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21011882 No.21011882 [Reply] [Original]

>”On May 10, 1933, university students in 34 university towns across Germany burned over 25,000 books. The works of Jewish authors like Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud went up in flames alongside blacklisted American authors such as Ernest Hemingway and Helen Keller, while students gave the Nazi salute.“

Every place I look this is explained away simply and quickly as “censorship”, however it’s never elaborated on that these were not unwashed masses doing this in some backwater town. These particular book burnings were performed by university students and intellectuals, men of letters. Among other authors burned were the ones that created transsexual ideology in the Weimar Republic. The Hitler Youth burned their surgical centers to the ground thus saving us for almost an entire century from the social collapse we face now. I recently learned that to Germans this was absolutely not an act of censorship but a stand against authoritarianism— throwing a book into the fire was a rejection of a certain cultural hegemony in a time when books were the main methods of communication. The twitter of their day. Now I come to you /lit/ to ask the parts of this that don’t make sense to me, the trans ideologies need to be destroyed and we understand that but why oh why did they view Freud or Einstein as authoritarian? Maybe Einstein could be explained by the fact that he betrayed his own country and gave Americans the Atom bomb thus ushering in the Cold War and atomic age. Do any scholars know why they felt Freud was an authoritarian? Please I want actual replies to this. Can any of you think of other times when book burning’s have taken place in history other than the current Amazon regime? It’s become clear history is a series of cultural and intellectual wars and it was only ever our naïveté that allowed us to think otherwise. Media theorists understand this. Even reactionaries banning/burning JK Rowling understand this. What say you, /lit/?

>> No.21011893

>Now I come to you /lit/
Go back to /pol/

>> No.21011905


He’s a guest, you swine. Show some decency.

>> No.21011911

He should learn to post in the 10 other /pol/ threads if he can do nothing but schizo ramble about the trannies that live rent free in his head.

>> No.21011920

Guests should learn our laws and culture and don't be a bother.

>> No.21011923

Why are you acting like it's some kind of revelation that fascists burned books because they didn't like the ideas in the books? Fascists don't like ideas that stray from the core trio of God-Family-Fatherland. Obviously.

>> No.21011962

This is just wrong though, fascism grew out of the Volkish movements that believed in environmentalism, health and fitness, mythology, astrology, and vegetarianism (hence Hitlers edicts for Hitler Youth). Their relationship with the Catholic Church was tenuous and complex. I’ll be get lid and assume this is what you meant as “fatherland” and not the simpler “nationalism”. Besides, in the OP it’s obvious that modern censorship of ideas has banned more books and people that the 3rd Reich could ever hope to do. Could you elaborate more and explain if you think Bezos is also a fascist and if so why?

>> No.21011967

There is no epistemic justification for the destruction of any knowledge. Books should be critiqued rather than destroyed; this allows us to recall their content if ever needed and prevents us from sinking into dogmatism. Epistemology progresses through critique, not censorship and/or dogma; we require our worldview to be challenged in order to improve it, this was Socrates' final lesson.

>> No.21011979

>I’ll be get lid

>> No.21012001

77 years since and it still requires regular Propaganda to make the spirit that grabbed Germany for +12 years seem like a demon even though every unfiltered (hence online) discussion becomes sympathetique to their sentiments.

>> No.21012006


>> No.21012054

do you really not understand that Nazism wasn't about environmentalism and health and fitness? who is this post for?

>> No.21012062

It's your theory that the burned subjects were "authoritarian", so don't ask me.

>> No.21012090

i think you meant to say the trannies that infest this site and moderate all boards, deleting anything negative said about cultural marxism that they don't like.

>> No.21012097

>Nazism wasn't about environmentalism or health & fitness
Hitler was the first and only world leader to ever seriously planned to remove slaughterhouses from an entire continent. National Socialism started all of the animal welfare laws you see today, and it also started the first anti-smoking campaign.

>> No.21012122
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If I had a time machine, going to one of those book burning events would definitely be on my to-do list, you know, I could finally get rid of some of the books that are occupying too much space on my room right now. No one wants some of them, it would do the world a favour it they just disappeared.

>> No.21012125

It was also about cleaning up factories for rats, a beautification if you will. The very same gas they used on those animals were later turned on their enemies.

Shirer in his book goes on length about how the youth of Germany looked far healthier than the youth of Britain, with better teeth and fitness. Part of this is due to youths being sent on camping trips.

>> No.21012126

Nazi seethe over relativity is one of the funniest things about them. They compelled physicists to conform to an aryan theory of physics they knew to be wrong just because einstein fled

>> No.21012131

/pol/ is moderated by spooks and feds, the blue boards are moderated by 600lb virgins. if you weren't an 80iq groomable, this would appear obvious to you

>> No.21012132

While it might look silly to us, would you really allow your physics department to worship a man you consider part of the enemy? Would we allow our statesmen and budding politicians to talk proudly about Xi's leadership style?

>> No.21012137

>/pol/ is moderated by spooks and feds, the blue boards are moderated by 600lb virgins. if you weren't an 80iq groomable, this would appear obvious to you
Last time I went on /pol/ I must have been 12 or something. You must be projecting hard as fuck about 80 iq because there's no logical reason you should have concluded I go on /pol/ unless you associate the truth with /pol/ then you're just a sad human being. You are also completely wrong about who moderates /x/. I'll agree more sensible people moderate this board than others, but all of 4trans I call 4trans for a reason. Also feds are everywhere, even archives are being deleted, you need to catch up.

>> No.21012139

A guest who enters your sitting room and takes a shit on your coffee table and then demands a drink of milk.

>> No.21012174
File: 567 KB, 555x545, Qin_empire_210_BCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The burning of books and burying of scholars (Chinese: 焚書坑儒; pinyin: fénshū kēngrú), also known as burning the books and executing the ru scholars,[1] refers to the purported burning of texts in 213 BCE and live burial of 460 Confucian scholars in 212 BCE by the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin dynasty. This was alleged to have destroyed philosophical treatises of the Hundred Schools of Thought, with the goal of strengthening the official Qin governing philosophy of Legalism.

seemed wrong here, not sure about the situation in Germany.

>> No.21012184

even better then

>> No.21012186

What if what’s printed in the book is child pornography? Even the most vehement free speech advocates think there should be speech limits. The Supreme Court of the US has affirmed this over and over and there are no other countries with free speech. For example advocating violence is not included in the general concept of free speech (yet this happens on twitter constantly).

>> No.21012203

Hey we get it, you're a highly-esteemed 4channeler, unlike those raunchy and fake 4channelers like me who just barge into threads with logic and reasoning

>> No.21012215

Restricted? yes, prohibited? Most definitely, destroyed? No. Especially since it can then be used as evidence for prosecution and criminology and psychological study.

>> No.21012224

>destroyed? No. Especially since it can then be used as evidence for prosecution and criminology and psychological study.
I bet you'd love to view those hypothetical books degenerate faggot.
>literally wouldn't burn child pornography
This is the kind of person that opposes book burnings ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.21012229

>It’s become clear history is a series of cultural and intellectual wars and it was only ever our naïveté that allowed us to think otherwise.
Holy shit, you are actually retarded.

>> No.21012238

But is there something incorrect about the sentence you highlighted? Stating the obvious isn't always a bad thing, I do it all of the time because people get confused if I don't.

>> No.21012243


>> No.21012247

Yes, it's fucking wrong, you moron. Anglo and German cultures aren't that different and they were each other's biggest enemies, Latin Europe constantly fought and clashed with each other, etc. etc. Culture is secondary to economics/imperialism, holy fuck you /pol/shits are incredibly deluded. Read any non-retarded political theorist, please. That means Marx btw.

>> No.21012251

It wasn’t *just* about that sure, but even the most uncharitable interpretation of nazism details racial hygiene. This was because Jewish people and others have special illnesses that effect their bodies due to inbreeding. There are apps for this, and it’s not specific to Jews either.

It’s not my “theory” it’s simply what they felt they were doing.

