self in foot

>> No.21022225

Become a Mennonite

>> No.21022230
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You are a weak man, sir. National Service should be mandatory and a prerequisite for voting, desirable career choices and basic rights.

>> No.21022235

Declaring yourself openly gay and get sent to a gulag.

>> No.21022246

On the contrary if you join the military you should have no voting rights

>> No.21022247

Threadly reminder that Putin is terrified of covid and pushes harsh vaccine mandates on his own people.

>> No.21022257

Hes only pushing vacvines to make it up to his jewish friends getting their funds frozen.

>> No.21022261
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public opinion = private laziness
situation is grim but this isnt a lit thread

>> No.21022263
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Andrew Tate could kick Putin's ass. It wouldn't even be close.
>oh but Putin has consolidated massive amounts of wealth and power over decades
Yeah but like, he'd lose to Tate in a fight. It really makes you think.

>> No.21022272

Surprising that people on 4chan would not know the motivation. They consider the 2013 Euromaidan to be a CIA(or other intelligence) coup, and Russia needs Ukraine, especially the Crimean warm water port, but just generally for geopolitical reasons. Russia has always needed Ukraine, for more than half of the last millennium. They consider it extreme aggression for the West to interfere there and this used for be commonly recognized international policy in USA and NATO. Definitely during the cold war anyway.

Idk what exactly the deal with this war is. It's pretty weird all around.

>> No.21022285
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>The society that separates its scholars from its warriors, will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.

>> No.21022303

What's more /lit/ way to have a daughter - Dugin or Peterson? I still think that have your daughter killed in political assassination is preferable to watching her on onlyfans and ad sites for sham diet.

>> No.21022304

no he pushes it because he's a bald manlet

>> No.21022309

political assassination is extremely lit

>> No.21022318

Nuff said. We're all fucked.

>> No.21022327

feign insanity

>> No.21022345

>>feign insanity
>get sent to CIA front psychiatric hospital then deployed as part of some neo-phoenix program op
> return home and start indiscriminately killing civilians when certain songs on the radio trigger your programming

>> No.21022359
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>> No.21022412

They didn't invade.

>> No.21022520

manlets are the only thing powerful enough to destroy this system. we're all saved.

>> No.21022557
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But thanks for trying.

>> No.21022565

Cant blame the slavs for not wanting to reenlist just to get raped by Caucasian Chads.

>> No.21022576


>> No.21022628

More /mu/ but getting arrested for dumping garbage on thanksgiving day.

>> No.21022632

>vaporwave trad meme
>things SHOULD be like this
Wake up ya fuckin retard

>> No.21022633


>> No.21022636

kek he still thinks people die in wars for their nation/country and not just for (((capital))), cute

>> No.21022655

I joined up so i can say i was in the army, for the occasional times girls eyes open a little wider, they turn towards you and gain greater interest because she suspects the chance of greater masculine potential.

It is great when civvies shrink back with nothing to offer to a conversation like that.

>> No.21022706


>> No.21022730

This revolutionary defeatism concept was one of the greatest mistakes ever because after it was useful once hundreds of years ago now leftists use it to cover their cowardice, and now it's being used by NATO to demoralize Russian conscripts in this war.

>> No.21022747

glad to see Arlo Guthrie still browsing 4chonz

>> No.21022772

Uh, Zisters? I thought Ukraine was supposed to fold in two weeks because the military was a joke and the Ukrainian people saw the Russians as liberators?

>> No.21022800

Since the invasion started, Ukraine has managed to land attacks on targets on Russian soil. Somehow, no one has pointed out what that means for capabilities were the invasion not to have occurred.

>> No.21022806

I'm in awe that Ukraine is unironically winning, my stupid ass thought Russia would conquer the entire country by March. Seems like there's a decent chance of 2025 Moscow looking like 1945 Berlin lmao

>> No.21022822


>> No.21022827

>neolib talking point
>right wing meme
reaply activates my almonds

>> No.21022828

Retards actually believe this

>> No.21022830

false dichotomy

>> No.21022831

you think 35 is old enough that i won't be drafted?

>> No.21022832
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With Dugin you lose

>> No.21022834

Go fight for your country, pussy. Are you an incel? Global homogenization needs you.

>> No.21022837

They're not.

>> No.21022838

Anon even Russians are admitting the counteroffensives have undone all of Russia's advances. China and India are telling Russia to end this. It's quite literally over.

>> No.21022840

I know Ukraine is getting armed by the west, but I'm still surprised Russia is losing. What is wrong with these retards?

>> No.21022844

Selective service in the United States is only up to age 28, but they could always expand it if they really wanted to.

>> No.21022849


>> No.21022852

*nothing happens*

>> No.21022853

Russia never even mobilized for war. The actual war starts now.

>> No.21022868

With his daughter death Dugin turned from meme Zizekesque clown to Greek tragedy hero, it like with niggers, he now has philosophy street cred.

>> No.21022876

I'm sincerely curious. What is it that leads you to believe Russia is losing in this conflict?

>> No.21022877

>Seems like there's a decent chance of 2025 Moscow looking like 1945 Berlin lmao

Not before London gets nuked

>> No.21022879

Unironically join the democratic party. The draft always "randomly selects" republicans at a much higher rate than democrats.

>> No.21022960

okay virgin

>> No.21022964

The loss (or inability to protect) of occupied territory, at least that is what western media is saying, are they lying? Have russians actually been gaining and capturing more territory?

>> No.21022998

Why do we even care about what slant eyed mongol rules over some eastern European shithole

>> No.21023001

we don't care, our masters do

>> No.21023008

If you look at a map from the start of the conflict and a map as the conflict stands today, you'll see clearly that Ukraine has lost territory to occupation by the Russian Army. A single successful counteroffensive doesn't change that, not yet anyway.

>> No.21023014


>> No.21023016

The oligarchs care because there's money to be made and the democratic populace can be easily convinced that's a moral imperative. That's the truth, if you want to know it.

>> No.21023021

>he's still getting trolled into simping for war machines in the year 2022

there is no hope for you faggots, and millions like you, which is why this shit is a neverending cycle

>> No.21023031

Every industrialized country is necessarily a technocracy, so there's some truth to it no matter what.

