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20997898 No.20997898 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Ameriretards constantly want to ban books? Literally muslim tier behaviour.

>> No.20997910

You say it like Eurocucks are any different
t. eurochad

>> No.20997916

Spiritually they are still Puritans

>> No.20997927

Amazon has banned many right-wing books as well. It's not just homosexual and lesbian books.

>> No.20997935

I don't understand the point, it's not like zoomers read to begin with, pretty sure it's just virtuesignalling

>> No.20997936

Like which ones? Turner Diaries? It’s literally promoting terrorism.

>> No.20997942

Not really, Puritanism was originally concentrated in the north, yet the north is now more progressive than the south. Modern American conservatism which is concentrated in the South, the place that drew immigrants because you could use slaves to grow tobacco and get rich, is not related to the religious immigrants to America who concentrated their activity in the North.

>> No.20997947

It’s stupider with each passing year as parents hand their toddlers an ipad with access to every depraved thing on the internet. Every book is also downloadable to whoever wants it. But fewer and fewer kids even read in the first place (see iToddler problem).
On the one hand it’s stupid they fight over this but on the other isn’t it even dumber to care about their “bans”?

>> No.20997948

>>(((Juno Dawson)))

>> No.20997958
File: 45 KB, 324x500, 40694841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20997968

btw as someone from the south, i see this all as kind of a psy op, we were never the most religious part of America, until basically the poor white people in the south got poorer and poorer due to slavery (see the Impending Crisis of the South book), and then slavery was ended which kind of left a huge gap in southern culture and destroyed our wealth so now we have just been the poor part of America with a shit ton of niggers left over. I think that our conservatism is basically a product of poverty and ruralism and not any historical legacy. The weird part for me is that I am from a part of the south that didnt have a lot of plantations and therefore was mostly poor whites who didn’t support the confederacy, but now there is so much confederate sympathy here even though historically we were never confederates.

>> No.20997976

whoops meant to reply to my post >>20997942

>> No.20997977

I'm not American but a professor I know, one of the most knowledgeable scholars of Carl Schmitt in the country, had a translation grant denied by a government board. He told us one of the reviewers said that they "wouldn't spend public money translating a nazi." That's real censorship.

This article probably talks about fundies on the deep south and midwest wanting to ban homosexual propaganda. Who cares?

>> No.20997980

If only

>> No.20997984

>Attempts to shoehorn bad books into libraries escalates.
Refusing bad books is banning?
Oh so sick of the IDpol

t. Leftist

>> No.20997990

>why are retards retardedly retarding
Because they're retarded
Muslim tier behavior would be a slight improvement

>> No.20997995

OP is fucking retarded, and is viewing this phrasing from a Eurocentric mindset where such things do actually happen.

Books being "banned" in America means they aren't allowed/taught in public schools. That's it. You can still buy them. They're not illegal to own. They're just not allowed in the public school system. I can't blame you though because you come from a place where such bans are actually real lmao.

>> No.20998003

Oh, noes! Somebody is trying to ban (((Being a monkey-AIDS riddle disgusting tranny freak is ok actually!!!))) #6,000,001!!!! We have to stop this censorship of vital literature immediately! It's like annudah shoah!

>> No.20998037

> LMAO, you don't hab freeze peach!!
> *Kid gets shot at school*
> *Eats the hamburger of mourning*
> *Gets a heart attack*
> *Hospital refuses him because he cannot pay*
> *Dies*

>> No.20998056

Good you people are insufferable. Better start charging us room & board by now.

