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/lit/ - Literature

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20873954 No.20873954 [Reply] [Original]

>not so fast anon, the road to the library is BLOCKED unless you can name 5 Black authors' books currently on your bookshelf
What do?

>> No.20873961

i cant think of a single one

>> No.20873963
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>> No.20873964


>> No.20873965

Good god they are hideous, truly a cursed race

>> No.20873967

I want to get ebonyed By a black womn

>> No.20874036

I don't own any books. That's why I use the library, you stupid nigresses

>> No.20874052

invite the one on the right back to my place to show her my bipoc literature collection, then smash

>> No.20874076

Don't know the author's names but I have Things Fall Apart and the Palm-Wine Drunkard. I have read neither.

>> No.20874090

vroom vroom
dadum dadum

>> No.20874097


Some fit black women actually look nice. But they need to have non-afro hair.

Still, if you really have to racemix you should do it in Africa.

>> No.20874113

Pushkin, Dumas, Tolkien, Shakespeare, Oprah Winfrey

>> No.20874139

Is it weird if I don't know the colour of skin or gender of the authors?

>> No.20874153

Ywnbaw cuck

>> No.20874161

Toni Morrison, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Frederick Douglass, Thomas Sowell ez. Jokes on them because I would never read anything by Toni Morrison lmao

>> No.20874162

Yes. It's a good way to filter authors.

>> No.20874163


>> No.20874304

>>not so fast anon, the road to the library is BLOCKED unless you can name 5 Black authors' books currently on your bookshelf
>What do?
I find it to be a bit stifling to one's growth as a being to feel obligation to read only those who look as you do. beyond the physical vessels we are more likened by our thoughts and views on the outside (and inside) worlds we all are citizens of. I am not saying one shouldn't read Black Authors, but if you're only reading Black Authors to not seem prejudice, racist or ignorant than you're doing yourself more damage than good. Read what resonates with you. if you're choosing to read an Author on temporary quantifiable things such as Gender, Ethnicity, Religious Denomination, etc. then you're doing nothing but entering into an echo chamber of limited growth. Imagine what will happen once reincarnation is a proven thing? what then? would that remove the illusion that one should only read author's of <enter whatever quality you like>?
I 9/10 times don't even know what the ethnicity, religious belief, sexual orientation or anything else which quantifies an author in this social construct, of the authors I read. I mainly read an author based on if what S/He has written resonates with my being (be it pro or anti the shit I already believe). but maybe I too am entering into a limited growth echo chamber and don't know it (?).

>> No.20874325

>That economist guy that right wing people pretend to like
>That fat poetry woman that people pretend is good at writing
>The schizo vintage BLM guy who didn't like jews
>The guy who stole Luther's name

>> No.20874416

Obama, Barack
Obama, Michelle

>> No.20874640

James Baldwin
Richard Wright
Ralph Ellison
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Chinua Achebe

There is quality literature by black authors.
It’s just women that aren’t worth reading

>> No.20874674

Did not read lol

>> No.20874678

Did read, good post

>> No.20874680

Just make five up. It's not like they'll know.

>> No.20874687

No Faulkner?

>> No.20874692

I propose to consider all writers as Negroes and stop there.
>Oprah Winfrey
What is she doing in this row! We're talking about real blacks.

>> No.20874698

No problem.
Thank you.

>> No.20874714

Devil on the Cross
A Grain of Wheat
Things Fall Apart
Tropical Fish
White Teeth

>> No.20874717

Michael Black, Ty Black, Jacoby Black, George Black, Black Black.

>> No.20874719

Pushkin, Dumas,

>> No.20874738

ok retard but who authored malcom x's autobiography?

>> No.20874757


The four niggers laid dead at my feet, mangled as if a tiger happened upon them. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Four blows, that's all it took. Those monkey sluts were dead before they hit the floor. Like a whirlwind of death I continued on my way, vanilla Yoohoo in hand.

>> No.20874773
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The only black person who wrote anything of worth was pic related. I have never read anything written by any other black that wasn't related to their chip on the shoulder concerning whitey

>> No.20874784

Malcom X
Mike Tyson

>> No.20874789

You got me, now are we gonna have sex or what my Abyssinian maids (whores).

>> No.20874800
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Backing up anons point, this is a south Sudanese model.

>> No.20874921

Did Google break?
Look it the fuck up baka.
I do know the answer but I ain’t telling you because of your great insolence.