>> No.21023074
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>Kiev's counter-attacks were generally unsuccessful in the Kherson region,

>> No.21023075

It comes down to the biological warrior cast of the west having no front to fight on that doesn't ultimately empower their enemies. Their blood screams at them to find a fight, a worthy cause, in tension with the understanding that modern warfare is a racket and that their service only strengthens the grip of a malignant merchant-priest alliance.

>> No.21023082

What are you implying???

>> No.21023101

Russia didn’t want to lose Ukraine to nato

>> No.21023167

So now they have most of the world against them, crippling economic sanctions, tens of thousands of dead soldiers, a failing military invasion, and even if successful at some point, how do they plan to hold the position without constant proxy / guerilla warfare against the invaders? Doesn't really make sense to me.

>> No.21023204

Fighting fascism

>> No.21023527

>whole world
You mean Western Europe plus the US? Lol

>> No.21023567

Lmao westoid midwits posing as experts in international politics and security despite all their knowledge coming from mass media used for lowest common denominator peon conditioning are so funny
Even if ALL of it was true it still would have been lesser evil compared to that region turning into amerimutt military base btw

>> No.21023646

>150-200k invasion force
>vs 400k+ defending force
>while crippled by soviet retard high command that still lives in imaginary world where everyone is their friend
Russia does not have enough manpower to control all land it claimed due to exclusively using peace time army vs state sized 1/3 of theirs that is fully mobilized. Recent "successful counteroffence" was literally just army walking into almost empty land most troops from which were moved elsewhere and not replaced. This is still a consequence of aforementioned soviet retard command initially thinking that Ukraine will just surrender.

Which would have probably happened if it was controlled by someone who actually has concerns for it - Poroshenko was constantly goaded into all out conflict against Russia for his entire presidency by his "friends" but dodged it every time because he was real politician and knew well enough how it will end, so he got replaced by stooge who gets all his lines hour before he's supposed to say them and obviously doesn't decide shit.

>> No.21023649

The consumption machine is breaking down. It demands the blood of NEETs to let women keep consuming.

>> No.21023657

>whole world
I wrote "most of the world". Even China issued a call to stop the war today. Africa doesn't give a fuck but is economically insignificant.
How about you actually argue against any of the points I mentioned? Otherwise I assume you're just cluelessly pretending to be superior over le western media

>> No.21023669

I am literally praying for nuclear war.

>> No.21023687

Cool, I don't want to vote.

>> No.21023698

ideal is a thing, praxis another; there's no "nation" so to speak worth fighting for in exchange of non-existing political rights

>> No.21023712
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nothing ever happens

>> No.21023736

Why don’t we all stop going to war so we can produce more goods and services? Why can’t every country just have a McDonalds? Who care just shut your brain off

>> No.21023746

>dude if you don't enlist to save the Jew latifundia state of Ukraine and their Jew president halfway across the world, then you're actually a Jew lol
Shut the fuck up you braindead piece of shit

>> No.21023747

Enlist and get rejected for medical reasons:

>> No.21023754

>How about you actually argue against any of the points I mentioned
You are completely clueless retard, arguing with that will be like arguing with random bot-generated text. Well, okay.

>most of the world against them
It was clear to people who actually understand shit since at least late 00s that Russia is already marked for destruction by existing international order. There is no place for it in world it envisions. All Putin's attempt to change it were met with rejection. It simply became explicit and whipping of peon into frenzy started, but it's inconsequential what peons think.

>crippling economic sanctions
It remains to be seen which side will get crippled by them more.

>tens of thousands of dead soldiers
In late July pro-Kremlin source British Broadcasting Corporation counted obituaries in Russian media and claimed that about 5k soldiers of regular army are dead. Which fits reasonably with number named by Russian leadership today, slightly under 6k. This can be doubled when taking mercs and separatist militias into account. This is war, casualties are inevitable, but all those stories about whole invasion force being wiped out and controlled territories being defended by sole remaining cook are obviously load of bullshit.

>failing military invasion
Lmao. One constant aim of Russia military, pretty retarded one honestly, was to minimize any escalation. They could have started destroying dams and power plants in first hour of invasion, but only started doing it after seeing that current force is insufficient to continue. Any "failing" will just result in Russia, initially using fraction of its military, committing more.

>constant proxy / guerilla warfare against the invaders
You don't understand what people you're talking about. 95% of population east of Galicia doesn't give a fuck under which regime to live as long as they're well fed and warm. "Ukrainian" identity is fueled by Galician Uniate sect that constitutes about 10% of country's population, it's not homogeneous.

>> No.21023758

This but unironically. I am chilling with Russians on Discord and 4chan, why should we have to go to war? I think that it's comparable to a group of families. The parents (the governments) might fight, but the children (the people) should be friends.

>> No.21023763

>produce more goods
the majority of goods go to persons who just throw them in the trash or otherwise waste them away
>more services
same problem as above... you take a capable human being (otherwise it would be capable of providing services) and put him or her out to be abused; for what? because the abusers don't even care, usually they just want to impress someone who won't be impressed anyway

now if the population were 500.000.000 instead of and I'm not talking about 500.000.000 clones, but 500.000.000 unique and valuable persons...

>> No.21023773

>a parent steals a lot of stuff and gives it to his child
>child goes to other children from whom the stuff was taken and stars shouting "why don't you want to be friends, you racist sexist bigoted transphobes?! !"

>> No.21023795

Russia has NEVER been good at war. NEVER. They didn't defeat the Wermacht, the winter did. They didn't defeat the Mujahideen, the Mongols, the Japs, AIDS, Krokodil, Vikings, the West, Capitalism, Rocky in Rocky IV. They are funked in the anoos.

>> No.21023816

love Murakami

>> No.21023832

Dugin is a complete meme. He is Alex Jones tier comedian. The only contemporary Russian writer and political commentator worth anything is Galkovsky.

>> No.21023839

Wang Huning is the Chinese version of what people think Dugin is

>> No.21023846

This. CUMil Galeev Twitter thread on him is good entry point in Galkovsky schizohole.

>> No.21023850

>actually already started lol
>heres a good lLOL

>> No.21023855

>tfw want to enlist but medically unfit due to congenital condition

>> No.21023910

If they manage to occupy all of Ukraine they would install a puppet dictator and suppression of resistance forces would be largely his responsibility. The portion they would annex directly into Russia is already mostly pro Russia so they would have no problem there. Also much of the western Ukrainian population would be driven out as refugees anyway so it would be emptier than it is now.