>> No.21012260

>It’s not my “theory” it’s simply what they felt they were doing.
Trumpoids "feel" they are defending democracy by going on violent hillbilly rampages and Stalin "felt" he was building a socialist utopia by assassinating dissidents. It doesn't matter if a bunch of Nazi retards "feel" they are being anti-authoritarian by burning books. Jesus Christ you people are stupid.

>> No.21012264

Even if I want to be just evil, I would not burn a book written by Einstein, Hilbert, Mach, Boltzmann, Poincaré, Neumann or Godel and so on.
Because I know how useful these subjects are to power. But somehow Nazi literally make these scientists flee away. What a waste and what a joke.


>> No.21012273

>alongside blacklisted American authors such as Ernest Hemingway
is this true?
Why Hemingway?

>> No.21012293

>and they were each other's biggest enemies, Latin Europe constantly fought and clashed with each other, etc. etc.
So you agree with what he said. Great!
>Culture is secondary to economics/imperialism
They are one in the same, for you to imply I'm dense for understanding more than you is quite ironic. And then you recommend Marx haha. This has to be your shittiest troll attempt yet. Like I said nobody here goes on /pol/, you're just a sad man grasping for straws. A political theorist shouldn't have to explain to you how culture and secondary to economics and imperialism, because its simply not true. If you knew it were true, you'd be able to explain it, but you can't, that's why you refer me to a crackpot jew freemason author, because you actually don't read nor comprehend anything.

>> No.21012351

What? Culture is just a unifying force for the establishment of economic power. And the similarity of Latin Europe and its conflicts is proof that culture differences are not the primary force behind wars and conflicts. You have peas for brains.

>> No.21012366

Yeah, I wouldn't, plenty of things can be learned from so called "degenerate material". Bataille, Sade, Plant, Barkov, Behn, Shakespeare, Sappho, Dostoyevsky , Beauvoir, Baldwin, Dante, Milton, Motzart, Elvis, Pollocks, Borges etc; all were seen as "degenerate " for their age but, over time, have become the focus of many interesting and new ideas and/or theories; if it wasn't for the "degeneracy" of Sade, we would have never gotten works like the Accursed Share, if it weren't for the "degeneracy" of Rousseau, we wouldn't have gotten the sublime writing of Kant. If it weren't for the "degeneracy" of Motzart, we would have never gotten Wagner. Keeping something to learn from it isn't the same thing as 'adoring' it or 'praising' it or even 'santifying' it; that would be projection.

>> No.21012440

Don't compare shakespeare or mozart degeneracy to a book literally full of child pornography you fucking imbecile. Stop mentally jacking off over the screen, nobody cares, people care about how it affects real life and keeping it around has a negative affect in real life, no matter "how you look at it", you cannot look at CP the "right way". That is all there is to it. Go fuck yourself incognito pedo activist
>Culture is just a unifying force for the establishment of economic power.
Oh so now you agree with me saying they are one in the same.
>And the similarity of Latin Europe and its conflicts is proof that culture differences are not the primary force behind wars and conflicts
But culture of an area determines its economics. What do you think developed first: barter system or "culture"? I mean use your fucking head. Look at Africa for fucks' sake. You say I have pea for brains but you just want to tally a point on the internet argument chalkboard. You're a real fucking retard for not comprehending what you're saying to me. I said culture and economics are one in the same, now you agree, but I'm still a "pea for brains". Jesus Christ how do you type out dogshit drivel like that and feel satisfied? Even for an anonymous board, aren't you embarrassed?

>> No.21012446

Nazi Germany never used gas against its enemies despute having massive stockpiles of them. If you are referring to the delousing chambers, im not engaginf further til you seriously wonder why they would use a pesticide and delousing agent "Zyklon B" to kill millions of jews instead of the hundreds of thousands of tons of poison gas they had in reserves when theyd be much more effective.

>> No.21012456

Interesting Anon, I think that’s wrong. However was that the military doing that or the German intellectual elite that burned the books? At what point in the war was it? Does that fact mean burning books is *always* bad?

>> No.21012458

Heisenberg was an actual genius and not a lying plagiarizing charlatan like Einstein was. Dude was literally a proto-redditor.

>> No.21012480
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You are dumb. Culture developed through proto-states and spread from their economic interests. It was this that spread culture, and culture what justified it. Seethe more.

>> No.21012482

All those useless jewish grifters and plagiarizers left and they still discovered nuclear fission before them. Crazy.

>> No.21012498
File: 284 KB, 1089x889, 1663601407771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews, the smartest race that has subverted the entire world, and also stupid plagiarising grifters!

>> No.21012523

>You are dumb. Culture developed through proto-states and spread from their economic interests. It was this that spread culture, and culture what justified it. Seethe more.
See, I'm not seething because you're wrong, and to anybody with eyes, you look like a little kid begging to get the last word in. Let me break this down all by myself for all of the internet onlookers since you don't want a genuine conversation
>Culture developed through proto-states and spread from their economic interests
Do you understand what you are speaking right now? Or are you literally just "parroting"? Because what you said just now doesn't conflict with what I said at all. Actually in the beginning you tried to claim that culture and economics are two seperate fields of interest, like as if you're the guy who made the dewey decimal system, you simply pretend not to comprehend how different subjects work in tandem with one another because its convenient for you to do so. And now that you agree that they do work together, you say that culture "developed" through proto-states but we all know culture doesn't "start" with proto-states. Culture starts with where you come from and environmental factors. Also starts with the lizards that own this shithole. So it absolutely does not mean that cultural differences are insignificant just because you, as an mentally infantile being, want to shift the blame entirely to wealth. The past does not disappear and culture does not disappear when the nation's leaders get together and discuss economics. But because thats your dogma you have to blame wealth. Babbys first history needs to put labels on everything but not even understand the words he's saying. Pathetic. Kys animeposter

>> No.21012556

Marx was highly influential to the founding of fascism and Mussolinis thoughts. So I have read Marx, and many do the other useful marxists.

>> No.21012564

Trump also “feels” like he loves gay people. Taking him at his word makes him the most pro LGBT Leader in world history.

>> No.21012572

Yes, culture is downwind from economic power and organization. That’s literally the entire basis of Marxism and materialism. You’re so propagandized about fascism that you literally defend liberal capitailsm to try to form your opinions but otherwise I assume you’d be a raging leftist.

>> No.21012579

What we can learn from Sade are his psychological insights and I believe many nazis loved sade, I mean it only makes sense. But there are other examples you’re leaving out that are simply pure filth. You’re literally cherry picking all of history lmao.

>> No.21012622

You don't control this board.
Intelligent people tend to think for themselves and take beliefs against the status quo and propaganda even if it's to their detriment.

>> No.21012633
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>Does not want child porn destroyed
>Wonders why Fascism is becoming popular

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler in to the Riechstag.

>> No.21012636

I read a report from a Nazi visiting Iceland before the war. He saw the Icelandic culture as already overwhelmed with Jewish/Anglo influence. Theater focused on plays appealing to base urges instead of higher ideals etc. He used strong language and explained everything in terms of Jews but I can't say he was wrong about the fundamental observation. I suppose Freud represents that "Jewish" perspective that's focused on individual pleasure over achieving anything grand as a nation or whatever.

>> No.21012643

>Actually in the beginning you tried to claim that culture and economics are two seperate fields of interest
They are. They aren't the same thing, AS YOU CAN SEE FROM MY EXAMPLES BEFORE.
Culture of an area doesn't determine its economics, but the other way around. Lmao. Why do you think different cultures specialise in different things? Their climate leads to an abundance of x resource or productive potential (economic), which leads to specialisation and spread of methods or processes (cultural). Just because these things work together doesn't mean they're identical, fuck off with your wall of text coping.

>> No.21012649

That's what I'm arguing tho

>> No.21012670

Book-burning is a sin against philosophy, a sin against man's spirit.

Value projection.
>wrongthink should be forbidden because people might be wrong according to my opinions
Additionally, thoughts themselves cause no harm.

>> No.21012679

>but the other way around
No. You're mentioning two factors in a complex system with a complex 13 billion year history. "Economic" environmental factors influence the culture and cultural factors feed back into what economic opportunities are available.

