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/lit/ - Literature

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20979529 No.20979529 [Reply] [Original]

I legitimately hate LotR in ways I cannot fathom. I hate the prose. I hate the worldbuilding. Most of all I hate the fans. Be they the hippies of old, the LARPing tradcath Americans or the embarassing consoooomers who practise HEMA and think they're heckin knights. I hate the self-righteous and smug aura LotRfags have, as if it's some enlightened philosophical book instead of a shitty adventure tale that ruined the fantasy genre forever. I even hate the movies. Always did. They rubbed me off the wrong way and I never watched them. I hate that retard Christopher and his dumb views.
>muh Hollywood ruined muh papa's intelligent philosophical piece of fiction
You dumb cunt, it's a story about barefoot dwarves fighting a cardboard cutout written to satisfy Tolkien's linguistic autism and seething Anglo ego for not having an English Illiad. Christ.

I literally root for Sauron and Melkor just because I hate it so, so much. Which brings me to my point. One day I'll write the literal reverse. Instead of being inspired by Northern Myths, it'll be inspired by Southern ones. Instead of Sauron being the villain, he'll be the protagonist. Instead of
>reeeeeeeee tech bad and weed gud
it'll be an actually balanced take. Intead of a contrived
>muh Kang from da Norf coming to save the stoopid South
narrative it won't have any of that, because I'm not a seething moron. It'll be about a Conqueror, period. And it'll change fantasy forever. Mark this post.

I hate, hate, HATE LotR and Tolkien.

>> No.20979547

As a book you read form entertainment I can understand why a lot of people like it
But I really don't think it can be considered High Literature and the fact that I 've seen a lot of people here too think it is kinda baffles me

>> No.20979556

I hate /tv/posters so much its unreal

>> No.20979569

pippin smoke weed and this guy walks in he's like "FUCK you pippin" not lying pippin blows his toke in the guy's face and then roundhouse kicks his throat. this guy falls over and he's still rolling down the hill while pippin starts packin another bowl

>> No.20979574

t. satanist

>> No.20979903

I like LOTR but I think it's overrated.

>> No.20979917

>roundhouse kicks his throat
roundhouse kicks him squarely in the nuts

>> No.20980031

If you hate fans of anything and that prevents you from enjoying stuff, you are literally retarded.
You have no obligation to talk or engage with people who do same things as you. Especially on the internet, it might as well be that they do not exist at all.

>> No.20980083

There's a part me that enjoys the mindless fantasy that LotR provides. Fortunately that's all I need and I can safely ignore the 20 gorillion imitators written by sweaty neckbeard atheists and mormons

>> No.20980130

>One day I'll write the literal reverse
No, you don't. Even this shitpost is very boring. No, you know, sparks of sincere hatred.

>> No.20980169

You're right, I stopped reading the OP at the first sentence

>> No.20980205

> One day I'll write the literal reverse. Instead of being inspired by Northern Myths, it'll be inspired by Southern ones. Instead of Sauron being the villain, he'll be the protagonist.

You might want to check out The Last Ringbearer.

>> No.20980374
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Go to bed, George. Tolkien actually finished his epic, and that's what you can't stand.

>> No.20980411

>t. Rings of Power showrunner

>> No.20980416

Bakker already did this you idiot
also most of today's grimdark fantasy is just that - a rejection of Tolkien
Instead of reacting do what Gene Wolfe did, write something completely diffferent.

>> No.20980438
File: 205 KB, 513x747, Kullmann Th., Siepmann D. - Tolkien as a Literary Artist. Exploring Rhetoric, Language and Style in The Lord of the Rings (2021) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I really don't think it can be considered High Literature
I really think you should go fuck yourself.

>> No.20980452
File: 580 KB, 1600x1198, 1618705030376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord of the Rings is alright, I think the whole thing is vastly overrated compared to The Hobbit however. The Hobbit was the only good book that Tolkien had written.