>> No.20998065

Good thing we maintain a military presence over there. You don't have to thank us for that

>> No.20998116

Bait thread but it’s because conservatives have lost all socio-cultural power and have been frozen out of socio-cultural power institutions so they have no recourse but to The Political to engage in socio-cultural warfare. This is a great positive for the socio-cultural egalitarians, because despite being militantly intolerant of conservatives and their ideas in civil society, the conservatives can be framed as the militantly intolerant ones, despite the fact that the bans are being enacted under duress. In other words, this is conservatives tying their own noose but there’s no way out for them now beyond violent revolution (more The Political activity) because their enemies control the normative order, and have the power to define

>> No.20998127

Because "civilisation" is an illusion. It's not just America, it's every country that you think is civilised. England, France, Germany, Canada, Australia. It's easy to assume, because these countries have infrastructure, technology, "the rule of law", etc., that they have achieved some kind of Enlightenment ideal of an intelligently organised, reason-based community. But the fact is, the vast majority of people who live in these countries are simple-minded savages. Some are more trained in the jargon of the Enlightenment than others, but none of them really understands anything other than "me good, them bad". Let's take America as an example, since you asked about it specifically. The Constitution lays out pretty clear rules about how to maintain a country according to the ideals of the Enlightenment. One of those rules, which should seem obvious to anyone with more than two brain cells, is that the judiciary should be separate from the legislature. But in America today, if you ask people about the Supreme Court, there is literally nobody at any level of society who advocates that position. The court is viewed as an arm of the legislature. The different "sides" merely disagree about what legislation the court should or should not endorse. This demonstrates that nobody in America—not even the people in the very highest positions of government—actually understands the nature of their own political system. The political system is just theatre, what is really going on is pure tribalism. This is true of "both sides", of all classes, of all education levels, of all faiths. As social media enables more and more people to say what they actually think, it is becoming more and more obvious that politicians on all sides have vastly underestimated the extremist views of their constituents, and they will need to adapt in order to retain their jobs. The veneer of constitutional republicanism will crumble, and we will be back in the Dark Ages.

>> No.20998128

Didn't they ban some Dugin book?

>> No.20998137

Incoherent gibberish.

>> No.20998147


>> No.20998160

Read Albion’s Sneed. The Northeast Puritans was indeed far more religious than the Southerners but religiosity should not in this case be conflated with any kind of conservatism or “right-wing” orientation. The Puritans were undeniably radicals in their politics and especially in their views on power and hierarchy. The settlers of the South were disproportionately Anglican monarchists and Scottish rough and tumble warrior types. You can draw a straight line from the politics of each region in their foundation all the way up to the present. Tldr Puritanism=/=conservatism and this can’t be stressed enough

>> No.20998164

> LMAO, you don't hab freeze peach!!
You don't.
> *Kid gets shot at school*
My kids don't go to public school.
> *Eats the hamburger of mourning*
Sometimes, I suppose, but we don't eat fast factory food, which is what you're probably thinking of.
> *Gets a heart attack*
Don't see this happening anytime soon with my diet, lifestyle, and family history.
> *Hospital refuses him because he cannot pay*
I can pay. Just don't see myself ending up there for heart disease anytime soon though.
> *Dies*
Some day. But I'll do it standing, not on my knees, eurocuck.

>> No.20998166

Why shouldn't parents have a say in what their children are taught? The state shouldn't raise children however they please

>> No.20998174

Maybe forcing kids to read books written by mentally ill troons is not the best COA

>> No.20998184

Read Plato's Republic.

>> No.20998199

Have you ever thought that you were obsessed with the americas?

>> No.20998203

It has been said by the founding fathers that without good morals, liberty shall not last.
When books exist that paint vice as virtue, it is our duty to suspend the proliferation of such material.
Samuel Adams often proclaimed that virtue is the best security, or no state shall be free.

Samuel Adams
>Libertywill not long survive the total extinction of morals.
>The eyes of mankind will be upon you to see whether the Government, which is now more popular than it has been for many years past, will be productive of more virtuemoraland political. We may look up to Armies for our Defense, but Virtue is our best Security. It is not possible that any State should long remain free, where Virtue is not supremely honored.
>He who is void of virtuous Attachments in private Life, is, or very soon will be void of all Regard for his Country. There is seldom an Instance of a Man guilty of betraying his Country, who had not before lost the Feeling ofmoralObligations in his private Connections.