>> No.21012683
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>Book-burning is a sin against philosophy, a sin against man's spirit.

Your premise is that anything written down holds intrinsic value. It does not.

>> No.21012690

>Additionally, thoughts themselves cause no harm
Read Neville Goddard. You are wrong in every way imaginable.

>> No.21012691

It does hold intrinsic value, since only an individual can claim anything to be intrinsic.

>> No.21012695

>>21012643 (me)
Forgot some things:
>See, I'm not seething because you're wrong, and to anybody with eyes, you look like a little kid begging to get the last word in. Let me break this down all by myself for all of the internet onlookers since you don't want a genuine conversation
>Culture developed through proto-states and spread from their economic interests
>Do you understand what you are speaking right now? Or are you literally just "parroting"? Because what you said just now doesn't conflict with what I said at all. Actually in the beginning you tried to claim that culture and economics are two seperate fields of interest
>And now that you agree that they do work together,
I never denied this, I said they're not the same, or primary, and that you're retarded.
>you say that culture "developed" through proto-states but we all know culture doesn't "start" with proto-states. Culture starts with where you come from and environmental factors.
You just contradicted your post here
>But culture of an area determines its economics
Environmental factors are themselves economic. See Sub-Saharan Africa's poverty due to early isolation and later colonisation as a result of this.

>> No.21012701

No shit they reinforce each other, you fucking monkey-brain. The question is which of these is PRIMARY and which is SECONDARY in the dialectic.

>> No.21012704

>Book-burning is a sin against philosophy, a sin against man's spirit.
It's a variant of the same sin that causes people to make the swastika illegal and be unable to consider the valid criticisms of opponents like Nazis or Osama bin Laden without conflating that understanding for support for their misguided responses.
Blinding ourselves is the sin. If you're not actually removing information, censoring information but just burning a symbol you're not actually blinding anyone. The person refusing to understand why anyone would burn those symbols is the blind one.

>> No.21012718
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You're wrong twice. By definition and theory.

Intrinisic is in-of-itself, the value/quality is self-contained by the object. Without externality applied to it.

But. If your wrong, retarded take was correct, i could assign it no value and destroy it without a care.

>> No.21012729
File: 50 KB, 640x554, readingliteracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See Sub-Saharan Africa's poverty due to early isolation
No, I didn't contradict myself you sperg. I was simply saying niggers are impoverished because they come from another nigger's stinkhole. They are low intelligence, leading to a primitive culture, and thus the lack of prevalence in the global economy. How is it that hard to understand? See pic related.

>> No.21012730


>> No.21012732

Neither. You demand one is to justify your ideology. If you want to find "primary" forces they're all the things your delusional ideology tends to rejects. Family, nation, religion, natural law.

>> No.21012738
File: 157 KB, 950x766, blackpop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wait, there's more!!!

>> No.21012743
File: 641 KB, 1280x683, latinopop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to hit report button on the way out you asshurt marxist shill.

>> No.21012748

Book-burning limits access to information, especially back then. Destroying symbols is one thing, but in this context it's about destroying information.

Of course, there are intrinsic properties, but values are not one of them. You could do whatever you want theoretically, but you can't make a universal statement out of it.

>> No.21012750

>the most racist states, with the highest number of Black people, have the worst education
Whoa, it's almost like the racists fear educated Black people!
Wow you're actually stupid. Don't you guys normally like Hegel?

>> No.21012763
File: 216 KB, 500x370, IMG_8098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Book-burning limits access to information

You're assuming what is in the books is information. Not lies, attacks, slurs and pornography. This is not information, this is a weapom. Weapons do not belong in the hands of the enemy.

>> No.21012764

>subjugate a people and force them into destitution and under-development
>community turns out to be poor, miserable, and uneducated
White "people": clearly, they must be stupid.

Also, I love how you didn't even bother defending your contradiction and just started posting racist nonsense to hurt le Marxist shill, lmao. Comedy.

>> No.21012770

Why are rightards anti-intellectual retards? They're literally "feels over reals" desu senpai

>> No.21012775

>racists fear educated black people
You do know that the term "racist" didn't even exist until 1902, right? For thousands of years everyone else on Earth just assumed their superiority over niggers and beaners, for obvious reasons. I cannot think of a single invention by an african or even an african philosopher besides the peanut butter. Wow what a "culture".

>> No.21012777

Truth doesn't fear investigation.

>> No.21012788

You clearly don't know history either HAHAHAHA

>> No.21012792

You're too retarded to click to reply to me and even after I had to discover your post, I have no idea what contradiction you are talking about because I refuted the only contradiction you claimed I had. And now you're mad kek

>> No.21012799
File: 145 KB, 420x426, F76B3613-9C93-4D56-A907-86859A61061B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book burning is only good when it is your books burning, and not mine. Burning the idea always precedes burning the creator, in any case.

>> No.21012800
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Truth does not tolerate lies.
Honor does not permit slander.

>> No.21012803

Is this what low-functioning autism looks like written down on paper?

>> No.21012808
File: 93 KB, 500x560, 1662722544375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Book burning is only good when it is your books burning, and not mine
Yes. Do you have a problem with that?

>> No.21012809

Your refutation: "durrr I didn't contradict myself I just said Black people dumb durrr". Also I didn't quite you on purpose, newfag.

>> No.21012811

>in this context it's about destroying information.
It's possible to and they apparently did frame it as burning symbols of a foreign oppressive cultural hegemony. Can you name something that was lost?
Hegel could think, you can't.

>> No.21012818
File: 247 KB, 768x1024, IMG_7763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the plan.

>> No.21012820

OP here. Thanks for your honest response, while I generally agree Germans at this time could easily identity social decay in ways that would make their families and loved ones healthier and happier for their efforts I can’t understand their obsession with Jews. If it makes the people in this thread feel better I’m married to a woman that came from a Jewish family. I love Kafka. But the general observations about industrial societies effect on mental health and otherwise is something we’re still contending with to this day. I think Jews were often very exploitive and ran their businesses similar to how the Chinese do today—-with no legal protections. Remember how you hear about children dying in factories? Whose factories do you think those were? I can see some jewish people were responsible for some of these problems but a mass conspiracy against them were the nazis downfall and hope in their thinking. But out of all modernity they were the first since the Greeks to actually love their children enough to take care of them.

>> No.21012823

Are the trannies in the room with you right now?

>> No.21012827
File: 308 KB, 524x538, 20220912_201948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you're still replying to me. Who's the newfaggot here? Haha what in the fuck.

>> No.21012834
File: 81 KB, 680x722, 1663503653070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they're actually comfortably hanging in nooses right now, out of their own accord by some whacky coincidence. I'm sure there's no correlation though.

>> No.21012843

>Is this what low-functioning autism looks like written down on paper?
Do you really not know that nationalities in general looked down on others and that the biggest unifying force was religion before secular republicanism? And that white only came to be used after the trans-Atlantic slave trade so that Black converts to Christianity couldn't be set free? That before then, the Protuguese and Spanish simply continued the Muslim practice of enslaving pagan Africans to not do wrong by the Church, and that no genetic justifications were used until later, when this huge part of their economy was threatened by conversion?

>> No.21012847
File: 583 KB, 896x1842, detrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember friends, use yandex for unbiased search results! Even duckduckgo is very pozzed these days. Google is only good for shopping and seeing what the status quo is.

>> No.21012856

>Do you really not know that nationalities in general looked down on others
they still do retard. except white people are told they cannot. well fuck you buddy.

>> No.21012857

Neurotic or bait

Well, they burnt library books, which is more a limit to access, but alright. From the specific act, no, but it happened under a directive of censorship.

>> No.21012869

That's all you have to say, I take it?

>> No.21012870

whites are the most intelligent, most beautiful, closest to god and you'd have a miserable life without real creators and builders. shouldn't be so apt to get rid of us real men then if you cannot even name a single african invention huh. thousands and thousands of years all they built was mud huts. lmfao and you're sitting here literally being a nigger lover over a military communications device that CERN and the military developed together. lololololol

>> No.21012876

I don't like the seething hate but the Jewish association is still there. Zionism was a huge force in the 20th century. The relationship between Freud and the PR industry which became Hollywood and the ad industry is there and those industries are still dominated by Jews.
I was partly raised by not just foreign or English TV but Jews presenting historically Jewish perspectives.