>> No.20980485
File: 405 KB, 1126x818, Korpua J. - Constructive Mythopoetics in J. R. R. Tolkien's Legendarium (2015) (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if it's some enlightened philosophical book instead of a shitty adventure tale
It is, though.

>> No.20980527

>linguistic autism
What most authors aspired to, until JRR showed it could be done. This ruined writing for those who thought it was always going to be a vocation without resolution, so they couldn't be faulted for failing to achieve it, except he did. For writers mostly focused on exploring themes this wasn't a problem as they could still do so; it was those for whom it was a calling to add to literature itself that had nothing left to do that Tolkien hadn't already done. So began the attacks on fantasy as a genre that poisoned western culture for decades, leading to the best film of his work(The Fellowship of The Ring) being denied the Best Picture Oscar in favour of another film which no one remembers without first checking.

Seeth and cope, because every major cultural milestone since has borrowed from it and owes to it: the very ideas of the hero's journey, strict adherence to continuity and world-building based on consistency. These all spawned Dune, Star Wars, the MCU, Ice & Fire, and abandoning those ideas is what has and will ruin them all, because the opposite is 'your' ideas and they've already been tried.

>> No.20980531

>I even hate the movies. Always did. They rubbed me off the wrong way and I never watched them
Imagine being filtered by your own base instinctual emotions. Sad.

>> No.20980754

Yeah tolkienfags are just right wing harry potterfags. There is literally nothing profound in all of LoTR that you couldn't get from reading greek myths or aurthurian legends or any of the other stuff tokien stole from.

>> No.20980759

>I dislike popular thing!
Good for you. No one cares.

>> No.20982156

Tolkien is the only fantasy writer with any literary merit.

>> No.20982165

You are right I am not a English person so I should not dictate what you can consider literature or not.
If LOTR was from my country tho I would feel embarrassed if it was considered literature

>> No.20982185

>tolkienfags are just right wing harry potterfags
Harry Potter - "Hurr durr, death is just another adventure, Harry..."
LotR - "but it’s like things are in the world. Hopes fail. An end comes. We have only a little time to wait now. We are lost in ruin and downfall, and there is no escape"

>> No.20982193
File: 16 KB, 278x357, Mervyn_Peake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your statement is objectively wrong, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Tolkien isn't even anywhere close to the fantasy writer with the most literary merit

>> No.20982204

And for that he deserves to be remembered and to be considered a great author (because he is not discussing that) but still High Literature is something else

>> No.20982225
File: 381 KB, 1038x750, Kullmann Th., Siepmann D. - Tolkien as a Literary Artist. Exploring Rhetoric, Language and Style in The Lord of the Rings (2021) (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High Literature is something else
Yes, High Lit is what pompous fags say it to be.

>> No.20982242
File: 70 KB, 828x820, 1652195272714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>reeeeeeeee tech bad and weed gud
>it'll be an actually balanced take. Intead of a contrived
>>muh Kang from da Norf coming to save the stoopid South
>narrative it won't have any of that, because I'm not a seething moron. It'll be about a Conqueror, period. And it'll change fantasy forever. Mark this post.
It's been done. Look up "The Last Ringbearer" by Kirill Eskov.

>> No.20982264

>>reeeeeeeee tech bad
Tech is literally the reason why 95% of population are slaves (wage-slaves) today. One starts with promises of free healthcare, one ends with bureaucratic monstrosities, total camera surveillance and bullshit jobs.

>> No.20982803

The problem with making crybaby pants-pissing posts like this about tolkien, where you irrationally hold his works to some supreme standard where it has to be both artfully written, entertaining, and original, while also being philosophically deep as the Bible or philosophy texts, you're subliminally signalling how good LotR is by setting such ridiculous standards you wouldn't use for any other book.

>> No.20982849

came here to post this. There are two kinds of people that dont engage with the material solely because of the fan base
1) those who dont want those people to rub off on them, which has a simple solution. just dont interact with them.
2) "the internet told me it was bad to be a fan and I I dont want to be bad!" It is this kind of person that makes me really wish we could foster an internet wide stance that it is lame to want to live. just so that people that are so week willed as to allow the opinions of the internet to dictate their lives would an hero.