>> No.21024021

Not sure why you are so triggered, lol. I never pretended to be an expert, I asked a question. Your first two points don't even contradict my statements. Yes, the casuality numbers depend on whatever source you're using, not a surprise, I don't trust them myself. Framing the invsaion as a military success must be extremely difficult though even for a hardcore Putinist. I wouldn't be surprised if Putin really thought he could have taken Ukraine in two weeks with a Blitzkrieg campaign. His intelligence agencies must have failed him on a monumental scale. He didn't attack with full force destroying civilian infrastructure, that still doesn't explain the extent of his military failures and the poor state of the Russian army. Your last point is the real crux of the matter. The political aims of the Ukrainian population are fractured with opposing views and sympathies for the West and Russia, here do things get fuzzy and nebulous, the Western narrative being probably as incomplete as the Russian party line. Still doesn't contract my statement that even a successful invasion would be followed by a ruthless proxy war with US interests continuing covert operations etc. and large parts of Ukraine engaging in guerilla warfare against invaders. That was my whole point. Even when questioning Western official narratives it's still difficult to see the invasion as a rational endeavor. I can't see an outcome that doesn't end with a catastrophy of various proportion unless Russia just withdraws, which will not happen under Putin.

>> No.21024023
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>>Kiev's counter-attacks were generally unsuccessful in the Kherson region, but, alas, effective in the Kharkiv region.
> What is a feint, again?
Lol fucking orcs.

>> No.21024051

>Even when questioning Western official narratives it's still difficult to see the invasion as a rational endeavor.
What part of
>Even if ALL of it was true it still would have been lesser evil compared to that region turning into amerimutt military base btw
you don't understand retard?

>I can't see an outcome that doesn't end with a catastrophy of various proportion unless Russia just withdraws
>Lmao just drop military campaign after plan A didn't work out, plan B is for the weak. Quitting endeavors halfway after meeting resistance is how country attempting to defend its international interests succeeds after all.
Have you tried applying for mental disability? You may be entitled for welfare check.

>> No.21024056

This, like most things these days, is so unfathomably pointless that it isn't even worth commenting on.

>> No.21024062

I am intrigued by this idea. Where can I read more about it.

>> No.21024063

>getting killed by your gangster friends for losing their money makes you a tragic hero

>> No.21024066

He’s probably referring to Nick Land’s writings

>> No.21024070

I can't help but wonder sheer power of American advertising capabilities. They are so good at this they actually make simple-minded indigenous peoples like Ukrainians or 21st century internet users to see mundane machinery design of which was solved decades ago by all parties working on it, as some artifacts imbued with magic power that mystically turn tide of battle in one's favor, as long as it's made in USA. Pretty sure nobody else in humanity's whole history was as good at advertising as this. If Americans were as good at rocketry as in advertising they wouldn't even need to buy spaceship parts in Russia.

>> No.21024073

Still seething lol. Reducing the geopolitical complexities to "let Russia prevent amerimutt military base" shows Reddit levels of cognitive retardation. Of course you would ignore all reasoning that doesn't fit your ideological preconceptions.

>> No.21024087

>You are not supposed to prevent expansion of military power explicitly hostile to you into huge area of extreme strategic importance right next to yourself, that's to geopolitically simple

>> No.21024088

Dugin has lost his mind, the daughter thing was a huge fail.

>> No.21024097

So you literally joined the army just so you can LARP as a "hero" in a desperate and vain attempt to get pussy?

>> No.21024121

Wouldn’t surrendering to russia be bad for ukraine in the long term?

>> No.21024123

>I wouldn't be surprised if Putin really thought he could have taken Ukraine in two weeks with a Blitzkrieg campaign.
He thought he will force coup of pro-Ukrainian parties against American stooges by invading with limited army. Not "blitzkrieg campaign" because invasion force didn't have half the numbers needed to do that in 40m heavily militarized state.

>He didn't attack with full force destroying civilian infrastructure
Because he is soviet faggot living in his soviet world, not Russian nationalist or anything like that. He cares more about Ukraine than its current government due to being soviet faggot.

>that still doesn't explain the extent of his military failures
What failures?

>the poor state of the Russian army
How poor? Like "invading while being 2+ times outnumbered and inflicting 4:1 casualties on enemy despite it supposed to be the other way around" poor? Do they really tell you that Russia is in total war mode and throws its entire military capacity at conflict? Because in reality it was using peace time army which was also heavily restricted in heavy weapon use due to aforementioned soviet retard moment.

>> No.21024128

>bro just be a beta

>> No.21024169

Not him, so don't get confused. Russia attempted to take Kiev at the outset and this would indicate that the Russian purpose of the war is to conquer. It is evident that the potential of Russian conquest of Ukraine is now diminished, less likely than at the beginning, therefore Russia are currently losing. Ukraine is fighting to not be conquered and is currently less likely to be conquered than at the beginning therefore Ukraine are winning.
The conditions of victory are set by the individual belligerents, sometimes more clearly than other times. Consider what would have to occur for the war to end, for each belligerent, then you have your conditions, then you will see who is closer and who is winning.

>> No.21024180
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No retard
Ukraine is finished then WW3 can begin
If you think otherwise you're so deluded or stuck in Europe

>> No.21024184

Answering this would require a huge fucking essay, especially considering ethnic situation around the region and very concept of "Ukraine", which would require additional essay on history of region, ethinc groups populating it, and aims of Soviet ethnic policies.

Taking basic surface understanding of conflict, surrendering would have been lesser evil. If it surrendered in first day of invasion, it would have been forced to acknowledge Crimea and independence of separatist republics, and to assume neutral status. This would have definitely been lesser evil, and if actual Ukrainian politicians like Poroshenko were in power at the moment of invasion, he wouldn't have other choice but to surrender. But if actual Ukrainian politicians were in power, Russia wouldn't need to invade in first place.

Considering long running cultural, ethnic, historical implications, the very concept of "Ukrainian identity" is bad for 90% of people living in it simply because it has no other basis of existence than being anti-Russia and that doesn't work well with most of that population having shared history, language and culture with Russia. This leads to special kind of derangement, and it was always obvious that "Ukraine" won't end well for everyone involved.