>> No.21012877

>whites are the most intelligent, most beautiful, closest to god and you'd have a miserable life without real creators and builders.
This is what the right means when they talk about facts and logic.

>> No.21012880

I'm sure enlightenment does look like neurosis to the uninitiated
Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck chinks and fuck beaners. And fuck you. Whites should be proud of everything they've done for the world, which is a HELL of a lot more than any other race can say they've accomplished.

>> No.21012882

>raping children is just an opinion
>burning books is a sin

This is why people are trying to kill you. Im trying to help you here.

>> No.21012885

LMAO you guys get so emotional when you're proven wrong.

>> No.21012890

Yeah, its a fact that you cannot name an African invention besides peanut butter. What you're doing right now is a joke and I can only assume that your life is a joke. You seriously think being close to God and being beautiful is bad? Haha learn some math and physics please child. Physicality is a reflection of the soul. I bet a lot of money that you're overweight and also ugly

>> No.21012892

Nazis are the true "feels over reals" retards lmao. Their seethe is incredibly comical.
Keep crying, buddy. Your feelings are not transhistorical, much less natural.

>> No.21012894

>I can’t understand their obsession with Jews.
Neurosis stemming from the the collective unconscious, combined with real grievances towards the system

No, you're specifically anxious that your thoughts might not match objective reality...

You equate disagreements to child rape. No one mentioned it but you.

>> No.21012897
File: 624 KB, 888x499, 1646863648736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also why are you so offended that I say nigger? You niggers say it all the time. Nigger nigger nigger

>> No.21012902

Great argument.

>> No.21012904

>No, you're specifically anxious that your thoughts might not match objective reality...
I'm specifically laughing at you out loud right now. Why not explain why I'm wrong if you're so correct about reality?

>> No.21012907

Correct Anon. This is why at 11 years old I realized people literally believe the simple act of reading makes your IQ rise. They pushed Harry Potter or anything that would catch on and now we have bookstores full of “HOW TO NOT GIVE A FUCKING FUCK AND GET ROCK HARD ABS YOU FUCKING FUCKER”

>> No.21012916

It's not possible, as you're not making any claims that can be analysed. You're just hurling insults.

>> No.21012917

Yeah it is a great argument, compare the philosophy of caucisoids, the wheel, the plow, the telephone, the printing press, instruments that arent just shitty bongos, the model of DNA, etc. Versus the "philosophy" and "inventions" of the African. I'll wait for any examples besides peanut butter

>> No.21012918

But Anon it’s technocratic leaders at Amazon and tech companies writing code so the internet archive is unable to process their webpages and using censorious algorithms to essentially censor all though that doesn’t align with them. They’ve done more book burning that any fascist.

>> No.21012921


>> No.21012922

>it happened under a directive of censorship
When Anglos do it it's purging of propaganda. Nazis said they were doing the same thing.
I do disagree with censorship but I don't agree that it's clear the Nazis were worse than Anglos still are, almost in any way. Anglos are definitely way more successful at mind control and mass murder.

>> No.21012926

I've made many claims. Most notably recently I've claimed that Africans haven't invented anything of importance but drums and mud huts and peanut butter. Caucisoids built the world as we know it, obviously.

>> No.21012933
File: 665 KB, 806x770, pol-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel proud of accomplishments
>Feel part of something great
>Feel a part of nature
>Feel healthy in body
>Feel love for family
>Feel love for land
>Feel love for race
>Feel love for Nation

They were the most educated and knowledgable race to have existed. Their science is how we got to the moon.

You bow-legged kike.

>> No.21012940
File: 497 KB, 1000x1000, 1663607215448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily explained, as before, by the isolation of Sub-Saharan Africa and their colonisation as a consequence of this later on. Europe was barely historically relevant besides Greece which is almost Asian anyway. They only became the centre of the world thanks to discovering the Americas by sheer luck, in trying to break Muslim empire encirclement to Asia.
Before then, West Asia, China, and India were vastly more important than Europe ever was. It was the Americas that gave Europe a considerable advantage.

>> No.21012941
File: 3.62 MB, 320x240, weeeeeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're amazing anon but one thing you said threw me off
>got to the moon
Stanley Kubrick has entered the chat

>> No.21012945

You are just a historical accident.

>> No.21012946

Every state attempts this, yes. This is why a fundamental right is freedom of thought.

I don't know what Anon you are other than following my (You) chains, in which you didn't talk about that.

>> No.21012952

>someone is doing it now
>that means someone doing it in the past was actually le good
you don't make any sense nigger, are you defending censorship or speaking against it

>> No.21012958

>animeposter is a nigger-lover
Like clockwork.
>Easily explained
>by the isolation of Sub-Saharan Africa and their colonisation as a consequence of this later on
So, the "isolation" of being in a desert fucked over the humans all over the entire continent? There are lush green parts of Africa you know. So why didn't they get together and build as great of a civilization or a better one? This isolation is your excuse for thousands of years of the lack of progress, mind you. Why did Arabs build greater architecture in the desert? Why were Greeks heavily isolated due to their geography yet they developed rapidly? You make no sense. You are a peon of the jews just like niggers. You are just repeating what they say. Christ man.

>> No.21012962
File: 821 KB, 500x500, Dazzle_swastika.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are an accident
>you are meaningless
Spoken truly like a money-grabbing hook-nosed kike.

>> No.21012966
File: 101 KB, 556x304, Screenshot_20220919-131312_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pic related is your post? If so then you are one dumb faggot.

>> No.21012970

That was mostly Freuds’ nephew Edward though, I can see the Zionist connection but I’m skeptical of how much power they have/had. They were the minorities in Eastern Europe whites have become and this was before their ethnostate of Israel. This is what I mean about the tenuous Jewish connection. The evidence just isn’t there.

>> No.21012981

How the fuck were Greeks isolated, they had access to the fuck Mediterranean. Also the Sub-Saharan desert stretches from a little under North Africa all the way down to the halfway point of the continent. It's a huge, vast expanse of uninhabitable land, you couldn't even travel through wheel (which had been used for a while before they just gave up and went back), etc. You're delusional if you think these are comparable, even the Middle East doesn't come anywhere close. The eastern part of Africa at least had access to Asia through sea and had empires like Ethiopia which is one of the longest-living great civilizations on Earth.

>> No.21012983

>This is why a fundamental right is freedom of thought.
Which today is best represented by the swastika. The most censored symbol in the world despite being an integral part of world history.

>> No.21012989

No, that's not my post.

>> No.21012993

I’m willing to believe colonization set back these parts of the world, but why are some former colonial countries better than Africa. Hong Kong for example. Not trolling, i can’t wrap my mind around this if you’re saying colonial rule was as detrimental as you’re saying. India developed rapidly.

>> No.21012995
File: 3.97 MB, 7373x1114, 1663607984122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Hispanic.

>> No.21012998
File: 121 KB, 647x757, pol-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The race of kikes is dying out faster than ever before. Hilariously by white Europeans.

>> No.21013002

India is still far from developed outside the big cities. And the reason for some colonies like Hong Kong and Singapore being so wealthy is that they were incredibly lucrative trading ports - between mainland China in the case of Hong Kong and East/Southeast Asia in the case of Singapore.
Barbados is also a very wealthy Black-majority country and former colony. It's not unheard of.

>> No.21013008

>I’m skeptical of how much power they have/had
Enough to get a state handed to them. They had the ears of all the lords and politicians for some reason, likely monetary reasons. They did and do dominate the mind control industries which I see as the obvious factor that won the war and maintained US hegemony.

>> No.21013014

But yeah there's a reason all of these examples are very small in terms of land. Normally there's always places that get highly developed and industrialised for the colonies' export economies etc. and these small tracts of land just happened to form whole states due to geopolitical reasons.