>> No.20982908

>but it’s like things are in the world. Hopes fail. An end comes. We have only a little time to wait now. We are lost in ruin and downfall, and there is no escape
Holy... Freaking... Shit

>> No.20982943

Bakker is that you? Go back to writing.

>> No.20982955

I recommend you to remember your post next time there is something wrong with your teeth and you need help of modern dentistry.

>> No.20983050

>next time there is something wrong with your teeth
1. Cavemen never needed a dentist, the selection pressure was ensuring that the population would produce people with strong teeth.
2. Now, imagine a person who first spends a decade in university to learn putting things inside human mouths, and then burns 8-12 lifehours away each day for a salary. No meaning, no intellectual stimulation, that's literally a subhuman job.
3. And the existence of this subhuman caste thrives upon white-collars, who have intelligence level equivalent to plankton and exist so that some corporation could successfully sell dildos.
4. All this biomass literally has 0 culture, does not have time to attain anything that makes a human being human, and yet this rabble keeps growing. Literal orcs.

Aristotle differentiated between "life" and "good life", and the tech only ensured that the former would be produced at the cost of the latter.

>> No.20983099

Yes, I know, and everyone also was 3 meters high back then, lived for 300 years and even shit cleaners had upwards to 200 IQ. VGH... What could have been...

>> No.20983229

>"The Last Ringbearer" by Kirill Eskov.
Imagine writing some kind of shit tier spy fiction in response to a bible. That would essentially be it. Shallow characters, poor language, zero understanding of the historical context and an attempt to attach modern politics and economy to medieval entities. Now elves bad, because they bad, and orcs wuzz mongols and shieet.

>> No.20984868

>t. Capeshit faggot
Only retarded non-whites hate LOTR.

>> No.20985135

>1. Cavemen never needed a dentist, the selection pressure was ensuring that the population would produce people with strong teeth.
Selection pressures make sure that something can live long enough to breed, on average. Cavemen didn't have "Strong teeth", they had teeth that got them to breeding.

They typically broke afterwards.

>> No.20985144

Kirill Eskov is Russian, and as such his works are based, trad, and kino. Z.

>> No.20985454

I've really come to appreciate the simple fairytale open worldness of The Hobbit as I've gotten older whereas I used to be a huge lore nerd. Gandalf as an eccentric old wandering magician is so much more interesting than an angel come to help mankind against the dark lord and blah blah blah.

>> No.20985639

This is pretty much what the Church of Satan is all about.

>> No.20985750

I’m sorry but it’s very very good prose and it’s knowledge and evolution of literary history are vast.
The problem is to 98% if everyone I talk to it’s just some dudes with cloaks and orcs foghthing

>> No.20985781
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>> No.20985822

It's value is more in the historical precedents it set. If the same story in all its characteristics was told by someone other than Tolkien it would not have such a lasting effect. But he had an extraordinary knowledge of philology and European mythology that raised the level of fantasy literature. He set the template for elves, dwarves, Dark Lords, Orcs, wizards etc. While these mythic entities existed in loose form prior to Tolkien, he brought them all together for the first time.

>> No.20985855

Bakker is a Tolkien fan tho

>> No.20985861

Good enough
If they broke that means they weren't needed anymore and they could just die. Simple as.

>> No.20985880

Melkor and Sauron are the best parts, yeah.

>> No.20985958

He looks like he really tries very hard to flip Tolkien upside down though
>Noble ancient elven race is in state of complete ruin and despair, losing their minds from their longevity and has to engage in most depraved shit just to keep sanity
>Hero monarch who is supposed to save the world is deceiver, psycho stacking mountains of corpses for unclear ends, and probably also insane as well
>Horrible ultimate evil sitting in its dreadful keep at forlorn end of the world has most rational and reasonable motivation of all actors in story
>Divine agency is most outlandish and horrifying thing in setting

>> No.20985979

LotR will only increase in notoriety as its importance and longevity break through the artificial ceiling that academics place on fantasy. It will outlast its detractors and critics and cement itself as worthy literary fiction that broke barriers, invented genres, and inspired generations.