Benjamin Franklin also have said that good morals are the basis of public liberty and happiness.
>[O]nly a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.
>Whereas true religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness [...] it is hereby earnestly recommended to the several States to take the most effectual measures for the encouragement thereof.
>Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.
>Laws without morals are in vain.

George Washington said that
>Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society.
>[V]irtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government.
>Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with its virtue?

John Adams as well have said
>We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion [...] Our Constitution was made only for a MORAL and RELIGIOUS people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
>Liberty can no more exist without virtue and independence than the body can live and move without a soul.
>Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only foundation of republics.
>[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.

The laws of man stand no ground to virtue, as it is the foundation of the republic. When public morals and virtue are at risk, and its vector of attack is focused on our most vulnerable youth, it is virtuous to restrict these forces exploiting the medium honored by our constitution.

>> No.20998300

“For My Legionaries” by Codreanu. I think they also banned that A History of Central Banking book.

>> No.20998301

the founding fathers were also larping as greco-romans and made up their stupid "democracy" based on this stupid meme, who give a fuck what they think. they also only wanted landowners to vote, universal suffrage would be viewed as an absurd idea to them, so idk why people bother bringing up these fags as the founders of "our democracy" as if they'd piss on you if you were on fire

they were right that normies are so fucking dumb society is basically over if everyone stops believing in god, but whatever.

>> No.20998317

I like to say "quakers".

>> No.20998323

They banned a ton of Dugin's stuff, David Irving, Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard and others that I don't remember off the top of my head
><it's literally promoting terrorism?
first, so? second, Industrial Society and its Future doesn't? third, seethe,cope, dilate. fourth, ywnbaw. fifth, kys

>> No.20998331

Yeah, none of that has to do with free speech. I don't know why you're having an incel meltdown over it. Calm down.

>> No.20998335


Extending the franchise to women, the very young and other races is stupid on its face, and contemporary "society" is proof of this stupidity. When you own land, you have skin in the game. This forces rationally self-interested choice, which leads to a healthier society.

>> No.20998339

Because parents having a say implies that there can be natural relationship of hierarchy between two humans. It also implies that individuals are part of corporative entities that incur obligations on them. The only relationship any human can belong to is that between them and the democratically elected State. Whatever this State does, you, by being a member of the democracy, automatically consent to. In the final analysis, your children do not have the right not to read books written by troons. After all, they, being future members of the democracy, chose those books.

>> No.20998349

In the meantime Ontarians are caving in to request by Native groups to organize autodafe of kid's books.
I know fuck all about burgers banning books so I'm not saying for or against one way or another, apart that given how shitty most modern books are, most of them being banned doesn't devalue literature as a whole, but I don't think you can simply point at them and laugh and think some iteration of the same shit isn't happening to your country in some way.

>> No.20998354

>Whatever this State does, you, by being a member of the democracy, automatically consent to.

Lol. Lmao. Rofl. Kek

>> No.20998357

It's pretty much just moms who want to impose their viewpoint on what is appropriate for minors of X age and fear gays/grooming. Occassionally an old book with "nigger" gets hit as well.

>> No.20998372


You seem to be incorrectly insinuating that those mothers are wrong. A woman's proper office is the upbringing of young children, which entails molding their worldview and simple moral instruction, of which women are capable.

>> No.20998377

Because like all 'free' markets, the free marketplace of ideas is ripe for manipulation, monopolization, and abuse - and it has never been demonstrated that free markets result in ethical, moral, or intellectual development on par with the economic development that material free markets bring (whilst sharing all other negative properties).
The idea that anyone should be able to learn anything - or be taught anything - is actually not founded on any meaningful principal.

>> No.20998386

Not my personal opinion, but that is absolutely how members of the government see it. Liberal democracies, having the mandate of history, progress, and humanity, can’t ever do anything wrong, and if they do do anything wrong, it’s only because they failed to be sufficiently liberal and democratic. Enemies of the consensus opinions of state functionaries and their allies in education and media institutions literally do not have a right to exist, because these people have the sanction of Humanity. You wouldn’t want to be an enemy of Humanity would you?