>> No.21013019

Kek. Your pic is classic misdirection. Oldest Jewish trick in the book. Next you'll tell me the freemasons are cooking up some nasty plots
Then why the fuck did you begin to reply to me
here? Calling me neurotic when we all know books are used as weapons. Especially at their time.
Greeks were isolated by mountains you tard. Don't you know anything? Its why Greece used to be just a bunch of independent city-states. Also many Africans successfully used the wheel, but that isn't really a mark of the greatest thinkers on Earth. That would be white inventions

>> No.21013023
File: 179 KB, 355x541, yotsuba disturbing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a college chick with really big titties that bragged about destroying an old jazz record with the artist wearing blackface on the cover. It wasn't an act of antiauthoritarianism, but it showed the nearsightedness of having absolutely no appetite for those things which are considered ugly. Declaring something doesn't deserve to exist, judging it not by the context that birthed it but from a singleminded modern perspective. To deprive the future of the opportunity to discuss either the cover art or the music itself, irrespective of quality, because of some contrived and arrogant notion of social justice. Is it so wrong to take something disagreeable or offensive and look at it from all angles? To consider its historical value not in terms of lasting impact or contributions to the collective conscious, but to inform the viewer/listener of the nature of entertainment, or policy, or some other ineffible quality of life in its day? No, just destroy any last trace of competing ideas and congratulate yourself on defeating The Enemy.
Great cans though, really.

>> No.21013038

That's not enough to make them isolated from the outside world. You are so dumb, it's not even remotely comparable. You're just grasping at whatever you can find to hold onto your ridiculous faith of muh holy white man descended from the sun god. Facts and logic bros are wild.

>> No.21013039

>x previous colony is successful because of access to resources and trade
>y previous colony in Africa is a shithole because colonization caused fighting for the abundant resources and trade hubs

>> No.21013044

So you're telling me to explain how you're wrong that they were used as weapons? Obviously, all information can be used for an aim, but I don't believe X advocates are evil conspirators as opposed to totally moral Y advocates, since information itself is amoral.

>> No.21013050

Hong Kong was colonised with the explicit purpose of selling goods in China. Africa was colonised for slavery.

>> No.21013052

But it is comparable. I even stated before there are lush places in Africa and you chose to ignore my statement instead of refuting it. There obviously were Africans on the coast of Africa, and guess what? The meditteranean sea covers an entire side of the African continent. Why are you calling me stupid when you clearly don't know the first thing about what you're trying to half-heartedly discuss

>> No.21013060

The ancient Greeks were a product of the collapse. Likely descended mostly from invaders and didn't even know the local writing systems. The previous civilization was centered on the big islands as trade hubs and had constant contact with other civilizations like Egyptians and Phoenicians.

>> No.21013063

>writings don't have intentions behind them, all words are always just in the center of the wide spectrum of right/wrong
You cannot be serious. Humans can choose to try and be neutral and impartial when reading a text, but it is not possible, nor do most humans even attempt.

>> No.21013068

Readers can't be neutral and impartial, but there is only one text. That's what I mean.

>> No.21013078

Yes, under the Sahara desert there's good land, but guess what separates that land and the rest of the world? Are you retarded?

>> No.21013083

>Africa was colonised for slavery
This is an attempt at a generalization but it wasn't true generally at all, only in a few specific cases that didn't last long. If you want to make generalization in these terms then generally Africa was colonized to abolish slavery.

>> No.21013101

Fuck off, retard

>> No.21013115
File: 202 KB, 850x649, Map-of-Africa-highlighting-ecological-regions-and-case-study-countries-Source-Yaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you incapable of doing the most trivial amount of research in order to find out if what you are saying is even true or not? Like I said there's plenty of green on the African continent. Its not entirely the sahara desert, unlike what you propagate for unknown reasons, because nothing you said makes sense. We're not talking about "under" the sahara, we're talking about the entire continent. I hope that is obvious when I'm referring to "Africa" and "African". Otherwise I don't know how else to help you.

>> No.21013116

No, slavery was only abolished after industrialisation made it somewhat meaningless. Europeans instigated tribal conflicts and fanned their flames for slaves, and kept dependent resource exportation economies on the side. These kept the countries in low development so they would never grow to become serious competition like the American colonies, however.

>> No.21013121

I’m talking outside of the dialectic of if someone thinks it’s “good or bad” and simply stating it’s happening, it’s always been happening, and what are we going to do about that? Once you move past the supposed morality of it and see it for what it is you can appreciate it from a different perspective.

>> No.21013132

I've said from the beginning the Sahara desert stretches from the north to the halfway line, which your picture proves. Only the eastern coastal regions had worthwhile connections to Asia, as I have also said, which led them to have sizeable civilisations like Ethiopia and Egypt. You're annoyingly stubborn.

>> No.21013144

Ok, but even by that logic the development of non-black countries if you were to chart them is far below others of different places. There are still areas of the continental US that are under developed too. I’m not saying this is a result of blacks being unintelligent but cultural values and priorities being different. I don’t see how that’s uncharitable.

>> No.21013147

Ethiopia, yes niggers probably did that. Egypt? Bahahahhaha you're a fucking sheeple gtfo

>> No.21013162

The power of brainwashed retardation. You will twist anything to fit what you already decided is true.

>> No.21013177

>Maybe Einstein could be explained by the fact that he betrayed his own country and gave Americans the Atom bomb
You... you know that happened after the book burning event you're referring to, right?

>> No.21013179

>>21013132 (me)
And before you say "they could've traveled by sea", even Europe did their trade with Asia through land, and Portugal was the first to try circumnavigating Africa through the south and to reach Asia before just giving it up for the Americas.
A person with more opportunities will always be more "cultured" than one with less.
We're talking about African civilisations. Ancient Egyptians weren't what is popularly considered "Black" but most had dark brown skin at the very least (no, I'm not talking about the slaves).
Are you going to deny Europe was extractivist with regard to African resources? I mean, the claim is so plainly (I mean, they still are) that I have to assume you're just not in tune with reality, period.

>> No.21013182

I really liked Hitler until I learned he was vegetarian. What a fag.

>> No.21013186

Not sure what you’re referring to,what I posted mentions multiple book burning’s. I know American dropped the bomb on Japan. Is that what you’re getting at?

>> No.21013196

He did it for health reasons, his stomach had issues with meat. I honestly relate quite a bit, I have a strong belief we have evolved past raw meat. Prove me wrong and go eat a chicken or something retard. I was vegan for 2 years and while I wouldn't do it again, slaughterhouses aren't the answer either. We need to treat animals kindly and seperating from nature and becoming increasingly involved in this virtual reality technological trance does not help.

>> No.21013197

Like what Anon, trade with China? China was also notoriously an isolated country until it opened up in the 70’s. There wasn’t enough GDP there to finance the development of hong kong and South Korea. I’m legitimately asking what else?

>> No.21013207

1) Quit trolling. You're too obvious with your random misspellings.

2( From the OP.
>On May 10, 1933, university students in 34 university towns across Germany burned over 25,000 books.

C: Fission was discovered in 1938 and Kikestein's contributions were minimal

IV -- Go fuck yourself

>> No.21013208

>Ancient Egyptians weren't what is popularly considered "Black"
Well, at least you admit this. Good on you bud.

>> No.21013214

There was, China didn't allow foreign investment or ownership of industry but they still traded common goods and resources. And China was also rapidly industrialising with Soviet aid and through their earlier New Democratic period (where foreign investment was allowed). This made it a very lucrative market, in fact.
It's funny, trade and profit always takes priority over ideology. The capitalist selling the noose they're hanged with, etc. etc.

>> No.21013217

>We need to treat animals kindly
What about Jews?

>belief we have evolved past raw meat
true, cooked meat is better

>> No.21013220

Sure. Still doesn't disprove that genetics had nothing to do with, well, anything.

>> No.21013221

>Are you going to deny Europe was extractivist with regard to African resources?
This is the same kind of attempt to twist everything to serve a goal. They weren't any worse than with any other colonies like America or my own entirely white nation that suffered starvation under colonization for generations.
The overall trend was more focused on uplifting the locals than previously, they built infrastructure and abolished slavery. The British saw themselves as liberators and they were. If you think slavery was one of the more important issues in recent history then you should love the British.