"Ukraine" itself was created by Soviet agency as a method of sectioning Russian ethnicity to control it better, using various fringe identities such as cossacks (historically - local river pirates) or Galician Greek-Catholic sect as basis for new identity. This war is essentially a civil war for liquidation of Soviet legacy.

>> No.21024197

great literature thread. thank you beyond woke and problematic you paki faggot

>> No.21024234

Usa has not been hostile to Russia since like ever. Europe has not been hostile to Russia ( Europeans don't like Russia for historical reasons, that does not mean hostility), not a single western country is has been hostile to Russia since probably Napoleon (with exception nazi Germany and axis), because it would be absolute retardation to attack Russia more so since the invention of nuclear weapons. Over the history Russia has attacked European countries repeatedly, Russia is one who is hostile towards every other country. Russia has repeatedly claimed that Europe belongs to them and they should occupy it (again)

>> No.21024239

Have fun sticking putlers cock

>> No.21024243

Russia is just BPD

>> No.21024248

Situation has some pretty funny literature moments which may help with understanding big picture btw.

Recently an initiative was started in Ukraine to close museum of Bulgakov in Kiev where he was born, and to subject Bulgakov himself to anathema. Reason for that were few lines in "White Guard", one of best stories about Russian civil war in existence, where Bulgakov through one of characters mocks spreaders of "Ukrainian identity" who suddenly came out of woodwork after Russian state collapsed, and their made up language with which they torture people. Not only this gives some insight into origin of this whole shit, but also shows extent of butthurt and derangement of followers of Ukrainism, and into what their identity is really about.

Imagine trying to excise author of Bulgakov's scale from your cultural legacy, when taking scale into account it's as if Russia was trying to get rid of Tolstoy. I wonder when will Ukrainians attempt subject Gogol, THE Ukrainian writer, to anathema - he was writing in Russian after all.

>> No.21024254
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Russia's soul is based on the agression of its neighbors. It is essential to them, like loving guns is to burgers , lying is to chinks and being bad at Navy stuff is to Indians. You do not get to attack everyone surrounding you as a principle for most of your existence and then claim others are doing the same to you when they defend themselves.

>> No.21024264

Russia has enormous resources in the arctic, I think this is what the war is about.

>> No.21024271

It must be pretty comfy to live in the world where mainstream media thoroughly explains 100% of whole picture and every politician always speaks his mind and hides absolutely nothing going on in his head.

>it would be absolute retardation to attack Russia more so since the invention of nuclear weapons
If you would be a politician who needs to get rid of significant independent power that protected by WMDs and sits on all those resources you really want, how would you approach that? This would obviously involve a long game, what kind of long game?

>> No.21024285

Just fucking kill yourself

>> No.21024286

Isn't that true for every significant historical power buddy? Come on, tell me how angloids and french aren't like this and all their colonies are fruit of tender friendship with locals. Not even talking about grems, once they start chimping out whole Europe needs to cooperate to restore order.

>> No.21024294

>This would obviously involve a long game, what kind of long game?
Regime change + economic failure + generational knowledge gap
> oh wait...

>> No.21024304

I like Gogol but I didn’t know he was considered the Ukrainian writer, why is this? Not merely because he was born in what is currently known as Ukraine I’m sure?

>> No.21024308

Not him, and they are not like this. The anglo always maintained a balance of power with its European cousins. It did not have expansionist desires on mainland Europe, despite ample opportunities to fulfill it.

The understanding of this is pretty fundamental to IR/Strategic studies.

>> No.21024309

The whole economy is based on it, of course it's what's most refined.

>> No.21024318

Are you really wondering why the biggest defense spender in the world has access to equipment that is beyond mostly everyone else?

>> No.21024322

>Imagine trying to excise author of Bulgakov's scale from your cultural legacy, when taking scale into account it's as if Russia was trying to get rid of Tolstoy. I wonder when will Ukrainians attempt subject Gogol, THE Ukrainian writer, to anathema - he was writing in Russian after all.
When a country is being bombarded constantly by another hostile country and could possibly lose 20% of its territory or even its independence, removing some outdated author from school curriculum which no one cares about during the war is quite easy. You must also take into account that unlike the west with strong literary history and traditions, post soviet countries had communism impossed on then for half a century, that and destruction of native culture and attempted assimilation to russian culture. The cultural legacy of pre soviet times hardly exists in modern post soviet Europe, the old or middle aged people were brought up in shitty soviet system and don't know any better, and the young people couldn't care less about Bulgakov. What exists are bits and pieces of the old culture and the rest is new (shitty and low quality but at least new and free of soviet/russian influences).

>> No.21024324

No, France, Austrian, Gorms and many others do not try systematically to expand their borders. Colonialism wasnt that type of border expansion either. Russia is like a tumour.

>> No.21024327

He was born there, and many of his stories involve Ukrainian setting, rural life of farmers working these lands, and its national details and specifics. Not language obviously because it didn't exist past some local dialects that were normal for any periphery. Foreigner won't notice this but it's instantly visible for Russian speaker that it's about Ukraine first and foremost.
Also he is responsible for good part of Ukrainian Cossack fetish with "Taras Bulba" where he romanticizes Cossack life against mostly correct perception of Cossacks of that period being bandits and cutthroats.

>> No.21024328

It's an error to assume any attempted motive or that it indicates anything in particular. There are too many assumptions here.

>> No.21024330

you are bayraktar bait

>> No.21024331

You need to read more.

>> No.21024335

This is 5d chess tier, otherwise known as delusion. No matter what proxy west use, no matter if Ukraine wins or loses, this will not give then access to Russian resources, or topple Russia in any way and if nuclear war really starts then pretty much everyone is fucked.
Putin will go one way or another(and will be replaced by someone similar), so if they wanted putin out why didn't they just wait 10 more years or less until he died of cancer/old age buying up influencial russian in the meantime.

>> No.21024338

ahh yeah I've only dead souls, really enjoyed that but didn't pick up on any of that as i'm a foreigner. thank you for elucidating.