>> No.20998410

What gives this thing called "humanity" the status to confer upon the state its power. 500 years ago they would tell you that they have the mandate of "God" on their side. Can't really argue against that either, can you?

>> No.20998416

you're shocked that people want to force their worldview on other people..? what paradise do you live in where this isn't the case?

>> No.20998424

Sounds interesting might have to read it

>> No.20998456

To add on, the puritan church is now a bunch of different ones, the most famous being the United Church of Christ, and it mostly exists to fundraise for Barrack Obama.

>> No.20998463

Ok, now write the good faith version.

>> No.20998465


>> No.20998490

You just figured it out. Humanity occupies the space God did in those earlier arguments. Human rights, for example, are eternal and undeniable. It’s still a mystery where they came from, but human rights are definitely real and important, because they just are okay?

>> No.20998524

>Proper office
Stop worshipping "trad" women please.

I don't disagree with the idea that kids shouldn't be exposed to a glut of sexual content, especially content meant to push a specific agenda in-line with the demands of liberal ideology.
That said, I don't know where these "lines" should be drawn and I am skeptical of the claims of those who insist that they do know. Should a high school library carry an explicit paperback romance for instance?
It also makes me uncomfortable that but for their sexual and political content, many of these books would be made available and I don't believe parents should have any say in what public libraries which serve adults carry, which is a power they do seem to exercise. Don't step on my rights as a taxpayer because Karen doesn't want Timmy and her other welfare babies reading a gay book.

>> No.20998628

>freeze peach
Are you a tumblr dyke from 2014? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.20998635

There are many places where parents may not be able to determine what skills should be relevant for children to learn or may have objections to them learning actual facts.
That being said, parents should absolutely have a say about portions of a curriculum that are used to influence children morally and politically, like humanities classes are.

>> No.20998680

Muslim here, why are you bringing us into it we don't ban books unless they are promoting illegal things which is perfectly reasonable.

>> No.20998681

Public libraries exist to serve their local community. If the community doesn't want certain books in their community, fair enough.

>> No.20998692

>. The political system is just theatre, what is really going on is pure tribalism.
Best answer here. It's palpably clear with the Supreme Court where basically anytime the court makes decisions people dislike, suddenly you get people irl actually arguing that we should just get rid of them.
I think though it's always been rancorous and tribalistic. That's just politics. People like the fiction of a past were people were civilized. In the early 20th century in the U.S you have anarchists sending pipe bombs to politicians, labor riots, ethnic conflicts, and demagogues like Coeglin or Huey Long that gained mass followings.

>> No.20998709
File: 359 KB, 1828x1534, Screenshot 2022-09-16 152955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know when people talk about "banned books" in america its mostly either 2 things, a pr thing to say,
>"oh look how REBELIOUS and COOL these nono books are, its like a secrete or something! it would be really funny if you read them, haha"
then they have a little stand in the public library of some grade school that then no one but the midwit girl who spout basic bitch-isms proceeds to read. And it usually contains something like Catcher in the rye which was slightly titillating in 1955, and diary of a wimpy kid cause he had the cheese touch.
>Yah lets not spend school money on this shit to put in our grade school library since its not what the parent teacher group likes.

they are never actually "banned" in any real capacity more then what the word that serve as a snazy headline.
It literally takes 1 hick towns parents to say, "Yah I dont like Cummy mcfartfaces comming out" for a book to be considered """""""banned""""""" in common parlance. its not like a swat team gets called when the skinny kid pulls out Kite Runner;

For instance I think Captian Underpants and 50 shades of grey were also a "banned book" to give a sense of the level we are talking about.Its usually stuff that a slightly protective parent doesn't want their 8 year old to read. Like I think the kite runner was on it to because there was violence in it.

>> No.20998783

Delete your post, Achmed. Legality is subjective and you’re a clown.

>> No.20998812

It's only "marginally" subjective under sharia, in that there are some things which are matters of opinion although those must be agreed upon by consensus. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say.