>> No.21013230
File: 139 KB, 710x532, 1640163052146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you really not understand that Nazism wasn't about environmentalism and health and fitness?

>Have a world-concept based on blood & soil
>Somehow not about blood & soil

This is called subversion, this is kikery of the fitst water. Remember they want you scared, confused, uncertain and alone.

>> No.21013229

I'm not going to read through this crippled slap fight of an argument, but in general the phrase
>genetics had nothing to do with, well, anything.
is incorrect by default

>> No.21013242

Holy shit lmao you're actually delusional. The difference between Africa and the Americas was that the Americas had permanent White residents who worked as mediators between whites and African slaves, and due to low indigenous immunity and war over land there were vast stretches of unpopulated land ready to be taken up by whites and permanently settled. They used slaves to develop and enrich themselves, while African colonies were moreso for the benefit of the metropole.
They only cared to abolish slavery after these regions were developed and capitalist enough that wage labour was making slavery untenable in the longer term.
Cry more, cracker.

>> No.21013251
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>> No.21013257
File: 38 KB, 500x500, Caliph Omar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it opposes the Quran, it's heretical and should be burned. If it agrees with the Quran, it's redundant, and should be burned.

>> No.21013264

>Cry more, cracker
Cry more [derogatory phrase that applies to you]. Doesn't change how you have no argument. The idea that genetics do nothing is so profoundly incorrect idk how you even type it into a box even if you do it for money. Its mind-numbingly retarded. White pride. Go back to Africa or Mexico nigger spic.

>> No.21013286

Except nobody believes it's a conspiracy, but just the same imperialist agenda followed by every empire in history - Europeans just happened to be the last one and still benefit overwhelmingly from their conquests to the detriment of others.

>> No.21013293

It's on you to prove genetics actually played a role in anything. So far, everything can be explained by material circumstances and tangible opportunities. All you have is "white people are beautiful and closer to God" or some other fucking Nazi nonsense you retards spam.

>> No.21013297

>They only cared to abolish slavery after
It doesn't really matter. You keep framing everything in these convoluted ways to make sure your ideas about the holy negro or whatever are kept intact. Nothing real like actually abolishing slavery matters, you can dismiss even that because it doesn't suit the narrative you want.

>> No.21013303

I still don’t know what you’re getting at, are you saying Einstein was a charlatan? Why did they burn his books?

>> No.21013307

Who abolished slavery is ultimately irrelevant because their motives explain their results. That being the continued economic subjugation and dependence through private capital established during the colonial era. Slavery was abolished because it wasn't useful anymore, which has to mean something else was more attractive. What does that tell us?

>> No.21013309
File: 60 KB, 500x522, DFJkPjiUIAEzMr-.jpglarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21013311

So explain to me how these basic domestic goods were different than ones coming from the African continent?

>> No.21013314
File: 370 KB, 500x375, Haiti-DR-border-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof is in the pudding baby.

>> No.21013316

The farms were poorly redistributed to people without any prior experience working land. Such is to be expected when a population you purposely forbid from getting a good education takes control - it has some growing pains. Your biases control your emotions to the point you instinctively project headlines to your racist preconceptions. Smart one.

>> No.21013320

You’re ignoring entire swaths of Marxist thought to imply material conditions are all that matters and cultural and biological ones are unimportant. Read the Golden Bough.

>> No.21013321
File: 53 KB, 460x588, 1659183499735171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>benefit overwhelmingly from their conquests to the detriment of others.
That is how conquest works, you dumb nigger.

>Who abolished slavery is ultimately irrelevant because their motives explain their results
You say that because it was European men, with guns and the ability to enact violence. That is why you say irrelevant, kike.

>> No.21013325

The productive capital (that which generates goods to be bought and sold) in Africa was owned by Europeans. In China, it was owned by the CPC exclusively, which allowed it to develop independently.
While the productive capital in Hong Kong in particular was owned by Europeans for the purpose of its trade economy with China and some of the rest of Asia, this land mass was small enough that it happened to encompass the whole city-state rather than having a ridiculously unbalanced divide between European and African enterprises in the colonies.

>> No.21013326

I say it because Africa is still not free and a slave to the IMF, Africom, modern China, etc. You retards don't know shit about economics or imperialism, just social issues like "degeneracy".

>> No.21013334

You don't have any coherent standards to judge anything so you can dismiss anything that doesn't suit you in the moment. Something as mind blowing as abolishing slavery doesn't even factor into anything, it's irrelevant because economics, even when the goal is "dependence" in the sense of turning a nation of once slaves into relatively successful trade partners.

>> No.21013337

>It's on you to prove genetics actually played a role in anything.
You... believe in evolution, right? Natural selection? Group selection?

>> No.21013355

Knowledge is something to be discovered, why do you believe it’s the white mans burden to the explain everything to other cultures? Why is there no autodidactic learning among these cultures? Whites don’t *own* knowledge, but it seems like you think that?

>> No.21013359

Fun fact: The term "racist" didn't even exist until 1902.

>> No.21013361

>relatively successful trade partners
I'd love to see you live in Ghana for the rest of your life. And, yes, personally I don't think morals have any basis in an objective analysis of interdependence. Unlike you brainlets, I don't let feeling cloud my judgment. LOL I can't get over this retard btw >>21012933
Can you prove anatomically modern human races have distinct genes that perceptibly modify behaviour? No, you can't.

>> No.21013364
File: 119 KB, 500x600, 1655319047842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know shit about biology.

>> No.21013374

Already responded to this >>21012843.
I don't think you interpreting correlations of more brown faces in a room as causation makes you an expert, either.

>> No.21013383

Productive capital can only be owned by a top down system imposed in another country. Africans were and are free To develop their own economies and trades (one of which was the slave trade they developed themselves) so to think all Capital production was dictated by Europeans who often never even entered fully into the Horn of Africa puts Europeans int the place of gods. There was no logistical system that could dominate the entire continent of Africa that way when steam ships were advanced technology. I’m not arguing that colonialism did no harm to them but we did not control all aspects of their capital accumulation or production. Your telling also leaves out all other trade including the Arabs.

>> No.21013384


>> No.21013389

>I say it because Africa is still not free
Everyone is a slave to globohomo. Tribal conflict and local corruption due to tribes not having an allegiance to a nation are the big issues.
>I'd love to see you live in Ghana for the rest of your life
I set up a business in Kenya. It's pretty much like the tired Chinese man meme.
>I don't think morals have any basis in an objective analysis of interdependence
You're the one that brought up motives to dismiss the fact of the matter.
The subject is the different results for the different colonies. Africa got more benefits than most not less. Africans are no longer slaves for example. They even got trains.

>> No.21013396
File: 123 KB, 720x726, Screenshot_20220919-143356_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already replied here >>21012856
If you cannot see how white people are being targeted then you are a delusional retard or nonwhite. Also
>I don't think you interpreting correlations of more brown faces in a room as causation makes you an expert
>>21013364 this isn't me you dumb faggot. Asian pride, black pride, jewish pride but no white pride is allowed? Well fuck you. White pride.

>> No.21013404

Arabs weren't in control of these African regions, Europeans were. And I didn't mean to imply they owned *all* productive capital, but they owned *most* of it and were capable of imposing their force through it. A local could start his own small business, sure, but he could be easily stamped out by larger European capital, and the most lucrative industries were completely owned by it.
Even today, the vast majority of mines in Africa, the most lucrative resource in the region, are owned by European companies.

>> No.21013405
File: 70 KB, 428x533, race_vs_physiognomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And who distributed the farms? Who made the policies and education of Zimbabwe? Was it white people? Was it God? No. It's government of the nigga, by the nigga, and for the nigga. This is the results.

While skin color alone is a shallow way to judge a person, physiognomy, genetics, family history are good indicators. It's foolish to ignore the cover when judging a book.

You can't escape the cards genetics deals you by pretending they're irrelevant. You can only play them to the best of your ability.