>> No.21024339

>The anglo always maintained a balance of power with its European cousins
Oh so that's what constant piracy, intelligence tampering and setting up revolutions on the continent called now? Nothing in whole history caused as much harm to continental Europe as angloids. If common perception of this is achieved, it will be inevitable that European people team up and wipe angloids from the face of globe to the last beady eyed crooked teeth abhuman. And considering informational age we live in, it inexorably will be achieved sooner or later, although by then it's possible that angloids will be dissolved in their former subjects and stop being a problem.

War in question also has very significant angloid contribution to destroy relationship between Russia and continental powers btw.

Go be historically illiterate at /pol/ retard.

>> No.21024350

At the rate things are going China will be getting 99-year leases on Russian ports and Kant won't be the most famous oriental from Koenigberg

>> No.21024367

The only thing I see from this post is that you don't know shit about nuclear weapons and think it's magical fuck you button that destroys biosphere like it's Cold War era scaremongering movie.

If entire nuclear arsenal of planet will be fired right now, and every warhead lands and goes off (which won't happen), biosphere won't even feel it and warring parties will proceed with conventional war after exhausting most of strategic weapon arsenals.

>> No.21024373

Gogol was not a Ukrainian nationalist though. He seemed quite content that Ukraine was a part of Russia

>> No.21024376

What happened between Anglos (romans, danes/vikings, germans) and continental Europe in the past is frankly insignificant, it is an internal conflict mainly instigated by the ruling classes, and possibly jews. What happened to Europe in the last 50 years, what liberals/progressives/communists/jews introduced has has done million times more damage to white civilisation than european wars of the past.

>> No.21024378

Because it was inconceivable that this territory is supposed to be its own state with its own identity. It was artificially created by Bolsheviks using butthurt Galician sect as identity base.

>> No.21024380

I think if I was drafted I would become crippled by anxiety and just cry nonstop. Hopefully that'd be enough.

>> No.21024384

There's nothing to assume. This is all stated in Putin's own essay on Ukraine. He does not see it as a legitimate state, and sought to kneecap politically, culturally and militarily by seizing the capital.

No, really, you do. Power balancing against hegemony has been the anglo practice for nearly 500 years.

Yes, and no. You're playing a moral failing on a state acting in its own interests -- a state has no other duty to operate than continue its existence. You whining gripe prevents you from understanding that all benefited across Europe from the anglos lack of moral restraint. It pursued the goal of preventing, containing and defeating hegemonic power rising in Europe.

That's not strictly true. I am no subscriber of the nuclear winter hypothesis, but there will be an impact on earth's biosphere.

>> No.21024387

I hope you can afford a flight to Dubai

>> No.21024388

>The only thing I see from this post is that you don't know shit about nuclear weapons and think it's magical fuck you button that destroys biosphere like it's Cold War era scaremongering movie.
I am definitely not an expert regarding nuclear weapons, are you? Do you know for sure that detonating all the nuclear war heads will not have major impact that will wipe good chuck of life on earth?

>> No.21024391

>if Russian Jews win
i guess Ukraine remains a corrupt shithole country filled with cheap hookers and Jewish oligarchs?
>if Ukrainian Jews win
USA / NATO backed Globohomo descends on Kyiv (pronounce "queef") and they erect a golden statue of George Floyd, a bronze statue of Stepan Bandera, import 1 million nogs to lower salaries and "boost" GDP, and launder billions of USD by buying military equipment from pozzed "defense" companies

>> No.21024415

No nogs will stay in Ukraine because even before the war the wages were probably one of the lowest in Europe.

>> No.21024418

>What happened to Europe in the last 50 years, what liberals/progressives/communists
Do you know what Fabian society is? I'm willing to bet money that you don't, even though you often complain about many things it is responsible for promoting. Not in Britain of course.

90% of "jews" doings are work of hostile intelligence using jews as asset simply because jews don't give a fuck and will do everything for money. And considering how much more investment into intelligence angloids make compared to everyone else, jews are their proxy more often than not. Take fabled Rothschild family for example, where does it get all those money? This certainly can't be angloid establishment money applied though happy merchant baron (not high in nobility ranks mind that) being used as proxy, that's too outlandish and requires taking meds.
But wait, it's even better, not only jews do angloids malicious work but even SCREEN them. Just consider how funny it is, angloids pull off revolution in Germany using compromised German navy, and after ruining shit employ jewish proxies for systematic destruction of germans on population level, however when funny mustache man counters that, he turns entirety of his ire upon field workers while actually SIMPING for real party behind what was done to Germany after ww2. Funny aint it? Who knows how long would it continue if not for internet suddenly appearing and information started spreading unhindered.

>> No.21024429

Not him, but I have knowledge in this field. The two significant NWSs that most people have in mind are the US and Russia, now, when it comes to deploying strategic nuclear weapons -- they have a specific use case. That use case being to target counterforce.
Both NWS do not have enough deployable warheads to target anything else. It is mathematically impossible. For example, some targets like the Cheyenne Mountain Complex would require between 6-10 warheads to give an acceptable Pk (probability of kill) due to failures, interceptions, target hardening and being destroyed before launch.

Additionally, both will wish to maintain a deployable reserve for deterrence or compellence reasons when it comes to war termination.

>> No.21024431

>one of the lowest in Europe.
God bless the brave Ukrainian hookers of Amsterdam
i still can't understand why the hohols are dying. do they really think they will form some militarized "Aryan" nation in the style of Bandera's vision? Or do they just fetishize the West as being better than sliced bread and think that if they legalize gay marriage and perform a few gender confirmation surgeries that their economy will suddenly boom?

>> No.21024459

>Do you know what Fabian society is? I'm willing to bet money that you don't, even though you often complain about many things it is responsible for promoting. Not in Britain of course
No idea, and yes when I mentioned Europe I included Britain.

Regarding the rest of your post, that is alot of details which frankly I don't care too much about it because at this point it an outdated information with little practical value, it's beyond doubt that certain anglos employ or work with jews to damage and destroy white civilisation, that is also true for certain continental Europeans, this has been happening for centuries, again not all anglos and not all continental Europeans, but those major parasitic groups are pretty well known, all people need to do it to is put them down and then work from there.

>> No.21024460

>Do you know for sure that detonating all the nuclear war heads will not have major impact that will wipe good chuck of life on earth?
You can know it too just by going to wikipedia and reading nuclear test data, and then reading about strategic weapons employed today.