>> No.20998909
File: 53 KB, 341x499, 51+a+1IsZLL._SX339_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a "banned" book, so you know what that term implies in the us. something being slightly too crass for 6 year olds. I can literally find it being sold at a toy store.

>> No.20998917

So how is it banned

>> No.20998923

>amazon has banned
No, they stopped selling it. There's a difference.

>> No.20998956

Why do they use the word banned then? Can you guys not speak your own language?

>> No.20998958

I worked in a bookstore about 3 years ago for awhile and they run a charity to help schools get funding to buy books, and the librarian's 'plea' they used to market it was literally about nothing but how they wanted more books about black and gay and indigenous people. Ideally all 3 at once i imagine

>> No.20998964

Muslims in some countries insist on banning books they find offensive as well. The actions of Muslims are far more relevant here, just like the actions of Christians, rather than "how it should be".

>> No.20998965

encouraged disruptive behavior like turning your principle into an underwear wearing super hero.

>> No.20998971

because it sounds better as a headline for articles. thats literally it.

>> No.20998982

Being purposefully offensive is contrary to the ideals of Islam.
There's also often enough a case of incitement, which can be offensive as well, which is also illegal and it is logical to prohibit the incitement rather than having to deal with the consequences of unchecked incitement.

>> No.20998986

No, dipshit, how is it BANNED if you can fucking buy it. Disallowing something is not the same as banning it.

>> No.20998989

Do Europeans actually ban books like you describe? I thought their bans were like ours and that the EU required members to guarantee basic liberties. Can Germans not even own or read shit the government deems extremist?

>> No.20998990

>*Hospital refuses him because he cannot pay*
1. Hospitals treat you even if you cant pay
2. Insurance, you know the thing that your government forces you to pay? just pay it by yourself.

>> No.20998995

Yeah but that's not even close to "banning" you should sue them to become a millionaire instead of suing redbull for not actually giving you wings.

>> No.20998999

So you agree with the muslims who think things they don't like should be banned? Even marginal shit that criticizes Islam like the Satanic Verses? Only the most edge-case bible thumpers here push for "The God Delusion" and such to not be allowed. It's mostly sexual shit they don't like.

>> No.20999003

Yeah, pornography for one.

>> No.20999006

Media has extra protection against getting sued. In USA you have to prove that the media was intentionally trying to smear your name/damage you reputation with lies. That's not the case outside USA.

>> No.20999021

Would any description of deviant sexual activity be unacceptable? How about mere desire?

>> No.20999029

>they're progressives, so they can't be puritans!
Lol, lmao

>> No.20999046

>In USA you have to prove that the media was intentionally trying to smear your name/damage you reputation with lies.
They are literally smearing and damaging the name of the US by making it look like a pakistan-level shithole to foreigners. Now go find a lawyer and become a billionaire.

>> No.20999101

>Do Europeans actually
>Can Germans

>> No.20999133

Why is it banned?

>> No.20999248

well, i guess it technically is “banning” its just not a federal or even really state ban. they are more local organization parent-teacher association bans. though I guess its more a policy at that point since they cant directly ban it under law. but more like when a school has a an anti- fidget spinner “ban” in school but probably even less enforced.

regardless, yes its primarily used as a polemic device. im 23 and they even had that wording back in the 2000’s. it often was a subsection with catcher in the rye or the giver or some other very mildly edgy tome and i kinda got a wiff of bullshit even back then. its more a badge of transgressiveness more than it being an actual problem.

>> No.20999260

like one town of circe 300 in lower Idaho probably had a mom who thought a fart joke would promote bad behavior in her son so she took it to the parent teacher meeting and noone else cared enough to shoot down her motion to take out the one raggedy copy of it in the middle school library.

thus is the criterion to become a banned book.

>> No.20999261

its really not if you had read the book it was larpy as hell they deploy tactical nukes for fuck sake

>> No.20999278

Homesexual propaganda is bad but nazi propaganda is good?

>> No.20999287

reductive, but essentially correct.

>> No.20999301

… anon, banned books mean slightly disconcerting to pearl clutching middle american moms, not ACTUAL banned books. thats the reason why das kapital usually arent on those “lists” either.

