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20879694 No.20879694 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about messed up things the alphabet boys have done? Idk much about pic rel I just saw it at work and got me thinking

>> No.20879709

Legacy of Ashes is a good book to read if you think glowies are sinister, wide-reaching masters of reality. In truth, they're incompetent drunken bureaucrats who on rare occasions luck out.

>> No.20879748

Are there any good books written by glowies?
The more down to earth, realistic and not ideology driven the better.

>> No.20880373
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tim weiner is controlled opposition, pic related
>Legacy of Ashes is a good book to read if you think glowies are sinister, wide-reaching masters of reality. In truth, they're incompetent drunken bureaucrats who on rare occasions luck out
literally the opposite of the truth. weiner presents the cia as a bunch of incompetent dumbasses tripping over their dicks instead of a malevolent force

good books:
>pheonix program
>jakarta method
>hoover: the man and the secrets

>> No.20880388
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is this good?

>> No.20880441
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i've never heard of it, but it looks cool. pic rel is also about links between cia and the catholic church

>> No.20880460

Pic related is thinly veiled sarcasm and the article itself is simply stating what the CIA claims with no implication it is true. Do you have autism? Serious question.

>> No.20880466
File: 1.66 MB, 1936x2592, nonfiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent Interval - Frank Snepp: dissident CIA officer gives the inside story of what a shitshow the final years and pull out of Vietnam was
Hidden Terrors - A.J. Langguth: CIA trained South American police in torture and terror in the 1950s-70s under the guise of USAID police training
In Search of Enemies - John Stockwell: dissident CIA officer gives the inside story of CIA looking for another war to justify itself in the wake of Vietnam and provokes one in the Congo which blows up in its face spiralling out of control
Assassination on Embassy Row - John Dinges & Saul Landau / Labyrinth - Taylor Branch: What did the CIA know and when did it know it about the assassination of Orlando Letelier in Washington DC?
Deadly Deceits - Ralph McGehee: another dissident CIA officer gives the low down his work
Weakness and Deceit - Raymond Bonner: US complicity in El Salvadoran junta crimes
Out of Control - Leslie Cockburn: the numerous Raygun administration crimes
Crimes of Patriots - Jonathan Kwitny: why were a whole bunch of ex-CIA, special forces, and military logistics officers running a bank in Sydney Australia in the aftermath of Vietnam?
Washingtons War on Nicaragua - Holly Sklar: self explanatory
The Phoenix Program - Douglas Valentine: CIA industrialized assassination in Vietnam
Dangerous Liasions - Andrew and Leslie Cockburn: CIA and Israeli intelligence cooperation
The Politics of Heroin - Alfred W. McCoy: CIA complicity in narcotrafficking since the end of WWII, get the 2nd or 3rd edition
October Surprise - Gary Sick: what wouldn't an OSS veteran campaign manager and a CIA veteran vice presidential candidate do to win an election?
The Massacre at El Mozote - Mark Donner: Who, how, and why was the massacre at El Mozote denied and the careers of the journalists who reported ruined?
Dark Alliance - Gary Webb: in the 1980s a number of journalists looked into allegations of Contra complicity in the crack epidemic, like Leslie Cockburn and Bob Parry, and found tantalizing links Raygun administration but nothing concrete. Webb built on their work and instead traced things down the chain from the deals to distributors to Contra-connected importers.
Lost History - Bob Parry: sort of Out of Control pt 2
Killing Hope - William Blum: every US intervention, overt and covert, since WWII with a chapter for each and over 50 chapters.

Some more suggestions: aside from Snepp, Stockwell, and McGehee two more ex-CIA officers should be Sam Adams War of Numbers about the inflation of enemy body count numbers in Vietnam, and Philip Agees books and writings - he not only became a dissident critical of the CIA like these others but engaged in actively trying to undermine its operation by outing CIA officers

>> No.20880470

interesting. i always felt like the government was supporting the mob to keep communists out of trade unions, considering as soon as the soviet union fell, the feds really cracked down.

>> No.20880480

There is nothing wrong with beginning by quoting someones denial.
Does he simply accept it and say the case is closed?
Or go through the work of Webb, Parry, Cockburn, and others that has not been properly addressed?
>weiner presents the cia as a bunch of incompetent dumbasses tripping over their dicks instead of a malevolent force
Most of the time this is true.

>> No.20880502

The US worked with the mob after WWII for strike breaking in France and Italy to keep anti-fascist groups, who were based around unions and communist parties, from participating in post-war elections
To fund this, Corsican mafioso and ex-SS goons might like to crack skulls but they don't do it for free, money was required
Untraceable money
That they couldn't very well ask Congress for
And where do you get untraceable money you cannot ask your paymaster for?
You must go into business for yourself
And what business provides untraceable funds for illegal purposes?
So the French Connection was restarted

>> No.20880532

Dirty Wars - Jeremy Scahill / Will Kill Because We Can - Laurie Calhoun / Kill Chain - Andrew Cockburn / The Assassination Complex - Jeremy Scahill - JSOC raids and drone wars repeat Vietnam and Phoenix as farce
Shadow Wars - Christopher Daidson: history of US meddling Middle East

>> No.20880711
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>> No.20881066
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One of the most well sourced and balanced conspiracy books I've read

>> No.20881078
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Huh uh huh huh...Weiner

>> No.20881201

that doesnt look schizo at all :)

>> No.20881216

Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill is definitely one of the better ones in recent years.

>> No.20881230

Programmed To Kill
The CIA As Organized Crime
Secret Societies And Psychological Warfare

>> No.20881238
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>> No.20881253
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>> No.20882269


>> No.20882832

Anyone got books on the troubles and northern Ireland?

>> No.20883599

It has >100 pages of footnotes and citations. The deviantart cover was poorly chosen

>> No.20883647

Not a recommendation, but a thing to keep in mind is that it is best to avoid blanket statements like "oh the cia are a bunch of bumbling fools" or equally the opposite "they know everything and control everything". It is good to remember that not only are various agencies within the intel community loathe to co-operate with one another, seeing themselves as private kingdoms, they are also heavily compartmentalized internally with various departments at times operating as semi-autonomous fiefdoms. What agency? At what time? Where? Who was involved? Are necessary questions to ask. Especially the last one. Time and again you find that certain individuals pop-up in all kinds of places in official, semi-official, and ostensibly independent capacities making waves wherever they go.