>> No.21013407

>Freedom of speech does not equal freedom of consequences.

>> No.21013408

>What say you, /lit/?
Last autodafe I'm aware of was by Native groups in Ontario, Canada, a little over a year ago, with the backing of the provincial school board. The natives asked to burn all the books in a school as an act of reparation and acknowledgement of wypipo erasing their culture. Instead of just dismissing the request altogether, the board negociated down to books that had bad depictions of Indians, i.e. Tintins and Asterix, etc.

>> No.21013412

From what I understand, it's not just the presence of unique genes that's important, but the specific order of genes within a sequence that affect genetic expression. My point is that it's at least plausible that genes play a bigger role in these things than people like you are willing to admit.
I'm not qualified to take this debate any further, but neither are you, obviously. You shouldn't have hard opinions about things you don't understand.

>> No.21013422

Kill yourself lol
>I set up a business in Kenya. It's pretty much like the tired Chinese man meme.
You too.
>You're the one that brought up motives to dismiss the fact of the matter.
Those motives being? Come on, don't be stupid. Economic interests. You know, preserving profit? Not some rate moment of humility by the white parasites.
>The subject is the different results for the different colonies. Africa got more benefits than most not less. Africans are no longer slaves for example. They even got trains.
I really can't take you seriously. What the fuck does that matter when most of your people are the poorest in the world? Infrastructure was built when necessary for profit and that meant most people didn't benefit from it.

>> No.21013425

Jung thought Freud’s sexually repression stuff was secretly intended to defend a stage of civilization in which Jews were powerful/safe by tamping down on barbaric elements that he believed were inherent in Aryans. Not sure if Nazis agreed with that or if they were even aware of that theory though. I guess that pro-civilizational stance could be portrayed as authoritarian from a Nazi perspective on those grounds. They could call his beliefs reactionary/intended to thwart their revolution or something

>> No.21013431

My only opinion is that it isn't proven, which it isn't, so we can't possibly accept it as fact and something to we have to deal with. Retard.

>> No.21013434

>believed in environmentalism, health and fitness, mythology, astrology, and vegetarianism
Sounds like the "policy" of every "First Lady" of the last dozen presidents; is fascism really this banal? Were Dolce&Gabbana right in saying the way a sneedocrat fondles his papers is fascist-erotic?

>> No.21013441

Black people do something wrong = Black people are genetically inferior. Right? How comforting it must be to be this stupid, weak, and superficial.
No but really, this doesn't prove anything. Sorry.

>> No.21013444

First opposition to Freud's theory was literally coming from Jews.

>> No.21013454

Moses, Jesus, Spinoza, Freud... all opposed by the same people; a big think huh?

>> No.21013467
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>Can you prove anatomically modern human races have distinct genes that perceptibly modify behaviour?
Statistics do show the genetic component can't be discarded.

Show me statistics and crime rates. Not moral fagging.

>> No.21013499

>Those motives being?
You just talked about the motives being irrelevant you incoherent retard. I agree with that but it didn't even occur to me that you really are so deranged to think the discussion is about attributing some holy bullshit to either the anglos or negros.
>I don't think morals have any basis in an objective analysis of interdependence
You're the one constantly bringing up bullshit like this. Slavery was abolished and you're desperately trying to find ways to frame that as bad, suddenly when it suits you appealing to the morality of their motivations is all that matters.
>when most of your people are the poorest in the world
My great-grandmother lived in a rock mound covered with grass.
>muh profit is bad
Your apparent pro-slavery, anti-food stance makes no sense.

>> No.21013535

"We did X good thing so we're actually good" yeah okay man whatever. They're still economically subjugated, and I'm talking about imperialism regardless of any moral objections to X or Y form of it. (Also, I never said motives were irrelevant; on the contrary, I said their motives elucidate on their results.)

>> No.21013542

White pride dumb nigger.

>> No.21013548

>"We did X good thing so we're actually good
Compared to other colonies the ones in Africa were generally uplifted more, especially due to abolishing slavery but you're willing to abandon all coherent thinking to find ways to blame colonialism even when it objectively made things better.

>> No.21013556

>I never said motives were irrelevant
So you really are braindead and think in terms of le good guys helping people out of the kindness of their heart and bad guys helping people because they're bad.

>> No.21013570

Cringe thread
Fuck off and read books

>> No.21013586
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(You) seem angry, friend. There is no reason to be upset.

>> No.21013589
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Daily reminder to read the Dalton translation of Mein Kampf and to accept no substitutes.

>> No.21013763

No, please read what I actually said.

>> No.21013917

What you said is whatever comes to mind to serve your preconceived ideas and automatically attack anything that contradicts them.

>> No.21014062

Didn’t Freud also analyze Jung’s daughter at some point and he was all pissed of about it? I know a woman also committed suicide in Freuds care at some point.

>> No.21014068

OP here. I read tons of books.

>> No.21014126

Racially motivated Social engineering is authoritarian. What nazis advocate for are homelands and letting each culture develop and thrive on their own. I don’t know why there’s so much commentary on the slave trade when nazis were anti-slavery. But ok.

>> No.21014174

The allies banned and destroyed like 10 times that number of books after the war.

>> No.21014204


>> No.21014234

So true.

>> No.21014362

Nazism is a pipe dream. They wanted to rule the world just because they were German and thought German culture was the apex.

And once the whole world is German then what? What do you do with all the warriors? They die of depression that's what.

>> No.21014375

>Book Burning is Good
No, it fucking isn't you retard.

>> No.21014418

keep on producing great art like this

>> No.21014477

Explain how this is different from every nation to ever exist.

>> No.21014488

Yes it is faggot

>> No.21014526

>but why oh why did they view Freud or Einstein as authoritarian?
They didn't. Why are you asking US why YOUR retarded hypothesis doesn't hold? This is absolutely retarded. YOU laid out the claim that Nazis only burned books because they were rebelling against authoritarianism, and now YOU'RE asking us to flesh out the rest of your claim. Fuck off retard. The answer is that Freud and Einstein were Jews. You know, the whole all-encompassing obsession of the Nazis? The blatant antisemitism that you're conveniently forgetting? Nazis didn't burn books on authoritarianism. Let me clear that up for you. They burned so-called "degenerate" books, including those of "degenerate Jewish science". They burned these books because the authors were Jewish and because Nazis themselves were anti-Semitic authoritarians. Did I burst your fantasy to tell you that the Nazis were autistic anti-Semites? Surely you knew this all along. Dumbass.

>> No.21014536


>> No.21014566

What about stalag's?
I already read the first half and i think is pretty neat. What's the difference between this one and dalton's?

>> No.21014567

niggerfaggot get lynched

>> No.21014603

Not sure what you mean, I’m not making claims. It just simply is what their rationale for it was. Your view of history seems really simple and retarded and you’re a Christian that can only think in terms of “good” and “bad”. The truth is plenty of nazis didn’t give a shit about Jews, lots of them didn’t even know Jews were being exterminated similar to Russian soldiers bussed to the front lines under the guise of military training in Ukraine now. There were plenty of nazis that loved Jews like Ernst Junger. What I’m essentially asking is do we know for a fact they burned them for simply being Jewish? There were plenty of Jews that were fine during that period. I wouldn’t be surprised if that had something to do with it but I’m totally unconvinced that that’s all it was due to reactionary weasels like yourself giving no examples. If anyone is making a claim it’s you—do you know if there was a memorandum that went out to universities explaining this? Because Einstein wasn’t some neutral political actor.

>> No.21014756

You don't take over the world, you value competition ad variety -- the other is always needed.

>> No.21014848

Not him, but the book burnings were part of a revolutionary “germanification” police that sought to destroy any sort of “alien” cultural element(which include Tolstoy and more fundamentally apolitical stuff such Einstein scientific theories), in favor of a “volkish” engineered culture, which in turn can be associated with several other polices as well, such as the development of positive christianity(itself seen as a temporary half term until a proper “volkish” religion could be developed) and the NSDAP-run “honor courts” which punished people for acting in “ungerman” manner.