>> No.20999353

Euros don’t have free speech protection.
Eat shit.

>> No.20999400

So is the Unabomber manifesto but it's public domian

>> No.20999537

As if any of the "banned" books in the NYT article are banned either. It's literally just a public school library not having a book on its shelf. Someone can still go to the city library or a book store and get it

>> No.21000773

Didn't they ban E Michael Jones

>> No.21001276

They did. Poofed all his books off Amazon without even notifying him that they were gone, meaning you can only get them now directly from his site.

>> No.21001302

They can't handle people that don't conform.
They've no idea how to even talk about non conforming people, let alone how to talk to with them.

>> No.21001351

They didn’t ban anything you retarded goy

>> No.21001523

If someone came and said "I banned cheese" meaning they happen to not have cheese in their own fridge that day, everyone whould agree that he's a retard.

>> No.21001533

The Transgender-Industrial Complex by Scott Howard was banned from there a few days after its initial publication.

>> No.21001598

"Not in a public school library" banned

>> No.21001604

If Southerners are Americans... are Germans Europeans?

>> No.21001611


>> No.21001634

Can still buy

>> No.21001639
File: 553 KB, 1600x4290, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-WruV9mDcSpe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody read antelope hill's fiction?

>> No.21001641

Let them look west was very good, haven't read POST yet.

>> No.21001649

Fuck you and your military. Also:
Two words: Free Healthcare.
Happy to live in a continent of real first world country.

>> No.21001794

Don't need free shit when I can afford non-free shit. Healthcare is also a meme. You don't need drugs and charlatans to poke and prod you when you're from hearty stock and have a healthy lifestyle.

>> No.21001796

Republicans post southern-strategy has their cultural roots in the Anglican royalist simps of virginia and the deep south, read some Woodard.

>> No.21002372

I wanted more conflict and resolution. Doubt I'll pick up the short story collection though.

>> No.21002403

>things they don't like
I didn't say that.

>> No.21002408

"banned" in America means "taken out of an English curriculum" or "removed from school library circulation". it's just what groomers say to justify forcing children to read their propaganda.

>> No.21002597

USA is a Quaker/Unitarian Universalist theocracy, not puritan.

>> No.21002639

Canada had an actual, literal book burning overseen by a white woman pretending to be a native.
People don't pretend to support for freedom of expression or speech anymore. It's just a struggle over who gets to control the culture at any cost, although a very obviously one sided one in favor of cultural liberalism.

>> No.21002695

I mean,bros,have you tried bringing up nietszche or any books for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating, screeching and snivelling hysterically as if begging to be put out of their misery"wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been deboonked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been watching CNN reading the NYT streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.21002703

have already read lots of anti trans books so by this point id be more interested in reading pro trans literature. What could possibly justify this madness?what is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs, this snivelling priesthood of pedophilic apparatchiks, cowardly hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to rape, groom abuse and indoctrinate our children, purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for pharmaceuticals, the managerial state, NGOs the corporate monoculture and the democratic party, i mean these most noble and progressive these most pitiful and wretched of creatures?

Any lgbt/ gay/queer theory/ transgender/ cultural marxism books you would recommend to a straight white cis male who is trying to overcome his deepseated heteronormative prejudices, and be a better ally to our politically correct friends in the corporate social engineering and propaganda/child molestation community? prejudices which cant help but flare up at the beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress in article related?


People are getting banned for calling out trans activist Alok Vaid-Menon tweet saying that “little girls are kinky” and should be sexualised

>> No.21002717

America sucks ass but the one decent thing is that we don’t literally ban books or send people to prison for making their dog say Heil Hitler

>> No.21002740

le dont conform by adopting a politically correct victim lifestyle identity agressively promoted by social engineering the compulsory education system, the ruling political party and all major corporations!

>> No.21002748

I like the term cultural marxism, its like calling them groomers or bioleninists, you know you've hit onto something because suddenly all the right people are pissed off.