>> No.20874973
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I mention F Gardner then turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.20875005

Ralph Ellison, Dumas, Shakespeare, Homer and Jack Kerouac

>> No.20875047

Fucking amazing gorgeous. I would rub her feet after work every fucking day. King Simp shit I'd be on.

>> No.20875052

Turning 360 degree's means you'd be walking into the person you meant to turn 180 degree's on and walk away lol.
My guy said he'd dropped one Black author's name and turn 360 and walk INTO the person LMAO!!!!

>> No.20875063

I love black women, how do I find a sweet black girl bros?

>> No.20875064

W.E.B DuBois
James Baldwin
Ernest J. Gaines
Toni Morrison
Ngugi Wa Thiongo
A Grain of Wheat by Ngugi Wa Thiongo mogs most literature, white or otherwise.

>> No.20875070


All black

>> No.20875076
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>I mention F Gardner then turn 360 DEGREES and walk AWAY
Still laughing at this shit lmao.

>> No.20875098

Karl Marx
William Shakespeare
Franz Fanon
W.E.B. Dubois
Kwame Nkrumah

>> No.20875110

Oh no I can't! What are you gonna do to me!

>> No.20875123


Easily I approach
the microphone
because I ain't no joke,

(I) tell your moma
to get off of my tip
(because) I have no time
to give her my dick,

(on the contrary) I'm going hold it
and walk around the stage
if you fuck up
I'm going to get my gauge
unload the barrel and laugh
(because) I'm putting lead in your motherfucking ass,

(You say) "Psychopathic!"
but the hoes are attracted.

>> No.20875144

Que rico culo tiene la negra de la derecha

>> No.20875167

Toni Morrison
Ralph Ellison
Robert Wright
Tayeb Salih
James Baldwin
Alex Haley
Walter Mosley
But of course, I'm black and not American, insulating me a bit from whatever racial sickness infects the knuckledraggers ITT and giving me the ability to just read authors that interest me. Yknow. Yeah.

>> No.20875172

forgot Colson Whitehead
Zora Neale Hurston
It's funny because I came into this thread expecting to not have five black authors on my shelf, lol.

>> No.20875173

If they're black, I put it back

>> No.20875206

If they're white you can bet it's a kike.

>> No.20875287

>James Baldwin
I have read passages from Baldwin.

It's a shame for all the fakeness about "let's highlight black authors" that the white brats are doing lately that they don't ever highlight good authors like Baldwin.

>> No.20875364

octavia butler
i think that's it
i really liked the patternmaster series

>> No.20875709

T. Hardy, Shakespeare... IDK - don't read many anglos

>> No.20875742

>What do?
Request that they "back that ass up"

>> No.20875745

Stupid nigger.

>> No.20875754

They look East African, not like the uppity American blacks

>> No.20875756

>Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
>Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison
>various Baldwins, If Beale Street Could Talk was always my favorite
>Selected Poetry of Langston Hughes
>Blood in My Eye, George Jackson
>Dhalgren, Samuel Delany
>The Power of Silence, Cardinal Robert Sarah
>Necropolitics, Achille Mbembe
>Autobiography of Gucci Mane
Tbf this isn't hard if you have 500+ books, eventually you end up with something from every corner of the world.

>> No.20875775

>Autobiography of Gucci Mane
Does he talk about the time he killed Jeezy's friend, got exonerated on self defense then wrote a diss song about it

>> No.20875794

>Malcom X
I think you mean Alex Haley

>> No.20875795

You do know Alex Haley is black, right? Blacker than Malcolm. I see this suggested a lot on here as a kind of put down, which makes it seem like you people saw the name Alex Haley and assumed he was white.

>> No.20875848
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It is the truth, but you do have to look deep.

>> No.20875880

Haley is fucking part scottish. That coon is the epitome of an amerimutt.

>> No.20875900
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yeah nigga i'm part scottish half the dudes you pass at the cornerstore drinkin in the walkway are part european you understand that essentially every single african american you meet is about 1/8th white, right? Malcolm's grandfather was a white man.
Are you seriously trying to cover your ass right now by referencing the white blood of pic related? Seriously? The guy that wrote Roots? Just accept in your heart that you made a fool of yourself and slink out of the thread.
Retards will pick any kind of fight.

>> No.20875912

I would literally rape the shit out of you if you tried talking that gay shit on the streets cracker.

>> No.20875917

Man this is no way to live. Reflect on where you're at right now and if you'd be happy living this life in five years.

>> No.20875926

No one would bat an eye if you died today. Youre existentially useless.