>> No.20986252

LOTR is decent but I think the Silmarillion as a literary synthesis of myth and sheer invention stands up there with The Iliad and The Odyssey. I would say the Bible too but I personally never rated the entirety of the Bible on the same level of epic poetry. There’s this whole didactic aspect of the Bible too which is just very distasteful for me and poisons the otherwise stellar literary qualities of some passages and poetry in the old and new testaments

>> No.20986338

you'll never write anything. you don't have it in you. keep spending your time hating on stuff people enjoy, that is sure going to bring you true happiness.

>> No.20986342

lol. i really like tolkien but putting the silmarillion next to the odyssey might be the funniest thing i read all day

>> No.20986346

Fuck of moorcock.

>> No.20986392

It's like Alejandro Jodorowsky and Dune. He literally said he was going "to rape it, but with love"

>> No.20986438

Yep, LOTR is not literature. The English has a very cultural understanding of the term.

>> No.20986442

Popularity and “cultural impact” are not markers for the quality of a work of art.

>> No.20986444

I hate it because of the retarded elf genealogy info dumps. Couldn't he have put that shit in the back after the story for the turbo nerds?

>> No.20986452

Some people want to see Being realized to a greater extent than what is normally allowed by crude Nature. This may require organization and the drive to make it a reality, employing other people too. You don’t need to participate.

>> No.20986485

>Popularity and “cultural impact” are not markers for the quality of a work of art.
Yet if a "work of art" has not attained any influence, then it's probably not art, but a circle-jerk made by postmodern pompous fags for postmodern pompous fags.

>> No.20986743

>I hate it because of the retarded elf genealogy info dumps.
But those are comfy as fuck.

>> No.20986763

I hate retards who use the term "high literature" as if its real.

>> No.20986775

Read the silmarilion, as well as tolkeins beowulf, green knight and saga translations and shut the fuck up.

>> No.20986789

It's funny because Jodorowsky never even read the book. There's never bern a bigger pseud in film history.

>> No.20986791


>> No.20986794

Ok. But why do you hate lotr in specific aside from the fact it's because you hate europeans in general.

>> No.20986799

What is then? People always say this without ever elaborating because they don't like the possibility that their "art" is trash.

>> No.20986807

Honestly, what the hell is it with medoids and having an irrational hatred/fear of northern euros?

>> No.20986883
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>> No.20988005

I mean, yeah, that was the whole idea behind his writing. But that by no means makes it so that he has to dislike LOTR. His writing utterly lacks the tone that faggy Tolkien-haters have.

>> No.20988017

They're just retarded and ought to be wiped off. They have no qualities that make them worth of life, and all they're doing is coping because they know it means nothing.

>> No.20988019
File: 15 KB, 640x360, 1646829131242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One day I'll write the literal reverse. Instead of being inspired by Northern Myths, it'll be inspired by Southern ones.

>> No.20988731

What books' prose and worldbuilding do you like, OP? Enlighten us.

>> No.20989110

He probably meant Hellenic myths.

>> No.20989221

I hate /tv/posters so much its unreal

>> No.20989563

Is your pic supposed to prove anything wrong?

>> No.20989642

Then he's even stupider than I thought.

>> No.20989881

What kind of manchild even has a meter for "worldbuilding he likes"??

>> No.20989900

I take it Mom and Dad are big fans, huh.
Or maybe it was your ex?

>> No.20991121

>LotR literally exists because Tolkien was seething hard that the AngloSaxons didn't have an Epic
>his villains are literally called Southorns and Easternlings, while his self-insert is a Northern King who saves Not!Constantinopole
Come on now...

>> No.20991128

>while his self-insert is a Northern King
Angband located in the North
Angmar located in the North