>> No.21002775

low effort /pol/ thread
>make thousands of Heather Has Two Mommies derivatives
>messaging is so obvious even lethargic PTA lady types pick up on it and try to remove it from curricula or publicly funded libraries
>use something as vague as "attempt to restrict" so you can get number higher
>Literally muslim tier behaviour

>> No.21003157

Yeah, it's fun to see leftist intellectual types get frustrated when confronted with someone who isn't so deferential to academia that they're willing to have their own standards of categorization. It's a perfect demonstration of the impotence of their intellectual tradition.

>> No.21003734

>Why do Ameriretards constantly want to ban books? Literally muslim tier behaviour.
The books really aren’t being “banned” in most cases.
The decision simply means that government or other organizations put the books on a list banning those entities from spending money on those books, or possibly having those books on the shelves, although banning the purchase of the books is more the norm.
Given that some of the Libraries that have been mentioned in news articles don’t have many basic publications,( like the National Electric Code, and basic Legal codes(I checked) ), banning the library from spending money on multiple transgender children’s books seems very reasonable.

>> No.21003804

lol who the fuck are you kidding?

>> No.21004368

yes but europeans aren't german

>> No.21004384

This totally. also if being American = Muslim then why aren't feminists being killed en masse?

>> No.21004402

banned is a marketing term anyway. plenty of both left and right wingers make a career out of pretending that they're being silenced

>> No.21004803

Americans don't care. This is another bot/shill piece to market these books. You should consider anything you read on twitter as being related to advertising. Either it is: a bot; a hired promoter or troll; or someone who has had their thinking to molded by advertisements that they don't even know that they're no longer human, and just a sock puppet for the marketing industry.

>> No.21004829

But certain books should be banned, you moron

>> No.21004868
File: 773 KB, 1080x720, 1563A10E-0C0E-4FCB-BB05-A75701122C80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are tribal savages. They have no regard for moral principles. Book burnings and book bans are just a natural consequence of this fact.

>> No.21004878

Book-banning is really being driven by the radical left which is invading schools and is intolerant to nuance and more interested in indoctrination than education. Of course, banning books is futile in the age of the internet . A running list of banned books is recorded, and it just signals to weird kids what the "cool books are" that the authorities they hate don't want them reading, thus having the opposite of the intended effect. But nobody said these people are smart.

>> No.21004879

America is the most free place in earth wrt what you can publish there

>> No.21006680


>> No.21006694

>Can still buy
We're talking about Amazon, keep up

>> No.21007034

OK, Groomer

>> No.21007044

imagine the smell

>> No.21007481


I find the Quakers to be really chill, why do you say they are behind banning? Are US Quakers different to UK quakers? Here they basically like to sit around in a circle and do peaceful environmental activisim

>> No.21007492


>> No.21007523

> In the early 20th century in the U.S you have anarchists sending pipe bombs to politicians, labor riots, ethnic conflicts, and demagogues like Coeglin or Huey Long that gained mass followings.
sigh those were the days

>> No.21007534


>> No.21007621

clickbait for money.

>> No.21007654


Huey Long would've unironically saved America.

>> No.21007973


>> No.21008497

Are you that guy who said Puritanism is genetic? In any case, I'm inclined to agree, although I feel that the descendants of those Scottish warriors exist today in their own woke form. People say their beliefs are this and that, but blood will always tell and the desire by the woke for revenge and "justice" is just a manifestation of something that always was, now with different names.

>> No.21008573

Modern progressives inherited the spirit of Puritans. They just use it in service of a totally different worldview

>> No.21008981

>banning books
does this mean your typical American actually reads?

>> No.21009455
File: 1.12 MB, 720x721, 1644031090660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun Home
why ban this? if we just let kids read this pile of garbage it'd turn them off homosexuality for good because they'd realize how drab and uninteresting lesbians are

>> No.21009477

If you didn't want your kid to become a tranny you shouldn't have sent them to a public school desu

>Duuuuurrr surely the government has the best interest of my child at heart

fucking retards