Contemporary nuclear arsenal of humanity is <15k warheads total, most of them are 0.5-1Mt fusion bombs which are cleaner than fission bombs used in WW2 to level cities that are currently densely populated. Most of bombs loaded into ballistic missiles with 6-8 separating blocks, designed to level wide area with more efficiency, than single large charge. Most of them are in land-based missiles, submarines host small fraction of nuclear arsenal, and submarine missiles are less destructive. Ballistic projectile is hard to intercept on entry, but not impossible. Much easier to intercept on launch, assuming you have massed installations doing that as close to enemy territory as possible, and on different directions. But even without intercepting anything, what's 15 Gt in total when dispersed over extremely wide areas of planet? A wet fart. Sure countries involved in exchange will have very bad time because major cities will become target right after strategiv weapon installations, but biosphere won't even notice.

>> No.21024470

>i still can't understand why the hohols are dying.
Because russians are killing them?

>> No.21024471

>No idea, and yes when I mentioned Europe I included Britain.
You probably shouldn't, because angloids themselves don't see themselves are Europeans. It's them and continental, and gap between them and continental is wider that gap that you perceive between yourself and australian abo or extraterrestial lifeform. Including angloids into "Europeans" is exclusively continental misconception.

Also look up history of degrees of abortion legalization in USA, on the continent and in Britain, just as example.

>> No.21024482

18-25 100% getting drafted.

>> No.21024483

>Because russians are killing them?
no, i mean to ask why are they dying fighting for Ukraine? Why risk death to preserve an oligarch's rule over a shithole country?

>> No.21024486

>nukes are harmless
this is my new favorite conspiracy theory—nuclear deterrent isn't real, it's that a conventional war between great powers is literally too expensive to be financed

>> No.21024489

Yeah, I wouldn't include Britain, and to a lesser extent Ireland, when considering Europe.
Europe is mainland Europe, which is also further diversed into things like Scandinavia, The Mediterranean (east and west), Central, Eastern, Balkans. Some of them overlap.
It's actually not very smart to generalize Europe as a whole, for anything.

>> No.21024493

>Why risk death to preserve an oligarch's rule over a shithole country?
soft and silky hands typed this post from inside a rented space

>> No.21024494

Ireland is more European than Bulgaria

>> No.21024507

Quote irrelevant. It's the shitty culture like monarchy and other cultural preconceptions that gave birth to that shitty worldview. Anglos who emigrated to usa, canada, aus and nz are perfectly capable of assimilating to local cultures, remove shitty goverment in the UK, the entire political systems, the monarchy, replace shitty educational system with something that teaches kids to proud to be Europeans, teaches about greatness of white civilisation and within one or two generations the attitudes will reverse. Again who are anglos? Danes/vikings, germans, romans, it makes no sense that they cannot be taught their real history and heritage.

>> No.21024509

Maybe, but the Irish are fairly disconnected from Europe altogether not only geographically. They've more in common with Americans and Britons than they would have with the French or Germans, not only culturally. I'd like to emphasise that this is a nuanced take.

>> No.21024510

>i still can't understand why the hohols are dying. do they really think they will form some militarized "Aryan" nation in the style of Bandera's vision?
They were pumped with masturbatory exceptionalism propaganda about how they are better than katsaps since Soviet times, and it was cranked even harder and became feedback loop after independence. For example they still believe that they're extremely rich and katsaps live in total squalor and envy them, even though 3+m of Ukrainians work in Russia and about zero Russians work in Ukraine. Obviously it was extremely easy for American intelligence to goad someone this delusional into doing their bidding, just say to them what they want to hear and they will do anything
>Mykola, you are most democratic, most western, most free, most smart. Now go and provoke neighbor 3 times larger than you into a war, nothing will go wrong, I'm your friend, why would I deceive you or set you up? They are just katsaps, you will destroy them, remember how you wuz cossack and polish pan? Go ahead and do that
This actually worked. And as it's very hard for someone delusional to face reality, they would rather die.

>> No.21024514

>anglos assimilated
You've never been to Spain and seen the Anglos who live there, they call themselves ex-pats, lmao

>> No.21024516

because it is still their country

>> No.21024521
File: 3.65 MB, 646x360, jewba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soft and silky hands typed this post from inside a rented space
Yeah, i guess I'm not an Alpha male willing to fight for homosexuality in Botswana

>> No.21024528

>because it is still their country
yeah, a country ruled by Zelenskyy and those pesky war time debts won't be relieved unless they fully accept human rights (gay marriage, trans surgery, open borders, etc.)

>> No.21024529

Yes, the first generation, just like most first generation white immigrants.
Second generation and they are fairly integeated.

>> No.21024531

>conspiracy theory
>nuclear deterrent isn't real
And here I thought that everyone on this board inherently can read.

>> No.21024535

>Why not just let me invade you?
I hate Russians so much

>> No.21024545

I don't think there's been many children or grandchildren born of British immigrants in Spain. At any rate this 2nd generation idea probably can be applied to almost anyone, and the British are not exceptional in that.

>> No.21024548

>Most of bombs loaded into ballistic missiles with 6-8 separating blocks, designed to level wide area with more efficiency, than single large charge.
Please call them warheads. Not bombs and that is not purpose of having MIRVs on a single bus. Look at when they separate, area of effect is not the intended goal. They make terminal phase interception near impossible between acquisition, interrogation and interception.

>> No.21024549
File: 141 KB, 960x1280, Слава Україні!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not just let me invade you?
de facto NATO membership has been a hard red line since 2008 but I guess Ukrainians are super Aryan warriors. Did the US tolerate a nuclear armed Cuba? I guess there was a peaceful request to occupy Korea and Vietnam too.

>> No.21024551

assimilated and integrated are very different things

>> No.21024553

Only the most retarded Brits go live in Spain. You go there to die.

>> No.21024554

russians have invaded them and are killing them right now, and you are talking about war time debts, gay marriage and trans mutilation, those things are irrelevant and insignificant at this time. Its defend your land from invaders or be killed.

>> No.21024560

Wrong board for this.