>> No.21014880

Not that anon but he is correct. It had nothing to do with avoiding "worship" and did not start or end with the book burnings, it was a political move by German professors to oust competition by any means necessary. Influential German physicists denounced their Jewish peers as a way to get them out of the way and glue themselves to the side of a powerful regime at the same time. It went so far that they started accusing actual Germans of being infected with "Jewish physics" and harassed them into submission too, Heisenberg being the most famous example (no, despite his (((name))) he was white). This didn't stop paying off until Heisenberg's mom called Himmler's mom and asked if she could tell her son to get the SS to stop bullying him. I am not kidding.
Imagine you're a right-handed intellectual in some very serious field and the government suddenly starts denouncing everyone who's left-handed as the source of society's problems. You've busted your ass to get where you are, sure, you're good at your job, yeah, but to get to the absolute top you need an extra edge to take out the rest of the talent. Laymen can't understand your work anyway. Maybe you just take that public fervor, aim it at your most competent left-handed colleagues, and catapult yourself to wild success. Maybe you wouldn't personally do it, but if there are a few hundred of you, and somebody's willing to get their hands dirty...
The German physics community took a while to recover from all this, and it's one of the main reasons we beat them to the bomb and why lots of their scientists were willing to be "borrowed" for Paperclip. There's an amusing transcript of captured German physicists held together in a bugged English mansion from when they were informed that we dropped the bombs, and they react in lots of different ways, some accusing the English of lying and saying it's impossible, or that the war/SS had held them back from it, or that they knew it was inevitable, or that they would have sabotaged it if Hitler asked them to do it (and others saying those guys were full of shit).
t. Physicist

>> No.21014933

I think we can all agree the 20ty century was a mistake. Hippies idolize tribes.

>> No.21015029

So, basically, what’s happening now in the sciences and universities. Except now it’s way more extreme than what you’re describing so nazi rule is way more preferable than woke “science”.

>> No.21015039

No decency for fascists

>> No.21015046

This is the real reason why the Library of Alexandria was lost. Not because a small part of it burned down from Julius Caesar’s occupation. The library of Alexandria is lost because the Muslim conquerors of Egypt thought on these exact terms. I think this is even a direct quote by caliph Umar (or his successor)

>> No.21015105

freud was a pervert. einstein was a fraud, but not a pervert, therefore einsteins books did not deserve burning

>> No.21015107

Yeah, pretty much.
>way more extreme
It's almost comically similar, I wouldn't argue it's more extreme whatsoever. There's nothing new under the sun.

>> No.21015111

einstein had no loyalty to germany, which is exactly why the jews who didnt leave voluntarily were put in camps

>> No.21015152
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>> No.21015246

Yes, and it’s almost as if that vitality has made their faith and culture the most enduring and important on earth. Book burning is fucking BASED.

>> No.21015759

Damned if you don't. Damned if you do. Great logic.

>> No.21016117

>Maybe Einstein could be explained by the fact that he betrayed his own country and gave Americans the Atom bomb thus ushering in the Cold War and atomic age.
really dude?
stop and think there for a moment.

>> No.21016323

> Einstein gave America the atom bomb
I honestly can’t tell if this is bait or if you’re just retarded

>> No.21016397

Something something Managerial State

>> No.21016398
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As this is pol thread I would like to ask if anyone read this? I would like to learn about the future of USA. (New History of Modern Latin America)

>> No.21016426

This isn't Twitter.

>> No.21016470

>Among other authors burned were the ones that created transsexual ideology in the Weimar Republic.
Try more like... you know gender dysphoria is a medical condition right?
>The Hitler Youth burned their surgical centers to the ground thus saving us for almost an entire century from the social collapse we face now.
Seems like a pretty stupid society if it can be torn apart by some people not following gender norms. Shouldn't a decent society be at least a tad bit more robust than that?
> recently learned that to Germans this was absolutely not an act of censorship but a stand against authoritarianism— throwing a book into the fire was a rejection of a certain cultural hegemony in a time when books were the main methods of communication.
Top kek

>> No.21016473

What exactly is 'cultural marxism' anyway aside from 'anything you don't like'?

>> No.21016477

The whole point of science is that true ideas are true and false ideas are false regardless of what you think of the person proposing them, and they must be evaluated in that light.

>> No.21016485

I knew this dude who was an unironic Legalist and would periodically threaten to 坑 people. Well, he wasn't purely a Legalist but it seemed to be his dominant philosophy.

>> No.21016490

The enemy is at once weak and strong.

>> No.21016493

>Let teachers choose your kids [sic] gender
Nobody is advocating that, though, it's 'let kids express their own gender without persecution, regardless of what their parents think'. Contrary to popular belief, trans people do not just spring into existence fully formed on their 18th birthday.

>> No.21016494
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You don't need to read a book, because I can tell exactly what will happen. Right now US has or has been having
>Huge trade deficit every year since 70s
>Huge budget deficit almost every year since 70s
>31 trillion debt, 93k per citizen, 245k per tax payer
>at least 90 trillion in unfunded debt
>16 trillion corporate debt
>18 trillion mortgage debt
>1 trillion credit card debt and 1.5 trillion student loan debt
>American citizens have no savings, more than half need to tap into credit by the end of the month
>everybody is buried in debt
>US gdp went from 50% of the world to 23%
US has two main problems. US is not a good place to do business(except corporations) and US has massive government spending. To cut spending US needs to
>Cut government spending, abolish thousands of social programs
>completely abolish medicare, cut military spending, cut retirement benefits for gov. workers
>Fire millions of government workers
To make US a better place for entrepreneurs
>Simplify tax code, abolish thousands of exceptions
>Ease, simplify and standardize regulations across all states
>remove zoning laws (lower housing prices, cheaper rent and cheaper salaries)
This all will lead to a massive crisis, but at the end of it US will have a healthy, functioning economy again. Needless to say this not gonna happen. So, US will continue on this doomed road to hell and will face either hyperinflation or at best case scenario, prolonged stagnation followed by a crash. Either way, in 20 years there will be hundreds of Detroits in the US.

>> No.21016502

>>remove zoning laws
lol these three words would make /o/ scream uncontrollably

>> No.21016506

Just because you haven't bothered to learn anything about it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Also "race prejudice" is attested since the mid-1800s.

>> No.21016512

The Greeks didn't even invent writing themselves. No 'White'/'Aryan' people did. They got it from the Phoenicians.

>> No.21016520

And? The word 'oxygen' didn't exist until 1790. What on Earth were we all breathing before then?

>> No.21016531

What's their objection to it?

>> No.21016848

Right, Phoenicians definitely invented the plow, the microwave, the computer, the telephone, the printing press, discovery of dna, lasers, bulletproof, night vision, microchips, etc.
Oxygen. We haven't been doing chemistry for thousands of years but we have encountered different races. Yet the inherent superiority of the aryan was just assumed.
Race-prejudice has existed for thousands of years at least. I'm certainly educated on the topic, are you?

>> No.21016857

This is the same kind of nigga who thinks it's fine to deplatform fascists from twitter. Laws for thee and all that, right, nigga?

>> No.21016879

If today some government encouraged university students to burn books against social and gender marxism, covid dictatorship, or simply books where conspiracy plots of today are plainly revealed, you'd get the same thing.

>> No.21016896

protip: anti-tranny sentiment is the same thing as how chinese people drown female babies

if someone's small and cute then it's harder to let them be maximally exploited, and if your population of exploitable persons(male) starts fucking off and opting out, that's an economic problem

>> No.21016921

i.e. girls can't be worked like boys because the human psyche will not allow it and because their bodies aren't made for it, so they get done away with before they can become economically counterproductive

intercepting specifically mtf transition is, at the limit, a means of preventing the supply of certain kinds of labor from dwindling. if people who were born male have the option to exit, they have leverage, which means that labor costs go up

this is, of course, schizo channer shit, so take from it what you will

>> No.21017000

Fucking off and opting out doesn't need to involve mutilating your body.

>> No.21017006

>i don't even like book burnings
t. goebbels

>> No.21017021

If nothing else, burning books is terrible for optics.