>> No.21024562

>russians have invaded them and are killing them right now
should have bought a ticket to Tel Aviv

>> No.21024564

my bad, I used it interchangeably

>> No.21024565

>Or do they just fetishize the West as being better than sliced bread
Not exactly that. Mentality of Ukrainian (at least before getting whipped into rabid dog frenzy) is a mentality of provincial farmer who has "not my problem" motto and loves free shit more than life. They came to believe that west will give them lots of gibs and they will become filthy rich just for existing. Also apparently not enough self esteem to believe that you can make that wealth yourself (using inherited Soviet industry for example), so you need western massa to enrich you.

>think that if they legalize gay marriage and perform a few gender confirmation surgeries that their economy will suddenly boom?
You would laugh but this is unironically kind of propaganda spread by NGOs in post-soviet space. West isn't right because of discipline, hard work, generational wealth and military domination, but purely because they have gay rights. Sometimes there are people who actually fall for it.

>> No.21024568

>What is the most /lit/ way to dodge conscription lol?
Rejected for multiple mental illnesses and profound retardation.

>> No.21024569

Are the Ortho larpers on suicide watch?

>> No.21024591

No, respect to Ukrainians for defending their land against parasitic russians. Attacking and occupying their neighbors is in russian dna, they have done many times, and they will do it again and again, I was on the fence before and even supported russia when they went to Syria but now I see russia are scum, I do not want nuclear war, but it guaranteed death of every russian then it wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.21024594

They shouldn't have provoked Russians into invasion, or rather shouldn't have destroyed their own government in 2014 which culminated in American puppet coming to power and using country as an expendable projectile fired at Russia.
For some reason retards don't understand that if Russia wanted to invade Ukraine it would have done so in 2014 back when Ukraine had no army to speak of. Russia attempted to avoid having to invade to the very last moment. Russian diplomats were running all over the world for half a year before invasion attempting to achieve solution not requiring it, and met only with "lmao you won't do shit". Invasion itself initially was just an attempt to support coup of pro-Ukrainian party that lost in 2019 against Americans. All out war was last resort when everything else failed.

>> No.21024595

>west will give them lots of gibs and they will become filthy rich just for existing.
Have those hicks seen how the EU treats Poland and Hungary? Hell, were they asleep when the 2008 crisis hit and fucked Spain, Italy, and Greece? Some posters are super gunho about fighting Russia but imo this is a war that should have never happened. Getting a lot of young Ukrainian men killed and having a lot of Ukrainian women permanently leave the country doesn't make Ukraine a better country. And what for? To be a de facto NATO member, refuse recognition of Crimea's status, and prevent some citizen from speaking Russian in the Dombas? It just seems like an utter waste of life.

>> No.21024598

>I do not want nuclear war, but it guaranteed death of every russian then it wouldn't be so bad.
it also guarantees death of me :(

>> No.21024599

Not literature.
Also, Russia is a paper bear. If this is WW3, it would be Russia versus the entire planet, because China has no reason to get involved as any rational planner would not volunteer to join a war if it wasn't opportune to do so. China and Russia are allies of expedience , "an enemy of my enemy" type situation.

If Russia launches nukes it is suicide. This is an inexorable mathematical logic of game theory. It will lose. Putin is trying to scrape by with whatever he can get away with, knowing full well he is outgunned, outmanned, and outnumbered.

A backwards thinking man like Putin who was indoctrinated by his KGB training has a hard time realizing that he no longer has the industrial and military superpower of the USSR at his fingertips. If he wants that power, he should embrace communism. Instead his country is just as much enthralled by international finance as any capitalist country.

>> No.21024614
File: 794 KB, 258x144, dies from cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, respect to Ukrainians for defending their land against parasitic russians
Hell yeah brother! Remember how we fought off Saddam after he attacked us on 9/11!
>Attacking and occupying their neighbors is in russian dna, they have done many times, and they will do it again and again, I was on the fence before and even supported russia when they went to Syria but now I see russia are scum
ok Anne Applebaum (or Max Boot, or Julia Ioffe, or Jennifer Rubin, or Bill Kristol). i've already read your column in The Atlantic. i'd rather save human lives by not crossing Putin's red line regarding Ukrainian militarization / de jure NATO membership but obviously regime change is needed in Russia if we are gonna spread liberal democracy

>> No.21024620

if people invade your swamp, you shoot at them, simple as. keep thinking about buttholes though while sipping your energy drink

>> No.21024637

I don't see how the change of goverment in Ukraine has anything to do with russia. Ukraine is independant country, there was a coup however there was also several democratic elections after that. Ukraine is a independent country, what Ukraine does within their country has nothing to do with Russia, same way what happens in Russia has nothing to do Ukraine.

>provoked russia
Just a dumb excuse from russia. Ukraine has never attacked russia, Ukraine never had and does not have today any kind of capability of offensive war against Russia, it would be impossible even for entire Eu or even nato to attack russia and win (assuming nuclear weapons wasn't used), claim that ukraine provoked russia is beyond stupid.

>> No.21024641

>if people invade your swamp, you shoot at them
those peaceful refugees wanted to settle in Martha's Vineyard ...oh, you're talking about Russia now. Did the invasion have to happen? Was recognizing Crimea as Russian Federation territory really hard? Was it worth the deaths of how many young Ukrainian men? We have a multilingual US but I guess allowing Russian to be spoken in the Donbas was a bridge too far for Ukraine's Aryan supersoldiers.

>> No.21024652

Why should Ukrainians want to be reincorporated into Russia when Russia is becoming a Chinese vassal? At least if you join the EU you can use Germany like an ATM the way Poland and Hungary do, and the Germans can't do shit to interfere in your politics. If you are run by Russia, you do what Moscow tells you or they Chechenize you, and there's no free money at all.

>> No.21024653

Literally by not being a zoomer and age out of the draft.

t. 33 years old

>> No.21024658


>> No.21024659

Russian was, is, and will be spoken all over Ukraine, regardless of the outcome of this war

>> No.21024663

>you can use Germany like an ATM the way Poland and Hungary do
oh sweet summer child. you can only do that if you accept the globohomo and a few 100,000 African & Arab refugees every year.

>> No.21024670

You're Russian, aren't you

>> No.21024672

France alone would rape Russia, in it's current state.

>> No.21024676

Poland and Hungary literally just ship those to Germany and keep the Germoney

>> No.21024681

>Hell yeah brother! Remember how we fought off Saddam after he attacked us on 9/11!
yes, usa are evil just like russia, but zelensly is not and never was saddam and usa went to iraq and eventually left, no occupation.

>implying I am jew
Kek I am eastern European, my own country has been destroyed by soviet occupation, people sent to gulags, while thousands of asiatic russians sent to culturally enrich the remaining population, I know all about russians and their methods, first hand experience, again good luck to Ukraine in their fight against the invader and occupier.

>> No.21024686

Germany would refuse to allow French troops bound for Russia across the Rhine

>> No.21024696

Good thing France can easily beat Germany right now too.

>> No.21024705

And how would Germany stop them? They have no military to speak of lol

>> No.21024708

What part of "Russia will not permit NATO military presence in Ukraine" you don't understand retard? Russia knew it. Ukraine knew it. NATO knew it. Going through with that is done with assumption that it forces Russia to react. Don't want Russian reaction? Don't perform actions that you know threaten Russian strategic interests to the point when Russia has no choice but to react.

>several democratic elections
Poroshenko, Ukrainian president elected post-coup was fully aware of everything of the above btw, and maneuvered pretty hard to avoid getting caught in that shit. Nowhere near pro-Russian politician, he was defeated in election by candidate who promised to wrap conflict up and achieve peace as opposition to Poroshenko's dedication to crush separatists. New president, Russian-speaking jew from Russian-speaking area of Ukraine who never spoke Ukrainian in his life until having to learn it immediately prior to going into politics, upon election did 180 and set up thing everyone is dealing with today. Turned out he had two backers, Galicians who don't see rest of Ukrainian population as human due to religious schism, and Americans. Both don't mind recycling Ukraine in meatgrinder if it means causing problem to Russia. Galicians couldn't use one of their own as president due to being localized minority, but that's not a problem when you have friendly comedian jew everyone loves who will help you for some shekels.

Faggot you don't know shit about this conflict, you just repeat basic mainstream talking points like an automaton. You are not supposed to have opinion on this.

>> No.21024710

>I am eastern European, my own country has been destroyed by soviet occupation
exactly, you are so butthurt that you are blind to the neocons who are creaming their pants at the idea of another war to spread "liberal democracy". the only problem is that a lot of white men are gonna be killed. Agent Zelenskyy will never risk his London flat or his Panama bank accounts. He will fight to the last Ukrainian man before he negotiates.
haven't you heard? Hungary is a backsliding democracy (even though Fidez captured an overwhelming # of votes) because they oppose Ursula and the EU's dictates

>> No.21024718

I see, I guess all putin needs to do is to flood one of the neighboring countries with russians, have a referendum and automatically that country becomes part russia.

>> No.21024720


Canadian rightwingers are a special breed of dumbshit.

>> No.21024732
File: 101 KB, 275x373, Bandera Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sieg heil! Onward to final victory!

>> No.21024748

>when Russia is becoming a Chinese vassal
Citation needed

>At least if you join the EU you can use Germany like an ATM
You mean being client state that isn't allowed to have its own industry and exists as market and labor supplier for EU's industrial core?

>> No.21024749
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>have a referendum and automatically that country becomes part russia.
it's happening to Southwest America as we speak. If hohols wanted to avoid a war, they should have recognized Crimea, avoided militarization via de facto NATO membership, and not treat their minority populations (mainly Russians but also Hungarians) like shit

>> No.21024756

Nice TikTok tradfag meme you fucking 14 year old

>> No.21024759

Try get this into your thick head you scum, what Ukraine does is Ukraines business, if it wants to bring in nato weapons then that is their business, it has nothing to do with russia.
It has absolute nothing to do with russia what or who Ukraine elects as their president, russia has putin, shoigu and kadyrov, all proper scum, but russia problem, stay in russia and mind your own fucking business you damn parasite.

>> No.21024765

DAMN, hecking civvirinos blown the FUCK out. Man, this is why I'm incelmaxxing I guess? shiggy diggy, should've joined the armies bros... It's all over for me. I'd shoot myself, but I don't know how.

>> No.21024774

>what Ukraine does is Ukraines business
And in America I have the freedom to say 'nigger' on the street but no one complains about my civil liberties if I get punched in the face by a nigger. Try being realistic about the world instead of falling for the "rulz BASED international order" meme

>> No.21024777

>don’t trust mainstream media sources
>don’t trust Russian media sources
Looks like I will stick my head in the sand like the based American I am

>> No.21024792
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>Looks like I will stick my head in the sand like the based American I am
Noted numerals. enjoy football and beer, fren

>> No.21024794

>what Ukraine does is Ukraines business
Oh no bitchboy, it doesn't work like that. There is no authority with monopoly on violence on national level which decides what is whose business, therefore what subject does is a business of everyone who can be impacted by subject's deeds, and reaction to that may follow if that impact has undesirable consequences.
You may have lived in imaginary world made up by end of history cultists known to suffer severe fart addiction if you don't understand this simple truth. Do you speak Russian? If you do i got amazing material explaining problem in question much better than myself.

>> No.21024798

>exactly, you are so butthurt that you are blind
Yes, I should be happy instead, I should support russia for destroying our culture, our people, bringing in asiatic scum and sending us economically and socially to 100 years into the past. Fuck the russians. There can never be friendly relationships again. We can't do much against russia but sure as hell there will never be any kind of support.

>> No.21024800

Will the mods delete this thread. Reporting it out of a moral duty to nullify all online discussion of politics.

>> No.21024808

>haven't you heard? Hungary is a backsliding democracy
Wasn't that precisely my point? Free Germany money, and minimal interference from the center. Under Russian federation there is neither money nor such autonomy. So why wouldn't Ukraine want to join the EU? Because of Russian threats? Seems like that card's been played.

>> No.21024813

yeah they should treat their minority populations better than their majority ukrainian population.
If russians don't like it they can pack their shit and go back to russia, there is plenty of space there, this applies to other countries too, don't like living in foreign country? well then fuck off back to russia.

>> No.21024822
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>I should support russia for destroying our culture, our people
have sex. or move to Berlin and jerk off to traps on /gif/
you butthurt belters are already dead. you just don't know it.
you're wasting your remaining years of life to spite Russia instead of building a future
the fucking Israelis who left the Ukrainian shithole have an above replacement birthrate while Hohols just want to be pawns in America's globohomo empire.